Download - CONTENT PREVIEW ¿QUÉ TAL? - Scholasticverbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they

Page 1: CONTENT PREVIEW ¿QUÉ TAL? - Scholasticverbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they

With National Standards for Foreign Language

Teacher’s NotesSeptember / October 2011 ISSN 0033-5940

Pages 4-5 A Todo Ritmo

Conoce a los chicos de la serie

We look at Disney TV series as an introduction to adjectives.Language focus: Using adjectives, describing physical features and personality. Culture: Friendship.Online Activity Adjectives.CD Listen to a fan talking about the series.

Pages 6-7 Paola Espinosa

Una atleta de primer nivel

Paola Espinosa has represented her country, Mexico, at the Olympic Games. This is a profi le of Paola and her world.Language focus: Introductions, giving personal information. Culture: Find out about the life of a famous person. Online Activity Text comprehension.CD Listen to a report by the ¿QUÉ TAL? sports reporter.

Pages 8-9 ¡A jugar!

El test y La sopa de letras.

Creative thinking activities and games.Language focus: Vocabulary. Articles.Online Extra Complete the speech bubble.

Pages 10-11 Vídeo

¡Mis cosas favoritas!

¿QUÉ TAL? travels to South America to fi nd out about an Argentinian teenager’s favourite things. Language focus: Action verbs, expressing likes.Culture: The teenage world.Online Activity Oral comprehension and vocabulary.Video Oral presentation and vocabulary.CD Hear the views and comments of Radio ¿QUÉ TAL? listeners.

Pages 12-13 Cómic

Las aventuras de Marcos Arroyo

This new cartoon is about a Spanish basketball player. Language focus: Nationalities, countries, professions.Culture: Daily life. Online Activity Nationalities.


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Page 15 Tu vídeo

En mi nevera hay…

This section is created by the ¿QUÉ TAL? readers themselves. We invite them to fi lm a simple video about the contents of their fridge. Language focus: Food vocabulary: fruit, vegetables and drinks.Culture: Daily life.Online Extra See the videos sent by the readers.

Page 16 ¿Quién es?


Read the clues to guess the identity of this secret celebrity.Language focus: Express likes and preferences.Culture: Find out about the world of a famous person.Online Activity Verbs.CD Listen to a profi le of the singer on Radio ¿QUÉ TAL?

Lesson plan 1 Go to page 2

Lesson plan 3 Go to page 2

Lesson plan 2 Go to page 2

Lesson plan 4 Go to page 3

Lesson plan 5 Using resources from the website

Go to pages 3 and 4


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Page 2: CONTENT PREVIEW ¿QUÉ TAL? - Scholasticverbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they


Pages 4 - 5 Lesson plan 1

Los chicos de A Todo Ritmo

Objectives• Understand personal information.• Use adjectives to describe personality and appearance.1:2 Interpretive Communication.4:1 Language Comparisons.

Anticipatory setAsk students: ¿Cómo se llaman los chicos de la serie?

Activity 1 Read the text, making sure students understand the

vocabulary. Point out the use of the verb tener with ages and for some aspects of physical descriptions, eg: tiene el pelo corto / largo. Working individually or in pairs, the students read the sentences on page 4 and decide which are true and false.2 Write the following descriptions of the stars on the board

and ask the class to note down the relevant name beside each sentence, for example: 1 Tiene el pelo corto. (Adam) 2 Es alta y simpática. (Zendaya), until you have used all vocabulary. 3 Call out descriptions of members of the class and ask the

students to give the name of the person being described, for example: Es alto/alta y tiene el pelo oscuro. Tiene el pelo corto y rizado. Es deportista. 4 Remind students that adjectives in Spanish agree with

nouns they describe. Write or project the following chart on the board and ask the students to fi nd the adjectives in the text to complete it.Masculine: alegre / alto / bonito / delgado / gap / gap / divertido / moreno / simpático / gapFemenine: gap / gap / gap / gap / deportista / guapa / gap / gap / gap / trabajadora

PracticeUsing the adjectives from the chart in Activity 4, the students write sentences describing their classmates but without giving names, for example: 1 Es moreno. 2 Es alta y delgada. 3 Es simpático y trabajador. Divide the class into pairs, A and B. Student A reads out his or her fi rst sentence and student B has to guess which member of the class it describes. Refer students to the website for more practice of adjectives.

ExtensionUse one of the texts from the magazine as a model and show students how to adapt it to describe a member of the class by changing the name, age, and place as necessary. Then, as a writing task, ask each student to write description of a friend or family member.

Pages 6 - 7 Lesson plan 2

Paola Espinosa

Objectives• Understand and give personal information.• Express likes and preferences.1:1 Interpersonal Communication.4:2 Cultural Comparisons.

