Download - Consumer's right in food act in nepal

Page 1: Consumer's right in food act in nepal


vfB tyf u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL sfg'gdf pkef]Qmfsf] clwsf/

PlsGb| k|;fb ltldN;]gfvfB cg';Gwfg clws[t

vfB k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefu, aa/dxn sf7df8f}+

Page 2: Consumer's right in food act in nepal


e"ldsf• vfB kbfy{ hLjgnfO{ geO{ gx'g] ePsf]n] j}lbs

sfnb]lv g} vfB :jR5tf sfod /fVg] ;DaGwdf ljleGg wfld{s Aoj:yf ePsf] kfOG5 .

• vfBdf ld;fj6nfO{ lg?T;flxt u/L pkef]Qmf :jf:Yo tyf ;'ljwf sfod /fVgsf nflu vfB P]gsf] Aoj:yf ;j{k|yd ;g\ !*^@ df a]nfotdf ePsf] lyof] .

• g]kfndf vfB P]g, @)@# tyf vfB lgodfjnL, @)@& sf] Aoj:yf ul/Psf] kfOG5 .

• vfB P]g, @)@# g} g]kfndf pkef]Qmf ;+/If0fsf] If]qdf ag]sf] klxnf] sfg"g xf] .

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vfB P]g @)@#


æ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] :jf:Yo tyf ;'ljwf sfod /fVg, vfB kbfy{df s'g} cjf~5gLo ld;fj6 /f]Sg jf vfB kbfy{df /x]sf] :jefljs s'g} u'0f jf pkof]lutf 36fpg jf lemSg gkfpg] ug{ / vfB kbfy{sf] plrt :t/ agfO{ /fVgsf] lgldQ sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf]n]Æ eGg] pNn]lvt 5 .

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vfB P]gdf ePsf d'Vo k|fjwfg b'ifLt, Go'g:t/sf, P]gn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] u'0f:t/ ljk/Lt

/ u'0f:t/ 9fF6L vfB kbfy{ ljqmL ljt/0f ug{ gkfOg] g]kfn ;/sf/n] vfB kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/ tf]sL /fhkqdf k|

sflzt ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] vfB kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ug{ vfB

:t/ lgwf{/0f ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg] vfB kbfy{sf] k/LIf0f tf]lsPsf] cg';Gwfgzfnfjf6 /

tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ljf6 x'g] vfB P]g ljkl/tsf] d'2f g]kfn ;/sf/jfbL e} lhNnf k|

zf;g sfof{nodf rNg] vfB P]g, lgodljkl/t sfo{ ug]{ pTkfbs, ljt/s tyf

lgsf;L k}7f/Lstf{ nfO{ ;hfosf] Aoj:yfsf] Aoj:yf ePsf]

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;hfo Go"g:t/sf] vfB kbfy{ pTkfbg, laqmL ljt/0f, lgsf;L jf

k}7f/L ug]{ JolQmnfO{ klxnf] k6s ?=!,))). b]lv ?=@,))).–;Dd hl/jfgf / bf];|f] k6s b]lv k|To]s k6s ?= @,))).– b]lv ?= %,))).– ;Dd hl/jfgf jf ^ dxLgfb]lv ! jif{ ;Dd s}b jf b'a} ;hfo x'g ;Sg]

b'lift vfB kbfy{ pTkfbg, laqmL, ljt/0f, lgsf;L jf k}7f/L ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ?= %))).– b]lv ?= !),))).– ;Dd hl/jfgf jf ! jif{b]lv @ jif{ ;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g ;Sg]

s'g} b"lift vfB kbfy{ vfgfn] s'g} JolQmsf] d[To" x'g] ;Defjgf ePdf jf d[To" ePdf jf z/L/nfO{ ck"/0fLo IftL ePdf jf x'g] ;Defjgf ePdf To:tf] b'lift vfB kbfy{ pTkfbg jf laqmL ljt/0f ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ?= !),))).– b]lv ?= @%,))).– ;Dd hl/jfgf / # jif{;Dd s}b x'g ;Sg]

;f] b"lift vfB kbfy{af6 k|efljt JolQm jf lghsf] xsbf/nfO{ ?= @%,))).– b]lv ?=!,)),))).– ;Dd Ifltk"lt{ lbg' kg]{

