Download - CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

Page 1: CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

1Crown Point High School in 2010/2011, the one high school that….

was the first ACT college acceleration research high school in the country!

was cited for innovations in college programming in the State of Indiana Schools Address!

was invited to help develop the Indiana Chamber of Commerce 15 year strategic plan! 

CPHS INNOVATION 2010/2011 Through an innovative partnership with Purdue University Calumet, Indiana University Northwest, and Ivy Tech, CPHS students earned over 7000 college credits at a tuition savings of

$1 million to our community. Crown Point High School shared details of this advancement in presentations to:








Crown Point High School – Engage, Experience, Excel! A LEADER IN INNOVATION

CONNECTING PARENTSC P H S P a r e n t N e w s l e t t e r 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2

CROWN POINT HIGH SCHOOL Washington Post 2011 Top American High School

Innovation that Continues a Tradition of Results at CPHS in 2010/2011!

Academics & Arts: CPHS students continue to exceed expectations with millions of dollars in student scholarships.Latinteambroughthomethestatechampionship. Inklings newspaper and Excalibur yearbook earnedstateandnationalawards.Orchestraearnedtheprestigious Indiana State School Music Association All Music Awards and competed for the state championship. The visual arts, culinary, robotics, academic decathlon, academic super bowl, and business teams all posted top state and national performances.

Continued on page 2




Dr. Eric J. [email protected]. 11003




Page 2: CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

2 Connecting Parents Important information for parents and studentsw w w . c p h s b u l l d o g s . c o m | 2 1 9 . 6 6 3 . 4 8 8 5 C P H S P a r e n t N e w s l e t t e r 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 3

Parent Technology Use AwarenessCPHS students have unprecedented access to information at school and at home. This access requires of parents, communities, and schools the responsibility to teach and monitor technologyuse.Onepost,oneonlineinteraction with a stranger, one digital step into the wrong online community can affect a lifetime. CPHS will be providing more parent information via email on tips for monitoring technology use and talking to your student about the opportunities and dangers of the internet.

Parent Access to Student Information Parentsareabletoviewtheirchild’sgrades, schedule, attendance, discipline, transcript, standardized test results, and emergency contact information, as well as pay textbook rental online. It is the responsibility of the parent to update information on Parent Access at any time to avoid incorrect emergency numbers and to ensure accurate AlertNow information. Students should not log into the Parent Access accounts. Students will be given their own accounts to view grades, attendance, etc. Parents may update information at any time. Parents who do not have active accounts can request an activation code by e-mailing [email protected].

Contact CPHS

1500 South Main Street

Crown Point, IN 46307

Phone (219) 663-4885



Stay Connected

Parent Access to Student Information:

request an activation code by e-mailing [email protected].

Parents are invited and encouraged to communicate via e-mail


dcoaches.Goto and locate addresses under


Parent FAQ

Philanthropy:CPHSstudentsshavedtheirheadsaspartoftheSt.Baldrick’sfundraiser, raising over $16,000 to fight cancer; we donated more blood to theRedCrossandcollectedmorepeanutbutterfortheNorthwestIndianaFoodBankthananyotherschoolinthearea;weperformedcomedytoraisemoney for the victims in Japan; and we promoted school spirit and built lastingrelationshipswhileparticipatinginthefaculty/studentOlympicswhichbenefitted local community cancer initiatives.

Athletics: EverywintersportatCrownPointHighSchoolwasrankedinthetop20inthestate.Wehad2individualstatechampions.Wesetaschoolrecordnumberofsectionalchampions.Over70athletescompetedinIHSAAstatefinalcompetitions.Andagainover42%ofstudentathletesearned3.5GPAorhigher.

