Download - Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

Page 1: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

ConfidentialBritish Foreign Office

Political Correspondence

Page 2: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

ConfidentialBritish Foreign Office

Political Correspondence

Page 3: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

ConfidentialBritish Foreign Office

Political Correspondence

ChinaSeries 3, 1932–1945

Part 2: 1934–1935

Project CoordinatorAndrew F. Laas

Guide compiled and indexed byRobert C. Wilkerson

4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389

A UPA Collection from

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

Page 4: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. China.[microform] / edited by Paul Kesaris.

microfilm reels; 35 mm.Filmed from the records in class FO371 and FO566 at the Public

Record Office, Kew, London.Accompanied by printed reel guides.Contents: ser. 1. 1906–1919 (4 parts). ser. 2. 1920–1931 (2 parts).

ser. 3. 1932–1945 (4 parts). ISBN 1-55655-700-0 (ser. 3. pt. 2)1. Great Britain—Foreign relations—China—Sources. 2. China—

Foreign relations—Great Britain—Sources. 3. Great Britain.Foreign Office—Archives. 4. China—History—Ch’ing dynasty,1644–1912—Sources. 5. China—History—1912–1928—Sources.I. Kesaris, Paul. II. Laas, Andrew F. III. Great Britain. ForeignOffice. IV. Title: Guide to the microfilm edition of ConfidentialBritish Foreign Office political correspondence. China.[DA47.9.C6]327.4051—dc21 96-48364


Copyright © 2003 by Congressional Information Service, Inc.All rights reserved.

ISBN 1-55655-700-0.

Page 5: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Table of Contents

Scope and Content Note ...................................................................................................... vii

How to Use This Guide ......................................................................................................... xi

Source Note ........................................................................................................................... xvii

Editorial Note ......................................................................................................................... xvii

Reel Index

FO 371 General Correspondence: Political

Reels 1–42

1934 ............................................................................................................................... 1

Reels 43–80

1935 ............................................................................................................................... 88

Index by Subjects and Names ............................................................................................. 167

Page 6: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Scope and Content Note

Confidential British Foreign OfficePolitical Correspondence

The General Correspondence fileswere and still are the main repository forthe documents collected by the BritishForeign Office. Begun on 1 January1782, the same year as the creation ofthe Foreign Office, the GeneralCorrespondence files contain the vastmajority of the documentation receivedand created by the Foreign Office.These are the working papers of theForeign Office used in the developmentof British foreign policy. The informationcontained in the documents was oftenclassified and was not made availablefor study outside the British governmentuntil many years after the documentswere created.

The filing system of the GeneralCorrespondence was significantlyrevised in 1906. Since 1906, the papershave been arranged into eleven classesof General Correspondence: Africa,New Series; Commercial; Communica-tions; Consular; Contraband; DominionsInformation; Library; News; Political;Prisoners of War and Aliens; andTreaty. Each of these classes containsthe papers of the department afterwhich it is named, except for Political,which comprises the several politicaldepartments.

This microfilm publication containscopies of only the Political class ofGeneral Correspondence. The ForeignOffice is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments arethose in which the diplomatic businessof the Foreign Office is conducted.Diplomatic business should be thoughtof in very broad terms. It includes notonly the formal relations between twocountries, but also the information

needed by the British government inorder to conduct diplomatic relations.This includes not only the domesticpolitical, economic, social, and culturalconditions of another country plus thatcountry’s relations with other nations,but also British internal politicalconcerns.

Each political department is responsi-ble for diplomatic relations betweenGreat Britain and a number of countries.Below are listed the political depart-ments and the countries for which theywere responsible during the 1934 to1935 period.

(1) American Department: America(North, South, and Central)

(2) Central Department: Execution ofPeace Treaties; Belgium, Danzig,France, Germany, Luxembourg (1935),Poland; Europe General; War Debts

(3) Eastern Department: Iraq, Persia,Saudi Arabia (formerly the Hejaz andNejd), Syria, Turkey; Foreign Relationsof Palestine, Transjordan, and the minorArabian States

(4) Egyptian Department: Abyssinia(1934), Africa (general), Egypt, Eritrea,Ethiopia (1935), French and ItalianSomaliland, Liberia, Libya, Sudan

(5) Far Eastern Department: China,Japan, Siam; Traffic in DangerousDrugs

(6) League of Nations and WesternDepartment: League of Nations;Disarmament; Holland, Luxembourg(1934), Morocco, New Hebrides,Portugal, Spain, Switzerland; Belgian,Dutch, French, Portuguese, andSpanish overseas possessions (1934);General; Economic Relations

(7) Northern Department: Afghani-stan, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,

Page 7: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway,Soviet Union, Sweden

(8) Southern Department: Albania,Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania,Yugoslavia

In this microfilm edition, UniversityPublications of America has publishedthe formerly confidential GeneralCorrespondence Political files on Chinafrom 1934 to 1935. The papers for eachyear were bound into volumes by theForeign Office, in the order that theywere originally filed. The majority of thedocuments found in these files aredespatches, letters, and telegrams fromBritish diplomatic posts to the ForeignOffice and Foreign Office letters,telegrams, and instructions to the posts.In addition, there is a large number ofdocuments created by the ForeignOffice, such as minutes of meetings,reports, and correspondence with othergovernment ministries and foreigngovernment embassies in London. Also,Cabinet papers dealing with foreignpolicy and parliamentary debates arekept in these files.

All documentation coming into theForeign Office was opened by theCentral Registry and placed insidedocket sheets. Each docket sheet wasstamped with the name of the countryand the series (if not political), with thedate of receipt, and with a registrynumber. In the case of outgoingcorrespondence that was not aresponse, a copy of that paper wouldreceive its own docket sheet andregistry number. The registry numberbegan at number one each year, anddockets were numbered consecutivelyas they were received by the CentralRegistry. One numbering series wasused for all departments within theForeign Office.

Docket sheets with the encloseddocument would then be forwarded tothe department responsible for thatcountry. Officials in the department

would review the document and decideif or what action would be taken on theinformation contained in the document.Space on the docket sheets wasavailable for officials to record recom-mendations and other informationpertinent to that document. In addition,all documentation created in responseto the original document was attachedto the original docket sheet. Thesewould include internal Foreign Officememoranda and reports, Cabinetmeetings and papers, and drafts andcopies of the replies to the originaldocument.

When action on a docket sheet andits attached papers was completed, itwas returned to the Sub-Registry (therewas a Sub-Registry on each floor of theForeign Office). There the papers werefiled by year, country, and subject forready reference. Papers on the samesubject would be filed together innumerical order with the lowest registrynumber first. The first registry number inthe file was used as the file number.After one and a half to two years, anannual file would then be transferred tothe library.

China, 1934–1935The British Foreign Office Political

Correspondence files on China for1934–1935 cover a myriad of topics,including Japanese aggression anddesigns in the years preceding the Sino-Japanese War of 1937–1945 and theChinese central government’s struggleagainst the Communists to controlChina. Although nominally the govern-ment of all of China, the Nationalistgovernment exercised direct influencemainly in the central and lower Yangtzeprovinces and the coastal ports. ForeignOffice documents reported not only thepolitical and military facets of theNationalist-Communist struggle andJapanese aggression, but also furtherencroachments made by other foreign

Page 8: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


powers and other developments thataffected British interests in China.

These Foreign Office files extensivelydetail Sino-Japanese relations andJapanese policy on China during thisturbulent period. After the invasion ofManchuria by Japan in 1931 and thecreation of Manchukuo in March 1932,Japanese demands on and designs inChina increased. On April 17, 1934, aspokesmen of the Japanese Ministry ofAffairs effectively claimed China asJapan’s sphere of influence: Japanwould oppose all foreign technical,financial, and military assistance toChina except its own. Throughout 1934and 1935, North China and InnerMongolia were the scenes of Japanese-inspired “autonomy movements” thatthreatened to put large parts of thecountry under Japanese control. Aspressure increased in 1935, theNationalist government agreed toremove its troops and Kuomintangorganizations from Hopei Province inorder to prevent the forcible annexationof the province by Japan’s KwantungArmy.

Despite rising popular sentiment toresist the external threat from Japan,Chiang Kai-shek made it his policy todefeat internal enemies first. Thismicrofilm collection puts into contextand documents the progress of theNationalist government’s exterminationcampaigns against the Communists,who were seen as the greatest internalthreat to political stability. In October1933, the Nationalists began their Fifth(and final) Encirclement and Extermina-tion Campaign. While this last campaignwas temporarily interrupted by therebellion of the Nineteenth Route Armyand its establishment of the People’sRevolutionary government in FukienProvince in November 1933, it resumedwith even greater vigor in February1934.

Despite the first four campaigns, theCommunists had organized and began

to govern the Kiangsi Soviet and wereonly driven out of Kiangsi Province inOctober 1934 when they began what isknown as the Long March. The LongMarch finally ended in October 1935after a grueling six-thousand-mileretreat through southwest and westernChina, culminating in northern ShensiProvince with the meeting of MaoZedong, who had cemented hisleadership of the Communists duringthe march, and Xu Haidong, command-er of the Fifteenth Red Army Corps. Atthe same time Nationalist forces werebattling the Communist threat in China’sinterior, the Nanking government washard-pressed to maintain its authorityover the periphery of the country. Inaddition to the loss of Manchuria andareas of North China to the Japanese,the border regions of Mongolia, Tibet,and Sinkiang were in open revolt or hadbecome autonomous. Even theremaining territory of China proper wasnot all under the control of the centralgovernment, as local warlords heldconsiderable power in some areas andoccasionally rose up against theNationalist government at Nanking.

British business and trade interestsare also well-documented by thiscollection. While British trade in 1934still accounted for the largest percent-age of foreign trade with China, GreatBritain’s predominant position had beensubstantially eroded by Japanesecompetition. These files amply detail thefriction between Japan and Great Britainon economic and trade matters andshed light on British government policyon trade in China. The creation ofManchukuo proved to be a serious blowto British and other foreign businessand industry in Manchuria. Manchukuoauthorities routinely discriminatedagainst foreign businesses, with statemonopolies threatened or established inkey industries. Treaty rights, such asextraterritoriality, that British subjectsand businesses enjoyed in China were

Page 9: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


often violated by Manchukuo authori-ties, even though the Manchukuogovernment assured the interestedPowers that it would adhere to thetreaties when it took power in 1932. TheBritish government found itself unable toprotect British business there, as GreatBritain refused to recognize theManchukuo government and had nomeans of lodging direct protests. Britishprotests to the Japanese governmentfell on deaf ears, as the Japanesegovernment disclaimed responsibility forthe actions of the Manchukuoauthorities.

In 1934 China’s economic well-beingwas gravely threatened by a monetarycrisis. The U.S. Silver Purchase Act of1934 authorized the U.S. Treasury topurchase silver until a ratio of 1:3 silverto gold was reached in U.S. monetarystocks. The increased demand for silverled to an increase in price, causing theChinese silver dollar to appreciate anddegrade China’s balance of payments.This microfilm collection extensivelydetails the resulting crisis and the Britishgovernment’s involvement in thereorganization of Chinese currency,including the role of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, chief financial adviser to theBritish government.

Aside from political and economicquestions on the national and interna-tional level, this collection offers awealth of information on local conditionsin China in the form of political andintelligence reports from British consularofficers throughout the country.

Quarterly political reports coveredpolitical conditions in the consulardistrict, including Communist activity.Semiannual intelligence reports coveredpolitical, economic, and social condi-tions in the consular district in greaterdetail than the political reports. Issuescovered include crime and police action;Communist activity; information onChinese officials; judicial matters;taxation; provincial assembly activity;agricultural conditions; communications;finance; business and industry; postal,customs, and salt administrations;opium and other drugs; arms trafficking;labor and revolutionary movements;municipal affairs; commercial andindustrial intelligence; shipping; minesand mining; extraterritoriality; military,naval, and aviation intelligence; andactivities of foreign officials.

The quantity of documentation onChina in the Foreign Office PoliticalCorrespondence files for 1934–1935 isgreater than that of any other Westernnation. Although British influence inChina was waning from its height in thefirst two decades of the twentiethcentury and U.S. influence was rising,British information-gathering was stillparamount. The documentationgathered by the numerous Britishdiplomatic, consular, military, andcommercial officials is crucial tounderstanding the Nationalist govern-ment at Nanking and Japaneseactivities and aggression in China inwhat was effectively a prelude to theSecond World War.

Page 10: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


How to Use This Guide

Arrangement on MicrofilmThe bureaucratic procedure used to

catalog and file the correspondence thatwas received and issued by the ForeignOffice followed a “mother-daughter”format. As each new piece of corre-spondence on a specific topic arrived atthe Foreign Office (or was issued by theForeign Office), it was placed in apacket. Each of these packets usuallybegan with a telegram, letter, ormemorandum addressed either to theForeign Office or to another governmentdepartment that eventually forwarded itto the Foreign Office. All other corre-spondence directly related to theoriginal (or main) document in a givenyear was placed within this samepacket.

For bureaucratic ease, these“daughter” packets were grouped into anumber of subject-specific file folders.Each of these subject-specific folders(hereafter referred to as the “mother”folders) is therefore composed of anumber of smaller files into which therelative correspondence is placed. New“mother” folders were created fordifferent “daughter” topics at thebeginning of each year and wereperiodically bound in annual volumes.

Each “daughter” record within a given“mother” folder has its own cover sheet.The cover sheet (see example) is astandard form, divided into boxeslabeled “Last Paper,” “Print,” Howdisposed of,” “Next Paper,” and“Minutes.” The information on the coversheet may be typed, handwritten, orboth. The year is stamped in the top leftcorner of the cover sheet, 1934 in thiscase. To the right of the year stamp inthe top-center of the sheet are twoboxes. The upper box contains a

stamped single letter identifying thedepartment that has jurisdiction over thematters discussed in the document (“F”for Far Eastern Department); the lowerbox contains the stamped name of thecountry that is dealt with in the docu-ment (China). The box in the top right-hand corner contains a stamped pagenumber (1) as well as a stamp contain-ing the date the document was receivedby the registry (5 Jan 1934) and theregistry number of this daughter packet(F 103).

Immediately below the year stamp isa box containing the complete ForeignOffice registry number (F 103/103/10)for the individual daughter record. Thisis a unique number that refers only tothat specific file. The letter “F” denotesFar Eastern Department. The firstnumber identifies the daughter record(103). (As mentioned above, thisnumber is also stamped in the top rightcorner of the cover sheet.) The secondnumber identifies the “mother” or initialrecord in the file (also 103). The lastnumber is the country code (10 is thecode for China). In this guide, a registrynumber is combined with the last twonumbers of the year the document wasreceived to create a meaningful citation.The Foreign Office registry number ofthe last paper in the file started by ourexample is referred to in this guide asF 5685/103/10/34 and thus pertains tothe Far Eastern Department’s document5685, which is on the same subject andis contained in the same mother folderas document 103, deals with China, andwas received in 1934.

In the same box but immediatelybelow the Foreign Office registrynumber is the author of the document(Sir Francis Lindley, British ambassador

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to Japan), the document’s origin (TokyoEmbassy), and the despatch ortelegram number (2 (K)). Below this aretwo dates. The upper date is the date ofthe document; the lower date is the datethe document was received by theForeign Office registry. At the bottom ofthis box is a reiteration of the relevantForeign Office department and country(F: China).

To the right of the box containing theregistry number, author, and dates is aspace for a brief description of thecontents of the document. There is

usually an underlined title for thedocument (“Manchukuo constitution,” inthis case) and a brief synopsis of thedocument’s contents. Under this, in thebox labeled “Minutes,” there are oftenhandwritten or typed comments,sometimes quite extensive, frommembers of the Foreign Office. (“Thisimpending development has been freelyrumoured in the Press for several dayspast….”) Within each daughter there aresometimes more pages with initialedcomments of varying length, which are

Page 12: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


either attached to the cover sheet orscribbled on the back of it.

On the left side of the cover sheetunder the box containing Foreign Officeregistry number, document author, anddates are a number of smaller boxes.The box labeled “Last Paper” containsthe registry number of the last paperthat dealt with the same topic (in thiscase the last paper was from a previousyear: F 6163/337/10/33). The boxlabeled “References” contains registrynumbers of related documents. In manycases, some or all of the documentscontained in the daughter packet were

printed and compiled in the ForeignOffice Confidential Print Series for widerdistribution. Instructions to do so wereinserted in the box marked “Print.” Ifcopies of papers were to be forwardedto governmental departments outsidethe Foreign Office, confirmation was leftin the “How disposed of” box. Finally,the box marked “Next Paper” containsthe registry number of the next paperdealing with the same subject.

Sample Entry from Reel Index

Reel 27FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18114. China Political (cont.).F 164/10/34 Business and industry in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers general business environment and foreign trade situation inManchukuo, including foreign trade statistics for 1933.

Covers British business and industrial matters in Manchukuo, particularly relations ofBritish American Tobacco Company and British petroleum and insurance concernswith Manchukuo authorities; alleged discrimination against British firms; andproposed Manchukuo state oil and tobacco monopolies.

Includes development of British trade with Manchukuo and proposed Federation ofBritish Industries mission to study market.

Also covers German trade with Manchuria, including barter agreement negotiationsbetween Japan, Manchukuo, and Germany.

Also includes interests of Nestlé’s Milk Company; affairs of Produce Export Company;and proposed Belgian investment in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Foreign trade; Manchukuo; Great Britain;Tobacco industry and products; Insurance; Petroleum and petroleum industry;Germany; Japan; Treaties and agreements; Belgium; Foreign investments.Registry: F 164/164/10/34–F 4835/164/10/34.Date: 9 Jan 34–8 Aug 34; Pages: 1–247.Last Paper: F 7886/445/10/33.


correspondence type


file titlePROvolumenumber


Foreign Officeregistry number


date range

Foreign Office registrynumber for previous

paper on topic

page range



Page 13: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Components of This GuideThis guide to UPA’s microfilm edition

of Confidential British Foreign OfficePolitical Correspondence for China,Series 3, 1932–1945, Part 2: 1934–1935 is the first of a new type of guidefor UPA’s British Foreign Office PoliticalCorrespondence series. The new formatis designed to take the place of bothpreliminary and final guides to futureeditions of UPA’s British Foreign OfficePolitical Correspondence. The newguides feature more descriptive contentin the Reel Index than previouspreliminary guides. As in previousguides, each file is identified by itsForeign Office registry number and abrief title. The Reel Index of the newguide is augmented by an abstract ofthe file’s contents. Beneath the abstract,subject descriptors list the mainsubjects dealt with in the file andcorrespond to terms used in the subjectindex. Further descriptive informationincludes the range of registry numbersof the individual papers enclosed in thefile, the range of dates on which theindividual papers were received by theForeign Office, inclusive pages, and theregistry number of the last paper from aprevious volume that dealt with thesame subject.

The Index by Subjects and Names isextremely useful for a number ofdifferent research projects and method-ologies. For example, if one wishes tochart the contours of a large theme orissue through time, one would mostlikely start with this index. In thisvolume, there are no entries solelyunder the subject of “China” becausethe whole microfilm collection deals withChina in one form or another. A briefperusal of the numerous cross-references from “China,” however, givesan indication of how the subject index isorganized. Cross-references from“China,” in part, include all the provinc-

es, “Armed forces, China,” and “Treatyports.” Further, cross-references from“Treaty ports” lead the reader to“Canton,” “Concessions,” “Foreignsettlements,” “Kiaochow,” and “Shang-hai.” These cross-references give thesubject index the organization andsophistication that complement thecomplexity of the microfilm collectionitself. In short, groups of these cross-references serve as “mini-indices” togive the researcher an indication ofwhat the major issues were and how theindexer organized and compiled theoften interrelated topics.

Additional Notes on IndexingMethodology

Subject index terms were chosen fora number of reasons, but all directlyreflect the subject matter in a conceptu-al or historical manner. For example,there are general entries such as“Railroads” and “Petroleum andpetroleum industry.” There are concep-tual entries such as “Employment andunemployment.” There are geographicentries such as “French Indochina” and“Yunnan Province.” There are alsohistorically specific entries such as“Boxer Rebellion.” Finally, there arename entries. Names listed here refer todocuments that contain substantiveinformation about either a particularperson or a record of conversation. Inthis way, the subject index does notconvey mere passing references toeach individual and reflects only director meaningful accounts of the views oractions of the individual indexed.

This microfilm guide indexes thefollowing provinces and regions: AnhweiProvince, Chahar Province, ChekiangProvince, Chinghai Province, FukienProvince, Honan Province, HopeiProvince, Hunan Province, HupeiProvince, Kansu Province, KiangsiProvince, Kiangsu Province, KwangsiProvince, Kwangtung Province,

Page 14: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Kweichow Province, Mongolia, NinghsiaProvince, Shansi Province, ShantungProvince, Shensi Province, SikangProvince, Sinkiang, Suiyuan Province,Szechuan Province, Tibet, and YunnanProvince. The cities of Nanking andPeking are indexed separately fromtheir respective provinces.

If information regarding a certaintreaty port is desired, Ichang forexample, first the subject index entry“Treaty ports” should be accessed. All

information directly pertaining to Ichangis then listed. Since Ichang is in HupeiProvince and many dispatches andreports on that province also coverIchang, then a perusal of the “HupeiProvince” entries is necessary. Sometreaty ports, such as Canton andShanghai, appear often enough in thecollection to warrant their own primaryindex entries. These particular treatyports are also cross-referenced under“Treaty ports.”

Sample Entry from Index by Subjects and Names

Foreign settlementssee also Shanghai International SettlementKulangsu, Mixed Court abolition 37:

F 1229/10/34Kulangsu, Municipal Council 39: F 3214/10/34;

76: F 2077/10/35Shanghai, French Concession; national status

38: F 1702/10/34Shanghai, French Concession; land ownership

and rights 76: F 2181/10/35taxation, Chinese 34: F 749/10/34Tientsin, British Municipal Area 40:

F 3613/10/34; 79: F 4141/10/35

main subject


alphabetic listingof specific subjects

citation of

Foreign Officeregistry number


Page 15: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


The documents reproduced in this publication were originally collected and organizedby the British Foreign Office. They are now housed at the Public Records Office, Kew,England. The data contained on the microfilm is British Crown copyright 1998 and ispublished by permission of the Controller of Her Britannic Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Source Note

Editorial Note

University Publications of America has microfilmed in their entirety all volumes ofBritish Foreign Office General Correspondence: Political (FO 371) for China from 1934through 1935.

Brackets are used in a number of ways in the Reel Index to convey unique featuresof the microfilm collection. For example, the entry for registry number F 145/10/34 onReel 26, which contains “Pages: 1–[78a],” illustrates that the page range for this fileends with a page that was not numbered but that followed page 77. Similarly, if aForeign Office clerk inadvertently numbered two pages “120,” caught the error, andhand numbered the second “120a,” this is displayed in the guide as “Pages: 1–120a.”Finally, “Pages: 1–120[a]” indicates that the inclusive page range ends with a page thatwas numbered the same as the preceding page (i.e., two page 120s). In addition,brackets are used in the Last Paper field to indicate that the last paper from a precedingvolume was not indicated on the initial paper of the file but could be inferred from thedocuments in the file or identified in a previous UPA guide to British Foreign OfficePolitical Correspondence.

Page 16: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those



Reels 1–80 contain the General Correspondence for China Political, 1934–1935. These files are identified by Foreign Office registry number and subject. The Foreign Office registry number is composed of four parts: the Foreign Office Department designation (in this case “F” for Far Eastern), the file number, the country designation (in this case “10” for China), and the last two digits of the year (“34” for 1934 or “35” for 1935).

Reel 1 FO Registry Number

FO 371 Political Correspondence: China, 1934

Volume 18045. China Political. F 3/10/34 Political situation in China.

Abstract: Covers political situation during Fukien Rebellion of November 1933–January 1934 by Nineteenth Route Army. Includes status and position of British warships; Chinese request to search British vessels near Fukien coast to prevent assistance to rebels; and efforts to secure safety of British missionaries and businesses in Fukien interior.

Also covers local political situation in Canton, Shanghai, and Yunnan Province. Includes local resistance to creation of foreign cemetery in Yunnan Province for burial of British missionary’s daughter, and violation of Tangku neutral zone by mutinied Chinese troops.

Subject Descriptors: Fukien Province; Political conditions; Armed forces, China; Revolts; Naval forces, British; Searches and seizures; Missionaries; Business and industry; Canton; Shanghai; Yunnan Province; Social conditions; Deaths. Registry: F 3/3/10/34–F 458/3/10/34. Date: 1–25 Jan 34; Pages: 1–231. Last Paper: F 8043/526/10/33.

Volume 18046. China Political (cont.). F 3/10/34 Political situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation during Fukien Rebellion of November 1933–January 1934 by Nineteenth Route Army. Includes British efforts to secure safety of British subjects, including withdrawal of missionaries from interior and evacuation scheme for Foochow.

Includes Fourth Plenary Session of Kuomintang Central Executive Committee; various central government appointments and dismissals; and other Chinese military and political issues.

Also covers political situation in Honan, Kwangsi, Shansi, Shantung, and Shensi Provinces. Includes Nanking’s relations with southwest China; military situation in southern China; Kwangtung Administrative Conference; disturbances in northwest Yunnan Province; and other issues.

Page 17: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

FO Registry Number


Subject Descriptors: Fukien Province; Political conditions; Armed forces, China; Revolts; Missionaries; Canton; Kuomintang; Conferences and conventions; China government; Honan Province; Kwangsi Province; Kwangtung Province; Shansi Province; Shantung Province; Shensi Province; Yunnan Province; Riots and disorders; Government appointments. Registry: F 494/3/10/34–F 2360/3/10/34. Date: 26 Jan 34–26 Apr 34; Pages: 1–245. Last Paper: F 458/3/10/34.

Volume 18047. China Political (cont.). F 3/10/34 Political situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers general political situation in China. Includes provision for Legislative Yuan (i.e., legislative branch of Chinese government) deliberations on tax and treaty issues; proposed permanent constitution; autonomy movement in northern China; and other political issues. Also includes issues related to Manchuria, particularly enthronement of Pu-yi and Japanese control of passes in Great Wall.

Also covers political situation in southern China, including Fukien Rebellion; Canton-Nanking relations; proposed abolition of southwestern Chinese political councils; and conference of southwestern military leaders.

Covers Communist military operations and Nationalist campaigns against Communist forces in southern Fukien and Kiangsi Provinces, including Nationalist air force operations. Includes British evacuation schemes for Amoy, Foochow, Chefoo, and other coastal and Yangtze ports.

Also covers provincial concerns, including political conditions in Hunan Province and brigandage in Hopei and Shansi Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; China government; Kwantung Army; Manchukuo; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Borders and boundaries; Fukien Province; Revolts; Canton; Kuomintang; Military conflicts; Communists; Armed forces, China Communist; Kiangsi Province; Armed forces, China; Conferences and conventions; Air forces, China; Amoy; Treaty ports; British policy; Hunan Province; Hopei Province; Shansi Province; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 2455/3/10/34–F 4845/3/10/34. Date: 1 May 34–9 Aug 34; Pages: 1–252. Last Paper: F 2360/3/10/34.

Reel 2 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18048. China Political (cont.). F 3/10/34 Political situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Fukien Province, including invasion by Kiangsi Soviet military forces and their advance toward Foochow. Includes Nationalist-Communist fighting and action in South Kiangsi between Communist forces and Cantonese troops. Also includes bandit activities in north Fukien; scheme for British evacuation of Foochow; and plans for evacuation of missionaries from Kweichow Province.

Page 18: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

FO Registry Number


Covers Fifth Plenary Session of Kuomintang at Nanking in November 1934. Includes central government personnel changes; Canton-Nanking relations; and other governmental and political issues. Also includes political situation in Kwangtung Province, particularly inauguration of Kwangtung Provincial Assembly and conference of southwestern military leaders.

Subject Descriptors: Fukien Province; Political conditions; Armed forces, China; Communists; Armed forces, China Communist; Missionaries; Canton; Kuomintang; China government; Kiangsi Province; Kwangtung Province; Kweichow Province; Military conflicts; Treaty ports; Crime and criminals; Government appointments. Registry: F 4898/3/10/34–F 7524/3/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34–20 Dec 34; Pages: 1–263. Last Paper: F 4845/3/10/34.

Volume 18049. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/34 Situation in Manchuria.

Abstract: Covers Japanese administration and policy in Manchukuo. Includes Japanese representation in government; consular police; South Manchurian Railway; Japanese immigration; reform of Japanese administration; and other administrative issues.

Also includes Japanese military activity in Manchuria, particularly troop movements; visits of officers; casualties; and appointments.

Covers economic conditions in Manchuria, including agriculture; commerce; foreign trade; railroads; communications; population and immigration; and bandit activities. Also includes conditions at Antung, particularly land leases; river frontage rights; pilotage; searching of British vessels; and other issues.

Encloses reports of tours of Manchuria by acting British consul at Dairen and British military attaché at Tokyo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Economic conditions; Japan; Agriculture; Foreign trade; Railroads; Communications; Population characteristics; Immigration and emigration; Crime and criminals; Kwantung Army; Treaty ports; Land ownership and rights; Rivers and waterways; Ships and shipping; Searches and seizures; Travel; Diplomatic and consular services; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Police. Registry: F 10/10/10/34–F 2454/10/10/34 Date: 1 Jan 34–1 May 34; Pages: 1–252. Last Paper: F 7757/47/10/33.

Volume 18050. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/34 Situation in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese administration and policy in Manchukuo. Includes agriculture; South Manchuria Railway; economic and industrial development; reorganization of local government; Japanese immigration; foreign relations; extraterritoriality; position of Emperor Pu-yi; Japanese influence in Inner Mongolia; Soviet-Japanese tensions; and other issues.

Includes Japanese military activity in Manchuria. Includes organization of Manchukuo army; strength and deployment of Japanese troops; bandit suppression operations; communications; and other military issues.

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Also includes local political and economic conditions at Hailar, Harbin, and Mukden; certificates of residence for foreigners in Manchukuo; banning of various Russian and Chinese newspapers; attacks on westerners by Japanese; and bandit attack on Standard Oil facility at Newchwang.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Japan; Kwantung Army; Armed forces, Manchukuo; Railroads; Agriculture; Economic conditions; Political conditions; Economic and industrial development; Immigration and emigration; Foreign relations; Extraterritoriality; Business and industry; Crime and criminals; Communications; Harbin; Mukden; Treaty ports; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Mongolia; Soviet Union; Press; Petroleum and petroleum industry. Registry: F 2549/10/10/34–F 5228/10/10/34. Date: 4 May 34–13 Aug 34; Pages: 1–248. Last Paper: F 2454/10/10/34.

Reel 3 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18051. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/34 Situation in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese administration and policy in Manchukuo. Includes reform of “triple unit system” of administration and replacement by dual system of control; tensions between military and civilian authorities; Japanese colonization and business investment; and other issues.

Also covers Manchukuo foreign relations, including international status; negotiations between Manchukuo and Soviet Union on North Manchurian Railway; and tensions between Japan and Soviet Union.

Also covers provincial affairs, including provincial administration reorganization; Hsingan Province autonomy; economic and political conditions in Jehol Province and Mukden; and bandit attacks, particularly kidnapping of westerners and attack on foreign industrial installations at Newchwang.

Also covers Japanese military activity, including strength and deployment of forces and appointment of Gen. Inami as commander-in-chief of Kwantung Army and ambassador to Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Japan; Political conditions; Kwantung Army; Railroads; Soviet Union; Immigration and emigration; Business and industry; Mukden; Treaty ports; Economic and industrial development; Economic conditions; Foreign relations; Crime and criminals; Diplomatic and consular services; Foreign investments. Registry: F 5297/10/10/34–F 7297/10/10/34. Date: 28 Aug 34–10 Dec 34; Pages: 1–226. Last Paper: F 5228/10/10/34.

Volume 18052. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/34 Situation in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political and military situation in Manchuria. Includes anti-Japanese riots by Manchurian peasants; land policy of Manchukuo government; Japanese military appointments; and Japanese colonization in Manchukuo. Encloses British military attaché visit to Manchuria and report on Japanese armed forces.

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Also covers provincial affairs, including new provincial governments in Manchuria and reorganization of administration in Hsingan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Japan; Kwantung Army; Riots and disorders; Land ownership and rights; Immigration and emigration; Political conditions; Travel; Diplomatic and consular service, British. Registry: F 7316/10/10/34–F 7694/10/10/34. Date: 11–29 Dec 34; Pages: 1–92. Last Paper: F 7294/10/10/34.

F 11/10/34 Economic conditions in China. Abstract: Covers general economic conditions in China. Includes program of the

National Economic Council and economic conditions in north China. Subject Descriptors: Economic conditions; China government; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 11/11/10/34–F 7185/11/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 93–138. Last Paper: F 7935/7510/10/33.

F 13/10/34 Chinese railroads: loan defaults, reorganization, and construction. Abstract: Covers potential defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and

Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan of 1907; Nanking-Hunan Railway Loan; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling Bills Issue of 1918 (Marconi Loan); and Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan).

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Business and industry; Loans and grants; China government; Construction and repair; British policy. Registry: F 13/13/10/34–F 1380/13/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–12 Mar 34; Pages: 139–249. Last Paper: F 8030/83/10/33.

Volume 18053. China Political (cont.). F 13/10/34 Chinese railroads (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers potential defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Nanking-Hunan Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; Twenty-Third Year First Issue Railway Construction Loan; Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling Bills Issue of 1918 (Marconi Loan); Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan); and other railroad loans.

Also covers Chinese government and foreign schemes for reorganization of railways, including proposal for appointment of British railway expert to direct reorganization.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; British policy; China government; Construction and repair; Business and industry. Registry: F 1471/13/10/34–F 4123/13/10/34. Date: 14 Mar 34–9 Jul 34; Pages: 1–242. Last Paper: F 1380/13/10/34.

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Reel 4 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18054. China Political (cont.). F 13/10/34 Chinese railroads (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers potential defaults on railroad loans by government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan of 1907; Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Nanking-Hunan Loan of 1914; Pukow-Sinyang Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan); and proposed Twenty-Third Year (1934) Yu-P’ing Railway loans.

Also covers British and other foreign efforts to reorganize railways; appointment of British railway administrator for reorganization of railways; inspection tour by foreign railway administrators; and proposals for Anglo-German cooperation in Chinese railway construction.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; Business and industry; Germany; China government; British policy. Registry: F 4127/13/10/34–F 6102/13/10/34. Date: 9 July 34–12 Oct 34; Pages: 1–243. Last Paper: F 4123/13/10/34.

Volume 18055. China Political (cont.). F 13/10/34 Chinese railroads (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers potential defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Also covers British and other foreign efforts to reorganize Chinese railways. Includes appointment of British railway administrator; schemes for railway reform; China Imperial Gold Loan; and Honan 5% Loan of 1905.

Also covers negotiations for Sino-German loan to finance railway construction from Yushan to Nanchang and agreement for construction of railway between Chungking and Chengtu.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; British policy; Germany; Szechuan Province; Construction and repair. Registry: F 6209/13/10/34–F 7719/13/10/34. Date: 18 Oct 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 1–179. Last Paper: F 6102/13/10/34.

F 14/10/34 Situation in Sinkiang. Abstract: Covers complex political situation in Sinkiang, including Muslim

independence movement and rebellion of 1933–1934. (Movement was centered on grievances of Tungans, i.e., Chinese Muslims, and Turkic tribes against local Chinese administration.)

Includes Kashgar local politics; influence of Soviet Union; and concerns of India government regarding instability of region.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Economic conditions; Political conditions; Military conflicts; Revolts; Soviet Union; India government; Armed forces, China. Registry: F 14/14/10/34–F 688/14/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–5 Feb 34; Pages: 180–248. Last Paper: F 8031/466/10/33.

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Reel 5 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18056. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/34 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sinkiang Rebellion of 1933–1934 and complex political and military situation involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Includes fighting between Chinese provincial troops, Tungan forces, and Turkic tribesmen in multiple areas of Sinkiang and mission of Muslim government to Afghanistan to secure arms and ammunition.

Also includes Soviet influence in area and provision of military supplies and support for Chinese provincial troops.

Also covers attack on British consulate-general at Kashgar during armed conflict between Tungans and Turkic tribes. Includes subsequent schemes for reinforcement of consulate guard, provision for radio communications, and distribution of charitable contributions to Chinese residents of Sinkiang by British consul-general.

Also covers social and economic conditions, including currency situation and raids by irregulars and bandits in Sinkiang interior.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Armed forces, China; Communications; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Organizations and associations; Military conflicts; Soviet Union; Afghanistan; Military weapons; Money; Crime and criminals; Economic conditions; Social conditions. Registry: F 746/14/10/34–F 1894/14/10/34. Date: 7 Feb 34–5 Apr 34; Pages: 1–253. Last Paper: F 688/14/10/34.

Volume 18057. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/34 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sinkiang Rebellion of 1933–1934 and complex political and military situation involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Includes fighting between Chinese provincial troops, Tungan forces, and Turkic tribesmen in multiple areas of Sinkiang.

Also includes Soviet influence in area and provision of military supplies and support for Chinese provincial troops.

Includes British losses from attack on British consulate-general at Kashgar and other Muslim-Tungan fighting; neutrality of British subjects during Sinkiang disturbances; distribution of Chinese charitable funds by British consul-general; and provision for consulate radio communications.

Also covers social and economic conditions, including currency situation and raids by irregulars and bandits in Sinkiang interior, and administration of Chinese consulates in Soviet Union near Sinkiang border.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Armed forces, China; Communications; Diplomatic and consular services; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Organizations and associations; Military conflicts; Soviet Union; Money; Crime and criminals; Economic conditions; Social conditions. Registry: F 795/14/10/34–F 3626/14/10/34. Date: 5 Apr 34–15 Jun 34; Pages: 1–237. Last Paper: F 1894/14/10/34.

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Volume 18058. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/34 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sinkiang Rebellion of 1933–1934 and complex political and military situation involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Includes fighting between Chinese provincial troops, Tungan forces, and Turkic tribesmen in multiple areas of Sinkiang.

Also includes Soviet influence in area; provision of military supplies and support for Chinese provincial troops; and military preparations in Soviet Turkestan.

Also covers situation at Kashgar, including attack on British consulate-general; safety of British subjects; British losses arising from Sinkiang disturbances; radio communications for consulate-general; and death of consulate-general’s mail carrier.

Also covers social and economic conditions, including currency situation and raids by irregulars and bandits in Sinkiang interior.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Soviet Union; Great Britain; Armed forces, Soviet Union; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Deaths; Armed forces, China; Military conflicts; Communications; Money; Crime and criminals; Economic conditions; Social conditions. Registry: F 3680/14/10/34–F 5638/14/10/34. Date: 20 Jun 34–20 Sep 34; Pages: 1–234. Last Paper: F 3626/14/10/34.

Reel 6 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18059. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/34 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sinkiang Rebellion of 1933–1934 and complex political and military situation involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Includes fighting between Chinese provincial troops, Tungan forces, and Turkic tribesmen in multiple areas of Sinkiang.

Also covers strength of Soviet troops on Soviet Union–Sinkiang border; Soviet influence on area; and Soviet support for Chinese provincial troops. Includes raids by Russian Kirghiz tribesmen into Sinkiang Kirghiz.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from Sinkiang disturbances, proposals for creation of consular post at Urumchi, and attack on British consulate-general at Kashgar.

Also covers social and economic conditions, including currency situation and raids by irregulars and bandits in Sinkiang interior.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Soviet Union; Great Britain; China government; Armed forces, Soviet Union; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Deaths; Claims; Armed forces, China; Military conflicts; Money; Crime and criminals; Economic conditions; Social conditions. Registry: F 5645/14/10/34–F 7583/14/10/34. Date: 20 Sep 34–2 Dec 34; Pages: 1–180. Last Paper: F 5638/14/10/34.

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F 15/10/34 Export of arms to China. Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries.

Includes British government debate on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system prohibiting arms and aircraft exports to Chinese provinces without endorsement of central Chinese government.

Includes shipment of arms to China via Hong Kong and various applications for export licenses from British arms manufacturers.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; China government; Regulations and ordinances; British policy; Hong Kong; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Business and industry. Registry: F 15/15/10/34–F 1374/15/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–12 Mar 34; Pages: 181–249. Last Paper: F 7984/160/10/33.

Volume 18060. China Political (cont.). F 15/10/34 Export of arms to China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries. Includes British government debate on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system.

Includes various British contracts for supply of arms to Chinese southwestern provinces; shipment of arms to China via Hong Kong; importation of arms and aircraft into China for demonstration purposes; analysis of Japanese arms industry; and U.S. policy on arms exports to China.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; China government; Regulations and ordinances; British policy; Hong Kong; Aircraft and aircraft industry; U.S. policy; Japan; Business and industry. Registry: F 1376/15/10/34–F 4948/15/10/34. Date: 12 Mar 34–11 Aug 34; Pages: 1–230. Last Paper: F 1374/15/10/34.

Volume 18061. China Political (cont.). F 15/10/34 Export of arms to China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries. Includes British government debate on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system.

Includes methods used by foreign arms dealers in China; licensing requirement for export of unarmed aircraft to China; transit of arms through Hong Kong to China; and export of cartridges to China for Shanghai Municipal Police.

Also covers export of arms from France to China; purchase of war material by Kwangtung government; importation of Japanese munitions into South China; supply of Japanese aircraft to Kwangsi government; and armament of cruiser Pinghai constructed in Shanghai for Chinese government.

Includes policy of Belgian, Czech, Danish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Swedish, and U.S. governments on arms exports to China.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, China; Military weapons; Foreign trade; Naval forces, China; Shanghai International Settlement; Police; France; Japan; China government; Regulations and ordinances; Kwangsi Province; Kwangtung Province; Hong Kong; Aircraft and aircraft industry; British policy; Sweden; U.S. policy; Czechoslovakia; Belgium; Poland; Denmark; Italy. Registry: F 4952/15/10/34–F 7636/15/10/34. Date: 11 Aug 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–217. Last Paper: F 4948/15/10/34.

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Reel 7 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18062. China Political (cont.). F 18/10/34 Manchukuo trademark law.

Abstract: Covers Manchukuo law on registration and enforcement of trademarks. Includes monthly reports from British consular officers on number and nationality of trademark applications.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Trademarks; Economic conditions; Regulations and ordinances; Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 18/18/10/34–F 7668/18/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–14 Dec 34; Pages: 1–57. Last Paper: F 7164/277/10/33.

F 20/10/34 Liao River Conservancy Board. Abstract: Covers dissolution of board and assumption of Liao River conservancy

work by Manchukuo government. Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Manchukuo; Harbors and ports;

Organizations and associations. Registry: F 20/20/10/34–F 5884/20/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34–2 Oct 34; Pages: 58–127. Last Paper: F 7956/7408/10/33.

F 30/10/34 Japanese penetration into Mongolia. Abstract: Covers Japanese railway development in Manchukuo and prospects for

Japanese expansion into Mongolia. Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Manchukuo; Mongolia; Japan.

Registry: F 30/30/10/34. Date: 1 Jan 34; Pages: 128–132. Last Paper: F 8014/7770/10/33.

F 35/10/34 Application by Oversea Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. for registration under China Order-in-Council of 1925. Abstract: Covers request by Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited for

British protection in China under China Order-in-Council of 1925. Subject Descriptors: Financial institutions; British policy; Regulations and

ordinances. Registry: F 35/35/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34; Pages: 133–139. Last Paper: F 2158/2158/10/33.

F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier. Abstract: Covers Burma Corporation Limited expedition to Panglong mines near

Northern Wa States–Yunnan border to determine location of silver-lead deposits. (Border area was never definitively demarcated and Chinese government refused to acknowledge British claim to territory near mines.)

Includes history of border question and Panglong mines. Also includes rumored Chinese troop movements along border.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Mines and mineral industries; Travel; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Maps. Registry: F 38/38/10/34–F 1032/38/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–23 Feb 34; Pages: 140–243. Last Paper: F 7816/7816/10/33.

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Volume 18063. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers activities of Burma Corporation Limited expedition to Panglong mines near Northern Wa States–Yunnan border, including road building; clearing; surveying; geological investigations; and encounters with local tribes. Includes Chinese press agitation against expedition; riots in Yunnan Province; and Chinese government protests.

Includes Chinese troop movements across Scott line (i.e., Yunnan-Burma border claimed by Great Britain) and Chinese instigation of tribes in Wa States against British expedition.

Also covers history of border issue, including maps of areas in question, and British government debate on border settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Mines and mineral industries; Travel; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Maps; Riots and disorders; China government; Press; Political conditions. Registry: F 1046/38/10/34–F 2301/38/10/34. Date: 24 Feb 34–24 Apr 34; Pages: 1–233. Last Paper: F 1032/38/10/34.

Volume 18064. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers activities of Burma Corporation Limited expedition to Panglong mines near Northern Wa States–Yunnan border, geological investigations and recall after finding no commercially exploitable deposits. Includes Chinese press agitation against expedition; riots in Yunnan Province; official Chinese government protests; and Chinese instigation of tribes in Wa States.

Includes Chinese troop movements across Scott line and Liu Chen line (i.e., borders claimed by Great Britain and China, respectively), threatening British outposts in Wa States, and British schemes for reinforcement of Wa States outposts.

Also covers British government debate on settlement of border. Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Mines and mineral

industries; Travel; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; Riots and disorders; China government; Press; Political conditions. Registry: F 2370/38/10/34–F 3430/38/10/34. Date: 27 Apr 34–8 Jun 34; Pages: 1–241. Last Paper: F 2301/38/10/34.

Reel 8 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18065. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border after Burma Corporation Limited expedition to Panglong mines. Includes Chinese troop movements across Scott line and Liu Chen line (i.e., borders claimed by Great Britain and China, respectively), threatening British outposts in Wa States, and Chinese instigation of tribes in Wa States.

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Also covers British government debate on settlement of border and proposals for Anglo-Chinese conference on issue.

Includes anti-British articles in Yunnan press and comments criticizing British policy by Chinese consul at Rangoon.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Diplomatic and consular services. Registry: F 3433/38/10/34–F 4375/38/10/34. Date: 9 Jun 34–20 Jul 34; Pages: 1–238. Last Paper: F 3430/38/10/34.

Volume 18066. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes Chinese bandit and troop movements on border and British operations in Wa States.

Also covers Anglo-Chinese preliminary negotiations on border delimitation; British preparations for Anglo-Chinese conference; Chinese mission of inspection to disputed area; and Yunnan government’s “Yellow Book” on border question.

Includes anti-British agitation in border area and anti-British comments made by Chinese consul at Rangoon.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Diplomatic and consular services; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 4411/38/10/34–F 5375/38/10/34. Date: 23 Jul 34–4 Sep 34; Pages: 1–248. Last Paper: F 4375/38/10/34.

Volume 18067. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes Chinese bandit and troop movements on border and British operations in Wa States.

Also covers British policy on Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit Burma-Yunnan frontier, recognition of acting Chinese consul at Rangoon by Burma government, and visit of Chang Chen (Kuomintang Executive Council member) to Burma.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Political conditions; Diplomatic and consular services; Conferences and conventions; Kuomintang; Travel; Crime and criminals; League of Nations. Registry: F 5384/8/10/34–F 6941/38/10/34. Date: 5 Sep 34–23 Nov 34; Pages: 1–243. Last Paper: F 5375/38/10/34.

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Reel 9 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18068. China Political (cont.). F 38/10/34 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes Chinese bandit and troop movements on border and British operations in Wa States. Also includes political situation in Yunnan Province and Yunnan press criticism of British policy.

Also covers British policy on Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit Burma-Yunnan frontier.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 6965/38/10/34–F 7727/38/10/34. Date: 24 Nov 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 1–174. Last Paper: F 6941/38/10/34.

F 39/10/34 Anhwei Provincial Government Loan. Abstract: Covers claim by M. Samuel & Company against Chinese government

for repayment of Anhwei Provincial Loan and Hankow Improvement Loan Advance of 1916.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Loans and grants; China government; Claims. Registry: F 39/39/10/34–F 6239/39/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 175–208. Last Paper: F 7271/85/10/33.

F 41/10/34 Postal service in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo postal service issues and international treatment of

Manchukuo postal administration. Includes China boycott of mail from Manchukuo; mail transit charges due to Manchukuo postal administration; and British treatment of postal orders from Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Postal service; Manchukuo; British policy; Soviet Union; Foreign relations; Great Britain; China government. Registry: F 41/41/10/34–F 686/41/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–5 Feb 34; Pages: 209–256. Last Paper: F 7833/721/10/33.

Volume 18069. China Political (cont.). F 41/10/34 Postal service in Manchukuo (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Manchukuo postal service issues and international treatment of Manchukuo postal administration. Includes China boycott of mail from Manchukuo; alternate arrangements for delivery of British mail to China; and mail transit charges due to Manchukuo postal administration. Includes League of Nations consideration of issue.

Also includes telephone service between Japan and Manchukuo; postal service between Manchukuo and Fiji; and British treatment of money orders from Manchukuo.

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Subject Descriptors: Postal service; Manchukuo; British policy; Soviet Union; Foreign relations; Great Britain; Colonies, British; Japan; Communications; China government; Treaty ports; League of Nations. Registry: F 687/41/10/34–F 7596/41/10/34. Date: 5 Feb 34–24 Dec 34; Pages: 1–234. Last Paper: F 686/41/10/34.

Reel 10 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18070. China Political (cont.). F 42/10/34 Boxer Indemnity.

Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government. Encloses report of Board of Trustees, January–June 1933.

Also covers use of funds to secure loans. Includes proposed loan for completion of Hankow-Canton Railway; interest payments on loans from Boxer Indemnity funds; and reappointment of four British members of Chinese Government Purchasing Commission.

Also covers use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London.

Subject Descriptors: Assets and liabilities; Loans and grants; Railroads; China government; Arts and culture; Organizations and associations; Education; Great Britain. Registry: F 42/42/10/34–F 1826/42/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–3 Apr 34; Pages: 1–302. Last Paper: F 8017/4/10/33.

Volume 18071. China Political (cont.). F 42/10/34 Boxer Indemnity (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government. Includes reappointment of four British members of Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and commission’s annual report for 1933.

Also covers use of funds to secure loans. Includes proposed Chinese Government 23rd Year 6% Sterling (Indemnity) Funding Loan of 1934 for completion of Hankow-Canton Railway and interest payments on loans from Boxer Indemnity funds. Includes purchase of timber from British colonies.

Also covers use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London. Encloses report of the committee’s executive council for 1933–1934.

Subject Descriptors: Boxer Rebellion; Loans and grants; Railroads; China government; Organizations and associations; Education; Arts and culture; Great Britain; Business and industry; Colonies, British. Registry: F 1874/42/10/34–F 4488/42/10/34. Date: 4 Apr 34–24 Jul 34; Pages: 1–219. Last Paper: F 1826/42/10/34.

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Reel 11 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18072. China Political (cont.). F 42/10/34 Boxer Indemnity (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government. Encloses report of Board of Trustees for July–December 1933.

Also covers use of funds to secure loans. Includes text of agreement of Chinese Government 23rd Year 6% Sterling (Indemnity) Funding Loan of 1934 for completion of Hankow-Canton Railway. Includes purchase of timber from British colonies.

Also covers use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London. Encloses report by Guy Wint, traveling student scholarship holder, on agricultural and industrial development in China.

Subject Descriptors: Boxer Rebellion; Loans and grants; Railroads; China government; Organizations and associations; Education; Arts and culture; Great Britain; Agriculture; Economic and industrial development; Contracts; Business and industry; Colonies, British. Registry: F 4491/42/10/34–F 6709/42/10/34. Date: 24 Jul 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 1–368. Last Paper: F 4488/42/10/34.

Volume 18073. China Political (cont.). F 42/10/34 Boxer Indemnity (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

Also covers use of funds to secure loans. Includes Chinese Government 23rd Year 6% Sterling (Indemnity) Funding Loan of 1934 for completion of Hankow-Canton Railway. Includes purchase of timber from British dominions.

Also covers use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London.

Subject Descriptors: Boxer Rebellion; Loans and grants; Railroads; China government; Organizations and associations; Education; Arts and culture; Great Britain; Business and industry. Registry: F 6821/42/10/34–F 7529/42/10/34. Date: 15 Nov 34–20 Dec 34; Pages: 1–66. Last Paper: F 6709/42/10/34.

F 45/10/34 Situation at Tengyueh. Abstract: Covers political situation at Tengyueh, near Burma–Yunnan Province

border. Includes Burma-Yunnan frontier meetings; Chinese political appointments on frontier; representation of Chinese communities in Bhamo and Myitkyina municipalities; and proposed closing of Sansi route across Burma-Yunnan frontier.

Also covers relations between British consulate at Tengyueh and Burma government and Tengyueh-Burma trade issues, including dispute between Tengyueh merchants and Chinese Maritime Customs.

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Subject Descriptors: Treaty ports; Yunnan Province; Burma; Roads; Borders and boundaries; Diplomatic and consular services, British; China government; Business and industry; Foreign trade; Political conditions; Municipal government. Registry: F 45/45/10/34–F 7660/45/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 67–172. Last Paper: F 7434/1300/10/33.

F 51/10/34 Activities of Russian fascists in China. Abstract: Covers kidnapping and murder of Simon Kaspe, French national, at

Harbin by Russian criminals. Also covers Jewish community at Harbin and Russian fascist anti-Jewish agitation there.

Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Deaths; Political conditions; Harbin; Social conditions. Registry: F 51/51/10/34–F 7280/51/10/34. Date: 2 Jan 34–8 Dec 34; Pages: 173–213. Last Paper: F 8025/6307/10/33.

Reel 12 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18074. China Political (cont.). F 59/10/34 Shipping in China.

Abstract: Covers new pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government that mandated Chinese assumption of control of all pilotage services at coastal and river ports. (Foreign pilots and their governments opposed regulations as violation of treaty rights, especially extraterritoriality. Major ports affected included Shanghai, Tientsin, and Hankow.)

Also covers shipping situation at Antung, including pilotage issues; Manchukuo Water Police interference with British-owned launch service; and closing of Yalu River Swing Bridge.

Also includes new regulations for control of towed vessels; proposed increase in tonnage dues; and proposed appointment by Hong Kong of marine surveyor at Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Hankow; Tientsin; Shanghai; Manchukuo; Police; Hong Kong; Rivers and waterways; Harbors and ports; Taxation; Bridges. Registry: F 59/59/10/34–F 2667/59/10/34. Date: 3 Jan 34–9 May 34; Pages: 1–255. Last Paper: F 7939/168/10/33.

Volume 18075. China Political (cont.). F 59/10/34 Shipping in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers new pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government as well as towage regulations requiring licensing of lighters for inland waters.

Also covers shipping situation at Antung, including application of pilotage regulations; closing of Yalu River Swing Bridge; limits of treaty port; and frontage rights.

Encloses annual statistics on navigation of Upper Yangtze for 1933.

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Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Hankow; Borders and boundaries; Shanghai; Rivers and waterways; Land ownership and rights; Bridges; Harbors and ports. Registry: F 2736/59/10/34–F 3661/59/10/34. Date: 11 May 34–18 Jun 34; Pages: 1–234. Last Paper: F 2667/59/10/34.

Volume 18076. China Political (cont.). F 59/10/34 Shipping in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers new pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government as well as other regulations, including licensing of lighters for inland waters; examination of foreign officers and engineers on Chinese vessels as condition of employment; and registration and licensing of wharf-boats.

Includes British shipping situation at Antung, including application of pilotage regulations and closing of Yalu River Swing Bridge. Also includes British wharves at Canton and Chinese demand for mooring of British shipping at new inland port of Tsaotaoshui.

Also includes Manchukuo tonnage dues; stamp tax on passenger steamer tickets; searching of British ship at Wuchow by Wuchow Tax Bureau; and other shipping issues.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Hankow; Shanghai; Canton; Rivers and waterways; Land ownership and rights; Bridges; Harbors and ports; Taxation; Manchukuo. Registry: F 3709/59/10/34–F 4669/59/10/34. Date: 19 Jun 34–31 Jul 34; Pages: 1–252. Last Paper: F 3661/59/10/34.

Reel 13 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18077. China Political (cont.). F 59/10/34 Shipping in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers new pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government; towage regulations requiring licensing of lighters for inland waters; and regulations on marking of ships plying Chinese waters.

Also covers British shipping situation at Antung, including application of pilotage regulations; frontage rights; and closing of Yalu River Swing Bridge. Also includes British shipping at Canton, including wharves and Chinese demand for mooring of shipping at new inland port of Tsaotaoshui.

Also includes Manchukuo tonnage dues; Chinese proposals for examination of passengers on British ships arriving at Swatow; berths for British ships at Tientsin; and pilotage situation at Amoy.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Hankow; Shanghai; Canton; Tientsin; Rivers and waterways; Land ownership and rights; Bridges; Harbors and ports; Taxation; Swatow; Manchukuo; Amoy. Registry: F 4717/59/10/34–F 6705/59/10/34. Date: 2 Aug 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 1–236. Last Paper: F 4669/10/10/34.

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Volume 18078. China Political (cont.). F 59/10/34 Shipping in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers new pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government; towage regulations requiring licensing of lighters for inland waters; and requirements for certificates of seaworthiness.

Also covers British shipping situation at Antung, including closing of Yalu River Swing Bridge. Includes opening of new Tsingtao dry dock and Chinese demand for mooring of British shipping at Canton at new inland port of Tsaotaoshui.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Hankow; Shanghai; Canton; Rivers and waterways; Bridges; Harbors and ports. Registry: F 6795/59/10/34–F 7730/59/10/34. Date: 14 Nov 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 1–108. Last Paper: F 6705/59/10/34.

F 68/10/34 Financial situation in China. Abstract: Covers financial situation in China, including Yunnan and Kwangsi

Provinces. Also covers activities of Jean Monnet in China and formation of China

Development Finance Corporation. Includes Chinese government ordinance on minting of standard silver unit in

China; foreign investments in China; central Chinese government prohibition of floating of foreign loans by provincial governments authorized by central government; and Second National Finance Conference at Nanking.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Yunnan Province; Kwangsi Province; Loans and grants; Business and industry; Foreign investments; Conferences and conventions; Money; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 68/68/10/34–F 5154/68/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–24 Aug 34; Pages: 109–248. Last Paper: F 7937/1429/10/33.

Volume 18079. China Political (cont.). F 68/10/34 Financial situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers financial situation in China and Chinese efforts to secure new international long-term loan raised in Great Britain or United States.

Includes Chinese government revenues; national budget for 1934–1935; and Chinese Government 5½% Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Completion Loan of 1934.

Also covers activities of Jean Monnet in reorganization of Chinese finances. Includes Chinese Development Finance Corporation relations with InterGroup bank consortium in Chinese railway finance.

Includes regulations on foreign exchange transactions and issuance of Chinese Savings Bank Law.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; China government; Railroads; Loans and grants; Business and industry; Foreign investments; Foreign exchange; Financial institutions; Government revenue; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 5181/68/10/34–F 7659/68/10/34. Date: 15 Aug 34–28 Nov 34; Pages: 1–230. Last Paper: F 5154/68/10/34.

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Reel 14 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18080. China Political (cont.). F 69/10/34 British consular political and intelligence reports.

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Ichang, Mukden, Nanking, Newchwang, Shanghai, Swatow, Tengyueh, Tientsin, Tsinan, Tsingtao, Weihaiwei, and Yunnanfu.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Shanghai; Swatow; Tientsin; Weihaiwei; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 69/69/10/34–F 2669/69/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–9 May 34; Pages: 1–226. Last Paper: F 7682/27/10/33.

Volume 18081. China Political (cont.). F 69/10/34 British consular political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Ichang, Mukden, Nanking, Newchwang, Shanghai, Swatow, Tengyueh, Tientsin, Tsinan, Tsingtao, Weihaiwei, and Yunnanfu.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Shanghai; Swatow; Tientsin; Weihaiwei; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 2670/69/10/34–F 3205/69/10/34. Date: 9–30 May 34; Pages: 1–283. Last Paper: F 2669/69/10/34.

Volume 18082. China Political (cont.). F 69/10/34 British consular political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Mukden, Nanking, Shanghai, Swatow, Tengyueh, Tientsin, Tsinan, Tsingtao, Weihaiwei, and Yunnanfu.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Shanghai; Swatow; Tientsin; Weihaiwei; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 3206/69/10/34–F 6065/69/10/34. Date: 30 May 34–11 Oct 34; Pages: 1–252. Last Paper: F 3205/69/10/34.

Reel 15 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18083. China Political (cont.). F 69/10/34 British consular political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Mukden, Nanking, Shanghai, Swatow, Tsingtao, Weihaiwei, and Yunnanfu.

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Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Shanghai; Swatow; Weihaiwei; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 6198/69/10/34–F 6590/69/10/34. Date: 18 Oct 34–5 Nov 34; Pages: 1–256. Last Paper: F 6065/69/10/34.

Volume 18084. China Political (cont.). F 69/10/34 British consular political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Canton, Changsha, Chungking, Hankow, Nanking, Tientsin, Tsingtao, and Weihaiwei.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Canton; Hankow; Shanghai; Tientsin; Weihaiwei. Registry: F 6755/69/10/34–F 7350/69/10/34. Date: 12 Nov 34–11 Dec 34; Pages: 1–259. Last Paper: F 6590/69/10/34.

Volume 18085. China Political (cont.). F 70/10/34 Travel of British subjects to Sinkiang.

Abstract: Covers arrangements for travel of British subjects to Sinkiang. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Sinkiang.

Registry: F 70/70/10/34–F 7646/70/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–52. Last Paper: F 7906/53/10/33.

F 71/10/34 British decorations for Japanese officers. Abstract: Covers gift of engraved gold watches and chains from British

government to Japanese captains Obata and Kawahito for their role in negotiating release of British subjects kidnapped by pirates.

Subject Descriptors: Awards, decorations, and medals; Armed forces, Japan. Registry: F 71/71/10/34–F 7611/71/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–27 Dec 34; Pages: 53–93. Last Paper: F 8002/2094/10/33.

F 73/10/34 Education in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese government policy. Includes influence of report of

League of Nations Educational Commission to China and Shantung delegation visit to Europe to study education methods. Also covers Chinese legislation on private schools and adult education schools.

Subject Descriptors: Education; China government; League of Nations; Shantung Province; Travel. Registry: F 73/73/10/34–F 7095/73/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–30 Nov 34; Pages: 94–166. Last Paper: F 2289/419/10/33.

F 74/10/34 Tobacco industry in China. Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company in China. Includes

company’s activities in Shantung Province and tax discrimination against company’s products in Shansi Province.

Also includes increase in Chinese cigarette taxes; Shantung Province official boycott of foreign cigarettes; and closing of British Cigarette Company, Limited, factory at Pootung due to labor disturbance.

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Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Boycotts; Taxation; Shansi Province; Shantung Province; Strikes; Shanghai. Registry: F 74/74/10/34–F 4672/74/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–31 Jul 34; Pages: 167–245. Last Paper: F 6592/4758/10/33.

Reel 16 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18086. China Political (cont.). F 74/10/34 Tobacco industry in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company in China. Includes taxes on company’s products; labor disturbances; institution of coupon lottery system in sale of company’s cigarettes; and incorporation of two subsidiaries (Yee Tsoong Tobacco Company and Yee Tsoong Distributors) to take over cigarette production and distribution in China.

Also includes strike at British Cigarette Company factory at Pootung and revision of Chinese consolidated taxes on cigarettes.

Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Taxation; Labor conditions; Strikes; Shanghai. Registry: F 4690/74/10/34–F 4699/74/10/34. Date: 31 Jul 34–29 Dec 34; Pages: 1–61. Last Paper: F 4672/74/10/34.

F 75/10/34 Taxation of businesses in China. Abstract: Covers taxation of foreign businesses in China. Includes alleged

discriminatory taxation of foreign petroleum products in Fukien and Kwangtung Provinces. (Kwangtung government remitted portion of tax to native petroleum producers but not to foreign companies.)

Also covers increase of duties on petroleum products at Shanghai and attempt by Kwangtung Province to impose business tax.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Fukien Province; Kwangtung Province; Business and industry; Shanghai. Registry: F 75/75/10/34–F 4407/75/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–21 Jul 34; Pages: 62–209. Last Paper: F 8016/1802/10/33.

Volume 18087. China Political (cont.). F 75/10/34 Taxation of businesses in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers taxation of foreign businesses in China. Includes alleged discriminatory taxation of foreign petroleum products in Fukien and Kwangtung Provinces and agreement between foreign petroleum companies and Kwangtung government to end government subsidy of native petroleum producers.

Also covers application of Kwangtung Province business tax to foreign firms. Includes implementation of central Chinese government business tax law and

British policy on liability of British subjects to Chinese taxes. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Kwangtung

Province; Business and industry; British policy; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 4541/75/10/34–F 7616/75/10/34. Date: 25 Jul 34–27 Dec 34; Pages: 1–239. Last Paper: F 4407/75/10/34.

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Volume 18088. China Political (cont.). F 79/10/34 Extra-settlement roads at Shanghai.

Abstract: Covers negotiations between Chinese Shanghai city government, Japanese authorities, and Shanghai Municipal Council on creation of special police force for control and administration of Shanghai Municipal Council roads outside the International Settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Shanghai International Settlement; Roads; Municipal government; Police. Registry: F 79/79/10/34–F 7441/79/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 1–111. Last Paper: F 7571/30/10/33.

F 80/10/34 Asiatic Petroleum Company operations at Newchwang. Abstract: Covers difficulty of Asiatic Petroleum Company in obtaining license

from Manchukuo authorities to operate candle manufacturing facility at Newchwang oil installation. Also covers protection of Newchwang installation staff from brigands.

Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Treaty ports; Manchukuo; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 80/80/10/34–F 7723/80/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 112–156. Last Paper: F 7219/6585/10/33.

F 81/10/34 “Blue Shirt” Movement. Abstract: Covers organization and activities of Blue Shirt movement at Tientsin

and Hankow. Subject Descriptors: Blue Shirt movement; Hankow; Tientsin; Political conditions.

Registry: F 81/81/10/34–F 679/81/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–2 Feb 34; Pages: 157–165. Last Paper: F 8012/6170/10/33.

F 82/10/34 Registration of trademarks in China. Abstract: Covers registration of trademarks in China and infringement of British

trademarks by Chinese firms. Includes activities of Chinese government Trademark Bureau in dealing with infringements; inclusion of right to oppose registration of trademarks in Chinese trademark law; and registration of trademarks at Canton.

Subject Descriptors: Trademarks; Business and industry; China government; Canton; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 82/82/10/34–F 7662/82/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 166–257. Last Paper: F 7999/540/10/33.

Reel 17 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18089. China Political (cont.). F 83/10/34 Radio communications between China and India.

Abstract: Covers proposed opening of direct radio communication between China and India.

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Subject Descriptors: Communications; India. Registry: F 83/83/10/34–F 1673/83/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–24 Mar 34; Pages: 1–10. Last Paper: N/A.

F 84/10/34 British claims against Chinese government. Abstract: Covers claims by British government, subjects, and firms against

Chinese government and quasi-governmental agencies for payment of losses due to looting, brigandage, civil war, Nanking incident of 1927, and other military activity. Also includes claims for loan arrears and other contractual obligations.

Includes British policy on British claims against Chinese government. Subject Descriptors: China government; Business and industry; British

government; British policy; Claims; Military conflicts; Crime and criminals; Loans and grants; Great Britain. Registry: F 84/84/10/34–F 6425/84/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–30 Oct 34; Pages: 11–233. Last Paper: F 8015/56/10/33.

Volume 18090. China Political (cont.). F 84/10/34 British claims against Chinese government (cont.).

Abstract: Covers claims by British government and subjects against Chinese government and quasi-governmental agencies for payment of losses due to looting, brigandage, civil war, Nanking incident of 1927, and other military activity.

Subject Descriptors: China government; British government; British policy; Claims; Military conflicts; Crime and criminals; Great Britain. Registry: F 6490/84/10/34–F 7463/84/10/34. Date: 1 Nov 34–18 Dec 34; Pages: 1–49. Last Paper: F 6425/84/10/34.

F 85/10/34 League of Nations technical assistance to China. Abstract: Covers League of Nations technical assistance to China. Includes

assistance in health administration; communications and transit (road building and river studies); Shanghai harbor development scheme; economic and financial affairs; educational matters; and reform of civil administration.

Also covers meetings of League of Nations Committee on Technical Co-operation with China; reports of league technical agent; and Japanese opposition to league technical assistance to China.

Subject Descriptors: League of Nations; China government; Communications; Roads; Rivers and waterways; Education; Economic and industrial development; Finance; Shanghai; Harbors and ports; Health facilities and services; Japan. Registry: F 85/85/10/34–F 3082/85/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–26 May 34; Pages: 50–241. Last Paper: F 6586/1842/10/33.

Volume 18091. China Political (cont.). F 85/10/34 League of Nations technical assistance to China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers League of Nations technical assistance to China. Includes assistance in health administration; communications and transit (road building and river studies); Shanghai harbor development scheme; economic and financial affairs; educational matters; and reform of civil administration.

