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  • 7/30/2019 Continuing Sals WorkThe Urgent Need for Educational Reform LatinoPOV_com


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    Continuing Sals Work:The Urgent Need forEducational Reform

    Posted on May 15, 2013 by Jimmy Franco Sr.

    Its a great day to be a Chicano!

    -Sal Castro, affirming the unity of his communitys struggle to effect


    The recent passing of long-time Los Angeles teacher, educational reformer and

    civil rights activist Sal Castro is a great loss to our community and to the cause

    of improving the education and lives of young people. He fought with courageand consistency for close to fifty years to expand the educational and civil rights

    of Chicano-Latino students and to motivate them to continue their education.

    His absence from this struggle and his key historical role in it has

    Sal Castro, the peoples teacher: an advocate for civil rights and educationalreform

    (click to enlarge photos)
  • 7/30/2019 Continuing Sals WorkThe Urgent Need for Educational Reform LatinoPOV_com


    placed before us a new perspective in regard to viewing our past efforts to

    improve the educational system and particularly how they have affected the

    well-being of Latino students. Sal helped organize and participated in the 1968

    Blowouts or high school walkouts of Chicano students in East Los Angeles to

    protest the inferior education that they were receiving. This mass protest that

    was supported by many community organizations opened the eyes of the public

    to the segregated and deficient school system that was stunting the learning

    experience of these students. The citys politicians, L.A. School Board and police

    department eventually responded to these legal protests for reform with a

    repressive grand jury indictment and jailing of Sal and twelve other community

    members for conspiracy to disrupt the schools. With strong student and

    community support and the efforts of the ACLU these bogus charges and illegal

    frame-up were finally dropped. However, Sal was removed from his belovedLincoln High School by the school board and moved around to other school

    sites in order to isolate him. At this time even many fellow teachers and their

    union officials turned against him, but this did not discourage Sal as he knew

    that they were wrong and that his quest and that of the community for

    educational equity was just. The list of issues and demands that were raised by

    this mass protest movement were firmly enunciated by students and the East

    L.A. based Educational Issues Coordinating Committee (EICC) which was a

    community organization comprised of parents, college students and progressive

    union members that evolved from this struggle. The platform of this broad-

    based organization during this period included demands for more college

    preparatory courses and counselors, Chicano teachers and administrators,

    courses on Chicano history and culture, smaller class size, programs to decrease

    the high dropout rate at predominantly Latino schools and new methods of

    evaluating administrators and teachers that included community input. These

    demands along with others were fought for by the EICC with the support of the

    community at public forums, meetings and even with sit-ins at the L.A. School

    Board office in order to have them implemented. Sals passing and his tenaciousefforts to enact these changes during all of these years until the last vibrant

    moments of his life has left us with his courageous legacy and a need for us to

    continue our forward progress.

    An entrenched school district and the 45-year effort to change the


    The original and basic demand of the EICC back in 1968 was for a fundamental

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    change in the educational program of the Los Angeles School District and an

    improvement in the academic achievement of Chicano/Latino students. These

    demands were only partially accepted by the school bureaucracy which was not

    willing to accept a systemic change of the system. During the following decade

    of the 1970s the L.A. District fought against the court-ordered desegregation

    efforts mandated by the Crawford case which entailed busing students in order

    to integrate the schools. Organizing to prevent this court-ordered busing of kids

    Demonstrators from the Valley group Bustop opposed integration efforts and


    was a primarily white organization from the Valley called Bustop who won

    political control of the school board and proceeded to halt this busing program.

    This busing program was eventually replaced with new magnet schools which

    offered special programs to lure white parents and students into attending

    these better schools. From that time forward the District has presented these

    schools as proof of being in compliance with the pending court order to

    desegregate even though they have only affected a small portion of the studentswithin the LAUSD. Over the years this arrangement has now created a two-tier

    system of magnet schools which provide better educational programs for their

    students while the majority of pupils attend the other regular schools. A

    political campaign was organized during the 1990s by the residents of the still

    predominantly white San Fernando Valley to break off from the LAUSD and

    form their own separate school district. In response to this proposed break-up

    effort numerous reform plans by the L.A. School District were subsequently

    adopted and then eventually abandoned without any summation or explanation

    as to why they failed. Millionaire Richard Riordan who would later become

    mayor financed the election of a new supposedly reform-minded school board

    to avoid a break-up of the district and initiated the LEARN school reform effort.