CPHS builds a new tradition of innovation based on…

•Acommunityvaluingandnurturingrisktaking and innovation

•Aparentcommunitycommittedtostrongattendance, academic performance, and extra-curricular participation

•Aschoolcommunityconsistingofhighperforming elementary and middle schools

•Abusinesscommunitysupportingall CPHS programs and launching a workforce development office in CPHS this year

•Ahighereducationcommunitypartnering with us to deliver college and technical programs inside our walls

Commitment to Career Skills and Professional Environment (Attendance and Dress Code) Weareexcitedtopartnerwithparentsto ensure 21st century workplace skills and professional attitude towards our workplace for learning. The dress code and all attendance policies will be clearly communicated and enforced.

Dress CodePlease familiarize yourself with the CPHS Dress Code.

•Allstudentswillbecoveredfromshoulders to mid-thigh.


shoulders, stomach and back.•Undergarmentswillremaincovered.•Headcoveringsmustbeapproved

by administration.•Outdoorcoats/jacketswillremain

in locker during the day.

Violations of the dress code will not be tolerated. Parents will be called and required to pick up students who are not dressed ready for work.

Reporting Student Absence Please familiarize yourself with the attendance reporting policies. Parents may call the attendance telephone extension 24 hours a day to report a student absence. Any absence not verified by a parent may become a truancy. To report an absence, the parent should call the Attendance Secretary at 663-4885 ext. 11010 and give the following information:


Violations of the attendance policies, including truancies or absences not verified by a parent, could result in loss of student driving privileges, loss of student work permit, or a summons fromthejuvenilecourtsystemrequiringboth parents and student to attend truancy court.

9 Weeks StructureCPHS is moving to a 9 weeks grading structure this year. The six weeks struc-ture was developed to provide more routinegradereporting.Withparentaccess to real time grades, CPHS will be moving back to align our calendar with the rest of the district and our college partners. Additional advantages include more time focused on instruction. Findactivitiesandeventslistedonmultiple calendars on the website: general information on the homepage; extra curricular in the activities link; and athletics in the athletics link.

Parent ParkingParents are invited to park in the north visitor parking lot during the school day.

Student Drop-off and Pick-upNorth Lot: EnterfromBurrellSt., drop off in front of visitor parking and exit via Main St.South Lot: EnterfromMainSt.andimmediately turn right into the south lot. Drop off at pool entrance and exit via Main St.Bus Lot: Parents may use the bus lot to drop off and pick up students after all the buses have left the north bus lot.

Monday 5 p.m. Parent Phone UpdateEveryMondaynightat5p.m.parentsreceive a phone call with updated information and reminders for the week. This call can be heard again by calling 663-4885 and pressing 5.

School Start TimesCPHS will focus intensely on faculty training and professional develop-ment aligned to school improvement goals.OnWednesdaymorningsfacultywill meet from 7 am. to 7:45 a.m., and school will start at 7:55 a.m.

Emergency School Closings/DelaysIf it becomes necessary to cancel or delay school, information will be available at

Parent Volunteer FormsTo provide a safe and secure environ-ment for our community, volunteers who work with our children will be required to complete a school district form that includes a background check. Formsareavailableonline.

Open House Wed., August 31 @ 6 p.m.See the school the way your student does, meet the teachers, and get a glimpse inside the classrooms at the CPHSOpenHouse.Beginbypickingupacopyofyourstudent’sschedulewhen you enter at 6 p.m. Be ready to move from class to class through the modified10minuteclassperiods.Eachmini class period will include a brief presentation by the teacher.

Student ParkingStudent safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely at all times in the parking lots. No sopho-more students are issued a parking pass until later in the school year, once safe driving patterns are well established. Student parking privileges may be re-voked at any time by administration for unsafe driving, conduct, or issues with student attendance.

Hungry After School? Pre-packed Meals Available for StudentsTeams and individuals can purchase a sack lunch that consists of a ham or tur-key sandwich, baked chips, fruit snack anda12oz.Gatoradeforpickupafterschool. If you need to order or would like to have other options please call Missy in the food service depart-ment at ext. 11106. Team sack lunches need a three day notice. Indi-vidual orders can be made on the same day by noon.

