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The Practical Effects of Social Networking


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There are “special effects” and then there are “practical effects”. Special effects create the smoke-and-mirror version of the real world (like computer generated images created in the film industry). Practical effects create authentic versions of the real world and are comprised of all those things you control. That’s everything between you and your outreached fingertips – that’s right, it’s just you. This manifesto is focused on those things - - the practical effects of your interaction with the real world. - - Lorraine Rinker

Important Disclaimer: Although every effort has been made to ensure this presentation is free from errors, this publication is made available with the understanding that the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for the results of any action taken on the basis of information in this work, nor for any errors or omissions. The publishers, and the authors and editors, expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. If expert advice is required, services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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is networking all it’s quacked up to be?

Yes, now more than ever!90% of the positions available are actually in the hidden job market!Source: Fortune Magazine 2009

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button your buttons

Whether you network in the physical world or the virtual world - - if you’re going to network - - button your buttons!

Do it right the first time by making your one and only first impression the best it can be!

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strengthen your authentic brand

Tom Peters coined the phrase “Brand YOU” back in the late 90’s - - but now more than ever it’s still very significant to our success!

Do you know what your personal brand is?

Is your personal brand an authentic representation of who you really are?

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embrace the very thought of you

You can explore your personal brand by finding out how others perceive you.

What will ten friends say about you when you’re not around?

What will ten of your colleagues say about you when you’re not around?

Your clients? Your boss?

If you don’t know - - find out now!

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leverage all degrees of separation

Did you know that just about everyone in the Sacramento Metro Region is connected within 2-3 degrees of separation?

Do you know the average degree of separation in your region?

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break into the inner circle

The inner circle is made up of movers and shakers, high profile, tight knit people.

If you’re not in the inner circle, what are some ways you can “break into” the inner circle?

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stand out in the crowdWith so many people “out there”, telling your unique compelling story is a way you can stand out in the crowd.

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be a charismatic networker

A charismatic person is someone who is authentic, passionate, and courageous. It’s someone who has a gift of using their personal being to interact and communicate with others.

Charisma is personal – you must find it within yourself to inspire and influence others.

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put leverage into action

It’s hard to build “exclusive” relationships, so there is no point in

holding back.

When you connect people that are true opportunities for each other,

that is leverage in action.

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once connected stay connected

If there is potential for a high value proposition in building a strategic alliance, then do it!

Don’t just use people. Treat them with respect. Get connected, then stay connected. . . no matter what it takes.

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connecting the 21st dots

GustavoG (Source: Flickr) | Practical Effects© 2009

How big is your network?

It’s probably bigger than you think - - and remember, quantity is not more important than quality.

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Social Network AnalysisThe “Kite Network” developed by David Krackhardt (leading researcher in social networks)

who do you know? | Practical Effects© 2009

Lorraine prefers being a connector!

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On January 1, 2009, Facebook reported 150 million users. In April 2009, they reported 200 million users. For me, the really big deal was that they picked up those 50 million additional users in just three months!

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other players you should know

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creative and effectiveHere’s an example of a Millennial’s approach to using social media in her job search!

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another creative option Here’s one boomer’s use of a personal branding strategy . . .

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social media’s impact on business

Social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook

Creating a brand or corporate blog

Engaging with relevant influential bloggers to encourage them to write about your brand or company

Reading and analyzing relevant social media to understand genuine and unfiltered consumer perceptions

Using social media sites as new advertising channels to complement traditional advertising

Posting videos on sites such as YouTube and Revver

Creating "viral campaigns" that encourage consumers to tell friends and relatives about your company, product, or service








Total average of USA, Canada, UK and France

Source: cymfony’s media intelligence

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social media’s impact on business

64.8%Reading and analyzing relevant social media to understand genuine and unfiltered consumer perceptions.

Check out how Dell, Comcast, and Zappos are using twitter to improve the customer experience. | Practical Effects© 2009

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business planning for social media


PeopleAssess your customer’s social activities

ObjectivesDecide what you want to accomplish

StrategyPlan for how relationships with customers will change

TechnologyDecide which social technologies to use

Source: Forrester Research 2007 | Practical Effects© 2009

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blog it!

But first, have a plan and be prepared to keep your blog current.

You’re only as good as your last blog post.

have something to say? | Practical Effects© 2009

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twitter tweet

twitter is the new golfidea credit @AlbertMaruggi

Anything that has a digital footprint (no geographic boundaries) could benefit from twitter--Guy Kawasaki | Practical Effects© 2009

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reputation management

If you’re going to hang out your laundry,

make sure it’s “clean”. | Practical Effects© 2009

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have you googled yourself lately? | Practical Effects© 2009

You can hire a reputation management company to help remove negative results from google search, but it can be pricey.

There are things you can do for yourself to get that negative result stuff off of the first page of google search results. Fill the first page with “good stuff”. Your own website, your blog, social network profiles (facebook), business profiles (linkedin, naymz) all appear higher on the google search results.

Source: CIO Magazine

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There are four ways social networking can build business:

- Finding Unexpected Collaborators- Building a Global Business From Scratch- Finding Talent in the Trenches- Viral Marketing on the Cheap

Source: Forrester

building business via social networks | Practical Effects© 2009

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Your success during these “speed of light” times will require a balanced use of real and virtual networking.

If you’re not on the social networking circuit yet - - make a plan and get on.

If you’re heavy into the social networking circuit - - take a break every now and then to be seen in the physical world too!

business at the speed of light | Practical Effects© 2009

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the world at the speed of light | Practical Effects© 2009

Business is moving at the speed of light. And so is the world in general.

How will you successfully exist in a world that moves at the “speed of light”?

What will you do to adapt and succeed as “shift happens”?

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Lead, inspire, change the world - - for Baby Boomers that means “AGAIN”!

your call to action | Practical Effects© 2009

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the author

This work is protected by Creative

Commons License

Lorraine Rinker – Radical [email protected]/

Lorraine’s portrait by Sirlin Photography (Sacramento)Stock images by,, | Practical Effects© 2009