    Related to this LEARN reform effort were School-Based Management, Shared

    Decision-Making programs, etc. All of these were implemented with much

    fanfare as an idealistic cure-all for the districts problems and then quietly

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    dropped when they failed and not talked about any more as if they never

    existed. The present Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa had been an ex-organizer with

    United Teachers, Los Angeles (UTLA) and during his first term as mayor he

    attempted to implement reform and change within the school district by

    exerting political pressure and even attempting to take it over. However, these

    efforts were resisted by the existing school board who wished to preserve their

    power and resist change and by UTLA. In order to counter the pressure of

    Villaraigosas reform efforts the board hired a new superintendent named

    David Brewer who was an African-American ex-navy admiral with no previous

    background or expertise in public education. This play at racial politics by the

    board proved not only divisive for the city but also disastrous to the districts

    students as the incompetent Brewer was eventually let go and paid a huge sum

    of money to leave. Mayor Villaraigosa then enabled the hiring of RamonCortines as LAUSD Superintendent to reorganize the affairs of the District.

    Cortines was an experienced and well-qualified administrator but recently left

    under the cloud of a sexual harassment suit filed against him by his assistant

    who was also paid a large settlement by the school board to go away. The

    present superintendent John Deasy was appointed by the present school board

    with the support of Mayor Villaraigosa and has attempted to clean up the

    existing mess by reducing a large backlog of sex abuse cases related to

    employees, implement needed reforms within the curriculum and enact

    measures to increase employee accountability and work quality. His new zero-

    tolerance policy on administrator-teacher misconduct has resulted in hundreds

    of administrators and teachers being dismissed from their jobs or resigning

    while UTLA has oppposed this new policy on preventing employee misconduct

    and called it a witch hunt.

    The present situation: a struggle between reform and obstruction

    There is a strong and entrenched resistance by many within the L.A. School

    system who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The edifice of

    this resistance rests primarily upon an economic base of salaries, benefits,promotions, job security and political careers to be protected by adults versus

    what is best for students who should be the primary focus. While not all district

    employees are involved in this obstruction of fundamental and systemic reform,

    it has resulted in frustration and impatience on the part of many parents and

    students who have begun to take action to improve their right to a decent

    education. The failure of past reform efforts and the lack of change particularly

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    within the past twenty years has resulted in the creation and growth of charters

    which are public schools, but are managed privately. Some are very good while

    others are not and there is a need for them to be monitored and regulated

    closely by the

    Impatient parents from 24th Street Elementary implement the parent trigger lawto reconstitute their school

    school board and state so that employee and academic standards are

    maintained along with their financial accountability. For better or for worse,

    these schools are now here to stay as many parents are choosing to enroll their

    children in these charters in order to escape their troubled home schools.

    Verbal attacks on these charters and their students, parents and teachers does

    not solve the root cause of their existence which is the lack of serious and

    fundamental change that has not taken place within the school system. In

    addition to this, the parent trigger law was enacted in California in 2010 and

    gives parents with children attending low performing schools the right to pullthe so-called trigger and petition to reorganize their school by removing its

    school district employees and turning it over to new administrators of the

    parents choosing. Past attempts by frustrated parents to utilize this law and to

    exercise their democratic right have been fiercely resisted and defeated in other

    areas by an alliance of school district administrators and educator unions.

    Recently, the parents of 24th Street Elementary School on the L.A. Districts

    Southside voted to invoke this parent trigger law at their low-performing

    school. To the credit of Superintendent Deasy, the school board and the

    teachers union, this communitys democratic vote was not resisted and the

    parents decision to reorganize their local school with new administrators was

    respected. The parents eventually voted for a partnership between a charter

    school and certain LAUSD teachers to administer the reorganized school.

    Meanwhile, many other parents are escaping their home schools by enrolling

    their children in the districts magnet schools. These schools were created in
  • 7/30/2019 Continuing Sals WorkThe Urgent Need for Educational Reform LatinoPOV_com


    reaction to the 1970s Crawford desegregation lawsuit against the LAUSD as a

    means of avoiding mandatory busing of white kids to minority areas and

    minority children to predominantly white schools. The present magnet schools

    in general tend to have better educational programs and are almost similar to

    private schools except that they are supported by public funding as they

    handpick their teachers and students who want to escape their neighborhood

    schools. In essence, the years of resistance to reform by the bureaucratic school

    system and those satisfied with the status quo has motivated many impatient

    parents and students to democratically vote with their feet and flee to charters,

    magnets or consider using the parent trigger law to effect change at their local

    schools. This resulting exodus has been caused by the LAUSD being too slow or

    unwilling to reform itself. Change is inevitable and either the majority within

    the District becomes a part of the solution and participates in needed reformsor they become an intrinsic part of the problem.