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Also covers meetings of League of Nations Committee on Technical Co-operation with China and reports of league technical agent.

Subject Descriptors: League of Nations; China government; Communications; Roads; Rivers and waterways; Education; Economic and industrial development; Finance; Shanghai; Harbors and ports; Health services. Registry: F 3388/85/10/34–F 6394/85/10/34. Date: 6 Jun 34–29 Oct 34; Pages: 1–76. Last Paper: F 3082/85/10/34.

F 86/10/34 Communist activities in China. Abstract: Covers Communist activity in China and Communist-Nationalist military

conflicts. Includes establishment and organization of Kiangsi Soviet under Russian instruction; military organization of Communist and Nationalist armies during 5th Anti-Communist Campaign; political propaganda used by both sides; maps; and photographs.

Also includes Communist raids and Nationalist counterattacks in Anhwei, Fukien, and Szechuan Provinces, and extensive Communist military operations under Hsiao Ko in Hunan, Kwangsi, and Kweichow Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Social conditions; Education; Military conflicts; Armed forces, China Communist; Armed forces, China; Anhwei Province; Fukien Province; Hunan Province; Kiangsi Province; Kwangsi Province; Kweichow Province; Szechuan Province; Maps; Propaganda. Registry: F 86/86/10/34–F 7706/86/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 77–326. Last Paper: F 7859/309/10/33.

Reel 18 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18092. China Political (cont.). F 88/10/34 Situation at Weihaiwei.

Abstract: Covers political conditions and Chinese administration at Weihaiwei, including replacement of Chinese high commissioner.

Also covers financial conditions; registration of land owned by British subjects; landing of British seamen at Liukungtao for drill and rifle practice; and establishment of branch office of Chinese Seamen’s Union.

Subject Descriptors: Weihaiwei; Political conditions; Finance; Land ownership and rights; Naval forces, British; Labor unions; Municipal government. Registry: F 88/88/10/34–F 2603/88/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–7 May 34; Pages: 1–52. Last Paper: F 7619/538/10/33.

F 90/10/34 British claims arising from Shanghai and Manchurian “incidents” in 1932. Abstract: Covers claims by British firms and subjects against Chinese, Japanese,

and Manchukuo governments for losses suffered during Sino-Japanese hostilities in Shanghai and Manchuria in 1932.

Also covers arrangements for Japanese ex gratia payments in return for dropping of claims.

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Subject Descriptors: Claims; China government; Japan; Manchukuo; Military conflicts; Business and industry; Shanghai. Registry: F 90/90/10/34–F 7432/90/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 53–199. Last Paper: F 7783/226/10/33.

F 92/10/34 Kailan Mining Administration affairs. Abstract: Covers negotiations between Chinese Engineering and Mining

Company and Lanchow Mining Company—companies comprising Kailan Mining Administration—and Chinese government on status of administration, boundary of mine area, and taxation of mine land and products. Includes breakdown of negotiations and separate agreement between Lanchow Mining Company and Chinese government.

Also covers strikes at Chinese Engineering and Mining Company mines in Hopei Province allegedly supported by Japanese authorities. Also includes British efforts to protect plants and employees.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Taxation; Strikes; China government; Contracts; Borders and boundaries; Hopei Province. Registry: F 92/92/10/34–F 1818/92/10/34. Date: 4 Jan 34–3 Apr 34; Pages: 200–245. Last Paper: F 7940/919/10/33.

Volume 18093. China Political (cont.). F 92/10/34 Kailan Mining Administration affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers negotiations by Chinese Engineering and Mining Company with Lanchow Mining Company and Chinese government on corporate status of administration, boundary of mine area, and taxation of mine land and products.

Also covers strikes at Chinese Engineering and Mining Company mines in Hopei Province allegedly supported by Japanese authorities. Also includes British efforts to protect plants and employees and Belgian efforts to protect interests in area.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Taxation; Strikes; China government; Borders and boundaries; Japan; Hopei Province; Belgium; Business and industry. Registry: F 1819/92/10/34–F 4649/92/10/34. Date: 3 Apr 34–31 Jul 34; Pages: 1–211. Last Paper: F 1818/92/10/34.

Volume 18094. China Political (cont.). F 92/10/34 Kailan Mining Administration affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers agreement between Chinese Engineering and Mining Company and Lanchow Mining Company on management of Kailan Mining Administration.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Hopei Province; Contracts. Registry: F 5253/92/10/34–F 6715/92/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 1–71. Last Paper: F 4649/92/10/34.

F 101/10/34 Chinese tariff revision. Abstract: Covers proposed revision of Chinese import tariffs. Includes potential

impact of tariffs on agricultural imports from Canada, New Zealand, and Australia and British textile, iron, steel, and machinery imports.

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Also covers Chinese regulations on marking of imports with country of manufacture; adoption of metric system by Chinese Maritime Customs Service; and Chinese tariff on grain imports from Manchuria.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Foreign trade; Agriculture; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; Manchukuo; Great Britain; Textile industry and fabrics; Iron and steel industry; Weights and measures; China government; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 101/101/10/34–F 2308/101/10/34. Date: 5 Jan 34–25 Apr 34; Pages: 72–257. Last Paper: F 7800/62/10/33.

Reel 19 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18095. China Political (cont.). F 101/10/34 Chinese tariff revision (cont.).

Abstract: Covers revision of Chinese import tariffs. Includes potential impact of tariffs on agricultural imports from Canada, New Zealand, and Australia and British textile, iron, steel, and machinery imports. Encloses text of revised Chinese import and export tariffs.

Also covers Chinese regulations on marking of imports with country of manufacture; registration of merchant firms and customs brokers with Chinese Maritime Customs Service; adoption of metric system by Chinese Maritime Customs Service; delay in clearance of goods through customs; and import duty on rice in Fukien Province.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Foreign trade; Agriculture; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; Great Britain; Textile industry and fabrics; Iron and steel industry; Weights and measures; China government; Fukien Province; Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 2422/101/10/34–F 6227/101/10/34. Date: 30 Apr 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 1–244. Last Paper: F 2308/101/10/34.

Volume 18096. China Political (cont.). F 103/10/34 Establishment of monarchy in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers creation of monarchy in Manchukuo, with Henry Pu-yi acceding as emperor. Also covers revision of Manchukuo constitution; Japanese ambitions in Mongolia; and Japanese pressure on northern China.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Political conditions; Mongolia; Japan; Chahar Province; Hopei Province. Registry: F 103/103/10/34–F 5685/103/10/34. Date: 5 Jan 34–21 Sep 34; Pages: 1–173. Last Paper: F 6163/337/10/33.

F 107/10/34 Sino-Japanese relations. Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also

covers Anglo-Japanese relations and British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

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Includes effect of Chinese customs tariff on Japanese trade; Japanese military maneuvers at Peking and Tientsin; and Sino-Japanese negotiations on restoration of postal service and railway traffic between Manchukuo and China.

Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; British government; Foreign relations; British policy; Peking; Tientsin; Armed forces, Japan; Foreign trade; Taxation; Railroads; Postal service; Manchukuo. Registry: F 107/107/10/34–F 2193/107/10/34. Date: 5 Jan 34–19 Apr 34; Pages: 174–234. Last Paper: F 7881/33/10/33.

Reel 20 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18097. China Political (cont.). F 107/10/34 Sino-Japanese relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also covers Anglo-Japanese relations and British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

Includes Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “April 17 Declaration” stating Japanese opposition to all foreign technical, financial, and military assistance to China except its own. Also includes British, Chinese, and U.S. political reaction to statement as well as British and U.S. press commentary.

Also covers construction of Japanese barracks at Tientsin; Japanese military maneuvers in Hopei Province; and Japanese intelligence activities in North China.

Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; British government; Foreign relations; British policy; U.S. policy; United States; Hopei Province; Tientsin; Construction and repair; Armed forces, Japan; Press; Intelligence services. Registry: F 2204/107/10/34–F 2696/107/10/34. Date: 19 Apr 34–10 May 34; Pages: 1–228. Last Paper: F 2193/107/10/34.

Volume 18098. China Political (cont.). F 107/10/34 Sino-Japanese relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also covers Anglo-Japanese relations and British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

Includes Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “April 17 Declaration.” Also includes British, Chinese, and U.S. political reaction to statement as well as British, U.S., and Soviet press commentary.

Includes alleged Japanese military preparations in Shantung Province; Sino-Japanese negotiations on postal service and railway traffic between Manchukuo and China; Jean Monnet’s activities in China establishing Chinese Financial Development Corporation; and Nine-Power Treaty of 1922.

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Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; British government; Foreign relations; British policy; U.S. policy; United States; Armed forces, Japan; Press; Shantung Province; Soviet Union; Business and industry; Treaties and agreements; Postal service; Railroads; Manchukuo. Registry: F 2699/107/10/34–F 3503/107/10/34. Date: 10 May 34–12 Jun 34; Pages: 1–241. Last Paper: F 2696/107/10/34.

Reel 21 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18099. China Political (cont.). F 107/10/34 Sino-Japanese relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also covers Anglo-Japanese relations and British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

Includes Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “April 17 Declaration.” Also includes Chinese political reaction to statement and Japanese press commentary.

Includes Sino-Japanese negotiations on postal service and agreement on railway traffic between Manchukuo and China; disappearance of Japanese vice-consul at Nanking; Japanese prohibition of training of foreign troops east of Great Wall at Shanhaikuan; conference of Japanese Consular Corps of South China; status of Great Wall as Sino-Manchurian border; and murder of Japanese and Koreans in demilitarized Luantung area.

Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; British government; Foreign relations; British policy; Press; Treaties and agreements; Postal service; Railroads; Armed forces, foreign; Conferences and conventions; Diplomatic and consular services; Borders and boundaries; Crime and criminals; Deaths; Hopei Province; Manchukuo. Registry: F 3508/107/10/34–F 7002/107/10/34. Date: 12 Jun 34–26 Nov 34; Pages: 1–229. Last Paper: F 3503/107/10/34.

Volume 18100. China Political (cont.). F 109/10/34 Gold mining in Manchuria.

Abstract: Covers mining and prospecting of gold in Manchuria. Includes creation of state-run Manchuria Gold Mining Company; proposed mining by Selection Trust in northern Manchuria; proposed Manchukuo mining law; and British claim to mining concession in Hsingan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Manchukuo; Claims; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 109/109/10/34–F 5447/109/10/34. Date: 5 Jan 34–11 Sep 34; Pages: 1–45. Last Paper: F 7841/1302/10/33.

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F 117/10/34 Revision of Anglo-Chinese commercial treaty. Abstract: Covers Chinese request for new commercial equality and reciprocity

treaties with Great Britain to replace Sino-British Commercial Treaty of 1902 (a.k.a. Mackay Treaty) and Tientsin Treaty of 1858. Also covers British policy, including assessments of British trade with China; British claims against Chinese government; and proposed Sino-British discussion of extraterritoriality.

Also covers Chinese request for revision of Sino–U.S. Commercial Treaty of 1903 and U.S. policy.

Also includes impact of Indian tariff on Chinese silk exports. Subject Descriptors: Treaties and agreements; Foreign trade; Extraterritoriality;

British policy; China government; Claims; India; Taxation; U.S. policy; Textile industry and fabrics. Registry: F 117/117/10/34–F 2858/117/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–16 May 34; Pages: 46–221. Last Paper: F 4599/3784/10/31.

Volume 18101. China Political (cont.). F 117/10/34 Revision of Anglo-Chinese commercial treaty (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Chinese request for new commercial equality and reciprocity treaties with Great Britain to replace Sino-British Commercial Treaty of 1902 (a.k.a. Mackay Treaty) and Tientsin Treaty of 1858. Also covers relevant British policy, including assessments of British trade with China; British claims against Chinese government; and proposed Sino-British discussion of extraterritoriality.

Also covers Chinese request for revision of Sino–U.S. Commercial Treaty of 1903 and U.S. policy.

Also includes impact of Indian tariff on Chinese silk exports; quota system imposition on Chinese imports into British colonies; Szechuan Province industrial mission to Germany and England; and proposed Sino-British cooperation in development of Kwangsi Province.

Subject Descriptors: Treaties and agreements; Foreign trade; China government; Extraterritoriality; China government; British policy; Claims; India; Taxation; U.S. policy; Textile industry and fabrics; Travel; Szechuan Province; Business and industry; Kwangsi Province; Economic and industrial development; Colonies, British; Germany; Great Britain. Registry: F 2868/117/10/34–F 6963/117/10/34. Date: 16 May 34–24 Nov 34; Pages: 1–251. Last Paper: F 2858/117/10/34.

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Reel 22 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18102. China Political (cont.). F 117/10/34 Revision of Anglo-Chinese commercial treaty (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Chinese request for new commercial equality and reciprocity treaties with Great Britain to replace Sino-British Commercial Treaty of 1902 (a.k.a. Mackay Treaty) and Tientsin Treaty of 1858. Also covers relevant British policy, including assessments of British trade with China and discrimination against foreign firms embodied in Chinese Law for Encouragement of Industrial Enterprises.

Subject Descriptors: Treaties and agreements; Foreign trade; British policy; Regulations and ordinances; Business and industry; China government. Registry: F 6975/117/10/34–F 7372/117/10/34. Date: 26 Nov 34–12 Dec 34; Pages: 1–72. Last Paper: F 6963/117/10/34.

F 124/10/34 Shanghai and Hong Kong police forces. Abstract: Covers requests for information on employment with Shanghai and

Hong Kong police forces. Subject Descriptors: Police; Shanghai International Settlement; Hong Kong;

Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 124/124/10/34–F 7407/124/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–14 Dec 34; Pages: 73–82. Last Paper: F 6701/103/10/33.

F 126/10/34 International recognition of Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers international recognition of Manchukuo, including British and

U.S. policy of nonrecognition and acceptance of League of Nations Advisory Committee recommendations.

Includes Chinese political opinion on recognition debate; proposed visit of Emperor Pu-yi to Japan; and rumored invitation to Soviet Union to join League of Nations committee on Sino-Japanese conflict.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; British policy; U.S. policy; League of Nations; Travel; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Soviet Union; China government; Foreign relations; Japan. Registry: F 126/126/10/34–F 1875/126/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–4 Apr 34; Pages: 83–238. Last Paper: F 7881/33/10/33.

Volume 18103. China Political (cont.). F 126/10/34 International recognition of Manchukuo (cont.).

Abstract: Covers international recognition of Manchukuo, including British and U.S. policy of nonrecognition and acceptance of League of Nations Advisory Committee recommendations.

Includes Chinese political opinion on recognition debate; proposed visit of Emperor Pu-yi to Japan; status of Catholic missions in Manchukuo; and recognition of Manchukuo by El Salvador.

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Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; British policy; U.S. policy; League of Nations; Travel; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Missionaries; China government; El Salvador; Foreign relations. Registry: F 1910/126/10/34–F 7365/126/10/34. Date: 6 Apr 34–12 Dec 34; Pages: 1–203. Last Paper: F 1875/33/10/34.

F 127/10/34 Appointment of Sir W. Meyrick Hewlett as adviser to Chinese government. Abstract: Covers proposed appointment of Sir W. Meyrick Hewlett, British consul-

general at Hankow, as adviser to Chinese minister of finance. Subject Descriptors: China government; Diplomatic and consular services,

British; Government appointments. Registry: F 127/127/10/34–F 4018/127/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–3 Jul 34; Pages: 204–224. Last Paper: F 7803/6565/10/33.

Volume 18104. China Political (cont.). F 135/10/34 Land leased to foreign missionaries in China.

Abstract: Covers leases of land to foreign missionaries in China. Includes U.S.–British-Chinese negotiations on status of Kuling Estate in Kiangsi Province; Anglo-Chinese negotiations on status of land of Anglo-Chinese College at Swatow; and protection of British missionaries returning to interior of Fukien and Kweichow Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Education; Swatow; Missionaries; Fukien Province; Kiangsi Province; Kweichow Province. Registry: F 135/135/10/34–F 7194/135/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 1–113. Last Paper: F 8006/701/10/33.

F 137/10/34 Situation in Tibet. Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet following death of Dalai Lama.

Includes appointment of Lama Reting Hutuktu as regent; Tibetan factional intrigue; activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China; and report on visit to Lhasa by British political officer in Sikkim.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations, including proposed Chinese mission to Tibet; proposed construction of radio station at Lhasa by Chinese government; and India government policy on Tibet.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; Travel; Foreign relations; Communications; India government. Registry: F 137/137/10/34–F 1325/137/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–9 Mar 34; Pages: 114–245. Last Paper: F 7986/16/10/33.

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Reel 23 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18105. China Political (cont.). F 137/10/34 Situation in Tibet (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet following death of Dalai Lama. Includes appointment of Lama Reting Hutuktu as regent (with authority over religious matters) and appointment of Ssu-lun and K’o-hsia as political and military authorities; Tibetan factional intrigue; activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China; and rumored revolt in eastern Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations, including activities of Chinese mission to Tibet and proposed construction of radio station at Lhasa by Chinese government.

Also covers extraterritorial jurisdiction of British trade agents in Tibet; Turkish press comment on alleged British intrigue in Tibet; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; Travel; Foreign relations; Communications; Revolts; Press; Turkey; Extraterritoriality; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Great Britain. Registry: F 1334/137/10/34–F 3754/137/10/34. Date: 9 Mar 34–21 Jun 34; Pages: 1–234. Last Paper: F 1325/137/10/34.

Volume 18106. China Political (cont.). F 137/10/34 Situation in Tibet (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet following death of Dalai Lama. Includes Tibetan factional intrigue; activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China and proposed return to Tibet; and rumored revolt in eastern Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations, including activities of Chinese mission to Tibet; Sino-Tibetan agreement on withdrawal of troops from Tibet border; U.S. press opinion; proposed construction of radio station at Lhasa by Chinese government; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; Travel; Foreign relations; Revolts; Communications; Press; United States; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, Tibet; Borders and boundaries; Treaties and agreements; Great Britain. Registry: F 3791/137/10/34–F 5927/137/10/34. Date: 22 Jun 34–4 Oct 34; Pages: 1–232. Last Paper: F 3754/137/10/34.

Reel 24 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18107. China Political (cont.). F 137/10/34 Situation in Tibet (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet following death of Dalai Lama. Includes Tibetan factional intrigue; activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China and proposed return to Tibet; and rumored revolt in eastern Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations, including activities of Chinese mission to Tibet.

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Includes Tibet-Sikkim frontier issues; Bhutan-China relations; and impact of Sino-Tibetan relations on Nepal.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; Travel; Revolts; Foreign relations; Sikkim; Bhutan; Nepal; Borders and boundaries. Registry: F 5929/137/10/34–F 7688/137/10/34. Date: 4 Oct 34–29 Dec 34; Pages: 1–165. Last Paper: F 5927/137/10/34.

F 140/10/34 Railroads in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers railway issues in Manchuria, including Japanese policy on

railroad construction in Manchukuo. Includes opening of Lafa-Harbin Railway; Hsinking-Tumen Railway (southern branch of Tunghua-Tumen Railway); Chaoyang-Lingyuan section of Peipiao-Chengte Railway; and other railroad construction.

Also covers affairs of South Manchuria Railway Company, including annual report for fiscal year 1932–1933; proposed reorganization under control of Kwantung Army; and award of contracts by Manchukuo government for construction of railways.

Includes Soviet press comment on Japanese rail construction plans in Manchuria.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Japan; Press; Soviet Union; Kwantung Army; Manchukuo; Construction and repair. Registry: F 140/140/10/34–F 2745/140/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–11 May 34; Pages: 166–229. Last Paper: F 7840/43/10/33.

Volume 18108. China Political (cont.). F 140/10/34 Railroads in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers railway issues in Manchuria, including Japanese policy on railroad construction in Manchukuo. Includes opening of Lafa-Harbin Railway and Peianchen-Heiho extension of Hu-hai Railway. Also includes construction of Tumen-Ningpei Railway and Peipiao-Chaoyang Railway.

Also covers affairs of South Manchuria Railway Company, including business report for fiscal year 1933–1934; proposed reorganization under control of Kwantung Army; appointment of new directors; and award of contracts by Manchukuo government for construction of railways.

Includes organization and activities of Manchukuo General Direction [sic] of State Railways, created by Southern Manchuria Railway Company to manage transportation systems under contract with Manchukuo government.

Encloses transportation map of Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Transportation; Japan; Kwantung Army;

Manchukuo; Maps; Construction and repair. Registry: F 3051/140/10/34–F 7721/140/10/34. Date: 25 May 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 1–173. Last Paper: F 2745/140/10/34.

F 141/10/34 Peking-Mukden Railway. Abstract: Covers Peking-Mukden Railway issues, including Peking-Mukden

Railway Loan of 1898; Double Track Loan of 1921; and Chinese proposal for British-Chinese Corporation control of resumption of through-traffic.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; Business and industry. Registry: F 141/141/10/34–F 857/141/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–14 Feb 34; Pages: 174–196. Last Paper: F 8020/176/10/33.

F 142/10/34 Oil industry in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers discrimination against non-Japanese kerosene by Dairen

customs. (British and U.S. kerosene imports were subjected to higher duties than Japanese kerosene labeled as “light oil.”)

Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Foreign trade; Taxation; Manchukuo; Treaty ports. Registry: F 142/142/10/34–F 2220/142/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–20 Apr 34; Pages: 197–262. Last Paper: F 7924/4051/10/3[3].

Reel 25 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18109. China Political (cont.). F 142/10/34 Oil industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers proposed Manchukuo control of Manchurian oil industry through Manchuria Petroleum Company and plans for eventual state monopoly. Includes impact on British and other foreign petroleum interests and proposed British, Dutch, and U.S. retaliation by restricting supply of crude oil to Manchukuo and Japan.

Also covers discrimination against non-Japanese kerosene by Dairen customs. Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Foreign trade; Taxation;

Manchukuo; Treaty ports; British policy; U.S. policy; Netherlands; Japan. Registry: F 2476/142/10/34–F 5458/142/10/34. Date: 1 May 34–11 Sep 34; Pages: 1–223. Last Paper: F 2220/142/10/34.

Volume 18110. China Political (cont.). F 142/10/34 Oil industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers proposed Manchukuo control of Manchurian oil industry through Manchuria Petroleum Company and plans for eventual state monopoly. Includes impact on British and other foreign petroleum interests and proposed British, Dutch, and U.S. retaliation by restricting supply of crude oil to Manchukuo and Japan.

Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Foreign trade; Taxation; Manchukuo; British policy; U.S. policy; Netherlands; Japan. Registry: F 5463/142/10/34–F 6325/142/10/34. Date: 11 Sep 34–25 Oct 34; Pages: 1–65. Last Paper: F 5458/142/10/34.

F 145/10/34 Manchukuo financial situation. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo government finances, including revenues and

budgets for 1932–1935. Includes currency reform; circulation statistics; redemption of old bank notes by Central Bank of Manchukuo; and ¥10 Million First Manchurian Investment Enterprise Loan of 1934 from Tokyo banking syndicate to Manchukuo government for public works at Hsinking and Harbin.

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Also covers Manchukuo Banking Law and enforcement regulations. Includes compliance by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and other foreign banks.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Manchukuo; Financial institutions; Loans and grants; Japan; Money; Government revenue; Public works and utilities; Regulations and ordinances; Harbin. Registry: F 145/145/10/34–F 5093/145/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–20 Aug 34; Pages: 66–237. Last Paper: F 8029/279/10/33.

Reel 26 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18111. China Political (cont.). F 145/10/34 Manchukuo financial situation (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Manchukuo government finances, including revenues; foreign loans; annual budget for 1934–1935; balance statements of Central Bank; and financing of Harbin waterworks through ¥10 Million First Manchurian Investment Enterprise Loan of 1934.

Includes proposed establishment of British and Dominion Trade Bank and opening of branch in Manchuria.

Also covers Manchukuo Banking Law and enforcement regulations. Includes compliance by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and other foreign banks.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Manchukuo; Financial institutions; Loans and grants; Japan; Government revenue; Public works and utilities; Regulations and ordinances; Harbin. Registry: F 5098/145/10/34–F 7406/145/10/34. Date: 20 Aug 34–14 Dec 34; Pages: 1–[78a]. Last Paper: F 5093/145/10/34.

F 150/10/34 Situation in Inner Mongolia. Abstract: Covers political conditions and Soviet and Japanese policy in Inner

Mongolia. Includes alleged Soviet intrigues and influence in Inner Mongolia as well as Soviet press comment on Japanese designs in Inner Mongolia and Shansi Province.

Also covers Inner Mongolian autonomy movement; industrial resources in Hsingan Province; and capture of Japanese military party by Mongol troops on Hsingan–Outer Mongolia border.

Encloses reports by British military attaché at Peking on political conditions, Mongol army, and communications in Inner Mongolia.

Subject Descriptors: Mongolia; Political conditions; Japan; Soviet Union; Press; Shansi Province; Manchukuo; Borders and boundaries; Kwantung Army; Armed forces, Mongolia; Communications; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Economic and industrial development. Registry: F 150/150/10/34–F 7274/150/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–7 Dec 34; Pages: 79–221. Last Paper: F 7933/18/10/33; 8014/7770/10/33.

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Volume 18112. China Political (cont.). F 151/10/34 Chinese Eastern Railway.

Abstract: Covers Soviet-Japanese negotiations and agreement on sale of Chinese Eastern Railway to Manchukuo by Soviet Union. Includes alleged Japanese intentions to seize railway; Japanese arrests and intimidation of Soviet railway officials in Manchukuo; and alleged Japanese sabotage and complicity in bandit attacks in effort to depreciate value of railway. Also includes Soviet press opinion.

Includes railway’s annual financial figures for 1933 and claim of Russo-Asiatic Bank to ownership of railway.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Japan; Soviet Union; Manchukuo; Treaties and agreements; Arrests; Crime and criminals; Press; Financial institutions; Claims. Registry: F 151/151/10/34–F 7587/151/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34–22 Dec 34; Pages: 1–199. Last Paper: F 7959/2463/10/33.

F 152/10/34 Asiatic Petroleum Company’s installation at Sungsu. Abstract: Covers agreement between Asiatic Petroleum Company and Haiteng

District government on lease of land for company’s installation at Sungsu. Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Contracts; Fukien

Province; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 152/152/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34; Pages: 200–215. Last Paper: F 3018/93/10/33.

F 154/10/34 Asiatic Anti-War Congress at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers meeting of Asiatic Anti-War Congress delegates at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Shanghai.

Registry: F 154/154/10/34. Date: 8 Jan 34; Pages: 216–223. Last Paper: F 7404/6568/10/33.

Volume 18113. China Political (cont.). F 158/10/34 Chinese Maritime Customs Service.

Abstract: Covers Chinese Maritime Customs Service issues. Includes customs revenues for 1932–1933 and dispersal of funds in payment of loans and Boxer Indemnity.

Also covers customs situation in Fukien Province during Fukien Rebellion; employment of foreigners and Chinese by Customs Service; proposed appointment of Japanese official as chief secretary of customs; proposed auxiliary air division; and opening of customs offices at Great Wall.

Includes regulations governing entry and clearance of vessels and presentation of manifests; Customs Preventive Law on antismuggling efforts; bylaws governing maritime customs fines; and interference by Swatow customs with shipping outside three-mile limit.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Taxation; Loans and grants; Boxer Rebellion; Fukien Province; Employment and unemployment; Borders and boundaries; Regulations and ordinances; Ships and shipping; Smuggling; Swatow; Air forces, China; Government revenue. Registry: F 158/158/10/34–F 7661/158/10/34. Date: 9 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–220. Last Paper: F 7678/62/10/33.

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F 160/10/34 Construction of industrial plants in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers progress of construction of Manchuria Chemical Industry

Company factory at Kuanchingtzu and Showa Steel Works at Anshan. Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Construction and repair;

Iron and steel industry; Manchukuo. Registry: F 160/160/10/34–F 954/160/10/34. Date: 9 Jan 34–20 Feb 34; Pages: 221–235. Last Paper: F 6054/3203/10/33.

Reel 27 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18114. China Political (cont.). F 164/10/34 Business and industry in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers general business environment and foreign trade situation in Manchukuo, including foreign trade statistics for 1933.

Covers British business and industrial matters in Manchukuo, particularly relations of British American Tobacco Company and British petroleum and insurance concerns with Manchukuo authorities; alleged discrimination against British firms; and proposed Manchukuo state oil and tobacco monopolies.

Includes development of British trade with Manchukuo and proposed Federation of British Industries mission to study market.

Also covers German trade with Manchuria, including barter agreement negotiations between Japan, Manchukuo, and Germany.

Also includes interests of Nestlé’s Milk Company; affairs of Produce Export Company; and proposed Belgian investment in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Foreign trade; Manchukuo; Great Britain; Tobacco industry and products; Insurance; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Germany; Japan; Treaties and agreements; Belgium; Foreign investments. Registry: F 164/164/10/34–F 4835/164/10/34. Date: 9 Jan 34–8 Aug 34; Pages: 1–247. Last Paper: F 7886/445/10/33.

Volume 18115. China Political (cont.). F 164/10/34 Business and industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers general business environment and foreign trade situation in Manchukuo, including foreign trade statistics for 1934.

Covers British business and industrial matters in Manchukuo, particularly alleged discrimination against British firms and proposed Manchukuo state oil and tobacco monopolies.

Includes development of British trade with Manchukuo and Federation of British Industries mission to study markets in Manchukuo and Japan.

Also covers German trade with Manchukuo, including barter agreement negotiations between Japan, Manchukuo, and Germany.

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Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Foreign trade; Manchukuo; Great Britain; Tobacco industry and products; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Germany; Travel; Japan; Treaties and agreements; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 4840/164/10/34–F 6533/164/10/34. Date: 8 Aug 34–2 Nov 34; Pages: 1–243. Last Paper: F 4835/164/10/34.

Volume 18116. China Political (cont.). F 164/10/34 Business and industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers general business environment and foreign trade situation in Manchukuo.

Covers British business and industrial matters in Manchukuo, including affairs of British American Tobacco Company; proposed Manchukuo state tobacco monopoly; and Manchukuo law on control of manufacture of wine, cigarettes, and sugar.

Includes development of British trade with Manchukuo and Federation of British Industries mission to study markets in Manchukuo and Japan.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Foreign trade; Manchukuo; Great Britain; Tobacco industry and products; Japan; Beverages and beverage industry; Travel; Organizations and associations; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 6534/164/10/34–F 7590/164/10/34. Date: 2 Nov 34–24 Dec 34; Pages: 1–173. Last Paper: F 6533/164/10/34.

F 169/10/34 Currency stabilization loan for Kwangtung government. Abstract: Covers proposed loan secured on customs revenue to Kwangtung

government by Hong Kong banks and merchants for Canton currency stabilization.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Kwangtung Province; Money; Hong Kong; Financial institutions. Registry: F 169/169/10/34–F 4668/169/10/34. Date: 9 Jan 34–31 Jul 34; Pages: 174–219. Last Paper: F 7894/7633/10/33.

F 170/10/34 Replacement of Miles Lampson as British minister to China. Abstract: Covers replacement of Sir Miles Lampson by Sir Alexander Cadogan

as British minister to China. Includes proposed scheme for establishment of Nanking residence for British minister.

Also includes Sir Miles Lampson’s final tour and visits to Nanchang, Nanking, and Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Nanking; Travel; Shanghai. Registry: F 170/170/10/34–F 7592/170/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–24 Dec 34; Pages: 220–271. Last Paper: F 1904/306/10/33.

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Reel 28 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18117. China Political (cont.). F 181/10/34 Claim of E. Lenox-Simpson against Manchukuo government.

Abstract: Covers claim by E. Lenox-Simpson, British subject, against Manchukuo government for threatened arrest and deportation and closing of Harbin Herald, his English-Russian language newspaper, for anti-Manchukuo articles. (Manchukuo action was held by British government to be breach of extraterritoriality.)

Subject Descriptors: Claims; Manchukuo; Extraterritoriality; Searches and seizures; Press; Arrests; British government; Great Britain. Registry: F 181/181/10/34–F 7197/181/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 1–180. Last Paper: F 7737/1519/10/33.

F 183/10/34 Appreciation of services of Sir Frederick Maze. Abstract: Covers letter of appreciation of services of Sir Frederick Maze as

inspector-general of Chinese Maritime Customs Service. Subject Descriptors: China government; Communications.

Registry: F 183/183/10/34–F 3432/183/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–8 Jun 34; Pages: 181–191. Last Paper: none.

F 186/10/34 British naval affairs in China. Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy ship movements in Chinese waters; political

conditions in China; piracy; and shipping issues for September–November 1933. Includes Yangtze and West River situation reports and proceedings of commander-in-chief, China Station.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Piracy; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways. Registry: F 186/186/10/34–F 424/186/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–24 Jan 34; Pages: 192–240. Last Paper: F 7805/101/10/33.

Volume 18118. China Political (cont.). F 186/10/34 British naval affairs in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy ship movements in Chinese waters; political conditions in China, Siam, and the Philippines; piracy; and shipping and other maritime issues for September 1933–August 1934. Includes Weihaiwei, Yangtze, West River, and Hong Kong situation reports and proceedings of commander-in-chief, China Station.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Siam; Philippines; Piracy; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways; Weihaiwei; Hong Kong. Registry: F 808/186/10/34–F 7299/186/10/34. Date: 10 Feb 34–10 Dec 34; Pages: 1–253. Last Paper: F 424/186/10/34.

Volume 18119. China Political (cont.). F 190/10/34 Claim of Edward S. Little against Chinese government.

Abstract: Covers claim of Australian national Edward S. Little against Chinese government for land appropriated for construction of Hungjao Aerodrome.

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Subject Descriptors: Claims; China government; Searches and seizures; Australia; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 190/190/10/34–F 1251/190/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–6 Mar 34; Pages: 1–13. Last Paper: none.

F 191/10/34 Hong Kong–China Customs Agreement. Abstract: Covers proposed revival of Hong Kong–China customs agreement

negotiations. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Treaties and agreements; Taxation; China

government. Registry: F 191/191/10/34–F 7216/191/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–5 Dec 34; Pages: 14–58. Last Paper: F 3152/3152/10/32.

F 194/10/34 Plot to assassinate members of Lytton Commission. Abstract: Covers sentences imposed at Dairen on Korean nationals convicted of

attempting to assassinate members of Lytton Commission in spring 1932. Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; League of Nations; Treaty ports;

Courts; Korea. Registry: F 194/194/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34; Pages: 59–61. Last Paper: F 7715/33/10/33.

F 197/10/34 Road construction in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers progress of road construction in Manchukuo and proposed

British entry into Manchukuo automobile market. Subject Descriptors: Roads; Manchukuo; Business and industry.

Registry: F 197/197/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34; Pages: 62–66. Last Paper: F 3929/283/10/33.

F 202/10/34 Registration of companies in China. Abstract: Covers British registration and consular protection of firms in China

under China Order-in-Council of 1925, which reserved British consular protection for majority British-owned and British-directed firms. Also includes British policy and registration of British firms under Chinese law.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 202/202/10/34–F 7647/202/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 67–190. Last Paper: F 7929/3516/10/33.

F 203/10/34 Sino-Soviet non-aggression pact. Abstract: Covers status of proposed Sino-Soviet nonaggression pact. Subject Descriptors: Soviet Union; China government; Treaties and agreements;

Foreign relations. Registry: F 203/203/10/34. Date: 10 Jan 34; Pages: 191–192a. Last Paper: F 5592/512/10/33.

F 211/10/34 Diaries of British consul-general at Kashgar. Abstract: Covers diaries of events of British consul-general at Kashgar for

October 1933–September 1934. Includes general political conditions in western Sinkiang; Sinkiang Rebellion; foreign travelers; Soviet influence; White Russian refugees; and trade issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Travel; Soviet Union; Refugees; Foreign trade. Registry: F 211/211/10/34–F 7251/211/10/34. Date: 11 Jan 34–6 Dec 34; Pages: 193–234. Last Paper: F 7556/325/10/33.

Reel 29 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18120. China Political (cont.). F 212/10/34 Chinese affairs in British Malaya.

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for October 1933–January 1934.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; wages of Chinese laborers; activities of Chinese consuls; relief funds for China; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Wages and salaries; Diplomatic and consular services; Organizations and associations; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 212/212/10/34–F 1934/212/10/34. Date: 11 Jan 34–6 Apr 34; Pages: 1–274. Last Paper: F 7665/271/10/33.

Volume 18121. China Political (cont.). F 212/10/34 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for February–May 1934.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; wages of Chinese laborers; activities of Chinese consuls; relief funds for China; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Wages and salaries; Diplomatic and consular services; Organizations and associations; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 2062/212/10/34–F 4547/212/10/34. Date: 13 Apr 34–25 Jul 34; Pages: 1–279. Last Paper: F 1934/212/10/34.

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Volume 18122. China Political (cont.). F 212/10/34 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for June–August 1934.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; wages of Chinese laborers; activities of Chinese consuls; relief funds for China; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Wages and salaries; Diplomatic and consular services; Organizations and associations; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 5368/212/10/34–F 6558/212/10/34. Date: 4 Sep 34–5 Nov 34; Pages: 1–226. Last Paper: F 4547/212/10/34.

Reel 30 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18123. China Political (cont.). F 212/10/34 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for September 1934.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 6914/212/10/34–F 7462/212/10/34. Date: 21 Nov 34–18 Dec 34; Pages: 1–134. Last Paper: F 6558/212/10/34.

F 218/10/34 Aviation in China. Abstract: Covers commercial and military aviation in China, including British,

French, German, Italian, and U.S. competition for Chinese government aircraft contracts; foreign sales and demonstration of aircraft; and Chinese and foreign commercial air service.

Also covers Chinese air mission to United States, Great Britain, and Europe and duties of British air attaché in China.

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Subject Descriptors: Civil aviation; Aircraft and aircraft industry; United States; Great Britain; Italy; France; Germany; Travel; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Air forces, China. Registry: F 218/218/10/34–F 2189/218/10/34. Date: 12 Jan 34–19 Apr 34; Pages: 135–286. Last Paper: F 8032/90/10/33.

Volume 18124. China Political (cont.). F 218/10/34 Aviation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers commercial and military aviation in China, including British, French, German, Italian, and U.S. competition for Chinese government aircraft contracts; foreign sales and demonstration of aircraft; and Chinese and foreign commercial air service.

Also covers Kwangtung Air Force issues and Chinese air mission to United States, Great Britain, and Europe.

Subject Descriptors: Civil aviation; Aircraft and aircraft industry; United States; Great Britain; Italy; France; Germany; Travel; Air forces, China; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 2238/218/10/34–F 7664/218/10/34. Date: 21 Apr 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–250. Last Paper: F 2189/218/10/34.

Volume 18125. China Political (cont.). F 241/10/34 Journey through western China by British Buddhist travelers.

Abstract: Covers aborted journey by British Buddhists to Tibet via Kansu and Ninghsia Provinces and Sinkiang.

Subject Descriptors: Travel; Great Britain; Kansu Province; Ninghsia Province; Sinkiang. Registry: F 241/241/10/34–F 1275/241/10/34. Date: 12 Jan 34–7 Mar 34; Pages: 1–14. Last Paper: F 4819/4819/10/33.

F 253/10/34 Heads of foreign missions in China. Abstract: Covers annual review of heads of diplomatic missions in China for 1933

from British legation at Peking. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Periodic reports.

Registry: F 253/253/10/34–F 4512/253/10/34. Date: 13 Jan 34–24 Jul 34; Pages: 15–43. Last Paper: F 5812/1313/10/33.

F 269/10/34 Road construction in China. Abstract: Covers progress of road construction in China. Includes road

construction and conditions in Anhwei, Chinghai, Hunan, Hupei, Kansu, Kiangsi, Ninghsia, Shantung, and Yunnan Provinces.

Also includes appointment of U.S. road construction adviser to Chinese government and road construction fees at Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Roads; Construction and repair; Anhwei Province; Chinghai Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kansu Province; Kiangsi Province; Ninghsia Province; Shantung Province; Yunnan Province; Government appointments; Shanghai; Taxation. Registry: F 269/269/10/34–F 7497/269/10/34. Date: 15 Jan 34–19 Dec 34; Pages: 44–106. Last Paper: F 910/910/10/33.

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F 275/10/34 Piracy and antipiracy measures in China. Abstract: Covers British antipiracy measures in China. Includes reports on British

antipiracy naval patrols in Canton–Hong Kong area from the commodore at Hong Kong for October 1933–August 1934; proposed regulations on protection of British ships trading in China; and use of British military personnel as guards on commercial vessels.

Also includes Chinese antipiracy regulations, piracy of Norwegian S.S. Norwiken, and Anglo-Chinese cooperation in antipiracy measures.

Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Naval forces, British; Armed forces, British; Regulations and ordinances; Ships and shipping; Hong Kong; Canton; Norway. Registry: F 275/275/10/34–F 7179/275/10/34. Date: 15 Jan 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 107–265. Last Paper: F 7917/1394/10/33.

Reel 31 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18126. China Political (cont.). F 319/10/34 Radio and telegraph communications in China.

Abstract: Covers radio communications in China and between China and foreign countries, including Great Britain, India, and Singapore.

Also includes difficulties of Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Company and Great Northern Telegraph Company in China. Difficulties included Chinese censorship of telegrams between Hong Kong and foreign countries; change in control of north China cables; and disregard of companies’ routing instructions by Chinese and Manchukuo telegraph administrations.

Also covers radio communications in Inner Mongolia; northwest China radio network; Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company factory at Shanghai; and Chinese regulations on radio sets and radio use.

Subject Descriptors: Communications; Great Britain; India; Malaya; Business and industry; Censorship; Hong Kong; China government; Manchukuo; Mongolia; Shanghai; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 319/319/10/34–F 7658/319/10/34. Date: 17 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–192. Last Paper: F 7456/610/10/33.

F 323/10/34 Hunger strike by Communist organizers at Nanking. Abstract: Covers hunger strike by convicted Communist trade union organizers

imprisoned at Nanking. Subject Descriptors: Prisons and prisoners; Labor unions; Communism.

Registry: F 323/323/10/34. Date: 18 Jan 34; Pages: 193–194. Last Paper: F 8714/75/10/32.

F 372/10/34 Travel by Harbin-Siberia route. Abstract: Covers travel conditions via railroad on Harbin-Siberia route for British

travelers going to or from China.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Manchukuo; Soviet Union; Travel. Registry: F 372/372/10/34. Date: 22 Jan 34; Pages: 195–196. Last Paper: F 6725/1/10/32.

F 388/10/34 Attacks by Chinese bandits and Communists. Abstract: Covers crimes against British and U.S. nationals and missionaries by

Chinese bandits and Communists. Also covers claims against Chinese government for losses.

Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Communism; Great Britain; United States; Missionaries; Claims. Registry: F 388/388/10/34–F 2813/388/10/34. Date: 22 Jan 34–15 May 34; Pages: 197–251. Last Paper: F 8007/31/10/33.

Volume 18127. China Political (cont.). F 388/10/34 Attacks by Chinese bandits and Communists (cont.).

Abstract: Covers crimes against British and U.S. nationals and missionaries by Chinese bandits and Communists. Includes kidnapping of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province. Also covers claims against Chinese government for losses.

Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Communism; Great Britain; United States; Missionaries; Claims; Kweichow Province. Registry: F 3264/388/10/34–F 7686/388/10/34. Date: 1 Jun 34–29 Dec 34; Pages: 1–154. Last Paper: F 2813/388/10/34.

F 403/10/34 Affairs of Pekin Syndicate. Abstract: Covers affairs of Pekin Syndicate, Limited, in China, including

difficulties of Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration, an amalgamation of Pekin Syndicate and Chung Yuan Mining Company formed for exploitation of coal mines owned by both companies in Honan Province. (Dissolution was proposed due to local mismanagement, high debt, and losses from surplus output, railway freight rates, and illegal Chinese competition.)

Encloses texts of amalgamation agreement; regulations governing organization of mining administration; and loan agreement between mining administration and Anglo-Chinese Finance and Trade Corporation.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Mines and mineral industries; Honan Province; Railroads; Contracts; Loans and grants; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 403/403/10/34–F 2517/403/10/34. Date: 23 Jan 34–3 May 34; Pages: 155–242. Last Paper: F 7260/111/10/33.

Volume 18128. China Political (cont.). F 403/10/34 Affairs of Pekin Syndicate (cont.).

Abstract: Covers affairs of Pekin Syndicate in China, including difficulties of Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration in Honan Province. Includes Pekin Syndicate proposals for reform of management and attempts to raise loans for short-term operation of mines.

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Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Mines and mineral industries; Honan Province; Loans and grants. Registry: F 3185/403/10/34–F 6809/403/10/34. Date: 30 May 34–14 Nov 34; Pages: 1–139. Last Paper: F 2517/403/10/34.

F 419/10/34 Storage of Japanese grain and ether at Hong Kong and Shanghai. Abstract: Covers Japanese requests for storage of large quantities of grain, rice,

and ether at Hong Kong and Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Food and food industry; Chemicals and chemical industry;

Hong Kong; Shanghai; Japan. Registry: F 419/419/10/34–F 837/419/10/34. Date: 24 Jan 34–13 Feb 34; Pages: 140–147. Last Paper: none.

F 420/10/34 Lease of ex-Russian consulate at Canton to Imperial Chemical Industries. Abstract: Covers proposed lease of former Russian consulate at Canton to

Imperial Chemical Industries. Includes Soviet liability for improvements under old Crown Lease.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Soviet Union; Canton; Chemicals and chemical industry. Registry: F 420/420/10/34–F 2513/420/10/34. Date: 24 Jan 34–3 May 34; Pages: 148–167. Last Paper: F 7066/7066/10/33.

F 445/10/34 Press regulation in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese law on registration of foreign-owned publications in

China; regulations on issuance of registration certificates; and U.S. and British policy allowing pro forma registration.

Also includes revision of Chinese press telegram regulations and Chinese postal ban on British-owned periodicals published in Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Press; British policy; U.S. policy; Postal service; Regulations and ordinances; Shanghai; Communications. Registry: F 445/445/10/34–F 7665/445/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 168–233. Last Paper: F 7238/1987/10/33.

F 450/10/34 British Residents Association of Shanghai. Abstract: Covers second annual general meeting of British Residents Association

of China in Shanghai, December 1933. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Great Britain; Shanghai.

Registry: F 450/450/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34; Pages: 234–237. Last Paper: F 3115/251/10/33.

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Reel 32 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18129. China Political (cont.). F 460/10/34 Registration of land by foreigners in China.

Abstract: Covers issues surrounding registration by Chinese government of land leased by foreigners in China, including British holders of perpetual leases. Includes registration land tax levied by Chinese Municipality of Greater Shanghai and payment of tax by British property owners outside International Settlement but adjacent to extra-settlement roads.

Also covers registration of land at Hankow, Kiukiang, Tsingtao, and Weihaiwei and text of Chinese land expropriation law.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Taxation; Shanghai; Hankow; Weihaiwei; Treaty ports; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 460/460/10/34–F 7655/460/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–270. Last Paper: none.

F 462/10/34 Chinese code of civil procedure. Abstract: Covers proposed revision of Chinese code of civil procedure. Subject Descriptors: Civil procedure; China government.

Registry: F 462/462/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34; Pages: 271–273. Last Paper: F 6618/6618/10/33.

F 463/10/34 Sino-Annam Commercial Treaty. Abstract: Covers delay in signing of Sino-Annam Treaty of Commerce. Subject Descriptors: Treaties and agreements; French Indochina; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 463/463/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34; Pages: 274–276. Last Paper: F 6613/533/10/33.

Volume 18130. China Political (cont.). F 464/10/34 Tungsten mining and exports.

Abstract: Covers tungsten mining and monopolies in China, including opening of Office of Kwangtung Wolfram Monopoly at Canton; grant of exclusive supply of tungsten to Arnhold & Company by Nanking government; and tungsten exports from China.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Mines and mineral industries; Canton; Kwangtung Province; China government; Foreign trade. Registry: F 464/464/10/34–F 5108/464/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34–21 Aug 34; Pages: 1–20. Last Paper: F 8003/6068/10/33.

F 465/10/34 Canton-Kowloon Railway Through-Traffic Agreement. Abstract: Covers Hong Kong–China negotiations on revision of working

agreement for through-traffic between Chinese and British sections of Canton-Kowloon Railway. Includes proposed construction of loop line connecting Canton-Kowloon and Canton-Hankow railways; earmarking of surplus Chinese revenues for Canton-Kowloon Railway Loan service; and other railroad issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Canton; Hong Kong; Treaties and agreements; Loans and grants. Registry: F 465/465/10/34–F 7649/465/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 21–200. Last Paper: F 6710/55/10/33.

F 469/10/34 Arrest of British subjects by Chinese police at Haiyen. Abstract: Covers arrest of V. G. Scott and W. M. Martin by Chinese police at

Haiyen in Chekiang Province in connection with automobile accident resulting in death of Chinese woman.

Subject Descriptors: Deaths; Arrests; Great Britain; Chekiang Province. Registry: F 469/469/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34; Pages: 201–206. Last Paper: none.

F 470/10/34 Currency circulation in China. Abstract: Covers circulation of currency by foreign banks in China. Includes

circulation statistics from Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China and Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Also includes redemption of banknotes at Shanghai by Bank of Canton and National Commercial and Savings Bank.

Subject Descriptors: Money; Financial institutions; Shanghai. Registry: F 470/470/10/34–F 7650/470/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 207–263. Last Paper: F 7228/51/10/33.

Reel 33 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18131. China Political (cont.). F 473/10/34 Commutation of death sentence imposed on Katherine Hadley.

Abstract: Covers commutation by British minister to China of death sentence imposed on Katherine Hadley, British subject convicted on capital murder charges at Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Prisons and prisoners. Registry: F 473/473/10/34. Date: 25 Jan 34; Pages: 1–6. Last Paper: F 7545/7346/10/33.

F 495/10/34 Training of Chinese naval officers by Royal Navy. Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy training of Chinese naval officers in Great

Britain and China. Includes Anglo-Chinese negotiations on training program; results of Chinese cadets’ training at Royal Navy schools; and linkage of training program to contracts for Chinese purchase of British naval vessels.

Also covers employment of British naval officers as instructors at Chinese Mamoi Naval College and naval advisers to Chinese government. Includes proposals for British instructional assistance to Canton Navy.

Includes British policy on conditions for attachment of British military naval officers to foreign naval missions. Also includes Japanese assistance in construction of Chinese cruiser Pinghai and alleged appointment of Japanese instructors to Chinese Naval Academy at Nanking.

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Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, China; Naval forces, British; Naval forces, Japan; Education; Great Britain; British policy; Canton; Government appointments; Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 495/495/10/34–F 6237/495/10/34. Date: 26 Jan 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 7–223. Last Paper: F 7958/206/10/33.

Volume 18132. China Political (cont.). F 495/10/34 Training of Chinese naval officers by Royal Navy (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy training of Chinese naval officers in Great Britain and China. Includes results of Chinese cadets’ training at Royal Navy schools and linkage of training program to contracts for Chinese purchase of British destroyers.

Also covers employment of British naval officers as instructors at Chinese Mamoi Naval College and naval advisers to Chinese government. Also includes Japanese assistance in construction of Chinese cruiser Pinghai and alleged impeachment of Admiral Chen, Chinese minister of Navy.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, China; Naval forces, British; Naval forces, Japan; Education; Great Britain; Government appointments; China government. Registry: F 6302/495/10/34–F 7701/495/10/34. Date: 24 Oct 34–29 Dec 34; Pages: 1–72. Last Paper: F 6237/495/10/34.

F 497/10/34 Affairs of China Merchants Steam Navigation Company. Abstract: Covers affairs of China Merchants Steam Navigation Company and

issues regarding British shipping in Chinese waters. Includes proposed construction of ships for company; rehabilitation of company’s wharves at Shanghai; and possible amalgamation of British shipping fleets in China.

Also covers China Merchants Steam Navigation Company financial reorganization; pensions for British officers and ex-officers of company; and position of Messrs. Lowe, Bingham, and Matthews as financial advisers.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Shanghai; Business and industry; Finance; Wages and salaries; Harbors and ports. Registry: F 497/497/10/34–F 8079/497/10/34. Date: 26 Jan 34–18 Aug 34; Pages: 73–122. Last Paper: F 8000/247/10/33.

F 501/10/34 Legal action against Centrosoyuz (England) Limited in Chinese courts. Abstract: Covers legal action against Centrosoyuz (England) Limited in Hankow

District Court. (Firm was incorporated in Great Britain, but Soviet-controlled, and appealed for British assistance on grounds that as a British-registered firm it was subject only to British jurisdiction in China.) Includes British policy regarding British protection of companies registered in Great Britain and having foreign ownership and directors.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; Soviet Union; Extraterritoriality. Registry: F 501/501/10/34–F 7330/501/10/34. Date: 26 Jan 34–11 Dec 34; Pages: 123–174. Last Paper: none.

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F 509/10/34 U.S. agricultural loans to China. Abstract: Covers loans from United States to China for Chinese purchase of U.S.

agricultural commodities. Includes $50 million Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan for purchase of U.S. cotton and wheat (later reduced to $20 million) and proposed U.S. loan to China to finance Chinese import of raw sugar from Cuba.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Agriculture; Textile industry and fabrics; Foreign trade; Food and food industry; U.S. government; Cuba. Registry: F 509/509/10/34–F 6684/509/10/34. Date: 29 Jan 34–8 Nov 34; Pages: 175–238. Last Paper: F 7798/344/10/33.

F 571/10/34 Affairs of Wagon Lits Company in China. Abstract: Covers difficulties of Compagnie Internationale des Wagon Lits in

China due to refusal of Chinese government to allow company’s rail cars to be attached to Peking-Shanghai express trains on Tientsin-Pukow Railway.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Business and industry. Registry: F 571/571/10/34–F 7459/571/10/34. Date: 30 Jan 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 239–253. Last Paper: F 7911/7547/10/33.

F 598/10/34 Printing of banknotes in Hong Kong. Abstract: Covers control of printing of Chinese banknotes in Hong Kong. Subject Descriptors: Money; Hong Kong; Printing and publishing.

Registry: F 598/598/10/34. Date: 1 Feb 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 254–259. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18133. China Political (cont.). F 607/10/34 Visit of Chinese military mission to Great Britain.

Abstract: Covers Chinese military mission to study armed forces and armament factories of Great Britain and other European countries. Includes membership of mission and British preparations for visit.

Subject Descriptors: Travel; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; Military weapons. Registry: F 607/607/10/34–F 6348/607/10/34. Date: 1 Feb 34–26 Oct 34; Pages: 1–46. Last Paper: none.

F 645/10/34 Revision of Chinese law on partnership debts. Abstract: Covers proposed revision of Chinese law regarding joint liability for

debts incurred by business partnerships. Includes Chinese proposal for new category of “limited” partnerships.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 645/645/10/34–F 4280/645/10/34. Date: 2 Feb 34–14 Jul 34; Pages: 47–73. Last Paper: F 7912/6288/10/33.

F 646/10/34 Debts due to British banks in Outer Mongolia. Abstract: Covers difficulties of British banks in collecting money owed to them in

Outer Mongolia due to Mongolian embargo on currency exports. Subject Descriptors: Mongolia; Financial institutions; Money.

Registry: F 646/646/10/34–F 6085/646/10/34. Date: 2 Feb 34–12 Oct 34; Pages: 74–82. Last Paper: F 7599/7599/10/33.

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F 683/10/34 Sino-Japanese Armistice Joint Commission. Abstract: Covers reappointment of British consul-general at Shanghai as British

representative on commission and Sino-Japanese agreement on advance notice of Chinese troop movements in demilitarized area around Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Military conflicts; Armed forces, China; Shanghai; Treaties and agreements; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 683/683/10/34–F 3257/683/10/34. Date: 5 Feb 34–1 Jun 34; Pages: 83–103. Last Paper: F 3854/18/10/33.

F 741/10/34 Manchukuo customs and tax issues. Abstract: Covers import tariff and tax issues in Manchukuo. Includes alleged

Dairen customs discrimination in favor of Japanese imports; proposed establishment of Manchukuo customs houses on Korean border; tax exemptions and reductions by Manchukuo government; treatment of former officials of Chinese Maritime Customs Service employed by Manchukuo Customs Service; text of Cigar and Cigarette Tax Law; and revision of Manchukuo customs tariff.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Manchukuo; Treaty ports; Foreign trade; Borders and boundaries; Korea; Tobacco industry and products; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 741/741/10/34–F 7572/741/10/34. Date: 7 Feb 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 104–234. Last Paper: F 8026/885/10/33.

Reel 34 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18134. China Political (cont.). F 749/10/34 Business taxes and provincial import tariffs in China.

Abstract: Covers revision of Chinese government business taxes (i.e., taxes on business turnover or capital) and enforcement of tax by Chinese localities against foreign nationals and firms. Includes British policy on liability of British subjects to such taxes.

Also includes Hupei provincial tax on agricultural exports; establishment of business tax publicity office in British concession at Tientsin; and house tax at Amoy.

Also covers Kwangtung Province protective tariff on Chinese goods from other provinces and foreign goods produced in China; and application of Chinese wine and tobacco tax to Chinese citizens living in International Settlement at Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Concessions; China government; Taxation; British policy; Business and industry; Hupei Province; Agriculture; Foreign settlements; Tientsin; Amoy; Kwangtung Province; Shanghai International Settlement; Tobacco industry and products; Beverages and beverage industry. Registry: F 749/749/10/34–F 7347/749/10/34. Date: 7 Feb 34–11 Dec 34; Pages: 1–156. Last Paper: F 7800/62/10/33.

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F 750/10/34 Crown Leases at Hankow and Kiukiang. Abstract: Covers exchange of British Crown Leases for Chinese deeds of

perpetual lease for land leased by British subjects and other foreigners at former British concession areas at Hankow at Kiukiang. Includes payment of land tax for holders of former Crown Leases.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Treaty ports; Hankow; Concessions; Taxation. Registry: F 750/750/10/34–F 7663/750/10/34. Date: 7 Feb 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 157–249. Last Paper: F 6890/2796/10/33.

Volume 18135. China Political (cont.). F 751/10/34 Activities of Trebitsch-Lincoln (alias Abbot Chao Kung).

Abstract: Covers movements and activities of Isaac Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln (alias Abbot Chao Kung), former member of British Parliament and alleged spy for Germany during World War I. Includes Lincoln’s anti-British views; movements in China and Europe; and proposed Buddhist missionary organization in Europe.

Subject Descriptors: Trebitsch-Lincoln, Isaac Timothy; Travel; Missionaries. Registry: F 751/751/10/34–F 7249/751/10/34. Date: 7 Feb 34–6 Dec 34; Pages: 1–28. Last Paper: F 7546/286/10/32.

F 771/10/34 German experts and advisers to Chinese government. Abstract: Covers appointments of German experts and advisers to Chinese

government. Includes advisers to National Economic Council; railway adviser; and appointment of Gen. von Seeckt as military adviser.

Subject Descriptors: Government appointments; Germany; China government; Railroads; Armed forces, China. Registry: F 771/771/10/34–F 7536/771/10/34. Date: 8 Feb 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 29–63. Last Paper: F 339/160/10/33.

F 775/10/34 National lotteries in China. Abstract: Covers legality of British subjects operating lotteries in China for

Chinese government. Subject Descriptors: China government; Business and industry.

Registry: F 775/775/10/34–F 1668/775/10/34. Date: 9 Feb 34–23 Mar 34; Pages: 64–88. Last Paper: F 7623/2176/10/33.

F 782/10/34 Mui-tsai system in China. Abstract: Covers mui-tsai system and other related slavery issues in China. Mui-

tsai were young girls from very poor families who had been “sold” to wealthier families, for whom the girls usually worked as domestic servants. Includes mui-tsai system in Hong Kong, British Malaya, and Straits Settlements. Also includes enforcement of Chinese antislavery provisions at Canton.

Encloses report by League of Nations Anti-Slavery Committee on mui-tsai in China and reports from British consular officers.

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Subject Descriptors: Social conditions; Labor conditions; Hong Kong; Colonies, British; Treaty ports; Canton; League of Nations; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 782/782/10/34–F 7080/782/10/34. Date: 9 Feb 34–30 Nov 34; Pages: 89–272. Last Paper: F 9659/1223/10/33.

Volume 18136. China Political (cont.). F 782/10/34 Mui-tsai system in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers mui-tsai system and other related slavery issues in China. Encloses reports from British consular officers.

Subject Descriptors: Social conditions; Labor conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 7093/782/10/34–F 7568/782/10/34. Date: 30 Nov 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 1–88. Last Paper: F 7080/782/10/34.

F 783/10/34 Enforcement of Chinese Weights and Measures Law in Shanghai International Settlement. Abstract: Covers negotiations between Shanghai Municipal Council and Chinese

authorities for enforcement of Chinese Weights and Measures Law in Shanghai International Settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Weights and measures; Municipal government; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 783/783/10/34. Date: 9 Feb 34; Pages: 89–90. Last Paper: F 2291/2115/10/33.

F 792/10/34 Enthronement of Pu-yi and foreign policy of Manchukuo government. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo foreign policy implications of enthronement of

Henry Pu-yi as Emperor Kang-te. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Foreign

relations. Registry: F 792/792/10/34. Date: 9 Feb 34; Pages: 91–95. Last Paper: none.

F 811/10/34 Arrest of Po Yi-yat by Japanese authorities near Canton. Abstract: Covers Sino-Japanese conflict regarding jurisdiction over Korean Po Yi-

yat after his arrest by Japanese authorities near Canton. Includes intervention of French consul at Canton.

Subject Descriptors: Arrests; Canton; Diplomatic and consular services; Korea. Registry: F 811/811/10/34–F 3526/811/10/34. Date: 12 Feb 34–13 Jun 34; Pages: 96–110. Last Paper: F 6605/6605/10/33.

F 820/10/34 Trade conditions at Hong Kong. Abstract: Covers establishment of trade commission at Hong Kong to investigate

Hong Kong trade depression. Includes visit of Queensland trade mission to Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; Hong Kong; Shanghai; Australia; Travel. Registry: F 820/820/10/34–F 5127/820/10/34. Date: 12 Feb 34–23 Aug 34; Pages: 111–136. Last Paper: none.

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F 893/10/34 Foreign trade of China in 1933. Abstract: Covers Chinese imports and exports for 1933. Includes decline in

Hankow trade. Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; Hankow.

Registry: F 893/893/10/34–F 6148/893/10/34. Date: 16 Feb 34–17 Sep 34; Pages: 137–157. Last Paper: F 7791/3110/10/33.

F 911/10/34 Murder of Canadian missionary at Liaoyang. Abstract: Covers murder of Father Emile Charest, French Canadian Catholic

missionary, at Liaoyang. Includes subsequent British and Japanese investigations and British suspicions of Japanese police involvement.

Subject Descriptors: Deaths; Crime and criminals; Manchukuo; Police; Missionaries; Canada. Registry: F 911/911/10/34–F 4420/911/10/34. Date: 19 Feb 34–23 Jul 34; Pages: 158–247. Last Paper: none.

Reel 35 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18137. China Political (cont.). F 911/10/34 Murder of Canadian missionary at Liaoyang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers murder of Father Emile Charest, French Canadian Catholic missionary, at Liaoyang. Includes subsequent British and Japanese investigations and British suspicions of Japanese police involvement.

Subject Descriptors: Deaths; Crime and criminals; Manchukuo; Police; Missionaries; Canada. Registry: F 4433/911/10/34–F 6165/911/10/34. Date: 23 Jul 34–17 Oct 34; Pages: 1–44. Last Paper: F 4420/911/10/34.

F 942/10/34 Currency and silver situation in China. Abstract: Covers global silver situation and Chinese currency and silver market

crisis after enactment of U.S. Silver Purchase Act of 1934. Also covers Chinese response to crisis by implementation of silver export duty.

Includes Chinese restrictions on foreign currency exchange; movements of silver into and out of China; proposal for provision of gold credits to China from British banks in exchange for silver; position of British banks in China; and smuggling of silver out of China.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign exchange; Money; Taxation; Smuggling; Financial institutions; U.S. policy; Foreign trade; Loans and grants. Registry: F 942/942/10/34–F 7390/942/10/34. Date: 20 Feb 34–13 Dec 34; Pages: 45–247. Last Paper: none.

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Volume 18138. China Political (cont.). F 942/10/34 Currency and silver situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers global silver situation and Chinese currency and silver market crisis. Also covers Chinese response to crisis by implementation of silver export duty. Includes Chinese restrictions on foreign currency exchange; movements of silver into and out of China; position of British banks in China; and smuggling of silver out of China.

Also covers British policy on foreign credits to assist China in foreign exchange control, including provision of gold credits to China from British banks in exchange for silver.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign exchange; Money; Taxation; Smuggling; Financial institutions; U.S. policy; British policy; Loans and grants; Foreign trade. Registry: F 7412/942/10/34–F 7713/942/10/34. Date: 15 Dec 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 1–129. Last Paper: F 7390/942/10/34.

F 949/10/34 Imprisonment of British Indian subjects in China. Abstract: Covers trials and imprisonment of Santa Singh and Bhajan Singh at

Shanghai. Includes proposed transfer of Bhajan Singh to prison in India. Subject Descriptors: Prisons and prisoners; India; Shanghai International

Settlement. Registry: F 949/949/10/34–F 7286/949/10/34. Date: 20 Feb 34–10 Dec 34; Pages: 130–154. Last Paper: none.

F 950/10/34 Shanghai municipal affairs. Abstract: Covers Shanghai Municipal Council affairs, including British and

Japanese influence; proposed Chinese membership; dispute between Brazilian consul-general and council regarding opening of gambling establishment under Brazilian auspices; annual report for 1933; and regulation of industrial labor conditions.

Also includes council report on reform of rickshaw business in International Settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Municipal government; Great Britain; Japan; Diplomatic and consular services; Labor conditions; Business and industry. Registry: F 950/950/10/34–F 3516/950/10/34. Date: 20 Feb 34–13 Jun 34; Pages: 155–270. Last Paper: F 7560/432/10/33.

Reel 36 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18139. China Political (cont.). F 950/10/34 Shanghai municipal affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Shanghai Municipal Council affairs, including 1934 elections and annual meeting of ratepayers; relative voting strength of British, Japanese, and U.S. communities; dispute between Brazilian consul-general and council regarding opening of gambling establishment under Brazilian auspices; and opposition to council proposals on reform of rickshaw business.

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Also includes legal position of Japan in International Settlement under Land Regulations; and incident between Shanghai Municipal Police and Japanese naval landing party at Hongkew.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Municipal government; Great Britain; Japan; United States; Diplomatic and consular services; Business and industry; Police; Naval forces, Japan; Political conditions; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 3564/951/10/34–F 5755/951/10/34. Date: 14 Jun 34–25 Sep 34; Pages: 1–76. Last Paper: F 3516/950/10/34.

F 956/10/34 Railway map of Manchukuo. Abstract: Transmits, but does not enclose, railway map of Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Railroads; Maps.

Registry: F 956/956/10/34. Date: 20 Feb 34; Pages: 77–79. Last Paper: none.

F 981/10/34 Entry into British ports of ships flying Manchukuo flag. Abstract: Covers British policy on proposed entry of ships flying Manchukuo flag

into British ports, including customs treatment and tonnage measurements. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Ships and shipping; British policy; Harbors and

ports. Registry: F 981/981/10/34–F 6218/981/10/34. Date: 22 Feb 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 80–140. Last Paper: none.

F 1008/1034 Chinese postal administration. Abstract: Covers affairs of Chinese postal administration, including annual

reports for fiscal years 1931–1932 and 1932–1933; Manchuria and trans-Siberian postal service; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Postal service; Manchukuo; Soviet Union; China government. Registry: F 1008/1008/10/34–F 6142/1008/10/34. Date: 22 Feb 34–17 Oct 34; Pages: 141–209. Last Paper: F 1926/1926/10/33.

F 1038/10/34 Manchukuo Weights and Measures Law. Abstract: Covers new Manchukuo Weights and Measures Law and formation of

Manchuria Weighing and Measuring Instruments Company. Subject Descriptors: Weights and measures; Manchukuo; Business and industry;

Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1038/1038/10/34–F 3108/1038/10/34. Date: 23 Feb 34–28 May 34; Pages: 210–223. Last Paper: F 4254/283/10/33.

F 1041/10/34 Manchukuo publicity methods. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo government manipulated “interview” of Henry Pu-yi

by correspondents of Times and Associated Press. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Press; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te).

Registry: F 1041/1041/10/34. Date: 23 Feb 34; Pages: 224–[227b]. Last Paper: none.

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F 1082/10/34 Supervision of privately owned public utility enterprises in China. Abstract: Encloses text of Chinese government ordinance for supervision of

privately operated public utility companies in China. Subject Descriptors: Public works and utilities; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 1082/1082/10/34. Date: 26 Feb 34; Pages: 228–236. Last Paper: none.