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vfB lgodfjnLdf ePsf k|d'v Joj:yf

vfB kbfy{sf] pTkfbg, ljlqm ljt/0f, ;+ro jf k|zf]wg ug{ rfxg] JolQmn] cg'1fkq lng' kg]{

P]g, lgod ljkl/t kfOPdf lgoddf tf]lsPsf k|=lh=c= sf] :jLs[tL lnO{ vfB kbfy{sf] ljqmL ljt/0fdf /f]s nufpg ;Sg]

;?jf tyf ;+qmfds /f]u nfu]sf] JolQmjf6 vfB kbfy{Sf] pTkfbg / ljqmL sfo{ /f]Sg]

;8]un]sf] vfB kbfy{ :yfgLo gLsfosf k|ltlglwsf] /f]xj/df gi6 ug{ ;Sg] h:tf clwsf/sf] k|of]hgsf ;fy} d'2fsf] cg';Gwfg txlssft ug]{ h:tf dxTjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/Lx? vfB lg/LIfsnfO{ lbOPsf]

Kofs ul/Psf] vfB kbfy{df vfB n]jn nufOg'kg]{M n]jndf vfB kbfy{sf] ljj/0f, pBf]usf] 7]ufgf, vfB j:t'sf] kl/0ffd, pTkfbg / pkef]u ul/;Sg' kg]{ ldlt, kl//IfL (preservative) k|of]u ePsf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f pNn]v x'g'kg]{

n]ansf] efiff g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL jf b'j} x'g'kg]{

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vfB P]g lgodsf] k|of]u ;+u ;DalGwt ljleGg lgsfox?sf] e"dLsf

k|=lh=c=;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no:yfgLo lgsfogful/s ;dfhpBf]u ljefu / 3/]n tyf ;fgf pBf]u

ljefuvfB pBdL

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vfB :jR5tf;+u ;DalGwt cGt/f{li6«o ;+3;+:yfx?

• ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3Lo vfB tyf s[lif ;+u7g (FAO)

– ;g\ !($% df FAO n] vfB tyf s[lif;+u ;DalGwt u'0f:t/ dfkb08x? ;'wf/ tyf kl/dfh{g ug{sf nflu ;xof]u k'/\ofPsf]

• sf]8]S;• o'/f]k]nL ;+3• ljZj :jf:Yo ;+u7g

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sf]8]S;df pkef]Qmf ;+/If0fsf s'/f

;g\ !(^) df sf]8]S;sf] wf/f ! df pkef]Qmf ;+/If0fsf] lgDg s'/f pNn]v ePsf]• pkef]Qmfsf] :jf:Yo ;+/If0f • vfB kbfy{sf] Aofkf/df :j:y k|

lt:kwf{sf] ;'lglZrttf• vfB :jR5tf Pj+ u'0f lgoGq0fdf

cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08sf] :yfkgf / k|of]u

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vfB u'0f lgoGq0f;+u ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ljBdfg P]g, lgodx?

vfB P]g @)@#, vfB lgodfjnL @)@& cfdfsf] b"wnfO{ k|lt:yfkgf ug]{ j:t' ljs|L ljt/0f

lgoGq0f P]g @)$(, lgodfjnL @)%! cfof]8Lg o'Qm g'g pTkfbg tyf ljt/0f P]g @)%% lhjgfzs ljiffbL P]g @)@(, lgodfjnL @)%& kz' jwzfnf / df;' hfFr P]g @)%%, lgodfjnL @)

%& :yflgo :jfoQ zf;g P]g @)%% u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n P]g @)#& pkef]Qmf ;+/If0f P]g @)%$, lgodfjnL @)%^ sfnf]ahf/ tyf s]xL cGo ;fdflhs ck/fw tyf ;hfo

P]g, @)#@

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Consumer Rights

• John F. Kennedy’s Message to Congress on March 15, 1962

• Four basic rights– Right to safety– Right to be informed– Right to choose– Right to be heard

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1982 Consumer International’s Charter of Consumer Rights

• Eight rights

– Right to basic needs• Food, clothing, shelter, health care, education, water and

sanitation– Right to safety– Right to information– Right to choice– Right to be heard– Right to redress– Right to education– Right to healthy environment