    What is broken and what needs to be fixed

    Despite intensive efforts by Superintendent Deasy and his new policies to lower

    the dropout rate for the district it still hovers around the 40 percent range.

    Meanwhile, many of the schools that were involved in the 1968 student protest

    walkouts now have a higher dropout rate than they had

    All of the L.A. mayoral candidates have endorsed the reform efforts of L.A.Supt. Deasy

    back then. Intensive dropout prevention programs need to be implemented as

    early as elementary school in order to identify and provide assistance and

    remediation to at-risk students. Also, many of the mandated state tests that

    students are presently required to take are not directly aligned with learning

    standards and the present educational curriculum which means that they are

    not a reliable and objective assessment of a childs academic achievement and

    progress. New federal Common Core State Standards need to be quickly

    integrated into the educational curriculum accompanied by intensive training
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    for administrators and teachers on the new instructional methodology along

    with books which should reflect the content of these Standards. In order to

    complete this comprehensive alignment, Core-based tests need to be devised

    that truly assess student mastery of these Standards and instructional material

    and therefore the job performance of teachers. The continued use of the present

    state standardized tests and the pressure applied by the federal No Child Left

    Behind policy to mechanically raise test scores is not an accurate index of

    student and teacher performance. This has even led to the growing practice of

    teaching to the test and cheating by many teachers who fear for their jobs. In

    addition, over half of a century later the same broken and porous Stull

    procedure was still being utilized to evaluate teachers with its two major and

    vague rating levels of meets standards or does not In derision, this evaluation

    process is often called a drive-by and evaluating the pulse by teachers. Thisdismal situation in regard to evaluating job performance has unfortunately

    continued to persist until last year when a successful lawsuit by a parents group

    mandated a change. A judge ordered the district to reform its evaluation

    process and fully comply with the Stull Act by including test scores. The district

    and UTLA haggled back and forth over the wording of the new evaluation and

    particularly over the use and weight of student test scores before reaching an

    agreement whose implementation is still shaky. A reform of this comprehensive

    A court has ordered LAUSDs broken teacher evaluation procedure to bereformed

    evaluation procedure should set clear standards and expectations for teachers

    and have multiple evaluation measures. Some of these should include

    numerous observations of classroom instructional practice and student

    outcomes, input from peers, parents and students and feedback from

    administrators if remediation and further training is necessary. Student scores

    on new Core-based tests that correlate to new Common Core Standards should

    eventually be included in an evaluation of teachers, but should not exceed 15-20
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    percent of the evaluation results which is much less than what was agreed to by

    the LAUSD and UTLA. Test scores should be just one of multiple measures to

    determine the educational competency of educators. The probationary period

    for new teachers should also be extended to 3-4 years before permanent

    employee status is achieved in order to insure proper classroom observation,

    training, and job competency as this will reduce the possibility of future

    problems or costly dismissals. There must be a more diligent effort to keep and

    nurture the competent educators and weed out the incompetents. A new and

    improved evaluation system will take more time and money, however, the

    valuable minds of children are at stake and are worth the effort. It is also

    becoming much more difficult to educate students as many services are being

    dismantled and reduced due to budget cuts. These cuts have negatively affected

    classes for English learners, adult school high school diploma courses,programs for dropout prevention and early education for preschool kids. A

    reduction in the number of teachers and college counselors has also led to an

    increase in class size. Unfortunately, many of the gains made in the past are

    now being eroded and eliminated due to the decrease in funds as California has

    now descended into 49th place nationally in per-pupil funding .