F 1088/10/34 Manufacture of war gases in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese facilities for manufacture of tear gas and alleged

Chinese government inquiries regarding chemicals needed for manufacture of poison gases.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Chemicals and chemical industry. Registry: F 1088/1088/10/34–F 1800/1088/10/34. Date: 27 Feb 34–29 Mar 34; Pages: 237–244. Last Paper: none.

F 1093/10/34 Industrial and labor conditions at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers industrial regulation and control of factory inspection in

International Settlement and French Concession at Shanghai, including negotiations between Chinese government and Shanghai Municipal Council.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Labor conditions; Business and industry; Foreign settlements; Concessions; Municipal government. Registry: F 1093/1093/10/34–F 6035/1093/10/34. Date: 27 Feb 34–9 Oct 34; Pages: 245–322. Last Paper: F 7618/1802/10/33.

Volume 18140. China Political (cont.). F 1096/10/34 French commercial activities in Manchuria.

Abstract: Covers participation of French industry in economic development and investment in Manchukuo through consortium agreement between South Manchuria Railway and French National Association for Economic Expansion.

Includes French government attitude toward consortium; position of Four Power Banking Consortium; and other French attempts to secure industrial orders in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Economic and industrial development; France; Business and industry; Railroads; Contracts; Financial institutions; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 1096/1096/10/34–F 7667/1096/10/34. Date: 27 Feb 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–101. Last Paper: F 7814/5125/10/33.

F 1099/10/34 Expropriation of property of Chinese tenants in Kowloon City. Abstract: Covers proposed eviction of Chinese tenants in Kowloon City and

expropriation of property by Hong Kong government for improvement of sanitary conditions. Includes compensation of Chinese leaseholders and extent of Hong Kong jurisdiction over Kowloon City and New Territories.

Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Kwangtung Province; Land ownership and rights; Health conditions. Registry: F 1099/1099/10/34–F 7565/1099/10/34. Date: 27 Feb 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 102–194. Last Paper: F 7872/2398/10/33.

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F 1145/10/34 Hai Ho River improvement. Abstract: Covers dissolution of Hai Ho Improvement Commission and future work

on Hai Ho River and Tientsin harbor by Chinese government Hai Ho Improvement Engineering Bureau. Includes continuation of customs surtax to finance improvement.

Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Organizations and associations; China government; Tientsin; Harbors and ports; Taxation. Registry: F 1145/1145/10/34–F 2154/1145/10/34. Date: 1 Mar 34–18 Apr 34; Pages: 195–234. Last Paper: F 7614/1041/10/33.

Reel 37 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18141. China Political (cont.). F 1145/10/34 Hai Ho River improvement (cont.).

Abstract: Covers dissolution of Hai Ho Improvement Commission and future work on Hai Ho River and Tientsin harbor by Chinese government Hai Ho Improvement Engineering Bureau. Includes continuation of customs surtax to finance improvement and Hai Ho Conservancy Commission annual report for 1933.

Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Organizations and associations; China government; Tientsin; Harbors and ports; Taxation. Registry: F 2597/1145/10/34–F 7001/1145/10/34. Date: 7 May 34–26 Nov 34; Pages: 1–66. Last Paper: F 2154/1145/10/34.

F 1148/10/34 Smuggling of Japanese goods from Dairen into northern China. Abstract: Covers efforts of Chinese Maritime Customs Service to prevent

Chinese smuggling of Japanese goods from Dairen into northern China. Includes alleged connivance of Japanese authorities at Dairen; Chinese Customs Service regulations on junk traffic between Manchuria and Shantung Province; and other related issues.

Subject Descriptors: Smuggling; Treaty ports; China government; Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Shantung Province. Registry: F 1148/1148/10/34–F 7495/1148/10/34. Date: 1 Mar 34–19 Dec 34; Pages: 67–152. Last Paper: F 7910/319/10/33.

F 1157/10/34 Diplomatic relations between China and Greece, Persia, and Turkey. Abstract: Covers resumption of direct relations between China and Persia and

opening of Persian consulate at Shanghai. Also includes opening of Greek consulate-general at Shanghai and proposed Chinese legation to Turkey.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Foreign relations; Persia; Turkey; Greece. Registry: F 1157/1157/10/34–F 6801/1157/10/34. Date: 1 Mar 34–14 Nov 34; Pages: 153–165. Last Paper: none.

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F 1208/10/34 Chinese 5% 1913 Reorganization Loan, Russian Issue. Abstract: Covers status of claim of British holders of Russian Issue bonds of

Chinese 5% Gold Reorganization Loan of 1913 against Chinese government. (Chinese government refused to pay British bondholders unless they could prove that their bonds were not invalid.)

Includes negotiations with Chinese government on ex gratia payments to British bondholders in exchange for dropping claim.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Claims; China government; Soviet Union; Searches and seizures; Great Britain. Registry: F 1208/1208/10/34–F 7295/1208/10/34. Date: 5 Mar 34–10 Dec 34; Pages: 165a–234. Last Paper: F 5035/108/10/33.

F 1225/10/34 Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Company’s wharves at Canton. Abstract: Covers dispute between Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat

Company and Canton municipal authorities regarding increase in rent of company’s wharves at Canton.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Canton; Land ownership and rights; Harbors and ports; Municipal government. Registry: F 1225/1225/10/34. Date: 5 Mar 34; Pages: 235–243. Last Paper: F 2001/2001/10/33.

F 1229/10/34 Kulangsu Mixed Court. Abstract: Covers proposed abolition of Kulangsu Mixed Court by Fukien

revolutionary government. Subject Descriptors: Foreign settlements; Courts; Amoy.

Registry: F 1229/1229/10/34–F 1748/1229/10/34. Date: 5 Mar 34–26 Mar 34; Pages: 244–259. Last Paper: none.

F 1232/10/34 Reorganization of police and gendarmerie in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers unification of Japanese police and gendarmerie in Manchukuo

and Kwantung Leased Territory under Japanese embassy at Hsinking. Subject Descriptors: Police; Manchukuo; Kwantung Leased Territory; Diplomatic

and consular services. Registry: F 1232/1232/10/34. Date: 5 Mar 34; Pages: 260–264. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18142. China Political (cont.). F 1253/10/34 British and other foreign armed forces in China.

Abstract: Covers strength, disposition, and command of British troops in China. Includes relative strength of British, Japanese, and U.S. forces at Shanghai and regulations regarding Chinese customs exemption for import of nonmilitary supplies for use by foreign armed forces in China.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, British; Armed forces, Japan; Armed forces, U.S.; Taxation; Shanghai; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1253/1253/10/34–F 7626/1253/10/34. Date: 6 Mar 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 1–149. Last Paper: F 7854/643/10/33.

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F 1261/10/34 British legation at Peking annual report on China for 1933. Abstract: Encloses British legation at Peking’s annual report on China for 1933.

Topics covered include internal political situation in China, Mongolia, Tibet, Sinkiang, and Manchuria; Communist activities; Chinese military operations; Chinese foreign relations with British Empire, Japan, Soviet Union, United States, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Belgium; treaties and agreements; relations with League of Nations; and affairs of International Settlement at Shanghai.

Also covers railroads; shipping; finance and taxation; foreign trade; customs and tariffs; Hai Ho and Liao River conservancy; Boxer Indemnity; aviation; legislation; propaganda; and claims against China.

Subject Descriptors: Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Political conditions; China government; Mongolia; Tibet; Sinkiang; Manchukuo; Communism; Armed forces, China; Military conflicts; Foreign relations; British government; Colonies, British; Japan; Soviet Union; U.S. government; France; Germany; Italy; Netherlands; Belgium; Treaties and agreements; League of Nations; Shanghai International Settlement; Railroads; Ships and shipping; Finance; Taxation; Foreign trade; Rivers and waterways; Boxer Rebellion; Civil aviation; Propaganda; Claims. Registry: F 1261/1261/10/34. Date: 6 Mar 34; Pages: 150–189. Last Paper: F 1562/1562/10/33.

F 1272/10/34 Amendment of Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of 1932. Abstract: Covers various amendments to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of

1932. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Business and industry; Regulations and

ordinances. Registry: F 1272/1272/10/34–F 1699/1272/10/34. Date: 7 Mar 34–26 Mar 34; Pages: 190–198. Last Paper: F 3781/1510/10/33.

F 1283/10/34 Shanghai Defense Committee. Abstract: Covers affairs of Shanghai Defense Committee composed of

commanders of foreign armed forces at Shanghai. Includes proposed reconstitution under members of consular community; history of committee; and conditions necessary for calling of committee meetings.

Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Armed forces, foreign; Shanghai International Settlement. Registry: F 1283/1283/10/34–F 5969/1283/10/34. Date: 7 Mar 34–5 Oct 34; Pages: 199–240. Last Paper: none.

F 1375/10/34 British textile companies and boycott of Japanese goods in China. Abstract: Covers efforts of British textile firms selling boycotted Japanese cloth in

China to construct textile mills in China. Subject Descriptors: Textile industry and fabrics; Boycotts.

Registry: F 1375/1375/10/34–F 1617/1375/10/34. Date: 12 Mar 34–22 Mar 34; Pages: 241–256. Last Paper: F 7745/71/10/33.

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Volume 18143. China Political (cont.). F 1395/10/34 Activities of British commercial counsellor.

Abstract: Covers activities of British commercial counsellor in China. Includes visit of commercial counsellor to Hankow and appreciation of services.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Travel. Registry: F 1395/1395/10/34–F 2446/1395/10/34. Date: 13 Mar 34–30 Apr 34; Pages: 1–12. Last Paper: none.

F 1447/10/34 Dual nationality of British subjects of Chinese descent. Abstract: Covers national status of British subjects of Chinese descent. Includes

British policy toward British subjects of Chinese descent who had not been formally denationalized as Chinese citizens. Also includes Chinese law on requirements for citizenship and denationalization.

Subject Descriptors: Citizenship and naturalization; British policy; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1447/1447/10/34–F 6565/1447/10/34. Date: 14 Mar 34–5 Nov 34; Pages: 13–66. Last Paper: F 7375/892/10/33.

F 1454/10/34 Electrical supply enterprises in China. Abstract: Covers financial backing and supply of technical assistance to Asia

Electric Company of Shanghai by General Electric Company of England. Also includes revised Chinese Electrical Enterprises Ordinance regulating companies supplying electric public utility companies.

Subject Descriptors: Public works and utilities; Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances; Shanghai. Registry: F 1454/1454/10/34–F 5054/1454/10/34. Date: 14 Mar 34–17 Aug 34; Pages: 67–108. Last Paper: none.

F 1456/10/34 Wreck of S.S. Svale. Abstract: Covers wreck of Douglas Line S.S. Svale near Foochow and proposed

compensation of passengers for losses. Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Claims.

Registry: F 1456/1456/10/34–F 2924/1456/10/34. Date: 15 Mar 34–22 May 34; Pages: 109–128. Last Paper: none.

F 1465/10/34 Japanese judicial and legal affairs in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers appointment of Japanese judicial officers to judicial positions in

Manchukuo. Includes proposed abolition of Japanese extraterritoriality in Manchukuo and surrender of Japanese rights in South Manchuria Railway zone to Manchukuo. Also includes creation of Foreign Division of Manchukuo High Court to deal with cases concerning foreigners.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Japan; Courts; Extraterritoriality; Railroads; Concessions. Registry: F 1465/1465/10/34–F 5606/1465/10/34. Date: 15 Mar 34–17 Sep 34; Pages: 129–169. Last Paper: F 6192/242/10/33.

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F 1468/10/34 Soviet Union–Manchukuo relations. Abstract: Covers relations between Soviet Union and Manchukuo. Includes

forced landing by Soviet military airplane in Manchukuo; alleged Soviet military preparations in Siberia; deportation of Soviet citizens at Harbin for subversive activities; alleged Soviet encroachments of Manchukuo border; alleged overflight of Manchukuo by Soviet aircraft; and agreements between Amur Shipping Bureau and Harbin Navigation Bureau regarding navigation rules and markings of Soviet Union–Manchukuo frontier waterways.

Subject Descriptors: Soviet Union; Manchukuo; Foreign relations; Air forces, Soviet Union; Armed forces, Soviet Union; Harbin; Borders and boundaries; Treaties and agreements; Rivers and waterways; Ships and shipping; Deportation. Registry: F 1468/1468/10/34–F 5445/1468/10/34. Date: 15 Mar 34–11 Sep 34; Pages: 170–233. Last Paper: F 7959/2463/10/33.

Reel 38 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18144. China Political (cont.). F 1468/10/34 Soviet Union–Manchukuo relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers relations between Soviet Union and Manchukuo. Includes agreements between Amur Shipping Bureau and Harbin Navigation Bureau regarding navigation rules and markings of Soviet Union–Manchukuo frontier waterways; alleged Soviet instigation of attack by bandits on Japanese military convoy in Manchukuo; alleged occupation by Soviet border patrols of deltas and islands claimed by Manchukuo at confluence of Amur and Ussuri Rivers; and landing of Soviet military airplanes in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Soviet Union; Manchukuo; Foreign relations; Air forces, Soviet Union; Armed forces, Soviet Union; Borders and boundaries; Treaties and agreements; Rivers and waterways; Ships and shipping; Crime and criminals; Communism; Kwantung Army. Registry: F 5450/1468/10/34–F 6406/1468/10/34. Date: 11 Sep 34–29 Oct 34; Pages: 1–57. Last Paper: F 5445/1468/10/34.

F 1534/10/34 Annual report on Kwantung Leased Territory and Manchukuo for 1933. Abstract: Encloses British vice-consul at Dairen’s annual report on Kwantung

Leased Territory and Japanese activities in Manchukuo for 1933. Topics for Kwantung Leased Territory include Japanese administration; Japanese propaganda; Japanese military and naval activity; civil aviation; opium and other drug traffic; Communist activity; railroads; roads; and harbor works.

Also covers Japanese activities in Manchukuo, including antibanditry measures; Japanese military political and economic policy in Manchukuo and toward neighboring regions and countries; Chinese Eastern Railway and South Manchuria Railway; and state control of Manchukuo communications.

Also includes trade and commercial issues in Manchukuo, including British and Japanese commercial activity.

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Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Kwantung Leased Territory; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Japan; Propaganda; Kwantung Army; Naval forces, Japan; Civil aviation; Opium; Communism; Railroads; Roads; Harbors and ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Crime and criminals; Foreign relations; Communications; Foreign trade; Business and industry; Economic conditions; Great Britain. Registry: F 1534/1534/10/34–F 2226/1534/10/34. Date: 19 Mar 34–20 Apr 34; Pages: 58–75. Last Paper: none.

F 1702/10/34 Classification of French Concession at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers national status of French Concession at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Foreign settlements; Shanghai; France.

Registry: F 1702/1702/10/34. Date: 26 Mar 34; Pages: 76–82. Last Paper: none.

F 1771/10/34 Murder trial at Tientsin. Abstract: Covers Chinese legal procedure during trial and acquittal at Tientsin of

alleged murderer of Andrew Andrewschenko. Subject Descriptors: Criminal procedure; Deaths; Crime and criminals; Tientsin;

Courts. Registry: F 1771/1771/10/34. Date: 28 Mar 34; Pages: 83–88. Last Paper: none.

F 1799/10/34 British naval assistance to Shanghai Tug and Lighter Company. Abstract: Covers proposed British naval assistance to Shanghai Tug and Lighter

Company in event of strike. Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Ships and shipping; Strikes.

Registry: F 1799/1799/10/34–F 3191/1799/10/34. Date: 29 Mar 34–30 May 34; Pages: 89–105. Last Paper: none.

F 1813/10/34 Extension of Hong Kong fortifications. Abstract: Covers Japanese press allegations of secret extension of Hong Kong

fortifications. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Military bases and installations; Press; Japan.

Registry: F 1813/1813/10/34–F 1968/1813/10/34. Date: 31 Mar 34–10 Apr 34; Pages: 106–114. Last Paper: none.

F 1825/10/34 Labor legislation in China. Abstract: Covers labor legislation in China, including Shanghai Municipality

enforcement rules for the settlement of labor disputes; minimum wage legislation for state-run enterprises; and Collective Agreements Law.

Subject Descriptors: Labor conditions; Wages and salaries; Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1825/1825/10/34–F 6711/1825/10/34. Date: 3 Apr 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 115–143. Last Paper: F 6541/411/10/33.

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F 1900/1034 Judicial affairs in China. Abstract: Covers judicial affairs in China, including Kwangtung Province

conference on judicial reform. Also includes proposed abolition of trial by torture and summary execution in Kwangtung Province; criminal procedure in China and treatment of non-extraterritorial foreigners; and acquittals of Chinese defendants in suits brought by British firms.

Subject Descriptors: Courts; Criminal procedure; China government; Kwangtung Province; Conferences and conventions; Extraterritoriality; Business and industry. Registry: F 1900/1900/10/34–F 5255/1900/10/34. Date: 5 Apr 34–27 Aug 34; Pages: 144–177. Last Paper: F 5322/5322/10/33.

F 1914/10/34 Sino-Dutch economic relations. Abstract: Covers lecture by Dutch minister to China on economic relations

between China and the Netherlands and the Netherlands East Indies. Subject Descriptors: Foreign relations; Netherlands; Netherlands East Indies.

Registry: F 1914/1914/10/34. Date: 6 Apr 34; Pages: 178–180. Last Paper: none.

F 1915/10/34 Canton Seaman’s Union labor disputes with British firms. Abstract: Covers labor disputes between Canton Seaman’s Union and British

shipping firms of Butterfield and Swire, Douglas Steamship Company, and Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Company.

Subject Descriptors: Labor unions; Ships and shipping; Labor conditions. Registry: F 1915/1915/10/34–F 5745/1915/10/34. Date: 6 Apr 34–25 Sep 34; Pages: 181–215. Last Paper: F 7945/1829/10/33.

F 1917/10/34 Native Chinese shipping companies. Abstract: Covers formation of Chinese Labor and Commercial Navigation

Cooperative Society and Kwangtung Navigation Company. Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Labor unions.

Registry: F 1917/1917/10/34–F 1980/1917/10/34. Date: 6 Apr 34–9 Apr 34; Pages: 216–226. Last Paper: none.

F 1987/10/34 Prisons in Shanghai International Settlement. Abstract: Covers conditions at Chinese prison in Shanghai International

Settlement and report by Shanghai Municipal Council Visiting Committee for British Prisoners on conditions of British prisoners in council’s prisons.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Prisons and prisoners; Municipal government. Registry: F 1987/1987/10/34–F 4134/1987/10/34. Date: 10 Apr 34–9 Jul 34; Pages: 227–253. Last Paper: F 8008/419/10/33.

F 1999/10/34 Vickers Special Aviation Loan to China. Abstract: Covers statements of account for Special Aviation Loan from Vickers

Limited to Chinese government. Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Aircraft and aircraft industry; China

government. Registry: F 1999/1999/10/34–F 6703/1999/10/34. Date: 10 Apr 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 254–269. Last Paper: F 6248/23/10/33.

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Volume 18145. China Political (cont.). F 2034/10/34 British Far Eastern Company.

Abstract: Covers nationality of British Far Eastern Company and company’s claim against Chinese Eastern Railway for customs obligations issued by the railway and acquired by the company.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Claims; Railroads. Registry: F 2034/2034/10/34–F 2090/2034/10/34. Date: 11 Apr 34–16 Apr 34; Pages: 1–26. Last Paper: F 6751/6600/10/33.

F 2040/10/34 Paracel Islands. Abstract: Covers strategic importance of Paracel Islands to French Indochina and

desirability of establishing navigation lights there. Also includes movements of Japanese warships near Paracels.

Subject Descriptors: Paracel Islands; French Indochina; Ships and shipping; Naval forces, Japan. Registry: F 2040/2040/10/34–F 3267/2040/10/34. Date: 11 Apr 34–1 Jun 34; Pages: 27–51. Last Paper: F 436/57/10/33.

F 2066/10/34 Soviet press reports on alleged British designs in China. Abstract: Covers Soviet press reports on alleged British plans to link British-

influenced districts in China. Subject Descriptors: Soviet Union; Press.

Registry: F 2066/2066/10/34. Date: 13 Apr 34; Pages: 52–54. Last Paper: none.

F 2105/10/34 Claims of British former employees of Canton-Hankow Railway against Chinese Ministry of Railways. Abstract: Covers claims of J. H. Williams and M. R. Sinclair against Chinese

Ministry of Railways for wages from their work on Hupei-Hunan section of Canton-Hankow Railway. Also includes possible employment of J. H. Williams as engineer-in-chief of Canton-Hankow Railway rehabilitation.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Claims; Great Britain; China government; Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 2105/2105/10/34–F 4363/2105/10/34. Date: 16 Apr 34–19 Jul 34; Pages: 55–111. Last Paper: F 8013/949/10/33.

F 2188/10/34 Medical reports from British consulates in China. Abstract: Covers summary of British consular medical reports for China, 1932–

1933, and reports for first three quarters of 1934 from Amoy, Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Mukden, Swatow, Tengyueh, Tientsin, and Yunnanfu. Also includes new agreement on duties of medical officers attached to British consulates.

Subject Descriptors: Health conditions; Treaty ports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Mukden; Swatow; Tientsin; Yunnan Province; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports. Registry: F 2188/2188/10/34–F 7447/2188/10/34. Date: 19 Apr 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 112–186. Last Paper: F 7278/916/10/33.

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F 2200/10/34 Sino-Turkish Treaty of Friendship. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Sino-Turkish Treaty of Friendship. Includes

ratification and proposed establishment of reciprocal legations. Subject Descriptors: Turkey; Treaties and agreements; Foreign relations;

Diplomatic and consular services. Registry: F 2200/2200/10/34–F 6819/2200/10/34. Date: 19 Apr 34–14 Nov 34; Pages: 187–203. Last Paper: none.

F 2232/10/34 Nanking General Hospital. Abstract: Covers conditions at newly constructed Nanking General Hospital and

laboratories of Nanking Public Health Department. Subject Descriptors: Health facilities and services; Nanking.

Registry: F 2232/2232/10/34–F 3840/2232/10/34. Date: 21 Apr 34–25 Jun 34; Pages: 204–220. Last Paper: none.

F 2234/10/34 Chinese Dumping Tax. Abstract: Covers proposed Chinese government dumping tax to protect nascent

Chinese industries. Subject Descriptors: China government; Foreign trade; Taxation.

Registry: F 2234/2234/10/34. Date: 21 Apr 34; Pages: 221–223. Last Paper: F 4580/1420/10/33.

F 2346/10/34 Iron and steel works at Canton. Abstract: Covers proposed construction of iron and steel works at Canton by

Kwangtung provincial government. Includes British and other foreign tenders for construction of plant and supply of machinery. Also includes summary of economic and political conditions in Kwangtung Province.

Subject Descriptors: Iron and steel industry; Kwangtung Province; Canton; Finance; Construction and repair; Business and industry; Economic conditions; Political conditions. Registry: F 2346/2346/10/34–F 2958/2346/10/34. Date: 26 Apr 34–23 May 34; Pages: 224–269. Last Paper: none.

Reel 39 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18146. China Political (cont.). F 2346/10/34 Iron and steel works at Canton (cont.).

Abstract: Covers proposed construction of iron and steel works at Canton by Kwangtung provincial government. Includes tenders for construction of plant and supply of machinery from U.S. and British firms.

Also includes financial negotiations with British banks and British Export Credits Guarantee Department.

Also includes ability of Kwangtung provincial government to repay loans and Chinese central government approval for foreign financing scheme.

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Subject Descriptors: Iron and steel industry; Canton; Kwangtung Province; Finance; Financial institutions; Construction and repair; Business and industry; British government; Loans and grants; China government. Registry: F 3852/2346/10/34–F 7547/2346/10/34. Date: 26 Jun 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 1–98. Last Paper: F 2958/2346/10/34.

F 2348/10/34 Film censorship in China. Abstract: Covers revision of Chinese government Film Censorship Law and

applicability to foreign imported films. Also includes Chinese government opposition to showing of French film La Croisière Jaune in Europe.

Subject Descriptors: Arts and culture; Censorship; China government; Regulations and ordinances; France. Registry: F 2348/2348/10/34–F 4300/2348/10/34. Date: 26 Apr 34–16 Jul 34; Pages: 99–110. Last Paper: none.

F 2359/10/34 Activities of Skoda Works in southern China. Abstract: Covers proposed lease of land in British Concession on Shameen

Island, Canton, and construction of sugar refinery in Kwangtung Province. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Canton; Concessions; Food and

food industry; Kwangtung Province; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 2359/2359/10/34. Date: 26 Apr 34; Pages: 111–114. Last Paper: none.

F 2371/10/34 Attempted assassination of Japanese officials in China. Abstract: Covers attempted assassination of local Japanese officials at Shanghai

by Korean revolutionary. Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Shanghai.

Registry: F 2371/2371/10/34. Date: 27 Apr 34; Pages: 115–118. Last Paper: F 4902/3814/10/32.

F 2385/10/34 Personalities in China. Abstract: Encloses biographies of leading personalities in China from British

legation at Peking. Subject Descriptors: Biographies; Periodic reports; China government; Armed

forces, China; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 2385/2385/10/34. Date: 27 Apr 34; Pages: 119–230. Last Paper: none.

F 2404/10/34 Famine and flood relief in China. Abstract: Transmits, but does not enclose, annual reports for National Flood

Relief Commission, 1931–1932, and China International Famine Relief Commission, 1933.

Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations. Registry: F 2404/2404/10/34–F 7202/2404/10/34. Date: 28 Apr 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 231–236. Last Paper: F 7746/351/10/33.

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F 2468/10/34 British extraterritoriality in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese representations regarding British extraterritoriality. Subject Descriptors: Extraterritoriality; China government.

Registry: F 2468/2468/10/34. Date: 1 May 34; Pages: 237–239. Last Paper: F 1892/1892/10/33.

F 2511/10/34 Irrigation schemes in northern Manchuria. Abstract: Covers German engineer Adolph G. Vishnyakovsky’s plans for

irrigation in northern Manchuria. Also includes flood conditions and relief efforts in northern Manchuria in June 1934.

Subject Descriptors: Disasters; Rivers and waterways; Agriculture; Manchukuo. Registry: F 2511/2511/10/34–F 5229/2511/10/34. Date: 3 May 34–27 Aug 34; Pages: 240–268. Last Paper: none.

F 2544/10/34 Chinese consul at Kuala Lumpur. Abstract: Covers persona non grata status of Chinese consul at Kuala Lumpur. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Malaya.

Registry: F 2544/2544/10/34. Date: 4 May 34; Pages: 269–276. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18147. China Political (cont.). F 2574/10/34 Indian trade with Sinkiang.

Abstract: Covers Indian trade relations with Sinkiang. Includes facilities for Central Asian traders in India; alleged secret treaty between Sinkiang government and Soviet Union; and Soviet commercial influence in Sinkiang.

Subject Descriptors: India; Sinkiang; Soviet Union; Foreign trade; Treaties and agreements. Registry: F 2574/2574/10/34–F 7302/2574/10/34. Date: 5 May 34–10 Dec 34; Pages: 1–32. Last Paper: F 6894/1083/10/33.

F 2589/10/34 Installation of plant in chemical factory at Canton. Abstract: Covers Chemical Engineering Company contract for installation of plant

at chemical factory at Canton. Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Canton.

Registry: F 2589/2589/10/34. Date: 7 May 34; Pages: 33–35. Last Paper: none.

F 2661/10/34 New Japanese barracks at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers construction of new Japanese barracks at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, Japan; Military bases and installations;

Shanghai; Construction and repair. Registry: F 2661/2661/10/34–F 3720/2661/10/34. Date: 9 May 34–20 Jun 34; Pages: 36–45. Last Paper: F 7275/7275/10/33.

F 2663/10/34 German contract for construction of steel works in China. Abstract: Covers proposed contract between Chinese government and German

business interests for construction of steel works in China, and other related issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Germany; Iron and steel industry; Construction and repair. Registry: F 2663/2663/10/34–F 7509/2663/10/34. Date: 9 May 34–20 Dec 34; Pages: 46–63. Last Paper: F 6072/4850/10/33.

F 2822/10/34 Former British Concession at Hankow. Abstract: Covers administration of Hankow Special Administrative District 3,

former British Concession at Hankow. Includes compensation of landowners for land taken for road construction and other British claims.

Subject Descriptors: Hankow; Concessions; Roads; Construction and repair; Claims; Municipal government; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 2822/2822/10/34–F 3560/2822/10/34. Date: 14 May 34–13 Jun 34; Pages: 64–79. Last Paper: F 6038/3615/10/33.

F 2828/10/34 Registration of technical experts in China. Abstract: Covers registration of British subjects as technical experts in China and

recognition by Chinese government of diplomas of Institution of Sanitary Engineers of London.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Organizations and associations; Civil engineering. Registry: F 2828/2828/10/34–F 7710/2828/10/34. Date: 15 May 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 80–99. Last Paper: F 6520/28/10/33.

F 2829/10/34 Manchukuo aviation. Abstract: Covers general military and civil aviation situation in Manchukuo. Also

includes mandatory contributions of foreign firms belonging to Mukden Chamber of Commerce to Manchukuo Air Defense Association.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Kwantung Leased Territory; Air forces, Manchukuo; Civil aviation; Business and industry; Mukden. Registry: F 2829/2829/10/34–F 6229/2829/10/34. Date: 15 May 34–19 Oct 34; Pages: 100–121. Last Paper: none.

F 2899/10/34 Sino-Soviet relations. Abstract: Covers Sino-Soviet relations since World War I and attitude of China in

event of war between Japan and Soviet Union. Subject Descriptors: Foreign relations; Soviet Union; Japan; China government.

Registry: F 2899/2899/10/34. Date: 18 May 34; Pages: 122–134. Last Paper: none.

F 2915/10/34 Incidents on Soviet Union–Manchukuo frontier rivers. Abstract: Covers Japanese allegations of Soviet attacks on Manchukuo

steamships on Amur River carrying Japanese troops and Soviet counterallegations of violations of Soviet frontier by Manchukuo river steamers. Also includes Manchukuo–Soviet Union river navigation conference at Taheiho.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Soviet Union; Armed forces, Soviet Union; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways; Borders and boundaries; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 2915/2915/10/34–F 4620/2915/10/34. Date: 22 May 34–30 Jul 34; Pages: 135–198. Last Paper: none.

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F 2923/10/34 Bridges over Nonni River. Abstract: Covers construction of bridges over Nonni River by Manchukuo

government. Subject Descriptors: Bridges; Construction and repair; Manchukuo; Rivers and

waterways. Registry: F 2923/2923/10/34–F 5485/2923/10/34. Date: 22 May 34–13 Sep 34; Pages: 199–205. Last Paper: none.

F 2925/10/34 Chinese regulations regarding radio installations on ships. Abstract: Encloses text of Chinese regulations regarding installation of radio sets

on ships. Subject Descriptors: Regulations and ordinances; Communications; Ships and

shipping. Registry: F 2925/2925/10/34–F 3523/2925/10/34. Date: 22 May 34–13 Jun 34; Pages: 206–220. Last Paper: F 6066/6066/10/33.

F 3138/10/34 Construction of Manchukuo capital at Hsinking. Abstract: Covers construction program for Manchukuo capital at Hsinking,

including map. Subject Descriptors: Construction and repair; Manchukuo; Maps.

Registry: F 3138/3138/10/34. Date: 29 May 34; Pages: 221–227. Last Paper: none.

F 3188/10/34 Visit of F. K. Sah to Great Britain. Abstract: Covers visit to Great Britain of F. K. Sah (a.k.a. Sa Fu-chün), director of

Engineering Department of Chinese Ministry of Railways. Subject Descriptors: Travel; China government; Great Britain.

Registry: F 3188/3188/10/34. Date: 30 May 34; Pages: 228–231. Last Paper: none.

F 3190/10/34 Japanese activities in Kwangtung Province. Abstract: Covers visit of Japanese civil and naval officials to Canton. Subject Descriptors: Canton; Travel; Naval forces, Japan.

Registry: F 3190/3190/10/34–F 6358/3190/10/34. Date: 30 May 34–27 Oct 34; Pages: 232–242. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18148. China Political (cont.). F 3194/10/34 Chemical fertilizers in China.

Abstract: Covers taxation and control of chemical fertilizers in China. Includes control of fertilizers in Chekiang, Kiangsu, and Kwangtung Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Taxation; Chekiang Province; Kiangsu Province; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 3194/3194/10/34–F 7440/3194/10/34. Date: 30 May 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 1–112. Last Paper: none.

F 3209/10/34 Annual report of British Trade Agency at Gyantse. Abstract: Encloses annual report of British Trade Agency, Gyantse, Tibet, for

year ending 31 March 1934.

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Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Foreign trade; Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 3209/3209/10/34. Date: 31 May 34; Pages: 113–123. Last Paper: F 3340/3340/10/33.

F 3214/10/34 Foreign settlement of Kulangsu, Amoy. Abstract: Encloses Kulangsu Municipal Council annual report for 1933 and

minutes of annual general meeting of ratepayers. Subject Descriptors: Amoy; Foreign settlements; Municipal government.

Registry: F 3214/3214/10/34. Date: 31 May 34; Pages: 124–180. Last Paper: F 3379/3379/10/33.

F 3220/10/34 Facilities for rail-steamer freight through-traffic in China. Abstract: Covers contracts between Chinese shipping companies and Chinese

railways for through-handling of freight. Includes exclusion of British shipping companies from similar contracts.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Railroads. Registry: F 3220/3220/10/34–F 7310/3220/10/34. Date: 31 May 34–11 Dec 34; Pages: 181–242. Last Paper: none.

F 3256/10/34 Annual meeting of British Chamber of Commerce and China Association at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers 1934 joint annual meeting of British Chamber of Commerce and

China Association (Shanghai branch) at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Shanghai.

Registry: F 3256/3256/10/34. Date: 1 Jun 34; Pages: 243–247. Last Paper: F 4065/4065/10/33.

F 3271/10/34 Registration of foreign medical practitioners in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese legislation relating to registration of foreign hospitals

and medical practitioners. Includes British difficulties in registration of British Indian “eye doctors” who possessed no medical training.

Subject Descriptors: Health facilities and services; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 3271/3271/10/34–F 7099/3271/10/34. Date: 1 Jun 34–30 Nov 34; Pages: 248–283. Last Paper: F 5432/5432/10/33.

Reel 40 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18149. China Political (cont.). F 3302/10/34 Claims against Shanghai-Nanking Railway.

Abstract: Covers claims of F. A. Tappenden and W. J. Grey against Shanghai-Nanking Railway for breach of contract provisions relating to termination of employment.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Claims; Great Britain; Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 3302/3302/10/34–F 5239/3302/10/34. Date: 2 Jun 34–27 Aug 34; Pages: 1–19. Last Paper: F 934/934/10/29.

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F 3371/10/34 Cotton textile industry in China. Abstract: Covers cotton textile industry in China, including imports; local Chinese

production; and British competition with Japanese cotton products within China.

Subject Descriptors: Textile industry and fabrics; Japan; Great Britain; Foreign trade. Registry: F 3371/3371/10/34. Date: 6 Jun 34; Pages: 20–44. Last Paper: none.

F 3389/10/34 Development of industrial and mineral resources of Szechuan Province. Abstract: Covers agreement between Yangtse Corporation and Young Brothers

Banking Corporation regarding creation of Sino-British finance association for exploitation of industrial and mineral resources of Szechuan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Economic and industrial development; Business and industry; Financial institutions; Szechuan Province; Contracts. Registry: F 3389/3389/10/34–F 6822/3389/10/34. Date: 6 Jun 34–15 Nov 34; Pages: 45–66. Last Paper: none.

F 3399/10/34 Annual report on British Trade Agency at Yatung, Tibet. Abstract: Covers annual report on Yatung Trade Agency for 1933–1934,

including difficulties affecting wool trade and status of British trade agent’s military escorts.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Tibet; Armed forces, British; Periodic reports; Foreign trade. Registry: F 3399/3399/10/34–F 6177/3399/10/34. Date: 7 Jun 34–18 Oct 34; Pages: 67–82. Last Paper: F 3334/3334/10/33.

F 3418/10/34 Manchukuo river patrol. Abstract: Covers movements and patrols of Manchukuo river gunboat flotillas. Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, Manchukuo; Rivers and waterways.

Registry: F 3418/3418/10/34–F 5094/3418/10/34. Date: 7 Jun 34–20 Aug 34; Pages: 83–89. Last Paper: F 7688/2988/10/33.

F 3443/10/34 Saltpeter and sulphuric acid monopolies in China. Abstract: Covers establishment of saltpeter and sulphuric acid monopolies in

Hupei and Kiangsu Provinces under Chinese law controlling munitions of war. Includes British allegations of discrimination against foreign industries and difficulties of British firms in obtaining sulphuric acid.

Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Business and industry; Hupei Province; Kiangsu Province; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 3443/3443/10/34–F 5775/3443/10/34. Date: 11 Jun 34–26 Sep 34; Pages: 90–208. Last Paper: none.

F 3471/10/34 Shanghai court system. Abstract: Covers working of Shanghai Special District Courts (i.e., Chinese

courts in International Settlement at Shanghai). Includes relations of Shanghai Special District Courts with Shanghai Municipal Council and refusal of council to execute warrants issued by those courts against Chinese members of municipal police.

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Also includes revision of Chinese code of civil procedure. Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Courts; Municipal

government; Arrests; Police; Civil procedure. Registry: F 3471/3471/10/34–F 6335/3471/10/34. Date: 11 Jun 34–25 Oct 34; Pages: 209–286. Last Paper: F 6559/50/10/33.

Volume 18150. China Political (cont.). F 3471/10/34 Shanghai court system (cont.).

Abstract: Covers relations of Shanghai Special District Courts with Shanghai Municipal Council and refusal of council to execute warrants issued by those courts against Chinese members of municipal police.

Also includes revision of Chinese criminal code. Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Courts; Foreign

settlements; Municipal government; Arrests; Police; Criminal procedure. Registry: F 7220/3471/10/34–F 7480/3471/10/34. Date: 4 Dec 34–18 Dec 34; Pages: 1–31. Last Paper: F 6335/3471/10/34.

F 3476/10/34 Banque Industrielle de Chine. Abstract: Covers and encloses extract from Vie Financière on 1934 annual

meeting of Banque Industrielle de Chine. Subject Descriptors: Financial institutions.

Registry: F 3476/3476/10/34. Date: 11 Jun 34; Pages: 32–[34a]. Last Paper: F 3868/3868/10/33.

F 3555/10/34 Tehri-Tibet boundary dispute. Abstract: Covers dispute over boundary between Tibet and India. Includes claims

to area around village of Nilang by government of Tibet and Bashahr and Tehri Garhwal states in United Provinces, India.

Subject Descriptors: Borders and boundaries; India; Tibet; Claims. Registry: F 3555/3555/10/34–F 6132/3555/10/34. Date: 13 Jun 34–17 Oct 34; Pages: 35–49. Last Paper: F 6941/1828/10/33.

F 3613/10/34 British Municipal Council at Tientsin. Abstract: Covers 1934 annual general meeting of electors of Tientsin British

Municipal Area. Subject Descriptors: Tientsin; Municipal government; Foreign settlements.

Registry: F 3613/3613/10/34. Date: 15 Jun 34; Pages: 50–60. Last Paper: F 4853/4853/10/33.

F 3615/10/34 Opening of port of Chenghsien to foreign trade. Abstract: Covers opening of Chenghsien (or Chengchow) in Honan Province to

foreign trade by presidential order in 1922. Subject Descriptors: Treaty ports; Honan Province.

Registry: F 3615/3615/10/34. Date: 15 Jun 34; Pages: 61–69. Last Paper: none.

F 3616/10/34 Land transfers in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers transfer of land in Manchukuo to Chi Tung Tobacco Company

from parent company British American Tobacco Company.

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Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Tobacco industry and products; Manchukuo. Registry: F 3616/3616/10/34. Date: 15 Jun 34; Pages: 70–75. Last Paper: none.

F 3697/10/34 Piracy of S.S. Shuntien. Abstract: Covers attack on S.S. Shuntien off Shantung coast by pirates, resulting

in looting of ship, wounding of ship’s British third officer, and kidnapping of British and Chinese passengers. Includes British naval and air search and operations against pirates; British investigations and reports; and allegations of involvement of Japanese passenger.

Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Ships and shipping; Naval forces, British. Registry: F 3697/3697/10/34–F 7436/3697/10/34. Date: 19 Jun 34–17 Dec 34; Pages: 76–288. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18151. China Political (cont.). F 3790/10/34 British Chamber of Commerce at Hankow.

Abstract: Covers 1934 annual general meeting of Hankow British Chamber of Commerce.

Subject Descriptors: Hankow; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 3790/3790/10/34. Date: 22 Jun 34; Pages: 1–9. Last Paper: F 3912/3912/10/31.

F 3796/10/34 Census Law in China. Abstract: Covers revision and enforcement of Chinese Census Law. Subject Descriptors: Population characteristics; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 3796/3796/10/34. Date: 22 Jun 34; Pages: 10–13. Last Paper: F 8822/8822/10/32.

F 3798/10/34 Tientsin Native City Waterworks Company. Abstract: Covers compliance of Tientsin Native City Waterworks Company with

Chinese registration regulations and eligibility of firm for British consular assistance.

Subject Descriptors: Tientsin; Public works and utilities; Regulations and ordinances; Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 3798/3798/10/34–F 6294/3798/10/34. Date: 22 Jun 34–23 Oct 34; Pages: 14–46. Last Paper: F 7383/862/10/31.

F 3821/10/34 Hindustan-Tibet road. Abstract: Covers extension and improvement of Hindustan-Tibet road. Subject Descriptors: Roads; India; Tibet.

Registry: F 3821/3821/10/34. Date: 23 Jun 34; Pages: 47–52. Last Paper: none.

F 3927/10/34 Ban by Chinese postal service on Oriental Affairs. Abstract: Covers seizure by Chinese post office of copies of Oriental Affairs,

British monthly magazine published at Shanghai, and banning of periodical from Chinese mail for publication of articles hostile to Chinese government.

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Subject Descriptors: Censorship; Searches and seizures; China government; Press; Postal service. Registry: F 3927/3927/10/34–F 7645/3927/10/34. Date: 28 Jun 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 53–184, 209–211. Last Paper: none.

F 3933/10/34 Necessity of actual robbery for crime of piracy jure gentium. Abstract: Covers legal briefs presented to Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

arguing for and against the view that actual robbery was essential element for crime of piracy jure gentium.

Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Crime and criminals; British government. Registry: F 3933/3933/10/34–F 4770/3933/10/34. Date: 29 Jun 34–7 Aug 34; Pages: 185–208, 212–221. Last Paper: none.

F 4011/10/34 Visit to Java of Chinese minister of industry. Abstract: Covers visit of Chen Kung-po, Chinese minister of industry, to Java and

alleged connection of visit with establishment of sugar refinery in China to process Javanese raw sugar.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Travel; Netherlands East Indies; Food and food industry. Registry: F 4011/4011/10/34. Date: 3 Jul 34; Pages: 222–224. Last Paper: none.

F 4012/10/34 Affairs of Gandalynne, Limited, at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers request by Mrs. M. L. Donaldson to British Foreign Office for

information regarding Mrs. J. Macgregor Gibb trading under name Gandalynne, Limited, at Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry. Registry: F 4012/4012/10/34. Date: 3 Jul 34; Pages: 225–230. Last Paper: none.

F 4033/10/34 Speech of Sir John Simon to China Committee. Abstract: Covers notes of speech made by Sir John Simon, British foreign

secretary, to China Committee of the House of Commons. Subject Descriptors: British government.

Registry: F 4033/4033/10/34. Date: 4 Jul 34; Pages: 231–234. Last Paper: none.

F 4059/10/34 Manchurian cotton industry. Abstract: Covers affairs of Manchurian Raw Cotton Company; and visit to

Manchukuo and Japan of U.S. professor of agriculture. Subject Descriptors: Textile industry and fabrics; Agriculture; Travel; Japan;

Manchukuo. Registry: F 4059/4059/10/34. Date: 5 Jul 34; Pages: 235–237. Last Paper: none.

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F 4078/10/34 Manchukuo forestry regulations. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Manchukuo Forestry Regulations. Subject Descriptors: Forests and forestry; Manchukuo; Regulations and

ordinances. Registry: F 4078/4078/10/34. Date: 5 Jul 34; Pages: 238–243. Last Paper: F 7841/1302/10/33.

F 4094/10/34 Supply of war material to Manchuria. Abstract: Covers rumored supply of war material from foreign firms to

Manchukuo and Manchukuo government’s proposed monopoly on sale and importation of explosives.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; Manchukuo. Registry: F 4094/4094/10/34–F 5982/4094/10/34. Date: 6 Jul 34–5 Oct 34; Pages: 244–260. Last Paper: none.

Reel 41 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18152. China Political (cont.). F 4157/10/34 New Life Movement in China.

Abstract: Covers Chinese New Life Movement (movement for return to traditional Chinese values) sponsored by Chiang Kai-shek. Also includes New Life Movement boycotts and agitation against British American Tobacco Company and chemical fertilizer business of Imperial Chemical Industries in Fukien and Chekiang Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Boycotts; Fukien Province; Chekiang Province; Tobacco industry and products; Chemicals and chemical industry. Registry: F 4157/4157/10/34–F 7096/4157/10/34. Date: 10 Jul 34–30 Nov 34; Pages: 1–68. Last Paper: none.

F 4252/10/34 Training for Mongol military officers in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers proposed training in Manchukuo for Mongol cavalry officers. Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, Mongolia; Education; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 4252/4252/10/34–F 7640/4252/10/34. Date: 13 Jul 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 69–74. Last Paper: none.

F 4295/10/34 British Empire Fair at Hong Kong. Abstract: Covers proposed British Empire Fair at Hong Kong. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Business and industry; Conferences and

conventions. Registry: F 4295/4295/10/34. Date: 16 Jul 34; Pages: 75–79. Last Paper: F 7908/5185/10/33.

F 4362/10/34 Mortgage of Harbin factory held by Liddell Brothers & Company. Abstract: Covers lawsuit relating to mortgage of Harbin plywood factory held by

Liddell Brothers & Company. (Firm claimed mortgage applied to machinery in factory as well as land and buildings.)

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Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Land ownership and rights; Harbin. Registry: F 4362/4362/10/34. Date: 19 Jul 34; Pages: 80–99. Last Paper: none.

F 4381/10/34 Muslims in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers creation of Islam [sic] Association of Manchukuo for

encouragement and protection of Muslims in Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Manchukuo; Social

conditions. Registry: F 4381/4381/10/34. Date: 20 Jul 34; Pages: 100–105. Last Paper: none.

F 4382/10/34 U.S. consul-general at Mukden. Abstract: Covers transfer of M. S. Meyers, U.S. consul-general at Mukden, to

U.S. State Department. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services.

Registry: F 4382/4382/10/34. Date: 20 Jul 34; Pages: 106–108. Last Paper: none.

F 4482/10/34 Muslims in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers status of Chinese Muslims in Yunnan Province and creation of

Moslem Progressive Association. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Yunnan Province; Social

conditions. Registry: F 4482/4482/10/34. Date: 23 Jul 34; Pages: 109–113. Last Paper: none.

F 4657/10/34 Manchukuo prison conditions. Abstract: Covers conditions for foreign prisoners at Hsinking prison. Subject Descriptors: Prisons and prisoners; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 4657/4657/10/34. Date: 31 Jul 34; Pages: 114–116. Last Paper: F 4192/2028/10/33.

F 4675/10/34 Regulations on disposal of public land in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Chinese government regulations on

disposal of public land. Subject Descriptors: Regulations and ordinances; Land ownership and rights.

Registry: F 4675/4675/10/34. Date: 31 Jul 34; Pages: 117–121. Last Paper: F 7783/7783/10/33.

F 4676/10/34 Insurance Business Law in China. Abstract: Covers proposed Chinese government Insurance Business Law and

effect on British insurance companies in China. Subject Descriptors: Insurance; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 4676/4676/10/34–F 7341/4676/10/34. Date: 31 Jul 34–11 Dec 34; Pages: 122–192. Last Paper: F 6900/341/10/31.

F 4769/10/34 Visit to Europe of Chinese transport mission. Abstract: Covers visit of Chinese military and civil transport and communications

mission to Germany, Italy, and Great Britain.

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Subject Descriptors: Travel; Armed forces, China; Communications; Transportation; Germany; Italy; Great Britain. Registry: F 4769/4769/10/34–F 7578/4769/10/34. Date: 7 Aug 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 193–241. Last Paper: none.

F 4873/10/34 Hong Kong ordinance for registration of non-Chinese aliens. Abstract: Covers Hong Kong ordinance for registration of non-Chinese aliens for

purposes of combating Communist propaganda and subversive activity. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Communism; Regulations and ordinances;

Immigration and emigration. Registry: F 4873/4873/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34; Pages: 242–255. Last Paper: none.

F 4888/10/34 Japan-Manchukuo money order exchange treaty. Abstract: Covers treaty between Japan and Manchukuo on exchange of small

postal money orders. Subject Descriptors: Money; Postal service; Japan; Manchukuo; Treaties and

agreements. Registry: F 4888/4888/10/34–F 5580/4888/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34–17 Sep 34; Pages: 256–263. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18153. China Political (cont.). F 4915/10/34 Visit to Shansi Province of I. C. Mackenzie.

Abstract: Covers journey to Shansi Province by I. C. Mackenzie, student interpreter at British legation at Peking.

Subject Descriptors: Shansi Province; Travel; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 4915/4915/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34; Pages: 1–8. Last Paper: none.

F 4924/10/34 Anti-Japanese activity in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers Sino-Japanese relations in Yunnan Province. Includes

appointment of Japanese consular officer at Yunnanfu; proposed return of Japanese community after 1931 anti-Japanese agitation; activity of Yunnan Anti-Japanese Society; and anti-Japanese press sentiment.

Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Social conditions; Diplomatic and consular services; Organizations and associations; Press. Registry: F 4924/4924/10/34–F 7657/4924/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 9–33. Last Paper: none.

F 4926/10/34 Purchase of purebred Arabian horses by Chinese government. Abstract: Covers purchase by Chinese government of purebred Arabian stud

horses from Southern Cross Trading Company for use by Chinese army. Subject Descriptors: China government; Business and industry; Armed forces,

China. Registry: F 4926/4926/10/34. Date: 10 Aug 34; Pages: 34–47. Last Paper: none.

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F 4967/10/34 Manchukuo law regarding preservation of historic artifacts. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Manchukuo law governing preservation of

historic buildings and artifacts. Subject Descriptors: Arts and culture; Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 4967/4967/10/34. Date: 13 Aug 34; Pages: 48–54. Last Paper: none.

F 5039/10/34 Anniversary of Shakee Incident of June 1925. Abstract: Covers observance at Canton of anniversary of Shakee Incident of

June 1925. (Demonstrators at Canton protesting the Shanghai May 30th Incident were fired on by British and French troops as they approached the bridge connecting the foreign concessions on Shameen Island to Canton. Dozens of demonstrators were killed and over one hundred wounded.)

Subject Descriptors: Celebrations and observances; Canton. Registry: F 5039/5039/10/34. Date: 17 Aug 34; Pages: 55–58. Last Paper: F 5472/5472/10/33.

F 5055/10/34 Kakchioh foreshore reclamation dispute. Abstract: Covers dispute over auction of western section of reclaimed land on

Kakchioh foreshore at Swatow. Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Swatow.

Registry: F 5055/5055/10/34. Date: 17 Aug 34; Pages: 59–107. Last Paper: F 4685/4685/10/33.

F 5176/10/34 Daily Telegraph Chinese supplement. Abstract: Covers proposed production of Chinese supplement to Daily Telegraph. Subject Descriptors: Press.

Registry: F 5176/5176/10/34. Date: 24 Aug 34; Pages: 108–111. Last Paper: none.

F 5177/10/34 Employment of British subjects with Yunnan Tin Corporation. Abstract: Covers offer of employment by Yunnan Tin Corporation to British

subjects. Includes antiforeign sentiment at plant in Kochiu. Subject Descriptors: Employment and unemployment; Yunnan Province; Social

conditions; Mines and mineral industries. Registry: F 5177/5177/10/34–F 6306/5177/10/34. Date: 25 Aug 34–24 Oct 34; Pages: 112–124. Last Paper: F 2310/2310/10/32.

F 5182/10/34 Kwangsi Province: journey report and Year Book for 1933–1934. Abstract: Covers and encloses report on journey through Kwangsi Province by

Capt. A. T. Wilson-Brand and Kwangsi Province Year Book for 1933–1934. Topics covered include political conditions; mining; communications; railways and roads; provincial military organization; military aviation training, aircraft factories, and aerodromes; agriculture; business and industry; labor conditions; commerce; finance and revenues; education; and social conditions. Includes maps.

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Subject Descriptors: Kwangsi Province; Travel; Political conditions; Mines and mineral industries; Communications; Railroads; Roads; Armed forces, China; Air forces, China; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Civil aviation; Agriculture; Business and industry; Labor conditions; Foreign trade; Finance; Government revenue; Education; Social conditions; Maps. Registry: F 5182/5182/10/34–F 5910/5182/10/34. Date: 25 Aug 34–3 Oct 34; Pages: 125–187. Last Paper: none.

F 5200/10/34 Firing on S.S. Lungshan near Canton. Abstract: Covers attack on British-owned S.S. Lungshan by Chinese junk near

Canton. Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Canton.

Registry: F 5200/5200/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 188–192. Last Paper: none.

F 5202/10/34 Fire insurance regulations at Tsinan. Abstract: Covers Tsinan regulations introducing punitive measures against policy

holders whose premises are damaged by fire. Subject Descriptors: Insurance; Treaty ports; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 5202/5202/10/34–F 7496/5202/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34–19 Dec 34; Pages: 193–210. Last Paper: none.

F 5217/10/34 Prohibition of silver export from Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Yunnan provincial government regulations

prohibiting exportation of silver from Yunnan Province. Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Regulations and ordinances; Money.

Registry: F 5217/5217/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 211–215. Last Paper: F 1135/106/10/33.

F 5232/10/34 Visit to Chengtu by British consul-general at Chungking. Abstract: Covers and encloses report on visit to Chengtu by A. G. Major, British

consul-general at Chungking. Subject Descriptors: Szechuan Province; Diplomatic and consular services,

British; Travel. Registry: F 5232/5232/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 216–221. Last Paper: none.

F 5246/10/34 Repercussions of Wanhsien Incident of 1926. Abstract: Covers boycotts of British goods resulting from Wanhsien Incident of

1926. (Incident was multiday battle on Yangtze River near Wanhsien between British gunboats and Chinese army units, sparked by piracy and seizure of British-flagged merchant ships. Chinese boycotts, in retaliation against the British use of force, virtually closed Wanhsien to British goods.)

Subject Descriptors: Boycotts; Business and industry. Registry: F 5246/5246/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 222–224. Last Paper: F 5182/95/10/33.

F 5250/10/34 Closing of strategic area at Chapu. Abstract: Covers establishment of strategic zone by Chinese government at

Chapu, near Shanghai, and expropriation of land belonging to foreigners.

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Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Shanghai. Registry: F 5250/5250/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 225–231. Last Paper: F 7400/726/10/33.

F 5252/10/34 Regulations governing issue of consular invoices. Abstract: Covers Chinese regulations governing issue of foreign consular

invoices for merchandise imported into China. Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; Diplomatic and consular services;

Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 5252/5252/10/34. Date: 27 Aug 34; Pages: 232–234. Last Paper: F 7217/58/10/33.

F 5286/10/34 Affairs of Kengma State. Abstract: Covers conditions on Bhamo-China border, including request of

Kengma State to come under British administration. Subject Descriptors: Burma; Borders and boundaries.

Registry: F 5286/5286/10/34–F 7676/5286/10/34. Date: 29 Aug 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 235–249. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18154. China Political (cont.). F 5364/10/34 Bandit attacks in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers bandit attacks in Manchukuo, including attacks on Chinese Eastern Railway trains and kidnappings at Peiling. Includes Japanese-Manchukuo operations against brigands and statistics on casualties due to bandit activity for May 1932–August 1934.

Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Railroads; Armed forces, Manchukuo; Kwantung Army; Manchukuo. Registry: F 5364/5364/10/34–F 7562/5364/10/34. Date: 4 Sep 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 1–40. Last Paper: none.

F 5379/10/34 Activities in China of Lt. Commander C. M. Faure, R.N. (Retired). Abstract: Covers activities of Lt. Commander C. M. Faure, R.N. (Retired) in

China. Includes views of Faure on situation in southern China, including relations between Canton and other parts of China; political, financial, and military situation at Canton; Japanese interests in southern China; and arms trafficking.

Subject Descriptors: Canton; Political conditions; Japan; Finance; Armed forces, China; Military weapons; Finance; Fukien Province; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 5379/5379/10/34. Date: 5 Sep 34; Pages: 41–66. Last Paper: F 1519/1519/10/30.

F 5395/10/34 Attack on British and U.S. nationals at Mukden by Japanese workmen. Abstract: Covers attack on British vice-consul and British and U.S. nationals at

Mukden by Japanese workmen. Includes Japanese antiforeign sentiment at Mukden.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Mukden; Crime and criminals; Social conditions. Registry: F 5395/5395/10/34–F 6733/5395/10/34. Date: 6 Sep 34–9 Nov 34; Pages: 67–117. Last Paper: none.

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F 5449/10/34 Manchukuo agricultural products. Abstract: Covers forecasts for Manchukuo farm products for 1934. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Agriculture.

Registry: F 5449/5449/10/34–F 7573/5449/10/34. Date: 11 Sep 34–21 Dec 34; Pages: 118–125. Last Paper: none.

F 5482/10/34 Departure of Major-General Komatsubara from Harbin. Abstract: Covers departure of Japanese Major-General Komatsubara, head of

Intelligence Branch of Kwantung Army at Harbin, for Japan. Subject Descriptors: Kwantung Army.

Registry: F 5482/5482/10/34. Date: 13 Sep 34; Pages: 126–129. Last Paper: none.

F 5489/10/34 British insurance companies in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers discrimination against British insurance companies in

Manchukuo to alleged benefit of Japanese companies. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Insurance.

Registry: F 5489/5489/10/34–F 5679/5489/10/34. Date: 13 Sep 34–21 Sep 34; Pages: 130–142. Last Paper: none.

F 5519/10/34 Greater Shanghai Municipal Loan of 1934. Abstract: Covers Chinese Silver $3.5 million Greater Shanghai Municipal Loan of

1934 for construction of roads, bridges, and buildings in Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Shanghai; Construction and repair;

Bridges; Roads. Registry: F 5519/5519/10/34. Date: 14 Sep 34; Pages: 143–147. Last Paper: none.

F 5544/10/34 Performance of Chinese plays in London. Abstract: Covers proposed performance of Chinese plays in London by Mei Lan-

fang. Subject Descriptors: Arts and culture; Great Britain.

Registry: F 5544/5544/10/34–F 5824/5544/10/34. Date: 14–29 Sep 34; Pages: 148–160. Last Paper: none.

F 5575/10/34 Massacre of lepers in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers massacre of large number of lepers in Tsuyung and Yao Hsien

Districts of Yunnan Province. Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Deaths; Health conditions.

Registry: F 5575/5575/10/34–F 7717/5575/10/34. Date: 17 Sep 34–31 Dec 34; Pages: 161–172. Last Paper: none.

F 5625/10/34 Journey of Vice-Consul Gillett from Hankow to Burma. Abstract: Covers report on journey of British Vice-Consul M. C. Gillett from

Hankow to Myitkyina, Burma, via Chungking and Suifu. Topics covered include political conditions; opium; communications; Chinese officials; commerce; currency; and road and travel conditions.

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Subject Descriptors: Travel; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Political conditions; Opium; Communications; Foreign trade; Money; Roads; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 5625/5625/10/34. Date: 18 Sep 34; Pages: 173–237. Last Paper: F 5829/5829/10/33.

F 5629/10/34 British subjects deported from China, 1924–1934. Abstract: Covers and encloses list of British subjects deported from China, 1924–

1934. Includes activities of deportee Hadji Mahomet (alias Charles Laurence Clark).

Subject Descriptors: Deportation; Great Britain. Registry: F 5629/5629/10/34–F 5921/5629/10/34. Date: 18 Sep 34–3 Oct 34; Pages: 238–247. Last Paper: F 591/591/10/25.

F 5631/10/34 Suspected Japanese and Soviet agents in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers activities of European travelers in Yunnan Province suspected

of being Japanese or Soviet intelligence agents. Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Travel; Soviet Union; Japan; Intelligence

services. Registry: F 5631/5631/10/34–F 5767/5631/10/34. Date: 19 Sep 34–26 Sep 34; Pages: 248–256. Last Paper: none.

F 5676/10/34 Population of Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers and encloses Manchukuo government statistics on population

at end of 1933. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Population characteristics.

Registry: F 5676/5676/10/34. Date: 21 Sep 34; Pages: 257–266. Last Paper: none.

Reel 42 FO 371, 1934 cont.

Volume 18155. China Political (cont.). F 5783/10/34 Foreign diplomatic missions in China.

Abstract: Covers elevation of Italian diplomatic mission in China to embassy status. Includes British, French, Japanese, and U.S. policy on diplomatic representation in China.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy. Registry: F 5783/5783/10/34–F 7161/5783/10/34. Date: 27 Sep 34–4 Dec 34; Pages: 1–89. Last Paper: F 6069/3276/10/33.

F 5795/10/34 Land at Hailar leased by Produce Export Company. Abstract: Covers proposed expropriation by local Manchukuo authorities of land

at Hailar leased by Produce Export Company. Includes negotiations for sale of land by company to Manchukuo authorities.

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Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Land ownership and rights; Manchukuo; Searches and seizures. Registry: F 5795/5795/10/34–F 6499/5795/10/34. Date: 27 Sep 34–1 Nov 34; Pages: 90–126. Last Paper: none.

F 5820/10/34 Manchukuo State Higher Normal School. Abstract: Covers and encloses Manchukuo government regulations governing

State Higher Normal School. Subject Descriptors: Education; Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 5820/5820/10/34. Date: 28 Sep 34; Pages: 127–137. Last Paper: none.

F 5830/10/34 Scholarships for Yunnanese students at Hong Kong University. Abstract: Covers grant of Hong Kong University scholarships to Yunnanese

students by Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce. Subject Descriptors: Education; Yunnan Province; Hong Kong; Organizations

and associations. Registry: F 5830/5830/10/34. Date: 29 Sep 34; Pages: 138–147. Last Paper: F 2969/2751/10/26.

F 5838/10/34 British military adviser for Chang Hsueh-liang. Abstract: Covers proposed appointment of Col. A. H. W. Haywood as adviser for

Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang in establishing military school. Subject Descriptors: Education; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British.

Registry: F 5838/5838/10/34–F 6243/5838/10/34. Date: 29 Sep 34–20 Oct 34; Pages: 148–152. Last Paper: F 945/945/10/33.

F 5866/10/34 Claims by Asiatic Petroleum Company against Manchukuo government. Abstract: Covers claims against Manchukuo government by Asiatic Petroleum

Company for losses due to looting and Manchukuo military action in 1931–1932.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Claims; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Military conflicts; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 5866/5866/10/34–F 6451/5866/10/34. Date: 1 Oct 34–31 Oct 34; Pages: 153–170. Last Paper: F 7989/1/10/33.

F 5895/10/34 Liquidation of Russo-Asiatic Bank. Abstract: Covers claims of Chinese government against Russo-Asiatic Bank (in

Liquidation) regarding service of 1913 Reorganization Loan. Subject Descriptors: Financial institutions; Claims; China government; Loans and

grants. Registry: F 5895/5895/10/34. Date: 3 Oct 34; Pages: 171–175. Last Paper: F 3732/1553/10/33.

F 5934/10/34 Nationality of Edward Manso de Villa. Abstract: Covers alleged British nationality of Edward Manso de Villa. Subject Descriptors: Citizenship and naturalization.

Registry: F 5934/5934/10/34. Date: 4 Oct 34; Pages: 176–181. Last Paper: none.

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F 5947/10/34 Suppression of smuggling in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Japanese antismuggling measures at Antung, Dairen, and

Tumen. Subject Descriptors: Smuggling; Manchukuo; Treaty ports.

Registry: F 5947/5947/10/34. Date: 4 Oct 34; Pages: 182–188. Last Paper: none.

F 6090/10/34 Chefoo harbor improvements. Abstract: Covers proposed improvements to Chefoo harbor facilities by

Netherlands Harbor Work Company. Subject Descriptors: Harbors and ports; Treaty ports; Construction and repair.

Registry: F 6090/6090/10/34. Date: 12 Oct 34; Pages: 189–196. Last Paper: F 7946/5620/10/33.

F 6119/10/34 Health of Chiang Kai-shek. Abstract: Covers examination of Chiang Kai-shek at Peking Union Medical

College. Subject Descriptors: Chiang Kai-shek; Health facilities and services.

Registry: F 6119/6119/10/34–F 6619/6119/10/34. Date: 15 Oct 34–6 Nov 34; Pages: 197–202. Last Paper: none.

F 6161/10/34 National goods certificates in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese government regulations on certificates for goods made

in China by native industry. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 6161/6161/10/34. Date: 17 Oct 34; Pages: 203–217. Last Paper: none.

F 6203/10/34 Electrical industry in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers merger of nine electrical industry firms in Manchukuo into

Manchuria Electric Industry Company. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 6203/6203/10/34–F 7642/6203/10/34. Date: 18 Oct 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 218–228. Last Paper: none.

Volume 18156. China Political (cont.). F 6283/10/34 Registration of Chinese education society in British Malaya.

Abstract: Covers British policy on registration of Chinese education society (under supervision of Chinese consul-general) to promote fellowship among Chinese schools in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Education; Organizations and associations; Malaya. Registry: F 6283/6283/10/34–F 6890/6283/10/34. Date: 22 Oct 34–19 Nov 34; Pages: 1–52. Last Paper: none.

F 6328/10/34 Manchukuo soybean industry. Abstract: Covers depression in Manchukuo soybean industry. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Agriculture.

Registry: F 6328/6328/10/34. Date: 25 Oct 34; Pages: 53–65. Last Paper: none.

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F 6336/10/34 Construction of munitions factory at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers proposed construction of munitions factory at Shanghai by

Sassoon. Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Shanghai.

Registry: F 6336/6336/10/34. Date: 25 Oct 34; Pages: 66–67. Last Paper: none.

F 6641/10/34 Wireless telegraph and telephone facilities at Hong Kong. Abstract: Covers existing and projected wireless telegraph and telephone

facilities at Hong Kong. Includes agreement between Hong Kong government and Imperial and International Communications for operation of commercial Hong Kong wireless communications.

Subject Descriptors: Communications; Hong Kong; Contracts. Registry: F 6641/6641/10/34–F 7499/6641/10/34. Date: 7 Nov 34–19 Dec 34; Pages: 68–100. Last Paper: none.

F 6644/10/34 Piracy of S.S. Kaho. Abstract: Covers piracy of British-owned S.S. Kaho near Swatow and British

naval assistance in Chinese operations against pirates. Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Ships and shipping; Naval forces, British.

Registry: F 6644/6644/10/34–F 6768/6644/10/34. Date: 7–13 Nov 34; Pages: 101–106. Last Paper: none.

F 6669/10/34 Registration of land by foreigners in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers registration with Manchukuo authorities of deeds for land held

by foreigners in Manchukuo. Includes regularization of tenure of land belonging to Butterfield and Swire at Antung; registration of foreign land in Mukden; and Manchukuo policy on perpetual leases.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Business and industry; Manchukuo; Treaty ports. Registry: F 6669/6669/10/34–F 7643/6669/10/34. Date: 8 Nov 34–28 Dec 34; Pages: 107–147. Last Paper: F 8001/346/10/33.

F 6702/10/34 Control of supply of salt and kerosene in Communist-controlled areas of China. Abstract: Covers activities of monopolies formed by Fukien and Kiangsi

provincial governments to prevent supplies of salt and kerosene reaching Communists. Also includes Kwangtung provincial government’s National Product Sales Company to market goods monopolized by provincial government.

Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Food and food industry; Fukien Province; Kiangsi Province; Kwangtung Province; Business and industry. Registry: F 6702/6702/10/34–F 7243/6702/10/34. Date: 9 Nov 34–6 Dec 34; Pages: 148–188. Last Paper: none.

F 6719/10/34 Nanking railroad ferry. Abstract: Covers installation of additional Nanking train ferry to facilitate railroad

traffic across Yangtze River.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Nanking; Rivers and waterways. Registry: F 6719/6719/10/34–F 6766/6719/10/34. Date: 9 Nov 34–13 Nov 34; Pages: 189–196. Last Paper: none.

F 6851/10/34 Sugar monopoly in China. Abstract: Covers rumored implementation of sugar import monopoly by Chinese

government. Subject Descriptors: Food and food industry; China government; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 6851/6851/10/34. Date: 16 Nov 34; Pages: 197–200. Last Paper: none.

F 6869/10/34 Mir of Hunza’s annual gift to Chinese government. Abstract: Covers sending of customary “tribute” from mir of Hunza to Chinese

government in consideration of mir’s grazing rights on India-Sinkiang border. Subject Descriptors: India; Sinkiang; China government; Land ownership and

rights; Borders and boundaries. Registry: F 6869/6869/10/34–F 7689/6869/10/34. Date: 19 Nov 34–29 Dec 34; Pages: 201–209. Last Paper: F 6459/5344/10/33.