Rights further re-enforced by adoption of UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection in 1985 and 1999

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Food: Security and Safety

• International law recognizes the right to food– Physical and economic access to food– Access to food of adequate quality and quantity– Having the means to obtain it

• By way of production or procurement

• Food security defined by FAO as food that is “safe, nutritious and culturally acceptable and is available, accessible and affordable to all people”

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Application of Codex Standards in a National Consumer Protection Programme

• To institute procedures and practices to ensure quality and safety food products

• To ensure that labelling of food products is not misleading and that the information is sufficient, clear and understandable to enable the consumer to make informed choices

• To provide information in order to enable national food control authorities to improve food control

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To represent consumer interests at:• National level

– National Codex Committees & Subsidiary Bodies

– Preparing for Codex meetings– Formulating national positions on Codex

issues• Regional level at Codex Regional Committees• International Level

– Codex Alimentarius Commission– Codex Worldwide Committees– Expert Consultations/Meetings

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• Technical Assistance and FAO:– FAO Technical Cooperation Programme– Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

National and Regional Seminars on:• Establishment/Administration of National

Codex Contact Points/Committees• Risk Analysis

– Externally Funded FAO Projects

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New Initiatives

• Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators, Morocco 10/01

• Paneuropean Conference on Food Safety and Quality, Budapest 2/02

• Food Safety and Quality Facility for the World’s Least Developed Countries


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FAO Initiatives in Consumer Protection

• The United Nations Economic and Social Council (1970): “Guidelines for Consumer Protection” (Resolution 39/48 of the United Nations General Assembly, April 1985)

• Guidelines for Consumer Protection (United Nations, 1986): calls upon governments to develop/strengthen/maintain strong consumer protection policies/programmes in the areas of physical safety/economic interest/safety and quality of consumer goods & services/measures enabling consumers to obtain redress and consumer education.

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Food safety• Food safety risks are increasing

– Movement of food and live animals across borders– Changes in food handling– Emergence of new pathogens

• Risks greater in developing countries• Pesticide risks

– Direct risk through application process– Indirect risk through toxic residues in food

• Hormones, veterinary drugs and antibiotics in animals

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• Building food safety capacity is essential, especially in developing countries– Food borne disease has significant impact on both

health and development• Many developing countries lack the resources

and expertise to implement food safety policies

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Legislation since April 2004

• labelling required for ALL ingredients derived from GMOs

• ‘adventitious’ thresholds exemptions:

– 0.9% for all EU-approved GMOs and derivatives

– 0.5% for “non-EU approved” GMOs

– zero tolerance for non-approved varieties

• traceability required - “one up / one down” principle

– 5-year record-keeping – ‘standardised’ procedures

• post-market monitoring for all approved GM materials

• equivalent requirements for GM foods / animal feed / petfoods

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cf=j= @)^&.)^* df vfB k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefun] pkef]Qmf lxtsf If]qsf

u/]sf sfd sf/afxLsf] k|ult• ahf/, pBf]u tyf xf]6n, /]i6/]G6 lg/LIf0f u/L ;

+slnt gd"gfsf] s'n ;+VofM #^$)

• ;+slnt gd"gfx?sf] k|of]uzfnfdf hf+r kl/If0f kZrft k|fKt u'0f:t/ dfkb08 ljkl/t gd"gfx?sf] ;+VofM @)(

• !!$) k6s vfB pBf]ux?sf] pTkfbg :jR5tf lg/LIf0f ePsf] .

• !!#$ k6s xf]6n,/]i6'/]06 tyf ld7fO{ k;nx?sf] lgl/If0f ePsf]] .

• k]li6;fO8 ljz]if sfo{qmd cGt/ut $ efiffdf $ ls;dsf >Jo÷lh+unx? lgdf{0f u/]s]f, ;'rgfd'ns !!%)) k|lk km\lnk rf6{, /+lug kf]i6/, lnkmn]6x? lgdf{0f u/]s]f / # lhNnfdf # j6f xf]l8{+u af]8{ lgdf{0f tyf :yfkgf ug]{ sfo{ k'/f ePsf] .

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cf=j= @)^&.)^* df vfB k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefun] pkef]Qmf lxtsf If]qsf

u/]sf sfd sf/afxLsf] k|ult• !)!$) j6f vfB tyf bfgfsf gd""gfx?sf] kl/If0f ug]{ sfd

ePsf] .

