Download - Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

Page 1: Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

Conservatives and populists

Page 2: Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

I. Industry

A. Impact of Civil war on Industry

1. War time production= jump started economy

2. Effect- Industry overtakes agriculture in the US

B. Iron

1. As railroad industry grew, Demand for IRON went up

2. ALABAMA- huge deposits of iron discovered

3. SC- little economic impact from Iron

C. Railroads

1. After war railways connected SC to other major US cities

2. Transcont. Railway- linked east/west

3. SC- didn’t connect to transcont railroad

Page 3: Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

I. Industry

D. Oil1. Demand for oil went up

a. Oil for lamps and heating homesb. INVENTION OF AUTOMOBILE!

2. Standard Oil- Biggest OIL company in America (monopoly)3. Oil discovered in TEXAS4. Oil had little economic impact in SC

E. Meat packing industry1. transcont. Railroad and refridgerated train cars= meat industry2. SC still produced most of its own cattle so little impact from this industry

F. Federal Govt Policy= LAISSEZ FAIRE (“let the people do”)1. federal govt. DID NOT REGULATE BIZ!2. Result- monopolies eliminate their competition

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II. SC industry


1. although present before the war, after war MORE TEXTILES FACTORIES

a. Half of factories were in aiken country

b. Half were spread out across the PIEDMONT REGION

2. Why piedmont?

a. Rivers flowed perfectly for powering mills

b. Cotton already grew in Pied.

c. Large population of poor people= large labor force

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3. How were textile factories organized?

a. Based off of William Greggs mill, built during antebellum period

b. Mill villages surrounded the mill

c. Mill villages included houses, churches, schools, stores, recreation

d. Everything in the village was owned by the mill owners

B. Phosphates

1. Phosphate is a mineral often used to fertilize fields

2. Phosphate was discovered in Lowcountry SC during reconstr.

3. Phosphate mining became profitable in SC

C. Lumber

1. important since beginning of SC!

2. Demand rose as south rebuild after war/growth of nation

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III. Conservative Politics in SC

A. Northern states were mostly republican during late 1800’s.

1. kept power by blaming democrats for war (“waving the bloody shirt”)

2. Repubs wanted to shed image of CORRUPTION

B. South (SC) returned to CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRAT control after reconstr.

1. Conservative Democrats:

a. Formers CSA supporters

b. Wealthy

c. LIMITED state services/low taxes (low govt. budget)

d. Blacks- Not Equal to whites

e. Nickname- “Bourbon Democrats”

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III. Conservative politics in SC

2. Wade Hampton:

a. gov. of SC after reconstruction

b. POLITICAL equality of races, but not SOCIAL equality

c. Main opponent- MARTIN GARY (Gary believed in NO EQUALITY)

3. Disenfranchisement- laws passed by Dems to keep blacks from voting:

a. Poll Tax: Taxes intended to keep poor from voting

b. Literacy Tests: intended to keep illiterate from voting

c. 8 box law: made voting confusing for those who couldn’t read

d. grandfather clause: if your grandfather couldn’t vote- you couldn’t

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III. Conservative politics in SC

4. The “Lost Cause”

a. Conservatives kept power by encouraging voters to “REMEMBER

THE LOST CAUSE” of the Confederacy

b. “those who died for the CSA will have died in vain if you vote Repubican!”

c. Many monuments, parades, rallies, reunions, holidays were established for the memory the “lost cause” (May 10)

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IV. Tillman and the Populists

A. Problems for Small farmers

1. International competition drove prices for cotton down

2. Farmers responded by planting more cotton

3. increased supply drove prices even lower

4. Mother nature (grasshoppers, boll weevils, bad weather)

B. Populist Party

1. POPULIST PARTY called for changes in Govt that would help small farmers

a. Increased govt. control of big biz.

b. Changing the Crop Lein system

c. Education opportunities

d. Fair voting

2. National political movement!

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IV. Tillman and the Populist Movement