F 6969/10/34 British Industries Fair. Abstract: Covers memorandum explaining purpose of British Industries Fair. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry.

Registry: F 6969/6969/10/34. Date: 24 Nov 34; Pages: 210–212. Last Paper: none.

F 7069/10/34 Life insurance business in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers proposed Manchukuo government monopoly on life insurance

business. Subject Descriptors: Insurance; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 7069/7069/10/34. Date: 29 Nov 34; Pages: 213–217. Last Paper: none.

F 7116/10/34 Chinese Salt Administration affairs. Abstract: Covers promotion of British members of Chinese Salt Administration

and payment from salt revenues of 1934 installment of Anglo-French 4½% Loan of 1908.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; China government; Loans and grants; Employment and unemployment; Government revenue. Registry: F 7116/7116/10/34–F 7451/7116/10/34. Date: 1–17 Dec 34; Pages: 218–228. Last Paper: F 4514/548/10/33.

F 7452/10/34 British subjects qualified to act as interpreters in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses list by consular district of British subjects in China

qualified to act as interpreters. Subject Descriptors: Languages; Great Britain.

Registry: F 7452/7452/10/34. Date: 17 Dec 34; Pages: 229–280. Last Paper: F 7274/332/10/33.

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F 7488/10/34 Anglo-American cooperation under Nine-Power Treaty. Abstract: Covers British policy on Anglo-American cooperation under the Nine-

Power Treaty and proposed conference of treaty signatories in 1932. Subject Descriptors: British policy; U.S. policy; Treaties and agreements;

Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 7488/7488/10/34. Date: 18 Dec 34; Pages: 281–304. Last Paper: none.

Reel 43 FO 371 Political Correspondence: China, 1935

Volume 19236. China Political. F 2/10/35 Chinese naval affairs.

Abstract: Covers employment of Capt. J. A. V. Morse of Royal Navy as naval adviser to Chinese government; movements, resignation, and reinstatement of Admiral Chen, Chinese minister of navy; appointment of Japanese naval instructor on tactics for Chinese navy; proposed Italian naval mission to China; training of Chinese naval cadets in by Royal Navy in Great Britain; and other issues.

Also covers Canton navy affairs, including reorganization and mutiny of Cantonese cruisers Haichi and Haichen.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, China; Naval forces, British; Naval forces, Italy; Naval forces, Japan; Education; Canton; China government; Government appointments; Great Britain; Revolts. Registry: F 2/2/10/35–F 7929/2/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–19 Dec 35; Pages: 1–144. Last Paper: F 7701/495/10/34.

F 4/10/35 British tobacco industry in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company (BAT) in

Manchukuo. Includes impact of Manchukuo law on control of manufacture of cigarettes on British extraterritoriality and other treaty rights.

Also covers affairs of BAT subsidiary Chi Tung Tobacco Company, including registration for permit to operate under cigarette manufacture control law; proposed construction of new factory at Newchwang; and payment of business tax.

Includes British policy on discrimination against British business and industry in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Manchukuo; Taxation; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; British policy; Business and industry. Registry: F 4/4/10/35–F 2850/4/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–2 May 35; Pages: 145–225. Last Paper: F 7590/164/10/34.

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Volume 19237. China Political (cont.). F 4/10/35 British tobacco industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company (BAT) in Manchukuo. Includes impact of Manchukuo law on control of manufacture of cigarettes on British extraterritoriality and other treaty rights. Also includes activities of Japanese-owned Toa Tobacco Company and offer to purchase BAT interests in Manchuria.

Also covers affairs of BAT subsidiary Chi Tung Tobacco Company, including registration for permit to operate under cigarette manufacture control law and proposed construction of new factory at Newchwang.

Includes British policy on discrimination against British business and industry in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Manchukuo; Taxation; Regulations and ordinances; Extraterritoriality; Treaty ports; British policy; Business and industry. Registry: F 2855/4/10/35–F 7630/4/10/35. Date: 3 May 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 1–242. Last Paper: F 2850/4/10/35.

Volume 19238. China Political (cont.). F 4/10/35 British tobacco industry in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company subsidiary Chi Tung Tobacco Company in Manchukuo, including registration for permit to operate under cigarette manufacture control law.

Includes British policy on discrimination against British business and industry in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; British policy; Business and industry. Registry: F 7743/4/10/35–F 8064/4/10/35. Date: 9–27 Dec 35; Pages: 1–25. Last Paper: F 7630/4/10/35.

F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China: loans, silver crisis, and currency reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis due in

part to U.S. silver policy. Includes proposed loans for reorganization of Chinese finances and currency reform, including £20 million loan from Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

Also covers report by British government interdepartmental committee on Chinese silver situation and Chinese currency options.

Also includes flotation of Hupei Provincial Reconstruction Loan and Hong Kong–Chinese cooperation in prevention of smuggling of Chinese silver into Hong Kong.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; British government; U.S. policy; Hupei Province; Smuggling; Hong Kong. Registry: F 6/6/10/35–F 738/6/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–4 Feb 35; Pages: 26–220. Last Paper: F 7713/942/10/34.

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Reel 44 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19239. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

currency reform proposals. Includes proposed £20 million loan from Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation for reorganization of Chinese finances and currency reform. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China.

Includes Hong Kong–Chinese cooperation in prevention of smuggling of Chinese silver into Hong Kong; release of surplus silver in Shanghai by Mercantile Bank of India; and silver imports and exports at Shanghai.

Also includes text of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway 5½% Completion Loan of November 1934 and redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Smuggling; Hong Kong; Shanghai; Railroads. Registry: F 746/6/10/35–F 1575/6/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–7 Mar 35; Pages: 1–213. Last Paper: F 738/6/10/35.

Volume 19240. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

currency reform proposals. Includes proposed £20 million loan from Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation for reorganization of Chinese finances and currency reform. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China.

Includes silver reserve held by British consulate-general at Shanghai against banknote issue of British banks and proposed attachment of financial adviser to British legation in China.

Also includes establishment of Chinese government monetary advisory committee; proposed issue of bonds by Chinese government for reorganization of leading Chinese banks; and redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Shanghai; Railroads; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 1576/6/10/35–F 2748/6/10/35. Date: 7 Mar 35–27 Apr 35; Pages: 1–223. Last Paper: F 1575/6/10/35.

Page 106: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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Volume 19241. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis,

currency reform proposals, and proposed foreign loans. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China and proposed international conference of financial experts in China. Also includes British policy on political and economic relations with Japan.

Includes appointment of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, chief economic adviser to British government, as financial adviser to British legation in China; silver reserve held by British consulate-general at Shanghai against banknote issue of British banks; and redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway of 1908 from 5½% Completion Loan of 1934.

Also includes difficulties and reorganization of Chinese banks and proposed loan flotation on Shanghai market by Chinese government.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Shanghai; Railroads; China government; British government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 2751/6/10/35–F 3771/6/10/35. Date: 29 Apr 35–4 Jun 35; Pages: 1–225. Last Paper: F 2748/6/10/35.

Reel 45 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19242. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis,

currency reform proposals, and proposed foreign loans. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China. Also includes British policy on political and economic relations with Japan.

Includes appointment of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as financial adviser to British embassy in China.

Also includes redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908 from 5½% Completion Loan of 1934; smuggling of silver from southern China to Hong Kong; annual Chinese Ministry of Finance financial reports for 1932–1934; difficulties of native Chinese and foreign banking industry; and status of Hong Kong currency.

Subject Descriptors Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; British government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Smuggling; Railroads; China government; Government revenue; Government spending. Registry: F 3772/6/10/35–F 4674/6/10/35. Date: 5 Jun 35–19 Jul 35; Pages: 1–241. Last Paper: F 3771/6/10/35.

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Volume 19243. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis,

currency reform proposals, and proposed foreign loans. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China.

Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China to investigate Chinese financial situation.

Also includes redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908 from 5½% Completion Loan of 1934; smuggling of silver out of China; annual Chinese Ministry of Finance financial reports for 1932–1934; Chinese customs revenues for 1935; Hong Kong currency situation; and difficulties of native Chinese banking industry.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; British government; Smuggling; Railroads; China government; Government revenue; Government spending; Taxation; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 4699/6/10/35–F 5268/6/10/35. Date: 19 Jul 35–14 Aug 35; Pages: 1–227. Last Paper: F 4674/6/10/35.

Volume 19244. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

currency reform proposals. Also covers British, French, U.S., and Japanese policy on financial assistance to China.

Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China and negotiations with Chinese government for transfer of currency to sterling basis and proposed loan from Great Britain.

Also includes redemption of outstanding balance of Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Loan of 1908 from 5½% Completion Loan of 1934; Hong Kong currency situation; Bank of China quarterly balance sheet; difficulties of native Chinese banking industry; and Chinese customs revenues for 1935.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; France; Japan; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; British government; Railroads; China government; Government revenue; Government spending; Taxation; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 5284/6/10/35–F 6397/6/10/35. Date: 14 Aug 35–10 Oct 35; Pages: 1–264. Last Paper: F 5268/6/10/35.

Page 108: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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Reel 46 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19245. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

currency reform entailing nationalization of silver, replacement of silver dollar with paper currency linked to British sterling, replacement of current banknotes by one single note issue, and reconstruction of Central Bank of China into modern Central Bank charged with maintaining stability of currency. Also covers British, U.S., and Japanese policy on currency reform in China.

Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China and negotiations with Chinese government on currency reform and proposed loan from Great Britain.

Also includes Chinese Silver $100 million 23rd Year (1934) Customs Revenue Loan issued by Chinese government and status of Hong Kong currency.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; Financial institutions; British policy; Japan; British government; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Government revenue. Registry: F 6401/6/10/35–F 6899/6/10/35. Date: 10 Oct 35–4 Nov 35; Pages: 1–227. Last Paper: F 6397/6/10/35.

Volume 19246. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

replacement of silver dollar currency with paper currency linked to sterling. Also covers British, U.S., and Japanese policy on currency reform in China.

Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China and negotiations with Chinese government on currency reform and proposed loan from Great Britain.

Also includes status of Hong Kong currency; proposed U.S. purchase of silver from China and Hong Kong; committee to represent British bondholders of Chinese railway loans; and smuggling of Chinese silver into Hong Kong.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; British policy; British government; Japan; U.S. government; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; China government; Railroads; Smuggling; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 6920/6/10/35–F 7214/6/10/35. Date: 4–18 Nov 35; Pages: 1–226. Last Paper: F 6899/6/10/35.

Volume 19247. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

replacement of silver dollar currency with paper currency linked to sterling. Also covers British, U.S., and Japanese policy on currency reform in China.

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Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China and negotiations with Chinese government on currency reform and proposed loan from Great Britain.

Also includes status of Hong Kong currency; committee to represent British bondholders of Chinese railway loans in proposed settlement of Chinese railway loan defaults; and Chinese customs revenue available for loan service.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; British policy; British government; Japan; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; China government; Railroads; Smuggling; Taxation; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Government revenue. Registry: F 7254/6/10/35–F 7683/6/10/35. Date: 18 Nov 35–6 Dec 35; Pages: 1–234. Last Paper: F 7214/6/10/35.

Reel 47 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19248. China Political (cont.). F 6/10/35 Financial situation in China (cont.): loans, silver crisis, and currency

reform. Abstract: Covers general financial situation in China, including silver crisis and

replacement of silver dollar currency with paper currency linked to sterling. Also covers British, U.S., and Japanese policy on currency reform in China.

Includes mission of Sir Frederick Leith-Ross as British financial adviser in China and negotiations with Chinese government on currency reform and proposed loan from Great Britain.

Also includes proposed settlement of Chinese railway loan defaults and northern China autonomy crisis impact on currency reform.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Money; Loans and grants; British policy; British government; Japan; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; China government; Railroads; Political conditions; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 7715/6/10/35–F 8142/6/10/35. Date: 9–31 Dec 35; Pages: 1–164. Last Paper: F 7683/6/10/35.

F 10/10/35 Railroads in China: loan defaults, reorganization, and construction. Abstract: Covers defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese

government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan of 1907; Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling Bills Issue of 1918 (Marconi Loan); Nanking-Hunan Railway Loan of 1914; Pukow-Sinyang Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; Tientsin-Pukow loans of 1908 and 1910; and Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan).

Also covers British efforts to reorganize Chinese railways, including appointment of British administrator and other advisers.

Also includes preliminary agreement for construction of Chungking-Chengtu Railway.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; Government appointments; British policy; Construction and repair; Treaties and agreements; Szechuan Province; Business and industry. Registry: F 10/10/10/35–F 242/10/10/35. Date: 1–11 Jan 35; Pages: 165–238. Last Paper: F 7719/13/10/34.

Volume 19249. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/35 Railroads in China (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan of 1907; Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling Bills Issue of 1918 (Marconi Loan); Nanking-Hunan Loan Railway Loan of 1914; Pukow-Sinyang Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; and Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan).

Also covers British efforts to reorganize Chinese railways, including appointment of British administrator and other advisers.

Also includes proposed Chungking-Chengtu Railway and other railroad construction; operation of Peking-Hankow Railway; and Canton-Kowloon Railway Working Agreement.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; Government appointments; British policy; Construction and repair; Treaties and agreements; Szechuan Province; Business and industry; Canton; Hong Kong. Registry: F 303/10/10/35–F 1900/10/10/35. Date: 15 Jan 35–22 Mar 35; Pages: 1–214. Last Paper: F 242/10/10/35.

Volume 19250. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/35 Railroads in China (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling Bills Issue of 1918 (Marconi Loan); Nanking-Hunan Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; and Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan).

Also covers British efforts to reorganize Chinese railways, including work of British administrator and other advisers.

Also includes proposed Chungking-Chengtu Railway; operation of Canton-Kowloon Railway; and other railroad issues.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; Government appointments; British policy; Construction and repair; Szechuan Province; Business and industry; Canton; Hong Kong. Registry: F 1980/10/10/35–F 4851/10/10/35. Date: 26 Mar 35–26 Jul 35; Pages: 1–227. Last Paper: F 1900/10/10/35.

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Reel 48 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19251. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/35 Railroads in China (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Loan of 1907; Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Nanking-Hunan Loan Railway Loan of 1914; Pukow-Sinyang Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Nanking Railway Loan of 1903; and Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910.

Also covers British efforts to reorganize Chinese railways, including work of British administrator and other advisers.

Also includes proposed Chungking-Chengtu Railway and other railroad construction and establishment of committee to represent interests of British bondholders of Chinese government loans.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; Government appointments; British policy; Construction and repair; Szechuan Province. Registry: F 4975/10/10/35–F 6776/10/10/35. Date: 1 Aug 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 1–229. Last Paper: F 4851/10/10/35.

Volume 19252. China Political (cont.). F 10/10/35 Railroads in China (cont.): loan defaults, reorganization, and construction.

Abstract: Covers defaults on railroad loans by Chinese government and Chinese government policy on loan service. Includes Canton-Kowloon Railway Loan of 1925; Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911; Nanking-Hunan Railway Loan of 1914; 6% Shanghai-Fengching Railway Mortgage Redemption Loan of 1914; Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Completion Loan of 1934; Tientsin-Pukow Railway loans of 1908 and 1910; and Chinese Government 8% Sterling Treasury Notes Issue of 1919 (Vickers Loan).

Also covers British and other foreign efforts to reorganize Chinese railways, including work of British administrator and other advisers.

Also includes proposed Chungking-Chengtu Railway and other railroad construction and committee to represent interests of British bondholders of Chinese government loans.

Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Loans and grants; China government; Government appointments; British policy; Construction and repair; Szechuan Province; Business and industry. Registry: F 6791/10/10/35–F 8082/10/10/35. Date: 30 Oct 35–28 Dec 35; Pages: 1–244. Last Paper: F 6776/10/10/35.

Volume 19253. China Political (cont.). F 12/10/35 Tibet affairs.

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet, including activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China and proposed return to Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations and Chinese policy on Tibet, including activities of Chinese diplomatic mission to Tibet and proposed establishment of Executive Yuan (executive branch of Chinese government) office at Lhasa.

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Includes British policy on Tibet; Tibet-Sikkim frontier issues; proposed visit to Tibet of British political officer in Sikkim; repairs to Almora-Gartok route; visit to Tibet of Sir Charles Bell, former civil servant in Indian government and expert on Tibet; and inclusion of Tibet in Indian (Foreign Jurisdiction) Order-in-Council of 1902.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; British policy; China government; Travel; Foreign relations; Sikkim; Borders and boundaries; Roads; India; India government; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 12/12/10/35–F 2663/12/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–24 Apr 35; Pages: 1–204. Last Paper: F 7688/137/10/34.

Reel 49 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19254. China Political (cont.). F 12/10/35 Tibet affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet, including activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China and proposed return to Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations and Chinese policy on Tibet, including military tensions on Szechuan-Sikang-Tibet border.

Includes British policy on Tibet; Tibet-Sikkim frontier issues; visit to Tibet of British political officer in Sikkim; extraterritorial jurisdiction of British trade agents in Tibet; Tibetan institutions and personalities; and visit to Tibet of Sir Charles Bell.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; British policy; China government; Travel; Foreign relations; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, Tibet; Sikkim; Szechuan Province; Sikang Province; Borders and boundaries; India government; Biographies; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Extraterritoriality. Registry: F 2680/12/10/35–F 5825/12/10/35. Date: 24 Apr 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 1–210. Last Paper: F 2663/12/10/35.

Volume 19255. China Political (cont.). F 12/10/35 Tibet affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political situation in Tibet, including activities of Panchen (Tashi) Lama in China and proposed return to Tibet.

Also covers Sino-Tibetan relations and Chinese policy on Tibet. Includes British policy on Tibet; Tibet-Sikkim frontier issues; death of British

political officer in Sikkim while in Tibet; and duty-free transit of Tibetan goods for China passing through India.

Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Panchen (Tashi) Lama; British policy; China government; Travel; Foreign relations; Foreign trade; Sikkim; Borders and boundaries; India; India government; Deaths. Registry: F 5876/12/10/35–F 8053/12/10/35. Date: 12 Sep 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 1–110. Last Paper: F 5825/12/10/35.

Page 113: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang. Abstract: Covers 1934 rebellion and complex political and military situation in

Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang and Soviet support of Chinese provincial troops.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from 1934 Sinkiang disturbances; proposed creation of British consular post at Urumchi; and economic conditions, including currency situation.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Revolts; Soviet Union; Great Britain; Claims; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Armed forces, China; Military conflicts; Money; Economic conditions. Registry: F 14/14/10/35–F 1238/14/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–23 Feb 35; Pages: 111–218. Last Paper: F 7583/14/10/34.

Volume 19256. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers complex political and military situation in Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from 1934 Sinkiang disturbances; proposed creation of British consular post at Urumchi; and economic conditions, including currency situation.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Soviet Union; Great Britain; British government; Claims; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Armed forces, China; Money; Economic conditions; Foreign trade. Registry: F 1293/14/10/35–F 3717/14/10/35. Date: 26 Feb 35–11 Jun 35; Pages: 1–219. Last Paper: F 1238/14/10/35.

Reel 50 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19257. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers complex political and military situation in Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from 1934 Sinkiang disturbances; proposed dispatch of Sir Eric Teichman, Chinese counsellor at British embassy, Peking, to investigate conditions at Urumchi for establishment of British consulate; assault of British vice-consul at Kashgar by Chinese police officer; and leading Sinkiang personalities.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Soviet Union; Great Britain; British government; Claims; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Crime and criminals; Armed forces, China; Biographies; Economic conditions; Foreign trade; Police. Registry: F 3935/14/10/35–F 4874/14/10/35. Date: 14 Jun 35–27 Jul 35; Pages: 1–219. Last Paper: F 3717/14/10/35.

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Volume 19258. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers complex political and military situation in Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from 1934 Sinkiang disturbances; preparations for mission of Sir Eric Teichman to investigate conditions at Urumchi for establishment of British consulate; leading Sinkiang personalities; and Sinkiang-India trade issues.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Soviet Union; Great Britain; British government; Claims; China government; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Armed forces, China; Money; Economic conditions; Foreign trade; India. Registry: F 4880/14/10/35–F 5867/14/10/35. Date: 27 Jul 35–12 Sep 35; Pages: 1–260. Last Paper: F 4874/14/10/35.

Volume 19259. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers complex political and military situation in Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang.

Also covers British claims for losses arising from 1934 Sinkiang disturbances; journey of Sir Eric Teichman to Urumchi to investigate conditions for establishment of British consulate; and Sinkiang-India trade issues.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Soviet Union; Great Britain; British government; Claims; China government; Travel; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Armed forces, China; Economic conditions; India; Foreign trade. Registry: F 5884/14/10/35–F 7148/14/10/35. Date: 13 Sep 35–14 Nov 35; Pages: 1–242. Last Paper: F 5867/14/10/35.

Reel 51 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19260. China Political (cont.). F 14/10/35 Situation in Sinkiang (cont.).

Abstract: Covers complex political and military situation in Sinkiang involving competing Chinese, Tungan, and Turkic tribal forces. Also covers Soviet political and commercial influence on Sinkiang.

Also covers journey of Sir Eric Teichman to Urumchi to investigate conditions for establishment of British consulate; Sinkiang-India trade issues; and movements in Afghanistan of ex-amir of Khotan.

Subject Descriptors: Sinkiang; Political conditions; Soviet Union; Travel; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Armed forces, China; India; Foreign trade; Afghanistan. Registry: F 7149/14/10/35–F 7959/14/10/35. Date: 14 Nov 35–20 Dec 35; Pages: 1–115. Last Paper: F 7148/14/10/35.

Page 115: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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F 16/10/35 Situation in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Japanese policy and political conditions in Manchukuo,

including Japanese administrative reforms in Manchukuo and Kwantung Leased Territory. Also includes increased Kwantung Army oversight of civil administration and appointment of General Jiro Minami as Japanese ambassador at Hsinking and commander-in-chief of Kwantung Army.

Also covers Japanese military affairs in Manchukuo, including strength of Japanese forces in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Political conditions; Japan; Kwantung Army; Kwantung Leased Territory; Diplomatic and consular services. Registry: F 16/16/10/35–F 2161/16/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–2 Apr 35; Pages: 116–226. Last Paper: F 7694/10/10/34.

Volume 19261. China Political (cont.). F 16/10/35 Situation in Manchukuo (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy and political conditions in Manchukuo, including appointments to national and local governments and relations of Japanese officials in Manchukuo with Japanese government. Also includes administrative reorganization in Hsingan Province; regulations governing General Monopoly Bureau; and unauthorized searches of British premises and arrests by Japanese Manchukuo police of Chinese connected with British businesses and missionary organizations.

Also covers Japanese military affairs in Manchukuo. Includes strength, distribution, and movements of Japanese forces and other military issues.

Also includes development of Manchukuo railroads and ports and League of Nations attitude toward Sino-Japanese dispute over Manchuria.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Political conditions; Japan; Kwantung Army; Police; Searches and seizures; Arrests; Extraterritoriality; Missionaries; Business and industry; Railroads; Harbors and ports; League of Nations; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 2599/16/10/35–F 6695/16/10/35. Date: 23 Apr 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 1–255. Last Paper: F 2161/16/10/35.

Volume 19262. China Political (cont.). F 16/10/35 Situation in Manchukuo (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy and political conditions in Manchukuo. Includes unauthorized searches of British premises and arrests by Japanese Manchukuo police of Chinese connected with British businesses and missionary organizations; arrests in suspected Communist plot at Mukden; Japanese policy on northern China, South Manchuria, and foreign corporations in Manchukuo; and position of Emperor Pu-yi.

Also covers Japanese military affairs in Manchukuo, including antibandit operations in eastern Jehol Province.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Political conditions; Japan; Kwantung Army; Police; Searches and seizures; Arrests; Mukden; Extraterritoriality; Missionaries; Business and industry; Railroads; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Communism; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 6762/16/10/35–F 8129/16/10/35. Date: 29 Oct 35–30 Jan 35; Pages: 1–159. Last Paper: F 6695/16/10/35.

Page 116: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China. Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military

operations in Anhwei, Hunan, Hupei, Kiangsi, and Kwangsi Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kweichow and Szechuan Provinces.

Also covers declaration of areas of northern Hunan Province as bandit suppression areas and capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Anhwei Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kiangsi Province; Kwangsi Province; Kweichow Province; Szechuan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 19/19/10/35–F 768/19/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–5 Feb 35; Pages: 160–233. Last Paper: F 7706/86/10/34; F 7686/388/10/34.

Reel 52 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19263. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Hunan, Hupei, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Shensi, and Szechuan Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kweichow, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Also includes Kwangsi Air Force operations against Communists.

Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province and subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province; capture and alleged murder of British missionaries in Shensi Province; and danger to British missionaries in Yunnan Province.

Encloses report by British military attaché, Peking, on Communist situation in central China, March–December 1934. Includes maps.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Air forces, China; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kwangsi Province; Kweichow Province; Shensi Province; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Deaths; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Maps. Registry: F 815/19/10/35–F 1777/19/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–18 Mar 35; Pages: 1–217. Last Paper: F 768/19/10/35.

Volume 19264. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Honan, Hunan, Hupei, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Shensi, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kansu, Kweichow, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces.

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Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province; subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province; and capture and alleged murder of British missionaries in Shensi Province.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Honan Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kansu Province; Kwangsi Province; Kweichow Province; Shensi Province; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Deaths. Registry: F 1794/19/10/35–F 2976/19/10/35. Date: 18 Mar 35–24 Apr 35; Pages: 1–226. Last Paper: F 1777/19/10/35.

Volume 19265. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Honan, Hunan, Hupei, Kweichow, Shensi, Szechuan, and Yunnan provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kweichow, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Includes maps.

Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province; subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province and negotiations for their release; capture and alleged murder of British missionaries in Shensi Province; and evacuation of British missionaries in Szechuan and Yunnan Provinces.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Honan Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kweichow Province; Shensi Province; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Deaths; Maps. Registry: F 2677/19/10/35–F 4146/19/10/35. Date: 24 Apr 35–27 Jun 35; Pages: 1–208. Last Paper: F 2976/19/10/35.

Reel 53 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19266. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Hunan, Hupei, Kansu, Kiangsi, Kweichow, Shensi, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kansu, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Includes maps.

Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province; subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province and negotiations for their release; and capture of British journalist Gareth Jones in eastern Chahar Province by Chinese bandits.

Also includes arrest of alleged French Communist in International Settlement at Shanghai.

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Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Chahar Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kansu Province; Kiangsi Province; Kweichow Province; Shensi Province; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Press; Arrests; Foreign settlements; Shanghai International Settlement; Maps. Registry: F 4228/19/10/35–F 5200/19/10/35. Date: 2 Jul 35–10 Aug 35; Pages: 1–248. Last Paper: F 4146/19/10/35.

Volume 19267. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Chinghai, Hunan, Hupei, Kansu, Kiangsi, Shensi, Sikang, Szechuan, and Yunnan Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kansu, Szechuan, and Yunnan provinces. Includes maps.

Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province; subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province and negotiations for their release; and capture and murder of British journalist Gareth Jones in eastern Chahar Province by Chinese bandits.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Chahar Province; Chinghai Province; Hunan Province; Hupei Province; Kansu Province; Kiangsi Province; Shensi Province; Sikang Province; Szechuan Province; Yunnan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Press; Deaths; Maps. Registry: F 5212/19/10/35–F 6602/19/10/35. Date: 12 Aug 35–21 Oct 35; Pages: 1–240. Last Paper: F 5200/19/10/35.

Volume 19268. China Political (cont.). F 19/10/35 Communist activities in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers communist activities and Nationalist anti-Communist military operations in Hunan, Shensi, Suiyuan, and Szechuan Provinces. Details strength of Communist forces and gradual westward movement toward Kansu, Kweichow, and Szechuan Provinces. Includes maps.

Also covers capture of China Inland Missionaries by Communists in Kweichow Province; subsequent movement of hostages to Hunan Province and negotiations for their release; and capture and murder of British journalist Gareth Jones in eastern Chahar Province by Chinese bandits.

Subject Descriptors: Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Chahar Province; Hunan Province; Kansu Province; Kweichow Province; Shensi Province; Suiyuan Province; Szechuan Province; Missionaries; Crime and criminals; Press; Deaths; Maps. Registry: F 6637/19/10/35–F 7992/19/10/35. Date: 22 Oct 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 1–178. Last Paper: F 6602/19/10/35.

Page 119: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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F 31/10/35 Customs duties in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers import tariff issues in Manchukuo. Includes proposed

Manchukuo reduction of duty-free zone in Kwantung Leased Territory; abolition of preferential duties on exports of Leased Territory to Japan; and imposition of Manchukuo customs duties on goods for foreign consulates.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Taxation; Kwantung Leased Territory; Foreign trade; Japan; Diplomatic and consular services. Registry: F 31/31/10/35–F 7981/31/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–21 Dec 35; Pages: 179–230. Last Paper: F 7572/741/10/34.

F 32/10/35 French commercial activities in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers participation of French industry in economic development and

investment in Manchukuo. Includes consortium agreement between South Manchuria Railway and French National Association for Economic Expansion.

Also includes proposed French real estate investment scheme and French contract for construction of Manchukuo government buildings at Hsinking.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Economic and industrial development; Foreign investments; France; Business and industry; Railroads; Construction and repair; Contracts; Land ownership and rights; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 32/32/10/35–F 730/32/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–4 Feb 35; Pages: 231–264. Last Paper: F 7667/1096/10/34.

Reel 54 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19269. China Political (cont.). F 32/10/35 French commercial activities in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers participation of French industry in economic development and investment in Manchukuo. Includes text of agreement for creation of S.A. Consortium Franco-Japonais between South Manchuria Railway and French National Association for Economic Expansion.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Economic and industrial development; Foreign investments; France; Business and industry; Railroads; Contracts; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 1091/32/10/35–F 4441/32/10/35. Date: 19 Feb 35–10 Jul 35; Pages: 1–36. Last Paper: F 730/32/10/35.

F 34/10/35 Chinese Eastern Railway. Abstract: Covers sale of Chinese Eastern Railway to Manchukuo by Soviet

Union. Includes text of Japan–Manchukuo–Soviet Union agreement on sale; renaming

of railway as North Manchuria Railway and transfer of administration to South Manchuria Railway; issue of bonds by Manchukuo government for payment; payment to Soviet Union in goods from Japan and Manchukuo; and technical and operational issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Soviet Union; Manchukuo; Japan; Treaties and agreements; Foreign trade. Registry: F 34/34/10/35–F 7357/34/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–22 Nov 35; Pages: 37–180. Last Paper: F 7587/151/10/34.

F 46/10/35 Labor laws in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese government ordinances on conscription of citizen labor

for public works during winter months and emigration of laborers. Subject Descriptors: Labor conditions; Immigration and emigration; Regulations

and ordinances. Registry: F 46/46/10/35–F 8043/46/10/35. Date: 1 Jan 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 181–197. Last Paper: F 6711/1825/10/34.

F 48/10/35 Mui-tsai system in China. Abstract: Covers mui-tsai system and other related slavery issues in China. (Mui-

tsai were young girls from very poor families who had been “sold” to wealthier families, for whom the girls usually worked as domestic servants.) Includes mui-tsai system in British Malaya. Also includes non-mui-tsai child slavery in Yunnan Province tin mines.

Encloses reports from British consular officers in China. Subject Descriptors: Social conditions; Labor conditions; Treaty ports; Mines and

mineral industries; Yunnan Province; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Malaya. Registry: F 48/48/10/35–F 825/48/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–6 Feb 35; Pages: 198–260. Last Paper: F 7568/782/10/34.

Volume 19270. China Political (cont.). F 48/10/35 Mui-tsai system in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers mui-tsai system and other related slavery issues in China. Includes mui-tsai system in Hong Kong and British Malaya. Also includes non-mui-tsai child slavery in Yunnan Province tin mines and antislavery legislation in Canton and Ninghsia Province.

Encloses reports from British consular officers in China and League of Nations’ Slavery Committee report on mui-tsai in China.

Subject Descriptors: Social conditions; Labor conditions; Treaty ports; Mines and mineral industries; Yunnan Province; Canton; Ninghsia Province; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Hong Kong; Malaya; League of Nations; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 856/48/10/35–F 8094/48/10/35. Date: 7 Feb 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 1–198. Last Paper: F 825/48/10/35.

F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier. Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border.

Includes British policy on Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier. Also includes Chinese troop movements on border and British operations in Wa

States; Chinese bandit raids on frontier village in undelimited frontier region; and political situation in Yunnan Province.

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Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Crime and criminals; Armed forces, British; China government; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 51/51/10/35–F 227/51/10/35. Date: 2–10 Jan 35; Pages: 199–248. Last Paper: F 7727/38/10/34.

Volume 19271. China Political (cont.). F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes British policy and preparations for Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier.

Also includes Chinese troop movements on border and British operations in Wa States; Chinese bandit raids on frontier village in undelimited frontier region; and political situation and press opinion in Yunnan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Crime and criminals; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 259/51/10/35–F 1910/51/10/35. Date: 11 Jan 35–23 Mar 35; Pages: 1–241. Last Paper: F 227/51/10/35.

Reel 55 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19272. China Political (cont.). F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes British policy and preparations for Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier, including selection of neutral chairman from League of Nations.

Also includes Chinese troop movements on border; British operations in Wa States; and political situation and press opinion in Yunnan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions; League of Nations. Registry: F 1967/51/10/35–F 3617/51/10/35. Date: 26 Mar 35–3 Jun 35; Pages: 1–237. Last Paper: F 1910/51/10/35.

Volume 19273. China Political (cont.). F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes British policy and preparations for Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier, including selection of neutral chairman from League of Nations.

Also includes Chinese troop movements on border; British operations in Wa States; and political situation and press opinion in Yunnan Province.

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Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions; League of Nations. Registry: F 3647/51/10/35–F 5601/51/10/35. Date: 5 Jun 35–30 Aug 35; Pages: 1–251. Last Paper: F 3617/51/10/35.

Volume 19274. China Political (cont.). F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes British policy and preparations for Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier, including appointment of neutral chairman from League of Nations.

Also includes Chinese troop movements on border; British operations in Wa States; and political situation and press opinion in Yunnan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Press; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions; League of Nations. Registry: F 5602/51/10/35–F 7123/51/10/35. Date: 30 Aug 35–13 Nov 35; Pages: 1–251. Last Paper: F 5601/51/10/35.

Reel 56 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19275. China Political (cont.). F 51/10/35 Burma-Yunnan frontier (cont.).

Abstract: Covers military and political situation along Burma-Yunnan border. Includes British policy and preparations for Anglo-Chinese commission to delimit frontier.

Also includes Chinese troop movements on border; British operations in Wa States; and political situation in Yunnan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Burma; Yunnan Province; British policy; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; China government; Political conditions; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 7305/51/10/35–F 8134/51/10/35. Date: 20 Nov 35–31 Dec 35; Pages: 1–96. Last Paper: F 7123/51/10/35.

F 53/10/35 Anhwei Provincial Government Loan. Abstract: Covers claim by M. Samuel & Company against Chinese government

for repayment of Anhwei Provincial Loan and Hankow Improvement Loan Advance of 1916.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Loans and grants; China government; Claims. Registry: F 53/53/10/35–F 6790/53/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 97–125. Last Paper: F 6239/39/10/34.

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F 60/10/35 Export of arms to China. Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries.

Includes British policy on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system prohibiting arms and aircraft exports to Chinese provinces without endorsements of central Chinese government.

Includes Japanese shipment of arms to Canton; order from Canton for Belgian rifle cartridges; transit of arms through Hong Kong to China; export of revolver parts for Shanghai Municipal Police; and British arms and Hong Kong explosives exports to Kwangtung and Kwangsi Provinces.

Includes policy of Belgian, French, Japanese, Swiss, and U.S. governments on arms exports to China.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; British policy; Belgium; France; Japan; Switzerland; U.S. policy; Canton; Hong Kong; Shanghai International Settlement; Police; Kwangtung Province; Kwangsi Province; China government. Registry: F 60/60/10/35–F 1964/60/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–26 Mar 35; Pages: 126–255. Last Paper: F 7636/15/10/34.

Volume 19276. China Political (cont.). F 60/10/35 Export of arms to China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries. Includes British policy on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system.

Includes U.S. exports of arms to Canton; smuggling and transit of arms through Hong Kong to China; export of aircraft to China; exports of arms from France and Germany to Kwangsi Province and other provinces; and import of liquid chlorine gas into China.

Includes policy of Belgian, Danish, French, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss, and U.S. governments on arms exports to China.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; British policy; Belgium; Denmark; France; Germany; Italy; Japan; Norway; Sweden; Switzerland; United States; U.S. policy; Canton; Smuggling; Hong Kong; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Kwangsi Province; China government; Chemicals and chemical industry. Registry: F 2016/60/10/35–F 6827/60/10/35. Date: 28 Mar 35–31 Oct 35; Pages: 1–237. Last Paper: F 1964/60/10/35.

Volume 19277. China Political (cont.). F 60/10/35 Export of arms to China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers arms exports to China from Great Britain and other countries. Includes British policy on adherence to Chinese arms import licensing system.

Includes export of arms to China from Hong Kong and Singapore; export of aircraft to China; transit of arms through Hong Kong to China; purchase of aircraft from Japan by Kwangsi Province; and other issues.

Includes policy of Czech, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swiss, and U.S. governments on arms exports to China.

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Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; British policy; Czechoslovakia; Italy; Japan; Poland; Spain; Switzerland; U.S. policy; Hong Kong; Malaya; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Kwangsi Province; China government. Registry: F 6839/60/10/35–F 8055/60/10/35. Date: 31 Oct 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 1–45. Last Paper: F 6827/60/10/35.

F 61/10/35 British competition with Japan in foreign trade in China and Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Federation of British Industries mission to Manchukuo and

Japan to study market for British industry. Includes political aspects of British trade competition with Japan in China and Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Foreign trade; Japan; British policy; Manchukuo. Registry: F 61/61/10/35–F 4692/61/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–19 Jul 35; Pages: 46–88. Last Paper: [F 7590/164/10/34].

F 62/10/35 Chinese 5% 1913 Reorganization Loan, Russian Issue (Yellow Bonds). Abstract: Covers status of claim of British holders of Russian Issue bonds of

Chinese 5% Gold Reorganization Loan against Chinese government. Chinese government refused to pay British bondholders unless they could prove that their bonds were not invalid.

Includes negotiations and agreement with Chinese government for payment to British bondholders of 30 percent face value of bonds.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Claims; Great Britain; China government; Searches and seizures; Soviet Union. Registry: F 62/62/10/35–F 6988/62/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–8 Nov 35; Pages: 89–183. Last Paper: F 7295/1208/10/34.

F 63/10/35 Trade situation at Tengyueh. Abstract: Covers trade situation at Tengyueh, near Burma–Yunnan Province

border. Includes proposed opening and closing of trade routes across Burma-Yunnan

frontier; journey of British consul at Tengyueh to Burma; settlement of Mwe Hwa frontier claim case; levy of customs duties on goods imported into Burma from Yunnan; and other trade issues.

Subject Descriptors: Treaty ports; Yunnan Province; Burma; Roads; Borders and boundaries; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Travel; Taxation; Business and industry; Foreign trade. Registry: F 63/63/10/35–F 8003/63/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 184–251. Last Paper: F 7660/45/10/34.

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Reel 57 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19278. China Political (cont.). F 64/10/35 Foreign armed forces in China.

Abstract: Covers strength of U.S., European, and Japanese forces at Shanghai and Peking-Tientsin area; Chinese customs exemption for import of nonmilitary supplies for use by foreign armed forces in China; proposed construction of new barracks for British troops at Shanghai; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, British; Armed forces, France; Armed forces, Italy; Armed forces, Japan; Armed forces, U.S.; Shanghai; Tientsin; Taxation; Construction and repair; Military bases and installations. Registry: F 64/64/10/35–F 8136/64/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–31 Dec 35; Pages: 1–36. Last Paper: F 7626/1253/10/34.

F 67/10/35 Boxer Indemnity. Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to

Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government. Encloses Purchasing Commission annual report for 1934.

Includes proposed funding of British experts for Chinese National Agricultural Research Bureau and use of funds to secure Chinese Government 23rd Year 6% Sterling (Indemnity) Funding Loan of 1934 for completion of Canton-Hankow Railway.

Also covers use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London. Encloses committee report for 1934–1935.

Subject Descriptors: Boxer Rebellion; Loans and grants; Railroads; China government; Organizations and associations; Education; Great Britain; Agriculture; Arts and culture; Government appointments. Registry: F 67/67/10/35–F 4453/67/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–10 Jul 35; Pages: 37–251. Last Paper: F 7529/42/10/34.

Volume 19279. China Political (cont.). F 67/10/35 Boxer Indemnity (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Boxer Indemnity installments paid by Chinese government to Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government. Encloses Board of Trustees semiannual report for July–December 1934.

Also covers proposed funding of British experts for Chinese National Agricultural Research Bureau and use of funds for Anglo-Chinese educational and cultural exchanges, including activities of Universities’ China Committee in London.

Subject Descriptors: Boxer Rebellion; Loans and grants; China government; Organizations and associations; Education; Great Britain; Agriculture; Arts and culture; Government appointments. Registry: F 4487/67/10/35–F 7996/67/10/35. Date: 11 Jul 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 1–135. Last Paper: F 4453/67/10/35.

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F 68/10/35 Registration of land by foreigners in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers registration of deeds for land held by foreigners in Manchukuo.

Includes tenure of land belonging to Butterfield and Swire at Antung; registration of land at Mukden; and Manchukuo policy on perpetual leases.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Manchukuo; Treaty ports; Business and industry. Registry: F 68/68/10/35–F 7481/68/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 136–204. Last Paper: F 7643/6669/10/34.

F 70/10/35 Registration of land by foreigners in China. Abstract: Covers issues surrounding reregistration of land leased by foreigners in

China. Includes land tax levied by Chinese Municipality of Greater Shanghai; payment of tax by British property owners outside International Settlement; and reregistration and taxation of land leased to British subjects and firms at Hankow.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Shanghai; Hankow; Taxation. Registry: F 70/70/10/35–F 836/70/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–6 Feb 35; Pages: 205–254. Last Paper: F 7655/460/10/34.

Volume 19280. China Political (cont.). F 70/10/35 Registration of land by foreigners in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers issues surrounding reregistration of land leased by foreigners in China. Includes land taxes levied by Chinese Municipality of Greater Shanghai; payment of tax by British property owners outside International Settlement; difficulties of British perpetual lessees of land at Canton; text of Chinese Land Law enforcement regulations; and reregistration of land leased to British subjects and firms at Hankow, Nanking, and Swatow.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Canton; Nanking; Hankow; Shanghai; Swatow; Taxation; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 838/70/10/35–F 6678/70/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–24 Oct 35; Pages: 1–250. Last Paper: F 836/70/10/35.

Reel 58 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19281. China Political (cont.). F 70/10/35 Registration of land by foreigners in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers issues surrounding reregistration of land leased by foreigners in China. Includes land taxes levied by Chinese Municipality of Greater Shanghai; payment of tax by British property owners outside International Settlement; National Land Conference at Nanking; and Chinese government opposition to perpetual lease of wharves at Amoy by Butterfield and Swire.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Amoy; Nanking; Shanghai; Taxation; Regulations and ordinances; Conferences and conventions; Business and industry; Harbors and ports. Registry: F 6802/70/10/35–F 8044/70/10/35. Date: 30 Oct 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 1–144. Last Paper: F 6678/70/10/35.

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F 71/10/35 Piracy of S.S. Shuntien. Abstract: Covers attack on S.S. Shuntien off Shantung coast by pirates and

return of kidnapped Chinese passengers. Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Ships and shipping.

Registry: F 71/71/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35; Pages: 145–149. Last Paper: F 7436/3697/10/34.

F 73/10/35 Chinese shipping regulations. Abstract: Covers revised pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government

mandating increased employment of Chinese nationals as ship pilots. Includes British and Japanese policy on takeover of foreign pilots associations at Shanghai by Chinese customs service and employment of foreign pilots by new Chinese pilotage administration.

Also covers registration of British vessels in China; Chinese towage regulations; and other shipping issues.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Shanghai; China government; Rivers and waterways; Harbors and ports; British policy; Japan; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 73/73/10/35–F 1025/73/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–15 Feb 35; Pages: 150–261. Last Paper: F 7730/59/10/34.

Volume 19282. China Political (cont.). F 73/10/35 Chinese shipping regulations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers revised pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government. Includes British and Japanese policy on takeover of foreign pilots associations at Shanghai by Chinese customs service; employment of foreign pilots by new pilotage administration; and position of British pilots at Amoy, Swatow, Newchwang, Tientsin, and on the Lower Yangtze (Woosung-Hankow).

Also covers registration of British vessels in China; Chinese towage regulations; appointment of British government shipping surveyors in China; appointment of new pilots at Shanghai; Upper Yangtze Shipping Statistics for 1934; Chinese government Ships’ Officers Test Regulations; amendments to Mukden Consular District General Regulations regarding consular certification of British-registered shipping; and other shipping issues.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Shanghai; Amoy; Swatow; Tientsin; China government; Rivers and waterways; Harbors and ports; British policy; Japan; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Mukden; Employment and unemployment; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 1153/73/10/35–F 5956/73/10/35. Date: 20 Feb 35–16 Sep 35; Pages: 1–266. Last Paper: F 1025/73/10/35.

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Reel 59 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19283. China Political (cont.). F 73/10/35 Chinese shipping regulations and maritime issues (cont.).

Abstract: Covers revised pilotage regulations issued by Chinese government. Includes British policy on takeover of foreign pilots associations at Shanghai by Chinese customs service; position of British pilots at Amoy; appointment of British government shipping surveyors in China; and amendments to Mukden Consular District General Regulations regarding consular certification of British-registered shipping.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; Treaty ports; Shanghai; China government; Rivers and waterways; Harbors and ports; Amoy; British policy; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Mukden; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 6224/73/10/35–F 8117/73/10/35. Date: 2 Oct 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 1–42. Last Paper: F 5956/73/10/35.

F 74/10/35 Business taxes and provincial import tariffs in China. Abstract: Covers revision of Chinese government business taxes (i.e., taxes on

business turnover or capital) and enforcement by Chinese localities against foreign nationals and firms. Includes British policy on liability of British subjects to such taxes.

Includes alleged discriminatory taxation of foreign petroleum products in Shensi Province; house tax at Shanghai; consolidated Chinese wine tax and customs levy on imported wine at Shanghai and Tientsin; and texts of proposed taxes on income, inheritance, and stock and commodity exchange transactions.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Taxation; British policy; Business and industry; Shensi Province; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Canton; Tientsin; Treaty ports; Shanghai; Beverages and beverage industry; Wages and salaries; Securities. Registry: F 74/74/10/35–F 7478/74/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 43–263. Last Paper: F 7616/75/10/34; F 7347/749/10/34.

Volume 19284. China Political (cont.). F 76/10/35 Kailan Mining Administration affairs.

Abstract: Covers affairs of Kailan Mining Administration, joint Sino-British undertaking by Chinese Engineering and Mining Company and Lanchow Mining Company, in Hopei Province. Includes land trust agreement; Japanese efforts to gain control of mines and remove British interests from administration; and labor unrest at Tongshan mines.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Hopei Province; Strikes; Japan; Land ownership and rights; Contracts. Registry: F 76/76/10/35–F 7624/76/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 1–117. Last Paper: F 6715/92/10/34.

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F 77/10/35 Foreign trade of China. Abstract: Covers various Chinese economic and foreign trade issues. Includes

trade conditions in northwest China; development of Chinese industries; economic conditions, trade, development, and proposed bank for promotion of industry in Kwangtung Province; reconstruction of Shensi Province; trade relations between China and South Africa; Chinese imports from Japan; and foreign trade of China and Hong Kong.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; Economic and industrial development; Economic conditions; Kwangtung Province; Shensi Province; Financial institutions; South Africa; Japan; Hong Kong. Registry: F 77/77/10/35–F 6752/77/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–29 Oct 35; Pages: 118–266. Last Paper: F 6148/893/10/34.

Reel 60 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19285. China Political (cont.). F 78/10/35 British claims against Chinese government.

Abstract: Covers claims by British government, subjects, and firms against Chinese government and quasi-governmental agencies for losses due to looting, brigandage, civil war, Nanking incident of 1927, and other military activity; loan arrears; and other contractual obligations.

Includes British policy on settlement of claims; claims by Chinese staff of British consulate at Nanking arising from Nanking incident of 1927; and losses incurred in liquidating Nanking claims due to exchange rate between Chinese dollars and British sterling.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Business and industry; British government; Great Britain; British policy; Claims; Military conflicts; Crime and criminals; Loans and grants; Foreign exchange. Registry: F 78/78/10/35–F 4781/78/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–24 Jul 35; Pages: 1–264. Last Paper: F 7463/84/10/34.

Volume 19286. China Political (cont.). F 78/10/35 British claims against Chinese government (cont.).

Abstract: Covers claims by British government, subjects, and firms against Chinese government and quasi-governmental agencies for payment of losses due to looting, brigandage, civil war, Nanking incident of 1927, and other military activity; loan arrears; and other contractual obligations.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Business and industry; British government; Great Britain; British policy; Claims; Military conflicts; Crime and criminals; Loans and grants. Registry: F 5107/78/10/35–F 8041/78/10/35. Date: 7 Aug 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 1–90. Last Paper: F 4781/78/10/35.

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F 81/10/35 Extra-settlement roads at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers negotiations between Chinese Shanghai city government,

Japanese authorities, and Shanghai Municipal Council on creation of special police force for control and administration of Shanghai Municipal Council roads outside the International Settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Shanghai International Settlement; Roads; Municipal government; Police. Registry: F 81/81/10/35–F 7480/81/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 91–207. Last Paper: F 7441/79/10/34.

F 84/10/35 British business and trade interests in China. Abstract: Covers Sino-British trade issues; Japanese economic competition in

China; and British policy encouraging trade with and business in China. Also includes proposed British government credits for China via Export Credits

Guarantee Department; Chinese central and provincial government monopolies and other restrictions on British trade in China; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; British policy; Japan; Business and industry; British government; Loans and grants; Economic and industrial development; China government; Great Britain. Registry: F 84/84/10/35–F 436/84/10/35. Date: 2–21 Jan 35; Pages: 208–259. Last Paper: F 7372/117/10/34.

Reel 61 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19287. China Political (cont.). F 84/10/35 British business and trade interests in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sino-British trade issues; Japanese economic competition in China; and British policy encouraging trade with and business in China.

Also includes Indian tariff on silk imports from China; proposed transfer of British legation in China from Peking to Nanking; Chinese Industrial Encouragement Law exempting native Chinese goods from export duty; proposed appointment in China of Export Credits Guarantee Department representative; Japanese activities in southwest China; and economic and trade development of Kwangsi Province.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; British policy; Japan; Business and industry; British government; Kwangsi Province; Economic and industrial development; India; Taxation; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Great Britain; Loans and grants; Regulations and ordinances; Textile industry and fabrics. Registry: F 465/84/10/35–F 4811/84/10/35. Date: 21 Jan 35–25 Jul 35; Pages: 1–265. Last Paper: F 436/84/10/35.

Volume 19288. China Political (cont.). F 84/10/35 British business and trade interests in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Sino-British trade issues; Japanese economic competition in China; and British policy encouraging trade with and business in China.

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Also includes Indian tariff on silk imports from China; Chinese Industrial Encouragement Law exempting native Chinese goods from export duty; proposed appointment in China of Export Credits Guarantee Department representative; mining development in Kwangsi and Kwangtung Provinces; and protection of British interests in China against Japanese aggression.

Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; British policy; Japan; Business and industry; British government; Kwangsi Province; Kwangtung Province; India; Taxation; Mines and mineral industries; Great Britain; Loans and grants; Regulations and ordinances; Textile industry and fabrics. Registry: F 4816/84/10/35–F 8021/84/10/35. Date: 25 Jul 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 1–131. Last Paper: F 4811/84/10/35.

F 85/10/35 Claim of Edward S. Little against Chinese government. Abstract: Covers claim of Australian national Edward S. Little against Chinese

government for land appropriated for construction of Hungjao Aerodrome. Subject Descriptors: Claims; China government; Searches and seizures;

Australia; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 85/85/10/35–F 5625/85/10/35. Date: 2 Jan 35–30 Aug 35; Pages: 132–173. Last Paper: F 1251/190/10/34.

F 103/10/35 Foreign military advisers to Chinese armed forces. Abstract: Covers foreign military advisers to Chinese armed forces and other

Chinese military issues. Includes proposed loan of officers of the Royal Tank Corps to Chinese government; proposed loan of officer of Indian Medical Service to reorganize Chinese army medical services; reclassification of higher Chinese military officials; and movements of German military instructors in China.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; Armed forces, Germany; India; Health facilities and services; Education. Registry: F 103/103/10/35–F 5605/103/10/35. Date: 3 Jan 35–30 Aug 35; Pages: 174–238. Last Paper: F 7536/771/10/34.

Volume 19289. China Political (cont.). F 103/10/35 Foreign military advisers to Chinese armed forces (cont.).

Abstract: Covers various Chinese military issues. Includes report by British military attaché on training and performance of Chinese army against Communists in southern China; proposed loan of officers of the Royal Tank Corps to Chinese government; and provision of weapons and expert services to Chinese government by Vickers-Armstrong.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, British; Military conflicts; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Military weapons; Business and industry; Education. Registry: F 6037/103/10/35–F 7863/103/10/35. Date: 20 Sep 35–17 Dec 35; Pages: 1–88. Last Paper: F 5605/103/10/35.

F 109/10/35 Crown Leases at Hankow and Kiukiang. Abstract: Covers exchange of British Crown Leases for Chinese deeds of

perpetual lease for land leased by British subjects and other foreigners at former British concession areas at Hankow at Kiukiang.

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Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Treaty ports; Hankow; Concessions. Registry: F 109/109/10/35–F 3337/109/10/35. Date: 3 Jan 35–24 May 35; Pages: 89–135. Last Paper: F 7663/750/10/34.

F 110/10/35 Iron and steel works at Canton. Abstract: Covers proposed construction of iron and steel works at Canton.

Includes tenders for construction of plant by British engineering firms. Subject Descriptors: Iron and steel industry; Canton; Business and industry;

Construction and repair. Registry: F 110/110/10/35–F 4973/110/10/35. Date: 3 Jan 35–1 Aug 35; Pages: 136–158. Last Paper: F 7547/2346/10/34.

F 112/10/35 Chinese tariff revision. Abstract: Covers proposed revision of Chinese import tariffs. Includes Chinese

customs revenues for 1934; Chinese import duty on raw cotton; and proposed 10 percent surtax on imports.

Encloses text of revised Chinese export tariffs. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Foreign trade; Textile industry and fabrics;

Government revenue. Registry: F 112/112/10/35–F 7434/112/10/35. Date: 4 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 159–219. Last Paper: F 6227/101/10/34.

Reel 62 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19290. China Political (cont.). F 115/10/35 Foreign diplomatic missions in China.

Abstract: Covers elevation of British, German, Japanese, and U.S. diplomatic missions in China to embassies and reciprocal elevation of Chinese missions in those countries. Also includes proposed transfer of British embassy to Nanking from Peking.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; Germany; Japan; U.S. policy. Registry: F 115/115/10/35–F 6807/115/10/35. Date: 4 Jan 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 1–164. Last Paper: F 7161/5783/10/34.

F 119/10/35 Railroads in Manchuria. Abstract: Covers railway issues in Manchuria, including Japanese policy on

railroad construction in Manchukuo. Also covers Manchukuo expenditures on railways, buildings, and roads, 1934–

1935; proposed sale of Canadian rolling stock to Manchurian railways; and appointment of new president of South Manchuria Railway.

Also includes construction and opening of various rail lines. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Railroads; Japan; Canada; Construction and

repair. Registry: F 119/119/10/35–F 5871/119/10/35. Date: 4 Jan 35–12 Sep 35; Pages: 165–229. Last Paper: F 7721/140/10/34.

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Volume 19291. China Political (cont.). F 119/10/35 Railroads in Manchuria (cont.).

Abstract: Covers railway issues in Manchuria, including Japanese policy on railroad construction in Manchukuo.

Also covers South Manchuria Railway affairs, including development of railroads and other industries in northern China by subsidiary; financial position; appointment new president; and plans for reorganization by Japanese Ministry of War.

Also includes construction and opening of various rail lines. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Railroads; Japan; Economic and industrial

development; Construction and repair; Finance. Registry: F 5946/119/10/35–F 8072/119/10/35. Date: 16 Sep 35–28 Dec 35; Pages: 1–65. Last Paper: F 5871/119/10/35.

F 137/10/35 Visit to Great Britain of Chinese transport mission. Abstract: Covers visit of Chinese military and civil transport and communications

mission to Great Britain. Includes Chinese military missions to France. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Armed forces, China; Communications;

Transportation; France; Great Britain. Registry: F 137/137/10/35–F 3635/137/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–4 Jun 35; Pages: 66–92. Last Paper: F 7578/4769/10/34.

F 139/10/35 Affairs of Pekin Syndicate. Abstract: Covers affairs of Pekin Syndicate in China, including difficulties of

Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration in Honan Province. Includes syndicate proposals for management reform; attempts to raise loans for short-term operation of mines; and difficulties with Tao-Ching Railway.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Mines and mineral industries; Honan Province; Loans and grants; Railroads. Registry: F 139/139/10/35–F 8113/139/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 93–207. Last Paper: F 6809/403/10/34.

F 140/10/35 Tobacco industry in China. Abstract: Covers affairs of British American Tobacco Company in China. Includes

taxes and tariffs on company’s products; cigarette control system and surtax in Kwangtung Province; and claim of British Cigarette Company against Chinese government for seizure of tobacco stocks at Hsuchow in Honan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Tobacco industry and products; Taxation; Claims; Searches and seizures; Honan Province; China government; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 140/140/10/35–F 5829/140/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 208–295. Last Paper: F 4699/74/10/34.

Volume 19292. China Political (cont.). F 145/10/35 Postal service in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers postal issues, including agreement between Chinese authorities in northern China and Kwantung Army for resumption of postal service between Manchukuo and China.

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Subject Descriptors: Postal service; Manchukuo; China government; Treaties and agreements. Registry: F 145/145/10/35–F 7771/145/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–11 Dec 35; Pages: 1–32. Last Paper: F 7596/41/10/34.

F 148/10/35 Facilities for rail-steamer freight through-traffic in China. Abstract: Covers contracts between Chinese shipping companies and Chinese

railways for through-handling of freight. Includes exclusion of British shipping companies from similar contracts.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Railroads. Registry: F 148/148/10/35–F 5172/148/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–8 Aug 35; Pages: 33–100. Last Paper: F 7310/3220/10/34.

F 157/10/35 Smuggling in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers smuggling of goods into Manchukuo from Kwantung Leased

Territory. Subject Descriptors: Smuggling; Manchukuo; Kwantung Leased Territory.

Registry: F 157/157/10/35–F 6447/157/10/35. Date: 7 Jan 35–12 Oct 35; Pages: 101–109. Last Paper: F 5947/5947/10/34.

F 164/10/35 Flight of Lord Sempill over China and Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers grants of permission to Lord Sempill to fly over China and

Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Civil aviation.

Registry: F 164/164/10/35. Date: 8 Jan 35; Pages: 110–112. Last Paper: F 7507/7507/10/34.

F 173/10/35 Soviet influence on Sinkiang. Abstract: Covers Soviet political and economic influence on Sinkiang. Includes

relevant British policy; proposed Anglo-Japanese cooperation in gathering intelligence on Soviet activities in Sinkiang; India-Sinkiang trade routes; and British consulate-general at Kashgar trade report for 1933 on Sinkiang trade with India and adjacent countries.

Subject Descriptors: India; Sinkiang; Soviet Union; Foreign trade; British policy; Japan; Roads. Registry: F 173/173/10/35–F 7250/173/10/35. Date: 8 Jan 35–18 Nov 35; Pages: 113–234. Last Paper: F 7302/2574/10/34.

Reel 63 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19293. China Political (cont.). F 176/10/35 Piracy and antipiracy measures in China.

Abstract: Covers British antipiracy measures in China. Includes reports on British antipiracy naval patrols in Canton–Hong Kong area for September 1934–April 1935.

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Also includes proposed regulations to protect British ships trading in China and proposed system to certify vessels adequately protected against piracy; Anglo-Chinese cooperation in antipiracy measures; British jurisdiction over pirates captured in Chinese waters; and use of Chinese Maritime Customs Service to suppress piracy.

Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Naval forces, British; Ships and shipping; Hong Kong; Canton; China government; Courts; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 176/176/10/35–F 7446/176/10/35. Date: 8 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 1–197. Last Paper: F 7179/275/10/34.

F 189/10/35 Chinese affairs in British Malaya. Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits

Settlements and Federated Malay States for October 1934. Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; wages of

Chinese laborers; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 189/189/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35; Pages: 198–273. Last Paper: F 7462/212/10/34.

Volume 19294. China Political (cont.). F 189/10/35 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for November 1934–February 1935.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and emigration; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; wages of Chinese laborers; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Organizations and associations; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism; Wages and salaries. Registry: F 244/189/10/35–F 2424/189/10/35. Date: 11 Jan 35–12 Apr 35; Pages: 1–276. Last Paper: F 189/189/10/35.

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Reel 64 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19295. China Political (cont.). F 189/10/35 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for March–June 1935.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; Chinese laborers and wages in Malaya; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Labor conditions; Wages and salaries; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 3194/189/10/35–F 5889/189/10/35. Date: 18 May 35–13 Sep 35; Pages: 1–272. Last Paper: F 2424/189/10/35.

Volume 19296. China Political (cont.). F 189/10/35 Chinese affairs in British Malaya (cont.).

Abstract: Encloses monthly reviews of affairs of Chinese community in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for July–October 1935.

Includes political conditions in China; Kuomintang activity in Malaya; Chinese immigration and emigration; nationality of Chinese residents; activities of Chinese organizations and associations; Chinese laborers and wages in Malaya; education of Chinese students; editorials from local Chinese newspapers; censor’s reports on examination of Chinese mail and detention of objectionable books, periodicals, and Communist literature; and other issues relating to Chinese population in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Malaya; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Social conditions; Kuomintang; Immigration and emigration; Citizenship and naturalization; Organizations and associations; Labor conditions; Wages and salaries; Education; Press; Censorship; Postal service; Communism. Registry: F 6025/189/10/35–F 7049/189/10/35. Date: 29 Sep 35–11 Nov 35; Pages: 1–310. Last Paper: F 5889/189/10/35.

Reel 65 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19297. China Political (cont.). F 199/10/35 Road construction in China.

Abstract: Covers progress of road construction and road conditions in Honan, Hupei, Kiangsi, and Shensi Provinces. Includes maps.

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Subject Descriptors: Roads; Construction and repair; Honan Province; Hupei Province; Kiangsi Province; Shensi Province; Maps. Registry: F 199/199/10/35–F 4783/199/10/35. Date: 10 Jan 35–24 Jul 35; Pages: 1–31. Last Paper: F 7497/269/10/34.

F 201/10/35 Registration of companies in China. Abstract: Covers British registration and consular protection of firms in China

under China Order-in-Council of 1925, which reserved British consular protection for majority British-owned and British-directed firms. Also includes amendment of provisions of Hong Kong China Companies Ordinance of 1932 regarding Chinese names of British firms.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; Regulations and ordinances; Hong Kong. Registry: F 201/201/10/35–F 7004/201/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35–8 Nov 35; Pages: 32–115. Last Paper: F 7647/202/10/34.

F 202/10/35 Aviation in China. Abstract: Covers commercial and military aviation in China, including British,

Chinese, Italian, and U.S. aviation interests and activity. Includes Chinese aviation market; foreign competition for Chinese aircraft contracts; and Chinese and foreign commercial air service.

Also covers Chinese government regulations on flight of foreign aircraft over Chinese territory and import of aircraft into China; representation of British aircraft companies in China; and other aviation issues.

Also includes reports by British air attaché in China on aviation facilities and activities of Italian air mission in Kiangsi Province and annual report on aviation in China for 1934.

Subject Descriptors: Civil aviation; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Foreign trade; United States; Great Britain; Italy; Air forces, China; Kiangsi Province; Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Regulations and ordinances; Air forces, Italy. Registry: F 202/202/10/35–F 2665/202/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35–24 Apr 35; Pages: 116–253. Last Paper: F 7664/218/10/34.

Volume 19298. China Political (cont.). F 202/10/35 Aviation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers commercial and military aviation in China, including British, Chinese, German, Italian, and U.S. aviation interests and activity. Includes Chinese aviation market; foreign competition for Chinese aircraft contracts; and Chinese and foreign commercial air service.

Also covers Chinese government regulations on import of aircraft into China; impact on British naval aircraft at Weihaiwei of Chinese government regulations on flight of foreign aircraft over Chinese territory; provisional Chinese air strategy versus Japan; and other aviation issues.

Also includes reports of British air attaché in China on aviation facilities and activity at Amoy, Canton, and Macao and in Kwangsi Province.

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Subject Descriptors: Civil aviation; Aircraft and aircraft industry; Foreign trade; United States; Germany; Great Britain; Italy; Air forces, China; Kwangsi Province; Amoy; Canton; Macao; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Regulations and ordinances; Naval forces, British; Weihaiwei. Registry: F 2682/202/10/35–F 7571/202/10/35. Date: 24 Apr 35–2 Dec 35; Pages: 1–265. Last Paper: F 2665/202/10/35.

Volume 19299. China Political (cont.). F 203/10/35 Training of French troops near Shanhaikuan.

Abstract: Covers incident at Shanhaikuan between Manchukuo police and French troops training east of Great Wall.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, France; Manchukuo; Police. Registry: F 203/203/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35; Pages: 1–3. Last Paper: none.

F 204/10/35 Foreign insurance companies in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese discrimination against foreign insurance companies in

China. Includes Kwangtung provincial government regulations regarding bilingual insurance policies and jurisdiction over British insurance companies. Also includes impact of Chinese central government draft insurance legislation on foreign insurance companies.

Subject Descriptors: Insurance; Kwangtung Province; Regulations and ordinances; Languages. Registry: F 204/204/10/35–F 7471/204/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 4–226. Last Paper: F 7496/5202/10/34.

F 215/10/35 British claims arising from Sino-Japanese hostilities during Shanghai incident of 1932. Abstract: Covers claims by British subjects against Japanese government for

losses suffered during Sino-Japanese hostilities at Shanghai in 1932. Subject Descriptors: Claims; Great Britain; Japan; Military conflicts; Shanghai.

Registry: F 215/215/10/35–F 3807/215/10/35. Date: 9 Jan 35–13 Jun 35; Pages: 227–252. Last Paper: F 7432/90/10/34.

Reel 66 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19300. China Political (cont.). F 221/10/35 Opium smuggling by Hong Kong–registered ships.

Abstract: Covers smuggling of opium by Hong Kong–registered ships near Canton on West River. Includes searching of British vessels by Chinese Opium Suppression Bureau and withdrawal of British protection from British vessels engaged in opium smuggling.

Subject Descriptors: Opium; Smuggling; Hong Kong; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways; China government; British policy; Searches and seizures. Registry: F 221/221/10/35–F 4475/221/10/35. Date: 10 Jan 35–10 Jul 35; Pages: 1–69. Last Paper: none.

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F 235/10/35 Sino-Turkish Treaty of Friendship. Abstract: Covers ratification of Sino-Turkish Treaty of Friendship. Subject Descriptors: Turkey; Treaties and agreements; Foreign relations.

Registry: F 235/235/10/35–F 3837/235/10/35. Date: 10 Jan 35–14 Jun 35; Pages: 70–78. Last Paper: F 6819/2200/10/34.

F 250/10/35 Shanghai court system. Abstract: Covers dispute between Shanghai Special District Courts and

Shanghai Municipal Council regarding refusal of council to execute warrants against Chinese members of municipal police.

Also includes appearance of British subjects as defendants in Chinese courts at Shanghai; provisional measures for trial of banditry and brigandage cases during bandit suppression operations; revision of Chinese civil and criminal procedure codes; and impact of criminal code revision on procurators at Shanghai Special District Courts. Encloses French translation of Chinese criminal code.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Shanghai; Courts; Municipal government; Arrests; Police; Civil procedure; Criminal procedure. Registry: F 250/250/10/35–F 8111/250/10/35. Date: 11 Jan 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 79–313. Last Paper: F 7480/3471/10/34.

Volume 19301. China Political (cont.). F 257/10/35 Sino-Japanese Armistice Joint Commission.

Abstract: Covers Sino-Japanese agreement on prohibition of Chinese troop movements in demilitarized area around Shanghai without advance notice.

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, China; Shanghai; Treaties and agreements; Military conflicts; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 257/257/10/35–F 6036/257/10/35. Date: 11 Jan 35–20 Sep 35; Pages: 1–11. Last Paper: F 3257/683/10/34.

