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7/17/2019 Conjuction s 1/15

Conjunctionsby: Amy E. Sandersedited by: The UWC Staff

(© DBU University Writing Center)

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Table of Contents

List of Conjunctions………………….........slide 3

What is a conjunction?..............................slide 4

Types of Conjunctions…………….....slides 5-13

Coordinating Conjunctions

u!ordinate Conjunctions

Correlati"e Conjunctions

Conjuncti"e #d"er!s

$ui% and #ns&ers…………………....slide 14-15

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even though

All of these words, and many more,are conjunctions ! ! !







Let us take a closer


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What is a conjunction?

 Conjunction is the na'e for those co''on &ords

that are used to join (conjoin) parts of sentences. #lso*

conjunctions 'ay !e used to !egin certain sentences.

 There are t&o different types of conjunctions+

coordinating conjunctions and subordinating


 Conjunctions so'eti'es &or, in pairs and are called 

correlative conjunctions. 

 Conjunctive adverbs are also freuently used topro"ide logical connections in sentences.

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Coordinatin ConunctionsThese conunctions are se"en "ery common words.They are "ery small, made u# of three or fewer


When to Use Each Coordinating Conjunction:

Reason  Coordinating Conjunction

To co''unicate addition and

To co''unicate contrast !ut* yet

To co''unicate a resulteffect soTo co''unicate a reasoncause for

To co''unicate a choice or

To co''unicate a negati"e choice nor 

/se the' !et&een t&o independent clauses.

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Ex. 0e only &ears striped ties and pol,a dotted !o&

ties. ( And  joins t&o &ords.) 

Ex. The shoes &ere not !lue suede nor  !lac, leather.(Nor  joins t&o phrases.)

Ex. t &asn2t a costu'e party* yet 'any ca'e dressed

as literary "illains. (Yet  joins t&o independent clauses.)

Coordinating Conjunctions cont….

Coordinatin conunctions are used to oin words,#hrases, and inde#endent clauses.

Examples of coordinating conjunctions in sentences:

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 $ore Coordinatin Conunctions...These are likely used less often% howe"er, they ser"e an im#ortant function.  

When to Use Each Coordinating Conjunction:Reason  Coordinating Conjunction

To co''unicate additional conseuently

infor'ation further'ore







/se the' !et&een t&o independent clauses.

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Ex. 0e only &ears !ro&n &ingtips consequently* hedoes not &ear &hite soc,s. ( Consequently joins t&o

independent clauses.) 

Ex. The shoes &ere not suede however * they &ere

leather. (However  joins t&o independent clauses.)

Ex. t &as not a 0allo&een party nevertheless* 'any

ca'e dressed in costu'es. (nevertheless joins t&o

independent clauses.)

Coordinating Conjunctions cont….

These coordinatin conunctions are used to oininde#endent clauses.

Examples of coordinating conjunctions in sentences:

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Subordinate Conunctions

When to Use Common ubordinate Conjunctions:

Reason ubordinate Conjunction

  egarding ti'e after* !efore* once* since*

until* &hen* &hene"er* &hile

  To co''unicate a reasoncause as* !ecause* since

  To co''unicate a resulteffect in order that* so* so that* that

  To co''unicate a conditionif* e"en if* unless

  To co''unicate contrast although* e"en though*

though* &hereas

  egarding location &here* &here"er  

  egarding a choice than* &hether  

These conunctions are used to e&#ress relationshi#sbetween a de#endent and an inde#endent clause.

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Subordinate Conjunctions cont….

Subordinate conunctions often bein a de#endentclause. 'f the de#endent clause beins or interru#ts the

sentence, then it is se#arated from the inde#endentclause by a comma.

Examples of subordinate conjunctions in sentences:

Ex! "nce she found the perfect !roach* she purchased

three outfits to 'atch it. (Once de'onstrates a ti'e contet. #

co''a is used !ecause the conjunction !egins the sentence.)

Ex! 0e &ore the top hat wherever  he &ent. (Wherever

de'onstrates a location contet. Though wherever  !egins the

dependent clause* no co''a is used !ecause it does not !egin the

sentence or interrupt the sentence.)

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Correlati"e Conunctions

Correlati"e conunctions are two se#arateconunctions that are often in sentences toether. 

Common Correlative Conjunctions and Examples:

!oth* and Ex. #oth 'aroon and gray accent nicely.either* or  Ex. li,e to &ear either  pants or  capris.

neither* nor  Ex. $either  the shirt nor  the jac,et fit.

not only* !ut (also) Ex. $ot only one !utton fell off* but all of


&hether* or  Ex. Whether  or not you &ear nice clothes*

you ha"e to &ear clothes.

not* so 'uch as Ex. t &as not that his clothes &ere

fla'!oyant so much as they &ereflorid.

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Conuncti"e Ad"erbs

Conuncti"e ad"erbs #ro"ide connections andtransitions that clarify or limit the meanin of words. 

When to Use Common Conjunctive %dverbs:

Reason Conjunctive %dverb 

To co''unicate addition also* further'ore* !esides

To co''unicate contrast ho&e"er* still* ne"ertheless*

instead* other&iseTo co''unicate co'parison si'ilarly* li,e&ise

To introduce a resultsu''ary therefore* thus* conseuently*

accordingly* hence* then

To indicate ti'e net* then* 'ean&hile* finally

To co''unicate e'phasis indeed* certainly

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Conjunctive Adverbs cont….

Examples of conjunctive adverbs in sentences: 

Ex. &urthermore* stiletto heels are not a fad they are

classic6 (Furthermore co''unicates an additional

state'ent and is follo&ed !y a co''a.)Ex. 0is cri'son cape caught on the s,yscraper

therefore* his flying ended a!ruptly. (Therefore 

co''unicates a result and is preceded !y a

se'icolon !ecause it is in the 'iddle of the sentence.)

Conuncti"e ad"erbs can a##ear anywhere in asentence. They should be followed by a comma and,when in the middle of a sentence, #receded by a


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(inally, the Uni"ersity Writin Center staff and '

ho#e that this #resentation has hel#ed you de"elo# abetter understandin of conunctions, since they are"ital to the )nlish lanuae% conse*uently, you willuse them often in your writin endea"ors. +erha#sthis online lecture has not hel#ed with your rammarso much as with enhancin your fashion awareness.Therefore, challene yourself to a conunction *ui,or call it a re"iew before sinin off. -e"iew is#referable, because the word *ui often has a

neati"e connotation./ Whether or not you feel like aconunction #ro, scan this #arara#h and see if youcan reconie the conunctions, correlati"econunctions, and conuncti"e ad"erbs. After you are

done, click to the ne&t slide where you will find theanswers.

A Parting Quiz...

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inall! "ca#, the Uni"ersity Writin Center staff and "cc#' ho#ethat this #resentation has hel#ed you to de"elo# a betterunderstandin of conunctions, since "sc# they are "ital to the

)nlish lanuae% conse$uentl! "ca#, you will use them often in your writin endea"ors. +erha#s this online lecture has not "c%# hel#ed with your rammar so &uch as "c%# with enhancin yourfashion awareness. Therefore, challene yourself to aconunction *ui, or call it a re"iew before "sc# sinin off.

-e"iew is #referable, because "sc# the word *ui often has aneati"e connotation./ Whether or "c%# not you feel like aconunction #ro, scan this #arara#h and see if "sc#  you canreconie the conunctions, correlati"e conunctions, andconuncti"e ad"erbs. After "sc# you are done, click to the ne&t

slide where "sc#  you will find the answers. coordinatin conunction sc: subordinate conunction

ca: conuncti"e ad"erb c%: correlati"e conunction