C. Benjamin Ryan Tillman

1. From Edgefield SC

2. Felt that the “Bourbon Democrats” had overlooked small farmers

a. He wanted to REFORM the Democratic Party in SC

b. His supporters were called “Tillmanites”- took control of Dem Party

c. Blamed Hampton for leading SC backwards

3. Started Clemson University as an Agricultural School for small farmers

a. J.C. Calhoun left his plantation to Thomas Green Clemson

b. T.G. Clemson died and gave land to the STATE OF SC for EDU.

c. Tillman, friend of Clemson, convinced state to start Clemson

d. C.U. is a “LAND GRANT” college

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IV. Populists and Tillman

4. Tillman becomes Governor

a. Won election because his opponent (also a dem) supported blacks

b. Even those who didn’t like him voted for him because he vowed to

keep blacks down

c. Tillman admitted fraud in election!

d. The General Assembly of SC was also full of “Tillmanites”

e. Tillmanites were more interested in Punishing rivals (bourbons and

blacks) than helping small farmers

5. Tillman reforms education

a. Tillman shut down USC’s AGR. School, making CU the only one.

b. Tillman opened WINTHROP COLLEGE- TEACHER’S school for girls

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IV. Populists and Tillman

6. Tillman’s other reforms:

a. Regulated Railroad shipping rates

b. Limited Textile workers hours to 66 hours

c. Cut state govt. budget

7. Dispensary

a. Tillman’s plan to control alcohol use in the state

b. Alc. Would be re-bottled into state-issued containers

c. Dispensary became highly corrupt- failure

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IV. Tillman

8. Constitution of 1895

a. Tillman convinced SC General Assembly to rewrite constitution

b. Old constitution of 1868 was “forced on SC by Black Repubs”

c. New constitution goal- Disfranchise blacks from voting

e. Required diff. schools for whites and blacks

f. Set stage for jim crow laws to be enacted in SC

9. Jim Crow Laws-

a. jim crow laws, separated blacks and whites in public facilities

b. schools, publ transp, restrms, theatres, restaurants, etc-segregated!

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IV. Tillman

10. Plessy Vs Ferguson- U.S. Supreme Court Case

a. Ruled that Jim Crow Laws were LEGAL

b. facilities for whites and blacks may be “Separate But Equal”

c. In southern states, the “equal” part was always ignored

d. Most southern states enacted Jim Crow Lawss

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V. World War IA. South Carolina Supports the war

1. White support for war

a. Memory of civil war?

b. German heritage of many SC’ers?

2. Black support for war: Would participation in war bring opportunity?

3. Governor Manning:

a. Highly popular in SC

b. His support for war convinced many in sc

4. President Woodrow Wilson

a. Supported war

b. Connected with SC, because he grew up here!

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Page 17: Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

V. World War I

B. Military camps in SC Changed SC Economy!

1. Camps provided civilian jobs to SC locals

a. Charleston Naval Yard

b. Paris Island (Marines) in Beaufort SC

c. Camp Jackson (Army) in Columbia

d. Camp Wadsworth (Army) in Spartanburg

e. Camp Sevier (Army) in Greenville!

2. soldiers spent paychecks in SC

C. War brought increased cotton prices to farmers

1. demand for cotton increased

2. price jumped from $.13 per pound to $.40 per pound

D. SC Textile production in SC rose from $168 mil. to $326 mil.

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V. World War I

E. Increasing roll for women:

1. worked in factories building war material

2. worked as nurses, drivers, secretaries

3. took jobs of men who left for war

F. Blacks

1. black SC’ers served in all-black units

a. Freddie Stowers- only WWI black soldier to receive Medal of Honor

2. Blacks returned from war to life as usual- little opportunity

3. Many black sc’ers moved to northern cities in the “Great Migration”

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V. 1920s and 1930s

A. WWI= good economy during the 1920’s.

1. many families started after war

2. people began moving to cities

3. Electricity

3. mass media-

a. Radio

b. Film

4. automobiles

a. Roads improve

b. TOURISM becomes big biz in SC!

