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4D/3N Wonder Of Yogyakarta (Relaxing-Me)

Yogyakarta is the city with most artistic expressions in Indonesia. From buildings and textile products to temples and night markets, every part of Yogyakarta screams art. One of the best places to explore the beautiful artistic products of Yogyakarta is Kota Gede, a suburb lined with traditional shop houses that sell handcrafted silver products. The silversmiths in Yogyakarta are known for their great skills and intricate design, so dont hesitate to drop by and take a look at the silversmith at work.Tamansari Water Castle was built as a rest house for the Royal family back in year 1758. The beautifully designed rest house is accompanied by artificial lakes and canals, bathing pools and a large garden with different varieties of trees. This elegant castle is not only a great sight to behold, but also offers an insight into the traditional Javanese architectural style and design.Mount Merapi is an active volcano that shadows the North of Yogyakarta. Named the Ring of Fire, Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia that attracts adventurous hikers and climbers all year round. Even though its frequent eruptions is dangerous to the citizen, the lava and volcanic ashes nourishes the soil, giving citizens around it a fertile land to work on, making it one of the most densely populated volcano areas in the world.

ItineraryDay 1ARRIVING JOGJAKARTA KASONGAN VILLAGE KOTA GEDE OLD TOWN (D)Welcome to Jogjakarta...Jogjakarta city guided sightseeing tour with a visit toKasongan Village, close look at ceramic handicraft making which done from generation to generation. ExploreKotagede, is an inheritance of Old Mataram Kingdom, which also well known as the center of silver handicraft. Keeping around 170 old buildings built in 1700 to 1930. Yourguided walking tourin Kotagede will include a visit toRoyal Mosque of Mataram. Welcome Dinner an authentic Indonesian cuisine served at Sekar Kedaton RestaurantDay 2JOGJAKRTA- MT. MERAPI VIEW BOROBUDUR PAWON (B/L)Todays guided touring start with a scenic drive through the winding road to Kaliadem,viewing theMerapi Volcanofrom the distance. Jogja is home to numerous thousand-year-old temples as inheritances of the great ancient kingdoms; visitsBorobudurtemple, theUNESCO Worlds Heritage,and is the biggest Buddhist temple measuring 123 x 123 meters. This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. 3kms eastward ofBorobudurare Candi Mendut & Pawon,it is a Buddhist temple, and built in 824AD but architecturally its blend of old Javanese Hindu and Indian art. In Mendut you areInsight to Javanese culture and tradition; visit to the Local in their traditional house and learn their daily way of life. You may have a try a cup ofJavanese teauniquely served with the Gula Jawa (Javanese Brown Sugar). Later, return to Jogja with a stop on the way be atSalak Fruit Plantationwhere Salak (snake skin fruit) is growth. Buffet Lunch at BS RestaurantDay 3JOGJAKARTA CITY WALKING TOUR PRAMBANAN TEMPLE (B/L)Guided city walking tour will start from theKeraton,the Palace where Sultan and his family of Jogyakarta live is.Taman Sari, known as water castle; this was once a splendid pleasure park of Palace, pool and waterways for the sultan and his entourage. Stroll through theJalan Malioboro,major shopping street in Jogjakarta. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling variety of merchandise and Batik. VisitFort Vredenburg, a fortress built in 1765 by the Dutch during Colonial times, to protect the Dutch governor. Later, drive eastward toPrambanan Temple,the biggest and most beautiful Hindu Temple in Indonesia, which alsoUNESCO Worlds Heritage site. Authentic Javanese Lunch at Pendopo nDalem Restaurantwith Javanese Cultural DanceDay 4DEPARTING JOGJAKARTA (B)Transfer to the airport for your flight back home.

3D2N: Prambanan, Ratu Boko, Sunrise Borobudur, Rafting Elo, Merapi Volcano Tour, Keraton Jogja

Highlights dari Paket Wisata Jogja 3 Hari 2 Malam iniCandi Prambanan Ratu Boko Sunrise Borobudur Rafting Elo Merapi Volcano Tour Keraton Jogja Berbelanja

Tour SummariesDay 1: Candi Prambanan Istana Ratu Boko (L,D)Paket wisata Liburan Jogja ini dimulai dengan mengunjungi 2 obyek wisata Heritage yang populer di kawasan Prambanan;Candi Prambanan(mahakarya kebudayaan Hindu dari abad ke 9) di siang hari dan Istana Ratu Boko (Istana yang awalnya bernama Abhayagiri Vihara yang memiliki arti biara di bukit yang penuh kedamaian ini didirikan untuk tempat menyepi dan memfokuskan diri pada kehidupan spiritual, terletak di 196 meter di atas permukaan laut) di sore hari.Start: 11.00 am | End: 05.00 pm

Day 2: Sunrise Borobudur Rafting Sungai ELo Merapi Volcano Tour (B,L,D)Pagi hari sekali, kami akan membawa Anda untuk menikmati matahari terbit di dalam Candi Borobudur. Tidak ada momen yang lebih indah untuk menikmati kemegahanCandi Borobudur, selain di saat sunrise. Menikmati kemegahan candi Budha terbesar di dunia ini di saat matahari terbit akan meninggalkan kesan yang sangat mendalam bagi anda. Setelah sarapan, kami akan mengajak anda menikmati serunyarafting di Sungai Eloselama kurang lebih 3 jam (panjang track + 12,5km). Kemudian, kami akan mengajak anda menuju kawasan Kaliurang untuk menimati sisa volcano / lava merapi dengan menggunakan Jeep.Start: 04.00 am | End: 07.00 pm

Day 3: Keraton Jogja Berbelanja (B,L)Di hari terakhir, kami akan mengajak Anda mengunjungi Keraton Jogja dan berbelanja untuk membeli buah tangan / cindera mata.Start: 08.30 am | End: tentativeHarga Paket Wisata:

35 48 orang:Rp. 1.850.500,-per orang 26 34 orang:Rp. 1.950.000,-per orang 16 25 orang:Rp. 2.150.500,-per orang 11 15 orang:Rp. 2.210.000,-per orang 7 10 orang:Rp. 2.375.500,-per orang 4 6 orang:Rp. 2.545.000,-per orang 1 3 orang:Rp. 2.850.000,-per orangHarga di atas meliputi:

Transportasi beserta Driver yang ramah dan berpengalaman Tour Leader (untuk group lebih dari 6 orang) HTM dan Guide di seluruh obyek Penginapan di hotel Bintang 2 / 3 Makan Siang Snack dan Air Mineral Dokumentasi foto kegiatan (untuk group lebih dari 15 orang