• vfB :jR5tf, u'0f:t/ nufot kf]if0f ;DaGwL ##( k6s ;'rgf ;Gb]z tyf /]l8of] sfo{qmd k|;f/0f ug]{ sfd ePsf] .

• ljBfno:t/df vfB :jR5tf lzIff cleofg sfo{qmd cGt/ut !% lhNnfsf $% ljBfnodf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ nlIft u/L vfB :jR5tf lzIff cleofg sfo{qmd ;+rfng ug]{ sfd ePsf] .

• e}/xjf÷g]kfnu+haf6 oftfoftsf s]Gb|ljGb"x?nfO{ nlIft u/L vfB :jR5tf hfu/0f af/] $ ;d'x u7g u/L :jR5tf cleofg kl/rfng;DaGwL sfd ePsf] .

• kfOn6 :s]ndf wgu9Laf6 :6«L6 e]G8/x?nfO{ nlIft $ j6f gd'gf :JR5tf sf6{ tof/ u/L ljt/0f ug]{ sfd ePsf] .

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ahf/ c'gudgsf] l;nl;nfdf ePsf] sfo{

• lju|LPsf], n]p nfu]sf], k'/fgf] lkpg] kfgLsf] vfnL hf/x? gi6 u/]sf] .

• k]:;Lsf]nf pkef]Uo ldlt ;dfKt ePsf] cj:yfdf /x]s]f k]:;Lsf]nf k]o kbfy{ :yflgo k|zf;gsf] /f]xj/df gi6 u/]s]f .

• pkef]Uo ldlt ;dfKt ePsf vfB kbfy{x? lj:s'6, h';, k|zf]lwt lkpg] kfgL, nGrg ld6, rsn]6 cfbL :yflgo k|zf;gsf] /f]xa/df w'NofO gi6 u/]s]f .

• g]kfn vfB ;+:yfgsf] pkef]Uo ldlt ;dfKt ePsf] s/La @),))) ln6/ tf]/Lsf] t]n gi6 ug{ cg'/f]w u/]s]f .

• 5Kkg ef]u a|f08sf] s/La @),))) ln6/ ;f]ofljg t]n pkef]Uo ldlt ;dfKt ePsf] sf/0f gi6 ug{ kxn u/]sf] .

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laut # jif{sf] ahf/ tyf pBf]u lgl/If0f ljj/0f

ahf/ lgl/If0f tyf gd'gf ;+sng

vfB pBf]u lgl/If0f 0


















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ut # jif{sf] d'2f bfo/L ljj/0f

065/66 066/67 067/68175
















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Existing Scenario

• Study reports have indicated existence of food safety threat ( Chemical+ Microbial) in Nepalese foods and food products

• Food safety and Quality have received widespread media and public attention.

• Consumers have a heightened concern for the safety of commercially prepared foods.

• Food safety management system in the country-appears insufficient to address the emerging issues and threats.

• Needs of strengthening National Food Control Agency- risk based and Farm to Fork Approaches

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Challenges of Food Safety Management in Nepal

• Harmonization of food safety & food quality standards & Updating Acts/Regulations

• Rapidly changing technology in food production/ processing• Emerging new categories of foods: functional

foods/nutraceuticals, GMO/Food from Biotechnology• Laboratory upgrading/strengthening- Lab accreditation, Modern

methods, Sophisticated Equipment, Detection level• New emerging feed borne hazards (Biological toxins, chemical

residue, GMO), Toxicology concerns.• Developing food control system based on Risk Assessment, with

focus on consumer protection• Growing consumer awareness on food safety and quality issues• Delivering of information, education and advices to stakeholders

across the Farm-to-Table continuum

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Way Forwards……………

Restructure of organizational network throughout Nation Review & updating of food laws, regulations, standards Farm to Fork Food safety approach with Food Safety Authority

System Strengthening the food safety and quality control system with risk

based approach Development of Accredited National Food Reference Lab Updating the Regional and Food Quarantine Laboratories

Effective working relation with concerned stakeholders Consumer Education, Training and Extension Activities Involvement of consumer activist in integrated inspection


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Thank you for your attention