    Change has been slow and uneven, more community involvement is


    On the positive side, some L.A. District schools are doing well as two of them

    located in a higher income neighborhood won the national Academic Decathlon

    with one being a charter school. There has also been a move by the

    Superintendent Deasy in cooperation with teachers to create small learning

    communities, schools within a school and Pilot schools in order to decentralize

    and facilitate local decision-making and curriculum design by teachers and

    administrators so as to improve the local education programs. A coalition of

    civil rights groups has recently voiced approval for these reforms by Deasy and

    demanded a more aggressive approach by him and the LAUSD in improving

    student achievement. Meanwhile, a majority of UTLA members in a poll haveshown disapproval of Deasy. While more Latino

  • 7/30/2019 Continuing Sals WorkThe Urgent Need for Educational Reform LatinoPOV_com


    Mayor Tony Villaraigosa has used his office to apply pressure on the LAUSD to

    reform itself

    students are now attending college there are also more dropping out due to the

    increase in size of this demographic group. A fundamental and positive change

    also needs to be made in regard to the L.A. School Board elections as there are

    currently two huge financial blocks comprised of the union, United Teacher of

    Los Angeles (UTLA), and that created by former UTLA employee and present

    Mayor Villaraigosa. Both rival blocks contend sharply for control of the school

    board by financing the elections of their hand-chosen candidates with millions

    of dollars in campaign funds. The mayor contends that he is trying to utilize his

    position to empower and side with the community and to counter the money

    and power of UTLA while simultaneously pressuring the district to reform.

    Toward this end certain schools have been placed under his direct educational

    jurisdiction while UTLA believes that their efforts to fund candidates and

    control the Board are done to defend the interests of teachers. A board seat isonly a part-time position, yet on average close to a million dollars is spent on

    each hand-picked candidate in these campaigns whose votes are then beholden

    to one of the two political-financial factions. Generally, most well-finance

    school board members view this part-time position as a financial stepping-

    stone to higher office. Left out of this financial battle are active community

    members and potential board candidates who do not have the millions of

    dollars to compete with the two huge financial blocks and their army of donors

    and campaign workers. This money-tainted situation is undemocratic and

    denies honest community members the right to run for election based upon

    their qualifications, community activism and long-time residency. The solution

    for this distortion of democracy lies in the adoption of public financing for these

    elections. This will then democratize the process and level the playing field so

    that honest and competent individuals from the community can have the

    opportunity to represent their district and its schools.
  • 7/30/2019 Continuing Sals WorkThe Urgent Need for Educational Reform LatinoPOV_com


    Sals legacy:continue the struggle to educate and improve childrens


    The loss of Sal Castro and his life-long effort to improve the educational

    opportunities for young people in our community has provided us with a rich

    historical perspective that allows us to begin summing-up our progress and

    continue to proceed forward. Reform and change since the 1968 student

    Walkouts have not been easy nor have they proceeded in a straight line. Rather,

    these efforts at change have been cyclical and interspersed with gains and

    reverses. Yet, one thing was constant during all of these years of struggle and

    that was Sals

    A part of Sals legacy was community involvement. Here, parents defend abreakfast program for kids opposed by some teachers

    perseverance and consistency in carrying out the good fight to better the

    education and lives of students. He was not obligated to any political and

    financial factions nor unions but was only beholden to the community that heloved and where he spent a great deal of time educating, motivating and

    organizing students whose futures he cared about. Sal didnt intellectualize in

    some academic ivory tower and confine himself to a classroom nor did he brag

    or talk about himself and his accomplishments in an egotistical manner. On the

    contrary, he simply let his life and grassroots actions working with parents and

    students in the barrios speak for themselves as he was the peoples teacher.

    Many people who talk about giving up and being burned out after years of being

    involved in social change need to learn from Sals legacy. The example that he

    left for us was of someone who truly believed in what was right and he

    consistently took action to do the right thing, not for financial gain or career

    interests, but to further the progress of his community and young people. If

    someone is fighting for what is right, then it is not right to give up and concede

    defeat to those who attempt to unjustly hold us back. That is what made Sals
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    life fulfilling and worth living for and his legacy will remain with us as an

    example for all to emulate.

    Salvador Castro: born in 1933 in East Los Angeles, attended

    Cathedral High in Lincoln Heights and had a life-long commitment

    to his community: Presente!

    Copyright, 2013: Jimmy Franco Sr.

    follow Jimmy on Twitter: @xicanomc

    Facebook: Jimmy Latinopov

    About Jimmy Franco Sr.

    Jimmy Franco Sr. is the moderator and writer of the blog site: "A Latino

    Point of View in Today's World"

    View all posts by Jimmy Franco Sr.

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