Continued from front page

Page 3: CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

Chip [email protected]. 11014

Russ MarcinekDean of StudentsGrades 10 – 12Last Names Ky – Z [email protected]. 11016

Deb CuffiaAssistant PrincipalGrades 10 – 12 Last Names A – Ku [email protected]. 11015

Mark GianfermiFreshman Principal [email protected]. 11013

Brenda WolskiCounselorGrades 10 – 12Last Names A – Fa [email protected]. 11065

Peg ShafferCounselorGrades 10 – 12Last Names Ky – Re [email protected]. 11066

Kim SwanCounselorGrade 9 Last Names A – Ku [email protected]. 11069

Cheryl [email protected]. 11070For questions on registration or to change student or parent information please contact Cheryl Ciciora.

Michelle BrussCounselorGrades 10 – 12Last Names Ri – [email protected]. 11068

CPHSiscommittedtocontinuousimprovement.Eachyeartheadministrativeteamandguidanceteamadjustresponsibilitiestoproducestrongerresultsforour students and community. Administrators and counselors have made some adjustmentsintheteamstomoreeffectivelyservetheneedsofstudents.Welook forward to connecting with your family in stronger and more meaning-fulways.EachAssistantPrincipalatCrownPointHighSchoolplaysavitalleadership role to advance the mission of the school, while serving as a con-tactpointonattendanceandstudentserviceissues.TheCrownPointGuid-ance Department invites you to engage and connect on college and career planning to take full advantage of the resources available. It is our intent to make a big school feel smaller to better serve you.

Ashley [email protected] Dept. ChairRm. E122Ext. 11359

Kit [email protected] Arts Dept. ChairRm. F131Ext. 11110

Ryan [email protected] Dept. ChairRm. D220Ext. 11299

Scott [email protected] EducationDept. ChairRm. G107AExt. 11122

Diane [email protected] Needs Dept. ChairRm. E122Ext. 11340

Mary [email protected] Dept. ChairRm. C201Ext. 11230

Jim [email protected] Studies Dept. ChairRm. C222Ext. 11244

Dotty [email protected] Dept. ChairRm. D232Ext. 11331

Scott [email protected] TechnologyDept. ChairRm. D142Ext. 11280

Jeremy [email protected] LanguageDept. ChairRm. D118Ext. 11265

Linda [email protected] Dept. ChairRm C128Ext. 11215

Jan [email protected] Consumer Science Dept. ChairRm. D134Ext. 11275

Department Chairs: Leading instructional excellence!

Be ready to learn at Crown Point High School with a powerful new model of college and career programming. Students now have unprecedented access to Advanced Placement, Purdue University Calumet, Indiana University North-west, and Ivy Tech State College courses and programs. Department chairs lead departmentalcourse-basedteamstodevelopstrongerprojectbasedlearningapproaches, reading skills, systematic assessment, and technology integration to dramatically improve student learning. An extensive course guide and teacher syllabi are available on the CPHS website.

4 The Administrative/Guidance Teams Instructional Leadership Teamw w w . c p h s b u l l d o g s . c o m | 2 1 9 . 6 6 3 . 4 8 8 5 C P H S P a r e n t N e w s l e t t e r 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 5

Karen RoddFront [email protected]. 11000

Diana [email protected]. 11061

The Administrative and Guidance Teams: Teamwork towards excellence!

Administrative Support

Kim WilkinsonCounselorGrade 9Last Names L – [email protected]. 11067

Ami MarcinekCounselorGrades 10 – 12Last Names Fe – [email protected]. 11071

Chip Pettit: Director of College and Career Readiness

Crown Point High School has established a director of college and career readiness to develop systems to help every family plan for success beyond high school. We are excited to improve our services to Crown Point families through guidance counseling and student services.