Anticipatory set1 Write the words comida, pasatiempos and ciudades on

the board. Ask students to give examples of each of these things and write them under the appropriate word on the board. Then ask : ¿Qué comida te gusta? ¿Qué pasatiempos / ciudades te gustan? Finally ask the class: ¿Cuáles son las cosas favoritas de esta clase? 2 Have students look at the photos on page 6 and ask

them: ¿Cómo se llama la chica de las fotos? ¿Es actriz o deportista? ¿De dónde es? ¿Cuántos años tiene? ¿Cómo es?

Activity 1 Ask the students to match the questions in the interview

on page 7 with Paola’s answers. Remind the students to use the Palabras section for help with new vocabulary.2 Working in pairs, ask the students to role play the

interview with one of them taking the part of the interviewer and the other the part of Paola. Monitor and correct pronunciation. Choose two or three pairs of students to role play the interview for the class to listen to.3 Ask each student to answer the questions in the section

headed ¿Y tú? Then, working in pairs again, ask the students to interview each other, using the questions and answers in this section.

PracticeRefer the students to the online activity on the website to practise language for expressing likes and preferences.

Extension 1 Ask the students to write three short paragraphs about

themselves using the language from pages 4, 5, 6 and 7. Write the following questions on the board for the students to use as a guide for information to include in their writing:Paragraph 1¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿De dónde eres? ¿Dónde vives? Paragraph 2¿Cómo eres? (Físicamente y de carácter.) ¿Eres alto /alta? ¿Tienes el pelo largo o corto?¿Tienes el pelo liso o rizado?¿Eres alegre, trabajador/trabajadora, divertido/divertida?Paragraph 3¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos favoritos? ¿Cuáles son tus deportes favoritos?¿Cuál es tu color favorito? ¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? ¿Cuál

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Page 3: CONTENT PREVIEW ¿QUÉ TAL? - Scholasticverbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they


es tu comida favorita?2 Refer students to the ‘Mi página’ page on the website and suggest that they make their own page by completing the sentences with their own information.

Pages 8 - 9 Lesson plan 3

¡A jugar!

Objectives• Practice language for expressing likes and dislikes.• Consolidate vocabulary for furniture.• Understand and give personal information.• Express likes and preferences.

Anticipatory setTeach or review the verbs for expressing likes and dislikes. Write the following on the board: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Ask the class what they like and dislike and write their examples under the relevant words.

Activity 1 The students read the test and follow the arrows according to their choices. 2 Write the following on the board in two speech balloons: ¿Cómo eres? Soy artístico / artística. Then ask students: ¿Cómo eres? Ask the class to listen to each answer to check that the adjective is correctly used each time.

Practice1 Have the students go through the test and write down sentences that are true for them: Me gusta el fútbol. No me gusta correr. Then, the students must try to find another member of the class who has at least four sentences that are the same as their own.2 For homework, ask students to write a paragraph about their likes and dislikes. They should try to include all of the verbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they can use to connect their ideas: pero, también, y. Give example sentences such as: Me gusta la ciencia pero no me gustan las matemáticas. 3 Make sure students understand all the vocabulary in the wordsearch puzzle. Explain that the word hay can be used with singular or plural nouns and means there is or there are. Write on the board: En mi casa hay ... and ask the students to choose one of the items from list to complete the sentence. Ask a student to repeat the sentence and add another item: En mi casa hay una mesa y una silla. Repeat until all the items of furniture have been mentioned.4 Ask the students to complete the speech balloon for the photo at the top of page 9. Then put all the pictures on the classroom wall and have a class vote to decide which one is the best.

Pages 12 - 13 Lesson plan 4

Las aventuras de Marcos Arroyo

Objectives• Use the verb ser with nationalities and professions.• Use the verb estar with geographical position.1:2 Interpretive Communication.2:2 Products of Culture.

Anticipatory setRead the cartoon with the class and then ask the students to say what they know about the following characters: Marcos, Ana y Alex.

Activity 1 Write or project the following sentences on the board for the students to complete with es or son: 1) Marcos ... jugador de baloncesto. 2 Ana ... actriz. 3 Marcos ... español. 4 Alex ... el amigo de Marcos. 5 Alex ... cubano. 6 Marcos y Alex ... deportistas. Then draw the students’ attention to the text in frame 5 of the cartoon: Pero hoy estamos en París. Explain that the verb estar is used for talking about geographical position. Give other examples.