F 262/10/35 Boycott of Japanese goods in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses Financial Times article on relaxation of Chinese

boycott of Japanese goods at Canton. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Boycotts; Canton.

Registry: F 262/262/10/35. Date: 12 Jan 35; Pages: 12–13. Last Paper: F 1617/1375/10/34.

F 282/10/35 Claim of E. Lenox-Simpson against Manchukuo government. Abstract: Covers claim by E. Lenox-Simpson, British subject, against Manchukuo

government for threatened arrest and deportation and closing of Harbin Herald, his English-Russian language newspaper, for anti-Manchukuo articles. (Manchukuo action was held by British government to be breach of extraterritoriality.)

Subject Descriptors: Claims; Manchukuo; Extraterritoriality; Searches and seizures; Press; Arrests; British government; Great Britain. Registry: F 282/282/10/35–F 7705/282/10/35. Date: 14 Jan 35–7 Dec 35; Pages: 14–73. Last Paper: F 7197/181/10/34.

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F 298/10/35 British political and intelligence reports. Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy,

Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Ichang, Mukden, Nanking, Shanghai, Swatow, Tengyueh, Weihaiwei, and Yunnanfu.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Nanking; Shanghai; Swatow; Weihaiwei; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 298/298/10/35–F 2687/298/10/35. Date: 14 Jan 35–24 Apr 35; Pages: 74–264. Last Paper: F 7350/69/10/34.

Reel 67 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19302. China Political (cont.). F 298/10/35 British political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Ichang, Nanking, Swatow, Tsinan, Tientsin, Tsingtao, and Weihaiwei.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Nanking; Swatow; Tientsin; Weihaiwei. Registry: F 2688/298/10/35–F 3326/298/10/35. Date: 24 Apr 35–24 May 35; Pages: 1–311. Last Paper: F 2687/298/10/35.

Volume 19303. China Political (cont.). F 298/10/35 British political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Amoy, Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Hankow, Harbin, Ichang, Mukden, Nanking, Shanghai, Swatow, Tengyueh, Tientsin, Tsingtao, and Yunnanfu.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Amoy; Canton; Hankow; Harbin; Mukden; Nanking; Shanghai; Swatow; Tientsin; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 3327/298/10/35–F 6687/298/10/35. Date: 24 May 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 1–353. Last Paper: F 3326/298/10/35.

Reel 68 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19304. China Political (cont.). F 298/10/35 British political and intelligence reports (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British consular political and intelligence reports for Canton, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Hankow, Ichang, Mukden, Shanghai, Swatow, Tientsin, Tsinan, Tsingtao, and Weihaiwei.

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Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Treaty ports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Canton; Hankow; Mukden; Shanghai; Swatow; Tientsin; Weihaiwei. Registry: F 6696/298/10/35–F 7421/298/10/35. Date: 25 Oct 35–26 Nov 35; Pages: 1–370. Last Paper: F 6687/298/10/35.

F 309/10/35 British naval affairs in China. Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy ship movements in Chinese waters; political

conditions in China and the Philippines; piracy; and shipping and other maritime issues for September 1934–January 1935. Includes Yangtze situation reports and proceedings of commander-in-chief, China Station.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Philippines; Piracy; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways. Registry: F 309/309/10/35–F 2795/309/10/35. Date: 15 Jan 35–1 May 35; Pages: 371–419. Last Paper: F 7299/186/10/34.

Volume 19305. China Political (cont.). F 309/10/35 British naval affairs in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers British Royal Navy ship movements in Chinese waters; political conditions in China and Siam; piracy; and shipping and other maritime issues for January–September 1935. Includes Yangtze, Hong Kong, and West River situation reports and proceedings of commander-in-chief, China Station.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Periodic reports; Political conditions; Siam; Piracy; Ships and shipping; Rivers and waterways; Hong Kong. Registry: F 4290/309/10/35–F 7640/309/10/35. Date: 5 Jul 35–4 Dec 35; Pages: 1–48. Last Paper: F 2795/3096/10/35.

F 336/10/35 Visit of emperor of Manchukuo to Tokyo. Abstract: Covers state visit of emperor of Manchukuo to Tokyo. Subject Descriptors: Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Travel.

Registry: F 336/336/10/35–F 3350/336/10/35. Date: 16 Jan 35–24 May 35; Pages: 49–78. Last Paper: F 2070/126/10/34.

F 344/10/35 Carriage of Chinese troops on foreign ships on Yangtze River. Abstract: Covers proposed use of foreign ships to carry Chinese troops up

Yangtze River from Ichang to Chungking in pursuit of Communist troops. Also covers British policy on use of British ships; conditions under which British

shipping companies could transport troops; and other shipping issues, including settlement of British boycott arising from Wanhsien Incident. (Incident was multiday battle on Yangtze River near Wanhsien in 1926 between British gunboats and Chinese army units, sparked by piracy and seizure of British-flagged merchant ships. Chinese boycotts, in retaliation against the British use of force, virtually closed Wanhsien to British goods.)

Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, China; Ships and shipping; British policy; Boycotts. Registry: F 344/344/10/35–F 5495/344/10/35. Date: 17 Jan 35–23 Aug 35; Pages: 79–245. Last Paper: F 7771/6859/10/34.

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Volume 19306. China Political (cont.). F 361/10/35 Chinese Maritime Customs Service.

Abstract: Covers issues relating to top posts of Chinese Maritime Customs Service. Includes question of eventual successor to Sir Frederick Maze as inspector-general of Customs; appointment of Japanese official as chief secretary of Customs; and future employment of foreigners in Chinese Maritime Customs Service.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Taxation; Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 361/361/10/35–F 6844/361/10/35. Date: 18 Jan 35–31 Oct 35; Pages: 1–89. Last Paper: F 7661/158/10/34.

F 421/10/35 Land leased to foreign missionaries in China. Abstract: Covers leases of land to foreign missionaries in China. Includes Anglo-

Chinese negotiations and draft agreement on incorporation of Kuling Estate concession in Kiangsi Province into surrounding Chinese locality; and Anglo-Chinese agreement on status of land of English Presbyterian Mission Anglo-Chinese College at Swatow after illegal expropriation by Chinese authorities.

Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Education; Swatow; Missionaries; Kiangsi Province; Contracts. Registry: F 421/421/10/35–F 6519/421/10/35. Date: 21 Jan 35–16 Oct 35; Pages: 90–230. Last Paper: F 7194/135/10/34.

F 427/10/35 Political situation in China. Abstract: Covers general political situation in China. Includes Hong Kong press

opinion and revision of Chinese constitution. Also includes proceedings of Fifth Plenary Session of Fourth Central Executive

Committee of Kuomintang at Nanking in December 1934, including resolutions on separation of central and provincial government powers.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Hong Kong; Press; Kuomintang; Conferences and conventions; China government. Registry: F 427/427/10/35–F 816/427/10/35. Date: 21 Jan 35–6 Feb 35; Pages: 231–263. Last Paper: F 7524/3/10/34.

Volume 19307. China Political (cont.). F 427/10/35 Political situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers general political situation in China. Includes central and provincial government appointments; lists of government officials; political conditions in southwest China and Nanking-Canton relations; Sino-Japanese relations and crisis in northern China; policy of Chiang Kai-shek; Communist activity and military operations by Nationalist troops; Szechuan and Sikang provincial governments; Chinese Law Governing Summons and Trials; and other related issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; China government; Government appointments; Canton; Japan; Foreign relations; Chiang Kai-shek; Communism; Armed forces, China; Armed forces, China Communist; Military conflicts; Szechuan Province; Sikang Province; Arrests; Courts; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 940/427/10/35–F 5951/427/10/35. Date: 12 Feb 35–16 Sep 35; Pages: 2–270. Last Paper: F 816/427/10/35.

Volume 19308. China Political (cont.). F 427/10/35 Political situation in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers general political situation in China. Includes central government appointments; Nanking-Canton relations; Sino-Japanese relations; policy of Chiang Kai-shek; Communist activity in Szechuan and Kansu Provinces; political situation in Hunan Province; proposed resignation and attempted assassination of Wang Ching-wei (president of Executive Yuan and minister for foreign affairs); and other related issues.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; China government; Government appointments; Canton; Japan; Foreign relations; Chiang Kai-shek; Communism; Armed forces, China Communist; Hunan Province; Szechuan Province; Kansu Province; Crime and criminals. Registry: F 5987/427/10/35–F 8130/427/10/35. Date: 18 Sep 35–31 Dec 35; Pages: 1–93. Last Paper: F 5951/427/10/35.

F 430/10/35 Cooperation between British minister to China and Hong Kong and Malayan governments. Abstract: Covers meetings between representatives of British legation in China

and Hong Kong and British Malayan governments for discussion of issues of mutual interest.

Includes extradition of Chinese offenders from Hong Kong; export of arms from Hong Kong to China; Canton-Nanking relations; Communists; Kuomintang activity in Hong Kong and Malaya; Chinese Nationality Law; emigration of Chinese laborers from Swatow to Malaya; and other issues.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Hong Kong; Malaya; Swatow; Crime and criminals; Military weapons; Canton; Communists; Kuomintang; Citizenship and naturalization; Immigration and emigration; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 430/430/10/35–F 1070/430/10/35. Date: 21 Jan 35–18 Feb 35; Pages: 94–150. Last Paper: F 7373/295/61/34.

F 437/10/35 Situation in Mongolia. Abstract: Covers political conditions and Japanese policy in Outer and Inner

Mongolia. Includes meeting of princes of Outer and Inner Mongolia for discussion of relations with Manchukuo; Japanese propaganda in Mongolia; and Japanese influence on Mongolia.

Also covers Manchukuo–Outer Mongolia border dispute; clash between party of Mongolians and Japanese patrol near Lake Buyer; Soviet press opinion; and Manchukuo–Outer Mongolia conference on relations and border dispute.

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Subject Descriptors: Mongolia; Manchukuo; Political conditions; Japan; Propaganda; Soviet Union; Press; Armed forces, Mongolia; Kwantung Army; Borders and boundaries; Conferences and conventions; Foreign relations. Registry: F 437/437/10/35–F 4244/437/10/35. Date: 21 Jan 35–3 Jul 35; Pages: 151–251. Last Paper: F 7274/150/10/34.

Reel 70 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19309. China Political (cont.). F 437/10/35 Situation in Mongolia (cont.).

Abstract: Covers political conditions and Japanese and Soviet policy in Outer and Inner Mongolia.

Includes Manchukuo–Outer Mongolia border dispute; alleged border incursions by Japanese and Manchukuo troops into Outer Mongolia and Manchukuo counterallegations of Mongolian incursions into Manchukuo; Soviet and Manchukuo press opinion; and Manchukuo–Outer Mongolia conference on relations and border disputes.

Subject Descriptors: Mongolia; Manchukuo; Political conditions; Foreign relations; Borders and boundaries; Armed forces, Mongolia; Armed forces, Manchukuo; Kwantung Army; Press; Soviet Union; Japan; Conferences and conventions. Registry: F 4245/437/10/35–F 8077/437/10/35. Date: 3 Jul 35–28 Dec 35; Pages: 1–273. Last Paper: F 4244/437/10/35.

Volume 19310. China Political (cont.). F 474/10/35 Settlement of Japanese loans to China.

Abstract: Covers negotiations and agreements for settlement of Sino-Japanese indebtedness. Includes Japanese loans for Peking-Suiyuan Railway; Kiukiang-Nangchang Railway; Peking-Hankow Railway; Japanese issue of Imperial Chinese Government 5% Railway Loan of 1911; and telegraph and telephone loans. Also includes potential impact on British creditors.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Japan; China government; Railroads; Communications; Treaties and agreements. Registry: F 474/474/10/35–F 7732/474/10/35. Date: 22 Jan 35–9 Dec 35; Pages: 1–76. Last Paper: F 6367/13/10/34.

F 482/10/35 Japanese military activities in North China. Abstract: Covers Japanese military policy and threat of military action in northern

China. Includes Jehol-Chahar provincial boundary dispute and Sino-Japanese clashes on frontier; new gendarmerie for neutral zone from Peking to Great Wall; and Kwantung Army antibandit operations in neutral zone near Tsunhwa.

Also covers threatened extension of Tangku Armistice neutral zone by Kwantung Army to include Peking and Tientsin areas due to alleged anti-Japanese activity of Hopei Province governor and murder of pro-Japanese Chinese newspaper proprietors in Japanese concession at Tientsin.

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Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Hopei Province; Borders and boundaries; Peking; Tientsin; Armed forces, China; Kwantung Army; Crime and criminals; Deaths; Japan; Police. Registry: F 482/482/10/35–F 3689/482/10/35. Date: 22 Jan 35–6 Jun 35; Pages: 77–231. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19311. China Political (cont.). F 482/10/35 Japanese military activities in North China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese military policy and threat of military action in northern China. Includes movement of Japanese forces; alleged Chinese provocations on Hopei-Jehol and Chahar-Jehol borders; British policy; and alleged violation of Nine Power Treaty by Japan.

Also covers de facto extension of Tangku Armistice neutral zone to include Peking and Tientsin areas. Includes Japanese military demands for suppression of anti-Japanese and anti-Manchukuo organizations in Hopei Province; withdrawal of Chinese troops to southern Hopei Province; transfer of Hopei provincial administration from Tientsin to Paotingfu; Japanese approval of Chinese appointments in north China; and similar Japanese action in Chahar Province, where Japanese military demanded withdrawal of alleged anti-Japanese Chinese troops and establishment of neutral zone.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Hopei Province; Borders and boundaries; Peking; Tientsin; Armed forces, China; Kwantung Army; Organizations and associations; Treaties and agreements; British policy; Japan. Registry: F 3694/482/10/35–F 4832/482/10/35. Date: 7 Jun 35–26 Jul 35; Pages: 1–227. Last Paper: F 3689/482/10/35.

Reel 71 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19312. China Political (cont.). F 482/10/35 Japanese military activities in North China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese military policy and threat of military action in northern China. Includes movement of Japanese forces; Japanese military activity in eastern Chahar; Hopei Province autonomy movement; and British policy.

Also covers de facto extension of Tangku Armistice neutral zone to include Peking and Tientsin areas. Includes Japanese military demands for suppression of anti-Japanese and anti-Manchukuo organizations in Hopei Province and change in Chinese officials at Peking.

Subject Descriptors: Chahar Province; Hopei Province; Political conditions; Peking; Tientsin; Armed forces, China; Kwantung Army; British policy; Japan. Registry: F 4878/482/10/35–F 7906/482/10/35. Date: 27 Jul 35–18 Dec 35; Pages: 1–117. Last Paper: F 4832/482/10/35.

F 536/10/35 Economic situation in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers and encloses quarterly reports from British consulate-general at

Mukden on economic conditions in Manchukuo. Topics include public finance; currency and banking; economic relations with Japan; industry; agriculture; banditry; immigration; extraterritoriality; foreign trade; and labor conditions.

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Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Economic conditions; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Finance; Money; Financial institutions; Japan; Business and industry; Agriculture; Crime and criminals; Immigration and emigration; Extraterritoriality; Foreign trade; Labor conditions. Registry: F 536/536/10/35–F 6702/536/10/35. Date: 25 Jan 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 118–164. Last Paper: F 6479/10/10/34.

F 553/10/35 Sino-Japanese relations. Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations.

Includes alleged Japanese demands for removal of high officials and special concessions in Shansi Province; Sino-Japanese negotiations at Nanking and possible Sino-Japanese rapprochement; Japanese pressure on China to accept Sino-Japanese alliance in return for Japanese military and financial assistance; and related issues.

Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; Foreign relations; Shansi Province; Armed forces, Japan; Loans and grants. Registry: F 553/553/10/35–F 1654/553/10/35. Date: 26 Jan 35–12 Mar 35; Pages: 165–255. Last Paper: F 7002/107/10/34.

Volume 19313. China Political (cont.). F 553/10/35 Sino-Japanese relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also covers British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

Includes Sino-Japanese negotiations at Nanking and possible Sino-Japanese rapprochement; Japanese pressure on China to accept Sino-Japanese alliance in return for Japanese military and financial assistance; alleged Japanese promotion of separatist movements in southern China; Japanese attitude toward Chiang Kai-shek; Chinese press attacks on Japanese emperor; and other related issues.

Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; Foreign relations; British policy; Armed forces, Japan; Loans and grants; Chiang Kai-shek; Press; Political conditions. Registry: F 1662/553/10/35–F 5931/553/10/35. Date: 12 Mar 35–16 Sep 35; Pages: 1–245. Last Paper: F 1654/553/10/35.

Volume 19314. China Political (cont.). F 553/10/35 Sino-Japanese relations (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on China and Sino-Japanese relations. Also covers British policy on Japanese ambitions in China.

Includes Chinese and Japanese actions anti-Japanese organizations in Shanghai; Sino-Japanese commercial relations and Japanese economic aims in north China; Sino-Japanese tax dispute at Swatow; shooting of Japanese sailor in Shanghai International Settlement; demand for dismissal of Hankow garrison commander by Japanese; statement of Japanese policy in China by commander of Japanese garrison in north China; and other related issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Japan; China government; Foreign relations; British policy; Armed forces, Japan; Naval forces, Japan; Deaths; Organizations and associations; Shanghai International Settlement; Foreign settlements; Taxation; Armed forces, China; Hankow; Swatow; Economic conditions; Foreign trade. Registry: F 6029/553/10/35–F 8086/553/10/35. Date: 20 Sep 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 1–243. Last Paper: F 5931/553/10/35.

Reel 72 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19315. China Political (cont.). F 573/10/35 “Blue Shirt” Movement.

Abstract: Covers and encloses Shanghai Municipal Police report on alleged fascist Blue Shirt movement in China.

Subject Descriptors: Blue Shirt movement; Shanghai; Police; Political conditions. Registry: F 573/573/10/35. Date: 28 Jan 35; Pages: 1–6. Last Paper: F 679/81/10/34.

F 619/10/35 Development of industrial and mineral resources of Szechuan. Abstract: Covers cancellation of agreement between Yangtse Corporation and

Young Brothers Banking Corporation regarding creation of Sino-British finance association for exploitation of industrial and mineral resources of Szechuan Province. Also covers Yangtse Corporation rights to mineral concessions in Szechuan Province.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Economic and industrial development; Business and industry; Financial institutions; Szechuan Province; Contracts. Registry: F 619/619/10/35–F 7617/619/10/35. Date: 29 Jan 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 7–50. Last Paper: F 6822/3389/10/34.

F 637/10/35 U.S. agricultural loan to China. Abstract: Covers agreement between Chinese government and U.S.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation for loan of $50 million for purchase of U.S. cotton and wheat.

Also includes U.S. trade mission to China, Japan, and Philippine Islands. Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Agriculture; Textile industry and fabrics;

Foreign trade; U.S. government; Travel. Registry: F 637/637/10/35–F 5324/637/10/35. Date: 29 Jan 35–10 Aug 35; Pages: 51–97. Last Paper: F 6684/509/10/34.

F 675/10/35 Manchukuo financial situation. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo government finances, including revenues for 1933–

1935 and supplementary and annual budgets for 1935. Also includes Manchukuo Banking Law and enforcement regulations; permission

for Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China to continue business; and liquidation of British Manchurian Investment and Trading Company.

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Also covers currency issues, including Central Bank note issue and reserves; prohibition of transactions in silver dollars; and Manchukuo yuan exchange rate against Chinese and Japanese currencies.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Manchukuo; Financial institutions; Government revenue; Foreign exchange; Regulations and ordinances; Money. Registry: F 675/675/10/35–F 5070/675/10/35. Date: 31 Jan 35–6 Aug 35; Pages: 98–258. Last Paper: F 7406/145/10/34.

Volume 19316. China Political (cont.). F 675/10/35 Manchukuo financial situation (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Manchukuo government finances, including supplementary budget for 1935.

Also covers foreign banks in Manchukuo, including liquidation of British Manchurian Investment and Trading Company; registration of British and Dominions Mercantile Bank; and banking crisis at Harbin involving closing of U.S. Thriftcor Bank and Banque Franco-Asiatique.

Also covers currency issues, including prohibition of transactions in silver dollars; currency stabilization; and Manchukuo Exchange Control Law.

Subject Descriptors: Finance; Manchukuo; Financial institutions; Foreign exchange; Regulations and ordinances; Money; Harbin. Registry: F 5095/675/10/35–F 8074/675/10/35. Date: 7 Aug 35–28 Dec 35; Pages: 1–84. Last Paper: F 5070/675/10/35.

F 676/10/35 Cooperative societies in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese rural cooperative societies in Hopei, Shensi, and Hupei

Provinces. Includes relations of cooperatives with central government. Subject Descriptors: Agriculture; China government; Hopei Province; Shensi

Province; Hupei Province; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 676/676/10/35–F 1839/676/10/35. Date: 31 Jan 35–20 Mar 35; Pages: 85–106. Last Paper: none.

F 694/10/35 Piracy of S.S. Tungchow. Abstract: Covers piracy of British-owned S.S. Tungchow off Shawei-shan Island

near Shanghai. Includes subsequent investigation; efforts to capture pirates; and consideration of additional antipiracy measures by British naval authorities and shipping companies.

Subject Descriptors: Piracy; Ships and shipping. Registry: F 694/694/10/35–F 4775/694/10/35. Date: 1 Feb 35–25 Jul 35; Pages: 107–227. Last Paper: none.

F 720/10/35 British diplomatic mission in China. Abstract: Covers movements in China of Sir Alexander Cadogan, British minister

to China. Also covers proposed transfer of diplomatic mission from Peking to Nanking.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Travel; Nanking. Registry: F 720/720/10/35–F 3174/720/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–17 May 35; Pages: 228–261. Last Paper: F 7592/170/10/34.

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Volume 19317. China Political (cont.). F 720/10/35 British diplomatic mission in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers preparations for transfer of British diplomatic mission from Peking to Nanking, including selection of site.

Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Nanking. Registry: F 3324/720/10/35–F 7932/720/10/35. Date: 24 May 35–19 Dec 35; Pages: 1–150. Last Paper: F 3174/720/10/35.

F 727/10/35 Japanese activity at Macao. Abstract: Covers Japanese efforts to increase commercial standing in Macao and

relevant British policy. Includes Japanese negotiations for takeover of lapsed waterworks construction

contract at Macao; British competition for waterworks contract; proposed Japanese shipping service to Macao; and Japanese proposal to buy large concession at Macao, including new inland port.

Subject Descriptors: Macao; Japan; Public works and utilities; Ships and shipping; Concessions; Harbors and ports; British policy; Business and industry. Registry: F 727/727/10/35–F 2080/727/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–29 Mar 35; Pages: 151–260. Last Paper: none.

Reel 73 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19318. China Political (cont.). F 727/10/35 Japanese activity at Macao (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese efforts to increase commercial standing in Macao and relevant British policy.

Includes Japanese negotiations for takeover of lapsed waterworks construction contract at Macao; award of waterworks contract to British firm, Malcolm and Company; award of water supply concession to Macao Waterworks Company; Japanese naval activity off south China; and Japanese proposal to buy large concession at Macao, including new inland port.

Subject Descriptors: Macao; Japan; Public works and utilities; Concessions; Harbors and ports; British policy; Naval forces, Japan; Business and industry; Financial institutions. Registry: F 2136/727/10/35–F 7529/727/10/35. Date: 1 Apr 35–29 Nov 35; Pages: 1–151, 257–302. Last Paper: none.

F 739/10/35 Asiatic Petroleum Company operations at Newchwang. Abstract: Covers difficulty of Asiatic Petroleum Company in obtaining license to

operate candle manufacturing facility at their oil installation at Newchwang. Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Treaty ports;

Manchukuo. Registry: F 739/739/10/35–F 1633/739/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–11 Mar 35; Pages: 152–161. Last Paper: F 7723/80/10/34.

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F 740/10/35 Japanese extraterritoriality in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Japanese policy on abolition of extraterritoriality in Manchukuo

and surrender of Japanese administrative rights in South Manchuria Railway zone to Manchukuo. Also covers proposed Manchukuo abolition of extraterritorial rights of all foreign nationals.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Japan; Extraterritoriality; Railroads; Concessions. Registry: F 740/740/10/35–F 6040/740/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–20 Sep 35; Pages: 162–202. Last Paper: F 5606/1465/10/34.

F 744/10/35 Prisons in Shanghai International Settlement. Abstract: Covers conditions at Chinese prison in Shanghai International

Settlement and report of Shanghai Municipal Council Visiting Committee for British Prisoners on conditions of British prisoners in council’s prisons.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Prisons and prisoners; Municipal government. Registry: F 744/744/10/35–F 8051/744/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 203–256. Last Paper: F 4134/1987/10/34.

Volume 19319. China Political (cont.). F 745/10/35 Export of arms to China.

Abstract: Covers methods of foreign arms dealers to secure contracts in China and proposed issue by British consular officers of indentifying documents for British firms to secure Chinese government arms contracts.

Subject Descriptors: Military weapons; Foreign trade; Diplomatic and consular services, British; China government. Registry: F 745/745/10/35–F 577/745/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–9 Sep 35; Pages: 1–14. Last Paper: F 5353/15/10/34.

F 751/10/35 Activities of Trebitsch-Lincoln. Abstract: Covers movements and activities of Isaac Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln

(alias Abbot Chao Kung). Includes Lincoln’s anti-British views; movements in China and Europe; and proposed Buddhist monastery and missionary organization in Europe.

Subject Descriptors: Trebitsch-Lincoln, Isaac Timothy; Travel; Missionaries. Registry: F 751/751/10/35–F 7517/751/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–29 Nov 35; Pages: 15–31. Last Paper: F 7249/751/10/34.

F 752/10/35 Activities of Russian fascists in China. Abstract: Covers kidnapping and murder of Simon Kaspe, French national, by

Russians at Harbin and handling of case by Japanese authorities. Includes Jewish community and Russian fascist anti-Jewish agitation at Harbin.

Subject Descriptors: Crime and criminals; Deaths; Political conditions; Harbin; Social conditions. Registry: F 752/752/10/35–F 6020/752/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–20 Sep 35; Pages: 32–68. Last Paper: F 7280/51/10/34.

F 761/10/35 Hunan Antimony Syndicate. Abstract: Covers grant of monopoly on antimony production to Hunan Antimony

Syndicate and negotiations of Arnhold and Company for sole distributorship.

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Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Hunan Province; Business and industry. Registry: F 761/761/10/35–F 7129/761/10/35. Date: 4 Feb 35–13 Nov 35; Pages: 69–112. Last Paper: none.

F 777/10/35 Mining in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers mining policy of Manchukuo government. Includes proposed

establishment of joint Japan-Manchukuo mining development company for control and assistance of mining enterprises in Manchukuo; Manchuria Mining Law and related laws regarding mining; and restriction of gold mining in northern Manchuria to Manchuria Gold Mining Company.

Subject Descriptors: Mines and mineral industries; Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 777/777/10/35–F 7991/777/10/35. Date: 5 Feb 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 113–177. Last Paper: F 5447/109/10/34.

F 818/10/35 Registration of foreign medical practitioners in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese legislation relating to registration of foreign hospitals

and medical practitioners. Includes British difficulties in registration of British Indian “eye doctors” who possessed no medical training.

Subject Descriptors: Health facilities and services; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 818/818/10/35–F 7126/818/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–13 Nov 35; Pages: 178–196. Last Paper: F 7099/3271/10/34.

F 821/10/35 Port at Laoyao. Abstract: Covers opening of new port of Laoyao in Kiangsu Province to service

Haichow. Includes restrictions on Chinese vessels registered with Lunghai Railway Administration and proposed visit of British naval vessels to port.

Subject Descriptors: Kiangsu Province; Shantung Province; Railroads; Harbors and ports; Ships and shipping; Naval forces, British. Registry: F 821/821/10/35–F 4605/821/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–16 Jul 35; Pages: 197–225. Last Paper: F 7102/465/10/34.

F 823/10/35 British Residents Association of Shanghai. Abstract: Covers third annual general meeting of British Residents Association of

China in Shanghai, December 1934. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Great Britain; Shanghai.

Registry: F 823/823/10/35–F 5417/823/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–21 Aug 35; Pages: 226–247. Last Paper: F 450/450/10/34.

Volume 19320. China Political (cont.). F 826/10/35 Press regulation in China.

Abstract: Covers Chinese law on registration of foreign-owned publications in China and British policy allowing pro forma registration.

Subject Descriptors: Press; British policy; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 826/826/10/35–F 2255/826/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–5 Apr 35; Pages: 1–22. Last Paper: F 7665/445/10/34.

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F 829/10/35 National Salvation Fund at Yunnanfu. Abstract: Covers efforts to enforce real estate levy at Yunnanfu for National

Salvation Fund purchase of warplanes for Yunnan provincial government. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Yunnan Province; Air forces, China; Land

ownership and rights. Registry: F 829/829/10/35–F 1214/829/10/35. Date: 6–22 Feb 35; Pages: 23–30. Last Paper: none.

F 830/10/35 Revolutionary holidays in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses lists of official Chinese government revolutionary

memorial days. Subject Descriptors: Celebrations and observances; China government.

Registry: F 830/830/10/35–F 3918/830/10/35. Date: 6 Feb 35–18 Jun 35; Pages: 31–42. Last Paper: none.

F 874/10/35 Manchukuo trademark law. Abstract: Covers infringement of British trademarks in South Manchuria Railway

Zone and elsewhere in Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Trademarks; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 874/874/10/35–F 8040/874/10/35. Date: 8 Feb 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 43–59. Last Paper: F 7668/18/10/34.

F 882/10/35 Emigration of Chinese laborers to Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers immigration to Manchukuo of Chinese laborers. Includes

Manchukuo Regulations for Control of Foreign Laborers aimed at restricting Chinese seasonal laborers and Korean labor emigration to Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Labor conditions; Immigration and emigration; Korea; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 882/882/10/35–F 6042/882/10/35. Date: 8 Feb 35–20 Sep 35; Pages: 60–94. Last Paper: none.

F 885/10/35 G. L. Shaw’s frontage rights at Antung. Abstract: Covers infringement of British subject G. L. Shaw’s frontage rights at

Antung by Ta-An Steam Launch Company. Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Treaty ports; Land ownership and

rights. Registry: F 885/885/10/35–F 1893/885/10/35. Date: 8 Feb 35–22 Mar 35; Pages: 95–109. Last Paper: F 5649/59/10/34.

F 907/10/35 Communist newspaper Chieh Feng. Abstract: Covers interception by Chinese postal service of London-published

Communist newspaper Chieh Feng and Chinese request for British suppression of newspaper.

Subject Descriptors: Press; Communism; Postal service; Great Britain. Registry: F 907/907/10/35–F 1688/907/10/35. Date: 11 Feb 35–14 Mar 35; Pages: 110–118. Last Paper: none.

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F 982/10/35 League of Nations technical assistance to China. Abstract: Covers League of Nations technical assistance to China, including

assistance in communications; transportation; public health; and agricultural and industrial development.

Subject Descriptors: League of Nations; China government; Communications; Transportation; Economic and industrial development; Agriculture; Health facilities and services. Registry: F 982/982/10/35–F 7953/982/10/35. Date: 14 Feb 35–20 Dec 35; Pages: 119–161. Last Paper: F 6394/85/10/34.

F 986/10/35 Political and economic conditions in China. Abstract: Covers views of Sun Fo (son of Sun Yat-sen) and K. Lund (Norwegian

engineer) on general Chinese political and economic situation and Sino-Japanese relations.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Economic conditions; Foreign relations; Japan. Registry: F 986/986/10/35–F 2886/986/10/35. Date: 14 Feb 35–4 May 35; Pages: 162–173. Last Paper: none.

F 991/10/35 New Life Movement in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese New Life Movement (movement for return to traditional

Chinese values) sponsored by Chiang Kai-shek. Also includes Chinese government encouragement of Confucianism as state cult.

Includes proposed travel to Straits Settlements and Hong Kong of New Life Movement propagandists and Chekiang Province boycotts and agitation against Yee Tsong Tobacco Company subsidiary of British American Tobacco Company.

Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Boycotts; Chekiang Province; Tobacco industry and products; Travel; Social conditions. Registry: F 991/991/10/35–F 4616/991/10/35. Date: 14 Feb 35–16 Jul 35; Pages: 174–230. Last Paper: F 7096/4157/10/34.

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Volume 19321. China Political (cont.). F 991/10/35 New Life Movement in China (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Chinese New Life Movement, including Chekiang Province boycotts and agitation against Yee Tsong Tobacco Company, subsidiary of British American Tobacco Company.

Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Boycotts; Chekiang Province; Tobacco industry and products. Registry: F 5210/991/10/35–F 7457/991/10/35. Date: 12 Aug 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 1–104. Last Paper: F 4616/991/10/35.

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F 1076/10/35 Heads of foreign missions in China. Abstract: Covers British Peking legation annual review of heads of diplomatic

missions in China for 1934. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services; Periodic reports.

Registry: F 1076/1076/10/35–F 8121/1076/10/35. Date: 18 Feb 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 105–129. Last Paper: F 4512/253/10/34.

F 1077/10/35 Shanghai Defense Committee. Abstract: Covers affairs of Shanghai Defense Committee, committee of

commanders of foreign armed forces at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Armed forces, foreign; Shanghai International Settlement;

Organizations and associations. Registry: F 1077/1077/10/35–F 7146/1077/10/35. Date: 18 Feb 35–14 Nov 35; Pages: 130–140. Last Paper: F 5969/1283/10/34.

F 1093/10/35 International recognition of Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers international treatment of Manchukuo, including British

nonrecognition of Manchukuo; third anniversary of Japanese recognition of Manchukuo; and possible recognition of Manchukuo by China and Siam.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; British policy; Siam; China government; Japan; Celebrations and observances; Foreign relations. Registry: F 1093/1093/10/35–F 6912/1093/10/35. Date: 19 Feb 35–4 Nov 35; Pages: 141–164. Last Paper: F 7365/126/10/34.

F 1126/10/35 Taxation of businesses in China. Abstract: Covers taxation of foreign businesses in China. Includes alleged

discriminatory taxation and seizure of British petroleum products in Fukien, Kwantung, and Szechuan Provinces and alleged discrimination in favor of Japanese imports of Formosan lubricating oil in Fukien Province.

Also includes consolidated business tax in Szechuan Province and travelling tax inspectors on foreign shipping between Chungking and Ichang.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Taxation; Petroleum and petroleum industry; Fukien Province; Kwangtung Province; Szechuan Province; Formosa; Ships and shipping; Foreign trade. Registry: F1126/1126/10/35–F 7470/1126/10/35. Date: 19 Feb 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 165–268. Last Paper: F 7616/75/10/34.

Volume 19322. China Political (cont.). F 1131/10/35 British insurance companies in Manchukuo.

Abstract: Covers discrimination against British insurance companies in Manchukuo. Also includes formation of joint Japanese-Manchukuo insurance company and Manchukuo Insurance Law.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Insurance; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1131/1131/10/35–F 6141/1131/10/35. Date: 19 Feb 35–27 Sep 35; Pages: 1–49. Last Paper: F 5679/5489/10/34.

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F 1154/10/35 Chinese Maritime Customs Service. Abstract: Covers antismuggling efforts of Chinese Maritime Customs Service.

Includes British policy on Chinese Customs Preventive Law and revised manifest regulations provisions giving Chinese authorities right to fine shipping companies and confiscate unmanifested goods without taking case to foreign consular courts.

Also includes establishment of Customs Penalty Board of Enquiry and Appeal and Chinese Customs administrative action against McBain Imports.

Subject Descriptors: Smuggling; China government; Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; British policy; Searches and seizures; Business and industry. Registry: F 1154/1154/10/35–F 2552/1154/10/35. Date: 20 Feb 35–18 Apr 35; Pages: 50–327. Last Paper: F 7448/158/10/34; F 7495/1148/10/34.

Volume 19323. China Political (cont.). F 1154/10/35 Chinese Maritime Customs Service (cont.).

Abstract: Covers antismuggling efforts of Chinese Maritime Customs Service. Includes British policy on Chinese Customs Preventive Law and revised manifest regulations provisions giving Chinese authorities right to fine shipping companies and confiscate unmanifested goods without taking case to foreign consular courts.

Also includes enforcement of Customs Preventive Law in Shanghai International Settlement; law of evidence in Chinese customs cases; and other related issues.

Subject Descriptors: Smuggling; China government; Ships and shipping; Regulations and ordinances; British policy; Foreign settlements; Shanghai International Settlement; Criminal procedure; Searches and seizures. Registry: F 2573/1154/10/35–F 7453/1154/10/35. Date: 18 Apr 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 1–80a. Last Paper: F 2552/1154/10/35.

F 1182/10/35 Radio and telegraph communications in China. Abstract: Covers radio communications in China and between China and foreign

countries, including India and Italy. Includes censorship of telegrams from Eastern Extension Australasia & China

Telegraph Company and British commercial firms at Tientsin by Chinese authorities. Also includes revised telegram censorship regulations.

Also covers Chinese regulations on marine radio stations; registration of radio receiving sets; and importation of radio sets and materials.

Subject Descriptors: Communications; India; Italy; Business and industry; Censorship; Tientsin; Regulations and ordinances; Ships and shipping; Foreign trade. Registry: F 1182/1182/10/35–F 7948/1182/10/35. Date: 21 Feb 35–20 Dec 35; Pages: 81–146. Last Paper: F 7658/319/10/34.

F 1208/10/35 Affairs in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers Chinese geological and geographical expeditions to Yunnan

Province and proposed industrial development of province.

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Subject Descriptors: Economic and industrial development; Yunnan Province; Travel. Registry: F 1208/1208/10/35–F 2186/1208/10/35. Date: 22 Feb 35–3 Apr 35; Pages: 147–158. Last Paper: none.

F 1219/10/35 British naval affairs at Weihaiwei. Abstract: Covers right of British Royal Navy to use of facilities at Weihaiwei.

Includes landing of British seamen at Liukungtao for drill and rifle practice and renewal of lease of Weihaiwei port facilities for Royal Navy use.

Subject Descriptors: Weihaiwei; Land ownership and rights; Naval forces, British; Harbors and ports. Registry: F 1219/1219/10/35–F 7603/1219/10/35. Date: 22 Feb 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 159–170. Last Paper: F 2603/88/10/34.

F 1246/10/35 Substitution of name “Peiping” for Peking. Abstract: Covers proposed use of “Peiping” for name of Peking in

correspondence of British legation at Peking. Subject Descriptors: Peking; Diplomatic and consular services, British.

Registry: F 1246/1246/10/35–F 3448/1246/10/35. Date: 23 Feb 35–29 May 35; Pages: 171–181. Last Paper: none.

F 1283/10/35 Telegraphic communication between Manchukuo and China. Abstract: Covers resumption of direct telegraphic communication between

Manchukuo and China. Subject Descriptors: Communications; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 1283/1283/10/35. Date: 26 Feb 35; Pages: 182–184. Last Paper: none.

F 1295/10/35 Dual nationality of British subjects of Chinese descent. Abstract: Covers national status of British subjects of Chinese descent. Includes

British policy towards British subjects of Chinese descent who had not been formally denationalized as Chinese citizens. Also includes Chinese law on requirements for citizenship and denationalization.

Subject Descriptors: Citizenship and naturalization; British policy; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1295/1295/10/35–F 7315/1295/10/35. Date: 26 Feb 35–20 Nov 35; Pages: 185–217. Last Paper: F 6565/1447/10/34.

Reel 75 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19324. China Political (cont.). F 1307/10/35 Anglo-American cooperation under Nine-Power Treaty.

Abstract: Covers Anglo-American cooperation under the Nine-Power Treaty during 1932 Sino-Japanese crisis; British rights and obligations under treaty; and other related issues.

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Subject Descriptors: British policy; U.S. policy; Treaties and agreements. Registry: F 1307/1307/10/35–F 4115/1307/10/35. Date: 27 Feb 35–26 Jun 35; Pages: 1–75. Last Paper: F 7488/7488/10/34.

F 1369/10/35 Transplantation of arms factories from Central Europe to China. Abstract: Covers proposed organization to finance transplantation to China of idle

arms factories in Austria, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Military weapons; Austria; Belgium;

Czechoslovakia. Registry: F 1369/1369/10/35. Date: 28 Feb 35; Pages: 76–83. Last Paper: F 6338/6338/10/34.

F 1385/10/35 Registration of technical experts in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese ordinance for registration of foreign technical experts

and recognition by Chinese government of diplomas of Institution of Sanitary Engineers of London.

Subject Descriptors: China government; Organizations and associations; Civil engineering; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1385/1385/10/35–F 8000/1385/10/35. Date: 1 Mar 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 84–96. Last Paper: F 7710/2828/10/34.

F 1387/10/35 Revision of Chinese law on partnership debts. Abstract: Covers proposed revision of Chinese law regarding joint liability for

debts incurred by business partnerships. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 1387/1387/10/35. Date: 1 Mar 35; Pages: 97–103. Last Paper: F 4280/645/10/34.

F 1389/10/35 Law governing declaration of state of emergency in China. Abstract: Covers Chinese law regarding declaration of state of emergency and

enforcement of martial law. Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 1389/1389/10/35. Date: 1 Mar 35; Pages: 104–110. Last Paper: none.

F 1458/10/35 Sugar monopoly in China. Abstract: Covers proposed implementation of sugar import and distribution

monopoly by Chinese government. Also covers possible preferential treatment by China of sugar imports from Japan

and discriminatory reduction in import duty in favor of raw Java brown sugar imported for Canton mills by Kwangtung provincial sugar monopoly.

Subject Descriptors: Food and food industry; China government; Foreign trade; Netherlands East Indies; Japan; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 1458/1458/10/35–F 7594/1458/10/35. Date: 4 Mar 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 111–256. Last Paper: F 6851/6851/10/34.

Volume 19325. China Political (cont.). F 1476/10/35 Personalities in China.

Abstract: Encloses biographies of leading personalities in China from British legation at Peking.

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Subject Descriptors: Biographies; Periodic reports; China government; Armed forces, China; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 1476/1476/10/35–F 1772/1476/10/35. Date: 4 Mar 35–18 Mar 35; Pages: 1–80. Last Paper: F 2385/2385/10/34.

F 1482/10/35 Annual report by British legation at Peking on China for 1934. Abstract: Encloses British legation at Peking’s annual report on China for 1934.

Topics covered include internal political situation in China, Mongolia, Tibet, and Sinkiang; Communist activities; Chinese military operations; Chinese foreign relations with British Empire, Japan, Soviet Union, United States, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Persia, and Greece; treaties and agreements; relations with League of Nations; and affairs of International Settlement at Shanghai.

Also covers railroads; shipping; finance and taxation; foreign trade; customs and tariffs; Hai Ho River conservancy and other harbor works; Boxer Indemnity; aviation; legislation; propaganda; and claims against China.

Subject Descriptors: Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Political conditions; China government; Mongolia; Tibet; Sinkiang; Communism; Armed forces, China; Military conflicts; Foreign relations; British government; Colonies, British; Japan; Soviet Union; U.S. government; France; Germany; Italy; Netherlands; Belgium; Turkey; Persia; Greece; Treaties and agreements; League of Nations; Shanghai International Settlement; Railroads; Ships and shipping; Finance; Taxation; Foreign trade; Rivers and waterways; Harbors and ports; Boxer Rebellion; Civil aviation; Propaganda; Claims. Registry: F 1482/1482/10/35. Date: 5 Mar 35; Pages: 81–114. Last Paper: F 1261/1261/10/34.

F 1483/10/35 Match monopoly in China. Abstract: Covers proposed introduction of match monopoly by Chinese

government and impact on foreign match companies in China. Also includes rumored Sino-Japanese match corporation.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; China government; Japan. Registry: F 1483/1483/10/35–F 8042/1483/10/35. Date: 5 Mar 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 115–151. Last Paper: none.

F 1518/10/35 Census Law in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses French translation of text of Chinese Census Law. Subject Descriptors: Population characteristics; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 1518/1518/10/35–F 1838/1518/10/35. Date: 6 Mar 35–20 Mar 35; Pages: 152–169. Last Paper: F 3796/3796/10/34.

F 1523/10/35 Registration of trademarks in China. Abstract: Covers registration of trademarks in China and infringement of British

trademarks by Chinese firms. Includes proposed revision of Chinese trademark law and British policy on

protection of British trademarks in China. Subject Descriptors: Trademarks; Business and industry; British policy;

Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 1523/1523/10/35–F 6812/1523/10/35. Date: 6 Mar 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 170–323. Last Paper: F 7662/82/10/34.

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Reel 76 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19326. China Political (cont.). F 1526/10/35 Affairs of China Merchants Steam Navigation Company.

Abstract: Covers difficulties of China Merchants Steam Navigation Company. Includes potential foreclosure by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

on mortgage on company’s wharves and other property at Shanghai; proposed financial reorganization of company; proposed purchase of new steamers; and proposed amalgamation with China Navigation Company.

Also includes proposed purchase of foreign shipping companies by Chinese government for creation of national merchant marine.

Subject Descriptors: Ships and shipping; Financial institutions; Finance; China government; Harbors and ports; Shanghai. Registry: F 1526/1526/10/35–F 5873/1526/10/35. Date: 6 Mar 35–12 Sep 35; Pages: 1–80. Last Paper: [F 8079/497/10/34].

F 1679/10/35 Land at Hailar leased by Produce Export Company. Abstract: Covers status of land at Hailar leased by Produce Export Company.

Includes negotiations for sale of land to Manchukuo authorities and agreement on land exchange.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Land ownership and rights; Manchukuo; Contracts. Registry: F 1679/1679/10/35–F 4944/1679/10/35. Date: 13 Mar 35–30 Jul 35; Pages: 81–98. Last Paper: F 6499/5795/10/34.

F 1713/10/35 Visit of Mongolian “Living Buddha” to Japan and Hsinking. Abstract: Covers visit of “Living Buddha” from Inner Mongolia to Japan and

Hsinking. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Japan; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 1713/1713/10/35–F 6701/1713/10/35. Date: 15 Mar 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 99–105. Last Paper: none.

F 1739/10/35 Deportation of V. E. Hyndman from Shanghai. Abstract: Covers deportation of Vincent Emmanuel Hyndman from Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Prisons and prisoners; Shanghai International Settlement;

Deportation. Registry: F 1739/1739/10/35–F 5099/1739/10/35. Date: 18 Mar 35–7 Aug 35; Pages: 106–114. Last Paper: F 7286/949/10/34.

F 1774/10/35 Annual report on Manchukuo for 1934. Abstract: Encloses British consul-general at Mukden’s annual report on

Manchukuo for 1934. Topics covered include political and economic conditions; creation of Manchurian Empire; Kwantung Army and Manchukuo Army activity; foreign relations; observation of “Open Door” policy; Antung affairs; aviation affairs; opium and other drug traffic; propaganda; immigration and land policy; education; smuggling; finance; communications; agriculture; mining; tariff revision and taxation; foreign trade; leading personalities; and other issues.

Also includes Kwantung Leased Territory and South Manchuria Railway.

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Subject Descriptors: Periodic reports; Manchukuo; Kwantung Leased Territory; Political conditions; Economic conditions; Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Japan; Treaty ports; Propaganda; Kwantung Army; Armed forces, Manchukuo; Civil aviation; Opium; Railroads; Crime and criminals; Foreign relations; Communications; Foreign trade; Business and industry; Immigration and emigration; Land ownership and rights; Education; Smuggling; Agriculture; Taxation; Finance; Mines and mineral industries; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Biographies. Registry: F 1774/1774/10/35. Date: 18 Mar 35; Pages: 115–153. Last Paper: F 2226/1534/10/34.

F 1805/10/35 Refusal of Canton authorities to allow Dr. Hu Shih to deliver lectures. Abstract: Covers refusal of Canton authorities to allow Dr. Hu Shih to deliver

lectures at Canton after criticizing conditions in Kwangtung Province. Subject Descriptors: Canton.

Registry: F 1805/1085/10/35. Date: 18 Mar 35; Pages: 154–160. Last Paper: none.

F 1841/10/35 Disposal by British courts in China of goods seized from smugglers. Abstract: Covers proposed transfer by British courts to Chinese authorities of

goods seized under smuggling provisions of China Order-in-Council of 1925. Subject Descriptors: Courts; Smuggling; Searches and seizures.

Registry: F 1841/1841/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35; Pages: 161–169. Last Paper: none.

F 1842/10/35 Regulations for control of hypodermic needles and syringes in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses Chinese government Provisional Rules Governing

Control of Hypodermic Syringes and Needles. Subject Descriptors: Regulations and ordinances; Health facilities and services.

Registry: F 1842/1842/10/35–F 2177/1842/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35–3 Apr 35; Pages: 170–187. Last Paper: none.

F 1843/10/35 Court regulations in China. Abstract: Encloses text of amendments to Chinese government Law Courts

Organic Law. Subject Descriptors: Regulations and ordinances; Courts.

Registry: F 1843/1843/10/35–F 5835/1843/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 188–204. Last Paper: F 3523/2925/10/34.

F 1858/10/35 Saltpeter and sulphuric acid monopolies in China. Abstract: Covers establishment of saltpeter, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid

monopolies in Hupei and Kiangsu Provinces under Chinese law controlling munitions of war. Includes British allegations of discrimination against foreign industries and difficulties of British firms in obtaining sulphuric acid

Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Hupei Province; Kiangsu Province; Regulations and ordinances; Business and industry. Registry: F 1858/1858/10/35–F 4793/1858/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35–24 Jul 35; Pages: 205–270. Last Paper: F 5775/3443/10/34.

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F 1859/10/35 Forestry Law in China. Abstract: Covers enforcement of Chinese Forestry Law. Subject Descriptors: Forests and forestry; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 1859/1859/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35; Pages: 271–272. Last Paper: F 3254/2925/10/34.

F 1861/10/35 Claim of Russo-Asiatic Bank to Chinese Eastern Railway. Abstract: Covers claim against Soviet Union by Russo-Asiatic Bank (in

Liquidation) for losses sustained from sale of Chinese Eastern Railway to Japan.

Subject Descriptors: Financial institutions; Claims; Soviet Union; Railroads. Registry: F 1861/1861/10/35. Date: 20 Mar 35; Pages: 273–285. Last Paper: F 7522/151/10/34; [F 5895/5895/10/34].

Volume 19327. China Political (cont.). F 2077/10/35 Foreign Settlement of Kulangsu, Amoy.

Abstract: Encloses Kulangsu Municipal Council annual report for 1934 and minutes of annual general meeting of ratepayers.

Also covers Japanese proposal for employment of Japanese police by municipal council.

Subject Descriptors: Amoy; Foreign settlements; Municipal government; Police. Registry: F 2077/2077/10/35–F 5834/2077/10/35. Date: 29 Mar 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 1–63. Last Paper: F 3214/3214/10/34.

F 2087/10/35 Foreign trade of Manchukuo for 1934–1935. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo’s foreign trade for 1934–June 1935. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 2087/2087/10/35–F 6672/2087/10/35. Date: 30 Mar 35–24 Oct 35; Pages: 64–87. Last Paper: F 4869/164/10/34.

F 2181/10/35 Right of Butterfield and Swire to property in French Concession at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers dispute between Butterfield and Swire (as agents of China

Navigation Company) and French authorities regarding foreshore of company’s property in French Concession of Shanghai.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Foreign settlements; Ships and shipping; Harbors and ports; Land ownership and rights. Registry: F 2181/2181/10/35. Date: 3 Apr 35; Pages: 88–120. Last Paper: none.

F 2183/10/35 Control of supply of kerosene in Communist-controlled areas of China. Abstract: Covers activities of monopoly committees formed by Anhwei and

Kiangsi provincial governments and cooperative societies to prevent supplies of kerosene reaching Communists. Also includes impact of kerosene monopoly on Asiatic Petroleum Company.

Subject Descriptors: Petroleum and petroleum industry; Anhwei Province; Kiangsi Province; Organizations and associations. Registry: F 2183/2183/10/35–F 7989/2183/10/35. Date: 3 Apr 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 121–201. Last Paper: F 7243/6702/10/34.

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F 2193/10/35 Tientsin Native City Waterworks Company. Abstract: Covers compliance of Tientsin Native City Waterworks Company with

Chinese registration regulations and reincorporation under Chinese law. Subject Descriptors: Tientsin; Public works and utilities; Regulations and

ordinances; Business and industry. Registry: F 2193/2193/10/35–F 2564/2193/10/35. Date: 3 Apr 35–18 Apr 35; Pages: 202–243. Last Paper: F 6294/3798/10/34.

F 2209/10/35 Telephone and telegraph communications in China. Abstract: Covers establishment of long-distance telephone service in Kiangsu

and Chekiang Provinces; proposed increase of Shanghai Telephone Company’s tariff rates; appointments to Shanghai Municipal Council Special Telephone Committee; and Chinese $10 Million Telegraph Loan of 1935.

Subject Descriptors: Communications; Kiangsu Province; Chekiang Province; Shanghai; Public works and utilities; Loans and grants; Municipal government. Registry: F 2209/2209/10/35–F 8035/2209/10/35. Date: 3 Apr 35–27 Dec 35; Pages: 244–281. Last Paper: F 6142/1008/10/34.

Reel 77 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19328. China Political (cont.). F 2242/10/35 Registration of Chinese education society in British Malaya.

Abstract: Covers British policy on registration of Chinese education society (under supervision of Chinese consul-general) to promote fellowship among Chinese schools in British Malaya.

Subject Descriptors: Education; Malaya; Organizations and associations; British policy. Registry: F 2242/2242/10/35–F 3281/2242/10/35. Date: 5 Apr 35–23 May 35; Pages: 1–15. Last Paper: F 6890/6283/10/34.

F 2254/10/35 Education in China. Abstract: Covers registration of British missionary educational institutions in

China and Chinese Law on Conferment of Academic Degrees. Also encloses copy of Handbook for Overseas Study published by Chinese

Advisory Committee for Overseas Study. Subject Descriptors: Education; Regulations and ordinances; Missionaries;

Organizations and associations. Registry: F 2254/2254/10/35–F 4456/2254/10/35. Date: 5 Apr 35–10 Jul 35; Pages: 16–137. Last Paper: F 7095/73/10/34.

F 2264/10/35 Sale of Sung Sing Spinning and Weaving Company Cotton Mill at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers foreclosure and sale of Sung Sing Spinning and Weaving

Company Cotton Mill No. 7 at Shanghai by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Includes purchase of mill by bank and Sino-British dispute over legal right to property.

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Subject Descriptors: Land ownership and rights; Textile industry and fabrics; Shanghai; Financial institutions. Registry: F 2264/2264/10/35–F 4479/2264/10/35. Date: 5 Apr 35–10 Jul 35; Pages: 138–224. Last Paper: none.

F 2266/10/35 Legal action against Centrosoyuz (England) Limited in Chinese courts. Abstract: Covers legal proceedings brought against Centrosoyuz (England)

Limited in Hankow District Court. Firm was incorporated in Great Britain but Soviet-controlled.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Soviet Union; British policy; Extraterritoriality. Registry: F 2266/2266/10/35–F 5141/2266/10/35. Date: 5 Apr 35–8 Aug 35; Pages: 225–238. Last Paper: F 7330/501/10/34.

F 2267/10/35 Lottery activities of foreign firms in China. Abstract: Covers dealings in premium bonds (form of lottery) by Associated

Investments in China. Includes proposed withdrawal of British protection and prosecution of company by British courts in China. Also includes similar activities of French firm, International Savings Society.

Also covers British legal action against Guaranty Underwriters of China for violating requirement that British firms incorporated as “China companies” have majority of British shareholders and directors.

Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Diplomatic and consular services, British; British policy; Courts; Insurance. Registry: F 2267/2267/10/35–F 5985/2267/10/35. Date: 5 Apr 35–18 Sep 35; Pages: 239–292. Last Paper: none.

F 2308/10/35 Commercial relations between China and Central and South America. Abstract: Covers Chinese commercial negotiations with Guatemala, Peru, and

Dominican Republic. Subject Descriptors: Foreign trade; Guatemala; Peru; Dominican Republic.

Registry: F 2308/2308/10/35–F 3720/2308/10/35. Date: 8 Apr 35–11 Jun 35; Pages: 293–299. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19329. China Political (cont.). F 2359/10/35 Protection of British copyrights in China.

Abstract: Covers Chinese infringement of British copyrights. Includes illegal printing of British educational books and proposed revision of Chinese Press Law.

Subject Descriptors: Printing and publishing; Copyrights; Education; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 2359/2359/10/35–F 6784/2359/10/35. Date: 9 Apr 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 1–33. Last Paper: F 2033/2033/10/33.

F 2409/10/35 Business tax in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers and encloses texts of Manchukuo government Business Tax

Law and Business Tax (Juridical Persons) Law. Also includes imposition of business tax on insurance premiums collected by foreign insurance firms.

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Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances; Taxation; Business and industry; Insurance. Registry: F 2409/2409/10/35–F 6108/2409/10/35. Date: 11 Apr 35–25 Sep 35; Pages: 34–74. Last Paper: none.

F 2492/10/35 Sino-German commercial relations. Abstract: Covers Sino-German commercial relations, including establishment of

barter trade between China and Germany and visit of German economic and trade delegation to China.

Subject Descriptors: Germany; Foreign trade; Travel. Registry: F 2492/2492/10/35–F 6417/2492/10/35. Date: 15 Apr 35–11 Oct 35; Pages: 75–85. Last Paper: F 7549/2663/10/34.

F 2555/10/35 Stamp Tax Law in China. Abstract: Covers enforcement of Chinese Stamp Tax Law on foreigners in China

and British and Japanese policy on issue. Includes imposition of stamp tax on British companies, including insurance and beverage companies, and general enforcement on British subjects in China.

Encloses text of Chinese Stamp Law and enforcement regulations. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Regulations and ordinances; Business and

industry; Insurance; Beverages and beverage industry; Japan; British policy; Great Britain. Registry: F 2555/2555/10/35–F 7456/2555/10/35. Date: 18 Apr 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 86–227. Last Paper: none.

F 2558/10/35 Film censorship in China. Abstract: Covers film censorship in China, including assessment of higher

censorship fees on imported films than on native films. Also includes Second National Motion Picture Conference at Shanghai and banning of British Silver Jubilee Hong Kong celebration film at Ch’aochowfu by Kwantung Army.

Encloses text of Chinese Film Censorship Law Enforcement Rules. Subject Descriptors: Arts and culture; Censorship; Kwangtung Province; Armed

forces, China; Regulations and ordinances; Conferences and conventions; Shanghai. Registry: F 2558/2558/10/35–F 4608/2558/10/35. Date: 18 Apr 35–16 Jul 35; Pages: 228–278. Last Paper: F 4300/2348/10/34.

Reel 78 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19330. China Political (cont.). F 2743/10/35 Canton municipal electrical extension contract.

Abstract: Covers agreement between Municipality of Canton and Siemens China Company for purchase of electric light and power station.

Subject Descriptors: Canton; Contracts; Public works and utilities; Business and industry. Registry: F 2743/2743/10/35. Date: 27 Apr 35; Pages: 1–5. Last Paper: F 5054/1454/10/34.

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F 2774/10/35 Visit to Great Britain of Lee Fong. Abstract: Covers visit of Lee Fong to Great Britain on trade mission on behalf of

Kwangtung provincial government. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Foreign trade; Kwangtung Province.

Registry: F 2774/2774/10/35. Date: 30 Apr 35; Pages: 6–8. Last Paper: none.

F 2805/10/35 Anti-Japanese activity in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers Sino-Japanese relations in Yunnan Province, including activity

of Yunnan Anti-Japanese Society and difficulties of Japanese merchants. Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Social conditions; Organizations and

associations; Business and industry. Registry: F 2805/2805/10/35–F 6782/2805/10/35. Date: 1 May 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 9–16. Last Paper: F 7657/4924/10/34.

F 2826/10/35 Manchukuo Continental Institute of Sciences. Abstract: Covers and encloses Manchukuo government Organization Law of the

Continental Institute of Sciences. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances; Education.

Registry: F 2826/2826/10/35. Date: 1 May 35; Pages: 17–20. Last Paper: none.

F 2925/10/35 Commercial relations between China and French Indochina. Abstract: Covers negotiations and agreement on commercial relations between

China and French Indochina. Also includes preferential duties on imports of Indochinese goods in violation of Sino-British trade treaties.

Encloses French translation of agreement. Subject Descriptors: French Indochina; Treaties and agreements; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 2925/2925/10/35–F 8089/2925/10/35. Date: 8 May 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 21–104. Last Paper: none.

F 2948/10/35 Manchukuo Patent Law. Abstract: Covers and encloses draft Manchukuo patent law. Includes provisions

providing reciprocal protection of patents. Subject Descriptors: Patents; Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 2948/2948/10/35–F 5644/2948/10/35. Date: 9 May 35–31 Aug 35; Pages: 105–117. Last Paper: none.

F 3046/10/35 Communist and bandit activity in eastern Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers banditry and Communist activities in eastern Manchukuo and

arrest of Communists in Kirin Province. Subject Descriptors: Communism; Crime and criminals; Manchukuo; Arrests.

Registry: F 3046/3046/10/35–F 4043/3046/10/35. Date: 13 May 35–22 Jun 35; Pages: 118–129. Last Paper: none.

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F 3062/10/35 Shanghai municipal affairs. Abstract: Covers Shanghai Municipal Council affairs, including proposed

retirement of director-general; 1935 elections and annual meeting of ratepayers; relative voting strength of British, Japanese, and U.S. communities; and proposed addition of Chinese members to International Settlement Land Commission.

Also includes legal position of Japan in International Settlement under Land Regulations and Japanese discontent with and demands for greater share in council administration.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Municipal government; Great Britain; Japan; United States; Regulations and ordinances; Political conditions. Registry: F 3062/3062/10/35–F 6968/3062/10/35. Date: 14 May 35–7 Nov 35; Pages: 130–262. Last Paper: F 5755/951/10/34.

Volume 19331. China Political (cont.). F 3062/10/35 Shanghai municipal affairs (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Shanghai Municipal Council affairs, including proposed efforts for organization of British ratepayers in advance of elections; Japanese discontent with council administration; and Japanese demands for greater share in administration.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Municipal government; Japan. Registry: F 7612/3062/10/35–F 7956/3062/10/35. Date: 3–20 Dec 35; Pages: 1–49. Last Paper: F 6968/3062/10/35.

F 3090/10/35 Presidency of China Association. Abstract: Covers invitation of Lord Lothian to assume presidency of China

Association. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations.

Registry: F 3090/3090/10/35. Date: 30 Apr 35; Pages: 50–51. Last Paper: none.

F 3147/10/35 Shanghai Waterworks Company. Abstract: Covers difficulties of Shanghai Waterworks Company in supplying

water to western extra-settlement area and company scheme for formation of separate company for that purpose.

Subject Descriptors: Public works and utilities; Shanghai. Registry: F 3147/3147/10/35. Date: 17 May 35; Pages: 52–82. Last Paper: F 5898/220/10/31.

F 3151/10/35 Chemical fertilizers in Kwangtung Province. Abstract: Covers taxation and control of chemical fertilizers in Kwangtung

Province. Includes negotiations between foreign importers and Kwangtung provincial government and rumored establishment of Kwangtung Province monopoly.

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Subject Descriptors: Chemicals and chemical industry; Taxation; Kwangtung Province. Registry: F 3151/3151/10/35–F 7003/3151/10/35. Date: 17 May 35–8 Nov 35; Pages: 83–134. Last Paper: F 7440/3194/10/34.

F 3179/10/35 Chinese Salt Administration. Abstract: Covers resignation and replacement of U.S. national Dr. Cleveland as

associate chief inspector of Salt Administration. Includes British efforts to secure successor and Chinese government decision on American successor.

Subject Descriptors: Taxation; China government; Employment and unemployment. Registry: F 3179/3179/10/35–F 5373/3179/10/35. Date: 17 May 35–19 Aug 35; Pages: 135–161. Last Paper: F 7451/7116/10/34.

F 3269/10/35 China (Kashgar) Order-in-Council of 1920. Abstract: Covers operation of British consular civil and criminal courts under

China (Kashgar) Order-in-Council of 1920 during 1933–1934. Also includes proposed revision of fees and fines.

Subject Descriptors: Courts; Diplomatic and consular services, British; Sinkiang. Registry: F 3269/3269/10/35–F 7643/3269/10/35. Date: 21 May 35–4 Dec 35; Pages: 162–177. Last Paper: F 3254/3254/10/33.

F 3362/10/35 Former British Concession at Hankow. Abstract: Covers administration of Hankow Special Administrative District 3,

former British Concession at Hankow. Includes proceedings of eighth annual meeting of ratepayers and adoption of new bylaws.

Subject Descriptors: Hankow; Concessions; Regulations and ordinances; Municipal government. Registry: F 3362/3362/10/35–F 5820/3362/10/35. Date: 24 May 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 178–226. Last Paper: F 3195/2822/10/34.

F 3364/10/35 Cotton textile industry in China. Abstract: Covers cotton textile industry in China, including domestic production

and British competition with Japanese cotton products within China. Subject Descriptors: Textile industry and fabrics; Japan; Great Britain.

Registry: F 3364/3364/10/35–F 4034/3364/10/35. Date: 24 May 35–21 Jun 35; Pages: 227–232. Last Paper: F 3371/3371/10/34.

F 3413/10/35 Qualifications for Manchukuo nationality. Abstract: Covers requirements for Manchukuo nationality. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Citizenship and naturalization.

Registry: F 3413/3413/10/35. Date: 27 May 35; Pages: 233–236. Last Paper: none.

F 3462/10/35 Industrial and labor conditions at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers industrial regulation in China and dispute over Chinese

application of factory inspection law in International Settlement at Shanghai. Includes registration of foreign factories under Chinese law and revised articles of Chinese labor and industrial ordinances.

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Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Labor conditions; Business and industry; Regulations and ordinances; Municipal government. Registry: F 3462/3462/10/35–F 6794/3462/10/35. Date: 29 May 35–30 Oct 35; Pages: 237–275. Last Paper: F 6035/1093/10/34.

Volume 19332. China Political (cont.). F 3479/10/35 Hai Ho River improvement.

Abstract: Covers Hai Ho River conservation and Tientsin harbor improvement. Includes work and financial position of Hai Ho Improvement Commission; transfer of commission to jurisdiction of National Economic Council; proposed appointment of engineer-in-chief; and Chinese government river conservancy policy.

Also covers continuation of customs surtax to finance improvement and defray costs of construction of “International Bridge” between French and former Russian concessions at Tientsin.

Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Organizations and associations; China government; Tientsin; Harbors and ports; Taxation; Bridges, Concessions. Registry: F 3479/3479/10/35–F 7608/3479/10/35. Date: 29 May 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 1–96. Last Paper: F 7001/1145/10/34.

F 3504/10/35 Manchukuo aviation. Abstract: Covers contributions to Manchukuo Air Defense Association by foreign

firms belonging to Mukden Chamber of Commerce and “voluntary” contributions by residents of Harbin.

Subject Descriptors: Air forces, Manchukuo; Business and industry; Harbin; Mukden. Registry: F 3504/3504/10/35–F 7697/3504/10/35. Date: 30 May 35–6 Dec 35; Pages: 97–106. Last Paper: F 6229/2829/10/34.

F 3506/10/35 Manchukuo domestic company capital ordinance. Abstract: Encloses Manchukuo ordinance concerning capital of domestic

companies. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances; Business and

industry. Registry: F 3506/3506/10/35–F 3507/3506/10/35. Date: 30 May 35–30 May 35; Pages: 107–112. Last Paper: F 5453/164/10/34.

F 3518/10/35 Tehri-Tibet boundary dispute. Abstract: Covers dispute over boundary of Tibet and India. Includes claims by

Bashahr and Tehri Garhwal states in United Provinces, India, and government of Tibet to area around village of Nilang.

Subject Descriptors: Borders and boundaries; India; Tibet; Claims. Registry: F 3518/3518/10/35–F 6583/3518/10/35. Date: 31 May 35–19 Oct 35; Pages: 113–155. Last Paper: F 6320/3555/10/34.

F 3519/10/35 Annual report on British trade agency at Yatung, Tibet. Abstract: Encloses annual report on British Trade Agency at Yatung, Tibet, for

year ending March 1935. Covers trade; political conditions; and other issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; Periodic reports; Tibet; Foreign trade; Political conditions. Registry: F 3519/3519/10/35. Date: 31 May 35; Pages: 156–164. Last Paper: F 6177/3399/10/34.

F 3524/10/35 British commercial diplomatic secretaries at Peking and Shanghai. Abstract: Covers promotion of British commercial diplomatic secretaries at

Peking and Shanghai to local rank of commercial secretary, Grade I. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British.

Registry: F 3524/3524/10/35–F 5678/3524/10/35. Date: 31 May 35–3 Sep 35; Pages: 165–173. Last Paper: none.

F 3530/10/35 Kwangtung provincial government relations with Hong Kong government. Abstract: Covers visit to Hong Kong of Kwangtung provincial government

chairman and visit of informal Hong Kong trade mission to Canton. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Kwangtung Province; Foreign trade; Travel;

Canton. Registry: F 3530/3530/10/35–F 5173/3530/10/35. Date: 1 Jun 35–8 Aug 35; Pages: 174–186. Last Paper: none.