Crown Point High School— where all students achieve to their potential through the values of the Crown Point School Community.

Page 4: CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

Athletics FAQSeasonal Parents/Coaches/Players meetings 2011-2012Meetings are in the high school auditorium and begin at 6 p.m.

Fall Sports: Sun., July 31Winter Sports: Wed., Oct. 12Spring Sports: Tues., Jan. 31

Awards Programs 2011-2012Fall: Wed., Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m.Winter: Wed., March 13, 6:30 p.m.Spring: Sun., May 20, 2:00 p.m.

Dog Tale Affair 2012(Annual Athletic Fundraiser) Fri., March 9, 7:30 p.m. at St. Elijah Serbian Hall

Season PassesCheck the web site for details on different season pass options and how to join the Red & White Club.

Join the fun...Join a club!More than 50 possibilities exist for students to explore their diverse interests beyond the classroom by participating in our state and nationally ranked clubs, organizations, and co-curricular activities. No matter what their interest, students can find a niche where they continue the learning experience and help give back to the community. Make the most of your high school experience by getting involved!

“Participation in our clubs and organizations is a great way to enrich your high school experience. The time spent with friends and mentors allows students to grow and develop a sense of ownership in the school through positive activities. I would encourage all students to find something they are interested in and get involved.”

– Russ Marcinek Dean of Students

Mike [email protected] Assistant Athletic Director Ext. 11138

Bill [email protected] Athletic Director Ext. 11136

The Crown Point Athletic DepartmentPlay like a champion in one of the state’s toughest conferences (Duneland Athletic Conference – DAC) by competing in any of the 20 IHSAA sanctioned sports teams, dance or cheerleading at CPHS.

6 Athletics Co-Curricular Activities, Clubs and Organizationsw w w . c p h s b u l l d o g s . c o m | 2 1 9 . 6 6 3 . 4 8 8 5 C P H S P a r e n t N e w s l e t t e r 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 7

2010-11 Bulldog Athletic HighlightsIHSAA and DAC Championships – 15Boys Cross Country Sectional ChampsGirlsCrossCountrySectionalChampsGirlsCrossCountryRegionalChampsBoys Tennis Sectional ChampsGirlsGolfSectionalChampsWrestlingDACChampsWrestlingSectionalChampsWrestlingRegionalChamps

State Champs - 2IHSAA State Qualifiers and place winners – 71Scholar Athletes – 416 Athletes out of 1011 = 41%Tri Honor Athletes - 22Seniors playing in college – 35

IHSAA Certification of Eligibility Note: An athlete must be passing in 5 classes in order tobeeligible.Itisthestudentathlete’sresponsibilitytoenroll in at least 5 classes for eligibility


Fri.,Oct.21,2011 Sat.,Oct.29,2011Thurs.,Jan.12,2012 Fri.,Jan.20,2012Tues.,March20,2012 Wed.,March28,2012*Thurs.,June7,2012 *Fri.,June15,2012