Comprehension1 Ask the students to do the comprehension activities on page 13. Correct orally in class. 2 Write the following questions on the board: 1 ¿Cual es la

profesión de Marcos? 2 ¿De qué nacionalidad es Marcos? 3 ¿Quién es Ana? 4 ¿Cuál es la profesión de Ana? 5 ¿De qué nacionalidad es Ana? 6 ¿Dónde están hoy? 7 ¿Quién es Alex? 8 ¿De qué nacionalidad es Alex? 9 ¿Cuál es la profesión de Alex? (Answers: 1 Es jugador de baloncesto. 2 Es español. 3 Ana es la mujer de Marcos. 4 Ana es actriz. 5 Ana es estadounidense. 6 Hoy están en París. 7 Alex es el amigo de Marcos. 8 Alex es cubano. 9 Alex es futbolista.) Divide the class into two teams. The teams take turns to answer the questions 1 – 9 and receive points for their answers. 3 Write vocabulary for the words in Spanish for other

sportsmen and women, for example: atleta, nadador / nadadora, jugador de rugby, piloto de automovilismo, ciclista. Then, ask the teams to write a list of sportsmen and women of different nationalities. They then take turns to go to the board and write the names of the sportspeople on their list. The other team has to give the profession and also the nationality of each person.

NEW! Internet Lesson plan 5

Using resources from the website: video

Objectives• Understand simple interviews about personal information.• Hear Spanish spoken in Spain and Mexico.• Ask and answer questions about personal information. 1.1: Interpersonal Communication. 4.2: Cultural Comparisons.

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Page 4: CONTENT PREVIEW ¿QUÉ TAL? - Scholasticverbs used in the test: me encanta / adoro, me gusta / me gustan, no me gusta / no me gustan, odio. Write some words on the board that they


¿QUÉ TAL? Vol. 45POSTAL INFORMATION: September/October 2011 ¿QUÉ TAL? (ISSN 0033-5940) is published fi ve times during the school year: Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec., Jan./Feb., March/April, May/June, by Scholastic Inc. Offi ce of Publication: 2931 E.McCarty Street, PO Box 3710, Jefferson City, MO 65102-3710. PRICES: $7.95 each per year for 10 or more subscriptions to the same address. 1-9 subscriptions, each $24.95 student edition; $29.95 Teacher’s Edition, per school year. Single copy: $5.50 student, $6.50 Teacher’s Edition. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson City, MO 65102 and at additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTERS: send address changes or any communications relating to subscriptions to Offi ce of Publications, BONJOUR 2931 E.McCarty Street, P.O. Box 3710, Jefferson City, MO 65102-3710.

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IntroductionThere are two videos on the website which are ideal for use with this fi rst issue: Entrevista a un chico mexicano and ¡Las profesiones!

ComprehensionTell the students that they should listen to the video Entrevista a un chico mexicano to fi nd out what questions the interviewer asks the boy. Then give out the following transcript of the interview, putting gaps in so that the students watch the video again and complete it.The underlined words can be gapped.Interviewer: ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? / Sebastián: ¡Hola!I: ¿Cómo te llamas? / S: Sebastián.I: ¿Cuántos años tienes? / S: Quince.I: ¿Tienes muchos amigos? / S: Sí, más o menos.I: ¿Cuántos tienes? / S: Como cinco o cuatro.I: ¿Cómo se llaman? / S: Este… Andrés, Lalo, Quique, José y Esteban.I: ¿Cuál es tu mejor amigo? / S: Creo que Lalo.I: ¡Gracias!

PracticeWorking in pairs, students take turns to ask each other the questions from the video.

Using resources from the website: imagesImages from the website provide a stimulus for vocabulary work and speaking.

IntroductionThere are three images in the resources (recursos) section of the website which you could use for practicing colors vocabulary. The pictures are: Comercio de sandalias, Chica cosiendo and Las compras, las tiendas.

ActivityChoose one of the pictures and display it on the board. Allow the students to look at it for a minute then take it off the board. Ask the class to name the colors that they saw in the picture. Write the colors on the board as the students mention them. Put the picture back up on the board and compare the colors with list you have written.

Other website resourcesIn Resources ‘Recursos’ you can fi nd an archive of activities to use according to the language you want your students to practice. You can search by topic, level and language focus. For this issue you could use: Corbin Bleu. Un chico guay, Selena Gómez or ¡Edifi cios de colores!

Writer: Libby Mitchell Layout: David Dutch


abrir/crear una cuenta enlace altavoces guardar archivo adjunto jugar/juegos online/en red arroba mandar o enviar/recibir un correo electrónico buscar información navegar por internet chatear punto - com conectarse a internet recursos digitales contraseña red social descargar/bajar ... (de internet) subir/colgar información personal, fotos o vídeos dirección de correo electrónico teclado

Vocabulary connected with the internet:Give each student a copy of the following chart to complete. Ask students to work in pairs to see which words they can guess.

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