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Electronic Component Management Plans (ECMP) and obsolescence management

Prepared by Mrs. Jo VannTC107 MT1 convener for ECMP August 2015

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The Avionics Supply Chain

1. Parts & Materials Suppliers

2. Board Assemblers

3. Avionics OEMs,

Logistics, Maintenance

and Repair

4. Platform Integrators

5. Operators & Regulators



Contract Mfg.

Suppliers CustomersSolder etc. SuppliersCustomers

15 - 40 yrLifecycle

3 - 6 yrLifecycle

Suppliers managed per ECMP and Anti-counterfeit

Most life cyclecosts are incurred here and managed by ECMP

Global Supply ChainAvoiding counterfeit components

Requirements flow-down vs.

products flow-up process is

disrupted here

Aerospace Captive

To build products that must meet mil-aero requirements

(what we must control)

Using COTS components targeted for other markets (what we cannot control)

Aerospace Electronics• Depends on

materials and components developed for other industries

• Vastly different lifecycle applications

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How does obsolescence drive the counterfeit problem? • In 2010/2011 the USA DoD identified upwards of a million counterfeit

components in their Military supply chain. This resulted in the 2012 NDAA section 818 anti-counterfeit clause which

was published May 2014 as DFAR 252.247.7007 • Researcher IHS analysed electronics industry data in 2013 concerning

counterfeit parts that were reported from 2001 until early 2012: More than 12 million counterfeit parts have been reported over

the last five years to 2013 57% of counterfeit part reports involved obsolete

or end of life parts. Nearly 37% of counterfeit parts involve components still being

produced by manufacturers. A single incident of a counterfeit part can cause up to 64 weeks of

production line downtime and cost up to $2.1 million to resolve. Counterfeit parts are mostly sold on the open market.

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Obsolescence management process• Avionics producers must ensure continued supply of components for maintenance cycles of 20+ years

• Microcircuits are the most dynamic components often with production lifecycles of 5 years or less• Avionics producers need a reactive and pro-active

component obsolescence management process which allows:

Reactive solutions: o Last Time Buys and One Time Buys etc.

Pro-active solutions: o The periodic review of component obsolescence predictions through the use of third party tools, sourcing intelligence, review of manufacturer product change notices (PCNs) and Last Time Buys etc. in order to substitute ‘form fit and function active’ alternativeso Obsolescence risk assessment of the product to plan redesigns or product upgrades as considered necessary in a timely manner to meet the needs of the business and customer

• An ECMP manages all of the above

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ECMP specifications: The recommended ECMP processes for the Avionics industry ( can be adapted or used by any industry) are:

IEC/TS 62239-1 (International standard which is Third Party auditable using an IECQ CB) EIASTD4899 published by the SAE in 2015 (preferred by one US company which allows IEC/TS 62239-1 plans)

These two standards are very similar and interchangeable There are also new ECMP processes for COTS assemblies:

EIA933 published by the SAE in 2015 (preferred by one US company) IEC/TS 62239-2 ( for international use and in draft which will be Third Party auditable using an IECQ CB)

IEC/TS 62239-2 will allow the use of EIA933 plans and are very similar.

All refer to: IEC/TS62402 and/or TechAmerica STD0016 obsolescence management standards

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IEC/TS 62239-1 Electronic Component Management Plan

• Based on the concept of ‘manage the component application process’ rather than customise or screen components for the Avionics applications

• Allows the use of Mil specified components where considered necessary

• Main advantage is that it provides the process to maximise the use of reliable COTS components

• Assists Avionics OEMs in using small quantities of COTS components

• Is essentially a ‘eleven step’ horizontal Process Management Plan which can be integrated with the OEM’s AS9100 processes, including lead-free management, anti-counterfeit management, obsolescence management and flow-down to suppliers.• Facilitates the substitution of alternatives

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IEC/TS62239-1, 11 step OEM ‘systems level’ ECMPThis is a cross functional process linked to a company’s AS9100 procedures:

1. Component Manufacturer approval i.e. ISO9001, AS9100, TS16949, S/0001 including COTS assemblers and subcontractors ( jointly with Supplier quality)

2. Component selection i.e. use of PPL, approved manufacturers, minimise uprated components (jointly with hardware design)