Mary [email protected] Athletic Dept. SecretaryExt. 11131

Co-Curricular Activities Activity Sponsor/Contact Ext EmailBand Johann Sletto 11107 [email protected] Professionals Mary Bachnak 11231 [email protected] Dog/Cass Mentor Lindsay Crane 11207 [email protected] John Haas 11333 [email protected] Joann Haley-Borodine 11108 [email protected] Josh Stierley 11312 [email protected] Showtime Brent Barber 11035 [email protected] Lisa Langrebe 11218 [email protected] Brian Bobay 11233 [email protected] Lisa Keene 11356 [email protected] Mary Bachnak 11231 [email protected] Julie Elston 11343 [email protected] James Deal 11109 [email protected] Tutors Liz Hanlon 11272 [email protected] Start Jan Rattazzi 11275 [email protected] Jacob Adams 11200 [email protected] Dept. & Thespians Kit Degenhart 11110 [email protected] Clubs & OrganizationsClub Sponsor/Contact Ext. EmailAcademic Decathlon John Lambersie 11210 [email protected] Professionals Club Maryann Nicks 11249 [email protected] Club Dorothy Duffala 11217 [email protected] Buddies Carol Miller 11245 [email protected] Club TBACharity Finders Diane Tournis 11340 [email protected] Club Don Bernacky 11234 [email protected] of 2012 Allison Malloy 11202 [email protected] of 2013 Virginia Zega 11277 [email protected] of 2014 Lindsey Cox 11220 [email protected] of 2015 Rachele Raloff 11205 [email protected] Kathryn Huls 11072 [email protected]. Jan Rattazzi 11275 [email protected] Club Linda Atwood 11262 [email protected] Club Heidi Polizotto 11269 [email protected]’ Varsity Club Mike Malaski 11138 [email protected] Barbell Club Mark Garrett 11144 [email protected] (Stray Dogs) Don Bernacky 11234 [email protected] Brooke Yeager 11236 [email protected] Club Noriko Wachowski 11264 [email protected] Club Kelly Bonich 11358 [email protected]. Club Kevin Cash 11091 [email protected] Dogs Brian Trapp 11283 [email protected] Club Jeremy Walker 11265 [email protected]’s Club Mike Malaski 11138 [email protected] Biology Club Melissa Beach 11305 [email protected] Student Assoc. Mike David 11301 [email protected] National Honor Society Amanda Carlson 11293 [email protected] Club Joe Correa 11352 [email protected] Club Vince Bauters 11204 [email protected] Bowl Vince Bauters 11204 [email protected] Club Chris Gloff 11342 [email protected] Bob Baker 663-2173* [email protected] S.A.D.D. Chuck Noonan 11018 [email protected] Olympiad Joe Correa 11352 [email protected] Club Lori Ryser 11261 [email protected] Bowl Jerome Flewelling 11334 [email protected] Karen Topp 11341 [email protected] Council Danielle Frankovich 11364 [email protected] Shannon Weber 11206 [email protected] Union Amy Sansone 11346 [email protected] Bowl Jason McGee 11294 [email protected] Mark Querry 11281 [email protected] Vince Bauters 11204 [email protected] Club Don Bernacky 11234 [email protected]

* Wheeler Middle School

WrestlingINWrestlingCoaches Association State Individual ChampsBaseball Sectional ChampsBaseballRegionalChampsSoftball Sectional ChampsBoys Track Sectional ChampsGirlsTrackSectionalChampsGirlsTennisSectionalChamps

Interscholastic AthleticsTeam Varsity Coach Extension Email AddressBoys’ Cross Country Keith Iddings 11289 [email protected]’ Cross Country Patty Begley 11131* [email protected] Chip Pettit 11014 [email protected]’ Soccer JR Rosenbaum 973-9198 [email protected]’ Soccer Chris Mikrut 11246 [email protected]’ Tennis Chris Korzeniewski 662-1292 [email protected] Alison Duncan 11131* [email protected]’ Golf Jon Haas 11333 [email protected]’ Basketball Clint Swan 11344 [email protected]’ Basketball Anne Equihua 11131* [email protected]’ Swimming Doug Norris 11146 [email protected]’/Boys’ Swimming Bryon Angerman 11145 [email protected] Scott Vlink 11147 [email protected] Amy Pysh 11131* [email protected]’ Baseball Steve Strayer 11295 [email protected]’ Softball Brett Crutchfield 11253 [email protected]’ Golf Del Kutemeier 663-5683** [email protected]’ Track and Field Keith Iddings 11289 [email protected]’ Track and Field Lindsay Hattendorf 11320 [email protected]’ Tennis Brian Elston 11254 [email protected] Gwen Eriks 688-7845 [email protected] Team Debbie Bickel 11131* [email protected] and Cond. Mark Garrett 11144 [email protected] Trainer Trent Trump 11127 [email protected]

*11131 CPHS Athletic Office **Lake Street Elementary School

Page 5: CONNECTING PARENTS · presentation by the teacher. Student Parking Student safety is the number one prior-ity at CPHS and parking is a privilege. All students are expected drive safely

8 School Year CalendarCROWN POINT HIGH SCHOOL 2011-2012

Open HouseWed.,[email protected].