Page 20: Conservatives and · 1. intense FEAR of Communism a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism b. Americans

V. 1920s and 1930s

B. Cultural Changes

1. traditional American values were challenged:

a. Women- changing roles (Flappers- wore shorter skirts,haircuts)

b. Art/ Music- Jazz became popular (more “chaotic” sound)

c. Religion in decline

C. SC during the 1920s:



a. Worldwide cotton prices: down

b. BOLL WEEVIL infestation killed 50% of cotton in SC!

c. Series of Droughts

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V. 1920s and 1930s

D. Great Depression (1929-1941)

1. SC was already in Depression when Stock market crashed

2. Value of Crops in SC:

a. 1918: $446 million

b. 1932: $63 million

c. Banks throughout SC closed

3. SC voters widely supported FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

a. He was a democrat

b His “NEW DEAL PROGRAM” promised to help small farmers in SC

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V. 1920s and 1930s

4. James F. Byrnes from Spartanburg SC- FDR’s right hand man!

a. Byrnes helped FDR develop/pass NEW DEAL

b. He was often called “Assistant President” to FDR

5. NEW DEAL was FDR’s series of programs for RELIEF, RECOVERY, REFORM:

a. Relief: Short-term programs to stop economic collapse

b. Recovery: Medium-term programs to fix depression problems

c. Reform: Long-term programs to keep problems from recurring.

d. Programs had 3-4 letter abbrevations (CCC, PWA, FDIC)

e. Dozens of these programs were carried out

f. they provided hope but they DID NOT GET US OUT OF DEPRESSION

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V. 1920s and 1930s

6. New Deal Programs in SC:

a. FERA funds provided food, clothing, public works in SC

b. CCC built state parks (paris mtn) throughout SC

c. PWA: public works built throughout SC

d. REA: provided low-cost electricity to SC

e. SANTEE-COOPER DAM PROJECT- Largest public power project in US

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VI. World War II

A. Beginning of war/ End of Depression

1. WWII started in Europe in 1939 when hitler invaded Poland

2. U.S. declared war in Dec. 1941 when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

3. U.S. wartime production ended Depression in America!

B. War helped every part of SC economy

1. high demand for textiles during war:

a. Helped raise cotton prices for farmers

b. Textile mills churned out military products

2. military bases came to SC:

a. Thousands of soldiers, sailors, and pilots trained in SC

b. This brought jobs

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VI. World War II

C. Blacks in SC during war

1. Blacks were segregated in military and industrial jobs

2. wartime demand challenged segregation

3. most blacks did unskilled labor (dishwashers, janitors, etc)

4. FDR signed a law that banned discrimination in factories that made war goods

5. Blacks served in war

a. Tuskeegee Airmen- many from SC- fighter pilots

b. Civil rights movement began to gain momentum after war

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VII. Cold War

A. After WWII, US/Russia (USSR) alliance fell apart

1. economic competition

2. propaganda (info war)

3. spying

4. arms/technology race (nuclear/space)

5. buildup of alliances

a. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization- democracy)

b. Warsaw Pact (Soviet Nations)

6. PROXY WARS- Both nations sent arms/soldiers to allied countries

a. Korean War- US fought to CONTAIN communism in Korea

b Vietnam War- US fought to CONTAIN communism in Vietnam.

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B. Cold War at Home:

1. intense FEAR of Communism

a. Joseph McCarthy accused 205 people in US GOVT of Communism

b. Americans feared nuclear war (shelters/drills)


a. Consumerism- attitude that values only what can be bought/sold

b. GI Bill: Federal program allowed returning soldiers to go to college

c. Baby Boom- returning soldiers started families- 77mil babies!

d. Suburbs- Whites moved out of cities/into SUBURBS

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VI. Cold War

C. Cold War Affects SC

1. Interstate Highway System

a. Nations largest public works project in history

b. GOAL 1: allow military to quickly move vehicles

c. GOAL 2: allow quick evacuation incase of nuclear war

d. Result 1: often divided poor neighborhoods

e. Result 2: revolutionized travel in the US

2. Savannah River Site

a. Goal- produce material for nuclear bombs

b. Result- brought Jobs to people in a poor area of SC

c. Result 2: forced people off land in large area of Western SC