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Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs Now!

Learn a Cutting Edge Process to Shift Toxic Thinking Quickly

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds

~Bob Marley

You are probably reading this report right now because something is holding you back from living the life that you want. You might want to change jobs because you are at a dead end, but something compels you to stay where it feels safe. You might want that new car, but you subconsciously believe you don’t deserve it or could never afford it. You might want better health, but since your parents had health problems you believe that it is inevitable that you will have them too. Well, if any of this rings true for you I urge you to take a few minutes and read on, because there is a solution. I have written this report because I have been in your shoes. I have lived the majority of my life in fear and with extreme limitation, so much so that I could hardly stand to leave my house for a period of time because of a severe panic disorder. At that point every day was about survival. My beliefs about what I could do, be, or have were so small. I just hoped to make it through the day. I look back and I am astounded by how sad and trapped I felt, but it was all part of my journey and I have gotten to where I am today because of it. My goal is to help you on your own personal journey, and hopefully save you the years it took me to find tools that really helped, and made permanent change.

What We Believe A belief is just a thought we think over and over again until it becomes true for us. Take a minute and reflect upon the thoughts you think with regularity. Are they filled with worry and self sabotage? Well, right there you see the problem. But as humans we can’t help it! Our lives reflect our perspective and beliefs, nothing more. Most of our beliefs were programmed in our brains pretty early in life—these beliefs reflect the views of our parents, our siblings, our teachers, mentors, and friends. We didn’t necessarily get the opportunity to choose our beliefs—they are a product of what we heard consistently during our formative years, and still continue to hear to this day. The thing is, many of these beliefs are unconscious—we harbor them without any thought at all and many, many times they conflict with what we think we now want in our lives. So this results in self sabotage, patterns that appear over and over in our lives and we just can’t believe our damn bad luck again … another destructive relationship, dead end job, addictive cycle, and we vow we won’t go there the next time. But yet we do. It’s a pattern. It’s a program. And it can be changed, but not by sheer

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will. We need to change our beliefs—the programming in our brains—to change our lives. We need to change our minds. A great way to do that is with EFT.

Emotional Freedom EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, can be described as a psychological form of acupuncture. Founder of EFT Gary Craig tells us that, “The cause of any negative emotion is a disruption in the in the body’s energy system.” Instead of inserting needles into acupuncture points, using EFT we gently tap on several of the most effective acupuncture points while addressing the issue at hand. Trauma from our past, large or small, creates a “scar” in our energy system. By using EFT we address our trauma, pain, or phobia while stimulating these energy points by tapping, therefore balancing the energy system and releasing the emotional charge attached to the original trauma. By doing this our body/mind is essentially deprogrammed, and while we can still remember the event it will no longer emotionally effect us, so we can move forward and live the happy, fulfilled lives we want.

The Secret There has been a lot of buzz over the law of attraction the past several years. The movie/book “The Secret” got people excited about it, and there are a bevy of excellent books written on the subject. The law of attraction is a universal law, just like the laws of physics, and it is absolutely working in our lives all the time. But many of us have gotten discouraged. We read all the books and do the exercises, make the vision boards. While some have success, others do not. Why is this when we know the law of attraction to be true? The secret to The Secret is unconscious beliefs! Energy is everything … and everything is energy. Again, there are lots of great books written about our energetic connection. I am no physicist but to try and simply explain, what appears to us to be solid matter—our bodies, this computer, a rock—are all composed of molecules, atoms, down to the smallest particles which are not actually particles but waves of energy. So again, although we appear to be solid our foundation is energy—vibration. The law of attraction simply means like attracts like, and since we are vibration at our core—like vibration attracts like vibration. That being said, the key to living the life we want is this—keep our vibration high and clear out subconscious limiting beliefs that drag our vibration down. Again, one of the best ways to do both of these things is with EFT.

The Process We begin the EFT processes first by defining a specific issue to work on, whether it is a pain one is currently experiencing, or a traumatic event. For simplicity sake let’s say you are experiencing a headache. We start by tapping on what’s known as the Karate Chop point—that is the fleshy area on the side of your hand between your wrist and your pinky. While doing so we state the issue at hand and also our acceptance of ourselves despite the issue. For example:

“Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.”

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“Even though this headache is killing me especially above my left eye, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.” “Even though I have this awful headache, I deeply and profoundly accept myself anyway.”

This is called the set up statement—repeat three times while tapping on the karate chop point. It is good to be as specific as possible about what you are tapping on. Make a note of anything else that comes up during your tapping session so you can work through those aspects later on. Then we move on to the tapping sequence while repeating a reminder phrase—in this case we could simply use, “this headache”. The tapping sequence goes as follows: Eyebrow point—right at the beginning of the eyebrow Side of eye—on the bone on the outer edge of the eye Under eye—on the bone right underneath the eye Under nose—the area directly below your nose and above your upper lip Chin—on the crease right below your mouth Collar bone--To find locate the U shaped notch at the top of the breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U move your finger down one inch and to the left (or right) one inch. Under Arm—on the side of the body about four inches below the armpit. For men it is about even with the nipple, for women where your bra strap would be. Top of the Head—the very crown of your head where one might where a beanie Tap through this sequence for a couple of rounds and take a deep breath. See if you notice any difference in your pain or emotional distress. It is often helpful to rate your pain on a scale of 0-10, 10 being the worst and 0 being pain (or distress) free. Then, after tapping rate your level again and see if it has changed. Occasionally you might experience what we call a one-minute wonder, meaning the trauma or pain is released in one or two rounds. But more often it will take several rounds to relieve or lessen the pain or trauma, and other aspects will surface as you move through the tapping. As I said earlier, pay attention to what comes up because it is somehow a part of the original pain or trauma and something you will need to clear—just like peeling away the layers of an onion. So even if you only come down one or two points the first couple of rounds, don’t give up. Persistence is the key!

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Moving Forward This is the very basic form of EFT, and as the name indicates it is used to create emotional freedom. Imagine clearing all the old hurts and traumas that stop you from living the life that you want. What would you be able to create for yourself? What would your life look like if nothing held you back? I urge you to try this simple technique and see what shifts for you—I think you will be very surprised. I present EFT to you in this report because it is one of the easiest techniques I have come across to clear old trauma and release limiting beliefs, but there is much more to learn. Once you achieve some results with EFT, please stop by my website again to check out additional resources and take your results to the next level. Also please leave comments on my blog—I am very excited to hear about your success!