Dance dates for 2011-2012HomecomingParade&Game ............................................Fri.,Sept.30,2011Homecoming Dance ................................................................Sat.,Oct.1,2011Turnabout ................................................................................... Sat., Jan. 7, 2012Prom .........................................................................................Sat., May 12, 2012

Vacation dates 2011-2012 school year NO SCHOOLLaborDay ....................................................................................... Mon., Sept. 5FallRecess .........................................................Fri.,Oct.28andMon.,Oct.31Thanksgiving Break ......................................Thurs.,Nov.24andFri.,Nov.25WinterBreak ................................................. Fri.,Dec.16–Lastdayofschool (Vacation: Sat., Dec.17 – Mon., Jan. 2, 2012. School resumes Tues., Jan. 3.)MartinLutherKingDay................................................................ Mon., Jan. 16President’sDay ................................................................................Mon.,Feb.20Spring Break .................................................. Fri.,Mar.30–Lastdayofschool (Vacation: Sat., March 31 – Mon. April 9. School resumes Tues., Apr. 10.)Memorial Day ................................................................................ Mon., May 28

Performing ArtsFallPlay ....................................................................................Nov. 11, 12, 18, 19Spring Musical ........................................................March 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24WinterConcerts ....................................................................Orchestra,Dec.11 ...................................................................................................... Band, Dec. 7 ................................................................................................... Choir, Dec. 14 .Spring Concerts ...............................................................Choir, May 15 and 16 .................................................................................................... Band, May 21 ............................................................................................Orchestra,May24

CROWN POINT HIGH SCHOOL1500 South Main StreetCrown Point, IN 46307Phone 219.663.4885Fax 219.662.5661www.cphsbulldogs.comReturn Service Requested

College Value, pursue, and obtain post secondary education and training Career Experience, develop, and practice professional ethics, attitudes, and skills Citizenship Advocate, initiate, and engage in self and community improvement Creativity Imagine, construct, and communicate ideas, emotions, and solutions Courage Demonstrate character and leadership through words, decisions, and actions Culture Identify, appreciate, and respect the perspectives and expressions of diverse people, places, and times

CPHSPortrait of a Graduate

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage PaidPermit #451Crown Point, IN 46307

Washington Post 2011Top AmericanHigh School

GuidanceParent Education Nights – Dates/Times To Be Determined Check CPHS Website for updatesTopicsInclude:CollegeAdmissions,CollegeFinancialAid,CPHSCourse Scheduling, 8thGradeOrientation,DualCredit,AdvancedPlacement and High Ability.

TestingCore 40 ECA for students graduating in 2012+AlgebraIECA…………………………Dec.8-21,Grades9-12English10ECA………………………..Dec.8-21,Grades10-12AlgebraIECA…………………………April23-May25,Grades9-12English10ECA………………………..April23-May25,Grades10-12BiologyIECA…………………………April23-May25,Grades9

College Preparatory Exams (ACT, SAT, PSAT, ASVAB, AP)PSAT&ASVAB………………………Wed.Oct.12,Grades10-11ACTCollege&CareerReadinessExam…….Tue.April24,Grades9-11APExams………………………………May7-18,Grades10-12

SportsAll 2011-2012 dates and times are posted on www.cphsbulldogs.comSee page 6 of this publication for Parent Meeting and Award Program informationDogTaleAffair-Fri.,March9@7:30p.m.atSt.ElijahSerbianHall,Merrillville,IN

Graduation dateMon., June 11, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m.atRadissonStarTheatre,Merrillville,IN