F 3557/10/35 Visit of Hu Han-min to Europe. Abstract: Covers visit to Great Britain and Germany by Chinese statesman Hu

Han-min. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Germany; Great Britain.

Registry: F 3557/3557/10/35–F 3811/3557/10/35. Date: 1 Jun 35–14 Jun 35; Pages: 187–190. Last Paper: none.

F 3569/10/35 Claim of British subject against Manchukuo government. Abstract: Covers claim by British subject against Manchukuo government

seeking compensation for murder of his wife by bandits at Harbin in October 1932.

Subject Descriptors: Claims; Manchukuo; Crime and criminals; Harbin; Deaths. Registry: F 3569/3569/10/35–F 6567/3569/10/35. Date: 3 Jun 35–18 Oct 35; Pages: 191–205. Last Paper: none.

F 3589/10/35 German-Manchurian relations. Abstract: Covers visit of German economic mission to Manchukuo and Japan

and possible German recognition of Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Germany; Foreign trade; Foreign relations.

Registry: F 3589/3589/10/35–F 8126/3589/10/35. Date: 3 Jun 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 206–219. Last Paper: none.

F 3594/10/35 Strategic and Fortified Zone Law. Abstract: Covers revised Strategic and Fortified Zone Law restricting access to

certain areas in China to foreign ships. Includes regulations for enforcement at Kiangning (at Nanking), Chinkiang, Kiangyin, Chinhai (port of Ningpo), Chapu, and Kanpu (near Hangchow). Also includes impact on British shipping and violation of British treaty rights.

Page 170: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Treaty ports; Nanking; Regulations and ordinances; Ships and shipping. Registry: F 3594/3594/10/35–F 8119/3594/10/35. Date: 3 Jun 35–30 Dec 35; Pages: 220–260. Last Paper: F 5250/5250/10/34.

F 3608/10/35 Visit of Chiang Kai-shek to Yunnanfu. Abstract: Covers preparations at Yunnanfu for proposed visit by Chiang Kai-

shek. Subject Descriptors: Yunnan Province; Chiang Kai-shek; Travel.

Registry: F 3608/3608/10/35. Date: 3 Jun 35; Pages: 261–265. Last Paper: none.

Reel 79 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19333. China Political (cont.). F 3612/10/35 Bankruptcy Law in China.

Abstract: Covers Chinese government Bankruptcy Law and criticism of law by British and German legal experts. Encloses texts of Bankruptcy Law.

Subject Descriptors: Regulations and ordinances; Business and industry. Registry: F 3612/3612/10/35–F 7445/3612/10/35. Date: 3 Jun 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 1–102. Last Paper: none.

F 3770/10/35 Italian naval mission to China. Abstract: Covers reported Italian naval mission to China. Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, Italy; Travel.

Registry: F 3770/3770/10/35–F 3994/3770/10/35. Date: 12 Jun 35–19 Jun 35; Pages: 103–109[a]. Last Paper: F 7683/7683/10/34.

F 3790/10/35 Annual meeting of British Chamber of Commerce and China Association at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers 1935 joint annual meeting of British Chamber of Commerce and

China Association (Shanghai branch) at Shanghai. Subject Descriptors: Organizations and associations; Shanghai.

Registry: F 3790/3790/10/35. Date: 13 Jun 35; Pages: 110–141. Last Paper: F 3256/3256/10/34.

F 3809/10/35 Kinshui reclamation project. Abstract: Covers reclamation of land along Kinshui River near Kinchow, Hupei

Province, by operation of sluice. Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Hupei Province; Civil engineering.

Registry: F 3809/3809/10/35. Date: 13 Jun 35; Pages: 142–145. Last Paper: none.

F 3820/10/35 Annual report on British Trade Agency at Gyantse, Tibet. Abstract: Encloses annual report for year ending March 1935 on British Trade

Agency, Gyantse, Tibet. Covers trade; political conditions; and other issues.

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Subject Descriptors: Tibet; Political conditions; Foreign trade; Periodic reports; Diplomatic and consular services, British. Registry: F 3820/3820/10/35. Date: 13 Jun 35; Pages: 146–155. Last Paper: F 3209/3209/10/34.

F3884/10/35 Visit of Sir Reginald Johnston to Japan and Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers visit of Sir Reginald Johnston, former tutor of Henry Pu-yi, to

Japan and Manchukuo. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Japan; Manchukuo.

Registry: F 3884/3884/10/35–F 6385/3884/10/35. Date: 17 Jun 35–9 Oct 35; Pages: 156–167. Last Paper: none.

F 3928/10/35 British Chamber of Commerce at Hankow. Abstract: Encloses minutes of 1935 annual general meeting of Hankow British

Chamber of Commerce and Hankow Export Trade Report for 1935. Subject Descriptors: Hankow; Organizations and associations; Foreign trade.

Registry: F 3928/3928/10/35. Date: 18 Jun 35; Pages: 168–192. Last Paper: F 3790/3790/10/34.

F 4009/10/35 Registration of Japanese consular officers at Hong Kong. Abstract: Covers failure of subordinate officials at Japanese consulate at Hong

Kong to register themselves under local Registration of Persons Ordinance. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Regulations and ordinances; Diplomatic and

consular services. Registry: F 4009/4009/10/35. Date: 21 Jun 35; Pages: 193–202. Last Paper: none.

F 4014/10/35 Macao Electric Light Company. Abstract: Covers Portuguese government decree on control of electricity supply

affecting concession to British-registered Macao Electric Light Company to supply Macao with electricity.

Subject Descriptors: Public works and utilities; Concessions; Macao; Regulations and ordinances; Portugal. Registry: F 4014/4014/10/35. Date: 21 Jun 35; Pages: 203–241. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19334. China Political (cont.). F 4014/10/35 Macao Electric Light Company (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Portuguese government decree on control of electricity supply affecting concession to British-registered Macao Electric Light Company to supply Macao with electricity. Includes British policy on issue.

Encloses texts of Portuguese government decree and concession contract between Macao and Macao Electric Light Company.

Subject Descriptors: Public works and utilities; Concessions; Macao; Regulations and ordinances; British policy; Portugal; Contracts. Registry: F 4168/4014/10/35–F 7145/4014/10/35. Date: 28 Jun 35–14 Nov 35; Pages: 1–181. Last Paper: F 4014/4014/10/35.

Page 172: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

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F 4044/10/35 Postal order service between Manchukuo and Netherlands East Indies. Abstract: Covers inauguration of postal order service between Manchukuo and

Netherlands East Indies. Subject Descriptors: Postal service; Manchukuo; Netherlands East Indies;

Money. Registry: F 4044/4044/10/35. Date: 22 Jun 35; Pages: 182–184. Last Paper: none.

F 4077/10/35 Revolt of Lisus at Shangpa. Abstract: Covers revolt and murder of Chinese official by Lisus (Tibeto-Burman

ethnic minority) at Shangpa. Subject Descriptors: Sikang Province; Revolts; Deaths.

Registry: F 4077/4077/10/35. Date: 24 Jun 35; Pages: 185–190. Last Paper: none.

F 4082/10/35 Liquidation of Manchurian Goldfields, Limited. Abstract: Covers liquidation of local Harbin claims against Manchurian Goldfields,

Limited. Subject Descriptors: Claims; Mines and mineral industries; Harbin.

Registry: F 4082/4082/10/35–F 6120/4082/10/35. Date: 24 Jun 35–26 Sep 35; Pages: 191–196. Last Paper: F 1087/1087/10/31.

F 4141/10/35 British Municipal Council at Tientsin. Abstract: Covers and encloses minutes of 1935 annual general meeting of

electors of Tientsin British Municipal Area. Subject Descriptors: Tientsin; Municipal government; Foreign settlements.

Registry: F 4141/4141/10/35. Date: 27 Jun 35; Pages: 197–208. Last Paper: F 3613/3613/10/3[4].

F 4210/10/35 Autonomy movement in north China. Abstract: Covers alleged attempted coup at Peking by Tientsin members of

autonomy movement in northern China. Includes hijacking of armored train. Subject Descriptors: Railroads; Political conditions; Peking; Tientsin; Hopei

Province. Registry: F 4210/4210/10/35–F 4241/4210/10/35. Date: 1 Jul 35–2 Jul 35; Pages: 209–217. Last Paper: none.

F 4264/10/35 Expropriation of property of Chinese tenants in Kowloon City. Abstract: Covers eviction of Chinese tenants in Kowloon City and expropriation of

property by Hong Kong government for improvement of sanitary conditions. Includes extent of Hong Kong jurisdiction over Kowloon City.

Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Kwangtung Province; Land ownership and rights; Health conditions. Registry: F 4264/4264/10/35–F 5822/4264/10/35. Date: 4 Jul 35–10 Sep 35; Pages: 218–246. Last Paper: F 7565/1099/10/34.

F 4273/10/35 Duty on liquor for British subjects at Tengyueh. Abstract: Covers proposed remission of Indian export duty on liquor imported

from Burma for British nationals stationed at Tengyueh.

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Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Beverages and beverage industry; India; Burma; Treaty ports. Registry: F 4273/4273/10/35–F 4942/4273/10/35. Date: 4 Jul 35–30 Jul 35; Pages: 247–259. Last Paper: none.

F 4297/10/35 Floods in Yangtze Valley. Abstract: Covers flood conditions in Yangtze Valley in June and July 1935.

Includes conditions at Hankow and Ichang; proposed dispatch of British warships for protection of British interests; and Chinese government proposed conservancy and flood control programs for Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

Subject Descriptors: Rivers and waterways; Disasters; Hankow; Treaty ports; Naval forces, British; China government. Registry: F 4297/4297/10/35–F 7463/4297/10/35. Date: 5 Jul 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 260–303. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19335. China Political (cont.). F 4402/10/35 Registration of compounded medicines at Shanghai.

Abstract: Covers and encloses regulations for registration of patent or proprietary medicines in Greater Shanghai. Includes impact on British companies engaged in medicine trade.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Regulations and ordinances; Health facilities and services; Business and industry. Registry: F 4402/4402/10/35–F 8001/4402/10/35. Date: 8 Jul 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 1–70. Last Paper: none.

F 4404/10/35 Extraterritoriality in China. Abstract: Covers formation of Extraterritoriality Study Committee by Chinese

government for examination of recovery of extraterritoriality. Subject Descriptors: Extraterritoriality; China government.

Registry: F 4404/4404/10/35–F 7090/4404/10/35. Date: 8 Jul 35–12 Nov 35; Pages: 71–86. Last Paper: F 2468/2468/10/34.

F 4498/10/35 Arrest of British subject by Japanese consular police at Hsinking. Abstract: Covers arrest and alleged beating of J. G. Mason, British subject, by

Japanese consular police at Hsinking. Also includes British policy on extraterritoriality in Manchukuo.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Police; Arrests; Extraterritoriality; British policy. Registry: F 4498/4498/10/35–F 6582/4498/10/35. Date: 11 Jul 35–18 Oct 35; Pages: 87–196. Last Paper: none.

F 4589/10/35 Economic and financial conditions in China. Abstract: Covers general economic and financial conditions in China. Subject Descriptors: Economic conditions; Foreign trade; Finance.

Registry: F 4589/4589/10/35–F 4631/4589/10/35. Date: 16–17 Jul 35; Pages: 197–203. Last Paper: F 7185/11/10/34.

F 4879/10/35 Claim of China to sovereignty over Hunza. Abstract: Covers Chinese relations with Hunza on India-Sinkiang border.

Includes mir of Hunza’s rights to levy grazing fees in certain areas across Indian border in Sinkiang and claim of Chinese sovereignty over Hunza.

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Subject Descriptors: India; Sinkiang; China government; Land ownership and rights; Borders and boundaries. Registry: F 4879/4879/10/35–F 7628/4879/10/35. Date: 27 Jul 35–3 Dec 35; Pages: 204–242. Last Paper: F 7689/6869/10/34.

F 5038/10/35 Bandit attacks in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers bandit activity in Manchukuo. Includes banditry in Liukiang

Province and attack on Scottish Presbyterian Mission at Hsinpin. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Missionaries; Crime and criminals.

Registry: F 5038/5038/10/35–F 6699/5038/10/35. Date: 6 Aug 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 243–255. Last Paper: F 7562/5364/10/34.

F 5144/10/35 Shanghai press ban on Japanese business advertisements. Abstract: Covers lifting of ban by Chinese press at Shanghai on advertisements

by Japanese firms. Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Press; Business and industry.

Registry: F 5144/5144/10/35. Date: 8 Aug 35; Pages: 256–258. Last Paper: none.

F 5148/10/35 Customs situation at Shanhaikuan. Abstract: Covers degradation of Chinese customs operations at Shanhaikuan by

Japanese authorities. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; China government; Hopei Province.

Registry: F 5148/5148/10/35. Date: 8 Aug 35; Pages: 259–266. Last Paper: F 5900/150/10/34.

F 5154/10/35 Enforcement of Chinese Weights and Measures Law in Shanghai International Settlement. Abstract: Covers negotiations between Shanghai Municipal Council and Chinese

authorities for enforcement of Chinese Weights and Measures Law in Shanghai International Settlement.

Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Weights and measures; Regulations and ordinances; Municipal government. Registry: F 5154/5154/10/35. Date: 8 Aug 35; Pages: 267–276. Last Paper: F 783/783/10/34.

Reel 80 FO 371, 1935 cont.

Volume 19336. China Political (cont.). F 5330/10/35 Manchukuo agricultural products.

Abstract: Covers forecasts for Manchukuo farm products for 1935. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Agriculture.

Registry: F 5330/5330/10/35–F 6700/5330/10/35. Date: 16 Aug 35–25 Oct 35; Pages: 1–9. Last Paper: F 7573/5449/10/34.

F 5333/10/35 German-Mongolian trade relations. Abstract: Covers German–Inner Mongolian trade relations and proposed German

economic development in Inner Mongolia.

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Subject Descriptors: Germany; Mongolia; Foreign trade; Economic and industrial development. Registry: F 5333/5333/10/35–F 7055/5333/10/35. Date: 17 Aug 35–11 Nov 35; Pages: 10–23. Last Paper: none.

F 5393/10/35 Visit of emperor of Manchukuo to Harbin. Abstract: Covers preparations for visit of emperor to Harbin, including

Manchukuo naval review on Sungari River. Subject Descriptors: Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te); Travel; Naval forces,

Manchukuo; Harbin. Registry: F 5393/5393/10/35–F 7142/5393/10/35. Date: 20 Aug 35–13 Nov 35; Pages: 24–43. Last Paper: none.

F 5627/10/35 Amendment of Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of 1932. Abstract: Covers proposed amendment to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of

1932 regarding priority of claims in liquidation of British-registered “China” companies.

Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Business and industry; Claims; Regulations and ordinances. Registry: F 5627/5627/10/35–F 7793/5627/10/35. Date: 30 Aug 35–12 Dec 35; Pages: 44–62. Last Paper: F 1699/1272/10/34.

F 5645/10/35 Exploitation of resources in Mongolia. Abstract: Covers establishment of Japanese trading company in Manchukuo for

exploitation of resources in Inner and Outer Mongolia. Subject Descriptors: Mongolia; Business and industry; Economic and industrial

development. Registry: F 5645/5645/10/35. Date: 31 Aug 35; Pages: 63–66. Last Paper: none.

F 5703/10/35 Tungsten mining and exports. Abstract: Covers proposed purchase by German firm Kunst and Albers of

tungsten ore controlled by Kwangtung Province. Subject Descriptors: Business and industry; Mines and mineral industries;

Kwangtung Province; Foreign trade; Germany. Registry: F 5703/5703/10/35–F 5754/5703/10/35. Date: 4 Sep 35–7 Sep 35; Pages: 67–70. Last Paper: F 5108/464/10/34.

F 5708/10/35 Action by British ambassador to China on telegrams from government of India. Abstract: Covers proposed procedure for action by British ambassador to China

on certain telegrams from government of India. Subject Descriptors: Diplomatic and consular services, British; India government.

Registry: F 5708/5708/10/35. Date: 5 Sep 35; Pages: 71–73. Last Paper: none.

F 5830/10/35 Behavior of Chinese population of International Settlement at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers proclamation encouraging Chinese population of Shanghai

International Settlement to maintain friendly attitude toward foreign residents in wake of anti-Japanese press agitation.

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Subject Descriptors: Shanghai International Settlement; Press; Social conditions. Registry: F 5830/5830/10/35. Date: 10 Sep 35; Pages: 74–78. Last Paper: F 5454/553/10/35.

F 5866/10/35 Visit of Raja Bahadur Singh to Mongolia and Abyssinia. Abstract: Covers proposed visit of Raja Bahadur Singh, member of Nepalese

ruling family, to Inner Mongolia and Abyssinia. Subject Descriptors: Travel; Mongolia; Abyssinia; Nepal.

Registry: F 5866/5866/10/35–F 7940/5866/10/35. Date: 12 Sep 35–19 Dec 35; Pages: 79–98. Last Paper: none.

F 5872/10/35 Summary arrests and control of arms at Harbin. Abstract: Covers forcible entry of Manchukuo and Japanese police onto property

of U.S. and British firms at Harbin; arrests of employees; and confiscation of arms belonging to British subjects.

Subject Descriptors: Harbin; Police; Business and industry; Military weapons; Searches and seizures; Arrests. Registry: F 5872/5872/10/35. Date: 12 Sep 35; Pages: 99–103. Last Paper: none.

F 5912/10/35 Hong Kong Public Reclamations Validation and Clauses Ordinance. Abstract: Covers and encloses text of Hong Kong Public Reclamations Validation

and Clauses Ordinance, revision of Foreshore and Seabed Works Bill. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Land ownership and rights; Regulations and

ordinances. Registry: F 5912/5912/10/35. Date: 16 Sep 35; Pages: 104–117. Last Paper: F 5933/248/10/33.

F 5995/10/35 Harbor regulations for port of Amoy. Abstract: Covers and encloses new Chinese harbor regulations for port of Amoy.

Also includes enforceability of regulations against Treaty Powers. Subject Descriptors: Amoy; Harbors and ports; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 5995/5995/10/35–F 7997/5995/10/35. Date: 18 Sep 35–23 Dec 35; Pages: 118–130. Last Paper: none.

F 6050/10/35 Taxation at Harbin. Abstract: Covers income and household taxation at Harbin. Includes payment of

taxes by British subjects and British right to extraterritoriality. Subject Descriptors: Taxation; Harbin; Extraterritoriality.

Registry: F 6050/6050/10/35–F 7477/6050/10/35. Date: 20 Sep 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 131–145. Last Paper: none.

F 6062/10/35 Creation of counterespionage unit of Hong Kong police force. Abstract: Covers creation of Special Branch of Criminal Investigation Department

of Hong Kong Police for counterespionage work against Japanese activities. Subject Descriptors: Hong Kong; Police; Japan; Intelligence services.

Registry: F 6062/6062/10/35–F 6380/6062/10/35. Date: 20 Sep 35–8 Oct 35; Pages: 146–162. Last Paper: none.

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F 6140/10/35 Manchukuo Local Tax Law. Abstract: Covers and encloses Manchukuo Local Tax Law and enforcement

regulations. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Taxation; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 6140/6140/10/35–F 7349/6140/10/35. Date: 27 Sep 35–22 Nov 35; Pages: 163–190. Last Paper: none.

F 6192/10/35 Italian military position in China. Abstract: Covers position of British and Italian warships in Chinese waters in

event of Anglo-Italian war and alleged secret treaty for Italian assistance to Chinese military.

Subject Descriptors: Naval forces, British; Naval forces, Italy; Armed forces, Italy; Armed forces, China; Treaties and agreements. Registry: F 6192/6192/10/35–F 6862/6192/10/35. Date: 1–31 Oct 35; Pages: 191–204. Last Paper: none.

F 6292/10/35 Arsenals in China. Abstract: Covers arsenals in Hankow and Chungking Districts and at Taiyuan in

Shansi Province. Includes predominance of German industry in supplying arms and parts.

Subject Descriptors: Hankow; Szechuan Province; Shansi Province; Military weapons; Military bases and installations; Germany. Registry: F 6292/6292/10/35. Date: 4 Oct 35; Pages: 205–218. Last Paper: none.

F 6303/10/35 Observance of birthday of Confucius in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers proposed requirement of missionary schools to observe

Confucius’s birthday. Subject Descriptors: Celebrations and observances; Manchukuo; Missionaries;

Education. Registry: F 6303/6303/10/35–F 6860/6303/10/35. Date: 4 Oct 35–1 Nov 35; Pages: 219–228. Last Paper: none.

F 6552/10/35 White Russian organization in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers position of White Russians in Manchukuo. Includes alleged

Japanese efforts to control Russian community through activities of Russian Emigrants’ Bureau.

Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Organizations and associations; Immigration and emigration. Registry: F 6552/6552/10/35–F 8069/6552/10/35. Date: 18 Oct 35–28 Dec 35; Pages: 229–246. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19337. China Political (cont.). F 6723/10/35 Infringement of British patents by British subjects in China.

Abstract: Covers jurisdiction over patent infringements by British subjects in China.

Subject Descriptors: Patents. Registry: F 6723/6723/10/35. Date: 26 Oct 35; Pages: 1–4. Last Paper: none.

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F 6796/10/35 Loan for Chinese Mining Finance Readjustment Committee. Abstract: Covers and encloses agreement for 6% 30 Year Chinese Silver

$10 Million Loan secured on mining taxes by Messrs. George McBain to Chinese Ministry of Industries’ Mining Finance Readjustment Committee.

Subject Descriptors: Loans and grants; Business and industry; China government; Mines and mineral industries; Contracts. Registry: F 6796/6796/10/35–F 7449/6796/10/35. Date: 30 Oct 35–27 Nov 35; Pages: 5–30. Last Paper: none.

F 6949/10/35 Rolling stock for Peking-Liaoning Railway Administration. Abstract: Covers purchase of rolling stock by Peiping-Liaoning Railway

Administration from South Manchuria Railway Company. Subject Descriptors: Railroads.

Registry: F 6949/6949/10/35–F 7483/6949/10/35. Date: 6–27 Nov 35; Pages: 31–45. Last Paper: F 857/141/10/34.

F 7072/10/35 Public granaries in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo inauguration of public granary system. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Agriculture.

Registry: F 7072/7072/10/35. Date: 11 Nov 35; Pages: 46–49. Last Paper: none.

F 7144/10/35 North China autonomy movement. Abstract: Covers Japanese pressure to create autonomous regime in north China

and British policy on issue. Includes Japanese troop movements at Shanhaikuan; alleged Japanese

violations of Nine-Power Treaty; and declaration of autonomy of demilitarized zone established by Tangku Armistice with establishment of East Hopei Autonomous Council.

Also includes economic and financial position resulting from break between northern and southern China and vulnerability of Chinese silver reserves in foreign concessions at Tientsin.

Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Hopei Province; Chahar Province; Shantung Province; Shansi Province; Suiyuan Province; Japan; Kwantung Army; Treaties and agreements; Economic conditions; Finance; Financial institutions; Concessions; Tientsin; British policy. Registry: F 7144/7144/10/35–F 7706/7144/10/35. Date: 14 Nov 35–7 Dec 35; Pages: 50–234. Last Paper: none.

Volume 19338. China Political (cont.). F 7144/10/35 North China autonomy movement (cont.).

Abstract: Covers Japanese pressure to create autonomous regime in north China and British policy on issue.

Includes appointment of Gen. Sung Che-yuan as chairman of Hopei-Chahar Political Council and governor of Hopei; reported invasion of Chahar Province by Manchukuo troops; alleged control of customs and salt revenue by East Hopei Autonomous Council; and student demonstrations in southern China against autonomy movement.

Page 179: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

FO Registry Number


Subject Descriptors: Political conditions; Hopei Province; Chahar Province; Shantung Province; Shansi Province; Suiyuan Province; Japan; Kwantung Army; Armed forces, Manchukuo; British policy; Demonstrations; Government appointments; Government revenue. Registry: F 7707/7144/10/35–F 8133/7144/10/35. Date: 7–31 Dec 35; Pages: 1–106. Last Paper: F 7706/7144/10/35.

F 7454/10/35 Judicial affairs in China. Abstract: Covers National Judicial Conference on judicial reform convened by

Judicial Yuan (judicial branch of Chinese government). Subject Descriptors: China government; Courts; Conferences and conventions.

Registry: F 7454/7454/10/35. Date: 27 Nov 35; Pages: 107–124. Last Paper: F 5255/1900/10/34.

F 7660/10/35 Silver deposits of Chinese government at Shanghai. Abstract: Covers security of Chinese government silver deposits in Hongkong

and Shanghai Bank at Shanghai in event of Sino-Japanese hostilities. Subject Descriptors: Shanghai; Financial institutions; Money; China government.

Registry: F 7660/7660/10/35–F 7661/7660/10/35. Date: 5 Dec 35; Pages: 125–129. Last Paper: none.

F 7790/10/35 Tour of China by Guy Wint. Abstract: Covers report on tour of northern and central China by Guy Wint, British

assistant to T. V. Soong in research work of National Economic Council. Includes economic, trade, and financial conditions at Hankow and Tientsin.

Subject Descriptors: Economic conditions; Finance; Foreign trade; Tientsin; Travel. Registry: F 7790/7790/10/35. Date: 12 Dec 35; Pages: 130–154. Last Paper: none.

F 7999/10/35 Claim of Japanese military authorities to land at Tangku. Abstract: Covers claim by Japanese military authorities to land at Tangku

registered in name of British subjects C. R. Morling and R. A. Whitamore. Subject Descriptors: Kwantung Army; Claims; Land ownership and rights; Hopei

Province. Registry: F 7999/7999/10/35–F 8033/7999/10/35. Date: 23–27 Dec 35; Pages: 155–220. Last Paper: none.

F 8031/10/35 Public notary system in China. Abstract: Covers and encloses Chinese government regulations on institution of

public notary system. Subject Descriptors: China government; Regulations and ordinances.

Registry: F 8031/8031/10/35. Date: 27 Dec 35; Pages: 221–236. Last Paper: none.

F 8036/10/35 Central Trust of China. Abstract: Covers establishment and operation of Central Trust of China. Subject Descriptors: Financial institutions.

Registry: F 8036/8036/10/35. Date: 27 Dec 35; Pages: 237–240. Last Paper: none.

Page 180: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those

FO Registry Number


F 8075/10/35 Gunpowder regulations in Manchukuo. Abstract: Covers Manchukuo regulations on control of manufacture and sale of

gunpowder. Subject Descriptors: Manchukuo; Regulations and ordinances; Military weapons.

Registry: F 8075/8075/10/35. Date: 28 Dec 35; Pages: 241–243. Last Paper: F 5982/4094/10/34.

F 8115/10/35 Regulations on Chinese customs treatment of motor vehicles in transfrontier trade. Abstract: Covers and encloses Chinese Maritime Customs regulations regarding

motor vehicles engaged in transfrontier trade. Subject Descriptors: China government; Regulations and ordinances; Taxation.

Registry: F 8115/8115/10/35. Date: 30 Dec 35; Pages: 244–261. Last Paper: none.

F 8123/10/35 Health, labor, and social conditions in Yunnan Province. Abstract: Covers investigation by League of Nations health adviser to China of

public health administration and social and labor conditions in Yunnan Province.

Subject Descriptors: League of Nations; Social conditions; Labor conditions; Health facilities and services; Yunnan Province. Registry: F 8123/8123/10/35. Date: 30 Dec 35; Pages: 262–268. Last Paper: none.

Page 181: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those



The following index outlines in broad terms the subjects listed in the preceding Reel Index. The first number following a subject is the reel number, and the number after the colon is the FO registry number. The registry number consists of four parts: the Foreign Office Department designation (in this case “F” for Far Eastern), the file number, the country designation (“10” for China), and the last two digits of the year (“34” for 1934 or “35” for 1935).


visit of Raja Bahadur Singh 80: F 5866/10/35

Afghanistan amir of Khotan (former) 51: F 14/10/35 military weapons, Sinkiang Muslim

government mission 5: F 14/10/34 Agriculture

see also Forests and forestry colonies, British; exports 18–

19: F 101/10/34 cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 development 11: F 42/10/34 Hupei Province 34: F 749/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 League of Nations assistance

73: F 982/10/35 Manchukuo

cotton 40: F 4059/10/34 exports to China 18: F 101/10/34 forecasts 41: F 5449/10/34;

80: F 5330/10/35 general 2: F 10/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35;

76: F 1774/10/35 granaries 80: F 7072/10/35 irrigation 39: F 2511/10/34 soybeans 42: F 6328/10/34

National Agricultural Research Bureau 57: F 67/10/35

U.S., loans to China 33: F 509/10/34; 72: F 637/10/35

Aircraft and aircraft industry see also Civil aviation foreign exports to China 6: F 15/10/34;

56: F 60/10/35 foreign in China, sales, demonstrations,

and contracts 30: F 218/10/34 general in China 65: F 202/10/35 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Vickers, loan to China 38: F 1999/10/34

Air forces, China general 30: F 218/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Kwangtung Province 30: F 218/10/34 Maritime Customs Service, auxiliary air

arm 26: F 158/10/34 operations against Communists

1: F 3/10/34; 52: F 19/10/35 strategy against Japan 65: F 202/10/35 Yunnan Province 73: F 829/10/35

Air forces, Italy mission to China 65: F 202/10/35

Air forces, Manchukuo 39: F 2829/10/34; 78: F 3504/10/35

Air forces, Soviet Union overflights and forced landing in

Manchukuo 37–38: F 1468/10/34 Amoy

British evacuation schemes 1: F 3/10/34 civil aviation 65: F 202/10/35 harbors and ports 80: F 5995/10/35 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 Kulangsu foreign settlement

37: F 1229/10/34; 39: F 3214/10/34; 76: F 2077/10/35

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Amoy cont. land ownership and rights, British wharves

58: F 70/10/35 political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34;

66–67: F 298/10/35 ships and shipping, pilots 13: F 59/10/34;

58–59: F 73/10/35 taxation, house 34: F 749/10/34

Anhwei Province Nationalist-Communist military conflict

17: F 86/10/34; 51: F 19/10/35 petroleum and petroleum industry

76: F 2183/10/35 roads, construction and conditions

30: F 269/10/34 Armed forces, British

advisers to Chinese armed forces 42: F 5838/10/34; 61: F 103/10/35

Burma, Northern Wa States operations 7–9: F 38/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35

guards for British shipping in China 30: F 275/10/34

strength and deployment in China 37: F 1253/10/34; 57: F 64/10/35

study by Chinese military missions 33: F 607/10/34

Yatung Trade Agency, military escorts 40: F 3399/10/34

Armed forces, China anti-Communist operations 1–2: F 3/10/34;

17: F 86/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35; 61: F 103/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35

assistance from Italy 80: F 6192/10/35 biographies 39: F 2385/10/34;

75: F 1476/10/35 Burma 7–9: F 38/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35 Canton 1: F 3/10/34; 41: F 5379/10/34 Chahar Province 70: F 482/10/35 conferences, military leaders in southwest

China 1–2: F 3/10/34 foreign advisers 34: F 771/10/34;

42: F 5838/10/34; 61: F 103/10/35 Fukien Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34 general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Hankow, garrison commander

71: F 553/10/35 Hopei Province 70: F 482/10/35 horses 41: F 4926/10/34

Hunan Province, bandit suppression operations 51: F 19/10/35

Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Kwangtung Province, banning of foreign

films 77: F 2558/10/35 Manchukuo border 70: F 482/10/35 medical services, reorganization

61: F 103/10/35 mission to France 62: F 137/10/35 mission to Great Britain 33: F 607/10/34 officers, reclassification 61: F 103/10/35 Shanghai demilitarized zone movements

33: F 683/10/34; 66: F 257/10/35 Sinkiang Rebellion 4–6: F 14/10/34;

49–51: F 14/10/35 Strategic and Fortified Zone Law

78: F 3594/10/35 Tangku neutral zone, violation 1: F 3/10/34 Tibet border 23: F 137/10/34;

49: F 12/10/35 training 61: F 103/10/35 transport and communications mission to

Europe 41: F 4769/10/34; 62: F 137/10/35

transport on foreign ships on Yangtze River 68: F 344/10/35

Armed forces, China Communist Fifth Encirclement and Extermination

Campaign 1–2: F 3/10/34; 17: F 86/10/34 Long March 51–53: F 19/10/35;

69: F 427/10/35 Armed forces, foreign

Hopei Province, Shanhaikuan 21: F 107/10/34

Shanghai Defense Committee 37: F 1283/10/34; 74: F 1077/10/35

Armed forces, France Hopei Province, Shanhaikuan

65: F 203/10/35 strength in China 57: F 64/10/35

Armed forces, Germany advisers to Chinese armed forces

61: F 103/10/35 Armed forces, Italy

assistance to China 80: F 6192/10/35 strength in China 57: F 64/10/35

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Armed forces, Japan see also Kwantung Army North China 19–20: F 107/10/34;

57: F 64/10/35 officers, decorations from British

government 15: F 71/10/34 policy on China 71: F 553/10/35 Shanghai 37: F 1253/10/34;

39: F 2661/10/34; 57: F 64/10/35 Armed forces, Manchukuo

see also Kwantung Army antibandit operations 41: F 5364/10/34 Chahar Province incursion

80: F 7144/10/35 general 76: F 1774/10/35 Mongolia border 70: F 437/10/35 organization 2: F 10/10/34

Armed forces, Mongolia Inner Mongolia 26: F 150/10/34 Manchukuo border 26: F 150/10/34;

69–70: F 437/10/35 training in Manchukuo 41: F 4252/10/34

Armed forces, Soviet Union attacks on Manchukuo steamships on

Amur River 39: F 2915/10/34 Manchukuo incursions

37–38: F 1468/10/34 Siberia, military preparations

37: F 1468/10/34 Sinkiang border 6: F 14/10/34 Soviet Turkestan, military preparations

5: F 14/10/34 Armed forces, Tibet

China border 23: F 137/10/34; 49: F 12/10/35

Armed forces, U.S. strength in China 37: F 1253/10/34;

57: F 64/10/35 Arrests

British subjects in China 32: F 469/10/34 British subjects in Manchukuo

28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35; 79: F 4498/10/35

Communists Manchukuo 78: F 3046/10/35 Mukden 51: F 16/10/35 Shanghai International Settlement

53: F 19/10/35 Korea national, Canton 34: F 811/10/34

native employees of British businesses and religious missions 51: F 16/10/35; 80: F 5872/10/35

regulations, Law Governing Summons and Trials 69: F 427/10/35

Russia employees of Chinese Eastern Railway, Manchukuo 26: F 151/10/34

Shanghai Special District Courts warrants 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

Arts and culture Anglo-Chinese cultural exchanges

10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35 film in China, censorship 39: F 2348/10/34;

77: F 2558/10/35 Manchukuo, historic artifacts

41: F 4967/10/34 theater, Chinese plays at London

41: F 5544/10/34 Asia

see Afghanistan see Bhutan see Colonies, British see French Indochina see India see Japan see Korea see Macao see Manchukuo see Mongolia see Nepal see Netherlands East Indies see Persia see Philippines see Siam see Soviet Union see Turkey

Australia foreign trade with China, agricultural

exports 18–19: F 101/10/34 nationals in China 28: F 190/10/34;

61: F 85/10/35 Queensland trade mission to Hong Kong

and Shanghai 34: F 820/10/34 Austria

military weapons factories, transplantation to China 75: F 1369/10/35

Awards, decorations, and medals British to Japanese military officers

15: F 71/10/34

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Belgium business and industry, Hopei Province;

protection 18: F 92/10/34 foreign relations with China

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 investments in Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34 military weapons exports to China,

adherence to Chinese import licensing system 6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35

military weapons exports to China, rifle cartridges for Canton 56: F 60/10/35

military weapons factories, transplantation to China 75: F 1369/10/35

Beverages and beverage industry British in China, stamp tax

77: F 2555/10/35 India, export duty on liquor

79: F 4273/10/35 regulations, wine in Manchukuo

27: F 164/10/34 taxation 34: F 749/10/34; 59: F 74/10/35

Bhutan foreign relations with China

24: F 137/10/34 Biographies

leading personalities in China 39: F 2385/10/34;

75: F 1476/10/35 in Manchukuo 76: F 1774/10/35 in Sinkiang 50: F 14/10/35 in Tibet 49: F 12/10/35

Blue Shirt movement Hankow 16: F 81/10/34 Shanghai 72: F 573/10/35 Tientsin 16: F 81/10/34

Borders and boundaries Antung, limits of treaty port 12: F 59/10/34 Burma with Yunnan Province

delimitation 54–56: F 51/10/35 frontier meetings 11: F 45/10/34 political and military situation

41: F 5286/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35 roads 56: F 63/10/35 Sansi route closing 11: F 45/10/34 undelimited frontier 7–9: F 38/10/34

Kailan Mining Administration, mine boundary 18: F 92/10/34

Manchukuo with China 1: F 3/10/34; 21: F 107/10/34;

26: F 158/10/34; 70: F 482/10/35 with Korea 33: F 741/10/34 with Outer Mongolia, disputes

26: F 150/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35 with Soviet Union, disputes

37–38: F 1468/10/34; 39: F 2915/10/34 Sinkiang with India, mir of Hunza grazing

rights 42: F 6869/10/34; 79: F 4879/10/35 Tibet

with China 23: F 137/10/34; 49: F 12/10/35

with India 40: F 3555/10/34; 48: F 12/10/35; 78: F 3518/10/35

with Sikkim 24: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35

Boxer Rebellion Chinese Maritime Customs revenues for

26: F 158/10/34 general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 indemnity

British funds, disposal by Chinese Government Purchasing Commission and Board of Trustees 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

Boycotts British goods, Wanhsien Incident boycotts

41: F 5246/10/34; 68: F 344/10/35 British tobacco products and chemical

fertilizers, New Life Movement boycotts in Chekiang and Fukien Provinces 41: F 4157/10/34; 73–74: F 991/10/35

Canton, Japanese goods 66: F 262/10/35 Shantung Province, foreign cigarettes

15: F 74/10/34 textiles, Japanese in China

37: F 1375/10/34 Bridges

Antung, Yalu River Swing Bridge 12–13: F 59/10/34

Manchukuo, Nonni River 39: F 2923/10/34 Shanghai, construction 41: F 5519/10/34 Tientsin, “International Bridge”

78: F 3479/10/35 British government

chief economic adviser, appointment as to British legation at Peking 44–47: F 6/10/35

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claims against Chinese government 17: F 84/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35

claims against Manchukuo for breach of extraterritoriality 28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35

Exports Credits Guarantee Department, credits to China 60–61: F 84/10/35

Exports Credits Guarantee Department, finance of Canton steel works 39: F 2346/10/34

foreign relations with China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

foreign relations with Japan 19–21: F 107/10/34; 44–45: F 6/10/35

House of Commons, China Committee 40: F 4033/10/34

interdepartmental committee on Chinese monetary crisis 43: F 6/10/35

Privy Council, Judicial Committee 40: F 3933/10/34

secretary of state for foreign affairs 40: F 4033/10/34

British policy armed forces, China; transport on British

ships 68: F 344/10/35 British claims against Chinese government

17: F 84/10/34; 60: F 78/10/35 British naval officers, attachment to foreign

naval missions 33: F 495/10/34 British subjects of Chinese descent,

nationality 37: F 1447/10/34; 74: F 1295/10/35

Burma–Yunnan Province border, Anglo-Chinese conference on frontier delimitation 8–9: F 38/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35

Burma–Yunnan Province border, British claim to undelimited border area 7–8: F 38/10/34

business and industry, British in China encouragement 60–61: F 84/10/35 protection 7: F 35/10/34;

33: F 501/10/34; 77: F 2266/10/35, F 2267/10/35

registration under Chinese law 28: F 202/10/34; 31: F 445/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35; 73: F 826/10/35

business and industry, British in Manchukuo 43: F 4/10/35

Chinese Maritime Customs Service antismuggling measures 74: F 1154/10/35

diplomatic mission to China, status 42: F 5783/10/34; 62: F 115/10/35

educational society for Chinese schools in British Malaya 42: F 6283/10/34; 77: F 2242/10/35

extraterritoriality in Manchukuo 79: F 4498/10/35

foreign trade, competition with Japan 56: F 61/10/35

foreign trade with China 21–22: F 117/10/34; 60–61: F 84/10/35

Japan British political and economic relations

44–45: F 6/10/35 commercial activities at Macao

72–73: F 727/10/35 interests and influence in China

19–21: F 107/10/34; 70–71: F 482/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35

loans to China during monetary crisis 35: F 942/10/34; 43–47: F 6/10/35

Macao Electric Light Company, concession 79: F 4014/10/35

Manchukuo entry of Manchukuo ships into British

ports 36: F 981/10/34 petroleum monopoly, retaliation

25: F 142/10/34 postal service 9: F 41/10/34 recognition 22: F 126/10/34;

74: F 1093/10/35 military weapons exports to China,

adherence to Chinese import licensing system 6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35

Nine-Power Treaty 42: F 7488/10/34; 75: F 1307/10/35

North China autonomy movement 80: F 7144/10/35

railroad loan defaults and reorganization by Chinese government 3–4: F 13/10/34; 47–48: F 10/10/35

ships and shipping, British ships engaged in opium smuggling 66: F 221/10/35

ships and shipping, Chinese control of pilotage 58–59: F 73/10/35

Sinkiang, Soviet Union interests and influence 62: F 173/10/35

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British policy cont. taxation, British subjects in China

16: F 75/10/34 taxation, Chinese stamp tax application to

foreigners 77: F 2555/10/35 Tibet 48–49: F 12/10/35 trademarks, protection in China

75: F 1523/10/35 Burma

beverages and beverage industry, exports to Tengyueh via India 79: F 4273/10/35

border with China 41: F 5286/10/34 border with Yunnan Province

7–9: F 38/10/34; 11: F 45/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35

foreign trade with China 11: F 45/10/34; 56: F 63/10/35

Kengma State 41: F 5286/10/34 municipal government, representation of

Chinese communities 11: F 45/10/34 taxation 56: F 63/10/35

Business and industry see also Aircraft and aircraft industry see also Beverages and beverage industry see also Chemicals and chemical industry see also Construction and repair see also Contracts see also Economic and industrial

development see also Finance see also Financial institutions see also Food and food industry see also Insurance see also Iron and steel industry see also Mines and mineral industries see also Railroads see also Ships and shipping see also Textile industry and fabrics see also Tobacco industry and products see also Transportation Anglo-Chinese Finance and Trade

Corporation 31: F 403/10/34 Arnhold & Company 32: F 464/10/34;

73: F 761/10/35 Associated Investments 77: F 2267/10/35 automobiles and automobile industry,

Manchukuo 28: F 197/10/34 Belgium in Hopei Province 18: F 92/10/34

British, tenders for construction of Canton steel works 38–39: F 2346/10/34; 61: F 110/10/35

British at Tientsin, censorship of telegrams by Chinese authorities 74: F 1182/10/35

British-Chinese Corporation 24: F 141/10/34

British Empire Fair 41: F 4295/10/34 British Far Eastern Company

38: F 2034/10/34 British in China

boycotts 41: F 5246/10/34 claims against Chinese government

17: F 84/10/34; 60: F 78/10/35 claims against Japanese government

18: F 90/10/34 claims against Manchukuo government

18: F 90/10/34 competition with Japan 56: F 61/10/35;

60–61: F 84/10/35 difficulties in obtaining sulphuric acid

40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35 legal suits against Chinese citizens

38: F 1900/10/34 medicine trade 79: F 4402/10/35 registration and consular protection

28: F 202/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35 restrictions 60: F 84/10/35 trademark infringement 75: F 1523/10/35

British Industries Fair 42: F 6969/10/34 British in Fukien Province, safety during

Fukien Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34 British in Manchukuo

competition with Japan 56: F 61/10/35 discrimination against 27: F 164/10/34;

43: F 4/10/35 forced entry, searches, and arrests by

police 51: F 16/10/35; 80: F 5872/10/35 general 27: F 164/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34 British military weapons manufacturers,

exports to China 6: F 15/10/34 Butterfield & Swire 42: F 6669/10/34;

57: F 68/10/35; 58: F 70/10/35 Centrosoyuz (England) Limited, legal

action against 33: F 501/10/34; 77: F 2266/10/35

certificates for Chinese goods 42: F 6161/10/34

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China Development Finance Corporation 13: F 68/10/34; 20: F 107/10/34

Compagnie Internationale des Wagon Lits 33: F 571/10/34

Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Company 31: F 319/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

Federation of British Industries 56: F 61/10/35

foreign at Newchwang, bandit attacks 3: F 10/10/34

foreign in China discrimination against 22: F 117/10/34 registration 40: F 3798/10/34;

76: F 2193/10/35; 78: F 3462/10/35 taxation 16: F 75/10/34; 34: F 749/10/34;

59: F 74/10/35; 74: F 1126/10/35 foreign in Manchukuo

contributions to Manchukuo Air Defense Association 39: F 2829/10/34; 78: F 3504/10/35

general 27: F 164/10/34 Japan policy 51: F 16/10/35

France in Manchukuo 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

gambling, Shanghai 35–36: F 950/10/34 Gandalynne Limited, Shanghai

40: F 4012/10/34 General Electric Company of England

37: F 1454/10/34 Great Northern Telegraph Company

31: F 319/10/34 Hong Kong, regulations 37: F 1272/10/34;

65: F 201/10/35; 80: F 5627/10/35 International Savings Society, lottery

enterprise 77: F 2267/10/35 Japan, military weapons industry

6: F 15/10/34 Japan at Macao 72–73: F 727/10/35 Japan in China

boycotts 66: F 262/10/35 match manufacturing 75: F 1483/10/35 Shanghai, ban on press advertisements

79: F 5144/10/35 southwest China 61: F 84/10/35;

78: F 2805/10/35 Japan in Manchukuo 38: F 1534/10/34;

80: F 5645/10/35 Kunst & Albers, purchase of tungsten

80: F 5703/10/35

Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Kwangtung Province, National Sales

Product Company 42: F 6702/10/34 Lidell Brothers & Company

41: F 4362/10/34 livestock and livestock industry, horses

41: F 4926/10/34 lotteries in China 34: F 775/10/34;

77: F 2267/10/35 Messrs. Lowe, Bingham, and Matthews

33: F 497/10/34 lumber industry and products, British

colonies 10–11: F 42/10/34 Malcolm & Company, contract for

construction of Macao waterworks 73: F 727/10/35

Manchukuo general 2: F 10/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

General Monopoly Bureau 51: F 16/10/35

regulations 78: F 3506/10/35 taxation 77: F 2409/10/35

Manchuria Electric Industry Company 42: F 6203/10/34

Manchuria Weighing and Measuring Instruments Company 36: F 1038/10/34

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company 3: F 13/10/34; 31: F 319/10/34; 47: F 10/10/35

Messrs. George McBain 80: F 6796/10/35 McBain Imports 74: F 1154/10/35 military weapons factories, transplantation

from Europe to China 75: F 1369/10/35 monopolies, Chinese government

60: F 84/10/35 monopolies, match manufacturing

75: F 1483/10/35 M. Samuel & Company 9: F 39/10/34;

56: F 53/10/35 Nestlé’s Milk Company, Manchukuo

interests 27: F 164/10/34 Pekin Syndicate 31: F 403/10/34;

62: F 139/10/35 Produce Export Company 27: F 164/10/34;

42: F 5795/10/34; 76: F 1679/10/35 registration with Chinese Maritime

Customs Service 19: F 101/10/34

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Business and industry cont. regulations

Bankruptcy Law 79: F 3612/10/35 general 78: F 3462/10/35 Industrial Encouragement Law,

exemption of Chinese goods from export duty 61: F 84/10/35

partnership debts 33: F 645/10/34; 75: F 1387/10/35

relations with labor 38: F 1825/10/34 rickshaw operators, Shanghai International

Settlement 35–36: F 950/10/34 S.A. Consortium Franco-Japonais,

Manchukuo 54: F 32/10/35 Shanghai foreign settlements, enforcement

of Chinese regulations 35–36: F 950/10/34; 36: F 1093/10/34; 78: F 3462/10/35

Siemens China, electric light and power station at Canton 78: F 2743/10/35

Skoda Works 39: F 2359/10/34 Southern Cross Trading Company

41: F 4926/10/34 Szechuan Province, industrial mission to

Germany and England 21: F 117/10/34 Szechuan Province, taxation

74: F 1126/10/35 Tengyueh, Chinese merchants dispute with

Chinese Maritime Customs Service 11: F 45/10/34

trademarks, British; infringement in China 16: F 82/10/34

U.S., tenders for construction of Canton steel works 39: F 2346/10/34

U.S. in Manchukuo, forced entry and searches by police 80: F 5872/10/35

Vickers-Armstrong 3–4: F 13/10/34; 47–48: F 10/10/35; 61: F 103/10/35

Yangtse Corporation 40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35

Canada foreign trade with China, agricultural

exports 18–19: F 101/10/34 missionaries in Manchukuo

34–35: F 911/10/34 railroads, rolling stock sale to Manchukuo

62: F 119/10/35

Canton armed forces, provincial 41: F 5379/10/34 arrests, Korean national by Japanese

authorities 34: F 811/10/34 boycotts, Japanese goods 66: F 262/10/35 British Concession, Skoda Works lease

39: F 2359/10/34 celebration and observances, Shakee

Incident anniversary 41: F 5039/10/34 chemicals and chemical industry

39: F 2589/10/34 civil aviation 65: F 202/10/35 financial conditions 41: F 5379/10/34 foreign trade with Hong Kong

78: F 3530/10/35 harbors and ports 12–13: F 59/10/34;

37: F 1225/10/34 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 iron and steel industry

38–39: F 2346/10/34; 61: F 110/10/35 Kwangtung Wolfram Monopoly office

32: F 464/10/34 land ownership and rights, British perpetual

leases 57: F 70/10/35 land ownership and rights, lease of former

Russian consulate 31: F 420/10/34 military weapons, imports 56: F 60/10/35 naval forces, British 30: F 275/10/34;

63: F 176/10/35 naval forces, general 33: F 495/10/34;

43: F 2/10/35 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

14–15: F 69/10/34; 41: F 5379/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

public works 78: F 2473/10/35 railroads, Canton-Kowloon Railway

32: F 465/10/34; 47: F 10/10/35 relations with central government

1–2: F 3/10/34; 41: F 5379/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35, F 430/10/35

ships and shipping, British 41: F 5200/10/34

slavery, regulations against 34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35

speeches and addresses 76: F 1805/10/35 taxation 59: F 74/10/35 trademark registration 16: F 82/10/34 visit of Japanese military and civilian

officials 39: F 3190/10/34

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Celebrations and observances Manchukuo, anniversary of Japanese

recognition 74: F 1093/10/35 Manchukuo, birthday of Confucius

80: F 6303/10/35 revolutionary memorial days

73: F 830/10/35 Shakee Incident, anniversary observance

at Canton 41: F 5039/10/34 Censorship

British Malaya, postal censor 29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35

British periodicals in China 40: F 3927/10/34

film in China 39: F 2348/10/34; 77: F 2558/10/35

telegrams British at Hong Kong, by Chinese

authorities 31: F 319/10/34 British at Tientsin, by Chinese authorities

74: F 1182/10/35 regulations 74: F 1182/10/35

Chahar Province armed forces, China 70: F 482/10/35 armed forces, Manchukuo

80: F 7144/10/35 border with Manchukuo

70–71: F 482/10/35 crime and criminals, kidnapping and

murder of British journalist 53: F 19/10/35 Japan interests and influence

19: F 103/10/34; 70: F 482/10/35 political conditions, north China autonomy

movement 80: F 7144/10/35 Chekiang Province

boycotts 41: F 4157/10/34; 73–74: F 991/10/35

chemical fertilizers 39: F 3194/10/34 communications, telephone

76: F 2209/10/35 Haiyen, arrests of British subjects

32: F 469/10/34 Chemicals and chemical industry

British in China, discrimination against 40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35

Chemical Engineering Company, installation at Canton 39: F 2589/10/34

chlorine gas, imports 56: F 60/10/35

ether, Japanese; storage at Hong Kong and Shanghai 31: F 419/10/34

fertilizers, taxation and control 39: F 3194/10/34; 78: F 3151/10/35

Imperial Chemical Industries, Chinese boycotts of 41: F 4157/10/34

Imperial Chemical Industries, lease of former Russian consulate at Canton 31: F 420/10/34

Manchuria Chemical Industry Company, construction of factory at Kuanchingtzu 26: F 160/10/34

monopolies in Hupei and Kiangsu Provinces 40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35

war gases, manufacture 36: F 1088/10/34 Chiang Kai-shek

health of 42: F 6119/10/34 Japan attitude toward 71: F 553/10/35 policy 69: F 427/10/35 visit to Yunnan Province 78: F 3608/10/35

China see Air forces, China see Anhwei Province see Armed forces, China see Armed forces, China Communist see Chahar Province see China government see Chinghai Province see Formosa see Fukien Province see Honan Province see Hopei Province see Hunan Province see Hupei Province see Kansu Province see Kiangsi Province see Kiangsu Province see Kwangsi Province see Kwangtung Province see Kweichow Province see Mongolia see Nanking see Naval forces, China see Ninghsia Province see Peking see Shansi Province see Shantung Province see Shensi Province see Sikang Province

Page 190: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


see Sinkiang see Suiyuan Province

China cont. see Szechuan Province see Tibet see Treaty ports see Yunnan Province

China government see also Government appointments see also Government revenue see also Government spending see also Kuomintang see also Regulations and ordinances agricultural cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 biographies, British report

39: F 2385/10/34; 75: F 1476/10/35 bonds, bank reorganization 44: F 6/10/35 Boxer Indemnity payments

10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35 boycott of mail from Manchukuo

9: F 41/10/34 Burma–Yunnan Province frontier mission

and Anglo-Chinese conference 8: F 38/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35

celebrations and observances, revolutionary memorial days 73: F 830/10/35

civil administration, technical assistance from League of Nations 17: F 85/10/34

civil procedure, revision 32: F 462/10/34 claims

Burma–Yunnan Province border area 7–9: F 38/10/34

Russo-Asiatic bank, 1913 Reorganization Loan 42: F 5895/10/34

sovereignty over Hunza 79: F 4879/10/35 claims against Chinese government

6: F 14/10/34; 17: F 84/10/34; 18: F 90/10/34; 21: F 117/10/34; 37: F 1208/10/34, F 1261/10/34; 38: F 2105/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35; 56: F 53/10/35, F 62/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35; 62: F 140/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

communications, telegraph lines 31: F 319/10/34

constitution 1: F 3/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35 Croisiére Jaune (French film), objection to

39: F 2348/10/34

customs agreement with Hong Kong 28: F 191/10/34

diplomatic mission to Tibet 48: F 12/10/35 education policy 15: F 73/10/34 Executive Yuan 48: F 12/10/35;

69: F 427/10/35 extraterritoriality policy 39: F 2468/10/34;

79: F 4404/10/35 finances 13: F 68/10/34 foreign experts, registration

39: F 2828/10/34; 75: F 1385/10/35 foreign relations 19–21: F 107/10/34;

22–24: F 137/10/34; 28: F 203/10/34; 37: F 1157/10/34, F 1261/10/34; 38: F 2200/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34; 66: F 235/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35; 73: F 986/10/35; 74: F 1093/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Hai Ho Improvement Engineering Bureau 36–37: F 1145/10/34

horses, purchase 41: F 4926/10/34 judicial affairs 38: F 1900/10/34 Judicial Yuan 80: F 7454/10/35 Kailan Mining Administration negotiations

on corporate status 18: F 92/10/34 League of Nations relations

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Legislative Yuan 1: F 3/10/34 loans

defaults and policy 3–4: F 13/10/34; 9: F 39/10/34; 47: F 6/10/35; 47–48: F 10/10/35

foreign 38: F 1999/10/34 from Japan, settlement 70: F 474/10/35 to provincial governments, approval

13: F 68/10/34; 39: F 2346/10/34 Twenty-third Year (1934) Customs

Revenue Loan 46: F 6/10/35 lotteries, British operation 34: F 775/10/34 Manchukuo recognition, policy

22: F 126/10/34 Maritime Customs Service

antismuggling measures 74: F 1154/10/35

auxiliary air arm 26: F 158/10/34 chief secretary 69: F 361/10/35 delay in clearing goods 19: F 101/10/34 employment of foreigners and Chinese

26: F 158/10/34; 69: F 361/10/35

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Great Wall passes, offices 26: F 158/10/34

Hopei Province, Shanhaikuan operations 79: F 5148/10/35

inspector general 28: F 183/10/34; 69: F 361/10/35

metric system adoption 18–19: F 101/10/34

Penalty Board of Enquiry and Appeal 74: F 1154/10/35

pilot associations, takeover 58–59: F 73/10/35

piracy suppression 63: F 176/10/35 regulations 26: F 158/10/34;

37: F 1148/10/34; 80: F 8115/10/35 revenue 26: F 158/10/34;

45–46: F 6/10/35 Tengyueh, dispute merchants

11: F 45/10/34 military weapons contracts 73: F 745/10/35 military weapons imports, licensing system

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 minister of foreign affairs, resignation

69: F 427/10/35 minister of industry 40: F 4011/10/34 minister of navy 33: F 495/10/34;

43: F 2/10/35 Ministry of Finance, British adviser

22: F 127/10/34 Ministry of Finance, general 45: F 6/10/35 Ministry of Industries, Mining Finance

Readjustment Committee 80: F 6796/10/35

Ministry of Railways, Engineering Department 39: F 3188/10/34

mir of Hunza, annual gift 42: F 6869/10/34 monetary advisory committee 44: F 6/10/35 monopolies

general 60: F 84/10/35 match manufacturing 75: F 1483/10/35 sugar import and distribution

42: F 6851/10/34; 75: F 1458/10/35 tungsten 32: F 464/10/34

National Agricultural Research Bureau, British experts for 57: F 67/10/35

National Economic Council economic program 3: F 11/10/34 general 78: F 3479/10/35 German adviser 34: F 771/10/34

officials, lists 69: F 427/10/35

Opium Suppression Bureau, searches of British vessels 66: F 221/10/35

Postal Administration 36: F 1008/10/34 postal service, restoration of service with

Manchukuo 19–20: F 107/10/34; 62: F 145/10/35

public notary system 80: F 8031/10/35 relations with Canton 1–2: F 3/10/34;

41: F 5379/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35, F 430/10/35

rivers and waterways, conservancy policy 78: F 3479/10/35; 79: F 4297/10/35

Salt Administration 42: F 7116/10/34; 78: F 3179/10/35

searches and seizures, British periodicals in China 40: F 3927/10/34

searches and seizures, expropriation of land held by British subjects 28: F 190/10/34; 61: F 85/10/35

separation of powers, central-provincial governments 69: F 427/10/35

ships and shipping, merchant marine 76: F 1526/10/35

silver reserves, security at Shanghai 80: F 7660/10/35

taxation, dumping tax 38: F 2234/10/34 taxation, foreign business and industry

34: F 749/10/34; 59: F 74/10/35 technical assistance from League of

Nations 73: F 982/10/35 Telegraph Administration 31: F 319/10/34 Tibet policy and relations

48–49: F 12/10/35 Trademark Bureau 16: F 82/10/34 treaties and agreements 11: F 42/10/34;

18: F 92/10/34; 21: F 107/10/34; 21–22: F 117/10/34; 23: F 137/10/34; 28: F 191/10/34, F 203/10/34; 32: F 463/10/34; 33: F 683/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 38: F 2200/10/34; 39: F 2574/10/34; 59: F 76/10/35; 62: F 145/10/35; 66: F 235/10/35, F 257/10/35; 70: F 474/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35; 78: F 2925/10/35; 80: F 6192/10/35, F 6796/10/35

Chinghai Province Nationalist-Communist military conflict

53: F 19/10/35 roads, construction and conditions

30: F 269/10/34

Page 192: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Citizenship and naturalization British Malaya, nationality of Chinese

residents 29–30: F 212/10/34; 64: F 189/10/35

British subjects of Chinese descent, nationality 37: F 1447/10/34; 74: F 1295/10/35

Manchukuo, requirements 78: F 3413/10/35

national status of alleged British subjects 42: F 5934/10/34

regulations, general 37: F 1447/10/34; 74: F 1295/10/35

regulations, Nationality Law 69: F 430/10/35

Civil aviation commercial in China, passenger and

freight service 30: F 218/10/34 general 37: F 1261/10/34; 65: F 202/10/35;

75: F 1482/10/35 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34; 39: F 2829/10/34 Manchukuo 39: F 2829/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 overflights of China and Manchukuo,

British 62: F 164/10/35 Civil engineering

see also Public works and utilities British in China, registration of technical

experts with Chinese government 39: F 2828/10/34; 75: F 1385/10/35

land reclamation, Kinshui River sluice 79: F 3809/10/35

Civil procedure revision of Chinese code of civil procedure

32: F 462/10/34; 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

Claims Australia subjects against Chinese

government 28: F 190/10/34; 61: F 85/10/35

British businesses against Chinese Eastern Railway

38: F 2034/10/34

against Chinese government 9: F 39/10/34; 17: F 84/10/34; 18: F 90/10/34; 21: F 117/10/34; 56: F 53/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35; 62: F 140/10/35

against Japanese government 18: F 90/10/34

against Manchukuo government 18: F 90/10/34; 21: F 109/10/34; 42: F 5866/10/34

British government against Chinese government 17: F 84/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35

British government against Manchukuo 28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35

British subjects against British businesses

37: F 1456/10/34; 79: F 4082/10/35; 80: F 5627/10/35

against Chinese government 6: F 14/10/34; 17: F 84/10/34; 18: F 90/10/34; 31: F 388/10/34; 37: F 1208/10/34; 38: F 2105/10/34; 39: F 2822/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35; 56: F 62/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35

against Chinese railways 40: F 3302/10/34

against Japanese government 18: F 90/10/34; 65: F 215/10/35

against Manchukuo government 18: F 90/10/34; 28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35; 78: F 3569/10/35

China government against British government 7–9: F 38/10/34

China government against Russo-Asiatic Bank 42: F 5895/10/34

China nationals against Chinese government 60: F 78/10/35

foreign against British businesses 37: F 1456/10/34; 80: F 5627/10/35

foreign against China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

India against Tibetan government 40: F 3555/10/34; 78: F 3518/10/35

Japan military against British subjects 80: F 7999/10/35

Russo-Asiatic Bank, claim to ownership of Chinese Eastern Railway 26: F 151/10/34

Russo-Asiatic Bank against Soviet Union 76: F 1861/10/35

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Tibet against Indian government 40: F 3555/10/34; 78: F 3518/10/35

U.S. nationals against Chinese government 31: F 388/10/34

Colonies, British see also Australia see also Canada see also Hong Kong see also India see also Malaya see also New Zealand see also South Africa Fiji, postal service with Manchukuo

9: F 41/10/34 foreign relations with China

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 foreign trade with China 21: F 117/10/34 timber for Chinese railroads

10–11: F 42/10/34 Communications

see also Censorship see also Postal service see also Press see also Propaganda armed forces, Japan; in Manchukuo

2: F 10/10/34 civil and military, mission to Europe

41: F 4769/10/34; 62: F 137/10/35 correspondence, personal; British

28: F 183/10/34 Hong Kong, radio and telephone

42: F 6641/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 League of Nations technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34; 73: F 982/10/35 Manchukuo, general 2: F 10/10/34 Manchukuo, state control

38: F 1534/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35 Mongolia, Inner 31: F 319/10/34;

26: F 150/10/34 radio

British consulate-general at Kashgar 5: F 14/10/34

communications between China and India 17: F 83/10/34

general 31: F 319/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

installations on ships, regulations 39: F 2925/10/34

northwest China 31: F 319/10/34

sets and use 31: F 319/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

Shanghai Telephone Company, tariff rates 76: F 2209/10/35

Szechuan Province 41: F 5625/10/34 telegrams

British at Hong Kong, censorship by Chinese authorities 31: F 319/10/34

British at Tientsin, censorship by Chinese authorities 74: F 1182/10/35

foreign press in China, regulations 31: F 445/10/34

telegraph general 31: F 319/10/34;

74: F 1182/10/35 lines, handover to Chinese government

31: F 319/10/34 loans 70: F 474/10/35; 76: F 2209/10/35 resumption of communications between

China and Manchukuo 74: F 1283/10/35

routing instructions from foreign companies; disregard by Chinese and Manchukuo telegraph administrations 31: F 319/10/34

telephone Chekiang and Kiangsu Provinces

76: F 2209/10/35 Japan-Manchukuo service 9: F 41/10/34 loans 70: F 474/10/35

Tibet, construction of radio station at Lhasa by Chinese government 22–23: F 137/10/34

Yunnan Province 41: F 5625/10/34 Communism

see also Armed forces, China Communist activity in China 17: F 86/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Hong Kong, propaganda and subversive activity 41: F 4873/10/34

kidnappings and robberies of British and U.S. nationals 31: F 388/10/34

Kwantung Leased Territory 38: F 1534/10/34

Malaya, publications 29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35

Manchukuo 38: F 1468/10/34; 78: F 3046/10/35

Mukden, arrests 51: F 16/10/35

Page 194: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Communism cont. press, Chinese in Great Britain

73: F 907/10/35 Shanghai International Settlement, arrest

of French Communist 53: F 19/10/35 trade union organizers, hunger strike at

Nanking prison 31: F 323/10/34 Concessions

British, exchange of Crown Leases for Chinese deeds of perpetual release 34: F 750/10/34; 61: F 109/10/35

British at Canton, Skoda Works land lease 39: F 2359/10/34

British at Hankow (former), administration 39: F 2822/10/34; 78: F 3362/10/35

British at Tientsin, Chinese business tax office 34: F 749/10/34

foreign at Tientsin, Chinese government silver reserves 80: F 7144/10/35

France at Shanghai, enforcement of Chinese industrial regulations 36: F 1093/10/34

France at Tientsin, bridge 78: F 3479/10/35 Japan at Macao, proposed purchase

72–73: F 727/10/35 Japan in Manchukuo, South Manchuria

Railway 37: F 1465/10/34; 73: F 740/10/35

Macao, Macao Electric Light Company electrical supply concession 79: F 4014/10/35

Macao, water supply 72–73: F 727/10/35 Russia at Tientsin (former), bridge

78: F 3479/10/35 Conferences and conventions

British Empire Fair, Hong Kong 41: F 4295/10/34

Burma–Yunnan Province border delimitation, Anglo-Chinese conference 8–9: F 38/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35

international financial experts in China, Chinese monetary crisis 44: F 6/10/35

Japan Consular Corps of south China 21: F 107/10/34

judicial reform, Kwangtung Province 38: F 1900/10/34

Kuomintang, Central Executive Committee Conference 1: F 3/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35

Kwangtung Administrative Conference 1: F 3/10/34

Manchukuo–Soviet Union, shipping conference 39: F 2915/10/34

military leaders in southwest China 1: F 3/10/34

Mongolia princes, relations with Manchukuo 69: F 437/10/35

National Finance Conference at Nanking, Second 13: F 68/10/34

National Judicial Conference 80: F 7454/10/35

National Land Conference, Nanking 58: F 70/10/35

National Motion Picture Conference at Shanghai, Second 77: F 2558/10/35

Nine-Power Treaty signatories, proposed 1932 conference 42: F 7488/10/34

Outer Mongolia–Manchukuo on relations and border disputes 69–70: F 437/10/35

Construction and repair iron and steel industry

38–39: F 2346/10/34; 39: F 2663/10/34; 61: F 110/10/35

Manchukuo capital at Hsinking 39: F 3138/10/34;

53: F 32/10/35 general 24: F 140/10/34 Manchuria Chemical Industry Company

at Kuanchingtzu 26: F 160/10/34 Nonni River bridges 39: F 2923/10/34 railroads 62: F 119/10/35 Showa Steel Works at Anshan

26: F 160/10/34 Netherlands Harbor Work Company,

Chefoo harbor improvement 42: F 6090/10/34

railroads, Chungking-Chengtu Railway 4: F 13/10/34; 47–48: F 10/10/35

railroads, general 3–4: F 13/10/34 roads 30: F 269/10/34; 39: F 2822/10/34;

65: F 199/10/35 Shanghai

barracks for British troops 57: F 64/10/35 barracks for Japanese troops

39: F 2661/10/34 infrastructure loans 41: F 5519/10/34

Tientsin, barracks for Japanese troops 20: F 107/10/34

Page 195: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Contracts commercial, French National Association

for Economic Expansion with South Manchuria Railway 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

communications, Hong Kong radio concession 42: F 6641/10/34

finance, Szechuan Province mineral and industrial development 40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35

land ownership and rights Asiatic Petroleum Company lease in

Fukien Province 26: F 152/10/34 English Presbyterian Mission College at

Swatow 69: F 421/10/35 Kailan Mining Administration with

Chinese government, land trust 59: F 76/10/35

Produce Export Company, exchange of land at Hailar 76: F 1679/10/35

loans Anglo-Chinese Finance and Trade

Corporation to Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration 31: F 403/10/34