3. Component application i.e. derating, thermal management, vibration environmental requirements, SEU mitigation, semiconductor wear-out mitigation etc. for each application

4. Component qualification i.e. component testing or analysis of data for each application

5. Component quality assurance every lot ordered i.e. outgoing ppm rate, product ESS testing

6. Component dependability (reliability) , which includes obsolescence management, reliability predictions etc.

7. Component compatibility with the equipment manufacturing process, e.g. reworking lead-free BGAs, refinishing component terminations

8. Component data and Component configuration control, including PCN monitoring

9. Anti-counterfeit management e.g. special testing of untraceable components and audits of suppliers

10. Lead-free management, e.g. capture termination finishes and rework as required

11. Subcontractor and COTS assembler ECMP approval and management (jointly with Supplier Quality)Colour key: could be managed by component engineering, Managed by other departments

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IEC/TS 62239-1 Electronic Component Management Plan

IEC/TS 62239-2 ( allows the use of SAE EIA-933) for COTS Assemblies

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Evidence that the ECMP process enables and mitigates the number of LTBs a business makes

Manufacturer Product Change Notices (PCNs) are monitored as part of the ECMP process over 12 months from one franchised broad-line distributor representing 28 manufacturers: 220 PCNs were analysed Of which 25 were EOL i.e. 11.36% of PCNs were LTBs

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PCN analysis• This resulted in 25 LTBS being found impacting our business from one broad-line franchised distributor requiring analysis

• Using the IEC/TS 62239-1 ECMP process we were able to find and approve alternatives for 40% of these LTBs and only 5 LTBS were actioned e.g. Manufacturer Recommended alternatives were approved Lead-free alternatives were approved Second sources were approved New suppliers alternatives were approved.

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IEC publications

THIRD PARTY AUDITED on annual basis

ECMPIEC/TS 62239-1

owned by IEC TC107 equivalent to SAE EIA-4899

IEC/TS62647-XX series

(adopting GEIA-STD-0005 series(Lead-free)

IEC/TS 62668-XCounterfeit avoidance

which allows use of SAE AS5553

IEC 62396-X series

(SEU Radiation)

IEC/TS 62402(Obsolescence owned by TC56 )

Embedded Requirements:•Life-limited semiconductors, etc.

IEC/TR 62240(Uprating)

IEC/TS 62564-1 (AQEC) for

Enhanced Plastic components

IEC/PAS 62435(Long term

Storage owned by TC47 WG3 )

IEC 62340-5(ESD)

IEC/TS 62500(Highly


IEC/TS 62668-1(adopts

STACK S/0001)

IEC/TS 62239-2Allows the use of

SAE EIA 933For

COTS assemblies

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International anti-counterfeit standards SA



7 WG3






G19AD G19C

AS6171 Test Metho


AS6496 Franchis

ed distribut






electronic compone





AS9100 Rev D

for publicati

on 2016/17

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IEC/TS 62239-1 Electronic Component Management Plan Third Party audit schemes Third Party audit schemes which support IEC/TS 62239-1: 1. IECQ

o Is the auditing side of the IEC , see o Establishes auditor training schemes, audit rules of procedure and

maintain copies of the audit certificates, see

o Can establish audit schemes for IEC specifications and other specifications from other standards bodies providing there is no competing IEC specification

o IECQ audits all National Certifying Bodies auditors ( BSI, ECCB, CEPREI, DNV, UTE etc.) to ensure consistency of auditing.

o IECQ have training schemes for Certifying Bodies to audit:o AS9100 and AS9110o IEC/TS 62239-1 ECMP o SAE AS5553o IEC/TS 62668-1 ( to be established in 2016 ) o Planning general industry traceability audit scheme for

2016. o Planning an IEC/TS 62239-2 COTS assembly audit

scheme for 2016/2017

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IEC/TS 62239-1 Electronic Component ManagementFor further information contact: • Jo Vann, [email protected], TC107 convenor

of: MT1 IEC/TS 62239-1 ECMP and IEC/TS 62239-2 COTS Assemblies

WG2 Aerospace Qualified Electronic Components

WG3 Anti-counterfeit WG4 atmospheric radiation SEE effects.

• Jo Vann, GEL/107 convenor , UK mirror committee to TC107