Chinese Government 6% Sterling (Indemnity) Funding Loan of 1934 11: F 42/10/34

Mining Finance Readjustment Committee 80: F 6796/10/35

mines and mineral industries, Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration amalgamation 31: F 403/10/34

mines and mineral industries, Kailan Mining Administration and Lanchow Mining Company corporate status 18: F 92/10/34

public works, Canton electric light and power station 78: F 2743/10/35

public works, Macao Electric Light Company concession 79: F 4014/10/35

railroads, Chungking-Chengtu Railway construction 47: F 10/10/35

Copyrights British in China, infringement

77: F 2359/10/35 Courts

see also Civil procedure see also Criminal procedure

acquittals of Chinese defendants in suits brought by British businesses 38: F 1900/10/34

British in China jurisdiction over pirates captured in

Chinese waters 63: F 176/10/35 Kashgar consular 78: F 3269/10/35 prosecution of British firms

77: F 2267/10/35 transfer of smuggled goods to Chinese

authorities 76: F 1841/10/35 Dairen, trial of attempted assassins of

Lytton Commission members 28: F 194/10/34

judicial reform 38: F 1900/10/34; 80: F 7454/10/35

Kulangsu Mixed Court, abolition 37: F 1229/10/34

Kwangtung Province, judicial reform 38: F 1900/10/34

Manchukuo, Foreign Division of High Court 37: F 1465/10/34

Manchukuo, judicial appointments 37: F 1465/10/34

regulations, Law Courts Organic Law 76: F 1843/10/35

regulations, Law Governing Summons and Trials 69: F 427/10/35

Shanghai, British defendants in Chinese courts 66: F 250/10/35

Shanghai Special District Courts 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

Tientsin, murder trial 38: F 1771/10/34 trials of bandits during bandit suppression

operations 66: F 250/10/35 Crime and criminals

see also Arrests see also Criminal procedure see also Piracy see also Prisons and prisoners see also Smuggling assassinations, attempted

Japan officials at Shanghai 39: F 2371/10/34

Lytton Commission members 28: F 194/10/34

Wang Ching-wei 69: F 427/10/35 assaults, British vice-consul and U.S.

nationals at Mukden by Japanese workmen 41: F 5395/10/34

Page 196: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Crime and criminals cont. assaults, British vice-consul at Kashgar by

Chinese policeman 50: F 14/10/35 bandit activity

British claims against Chinese government for losses 17: F 84/10/34; 60: F 78/10/35

Burma–Yunnan Province border 8–9: F 38/10/34; 54: F 51/10/35

Chinese Eastern Railway attacks 26: F 151/10/34

Fukien Province 2: F 3/10/34 Hopei Province 1: F 3/10/34 Hunan Province 51: F 19/10/35 kidnappings and robberies, British and

U.S. nationals 31: F 388/10/34; 53: F 19/10/35

Shansi Province 1: F 3/10/34 Sinkiang 5–6: F 14/10/34

Communists, crimes against British and U.S. nationals and missionaries 31: F 388/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35

Hong Kong, extradition of Chinese criminals 69: F 430/10/35

Manchukuo 2–3: F 10/10/34; 16: F 80/10/34; 38: F 1468/10/34, F 1534/10/34; 41: F 5364/10/34; 42: F 5866/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35; 78: F 3046/10/35; 79: F 5038/10/35

murder British journalist in Chahar Province

53: F 19/10/35 British subject at Harbin

78: F 3569/10/35 Canadian missionary at Liaoyang

34–35: F 911/10/34 French national by Russians at Harbin

11: F 51/10/34; 73: F 752/10/35 Japanese and Korean nationals in

Tangku demilitarized zone 21: F 107/10/34

newspaper proprietors, Tientsin 70: F 482/10/35

Russian national, Tientsin 38: F 1771/10/34

robbery, in definition of piracy 40: F 3933/10/34

sabotage, Chinese Eastern Railway; alleged Japanese complicity 26: F 151/10/34

Criminal procedure revision of code 40: F 3471/10/34;

66: F 250/10/35 smuggling, law of evidence

74: F 1154/10/35 Tientsin, murder trial 38: F 1771/10/34 treatment of non-extraterritorial foreigners

38: F 1900/10/34 Cuba

sugar exports to China, U.S. financing 33: F 509/10/34

Czechoslovakia military weapons exports to China

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 military weapons factories

75: F 1369/10/35 Deaths

automobile accident, Chinese bicyclist 32: F 469/10/34

British consulate-general at Kashgar mail carrier

5–6: F 14/10/34 journalist in China, murder

53: F 19/10/35 political officer in Sikkim, death in Tibet

49: F 12/10/35 subject at Harbin, murder

78: F 3569/10/35 France national, murder at Harbin

11: F 51/10/34; 73: F 752/10/35 Japan and Korean nationals in Tangku

demilitarized zone 21: F 107/10/34 Japan sailor in Shanghai International

Settlement 71: F 553/10/35 lepers in Yunnan Province

41: F 5575/10/34 missionaries, British; murder in Shensi

Province 52: F 19/10/35 missionaries, Canadian; murder in

Manchukuo 34–35: F 911/10/34 newspaper proprietors, Tientsin

70: F 482/10/35 Russia national at Tientsin, murder

38: F 1771/10/34 Shangpa official, murder 79: F 4077/10/35

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Demonstrations see also Riots and disorders students in southern China against north

China autonomy movement 80: F 7144/10/35

Denmark military weapons exports to China

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 Deportation

British subjects from China 41: F 5629/10/34; 76: F 1739/10/35

Soviet Union nationals from Manchukuo 37: F 1468/10/34

Diplomatic and consular services see also Diplomatic and consular services,

British Brazil in China, consul-general at Shanghai

35–36: F 950/10/34 China in

British Malaya 29: F 212/10/34; 39: F 2544/10/34

Burma, consul at Rangoon 8: F 38/10/34 Germany, diplomatic mission elevation to

embassy 62: F 115/10/35 Great Britain, diplomatic mission

elevation to embassy 62: F 115/10/35 Japan, diplomatic mission elevation to

embassy 62: F 115/10/35 Soviet Union, administration of

consulates near Sinkiang border 5: F 14/10/34

Turkey, legation 37: F 1157/10/34; 38: F 2200/10/34

U.S., diplomatic mission elevation to embassy 62: F 115/10/35

foreign in China, consular invoices for imports 41: F 5252/10/34

foreign in China, heads of diplomatic missions 30: F 253/10/34; 74: F 1076/10/35

foreign in Manchukuo, customs duties on goods for 53: F 31/10/35

France in China, consul at Canton 34: F 811/10/34

Germany in China, diplomatic mission elevation to embassy 62: F 115/10/35

Greece in China, consul-general at Shanghai 37: F 1157/10/34

Italy in China, diplomatic mission elevation to embassy 42: F 5783/10/34

Japan in China consul at Yunnanfu 41: F 4924/10/34 diplomatic mission status

62: F 115/10/35 vice-consul at Nanking; disappearance

21: F 107/10/34 Japan in Hong Kong, registration of

officials 79: F 4009/10/35 Japan in Manchukuo

ambassador 3: F 10/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35

consular police 2: F 10/10/34 embassy 37: F 1232/10/34

Persia in China, consul at Shanghai 37: F 1157/10/34

Turkey in China, legation; establishment 38: F 2200/10/34

U.S. in China, consul-general at Mukden 41: F 4382/10/34

U.S. in China, diplomatic mission elevation to embassy 62: F 115/10/35

Diplomatic and consular services, British in China

acting consul at Dairen 2: F 10/10/34 air attaché 30: F 218/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 ambassador 80: F 5708/10/35 business assistance and protection

28: F 202/10/34; 33: F 501/10/34; 40: F 3798/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35; 77: F 2266/10/35, F 2267/10/35

Chinese counsellor 50–51: F 14/10/35 commercial counsellor 37: F 1395/10/34 commercial diplomatic secretaries at

Peking and Shanghai 78: F 3524/10/35 consular identifying documents for British

arms firms 73: F 745/10/35 consular medical reports

38: F 2188/10/34 consular political and intelligence reports

14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35 consular reports on slavery

34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 consulate at Urumchi, proposed

6: F 14/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35 consulate-general at Kashgar

5–6: F 14/10/34; 78: F 3269/10/35 consul at Tengyueh 11: F 45/10/34;

56: F 63/10/35

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Diplomatic and consular services, British cont.

in China cont. consul-general at Chungking

41: F 5232/10/34 consul-general at Hankow

22: F 127/10/34 consul-general at Kashgar 5: F 14/10/34;

28: F 211/10/34 consul-general at Shanghai

33: F 683/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35 cooperation with Hong Kong and British

Malayan governments 69: F 430/10/35 diplomatic correspondence, use of

“Peiping” for Peking 74: F 1246/10/35 diplomatic mission status

42: F 5783/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35; 62: F 115/10/35; 72: F 720/10/35

military attaché 3: F 10/10/34; 26: F 150/10/34; 52: F 19/10/35; 61: F 103/10/35

minister 27: F 170/10/34; 33: F 473/10/34; 72: F 720/10/35

Peking legation/embassy, annual report 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Peking legation/embassy, financial adviser 44–47: F 6/10/35

Peking legation/embassy, report on leading personalities in China 39: F 2385/10/34; 75: F 1476/10/35

student interpreters 41: F 4915/10/34 vice-consul at Hankow 41: F 5625/10/34 vice-consul at Kashgar 50: F 14/10/35

in Japan, military attaché 2: F 10/10/34 in Manchukuo

consular reports on trademark registration 7: F 18/10/34

consul-general at Mukden 58–59: F 73/10/35; 71: F 536/10/35

vice-consul at Dairen 38: F 1534/10/34 vice-consul at Mukden 41: F 5395/10/34

in Tibet Trade Agency at Gyantse, annual report

39: F 3209/10/34; 79: F 3820/10/35 Trade Agency at Yatung, annual report

40: F 3399/10/34; 78: F 3519/10/35 trade agents, extraterritorial jurisdiction

23: F 137/10/34; 49: F 12/10/35

Disasters floods, northern Manchukuo

39: F 2511/10/34 floods, Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

79: F 4297/10/35 Dominican Republic

foreign trade with China 77: F 2308/10/35 Economic and industrial development

general 11: F 42/10/34; 59: F 77/10/35 Kwangsi Province 21: F 117/10/34;

60–61: F 84/10/35 Kwangtung Province 59: F 77/10/35 League of Nations technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34; 73: F 982/10/35 Manchukuo

France development 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

general 2: F 10/10/34 Hsingan Province industrial resources

26: F 150/10/34 Mongolia, German development

80: F 5333/10/35 Mongolia, Japanese development

80: F 5645/10/35 North China, South Manchuria Railway

subsidiary development 62: F 119/10/35 Shensi Province 59: F 77/10/35 Szechuan Province 40: F 3389/10/34;

72: F 619/10/35 Yunnan Province 74: F 1208/10/35

Economic conditions see also Economic and industrial

development see also Money general 3: F 11/10/34; 59: F 77/10/35;

73: F 986/10/35; 79: F 4589/10/35 Hankow 80: F 7790/10/35 Harbin 2: F 10/10/34 Kwangtung Province 38: F 2346/10/34;

59: F 77/10/35 Manchukuo

general 2: F 10/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Hailar 2: F 10/10/34 Jehol Province 3: F 10/10/34

Mukden 2–3: F 10/10/34 North China

autonomy movement crisis 80: F 7144/10/35

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general 3: F 11/10/34 Japan economic aims 71: F 553/10/35

Sinkiang 49–50: F 14/10/35; 4–6: F 14/10/34

Tientsin 80: F 7790/10/35 Education

see also Languages adult education in China 15: F 73/10/34 Anglo-Chinese College at Swatow

22: F 135/10/34; 69: F 421/10/35 armed forces, China 42: F 5838/10/34;

61: F 103/10/35 British Malaya, Chinese schools

29–30: F 212/10/34; 42: F 6283/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35; 77: F 2242/10/35

British textbooks in China 77: F 2359/10/35 China government policy 15: F 73/10/34 Great Britain, Chinese students funded

from Boxer Indemnity 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

Hong Kong University, scholarships to Yunnanese students 42: F 5830/10/34

Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 League of Nations technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34 Manchukuo

Continental Institute of Sciences 78: F 2826/10/35

general 76: F 1774/10/35 missionary, requirement of observance of

Confucius birthday 80: F 6303/10/35 State Higher School 42: F 5820/10/34 training of Mongolian cavalry

41: F 4252/10/34 missionaries, British in China; registration

of schools 77: F 2254/10/35 naval forces, China 33: F 495/10/34;

43: F 2/10/35 private schools 15: F 73/10/34 regulations, Law on Conferment of

Academic Degrees 77: F 2254/10/35 Shantung Province, mission to Europe

15: F 73/10/34 students abroad, handbook

77: F 2254/10/35 El Salvador

foreign relations with Manchukuo 22: F 126/10/34

Employment and unemployment see also Strikes Canton-Hankow Railway, British engineer

38: F 2105/10/34 Maritime Customs Service, employment of

foreigners and Chinese 26: F 158/10/34; 69: F 361/10/35

naval colleges, foreign naval officers 33: F 495/10/34

police, Hong Kong and Shanghai 22: F 124/10/34

railroads, British employees 40: F 3302/10/34

Salt Administration 42: F 7116/10/34; 78: F 3179/10/35

ships and shipping, pilots 58: F 73/10/35 Yunnan Tin Corporation, British employees

41: F 5177/10/34 Europe

see Austria see Belgium see Czechoslovakia see Denmark see France see Germany see Great Britain see Greece see Italy see Netherlands see Norway see Poland see Portugal see Soviet Union see Spain see Sweden see Switzerland see Turkey

Extraterritoriality British in China 21: F 117/10/34;

39: F 2468/10/34 British in Manchukuo

cigarette control law 43: F 4/10/35 taxation 80: F 6050/10/35 violation 28: F 181/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35;

66: F 282/10/35; 79: F 4498/10/35 British in Tibet, trade agent jurisdiction

23: F 137/10/34; 49: F 12/10/35 foreign in China, study of abolition

79: F 4404/10/35

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Extraterritoriality cont. Japan in Manchukuo 37: F 1465/10/34 Manchukuo, general 2: F 10/10/34;

71: F 536/10/35 Finance

see also Economic and industrial development

see also Economic conditions see also Foreign exchange see also Foreign investments see also Loans and grants see also Money Canton, conditions 41: F 5379/10/34 Canton, construction of iron and steel

works 38–39: F 2346/10/34 China government, general 13: F 68/10/34 China Merchants Steam Navigation

Company 33: F 497/10/34; 76: F 1526/10/35

general 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35; 79: F 4589/10/35

Hankow, conditions 80: F 7790/10/35 Kwangsi Province 13: F 68/10/34;

41: F 5182/10/34 League of Nations, technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34 Manchukuo, general 76: F 1774/10/35 Manchukuo government

25–26: F 145/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 72: F 675/10/35

National Finance Conference at Nanking, Second 13: F 68/10/34

North China autonomy movement crisis 80: F 7144/10/35

reorganization in China 13: F 68/10/34; 43–47: F 6/10/35

South Manchuria Railway 62: F 119/10/35 Tientsin, conditions 80: F 7790/10/35 Weihaiwei, conditions 18: F 88/10/34 Yunnan Province 13: F 68/10/34

Financial institutions Bank of Canton, redemption of banknotes

32: F 470/10/34 Bank of China, balance sheet 45: F 6/10/35 Banque Franco-Asiatique, closing at

Harbin 72: F 675/10/35 Banque Industrielle de Chine, annual

meeting 40: F 3476/10/34 British, finance of Canton steel works

39: F 2346/10/34

British, gold credits to China during monetary crisis in exchange for silver 35: F 942/10/34

British and Dominions Mercantile Bank, registration in Manchukuo 72: F 675/10/35

British and Dominion Trade Bank, branch in Manchukuo 26: F 145/10/34

British in China, position during monetary crisis 35: F 942/10/34

British in China, silver reserves at Shanghai 44: F 6/10/35

British in Outer Mongolia, difficulties in collecting debts 33: F 646/10/34

British Manchurian Investment and Trading Company 72: F 675/10/35

Central Bank of China, reconstruction 46–47: F 6/10/35

Central Bank of Manchukuo, note redemption 25: F 145/10/34

Central Trust of China 80: F 8036/10/35 Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and

China, business in Manchukuo 72: F 675/10/35

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, currency circulation in China 32: F 470/10/34

Chinese Savings Bank 13: F 68/10/34 foreign in Manchukuo, compliance with

Manchukuo Banking Law 25–26: F 145/10/34

Four Power Banking Consortium 36: F 1096/10/34

general 45: F 6/10/35 Hong Kong, loan to Kwangtung Province

for currency 27: F 169/10/34 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Corporation business in Manchukuo 72: F 675/10/35 China government silver reserves

80: F 7660/10/35 currency circulation in China

32: F 470/10/34 currency reorganization loan to China

43–44: F 6/10/35 foreclosure and sale of Sung Sing

Spinning and Weaving Company cotton mill at Shanghai 77: F 2264/10/35

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Kwangtung Province, promotion of industry 59: F 77/10/35

Manchukuo Central Bank 26: F 145/10/34;

72: F 675/10/35 general 71: F 536/10/35 regulations 25–26: F 145/10/34;

72: F 675/10/35 Mercantile Bank of India, release of surplus

silver 44: F 6/10/35 National Commercial and Savings Bank,

redemption of banknotes 32: F 470/10/34 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation

7: F 35/10/34 reorganization in China 44: F 6/10/35 Russo-Asiatic Bank

claim against by Chinese government 42: F 5895/10/34

claim against Soviet Union for sale of Chinese Eastern Railway 76: F 1861/10/35

claim to ownership of Chinese Eastern Railway 26: F 151/10/34

U.S. Thriftcorp Bank, closing at Harbin 72: F 675/10/35

Young Brothers Banking Corporation 40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35

Food and food industry see also Beverages and beverage industry grain, Japanese; storage 31: F 419/10/34 salt, control in Fukien and Kiangsi

Provinces 42: F 6702/10/34 sugar

China imports 33: F 509/10/34; 42: F 6851/10/34; 75: F 1458/10/35

Japan exports to China 75: F 1458/10/35 Kwangtung provincial monopoly and

Java imports 75: F 1458/10/35 refineries 39: F 2359/10/34;

40: F 4011/10/34 regulations on manufacture in

Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34 Foreign exchange

British sterling with Chinese silver dollar, British losses in liquidating claims 60: F 78/10/35

Manchukuo 72: F 675/10/35 regulations 13: F 68/10/34 restriction during monetary crisis

35: F 942/10/34

Foreign investments in China 13: F 68/10/34 in Manchukuo

Belgium 27: F 164/10/34 France 53–54: F 32/10/35 Japan 3: F 10/10/34

Foreign relations British with

China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Japan 19–21: F 107/10/34; 44–45: F 6/10/35

Manchukuo 22: F 126/10/34 China with

Belgium 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Bhutan 24: F 137/10/34 British colonies 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 France 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Germany 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Great Britain 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Greece 37: F 1157/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Italy 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Japan 19–21: F 107/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35; 73: F 986/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Manchukuo 74: F 1093/10/35 Nepal 24: F 137/10/34 Netherlands 37: F 1261/10/34;

38: F 1914/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Persia 37: F 1157/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Soviet Union 28: F 203/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Tibet 22–24: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35

Turkey 37: F 1157/10/34; 38: F 2200/10/34; 66: F 235/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

United States 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Japan with Soviet Union 2–3: F 10/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34

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Foreign relations cont. Manchukuo

with El Salvador 22: F 126/10/34 general 2: F 10/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 with Germany 78: F 3589/10/35 international recognition 3: F 10/10/34;

9: F 41/10/34; 22: F 126/10/34; 74: F 1093/10/35

monarchy establishment 34: F 792/10/34 with Outer Mongolia, border disputes

69–70: F 437/10/35 with Siam 74: F 1093/10/35 with Soviet Union 37–38: F 1468/10/34 with United States 22: F 126/10/34

Nepal with Tibet 24: F 137/10/34 Foreign settlements

see also Shanghai International Settlement Kulangsu, Mixed Court abolition

37: F 1229/10/34 Kulangsu, Municipal Council

39: F 3214/10/34; 76: F 2077/10/35 Shanghai, French Concession; land

ownership and rights 76: F 2181/10/35 Shanghai, French Concession; national

status 38: F 1702/10/34 taxation, Chinese 34: F 749/10/34 Tientsin, British Municipal Area

40: F 3613/10/34; 79: F 4141/10/35 Foreign trade

see also Foreign exchange aircraft imports, regulations

65: F 202/10/35 balance of trade, monetary crisis

35: F 942/10/34 British with China

competition with Japan 56: F 61/10/35; 60–61: F 84/10/35

exports 60–61: F 84/10/35 general 21–22: F 117/10/34 military weapons 6: F 15/10/34;

73: F 745/10/35 tariff revision impact 18–19: F 101/10/34 treaties 21–22: F 117/10/34

British with Japan, development 27: F 164/10/34

British with Kwangtung Province 78: F 2774/10/35

British with Manchukuo, general 27: F 164/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 56: F 61/10/35

Burma with China 11: F 45/10/34 Burma with Yunnan Province

56: F 63/10/35 colonies, British; agricultural exports to

China 18–19: F 101/10/34 colonies, British; import quota system for

Chinese imports 21: F 117/10/34 Dominican Republic with China

77: F 2308/10/35 exports, exemption of Chinese goods from

export duty 61: F 84/10/35 export tariffs, revision 61: F 112/10/35 foreign with China

aircraft 56: F 60/10/35 cotton 40: F 3371/10/34 dumping tax 38: F 2234/10/34 foreign consular invoices for imports

41: F 5252/10/34 general 59: F 77/10/35; 79: F 4589/10/35 liquid chlorine gas 56: F 60/10/35 military weapons 56: F 60/10/35;

73: F 745/10/35 radio import restrictions 74: F 1182/10/35 sugar import monopoly 42: F 6851/10/34;

75: F 1458/10/35 foreign with Manchukuo, military weapons

40: F 4094/10/34 foreign with Manchukuo, petroleum

24–25: F 142/10/34 Formosa with China, petroleum

74: F 1126/10/35 French Indochina with China, commercial

treaty 32: F 463/10/34; 78: F 2925/10/35 general 3: F 11/10/34; 34: F 893/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Germany

with China 77: F 2492/10/35 with Inner Mongolia 80: F 5333/10/35 with Japan 27: F 164/10/34 with Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34;

78: F 3589/10/35 Guatemala with China 77: F 2308/10/35 Hankow 34: F 893/10/34;

79: F 3928/10/35; 80: F 7790/10/35

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Hong Kong with Canton 78: F 3530/10/35 with China 59: F 77/10/35 trade commission 34: F 820/10/34

imports, marking with country of manufacture 18–19: F 101/10/34

import tariffs, cotton 61: F 112/10/35 import tariffs, revision 18–19: F 101/10/34;

61: F 112/10/35 India with China, silk 21: F 117/10/34;

61: F 84/10/35 India with Sinkiang 39: F 2574/10/34;

50–51: F 14/10/35; 62: F 173/10/35 Japan with China 19: F 107/10/34;

59: F 77/10/35; 60–61: F 84/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35; 75: F 1458/10/35

Japan with Kwangsi Province, aircraft 56: F 60/10/35

Japan with Manchukuo 38: F 1534/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34;

61: F 84/10/35 Kwangtung Province 59: F 77/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory with Japan

53: F 31/10/35 Manchukuo

with China, grain 18: F 101/10/34 discrimination in favor of Japanese

imports 33: F 741/10/34 general 2: F 10/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35, F 2087/10/35

import tariffs 33: F 741/10/34 Netherlands East Indies with China

75: F 1458/10/35 Peru with China 77: F 2308/10/35 Sinkiang 28: F 211/10/34 South Africa with China 59: F 77/10/35 Soviet Union with Manchukuo and Japan,

payment for Chinese Eastern Railway 54: F 34/10/35

Szechuan Province 41: F 5625/10/34 Tibet

with China, transit of goods through India 49: F 12/10/35

general 39: F 3209/10/34; 78: F 3519/10/35; 79: F 3820/10/35

with India 40: F 3399/10/34 Tientsin 80: F 7790/10/35 tungsten, exports 32: F 464/10/34;

80: F 5703/10/35

U.S. with China, agricultural exports 33: F 509/10/34; 72: F 637/10/35

U.S. with China, treaties 21: F 117/10/34 Yunnan Province 41: F 5625/10/34

Forests and forestry Manchukuo 40: F 4078/10/34 regulations 76: F 1859/10/35

Formosa petroleum and petroleum industry

74: F 1126/10/35 France

see also Armed forces, France see also French Indochina aircraft sales to China 30: F 218/10/34 arts and culture, La Croisiére Jaune (film)

39: F 2348/10/34 concession at Shanghai, national status

38: F 1702/10/34 diplomatic mission to China, policy

42: F 5783/10/34 economic and industrial development in

Manchukuo 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

foreign relations with China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

loans to China during monetary crisis, policy 44–45: F 6/10/35

military weapons exports to China 6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35

visit of Chinese military mission 62: F 137/10/35

French Indochina foreign trade with China 32: F 463/10/34;

78: F 2925/10/35 Paracel Islands, strategic importance

38: F 2040/10/34 Fukien Province

boycotts, New Life Movement against British tobacco and fertilizers 41: F 4157/10/34

business and industry, British; safety during Fukien Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34

crime and criminals, bandit activity 2: F 3/10/34

customs revenue during Fukien Rebellion 26: F 158/10/34

food and food industry, control of salt 42: F 6702/10/34

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Japan, interests and influence 41: F 5379/10/34

Fukien Province cont. missionaries, British; safety during Fukien

Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34 missionaries, protection for 22: F 135/10/34 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

1–2: F 3/10/34; 17: F 86/10/34 petroleum and petroleum industry

Asiatic Petroleum Company land lease at Sungsu 26: F 152/10/34

Japan imports, discrimination in favor of 74: F 1126/10/35

kerosene control 42: F 6702/10/34 political conditions, Fukien Rebellion

1: F 3/10/34 taxation, foreign petroleum products

16: F 75/10/34; 74: F 1126/10/35 taxation, rice imports 19: F 101/10/34

Germany see also Armed forces, Germany aircraft sales to China 30: F 218/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 business and industry in China

39: F 2359/10/34; 80: F 5703/10/35 diplomatic representation in China, policy

62: F 115/10/35 foreign advisers to Chinese government

34: F 771/10/34 foreign relations with China

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 foreign relations with Manchukuo

78: F 3589/10/35 foreign trade

with China 77: F 2492/10/35 with Inner Mongolia 80: F 5333/10/35 with Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34;

78: F 3589/10/35 military weapons exports to Kwangsi

Province 56: F 60/10/35 military weapons in Chinese arsenals

80: F 6292/10/35 railroad construction in China 4: F 13/10/34 visits, Chinese missions 21: F 117/10/34;

41: F 4769/10/34 visits, Hu Han-min 78: F 3557/10/35

Government appointments central government 1–2: F 3/10/34;

69: F 427/10/35 foreign advisers

British adviser to minister of finance 22: F 127/10/34

British agricultural adviser 57: F 67/10/35 British naval adviser 33: F 495/10/34;

43: F 2/10/35 British railroad adviser 47–48: F 10/10/35 German advisers 34: F 771/10/34 U.S. adviser for road construction

30: F 269/10/34 Hopei Province, governor 80: F 7144/10/35 provincial governments 69: F 427/10/35

Government revenue see also Taxation customs 26: F 158/10/34;

45–46: F 6/10/35; 61: F 112/10/35 customs, Hopei Province; during north

China autonomy crisis 80: F 7144/10/35 general 13: F 68/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Manchukuo 25–26: F 145/10/34;

72: F 675/10/35 Ministry of Finance, annual reports

45: F 6/10/35 salt, Hopei Province; during north China

autonomy crisis 80: F 7144/10/35 salt, payment of Anglo-French Loan of

1908 42: F 7116/10/34 Government spending

Ministry of Finance, annual reports 45: F 6/10/35

Great Britain see also Armed forces, British see also British government see also British policy see also Colonies, British see also Naval forces, British aircraft sales to China 30: F 218/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 arts and culture, Chinese theater in London

41: F 5544/10/34 communications, radio; with China

31: F 319/10/34 education, Chinese students from Boxer

Indemnity funds 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

education, training of Chinese naval officers 33: F 495/10/34; 43: F 2/10/35

foreign trade

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with China 18–19: F 101/10/34; 40: F 3371/10/34; 60–61: F 84/10/35; 78: F 3364/10/35

with Japan, development 27: F 164/10/34 with Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34 postal service, mail to China 9: F 41/10/34 press, Communist Chinese

73: F 907/10/35 press, Japan interests and influence in

China 20: F 107/10/34 subjects

in China, general 5: F 14/10/34; 30: F 241/10/34; 31: F 388/10/34, F 450/10/34; 32: F 469/10/34; 38: F 2105/10/34; 40: F 3302/10/34; 41: F 5629/10/34; 42: F 7452/10/34; 73: F 823/10/35; 77: F 2555/10/35

in China, Shanghai 35–36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

claims against Chinese government 6: F 14/10/34; 17: F 84/10/34; 37: F 1208/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35; 56: F 62/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35

claims against Japan 65: F 215/10/35 in Manchukuo 28: F 181/10/34;

66: F 282/10/35 in Sinkiang, neutrality during Sinkiang

Rebellion 5: F 14/10/34 in Tibet 23: F 137/10/34

visits director of Engineering Department,

Chinese Ministry of Railways 39: F 3188/10/34

Hu Han-min 78: F 3557/10/35 missions, Chinese 21: F 117/10/34;

30: F 218/10/34; 41: F 4769/10/34; 62: F 137/10/35; 78: F 2774/10/35

Greece foreign relations with China

37: F 1157/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Guatemala

foreign trade with China 77: F 2308/10/35 Hankow

armed forces, China; dismissal of garrison commander 71: F 553/10/35

Blue Shirt movement 16: F 81/10/34 British Chamber of Commerce, annual

meeting 40: F 3790/10/34; 79: F 3928/10/35

disasters, floods 79: F 4297/10/35 foreign trade 34: F 893/10/34;

79: F 3928/10/35 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 land ownership and rights, registration of

land leases to foreigners 32: F 460/10/34; 57: F 70/10/35

military bases and installations, arsenal 80: F 6292/10/35

political conditions, general 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

ships and shipping, pilotage 12–13: F 59/10/34

Special Administrative District No. 3 (former British Concession), administration 39: F 2822/10/34; 78: F 3362/10/35

Special Administrative District No. 3 (former British Concession), Crown Leases 34: F 750/10/34; 61: F 109/10/35

taxation, land 34: F 750/10/34; 57: F 70/10/35

Harbin business and industry, plywood factory

mortgage 41: F 4362/10/34 claims against Manchurian Goldfields

Limited 79: F 4082/10/35 crime and criminals, murder of British

subject 78: F 3569/10/35 crime and criminals, murder of French

national 11: F 51/10/34; 73: F 752/10/35 deportation of Soviet Union nationals

37: F 1468/10/34 economic conditions 2: F 10/10/34 financial institutions, banking crisis

72: F 675/10/35 Manchukuo Air Defense Association,

foreign business contributions 78: F 3504/10/35

police, forced entry and arrests on property of U.S. and British firms 80: F 5872/10/35

political conditions 2: F 10/10/34; 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–67: F 298/10/35

public works, waterworks loan from Japan 25–26: F 145/10/34

social conditions, Russian anti-Semitism 11: F 51/10/34

taxation, household 80: F 6050/10/35 visit of emperor of Manchukuo

80: F 5393/10/35

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Harbors and ports Amoy, harbor regulations 80: F 5995/10/35 Amoy, perpetual lease of wharves

58: F 70/10/35 Harbors and ports cont.

British, entry of Manchukuo ships 36: F 981/10/34

Canton, use by British shipping 12–13: F 59/10/34; 37: F 1225/10/34

Chefoo, improvement 42: F 6090/10/34 general 75: F 1482/10/35 Kiangsu Province, Laoyao 73: F 821/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34 Liao River, conservancy work 7: F 20/10/34 Macao, inland port 72–73: F 727/10/35 Manchukuo, development 51: F 16/10/35 regulations, wharf-boats licensing and

registration 12: F 59/10/34 Shanghai

China Merchants Steam Navigation Company wharves 33: F 497/10/34; 76: F 1526/10/35

foreshore 76: F 2181/10/35 League of Nations technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34 ships and shipping, pilotage

12–13: F 59/10/34; 58–59: F 73/10/35 Tientsin, improvement

36–37: F 1145/10/34; 78: F 3479/10/35 Tsingtao, dry dock 13: F 59/10/34 Weihaiwei, British Royal Navy lease

74: F 1219/10/35 Health conditions

see also Health facilities and services British consular reports 38: F 2188/10/34 Kowloon, Hong Kong expropriation of

property 36: F 1099/10/34; 79: F 4264/10/35

Yunnan Province 38: F 2188/10/34; 41: F 5575/10/34

Health facilities and services armed forces, China; reorganization

61: F 103/10/35 foreign doctors and hospitals in China,

registration 39: F 3271/10/34; 73: F 818/10/35

League of Nations technical assistance 17: F 85/10/34; 73: F 982/10/35

Nanking 38: F 2232/10/34

Peking Union Medical College, examination of Chiang Kai-shek 42: F 6119/10/34

regulations, hypodermic syringes 76: F 1842/10/35

regulations, registration of patent medicines 79: F 4402/10/35

Yunnan Province, League of Nations health adviser investigation 80: F 8123/10/35

Honan Province Chenghsien (Chengchow), opening to

foreign trade 40: F 3615/10/34 mines and mineral industries, Chung Fu

Joint Mining Administration 31: F 403/10/34; 62: F 139/10/35

Nationalist-Communist military conflict 52: F 19/10/35

political conditions 1: F 3/10/34 railroads, freight rates 31: F 403/10/34 roads 65: F 199/10/35 Tao-Ching Railway, freight rates

62: F 139/10/35 tobacco and tobacco industry, destruction

of British tobacco stocks 62: F 140/10/35 Hong Kong

armed forces, British; fortifications 38: F 1813/10/34

British Empire Fair 41: F 4295/10/34 business and industry, regulations

37: F 1272/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35; 80: F 5627/10/35

communications, British telegrams; censorship by Chinese authorities 31: F 319/10/34

communications, radio and telephone 42: F 6641/10/34

Communism, propaganda and subversive activity 41: F 4873/10/34

customs agreement with China 28: F 191/10/34

diplomatic and consular services, Japan; failure to register under Registration of Persons Ordinance 79: F 4009/10/35

education, Hong Kong University scholarships to Yunnanese students 42: F 5830/10/34

expropriation of property at Kowloon 36: F 1099/10/34; 79: F 4264/10/35

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financial institutions, loan to Kwangtung Province for currency stabilization 27: F 169/10/34

foreign relations with Kwangtung Province 78: F 3530/10/35

foreign trade with Canton 78: F 3530/10/35 foreign trade with China 59: F 77/10/35 government, cooperation with British

legation at Peking 69: F 430/10/35 grain and ether storage, Japanese

31: F 419/10/34 jurisdiction over Kowloon and New

Territories 36: F 1099/10/34; 79: F 4264/10/35

Kuomintang activity 69: F 430/10/35 labor conditions, mui-tsai system

34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 marine surveyor, appointment at Shanghai

12: F 59/10/34 military weapons, transit through to China

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 military weapons exports to China

56: F 60/10/35; 69: F 430/10/35 money, currency status 45–46: F 6/10/35 naval forces, British; antipiracy patrols

30: F 275/10/34; 63: F 176/10/35 naval forces, British; situation reports

28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35 police, employment 22: F 124/10/34 police, Special Branch of Criminal

Investigation Department for counterespionage 80: F 6062/10/35

press, Chinese political situation 69: F 427/10/35

printing and publishing, banknotes for China 33: F 598/10/34

railroads, Canton-Kowloon Railway 32: F 465/10/34; 47: F 10/10/35

regulations, Public Reclamations Validation and Clauses Ordinance 80: F 5912/10/35

regulations, registration of non-Chinese aliens 41: F 4873/10/34

ships and shipping, opium smuggling 66: F 221/10/35

silver, purchase by United States 46: F 6/10/35

smuggling, Chinese silver during monetary crisis 43–46: F 6/10/35

smuggling, military weapons to China 56: F 60/10/35

social conditions, mui-tsai system 34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35

trade commission 34: F 820/10/34 visit of Queensland trade mission

34: F 820/10/34 Hopei Province

agriculture, cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 armed forces, China 20: F 107/10/34;

70: F 482/10/35 border with Manchukuo, alleged Chinese

military provocations 70: F 482/10/35 crime and criminals, brigandage

1: F 3/10/34 crime and criminals, murder

21: F 107/10/34 government and military appointments,

Japanese approval 70: F 482/10/35 intelligence services, Japan

20: F 107/10/34 Japan interests and influence

19: F 103/10/34 mines and mineral industries, Kailan

Mining Administration 18: F 92/10/34; 59: F 76/10/35

organizations and associations, anti-Japanese; suppression 70–71: F 482/10/35

political conditions, North China autonomy movement 1: F 3/10/34; 70–71: F 482/10/35; 79: F 4210/10/35; 80: F 7144/10/35

provincial government, transfer to Paotingfu 70: F 482/10/35

Shanhaikuan, Maritime Customs Service operations 79: F 5148/10/35

strikes, Kailan Mining Administration mines 59: F 76/10/35

Tangku, Japanese military claim to land registered to British subjects 80: F 7999/10/35

Hunan Province armed forces, China Communist

17: F 86/10/34 crime and criminals, bandit suppression

areas 51: F 19/10/35 mines and mineral industries, antimony

73: F 761/10/35 missionaries, capture by Communists

52–53: F 19/10/35

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Nationalist-Communist military conflict 51–53: F 19/10/35

Hunan Province cont. political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

69: F 427/10/35 roads 30: F 269/10/34; 65: F 199/10/35

Hupei Province agriculture, cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 chemicals and chemical industries,

monopolies 40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35

Kinshui River, land reclamation 79: F 3809/10/35

loans, Hupei Provincial Reconstruction Loan 43: F 6/10/35

Nationalist-Communist military conflict 51–53: F 19/10/35

roads 30: F 269/10/34 taxation, agricultural exports

34: F 749/10/34 Immigration and emigration

see also Citizenship and naturalization see also Deportation see also Refugees British Malaya, Chinese immigration

29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35; 69: F 430/10/35

Hong Kong, registration of non-Chinese aliens 41: F 4873/10/34

laborers, emigration from China; regulations 54: F 46/10/35

Manchukuo, immigration general 2: F 10/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35 Japanese 2–3: F 10/10/34 laborers, Chinese and Korean

73: F 882/10/35 policy 76: F 1774/10/35 White Russian 80: F 6552/10/35

India see also Bhutan see also Burma see also India government see also Nepal see also Sikkim border with Tibet, United Provinces

40: F 3555/10/34; 78: F 3518/10/35 communications, radio; with China

17: F 83/10/34; 31: F 319/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

foreign trade with China, tariff on Chinese silk imports 21: F 117/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35

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foreign trade with Sinkiang 39: F 2574/10/34; 50–51: F 14/10/35; 62: F 173/10/35

Hunza, claim to by Sinkiang 79: F 4879/10/35

Hunza, mir of; annual gift to Chinese government 42: F 6869/10/34

Indian Medical Service 61: F 103/10/35 roads, India-Tibet 40: F 3821/10/34;

48: F 12/10/35 subjects in China, prisoners

35: F 949/10/34 taxation, export duty on liquor

79: F 4273/10/35 transit of goods from Tibet for China

49: F 12/10/35 India government

British political officer in Sikkim, visit to Tibet 22: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35

Sinkiang policy 4: F 14/10/34 telegrams to British ambassador to China

80: F 5708/10/35 Tibet policy 22: F 137/10/34

Insurance British companies in China

41: F 4676/10/34; 65: F 204/10/35; 77: F 2555/10/35

British companies in Manchukuo 27: F 164/10/34; 41: F 5489/10/34; 74: F 1131/10/35

foreign companies in China, discrimination against 65: F 204/10/35

Guaranty Underwriters, legal action against 77: F 2267/10/35

Japan in Manchukuo 41: F 5489/10/34; 74: F 1131/10/35

Kwangtung Province, regulations on bilingual policies 65: F 204/10/35

Manchukuo, government monopoly 42: F 7069/10/34

Manchukuo, taxation 77: F 2409/10/35 regulations, Insurance Business Law

41: F 4676/10/34 Tsinan, regulations on fire insurance claims

41: F 5202/10/34 Intelligence services

Japan Hong Kong 80: F 6062/10/35 north China 20: F 107/10/34;

41: F 5631/10/34

Sinkiang 62: F 173/10/35 Yunnan Province 41: F 5631/10/34

Soviet Union, activity in Yunnan Province 41: F 5631/10/34

Iron and steel industry British, exports to China

18–19: F 101/10/34 Canton, construction of works

38–39: F 2346/10/34; 61: F 110/10/35 Germany, construction of works in China

39: F 2663/10/34 Showa Steel Works, construction at

Anshan 26: F 160/10/34 Italy

see also Air forces, Italy see also Armed forces, Italy see also Naval forces, Italy aircraft sales to China 30: F 218/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 communications, radio; with China

74: F 1182/10/35 foreign relations with China

37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 military weapons exports to China, policy

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 visit of Chinese military and civil

transportation and communications mission 41: F 4769/10/34

Japan see also Armed forces, Japan see also Formosa see also Korea see also Kwantung Leased Territory see also Naval forces, Japan aircraft exports to Kwangsi Province

6: F 15/10/34 arrests and intimidation of Russian

Chinese Eastern Railway officials in Manchukuo 26: F 151/10/34

business and industry China 61: F 84/10/35; 75: F 1483/10/35 Macao 72–73: F 727/10/35 Manchukuo 38: F 1534/10/34;

56: F 61/10/35 Chiang Kai-shek, policy on 71: F 553/10/35 claims against, British 18: F 90/10/34;

65: F 215/10/35 communications, telephone service with

Manchukuo 9: F 41/10/34

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diplomatic representation in China 42: F 5783/10/34; 62: F 115/10/35

economic competition with Great Britain 60–61: F 84/10/35

economic relations with Manchukuo 71: F 536/10/35

emigration to Manchukuo 2–3: F 10/10/34 emperor, Chinese press attacks on

71: F 553/10/35 extraterritoriality in Manchukuo, abolition

37: F 1465/10/34; 73: F 740/10/35 foreign relations 2–3: F 10/10/34;

19–21: F 107/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34; 44–45: F 6/10/35; 51: F 16/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35; 73: F 986/10/35; 74: F 1093/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

foreign trade 27: F 164/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 40: F 3371/10/34; 53: F 31/10/35; 54: F 34/10/35; 59: F 77/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35; 75: F 1458/10/35; 78: F 3364/10/35

grain and ether storage at Hong Kong and Shanghai 31: F 419/10/34

intelligence activity Hong Kong 80: F 6062/10/35 north China 20: F 107/10/34;

41: F 5631/10/34 Sinkiang 62: F 173/10/35 Yunnan Province 41: F 5631/10/34

interests and influence in China, Shansi Province 26: F 150/10/34

interests and influence in China, southern China 41: F 5379/10/34

Kailan Mining Administration, efforts to gain control 59: F 76/10/35

League of Nations technical assistance to China, opposition 17: F 85/10/34

loans to China 44–47: F 6/10/35; 70: F 474/10/35

loans to Manchukuo 25–26: F 145/10/34 Manchukuo, policy and administration

2–3: F 10/10/34; 37: F 1465/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

military weapons, exports to China 6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “April 17 Declaration” 20–21: F 107/10/34

Japan cont. Ministry of War, reorganization of South

Manchuria Railway 62: F 119/10/35 Mongolia, interests and influence

2: F 10/10/34; 7: F 30/10/34; 19: F 103/10/34

Mongolia, policy 26: F 150/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35

nationals in China, Shanghai 35–36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

North China, policy 19: F 103/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35; 70–71: F 482/10/35; 80: F 7144/10/35

petroleum and petroleum industry, restriction of supply by foreign oil firms 25: F 142/10/34

postal service, money order agreement with Manchukuo 41: F 4888/10/34

press, Hong Kong fortifications 38: F 1813/10/34

press, Japan interests and influence in China 21: F 107/10/34

propaganda in Kwantung Leased Territory 38: F 1534/10/34

railroads Chinese Eastern Railway, purchase from

Soviet Union 26: F 151/10/34; 54: F 34/10/35

in Manchukuo, development 7: F 30/10/34

in Manchukuo, policy 24: F 140/10/34; 62: F 119/10/35

South Manchuria Railway, surrender of rights in railway zone 37: F 1465/10/34; 73: F 740/10/35

ships and shipping, policy on pilotage 58: F 73/10/35

stamp tax in China, policy on application to foreigners 77: F 2555/10/35

visits emperor of Manchukuo 22: F 126/10/34 Federation of British Industries

27: F 164/10/34 Johnston, Sir Reginald 79: F 3884/10/35 Mongolian “Living Buddha”

76: F 1713/10/35 U.S. professor of agriculture

40: F 4059/10/34

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Kansu Province armed forces, China Communist;

operations 52: F 19/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35

British travelers 30: F 241/10/34 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

53: F 19/10/35 roads 30: F 269/10/34

Kiangsi Province air forces, Italy 65: F 202/10/35 civil aviation, facilities 65: F 202/10/35 food and food industry, control of salt

42: F 6702/10/34 Kiangsi Soviet, establishment and

organization 17: F 86/10/34 Kuling Estate, land lease status

22: F 135/10/34; 69: F 421/10/35 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

1–2: F 3/10/34; 17: F 86/10/34; 51: F 19/10/35; 53: F 19/10/35

petroleum and petroleum industry, control of kerosene 42: F 6702/10/34; 76: F 2183/10/35

roads 30: F 269/10/34; 65: F 199/10/35 Kiangsu Province

chemicals and chemical industries, fertilizer taxation and control 39: F 3194/10/34

chemicals and chemical industries, monopolies 40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35

communications, telephone 76: F 2209/10/35

harbors and ports, Laoyao 73: F 821/10/35 Korea

border with Manchukuo 33: F 741/10/34 emigration to Manchukuo 73: F 882/10/35 nationals in China, arrests 34: F 811/10/34 nationals in China, would-be assassins

28: F 194/10/34 Kuomintang

British Malaya activity 29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35; 69: F 430/10/35

Central Executive Committee Conference 1–2: F 3/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35

Executive Council member Chang Chen, visit to Burma 8: F 38/10/34

Hong Kong activity 69: F 430/10/35 Southwest Kuomintang Council, abolition

1: F 3/10/34

Kwangsi Province agriculture 41: F 5182/10/34 aircraft and aircraft industry, general

41: F 5182/10/34 aircraft and aircraft industry, imports from

Japan 6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 air forces, provincial 41: F 5182/10/34;

52: F 19/10/35 armed forces, China Communist;

operations 17: F 86/10/34 armed forces, provincial 41: F 5182/10/34 business and industry 41: F 5182/10/34 civil aviation 41: F 5182/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 communications 41: F 5182/10/34 economic and industrial development

21: F 117/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35 education 41: F 5182/10/34 finance, situation 13: F 68/10/34;

41: F 5182/10/34 foreign trade 41: F 5182/10/34;

61: F 84/10/35 government revenues 41: F 5182/10/34 labor conditions 41: F 5182/10/34 maps 41: F 5182/10/34 military weapons, foreign imports

56: F 60/10/35 mines and mineral industries

41: F 5182/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

51–52: F 19/10/35 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

41: F 5182/10/34 railroads 41: F 5182/10/34 roads 41: F 5182/10/34 social conditions 41: F 5182/10/34

Kwangtung Province air forces, provincial 30: F 218/10/34 business and industry, Skoda Works

activities 39: F 2359/10/34 censorship, film 77: F 2558/10/35 chemical fertilizers, taxation and control

39: F 3194/10/34; 78: F 3151/10/35 conferences and conventions, judicial

reform 38: F 1900/10/34 conferences and conventions, military

leaders in southwest China 1–2: F 3/10/34

courts, judicial reform 38: F 1900/10/34

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economic and industrial development 59: F 77/10/35

economic conditions 38: F 2346/10/34; 59: F 77/10/35

financial institutions 59: F 77/10/35 foreign trade 59: F 77/10/35;

78: F 2774/10/35 government, relations with Hong Kong

78: F 3530/10/35 insurance 65: F 204/10/35 Japan interests and influence

41: F 5379/10/34 Kowloon, Hong Kong expropriation of

property 36: F 1099/10/34; 79: F 4264/10/35

loans 27: F 169/10/34; 39: F 2346/10/34 military weapons, foreign imports

56: F 60/10/35 military weapons, purchase 6: F 15/10/34 mines and mineral industries, development

61: F 84/10/35 mines and mineral industries, Kwangtung

Wolfram Monopoly 32: F 464/10/34; 80: F 5703/10/35

National Sales Product Company, marketing of goods monopolized by provincial government 42: F 6702/10/34

political conditions, general 1–2: F 3/10/34; 38: F 2346/10/34

sugar monopoly, imports from Netherlands East Indies 75: F 1458/10/35

taxation, foreign business and products 16: F 75/10/34; 74: F 1126/10/35

taxation, protective tariff 34: F 749/10/34 tobacco and tobacco industry, cigarette

control system and surtax 62: F 140/10/35

Kwantung Army antibandit operations 2: F 10/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34; 41: F 5364/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 70: F 482/10/35

appointments 2–3: F 10/10/34 bandit attack 38: F 1468/10/34 border with China; clashes with Chinese

troops 70: F 482/10/35 border with Mongolia; clashes with

Mongolian troops 26: F 150/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35

casualties 2: F 10/10/34 Chahar Province 71: F 482/10/35

Kwantung Army cont. claim to Tangku land registered to British

subjects 80: F 7999/10/35 commander-in-chief 3: F 10/10/34;

51: F 14/10/35 communications 2: F 10/10/34 conflict with civilian Japanese Manchukuo

administration 3: F 10/10/34 general 76: F 1774/10/35 Great Wall passes, control 1: F 3/10/34 Intelligence Branch at Harbin

41: F 5482/10/34 Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34 Mongolia incursions 70: F 437/10/35 Manchukuo-China border

70–71: F 482/10/35; 80: F 7144/10/35 movements in Manchukuo 2: F 10/10/34 North China policy 70–71: F 482/10/35;

80: F 7144/10/35 oversight of civil administration of

Manchukuo 51: F 16/10/35 South Manchuria Railway reorganization

24: F 140/10/34 strength and deployment 2–3: F 10/10/34;

51: F 16/10/35 Tangku Armistice neutral zone extension

70–71: F 482/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory

administration 38: F 1534/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

armed forces, Japan 38: F 1534/10/34 civil aviation 38: F 1534/10/34;

39: F 2829/10/34 Communism 38: F 1534/10/34 harbors and ports 38: F 1534/10/34 naval forces, Japan 38: F 1534/10/34 opium 38: F 1534/10/34 police, Japanese 37: F 1232/10/34 railroads 38: F 1534/10/34 roads 38: F 1534/10/34 smuggling, into Manchukuo

62: F 157/10/35 smuggling, Japanese antismuggling

operations 42: F 5947/10/34 taxation, foreign trade 53: F 31/10/35

Kweichow Province armed forces, China Communist;

operations 17: F 86/10/34; 51: F 19/10/35

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missionaries evacuation 2: F 3/10/34 kidnappings 31: F 388/10/34;

51–53: F 19/10/35 protection for 22: F 135/10/34

Nationalist-Communist military conflict 52–53: F 19/10/35

Labor conditions see also Employment and unemployment see also Labor unions see also Strikes see also Wages and salaries British American Tobacco Company

factories in China 16: F 74/10/34 British Malaya, Chinese laborers

63: F 189/10/35 conscription, regulations 54: F 46/10/35 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Manchukuo 71: F 536/10/35;

73: F 882/10/35 mui-tsai system in China 34: F 782/10/34;

54: F 48/10/35 regulations 38: F 1825/10/34;

78: F 3462/10/35 Shanghai, French Concession;

enforcement of Chinese regulations 36: F 1093/10/34

Shanghai International Settlement, enforcement of Chinese regulations 35–36: F 950/10/34; 36: F 1093/10/34; 78: F 3462/10/35

ships and shipping, British; labor disputes 38: F 1915/10/34

Yunnan Province, child slavery in tin mines 54: F 48/10/35

Yunnan Province, League of Nations health adviser investigation 80: F 8123/10/35

Labor unions Chinese Labor and Commercial Navigation

Cooperative Society 38: F 1917/10/34 Communist trade union organizers, hunger

strike at Nanking prison 31: F 323/10/34 Seamen’s Union, Canton 38: F 1915/10/34 Seamen’s Union, Weihaiwei 18: F 88/10/34

Land ownership and rights Amoy, perpetual lease of wharves

58: F 70/10/35

Antung, British frontage rights 2: F 10/10/34; 12–13: F 59/10/34; 73: F 885/10/35

British in China, expropriation by Chinese government 28: F 190/10/34; 61: F 85/10/35

British in China, perpetual lease registration 32: F 460/10/34; 57–58: F 70/10/35

British in Manchukuo, transfer of land from 40: F 3616/10/34

Canton British perpetual leases 57: F 70/10/35 Russian consulate (former), lease

31: F 420/10/34 Skoda Works lease in British Concession

39: F 2359/10/34 wharves 12–13: F 59/10/34;

37: F 1225/10/34 Crown Leases, former British concessions

in China 34: F 750/10/34; 61: F 109/10/35

foreigners in China, registration of leases 32: F 460/10/34; 57–58: F 70/10/35

Fukien Province, Asiatic Petroleum Company lease at Sungsu 26: F 152/10/34

Hankow, British claims for compensation for land taken 39: F 2822/10/34

Hankow, registration of land leases to foreigners 32: F 460/10/34; 57: F 70/10/35

Harbin, plywood factory mortgage 41: F 4362/10/34

Hong Kong, regulations 80: F 5912/10/35 Kailan Mining Administration, land trust in

Hopei Province 59: F 76/10/35 Kiukiang, registration of land leases to

foreigners 32: F 460/10/34 Kowloon, Hong Kong expropriation of

property 36: F 1099/10/34; 79: F 4264/10/35

Manchukuo land policy 3: F 10/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 Produce Export Company land lease at

Hailar 42: F 5795/10/34; 76: F 1679/10/35

real estate investment 53: F 32/10/35

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registration of foreign-leased land 42: F 6669/10/34; 57: F 68/10/35

missionaries in China, leases 22: F 135/10/34; 69: F 421/10/35

Nanking, registration of land leases to foreigners 57: F 70/10/35

regulations Land Expropriation Law 32: F 460/10/34 Land Law 57: F 70/10/35 public land disposal 41: F 4675/10/34

Shanghai land tax 32: F 460/10/34;

57–58: F 70/10/35 right to “shengko” foreshore of property

76: F 2181/10/35 Sino-British dispute over right to cotton

mill property 77: F 2264/10/35 Sinkiang, mir of Hunza grazing rights

42: F 6869/10/34; 79: F 4879/10/35 strategic zone at Chapu, expropriation of

land 41: F 5250/10/34 Swatow, Kakchioh foreshore reclamation

dispute 41: F 5055/10/34 Swatow, registration of land leases to

foreigners 57: F 70/10/35 Tangku, Japanese military claim to land

registered to British subjects 80: F 7999/10/35

Tsingtao, registration of land leases to foreigners 32: F 460/10/34

Weihaiwei, British Royal Navy lease of port facilities 74: F 1219/10/35

Weihaiwei, registration of land by British subjects 18: F 88/10/34; 32: F 460/10/34

Yunnan Province, real estate levy 73: F 829/10/35

Languages British interpreters in China

42: F 7452/10/34 insurance policies in Kwangtung Province,

bilingual 65: F 204/10/35 Latin America

see Cuba see Dominican Republic see El Salvador see Guatemala see Peru

League of Nations Anti-Slavery Committee, report on mui-tsai

in China 34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 chairman for Burma–Yunnan Province

frontier delimitation commission 8: F 38/10/34; 55: F 51/10/35

Educational Commission to China 15: F 73/10/34

health adviser, investigation of health, social, and labor conditions in Yunnan Province 80: F 8123/10/35

Lytton Commission members, attempted assassination 28: F 194/10/34

Manchukuo postal service transit charges 9: F 41/10/34

Manchukuo recognition, Advisory Committee recommendations 22: F 126/10/34

relations with China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Sino-Japanese Manchuria dispute, attitude 51: F 16/10/35

Sino-Japanese Manchuria dispute, committee 22: F 126/10/34

technical assistance to China 17: F 85/10/34; 73: F 982/10/35

Loans and grants Anglo-Chinese Finance and Trade

Corporation to Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration 31: F 403/10/34

Anglo-French Loan of 1908 42: F 7116/10/34

Anhwei Provincial Government Loan 9: F 39/10/34; 56: F 53/10/35

arrears, British claims against Chinese government 17: F 84/10/34; 56: F 53/10/35; 60: F 78/10/35

bank reorganization, bonds 44: F 6/10/35 British to China

currency reorganization 45–47: F 6/10/35 export credits 60–61: F 84/10/35 gold credits during monetary crisis

35: F 942/10/34 Chinese Government 8% Ten Year Sterling

Bills and Treasury Notes Issues of 1918 and 1919 (Marconi and Vickers loans), defaults 3: F 13/10/34; 47–48: F 10/10/35

Chinese Imperial Gold Loan, default 4: F 13/10/34

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Chinese Mining Finance Readjustment Committee Loan of 1935 80: F 6796/10/35

Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration, short-term loans 31: F 403/10/34; 62: F 139/10/35

domestic, flotation in Shanghai 44: F 6/10/35

foreign to China currency reorganization 43–45: F 6/10/35 interest on loans from Boxer Indemnity

funds 10–11: F 42/10/34 payment with Chinese Maritime Customs

revenues 26: F 158/10/34 proposed long-term loan 13: F 68/10/34

foreign to Kwangtung Province, construction of Canton steel works 39: F 2346/10/34

foreign to Manchukuo 26: F 145/10/34 foreign to provincial governments, central

government policy 13: F 68/10/34 Greater Shanghai Municipal Loan of 1934

41: F 5519/10/34 Hankow Improvement Loan Advance of

1916, defaults 9: F 39/10/34; 56: F 53/10/35

Honan 5% Loan of 1905, default 4: F 13/10/34

Hupei Provincial Reconstruction Loan 43: F 6/10/35

Japan to China 70: F 474/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35

Japan to Manchukuo, ¥10 Million First Manchurian Investment Enterprise Loan of 1934 25–26: F 145/10/34

Kwangtung Province, currency stabilization loan 27: F 169/10/34

Peking-Mukden Railway loans 24: F 141/10/34

railroads, British bondholders 46: F 6/10/35; 48: F 10/10/35

railroads, defaults 3–4: F 13/10/34; 32: F 465/10/34; 47: F 6/10/35; 47–48: F 10/10/35

Reorganization Loan of 1913; general 42: F 5895/10/34

Reorganization Loan of 1913; Russian Issue bonds 37: F 1208/10/34; 56: F 62/10/35

Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway loans 3: F 13/10/34; 13: F 68/10/34; 44–45: F 6/10/35; 48: F 10/10/35

Telegraph Loan of 1935 76: F 2209/10/35 Twenty-third Year (1934) Customs

Revenue Loan 46: F 6/10/35 Twenty-third Year (1934) First Issue

Railway Construction Loan 3: F 13/10/34 Twenty-third Year (1934) 6% Sterling

(Indemnity) Funding Loan 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

Twenty-third Year (1934) Yu-P’ing Railway Loan 4: F 13/10/34

U.S. to China, $50 Million Reconstruction Finance Corporation Loan 33: F 509/10/34; 72: F 637/10/35

Vickers Special Aviation Loan 38: F 1999/10/34

Yushan-Nanchang railway construction 4: F 13/10/34

Macao civil aviation, facilities and activity

65: F 202/10/35 Japan interests and influence

72–73: F 727/10/35 public works, Macao Electric Light

Company electrical supply concession 79: F 4014/10/35

public works, waterworks 72–73: F 727/10/35

Malaya affairs of Chinese community

29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35 China consul at Kuala Lumpur

39: F 2544/10/34 communications, Singapore

31: F 319/10/34 government, cooperation with British

legation at Peking 69: F 430/10/35 military weapons exports to China

56: F 60/10/35 social conditions, mui-tsai system

34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 society to promote fellowship among

Chinese schools 42: F 6283/10/34; 76: F 2242/10/35

Manchukuo see also Air forces, Manchukuo see also Armed forces, Manchukuo see also Kwantung Army

Page 216: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


see also Naval forces, Manchukuo see also Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te) see also under Regulations and ordinances agriculture 2: F 10/10/34; 39: F 2511/10/34;

41: F 5449/10/34; 42: F 6328/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35; 80: F 5330/10/35, F 7072/10/35

armed forces, Mongolia; training 41: F 4252/10/34

arrests 26: F 151/10/34; 28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35; 79: F 4498/10/35

arts and culture 41: F 4967/10/34 biographies 76: F 1774/10/35 borders

with China 1: F 3/10/34; 21: F 107/10/34; 70: F 482/10/35

with Outer Mongolia 69–70: F 437/10/35 with Soviet Union 39: F 2915/10/34

budgets 25–26: F 145/10/34; 72: F 675/10/35

business and industry British 27: F 164/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35;

56: F 61/10/35 foreign 27: F 164/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35 general 2: F 10/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34;

38: F 1534/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Manchuria Electric Industry Company 42: F 6203/10/34

regulations 78: F 3506/10/35 celebrations and observances

80: F 6303/10/35 citizenship and naturalization

78: F 3413/10/35 civil aviation 39: F 2829/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 claims against, British 18: F 90/10/34;

21: F 109/10/34; 42: F 5866/10/34; 78: F 3569/10/35

claims against, foreign 28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35

communications 2: F 10/10/34; 9: F 41/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 74: F 1283/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Communism 78: F 3046/10/35 constitution 19: F 103/10/34 construction 26: F 160/10/34;

39: F 2923/10/34; 53: F 32/10/35 courts 37: F 1465/10/34

Manchukuo cont. crime and criminals 2–3: F 10/10/34;

38: F 1468/10/34; 41: F 5364/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 78: F 3046/10/35

Customs Service 24–25: F 142/10/34; 33: F 741/10/34

disasters, floods 39: F 2511/10/34 economic and industrial development

2: F 10/10/34; 26: F 150/10/34; 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

economic conditions, general 2–3: F 10/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35

education 42: F 5820/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35; 78: F 2826/10/35

extraterritoriality 2: F 10/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 73: F 740/10/35

finance 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35 financial institutions 71: F 536/10/35;

72: F 675/10/35 foreign investment 3: F 10/10/34;

27: F 164/10/34 foreign relations 2–3: F 10/10/34;

22: F 126/10/34; 34: F 792/10/34; 37–38: F 1468/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35; 74: F 1093/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35; 78: F 3589/10/35

foreign trade 2: F 10/10/34; 18: F 101/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 53: F 31/10/35; 54: F 34/10/35; 56: F 61/10/35; 71: F 536/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35, F 2087/10/35; 78: F 3589/10/35

forests and forestry 40: F 4078/10/34 General Direction of State Railways

24: F 140/10/34 General Monopoly Bureau 51: F 16/10/35 government appointments 51: F 16/10/35 government finances 25–26: F 145/10/34;

72: F 675/10/35 Hailar, economic and political conditions

2: F 10/10/34 harbors and ports 51: F 16/10/35 Hsinking 25: F 145/10/34;

39: F 3138/10/34; 76: F 1713/10/35 immigration 2–3: F 10/10/34;

71: F 536/10/35; 73: F 882/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

insurance 27: F 164/10/34; 41: F 5489/10/34; 42: F 7069/10/34; 74: F 1131/10/35; 77: F 2409/10/35

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Japan interests and influence 38: F 1534/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35

Japan policy and administration 2–3: F 10/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35

judicial appointments 37: F 1465/10/34 labor conditions 71: F 536/10/35;

73: F 882/10/35 land ownership and rights 3: F 10/10/34;

40: F 3616/10/34; 42: F 5795/10/34, F 6669/10/34; 53: F 32/10/35; 57: F 68/10/35; 76: F 1679/10/35, F 1774/10/35

Liao River Conservancy Board 7: F 20/10/34

loans 54: F 34/10/35 local government reorganization

2: F 10/10/34 military weapons 40: F 4094/10/34;

80: F 8075/10/35 mines and mineral industries

21: F 109/10/34; 73: F 777/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

missionaries 22: F 126/10/34; 34–35: F 911/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 79: F 5038/10/35

money 25: F 145/10/34; 71: F 536/10/35; 72: F 675/10/35

Muslims, 41: F 4381/10/34 “Open Door” policy in China

76: F 1774/10/35 opium 76: F 1774/10/35 patents 78: F 2948/10/35 petroleum and petroleum industry

16: F 80/10/34; 25: F 142/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34; 73: F 739/10/35

police 2: F 10/10/34; 37: F 1232/10/34; 65: F 203/10/35

political conditions 3: F 10/10/34; 19: F 103/10/34; 34: F 792/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35

population characteristics 2: F 10/10/34; 41: F 5676/10/34

postal service 9: F 41/10/34; 19–21: F 107/10/34; 36: F 1008/10/34; 41: F 4888/10/34; 62: F 145/10/35; 79: F 4044/10/35

press 28: F 181/10/34; 36: F 1041/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35; 70: F 437/10/35

prisons and prisoners 41: F 4657/10/34

propaganda, Japanese 76: F 1774/10/35 provincial administration reorganization

3: F 10/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35 provincial boundaries 70: F 482/10/35 railroads 2: F 10/10/34; 7: F 30/10/34;

19–21: F 107/10/34; 24: F 140/10/34; 26: F 151/10/34; 31: F 372/10/34; 36: F 956/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 54: F 34/10/35; 62: F 119/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

residence certificates for foreigners 2: F 10/10/34

roads 28: F 197/10/34 ships and shipping 12–13: F 59/10/34;

36: F 981/10/34 smuggling 42: F 5947/10/34;

62: F 157/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35 sugar, control of manufacture

27: F 164/10/34 taxation 43: F 4/10/35; 53: F 31/10/35;

76: F 1774/10/35; 77: F 2409/10/35; 80: F 6140/10/35

Telegraph Administration 31: F 319/10/34 tobacco and tobacco industry

27: F 164/10/34; 43: F 4/10/35 trademarks 7: F 18/10/34; 73: F 874/10/35 visits

Federation of British Industries 27: F 164/10/34

Johnston, Sir Reginald 79: F 3884/10/35 U.S. professor of agriculture

40: F 4059/10/34 weights and measurements

36: F 1038/10/34 White Russian population 80: F 6552/10/35 wine, control of manufacture

27: F 164/10/34 Maps

Burma–Yunnan Province, undelimited frontier 7: F 38/10/34

Fifth Anti-Communist Encirclement Campaign 17: F 86/10/34

Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Manchukuo, Hsinking construction program

39: F 3138/10/34 Manchukuo, railroads 36: F 956/10/34 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

52–53: F 19/10/35 road construction in China 65: F 199/10/35

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transportation in Manchukuo 24: F 140/10/34

Military bases and installations arsenals 80: F 6292/10/35 Hong Kong, fortifications 38: F 1813/10/34 Shanghai, barracks for British troops

57: F 64/10/35 Shanghai, barracks for Japanese troops

39: F 2661/10/34 Military conflicts

Chinese civil war, British claims for losses against Chinese government 17: F 84/10/34; 60: F 78/10/35

Nationalist-Communist 1–2: F 3/10/34; 17: F 86/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35; 61: F 103/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Sinkiang Rebellion, Chinese-Tungan-Turkic fighting 4–6: F 14/10/34; 49: F 14/10/35

Sino-Japanese, 1931–1932, British claims 17: F 84/10/34; 18: F 90/10/34; 42: F 5866/10/34; 60: F 78/10/35; 65: F 215/10/35

Sino-Japanese, Shanghai 1932 33: F 683/10/34; 66: F 257/10/35

Military weapons ammunition for Shanghai Municipal Police

6: F 15/10/34 armament of Chinese cruiser 6: F 15/10/34 arsenals 80: F 6292/10/35 dealers in China 73: F 745/10/35 exports to China 6: F 15/10/34;

56: F 60/10/35; 61: F 103/10/35; 69: F 430/10/35

factories, British 33: F 607/10/34 factories, Central Europe 75: F 1369/10/35 Manchukuo

factory construction 42: F 6336/10/34 gunpowder control 80: F 8075/10/35 imports 40: F 4094/10/34 seizure 80: F 5872/10/35

Sinkiang rebel government mission to Afghanistan 5: F 14/10/34

trafficking in China 41: F 5379/10/34 war gases 36: F 1088/10/34

Mines and mineral industries see also Petroleum and petroleum industry British in Manchukuo, claim to concession

21: F 109/10/34

Mines and mineral industries cont. Burma Corporation, Panglong mines

expedition 7: F 38/10/34 Chinese Engineering and Mining

Company, Kailan Mining Administration affairs 18: F 92/10/34; 59: F 76/10/35

Chung Fu Joint Mining Administration, Honan Province 31: F 403/10/34; 62: F 139/10/35

Chung Yuan Mining Company 31: F 403/10/34

Hunan Antimony Syndicate 73: F 761/10/35

Kailan Mining Administration, Hopei Province 18: F 92/10/34; 59: F 76/10/35

Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35

Kwangtung Province 61: F 84/10/35 Lanchow Mining Company, Kailan Mining

Administration affairs 18: F 92/10/34; 59: F 76/10/35

Manchukuo, general 73: F 777/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Manchukuo, gold mining 21: F 109/10/34 Manchurian Goldfields Limited

79: F 4082/10/35 Ministry of Industries, Mining Finance

Readjustment Committee 80: F 6796/10/35

Panglong silver-lead mines, Burma–Yunnan Province border 7: F 38/10/34

Pekin Syndicate 31: F 403/10/34; 62: F 139/10/35

Selection Trust in northern Manchukuo 21: F 109/10/34

Szechuan Province, mineral resources 40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35

tungsten mining and monopoly in China 32: F 464/10/34; 80: F 5703/10/35

Yangtse Corporation, rights to mineral concessions in Szechuan Province 72: F 619/10/35

Yunnan Province, tin mines; child slavery 54: F 48/10/35

Yunnan Tin Corporation, British employment 41: F 5177/10/34

Missionaries Anglo-Chinese College at Swatow, land

lease status 22: F 135/10/34; 69: F 421/10/35

Page 219: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


British in China danger during Nationalist-Communist

fighting 1–2: F 3/10/34; 22: F 135/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35

kidnappings and murder by Chinese bandits and Communists 31: F 388/10/34; 51–53: F 19/10/35

registration of schools 77: F 2254/10/35 Buddhist in Europe 34: F 751/10/34;

73: F 751/10/35 land ownership and rights in China, leases

22: F 135/10/34; 69: F 421/10/35 Manchukuo

bandit attacks on 79: F 5038/10/35 British, arrests of Chinese employees

51: F 16/10/35 Catholic missions 22: F 126/10/34 murder of Canadian missionary at

Liaoyang 34–35: F 911/10/34 requirement of observance of

Confucius’s birthday 80: F 6303/10/35 Money

see also Foreign exchange banknotes, printing in Hong Kong for China

33: F 598/10/34 currency circulation by foreign banks

32: F 470/10/34 currency crisis and reorganization

35: F 942/10/34; 43–47: F 6/10/35 Hong Kong, currency status

45–46: F 6/10/35 Kwangtung Province, stabilization loan

27: F 169/10/34 Manchukuo

currency, circulation 25: F 145/10/34 currency, general 71: F 536/10/35 currency, stabilization 72: F 675/10/35 postal money orders 41: F 4888/10/34;

79: F 4044/10/35 Mongolia, Outer; currency embargo

33: F 646/10/34 silver

imports and exports 35: F 942/10/34; 44: F 6/10/35

reserves at Shanghai 44: F 6/10/35; 80: F 7660/10/35

standard unit 13: F 68/10/34 Sinkiang, currency situation

5–6: F 14/10/34; 49–50: F 14/10/35 Szechuan Province 41: F 5625/10/34

Yunnan Province 41: F 5217/10/34, F 5625/10/34

Mongolia see also Armed forces, Mongolia see also Chahar Province see also Ninghsia Province see also Suiyuan Province border with Manchukuo

69–70: F 437/10/35 communications 26: F 150/10/34;

31: F 319/10/34 economic and industrial development

80: F 5645/10/35 foreign relations with Manchukuo

69–70: F 437/10/35 foreign trade with Germany

80: F 5333/10/35 Japan interests and influence

2: F 10/10/34; 7: F 30/10/34; 19: F 103/10/34; 26: F 150/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35

money 33: F 646/10/34 political conditions 26: F 150/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 69–70: F 437/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

propaganda, Japanese 69: F 437/10/35 Soviet Union interests and influence

26: F 150/10/34; 70: F 437/10/35 visit of Raja Bahadur Singh

80: F 5866/10/35 Mukden

arrests of Communists 51: F 16/10/35 crime and criminals, assaults on British and

U.S. nationals 41: F 5395/10/34 economic conditions 2–3: F 10/10/34 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 Manchukuo Air Defense Association,

foreign business contributions 39: F 2829/10/34; 78: F 3504/10/35

political conditions 2–3: F 10/10/34; 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

ships and shipping, British consular registration 58–59: F 73/10/35

social conditions, Japanese antiforeign sentiment 41: F 5395/10/34

Municipal government Burma, representation of Chinese

communities 11: F 45/10/34 Canton, land ownership and rights; rent

dispute 37: F 1225/10/34

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Hankow, Special Administrative District No. 3 (former British Concession) 39: F 2822/10/34; 78: F 3362/10/35

Kulangsu Municipal Council 39: F 3214/10/34; 76: F 2077/10/35

Shanghai Municipal Council enforcement of Chinese regulations in

International Settlement 34: F 783/10/34; 36: F 1093/10/34; 78: F 3462/10/35; 79: F 5154/10/35

foreign and Chinese representation and influence 35–36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

negotiations on extra–International Settlement roads with Chinese city government and Japanese authorities 16: F 79/10/34; 60: F 81/10/35

reform of rickshaw operation 35–36: F 950/10/34

relations with Shanghai Special District Courts 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

Special Telephone Committee 76: F 2209/10/35

Visiting Committee for British Prisoners 38: F 1987/10/34; 73: F 744/10/35

Tientsin, British Municipal Area 40: F 3613/10/34; 79: F 4141/10/35

Weihaiwei, Chinese administration 18: F 88/10/34

Nanking British diplomatic mission 27: F 170/10/34;

72: F 720/10/35 health services and facilities

38: F 2232/10/34 Kiangning strategic zone 78: F 3594/10/35 land ownership and rights, registration of

land leases to foreigners 57: F 70/10/35 National Land Conference 58: F 70/10/35 political conditions 66–67: F 298/10/35 railroads, ferry across Yangtze River

42: F 6719/10/34 Naval forces, British

advisers for Chinese government 43: F 2/10/35

aircraft at Weihaiwei, impact of Chinese regulations on overflights 65: F 202/10/35

antipiracy operations 30: F 275/10/34; 40: F 3697/10/34; 42: F 6644/10/34; 63: F 176/10/35

Naval forces, British cont. deployment, Fukien Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34 emergencies, protection of British interests

in China 38: F 1799/10/34; 79: F 4297/10/35

Laoyao port visit 73: F 821/10/35 situation reports 28: F 186/10/34;

68: F 309/10/35 status in Chinese waters in event of Anglo-

Italian war 80: F 6192/10/35 training of Chinese naval officers

33: F 495/10/34; 43: F 2/10/35 Weihaiwei, rights to harbor and drill

facilities 18: F 88/10/34; 74: F 1219/10/35 Naval forces, China

British advisers 43: F 2/10/35 Canton, British naval instruction

33: F 495/10/34 Japan instructors 43: F 2/10/35 Pinghai (cruiser), armament and

construction 6: F 15/10/34; 33: F 495/10/34

training in Great Britain 33: F 495/10/34; 43: F 2/10/35

Naval forces, Italy mission to China 43: F 2/10/35;

79: F 3770/10/35 status in Chinese waters in event of Anglo-

Italian war 80: F 6192/10/35 Naval forces, Japan

Canton, visit of Japanese officers 39: F 3190/10/34

Kwantung Leased Territory 38: F 1534/10/34

Paracel Islands, ship movements 38: F 2040/10/34

Shanghai, incident between naval landing party and Shanghai Municipal Police 36: F 950/10/34

Shanghai, shooting of sailor 71: F 553/10/35

south China activity 73: F 727/10/35 training of Chinese naval officers

33: F 495/10/34; 43: F 2/10/35 Naval forces, Manchukuo

review by emperor at Harbin 80: F 5393/10/35

river patrols 40: F 3418/10/34

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Nepal foreign relations 24: F 137/10/34 Raja Bahadur Singh, visit to Inner Mongolia

80: F 5866/10/35 Netherlands

see also Netherlands East Indies foreign relations with China

37: F 1261/10/34; 38: F 1914/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Manchukuo petroleum monopoly, retaliation 25: F 142/10/34

Netherlands East Indies economic relations with China

38: F 1914/10/34 postal service, postal money order

agreement with Manchukuo 79: F 4044/10/35

sugar exports to Kwangtung Province 75: F 1458/10/35

visit of Chinese minister of industry 40: F 4011/10/34

New Zealand foreign trade with China, agricultural

exports 18–19: F 101/10/34 Ninghsia Province

British travelers 30: F 241/10/34 regulations, antislavery 54: F 48/10/35 roads 30: F 269/10/34

Norway military weapons exports to China, policy

56: F 60/10/35 shipping in China, piracy 30: F 275/10/34

Opium Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34 Manchukuo 76: F 1774/10/35 smuggling 66: F 221/10/35 Szechuan Province 41: F 5625/10/34 Yunnan Province 41: F 5625/10/34

Organizations and associations see also Labor unions agricultural cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 anti-Japanese in China, suppression

70: F 482/10/35; 71: F 553/10/35 Asiatic Anti-War Congress 26: F 154/10/34 Board of Trustees for Administration of

Boxer Indemnity Funds Remitted by British Government 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

British Chamber of Commerce at Hankow 40: F 3790/10/34; 79: F 3928/10/35

British Chamber of Commerce in China 39: F 3256/10/34; 79: F 3790/10/35

British Malaya, Chinese 29–30: F 212/10/34; 42: F 6283/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35; 77: F 2242/10/35

British Residents Association of China 31: F 450/10/34; 73: F 823/10/35

charitable organizations British Malaya, Chinese 29: F 212/10/34 flood and famine relief 39: F 2404/10/34 Sinkiang relief 5: F 14/10/34

China Association 39: F 3256/10/34; 78: F 3090/10/35; 79: F 3790/10/35

Chinese Advisory Committee for Overseas Study 77: F 2254/10/35

Chinese Government Purchasing Commission 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

cooperative societies in Anhwei and Kiangsi Provinces 76: F 2183/10/35

Federation of British Industries 27: F 164/10/34

French National Association for Economic Expansion 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

Hai Ho Improvement Commission 36–37: F 1145/10/34; 78: F 3479/10/35

Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce 42: F 5830/10/34

Institution of Sanitary Engineers of London 39: F 2828/10/34; 75: F 1385/10/35

Islam Association of Manchukuo 41: F 4381/10/34

Liao River Conservancy Board 7: F 20/10/34

Moslem Progressive Association, Yunnan Province 41: F 4482/10/34

New Life Movement 41: F 4157/10/34; 73–74: F 991/10/35

Russian Emigrants’ Bureau, Manchukuo 80: F 6552/10/35

Shanghai Defense Committee 37: F 1283/10/34; 74: F 1077/10/35

ships and shipping, foreign pilot associations at Shanghai 58–59: F 73/10/35

Sino-Japanese Armistice Commission 33: F 683/10/34; 66: F 257/10/35

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Universities’ China Committee in London, Anglo-Chinese cultural and educational exchanges from Boxer Indemnity funds 10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35

Yunnan Anti-Japanese Society 41: F 4924/10/34; 78: F 2805/10/35

Panchen (Tashi) Lama activities in China 22–24: F 137/10/34;

48–49: F 12/10/35 Paracel Islands

strategic importance 38: F 2040/10/34 Patents

see also Copyrights British in China, British infringement

80: F 6723/10/35 Manchukuo, Patent Law 78: F 2948/10/35

Peking armed forces, Japan 19: F 107/10/34 change of name to “Peiping”

74: F 1246/10/35 political conditions 79: F 4210/10/35 Tangku Armistice neutral zone, inclusion in

70–71: F 482/10/35 Periodic reports

British aviation in China, air attaché annual

report 65: F 202/10/35 British Malaya, Chinese community

affairs 29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35

consular medical reports 38: F 2188/10/34

consular political and intelligence reports 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

consul-general at Kashgar, diaries 28: F 211/10/34

Manchukuo, annual reports 38: F 1534/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35

Manchukuo, economic conditions 71: F 536/10/35

Manchukuo, trademark registration 7: F 18/10/34

naval forces, British; movement of British ships 28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35

Peking legation, annual reports on China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Peking legation, heads of diplomatic missions in China 30: F 253/10/34; 74: F 1076/10/35

Periodic reports cont. British cont.

Peking legation, leading personalities in China 39: F 2385/10/34; 75: F 1476/10/35

Trade Agency at Gyantse, annual report 39: F 3209/10/34; 79: F 3820/10/35

Trade Agency at Yatung, annual report 40: F 3399/10/34; 78: F 3519/10/35

Persia foreign relations with China

37: F 1157/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35 Peru

foreign trade with China 77: F 2308/10/35 Petroleum and petroleum industry

Asiatic Petroleum Company claim against Manchukuo government

42: F 5866/10/34 land lease at Sungsu, Fukien Province

26: F 152/10/34 Newchwang installation 16: F 80/10/34;

73: F 739/10/35 British in Manchukuo, relations with

Manchukuo authorities 27: F 164/10/34 foreign in China, discriminatory taxation

16: F 75/10/34; 59: F 74/10/35; 74: F 1126/10/35

Fukien Province, Japanese imports 74: F 1126/10/35

kerosene, control in Anhwei, Fukien, and Kiangsi Provinces 42: F 6702/10/34; 76: F 2183/10/35

kerosene, foreign imports at Dairen 24–25: F 142/10/34

Manchukuo, state control 25: F 142/10/34; 27: F 164/10/34

Shanghai, import duties on foreign petroleum products 16: F 75/10/34

Standard Oil Company, bandit attacks on facility at Newchwang 2: F 10/10/34

Philippines political conditions, British naval reports

28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35 Piracy

antipiracy measures, British 30: F 275/10/34; 63: F 176/10/35; 72: F 694/10/35

British government definition 40: F 3933/10/34

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general in China, British naval reports 28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35

S.S. Kaho, near Swatow 42: F 6644/10/34 S.S. Norwiken 30: F 275/10/34 S.S. Shuntien, Shantung Province coast

40: F 3697/10/34; 58: F 71/10/35 S.S. Tungchow 72: F 694/10/35

Poland military weapons exports to China, policy

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 Police

Harbin, forced entry, searches, and arrests on property of U.S. and British firms 80: F 5872/10/35

Hong Kong, employment requests 22: F 124/10/34

Hong Kong, Special Branch of Criminal Investigation Department for counterespionage 80: F 6062/10/35

Hopei Province, Tangku Armistice neutral zone gendarmerie 70: F 482/10/35

Kashgar, assault of British vice-consul 50: F 14/10/35

Kulangsu, employment of Japanese police 76: F 2077/10/35

Manchukuo Japanese police 2: F 10/10/34;

34–35: F 911/10/34; 37: F 1232/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 79: F 4498/10/35

Shanhaikuan, conflict with French troops 65: F 203/10/35

Water Police 12: F 59/10/34 Shanghai, extra-settlement roads

16: F 79/10/34; 60: F 81/10/35 Shanghai Municipal Police

ammunition 6: F 15/10/34 “Blue Shirts” report 72: F 573/10/35 employment requests 22: F 124/10/34 incident with Japanese sailors

36: F 950/10/34 revolvers 56: F 60/10/35 warrants for arrest from Shanghai

Special District Courts 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

Political conditions Blue Shirt movement 16: F 81/10/34;

72: F 573/10/35 British reports 14–15: F 69/10/34;

28: F 186/10/34; 29–30: F 212/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35;

66–68: F 298/10/35; 68: F 309/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Burma border with Yunnan Province 7–9: F 38/10/34; 11: F 45/10/34

Canton 1: F 3/10/34; 41: F 5379/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35

Chahar Province, north China autonomy movement 80: F 7144/10/35

elections, Shanghai Municipal Council 36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

Fukien Province, Fukien Rebellion 1–2: F 3/10/34

general 69: F 427/10/35; 73: F 986/10/35 Harbin, general 2: F 10/10/34 Harbin, Russian fascists 11: F 51/10/34;

73: F 752/10/35 Honan Province 1: F 3/10/34 Hopei Province, North China autonomy

movement 1: F 3/10/34; 71: F 482/10/35; 79: F 4210/10/35 80: F 7144/10/35

Hunan Province 1: F 3/10/34; 69: F 427/10/35

Kashgar 4–5: F 14/10/34 Kwangsi Province 1: F 3/10/34;

41: F 5182/10/34 Kwangtung Province 1–2: F 3/10/34;

38: F 2346/10/34 Kwantung Leased Territory 51: F 16/10/35 Manchukuo

general 3: F 10/10/34; 19: F 103/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Hailar 2: F 10/10/34 provincial 3: F 10/10/34

Mongolia general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Inner 26: F 150/10/34 Outer 69–70: F 437/10/35

Mukden 2–3: F 10/10/34 North China, autonomy crisis 47: F 6/10/35 Philippines, British naval reports

28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35 Shanghai, general 1: F 3/10/34 Shansi Province, general 1: F 3/10/34 Shansi Province, North China autonomy

movement 80: F 7144/10/35 Shantung Province, general 1: F 3/10/34 Shantung Province, North China autonomy

movement 80: F 7144/10/35

Page 224: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Shensi Province 1: F 3/10/34 Siam, British naval reports 28: F 186/10/34;

68: F 309/10/35 Sinkiang, general 28: F 211/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Sinkiang, Sinkiang Rebellion 4–6: F 14/10/34

southern China, separatist movements 71: F 553/10/35

state of emergency, law on declaration 75: F 1389/10/35

Suiyuan Province, North China autonomy movement 80: F 7144/10/35

Szechuan Province 41: F 5625/10/34 Tengyueh 11: F 45/10/34 Tibet 22–24: F 137/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 39: F 3209/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35; 78: F 3519/10/35; 79: F 3820/10/35

Weihaiwei 18: F 88/10/34 Yunnan Province 1: F 3/10/34;

41: F 5625/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35 Population characteristics

Census Law 40: F 3796/10/34; 75: F 1518/10/35

Manchukuo 2: F 10/10/34; 41: F 5676/10/34

Portugal see also Macao regulations, electrical supply

79: F 4014/10/35 Postal service

ban on British-owned periodicals 31: F 445/10/34

British mail delivery to China via Soviet Union and Dairen 9: F 41/10/34

British Malaya, detention of objectionable material 29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35

general 36: F 1008/10/34 interception of Communist newspaper

73: F 907/10/35 Manchukuo

general 36: F 1008/10/34 international treatment 9: F 41/10/34 money orders 41: F 4888/10/34;

79: F 4044/10/35 restoration of service with China

19–21: F 107/10/34; 62: F 145/10/35

Postal service cont. seizure of British magazine

40: F 3927/10/34 Soviet Union, trans-Siberia

36: F 1008/10/34 Press

anti-Japanese 71: F 553/10/35; 80: F 5830/10/35

British, on Japanese interests and influence in China 20: F 107/10/34

British in China criticism of Chinese government

40: F 3927/10/34 journalist, kidnapping and murder

53: F 19/10/35 postal service ban on Shanghai-

published periodicals 31: F 445/10/34 British Malaya, Chinese press

29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35 Communist in Great Britain, Chinese-

language Chieh Feng 73: F 907/10/35 Daily Telegraph, Chinese supplement

41: F 5176/10/34 emperor of Manchukuo interview

36: F 1041/10/34 foreign in China, Chinese law on

registration 31: F 445/10/34; 73: F 826/10/35

Hong Kong, on Chinese political situation 69: F 427/10/35

Japan, on Hong Kong fortifications 38: F 1813/10/34

Japan, on Japanese interests and influence in China 21: F 107/10/34

Manchukuo banning of Russian and Chinese

newspapers 2: F 10/10/34 closing of British-owned newspaper

28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35 on Mongolia 70: F 437/10/35

Shanghai, ban on Japanese business advertisements 79: F 5144/10/35

Soviet Union on British designs in China

38: F 2066/10/34 on Chinese Eastern Railway sale

26: F 151/10/34 on Japanese interests and influence in

China 20: F 107/10/34

Page 225: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


on Japanese interests and influence in Inner Mongolia and Shansi Province 26: F 150/10/34

on Japanese rail construction in Manchukuo 24: F 140/10/34

on Mongolia 69–70: F 437/10/35 Turkey, on British intrigues in Tibet

23: F 137/10/34 U.S., on Japanese interests and influence

in China 20: F 107/10/34 U.S., on Tibet 23: F 137/10/34 Yunnan Province, anti-Japanese

41: F 4924/10/34 Yunnan Province, on Burma–Yunnan

Province border dispute 7–8: F 38/10/34; 54–55: F 51/10/35

Printing and publishing see also Press British textbooks in China, copyright

infringement 77: F 2359/10/35 Hong Kong, banknotes for China

33: F 598/10/34 Prisons and prisoners

British prisoners at Shanghai 33: F 473/10/34; 35: F 949/10/34; 76: F 1739/10/35

Communist prisoners at Nanking, hunger strike 31: F 323/10/34

Manchukuo, foreign prisoners in Hsinking prison 41: F 4657/10/34

Shanghai International Settlement, prison conditions 38: F 1987/10/34; 73: F 744/10/35

Propaganda during 5th Anti-Communist Encirclement

Campaign 17: F 86/10/34 general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Japan

in Kwantung Leased Territory 38: F 1534/10/34

in Mongolia 69: F 437/10/35 in Manchukuo 76: F 1774/10/35

Public works and utilities Canton, electric light and power station

78: F 2473/10/35 Harbin waterworks, Japanese loan

25–26: F 145/10/34 Hsinking, Japanese loan 25: F 145/10/34

Macao, waterworks construction 72–73: F 727/10/35

Macao Electric Light Company 79: F 4014/10/35

regulations, electrical supply companies 37: F 1454/10/34

regulations, supervision 36: F 1082/10/34 Shanghai, Asia Electric Company

37: F 1454/10/34 Shanghai Telephone Company

76: F 2209/10/35 Shanghai Waterworks Company

78: F 3147/10/35 Tientsin, Native City Waterworks Company

40: F 3798/10/34; 76: F 2193/1035 Pu-yi, Henry (Emperor Kang-te)

accession 1: F 3/10/34; 2: F 10/10/34; 19: F 103/10/34; 34: F 792/10/34; 76: F 1774/10/35

general 2: F 10/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35 press interview 36: F 1041/10/34 visit to Harbin 80: F 5393/10/35 visit to Japan 22: F 126/10/34;

68: F 336/10/35 Railroads

armored train, hijacking by north China autonomy movement 79: F 4210/10/35

Canton-Hankow Railway British engineer 38: F 2105/10/34 Canton-Kowloon Railway connection

32: F 465/10/34 Hupei-Hunan section 38: F 2105/10/34

Canton-Kowloon Railway, operation 47: F 10/10/35

Canton-Kowloon Railway, through-traffic agreement 32: F 465/10/34

Chinese Eastern Railway bandit attacks 41: F 5364/10/34 claim of British Far Eastern Company

38: F 2034/10/34 claim of Russo-Asiatic Bank

26: F 151/10/34; 76: F 1861/10/35 finances 26: F 151/10/34 general 38: F 1534/10/34 sale by Soviet Union to Manchukuo

3: F 10/10/34; 26: F 151/10/34; 54: F 34/10/35

Chungking-Chengtu Railway 4: F 13/10/34 construction 3–4: F 13/10/34

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ferry at Nanking across Yangtze River 42: F 6719/10/34

foreign advisers, British 47–48: F 10/10/35 foreign advisers, German 34: F 771/10/34 freight through-handling via shipping

39: F 3220/10/34; 62: F 148/10/35 general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 Hankow-Canton Railway

10–11: F 42/10/34; 57: F 67/10/35 Harbin-Siberia, conditions 31: F 372/10/34 Honan Province, freight rates

31: F 403/10/34 Hsinking-Tumen Railway 24: F 140/10/34 Hu-hai Railway 24: F 140/10/34 Kiukiang-Nanchang Railway, loans

70: F 474/10/35 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34 Lafa-Harbin Railway 24: F 140/10/34 loans

British bondholders 46: F 6/10/35; 48: F 10/10/35

defaults 3–4: F 14/10/34; 32: F 465/10/34; 47: F 6/10/35; 47–48: F 10/10/35

Imperial Chinese Government 5% Railway Loan of 1911 70: F 474/10/35

Lunghai Railway Administration, use of port of Laoyao 73: F 821/10/35

Manchukuo construction and development

7: F 30/10/34; 24: F 140/10/34; 51: F 16/10/35; 62: F 119/10/35

general 2: F 10/10/34 maps 36: F 956/10/34

North China, South Manchuria Railway subsidiary development 62: F 119/10/35

Peipiao-Chengte Railway 24: F 140/10/34 Peiping-Liaoning Railway, rolling stock

80: F 6949/10/35 Peking-Hankow Railway 47: F 10/10/35;

70: F 474/10/35 Peking-Mukden Railway 24: F 141/10/34 Peking-Suiyuan Railway 70: F 474/10/35 reorganization in China 3–4: F 13/10/34;

47–48: F 10/10/35 Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway

13: F 68/10/34; 44–45: F 6/10/35

Railroads cont. Shanghai-Nanking Railway, British claims

against 40: F 3302/10/34 South Manchuria Railway

consortium agreement with French National Association for Economic Expansion 36: F 1096/10/34; 53–54: F 32/10/35

general 2: F 10/10/34; 24: F 140/10/34; 38: F 1534/10/34; 62: F 119/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35

Japanese surrender of rights in railway zone 37: F 1465/10/34; 73: F 740/10/35

Tao-Ching Railway, freight rates 62: F 139/10/35

Tientsin-Pukow Railway 33: F 571/10/34 traffic restoration with Manchukuo

19–21: F 107/10/34 Tumen-Ningpei Railway 24: F 140/10/34 Yushan-Nanchang Railway, loans

4: F 13/10/34 Refugees

Russia in Sinkiang 28: F 211/10/34 Regulations and ordinances

antislavery 34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 British

business registration and protection in China 7: F 35/10/34; 28: F 202/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35

consular certification of shipping at Mukden 58: F 73/10/35

protection of ships from piracy 30: F 275/10/34; 63: F 176/10/35

business and industry Bankruptcy Law 79: F 3612/10/35 Business Tax Law 16: F 75/10/34 certificates for Chinese goods

42: F 6161/10/34 foreign in China, registration

40: F 3798/10/34; 76: F 2193/10/35 general 78: F 3462/10/35 Industrial Encouragement Law

22: F 117/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35 partnership debts 33: F 645/10/34;

75: F 1387/10/35 censorship, Film Censorship Law

39: F 2348/10/34; 77: F 2558/10/35 censorship, telegrams 74: F 1182/10/35

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Census Law, revision and enforcement 40: F 3796/10/34; 75: F 1518/10/35

chemicals and chemical industries, control 40: F 3443/10/34; 76: F 1858/10/35

citizenship and naturalization, general 37: F 1447/10/34 74: F 1295/10/35

citizenship and naturalization, Nationality Law 69: F 430/10/35

civil aviation, overflights of China 65: F 202/10/35

communications, radio 31: F 319/10/34; 39: F 2925/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

courts, Law Courts Organic Law 76: F 1843/10/35

courts, Law Governing Summons and Trials 69: F 427/10/35

education, Law on Conferment of Academic Degrees 77: F 2254/10/35

financial institutions, Chinese Savings Bank Law 13: F 68/10/34

foreign exchange 13: F 68/10/34 foreign experts in China, registration

75: F 1385/10/35 foreign trade, imports

aircraft 65: F 202/10/35 consular invoices 41: F 5252/10/34 marking of imports with country of

manufacture 18–19: F 101/10/34 Forestry Law 76: F 1859/10/35 Hankow Special Administrative District

No. 3 (former British Concession), bylaws 78: F 3362/10/35

harbors and ports, Amoy 80: F 5995/10/35 harbors and ports, wharf-boats

12: F 59/10/34 health facilities and services

hypodermic syringes 76: F 1842/10/35 registration of foreign doctors and

hospitals 39: F 3271/10/34; 73: F 818/10/35

registration of patent medicines 79: F 4402/10/35

Hong Kong Companies Ordinance of 1932

37: F 1272/10/34; 65: F 201/10/35; 80: F 5627/10/35

Public Reclamations Validation and Clauses Ordinance 80: F 5912/10/35

registration of non-Chinese aliens 41: F 4873/10/34; 79: F 4009/10/35

immigration and emigration, laborers 54: F 46/10/35

India government, Tibet inclusion in Indian (Foreign Jurisdiction) Order-in-Council of 1902 48: F 12/10/35

insurance bilingual policies in Kwangtung Province

65: F 204/10/35 Business Law 41: F 4676/10/34 fire insurance claims, Tsinan

41: F 5202/10/34 foreign insurance companies

65: F 204/10/35 labor conditions

Collective Agreements Law 38: F 1825/10/34

conscription 54: F 46/10/35 general 78: F 3462/10/35 labor disputes 38: F 1825/10/34

land ownership and rights Land Expropriation Law 32: F 460/10/34 Land Law 57: F 70/10/35 land leases to foreigners, registration

32: F 460/10/34; 57–58: F 70/10/35 public land disposal 41: F 4675/10/34

Manchukuo business and industry, capital

78: F 3506/10/35 business and industry, taxation

77: F 2409/10/35 education, Organization Law of

Continental Institute of Sciences 78: F 2826/10/35

financial institutions; Banking Law 25–26: F 145/10/34; 72: F 675/10/35

Foreign Exchange Control Law 72: F 675/10/35

forestry regulations 40: F 4078/10/34 General Monopoly Bureau

51: F 16/10/35 historic buildings and artifacts

41: F 4967/10/34 Insurance Law 74: F 1131/10/35 labor conditions, foreign laborers

73: F 882/10/35 military weapons, gunpowder control

80: F 8075/10/35 Mining Law 21: F 109/10/34;

73: F 777/10/35; 78: F 2948/10/35 State Higher School 42: F 5820/10/34

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taxation, local 80: F 6140/10/35 tobacco and tobacco industry, taxation

33: F 741/10/34 trademarks 7: F 18/10/34;

73: F 874/10/35 Weights and Measures Law

36: F 1038/10/34 wine, cigarettes, and sugar, control

27: F 164/10/34; 43: F 4/10/35 military weapons imports 6: F 15/10/34 mines and mineral industries, Chung Fu

Joint Mining Administration 31: F 403/10/34

money, minting of standard silver unit 13: F 68/10/34

money, Yunnan Province silver exports 41: F 5217/10/34

national security, Strategic and Fortified Zone Law 78: F 3594/10/35

piracy 30: F 275/10/34 Portugal, electrical supply 79: F 4014/10/35 press, foreign in China 31: F 445/10/34;

73: F 826/10/35 printing and publishing, Press Law

77: F 2359/10/35 public notary system 80: F 8031/10/35 public works, electrical supply companies

37: F 1454/10/34 public works, supervision 36: F 1082/10/34 Shanghai International Settlement, Land

Regulations 36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

ships and shipping British, registration in China

58: F 73/10/35 foreign officers and engineers on

Chinese vessels 12: F 59/10/34; 58: F 73/10/35

junk traffic between Shantung Province and Manchukuo 37: F 1148/10/34

marking of ships plying Chinese waters 13: F 59/10/34

pilotage 12–13: F 59/10/34; 58–59: F 73/10/35

requirements for seaworthiness 13: F 59/10/34

smuggling prevention 26: F 158/10/34; 74: F 1154/10/35

towage of lighters in inland waters 12–13: F 59/10/34; 58: F 73/10/35

Regulations and ordinances cont. smuggling, Customs Preventive Law

26: F 158/10/34; 74: F 1154/10/35 state of emergency, law on declaration

75: F 1389/10/35 taxation, customs 37: F 1253/10/34;

80: F 8115/10/35 taxation, stamp tax 77: F 2555/10/35 trademarks 7: F 18/10/34; 16: F 82/10/34;

75: F 1523/10/35 wages and salaries, minimum wage

38: F 1825/10/34 Weights and Measures Law

34: F 783/10/34; 79: F 5154/10/35 Revolts

armed forces, China; mutiny near Peking 1: F 3/10/34

Fukien Rebellion 1: F 3/10/34 naval forces, China; Cantonese cruisers

43: F 2/10/35 Sikang Province, Lisus at Shangpa

79: F 4077/10/35 Sinkiang Rebellion 4–6: F 14/10/34;

28: F 211/10/34; 49: F 14/10/35 Tibet, eastern 23–24: F 137/10/34

Riots and disorders see also Boxer Rebellion see also Revolts Manchukuo, anti-Japanese 3: F 10/10/34 Yunnan Province 1: F 3/10/34;

7: F 38/10/34 Rivers and waterways

Amur River, Manchukuo–Soviet Union border 37–38: F 1468/10/34; 39: F 2915/10/34; 40: F 3418/10/34

floods, China 79: F 4297/10/35 floods, Manchukuo 39: F 2511/10/34 Hai Ho River, conservancy

36–37: F 1145/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35; 78: F 3479/10/35

Kinshui River, land reclamation 79: F 3809/10/35

Liao River, conservancy 7: F 20/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34

Nonni River, bridges 39: F 2923/10/34 ships and shipping 12–13: F 59/10/34;

58–59: F 73/10/35 studies, technical assistance from League

of Nations 17: F 85/10/34

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West River, British naval reports on conditions 28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35

West River, opium smuggling 66: F 221/10/35

Yalu River, Antung frontage rights 2: F 10/10/34

Yangtze River, British naval reports on conditions 28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35

Yangtze River, railroad ferry at Nanking 42: F 6719/10/34

Roads see also Bridges Burma–Yunnan Province trade routes

11: F 45/10/34; 56: F 63/10/35 construction and conditions

30: F 269/10/34; 41: F 5182/10/34, F 5625/10/34; 65: F 199/10/35

Hankow, Special Administrative District No. 3 (former British Concession), 39: F 2822/10/34

Hindustan-Tibet Road, extension and improvement 40: F 3821/10/34

India-Sinkiang trade routes 62: F 173/10/35 India-Tibet 48: F 12/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory

38: F 1534/10/34 League of Nations technical assistance

17: F 85/10/34 Manchukuo 28: F 197/10/34 Shanghai

general 41: F 5519/10/34 outside International Settlement

16: F 79/10/34; 60: F 81/10/35 taxation for construction 30: F 269/10/34

Searches and seizures see also Claims British land in China, expropriation

28: F 190/10/34; 61: F 85/10/35 British newspaper in Manchukuo, closure

28: F 181/10/34; 66: F 282/10/35 British periodicals in China, seizures

40: F 3927/10/34 British ships, searches at Antung

2: F 10/10/34 British ships, searches by Chinese

authorities 1: F 3/10/34; 66: F 221/10/35 goods seized as contraband

76: F 1841/10/35

Manchukuo, British property searches 51: F 16/10/35; 80: F 5872/10/35

Manchukuo, expropriation of land at Hailar 42: F 5795/10/34

Soviet Union, seizure of 1913 Reorganization Loan bonds 37: F 1208/10/34; 56: F 62/10/35

tobacco stocks, seizure in Honan Province 62: F 140/10/35

unmanifested goods, right of seizure 74: F 1154/10/35

U.S. businesses at Harbin, searches 80: F 5872/10/35

Securities taxation 59: F 74/10/35

Shanghai see also Shanghai International Settlement armed forces, foreign 37: F 1253/10/34,

F 1283/10/34; 39: F 2661/10/34; 57: F 64/10/35; 74: F 1077/10/35

Asiatic Anti-War Congress 26: F 154/10/34 assassinations, Japanese officials;

attempted 39: F 2371/10/34 British Chamber of Commerce

39: F 3256/10/34; 79: F 3790/10/35 British Residents Association of China

31: F 450/10/34; 73: F 823/10/35 Chapu strategic zone 41: F 5250/10/34;

78: F 3594/10/35 China Association, Shanghai Branch

39: F 3256/10/34; 79: F 3790/10/35 communications 76: F 2209/10/35 conferences and conventions, Second

National Motion Picture Conference 77: F 2558/10/35

construction of Chinese cruiser Pinghai 6: F 15/10/34

courts, British defendants in Chinese courts 66: F 250/10/35

demilitarized zone 33: F 683/10/34; 66: F 257/10/35

financial institutions 32: F 470/10/34 French Concession 38: F 1702/10/34;

76: F 2181/10/35 grain and ether storage 31: F 419/10/34 harbors and ports 17: F 85/10/34;

33: F 497/10/34; 76: F 1526/10/35 health facilities and services, registration of

patent medicines 79: F 4402/10/35 loans 41: F 5519/10/34; 44: F 6/10/35

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Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company factory 31: F 319/10/34

marine surveyor, appointment by Hong Kong 12: F 59/10/34

military conflicts, Sino-Japanese 1932 18: F 90/10/34

military weapons factory 42: F 6336/10/34 organizations, anti-Japanese

71: F 553/10/35 police, extra-International Settlement roads

16: F 79/10/34; 60: F 81/10/35 political conditions, general 1: F 3/10/34;

14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35; 72: F 573/10/35

press, ban on Japanese business advertisements 79: F 5144/10/35

press, British; Chinese postal service ban on 31: F 445/10/34

public works 37: F 1454/10/34; 78: F 3147/10/35

ships and shipping 12–13: F 59/10/34; 58–79: F 73/10/35

silver, China government reserves 80: F 7660/10/35

silver, general 44: F 6/10/35 Sino-Japanese hostilities, 1932

65: F 215/10/35 strikes, British Cigarette Company factory

15–16: F 74/10/34 taxation 16: F 75/10/34; 30: F 269/10/34;

32: F 460/10/34; 57–58: F 70/10/35; 59: F 74/10

textile industry and fabrics 77: F 2264/10/35

visit of Queensland trade mission 34: F 820/10/34

Shanghai International Settlement administration, Japanese discontent with

78: F 3062/10/35 arrests, French Communist 53: F 19/10/35 attitude of Chinese population to foreigners

80: F 5830/10/35 Communism, arrest of French Communist

53: F 19/10/35 crime and criminals, shooting of Japanese

sailor 71: F 553/10/35 Customs Preventive Law enforcement

74: F 1154/10/35 Defense Committee 37: F 1283/10/34;

74: F 1077/10/35

Shanghai International Settlement cont. enforcement of Chinese regulations

35–36: F 950/10/34; 36: F 1093/10/34; 74: F 1154/10/35; 78: F 3462/10/35; 79: F 5154/10/35

general 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Land Regulations, Japanese position under 36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

Municipal Council 35–36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35

police, extra-settlement roads 16: F 79/10/34; 60: F 81/10/35

police, general 6: F 15/10/34; 22: F 124/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35

prisons and prisoners 35: F 949/10/34; 38: F 1987/10/34; 73: F 744/10/35; 76: F 1739/10/35

rickshaw operation reform 35–36: F 950/10/34

Special District Courts relations with Municipal Council 40: F 3471/10/34; 66: F 250/10/35

taxation, application to Chinese residents 34: F 749/10/34

visit by British minister to China 27: F 170/10/34

Weights and Measures Law, enforcement 34: F 783/10/34; 79: F 5154/10/35

Shansi Province British travelers 41: F 4915/10/34 crime and criminals, bandit activity

1: F 3/10/34 Japan interests and influence

26: F 150/10/34; 71: F 553/10/35 military bases and installations

80: F 6292/10/35 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

80: F 7144/10/35 tobacco and tobacco industry, taxation of

British products 15: F 74/10/34 Shantung Province

armed forces, Japan 20: F 107/10/34 boycotts, foreign cigarettes 15: F 74/10/34 education 15: F 73/10/34 Haichow, port service at Laoyao

73: F 821/10/35 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

80: F 7144/10/35 roads 30: F 269/10/34

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ships and shipping 37: F 1148/10/34 tobacco and tobacco industry, British

15: F 74/10/34 Shensi Province

agriculture, cooperatives 72: F 676/10/35 crime and criminals, kidnappings

52: F 19/10/35 economic and industrial development

59: F 77/10/35 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

52–53: F 19/10/35 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34 roads 65: F 199/10/35 taxation, foreign petroleum products

59: F 74/10/35 Ships and shipping

see also Harbors and ports Antung 2: F 10/10/34; 73: F 885/10/35 British in China

amalgamation of fleets 33: F 497/10/34; 76: F 1526/10/35

attack on S.S. Lunsghan 41: F 5200/10/34

discrimination against 39: F 3220/10/34; 62: F 148/10/35

general 12–13: F 59/10/34; 33: F 497/10/34; 58–59: F 73/10/35

piracy 30: F 275/10/34; 42: F 6644/10/34; 63: F 176/10/35; 72: F 694/10/35

searches by Chinese Opium Suppression Bureau 66: F 221/10/35

Wanhsien boycotts 68: F 344/10/35 Butterfield & Swire, labor dispute

38: F 1915/10/34 Butterfield & Swire, property rights

76: F 2181/10/35 China Merchants Steam Navigation

Company 33: F 497/10/34; 76: F 1526/10/35

Chinese Labor and Commercial Navigation Cooperative Society 38: F 1917/10/34

communications, radio 39: F 2925/10/34; 74: F 1182/10/35

conferences and conventions, Manchukuo–Soviet Union 39: F 2915/10/34

customs regulations 26: F 158/10/34 Douglas Steamship Company, labor

dispute 38: F 1915/10/34

Douglas Steamship Company, wreck of S.S. Svale 37: F 1456/10/34

foreign in China purchase by Chinese government

76: F 1526/10/35 transport of Chinese troops

68: F 344/10/35 traveling tax inspectors 74: F 1126/10/35

freight through-handling via railroads 39: F 3220/10/34; 62: F 148/10/35

general in China 12–13: F 59/10/34; 28: F 186/10/34; 33: F 497/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 58–59: F 73/10/35; 68: F 309/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

Hong Kong, opium smuggling 66: F 221/10/35

Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Company, Canton wharves 37: F 1225/10/34

Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao Steamboat Company, labor dispute 38: F 1915/10/34

Japan at Macao 72: F 727/10/35 junk traffic between Manchukuo and

Shantung Province 37: F 1148/10/34 Kwangtung Navigation Company

38: F 1917/10/34 Laoyao port, restriction of use

73: F 821/10/35 Lloyd’s Surveyors 58–59: F 73/10/35 Manchukuo

border with Soviet Union 37–38: F 1468/10/34; 39: F 2915/10/34

entry into British ports 36: F 981/10/34 regulations; British consular registration

58: F 73/10/35 manifests 26: F 158/10/34;

74: F 1154/10/35 Norway in China, piracy 30: F 275/10/34 Paracel Islands, navigation lights

38: F 2040/10/34 piracy 40: F 3697/10/34; 58: F 71/10/35 Shanghai Tug and Lighter Company,

British naval assistance 38: F 1799/10/34 strategic area access restrictions

78: F 3594/10/35 Swatow, interference with shipping by

customs 26: F 158/10/34

Page 232: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


Siam foreign relations with Manchukuo

74: F 1093/10/35 political conditions, British naval reports

28: F 186/10/34; 68: F 309/10/35 Sikang Province

border with Tibet 49: F 12/10/35 government 69: F 427/10/35 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

53: F 19/10/35 revolts, Lisus at Shangpa 79: F 4077/10/35

Sikkim border with Tibet, frontier issues

24: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35 Sinkiang

armed forces, China 4–6: F 14/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35

biographies 50: F 14/10/35 British travelers 15: F 70/10/34;

30: F 241/10/34 crime and criminals, bandit activity

5–6: F 14/10/34 economic conditions 5–6: F 14/10/34;

49: F 14/10/35 foreign trade with India 28: F 211/10/34;

39: F 2574/10/34; 50–51: F 14/10/35; 62: F 173/10/35

Hunza, claim of sovereignty over 79: F 4879/10/35

Kashgar, British courts 78: F 3269/10/35 Kashgar, political conditions

4–5: F 14/10/34 land ownership and rights, mir of Hunza

42: F 6869/10/34; 79: F 4879/10/35 military weapons, mission to secure

5: F 14/10/34 money 5–6: F 14/10/34; 49: F 14/10/35 political conditions, general

28: F 211/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

political conditions, Sinkiang Rebellion 4–6: F 14/10/34; 28: F 211/10/34; 49: F 14/10/35

Sinkiang Kirghiz, incursions from Russian Kirghiz 6: F 14/10/34

social conditions 5: F 14/10/34 Soviet Union interests and influence

4–6: F 14/10/34; 28: F 211/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35; 62: F 173/10/35

Smuggling Chinese Maritime Customs Service

antismuggling measures 74: F 1154/10/35

Dairen into north China, Japanese goods 37: F 1148/10/34

Evidence Law 74: F 1154/10/35 Hong Kong, military weapons to China

56: F 60/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory, into

Manchukuo 62: F 157/10/35 Manchukuo 42: F 5947/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 opium, Hong Kong–registered ships

66: F 221/10/35 regulations, Customs Preventive Law

26: F 158/10/34; 74: F 1154/10/35 seized goods 76: F 1841/10/35 silver, general 35: F 942/10/34 silver, into Hong Kong 43–46: F 6/10/35

Social conditions see also Economic conditions see also Education see also Health conditions see also Labor conditions see also Political conditions British Malaya, Chinese community

29–30: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35 Confucianism, Chinese government

encouragement 73: F 991/10/35 Harbin, anti-Semitism 11: F 151/10/34;

73: F 752/10/35 Kiangsi Province 17: F 86/10/34 Kwangsi Province 41: F 5182/10/34 Manchukuo, Muslims 41: F 4381/10/34 mui-tsai system in China 34: F 782/10/34

54: F 48/10/35 Mukden, Japanese antiforeign sentiment

41: F 5395/10/34 Shanghai International Settlement,

Chinese antiforeign sentiment 80: F 5830/10/35

Sinkiang 5–6: F 14/10/34 Yunnan Province

antiforeign sentiment 1: F 3/10/34; 41: F 5177/10/34

anti-Japanese sentiment 41: F 4924/10/34; 78: F 2805/10/35

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League of Nations health adviser investigation 80: F 8123/10/35

Muslims 41: F 4482/10/34 South Africa

foreign trade with China 59: F 77/10/35 Soviet Union

see also Air forces, Soviet Union see also Armed forces, Soviet Union border with Manchukuo 39: F 2915/10/34 Centrosoyuz (England) Limited, legal

action against 33: F 501/10/34; 77: F 2266/10/35

claims against, Russo-Asiatic Bank 76: F 1861/10/35

foreign relations with China 28: F 203/10/34;

37: F 1261/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

with Japan 2–3: F 10/10/34; 39: F 2899/10/34

with Manchukuo 37–38: F 1468/10/34 foreign trade with Japan and Manchukuo

54: F 34/10/35 land ownership and rights, ex-consulate at

Canton 31: F 420/10/34 League of Nations committee on Sino-

Japanese Manchuria dispute 22: F 126/10/34

Mongolia, policy 26: F 150/10/34; 70: F 437/10/35

nationals in Manchukuo, deportation 37: F 1468/10/34

postal service 9: F 41/10/34; 36: F 1008/10/34

press British designs in China 38: F 2066/10/34 Chinese Eastern Railway sale

26: F 151/10/34 Japan interests and influence in China

20: F 107/10/34; 26: F 150/10/34 Japan intrigues in Inner Mongolia

26: F 150/10/34 Japan rail construction in Manchukuo

24: F 140/10/34 Mongolia 69–70: F 437/10/35

railroads, Chinese Eastern Railway sale to Manchukuo 26: F 151/10/34; 54: F 34/10/35

railroads, Siberia 31: F 372/10/34

seizure, bonds of Reorganization Loan of 1913 37: F 1208/10/34; 56: F 62/10/35

Sinkiang, interests and influence 4–6: F 14/10/34; 28: F 211/10/34; 39: F 2574/10/34; 49–51: F 14/10/35; 62: F 173/10/35

Yunnan Province, intelligence agents 41: F 5631/10/34

Spain military weapons exports to China, policy

56: F 60/10/35 Strikes

British Cigarette Company at Pootung 15–16: F 74/10/34

Chinese Engineering and Mining Company, Hopei Province 18: F 92/10/34

Kailan Mining Administration, Tongshan 59: F 76/10/35

Shanghai Tug and Lighter Company 38: F 1799/10/34

Suiyuan Province Nationalist-Communist military conflict

53: F 19/10/35 political conditions 80: F 7144/10/35

Swatow emigration of laborers to British Malaya

69: F 430/10/35 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 land ownership and rights, foreign

22: F 135/10/34; 41: F 5055/10/34; 57: F 70/10/35; 69: F 421/10/35

political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

ships and shipping, British ships 13: F 59/10/34; 26: F 158/10/34; 58: F 73/10/35

taxation, Sino-Japanese dispute 71: F 553/10/35

Sweden military weapons exports to China, policy

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 Switzerland

military weapons exports to China, policy 56: F 60/10/35

Szechuan Province armed forces, China Communist;

operations 51: F 19/10/35; 69: F 427/10/35

border with Tibet 49: F 12/10/35

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British travelers 41: F 5232/10/34, F 5625/10/34

communications 41: F 5625/10/34 economic and industrial development

40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35 foreign trade 41: F 5625/10/34 government 69: F 427/10/35 industrial mission to Germany and England

21: F 117/10/34 military bases and installations

80: F 6292/10/35 mines and mineral industries

40: F 3389/10/34; 72: F 619/10/35 missionaries, British 52: F 19/10/35 money 41: F 5625/10/34 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

17: F 86/10/34; 52–53: F 19/10/35 opium 41: F 5625/10/34 political conditions 41: F 5625/10/34 railroads, Chungking-Chengtu Railway

4: F 13/10/34 47–48: F 10/10/35 roads 41: F 5625/10/34 taxation 74: F 1126/10/35

Taxation Burma, customs duties 56: F 63/10/35 business and industry, foreign in China

16: F 75/10/34; 34: F 749/10/34; 59: F 74/10/35; 74: F 1126/10/35

chemical fertilizers 39: F 3194/10/34; 78: F 3151/10/35

customs duties and tariffs 18–19: F 101/10/34; 19: F 107/10/34; 26: F 158/10/34; 28: F 191/10/34; 34: F 749/10/34; 36–37: F 1145/10/34; 37: F 1253/10/34, F 1261/10/34; 45–46: F 6/10/35; 57: F 64/10/35; 61: F 84/10/35, F 112/10/35; 69: F 361/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35; 78: F 3479/10/35; 79: F 5148/10/35; 80: F 8115/10/35

foreign trade, dumping tax 38: F 2234/10/34

general 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

house tax Amoy 34: F 749/10/34 Harbin 80: F 6050/10/35 Shanghai 59: F 74/10/35

income 59: F 74/10/35

Taxation cont. India, Chinese silk import tariffs

21: F 117/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35 India, export duty on liquor

79: F 4273/10/35 Kwantung Leased Territory, export tariffs

53: F 31/10/35 land tax

British concessions, former 34: F 750/10/34

Hankow 57: F 70/10/35 Shanghai 32: F 460/10/34;

57–58: F 70/10/35 Yunnan Province 73: F 829/10/35

Manchukuo business 43: F 4/10/35; 77: F 2409/10/35 Cigar and Cigarette Tax Law

33: F 741/10/34 general 33: F 741/10/34;

76: F 1774/10/35 import tariffs 33: F 741/10/34;

53: F 31/10/35; 76: F 1774/10/35 Local Tax Law 80: F 6140/10/35 ships and shipping, tonnage dues

12–13: F 59/10/34 mines and mineral industries, Kailan

Mining Administration 18: F 92/10/34 petroleum and petroleum industry, foreign

products 16: F 75/10/34; 24–25: F 142/10/34; 74: F 1126/10/35

Salt Administration 42: F 7116/10/34; 78: F 3179/10/35

securities 59: F 74/10/35 ships and shipping, tonnage dues

12: F 59/10/34 ships and shipping, traveling tax inspectors

74: F 1126/10/35 silver export duty 35: F 942/10/34 stamp tax 12: F 59/10/34; 77: F 2555/10/35 Swatow, Sino-Japanese dispute

71: F 553/10/35 tobacco industry and products

15–16: F 74/10/34; 62: F 140/10/35 wine 59: F 74/10/35

Textile industry and fabrics British, exports to China

18–19: F 101/10/34 British in China, general 37: F 1375/10/34

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cotton foreign in China 40: F 3371/10/34;

78: F 3364/10/35 general 78: F 3364/10/35 imports 40: F 3371/10/34;

61: F 112/10/35 Manchurian Raw Cotton Company

40: F 4059/10/34 Sung Sing Spinning and Weaving

Company mill at Shanghai 77: F 2264/10/35

U.S. export finance 33: F 509/10/34; 72: F 637/10/35

silk, China exports to India 21: F 117/10/34; 61: F 84/10/35

Tibet see also Armed forces, Tibet see also Bhutan see also Nepal see also Panchen (Tashi) Lama biographies 49: F 12/10/35 borders

with China 49: F 12/10/35 with India 40: F 3555/10/34;

78: F 3518/10/35 with Sikkim 24: F 137/10/34;

48–49: F 12/10/35 British Trade Agency at Gyantse

39: F 3209/10/34; 79: F 3820/10/35 British Trade Agency at Yatung

40: F 3399/10/34; 78: F 3519/10/35 British trade agents, extraterritorial

jurisdiction 23: F 137/10/34 British travelers 23: F 137/10/34 communications, radio 22–23: F 137/10/34 deaths, British Political Officer in Sikkim

49: F 12/10/35 Executive Yuan, branch office at Lhasa

48: F 12/10/35 foreign relations with China

22–24: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35 foreign relations with Nepal

24: F 137/10/34 foreign trade 39: F 3209/10/34;

40: F 3399/10/34; 49: F 12/10/35; 78: F 3519/10/35; 79: F 3820/10/35

political conditions 22–24: F 137/10/34; 37: F 1261/10/34; 39: F 3209/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35; 78: F 3519/10/35; 79: F 3820/10/35

revolts 23–24: F 137/10/34 roads 40: F 3821/10/34; 48: F 12/10/35 visit by British political officer in Sikkim

22: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35 Tientsin

armed forces, foreign 19–20: F 107/10/34; 57: F 64/10/35

Blue Shirt movement 16: F 81/10/34 British Municipal Area, annual meeting of

electors 40: F 3613/10/34; 79: F 4141/10/35

British Municipal Area, Chinese tax office 34: F 749/10/34

censorship, British business telegrams 74: F 1182/10/35

courts, Chinese trial of murder suspect 38: F 1771/10/34

economic conditions 80: F 7790/10/35 harbor, British berths 13: F 59/10/34 harbor, improvement 36–37: F 1145/10/34;

78: F 3479/10/35 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 political conditions, general

14–15: F 69/10/34; 67–68: F 298/10/35 political conditions, North China autonomy

movement 70–71: F 482/10/35; 79: F 4210/10/35

public works, Native City Waterworks Company 40: F 3798/10/34; 76: F 2193/10/35

ships and shipping, pilots 12–13: F 59/10/34; 58: F 73/10/35

silver reserves, Chinese government 80: F 7144/10/35

taxation, wine 59: F 74/10/35 Tobacco industry and products

British American Tobacco Company boycotts of in China 41: F 4157/10/34;

73–74: F 991/10/35 land transfer 40: F 3616/10/34 operations in China 15–16: F 74/10/34;

62: F 140/10/35 operations in Manchukuo

27: F 164/10/34; 43: F 4/10/35 British Cigarette Company, labor

disturbances 15–16: F 74/10/34 British Cigarette Company, tobacco stock

destruction 62: F 140/10/35 Kwangtung Province, cigarette control

system and surtax 62: F 140/10/35

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Manchukuo, taxation and control 27: F 164/10/34; 33: F 741/10/34; 43: F 4/10/35

taxation, Shanghai 34: F 749/10/34 Trademarks

British in China, registration and infringement 16: F 82/10/34

British in Manchukuo, infringement 73: F 874/10/35

Manchukuo, registration and enforcement law 7: F 18/10/34

Trademark Law 75: F 1523/10/35 Transportation

see also Bridges see also Civil aviation see also Railroads see also Roads see also Ships and shipping civil and military transport mission to

Europe 41: F 4769/10/34; 62: F 137/10/35

League of Nations technical assistance 73: F 982/10/35

Manchukuo, transportation system 24: F 140/10/34

Travel see also Transportation Afghanistan, ex-amir of Khotan

51: F 14/10/35 British Malaya, New Life Movement

propagandists 73: F 991/10/35 Burma

British consul at Tengyueh 56: F 63/10/35

Kuomintang members 8: F 38/10/34 Panglong mines, Burma Corporation

expedition 7: F 38/10/34 Canton, Hong Kong trade mission

78: F 3530/10/35 Canton, Japanese military and civilian

officials 39: F 3190/10/34 Chengtu, British consul-general at

Chungking 41: F 5232/10/34 China

British diplomatic and consular officers 27: F 170/10/34; 72: F 720/10/35

German trade mission 77: F 2492/10/35 Italian naval mission 79: F 3770/10/35 Trebitsch-Lincoln, Isaac Timothy

34: F 751/10/34; 73: F 751/10/35

Travel cont. Europe

Chinese aviation mission 30: F 218/10/34 Shantung education mission

15: F 73/10/34 Trebitsch-Lincoln, Isaac Timothy

34: F 751/10/34; 73: F 751/10/35 Far East, U.S. trade mission

72: F 637/10/35 Germany

Chinese transportation and communications mission 41: F 4769/10/34

Hu Han-min 78: F 3557/10/35 Szechuan Province industrial mission

21: F 117/10/34 Great Britain

director of Engineering Department, Chinese Ministry of Railways 39: F 3188/10/34

Hu Han-min 78: F 3557/10/35 missions from China 21: F 117/10/34;

30: F 218/10/34; 33: F 607/10/34; 41: F 4769/10/34; 62: F 137/10/35; 78: F 2774/10/35

Hankow, British commercial counsellor 37: F 1395/10/34

Hankow, British travelers 80: F 7790/10/35 Harbin, emperor of Manchukuo

80: F 5393/10/35 Hong Kong

Kwangtung provincial government chairman 78: F 3530/10/35

New Life Movement propagandists 73: F 991/10/35

Queensland trade mission 34: F 820/10/34

Italy, Chinese transportation and communications mission 41: F 4769/10/34

Japan Chinese minister of industry

40: F 4011/10/34 emperor of Manchukuo 22: F 126/10/34;

68: F 336/10/35 Federation of British Industries

27: F 164/10/34 Mongolian “Living Buddha”

76: F 1713/10/35

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Sir Reginald Johnston 79: F 3884/10/35 U.S. professor of agriculture

40: F 4059/10/34 Kansu Province, British travelers

30: F 241/10/34 Kwangsi Province, British travelers

41: F 5182/10/34 Manchukuo

British diplomatic and consular officers 2–3: F 10/10/34

Federation of British Industries 27: F 164/10/34

Japanese military officers 2: F 10/10/34 Mongolian “Living Buddha”

76: F 1713/10/35 Sir Reginald Johnston 79: F 3884/10/35 U.S. professor of agriculture

40: F 4059/10/34 Mongolia, Raja Bahadur Singh

80: F 5866/10/35 Ninghsia Province, British travelers

30: F 241/10/34 Shanghai, Queensland trade mission

34: F 820/10/34 Shansi Province, British diplomatic and

consular officers 41: F 4915/10/34 Siberia, British travelers 31: F 372/10/34 Sinkiang

British Chinese counsellor at Peking embassy 50–51: F 14/10/35

British travelers 15: F 70/10/34; 30: F 241/10/34

foreign travelers 28: F 211/10/34 Szechuan Province, British diplomatic and

consular officers 41: F 5625/10/34 Tibet, British political officer in Sikkim

22: F 137/10/34; 48–49: F 12/10/35 Tibet, diplomatic mission from China

22–24: F 137/10/34 Tientsin, British travelers 80: F 7790/10/35 United States, Chinese aviation mission

30: F 218/10/34 Yunnan Province

British diplomatic and consular officers 41: F 5625/10/34

Chiang Kai-shek 78: F 3608/10/35 foreign travelers 41: F 5631/10/34 scientific expeditions 74: F 1208/10/35

Treaties and agreements commercial

Anglo-Chinese commercial treaty 21–22: F 117/10/34

French Indochina with China 32: F 463/10/34; 78: F 2925/10/35

U.S. with China 21: F 117/10/34 customs, Hong Kong with China

28: F 191/10/34 foreign trade, Germany with Manchukuo

and Japan 27: F 164/10/34 general 37: F 1261/10/34;

75: F 1482/10/35 loans, Japan with China 70: F 474/10/35 military

Italy with China, alleged secret treaty 80: F 6192/10/35

Japan with China, demilitarized area around Shanghai 33: F 683/10/34; 66: F 257/10/35

Tibet with China, withdrawal of troops from border 23: F 137/10/34

political Nine-Power Treaty of 1922

20: F 107/10/34; 42: F 7488/10/34; 70: F 482/10/35; 75: F 1307/10/35; 80: F 7144/10/35

Soviet Union with China, nonaggression pact 28: F 203/10/34

Soviet Union with Sinkiang, alleged secret treaty 39: F 2574/10/34

Turkey with China, treaty of friendship 38: F 2200/10/34; 66: F 235/10/35

postal service, Japan with Manchukuo on postal money orders 41: F 4888/10/34

postal service, resumption between Manchukuo and northern China 62: F 145/10/35

railroads Canton-Kowloon Railway

32: F 465/10/34; 47: F 10/10/35 Chinese Eastern Railway, sale

26: F 151/10/34; 54: F 34/10/35 Manchukuo with China, restoration of

traffic 21: F 107/10/34 ships and shipping, Manchukuo–Soviet

Union border rivers 37–38: F 1468/10/34 Treaty ports

see also Amoy see also Canton

Page 238: Confidential British Foreign Office Political CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence. The Foreign Office is internally divided into depart-ments, and the political departments are those


see also Concessions see also Foreign settlements see also Hankow see also Harbin see also Mukden see also Nanking see also Shanghai see also Swatow see also Tientsin see also Weihaiwei Antung

borders and boundaries 12: F 59/10/34 general 76: F 1774/10/35 land ownership and rights, British

2: F 10/10/34; 12–13: F 59/10/34; 42: F 6669/10/34; 57: F 68/10/35; 73: F 885/10/35

ships and shipping 2: F 10/10/34; 12–13: F 59/10/34

smuggling 42: F 5947/10/34 Changsha, health conditions

38: F 2188/10/34 Changsha, political conditions

15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35 Chefoo

British evacuation schemes 1: F 3/10/34 harbor improvement 42: F 6090/10/34 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34;

66–68: F 298/10/35 Chenghsien (Chengchow), opening to

foreign trade 40: F 3615/10/34 Chungking, health conditions

38: F 2188/10/34 Chungking, political conditions

14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35 Dairen

customs discrimination against non-Japanese imports 24–25: F 142/10/34; 33: F 741/10/34

smuggling, Japanese operations against 37: F 1148/10/34; 42: F 5947/10/34

postal service 9: F 41/10/34 trial of attempted assassins

28: F 194/10/34 Foochow

British evacuation schemes 1–2: F 3/10/34

Communist advance on 2: F 3/10/34 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34

Treaty ports cont. Foochow cont.

political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–67: F 298/10/35

Ichang, floods 79: F 4297/10/35 Ichang, political conditions 14: F 69/10/34;

66–68: F 298/10/35 Kiukiang

land ownership and rights, former British concession 34: F 750/10/34; 61: F 109/10/35

land ownership and rights, registration of leases to foreigners 32: F 460/10/34

taxation 59: F 74/10/35 labor conditions, mui-tsai system

34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 Newchwang

crime and criminals, bandit activity 2–3: F 10/10/34

petroleum and petroleum industry 16: F 80/10/34; 73: F 739/10/35

political conditions 14: F 69/10/34 ships and shipping 58: F 73/10/35 tobacco and tobacco industry

43: F 4/10/35 ships and shipping, pilot situation

12–13: F 59/10/34; 58–59: F 73/10/35 social conditions, mui-tsai system

34: F 782/10/34; 54: F 48/10/35 strategic zones 78: F 3594/10/35 Tengyueh

foreign trade 11: F 45/10/34; 56: F 63/10/35; 79: F 4273/10/35

health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34 political conditions 11: F 45/10/34;

14: F 69/10/34; 66–67: F 298/10/35 Tsinan

insurance 41: F 5202/10/34 political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34;

67–68: F 298/10/35 Tsingtao

harbors and ports 13: F 59/10/34 land ownership and rights, registration of

leases to foreigners 32: F 460/10/34 political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34;

67–68: F 298/10/35 Trebitsch-Lincoln, Isaac Timothy

activities in China and Europe 34: F 751/10/34; 73: F 751/10/35

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Turkey foreign relations with China

37: F 1157/10/34; 38: F 2200/10/34; 66: F 235/10/35; 75: F 1482/10/35

press, on British intrigues in Tibet 23: F 137/10/34

United States see also Armed forces, U.S. see also U.S. government see also U.S. policy aircraft sales to China 30: F 218/10/34;

65: F 202/10/35 military weapons, exports to Canton

56: F 60/10/35 nationals in China 31: F 388/10/34;

36: F 950/10/34; 78: F 3062/10/35 press, on Japan interests and influence in

China 20: F 107/10/34 press, on Tibet 23: F 137/10/34 visit of Chinese aviation mission

30: F 218/10/34 U.S. government

foreign relations with China 37: F 1261/10/34; 75: F 1482/10/35

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, loan to China 33: F 509/10/34; 72: F 637/10/35

silver, purchase from China and Hong Kong 46: F 6/10/35

U.S. policy Anglo-American cooperation under Nine-

Power Treaty 42: F 7488/10/34; 75: F 1307/10/35

diplomatic representation in China 42: F 5783/10/34; 62: F 115/10/35

Japan interests and influence in China 20: F 107/10/34

loans to China during monetary crisis 44–47: F 6/10/35

Manchukuo petroleum monopoly, retaliation 25: F 142/10/34

Manchukuo recognition 22: F 126/10/34 military weapons exports to China

6: F 15/10/34; 56: F 60/10/35 press, registration of foreign-owned

periodicals in China 31: F 445/10/34 silver, effect on Chinese monetary situation

35: F 942/10/34; 43: F 6/10/35 U.S.–China commercial treaty

21: F 117/10/34

Wages and salaries British Malaya, Chinese laborers

29: F 212/10/34; 63–64: F 189/10/35 China Merchants Steam Navigation

Company, pensions 33: F 497/10/34 regulations, minimum wage

38: F 1825/10/34 taxation 59: F 74/10/35

Weights and measures Manchukuo, Weights and Measures Law

36: F 1038/10/34 metric system, adoption by Chinese

Maritime Customs Service 18–19: F 101/10/34

Weights and Measures Law, enforcement in Shanghai International Settlement 34: F 783/10/34; 79: F 5154/10/35

Weihaiwei financial conditions 18: F 88/10/34 labor unions 18: F 88/10/34 land ownership and rights, British Royal

Navy 74: F 1219/10/35 land ownership and rights, registration of

leases to foreigners 18: F 88/10/34; 32: F 460/10/34

naval forces, British 18: F 88/10/34; 28: F 186/10/34; 65: F 202/10/35; 74: F 1219/10/35

political conditions 14–15: F 69/10/34; 66–68: F 298/10/35

Yunnan Province air forces, China 73: F 829/10/35 armed forces, China Communist;

operations 52: F 19/10/35 border with Burma 7–9: F 38/10/34;

11: F 45/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35 British travelers 41: F 5625/10/34

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communications 41: F 5625/10/34 economic and industrial development

74: F 1208/10/35 education, scholarships to Hong Kong

University 42: F 5830/10/34 financial conditions 13: F 68/10/34 foreign trade 41: F 5625/10/34;

56: F 63/10/35 health conditions 38: F 2188/10/34;

41: F 5575/10/34 health facilities and services

80: F 8123/10/35 intelligence services, Japanese and Soviet

41: F 5631/10/34 labor conditions 54: F 48/10/35;

80: F 8123/10/35 missionaries 52: F 19/10/35 money 41: F 5217/10/34, F 5625/10/34 Nationalist-Communist military conflict

53: F 19/10/35 opium 41: F 5625/10/34 political conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

9: F 38/10/34; 14–15: F 69/10/34; 41: F 5625/10/34; 54–56: F 51/10/35; 66–67: F 298/10/35

press 7–9: F 38/10/34; 41: F 4924/10/34; 54–55: F 51/10/35

riots and disorders 1: F 3/10/34; 7: F 38/10/34

roads 30: F 269/10/34; 41: F 5625/10/34 scientific expeditions 74: F 1208/10/35 social conditions 1: F 3/10/34;

41: F 4482/10/34, F 4924/10/34, F 5177/10/34; 78: F 2805/10/35; 80: F 8123/10/35

taxation 73: F 829/10/35 visit of Chiang Kai-shek 78: F 3608/10/35