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IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

The CAS/CUHK Shenzhen Institutes of

Advanced Technology

TTeecchhnniiccaall llyy SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shandong University

The Chinese Association of Automation

The Robotics Society of Japan

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers


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MA-1 Tracking Control

MA-2 Medical Robot

MA-3 Signal Processing

MA-4 ISIT Image and Video Processing

MP-1 Adaptive Control

MP-2 Robotics I

MP-3 Navigation System

MP-4 ISIT Pattern Recognition I

ME-1 Advanced Management I

ME-2 Robotics II

ME-3 Mechanism and Design

ME-4 ISIT Pattern Recognition II

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MA-1: Tracking Control

Session Chairs: Puren Ouyang and Yuqing He Room Zhuhai, 10:20—12:00, Monday, 6 June 2011

MA-1 (1) 10:20—10:40 MA-1 (2) 10:40—11:00

Tracking Micro Reentering USV with TDRS and Ground Stations Using Adaptive IMM Method

Li-Qiang Hou , Heng-Nian Li , Fu-Ming Huang and Pu HuangState Key Laboratory of Astronautic Dynamics, Xi’an Sa tellite Control Center

Xi’an, China

• Tracking sub-orbit USV of wave-rider shape with TDRS (Tracking and Data Re lay Satellite) and ground stations.

• Processing trajectory data and estimate aerodynamic parameters of the complicated trajectory together.

• Processing data using differentmeasurement models of TDRS andground tracking stations

• Adaptive method for calculating transition probabilities of time-varying IMM

• Iterated Sigma Point Kalman Filter (ISPKF). Tracking USV with TDRS

Attitude Refere nce Frame



Position Domain PD Control: Stability and Comparison

Puren Ouyang and Truong DamDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University

Toronto, Canada

• Position Domain PD control: a New approach for contour tracking.

• Dynamic model represented in position domain.

• Stability analysis proved.

• Different contour tracking compared.

• Better contour tracking obtained.

Contour tracking results

0 1 2 3 4-1





1.5Posi ti on domai n control

X-axis posit ion (m)







Desi red contour

Real contour

0 1 2 3 4-1





1.5Time domain control

X-axis posit ion (m)







Desired contour

Real contour

0 1 2 3 4-1





1.5Cross coupled control

X-axis posit ion (m)







Desi red contour

Real contour

-0.5 0 0.5-0.1







Positi on domain control

X-axis posit ion (m)





n (m


-0.5 0 0.5-0.1







0.6Ti me domain control

X-axi s positi on (m)





n (m


-0.5 0 0.5-0.1







0.6Cross coupled control

X-axis posit ion (m)





n (m


Desired contourReal contour

Desired contourReal contour

Desired contourReal contour

MA-1 (3) 11:00—11:20 MA-1 (4) 11:20—11:40

Contour Tracking Control in Position Domain for CNC Machines

Truong Dam and Puren Ouyang Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University

Toronto, Canada

• Position Domain control: a New approach for contour tracking.

• Application to a 3-DOF CNC machine.

• Linear and circular motions in 3D.

• Better contour tracking performance compared to traditional PD control.













X-axis pos ition (m)

3D trajec tory

Y-axis posit ion (m)


is p





PD track ing

PPD tracking













X-axis pos ition (m)

3D trajec tory

Y-axis posit ion (m)


is p





PD track ing

PPD tracking

Input Assignability of Nonlinear System and Its Applications in Robust/Tracking Control

Yuqing He and Jianda HanState Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning 110016, [email protected]; [email protected]

A  new  concept of  input assignabili ty  (IAS)  is introduced  and  used  to  design  input assignability  based  control   (IASC)  in  this 

paper.  the   main  advantages   of  the   new designed method lies in: 1)  the  complete  or incomplete   uncertainty  information  can  be utilized  and  the   conserva tiveness  of  the traditional   robust  control   algori thm  can  be 

thus improved  greatl y; 2) with  the   IASC,  the influence  of uncertainties on  the cl osed loop 

can  be   assigned  to  diffe rent  states   in different  applications   even   for  the   same plants . 

MA-1 (5) 11:40—12:00

Trajectory-Tracking and Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots

Adrian Filipescu, Viorel Minzu, Bogdan Dumitrascu and Adriana FilipescuDepartment of Automation and Electrical Enginering

University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati,RomaniaEugenia Minca

Department of Automation, Computer Science and Electrical EngineeringUniversity “Valahia” of Targoviste,Romania

Mobile platform PowerBot

• Discrete-time sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking problem of wheeled mobile robots is presented.

• The wheeled mobile robot (WMR) taken into account was PowerBot.

• The algorithm has been designed in discrete-time domain in order to avoid problems caused by the discretization of continuous-time controllers.

• The simulation results and real time results prove the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

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MA-2: Medical Robot

Session Chairs: Dong Sun and Wei-Hsin Liao

Room Hong Kong, 10:20—12:00, Monday, 6 June 2011

MA-2 (1) 10:20—10:40 MA-2 (2) 10:40—11:00

A Medical Robot System for Celiac Minimally

Invasive SurgeryMei Feng, Yili Fu, Bo Pan and Chang L iu

State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Harbin Institute o f TechnologyChina

• A medical robot for celiac MIS has been presented.

• A new mechanism for romote center of motion was proposed.

• An improved surgical instrument with wirst successfully solved the coupled motion.

• A new method was proposed to solve the master-s lave inverse kinematics solution.

The Medical robot

Optimal Path Planning for Inserting a Steerable Needle into TissueJianjun Wang, Dong Sun, Jinjin Zheng and Wen Shang

Joint Advanced Research Center o f CityU-USTC Suzhou, Ch ina

• The trajectory is combined by smoothly connected arcs.

• A method are proposed to generate the shortest path with the least control effort.

• 3D problem is transferred as two 2D problems.

• Case studies are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Different trajectories for 2D and 3D

MA-2 (3) 11:00—11:20 MA-2 (4) 11:20—11:40

Experimental Studies on Kinematics and Kinetics of Walking with an Assistive Knee Brace

Aaron See-Long Hung, Hong tao Guo, Wei-Hsin Liao, Dan iel Tik-Pui Fong, and Kai-Ming ChanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, Ch ina

• This study evaluated the interaction between the user and an assistive knee brace.

• A gait analysis was performed to analyze the gait differences ofwalking with the knee brace.

• Results showed that gait parameters, joint kinematics and joint kinetics were not affected by the knee brace.

Gait Analysis

Open-loop Control Experiment of Wireless Capsule Endoscope Based on Magnetic Field

Cancheng Zhong, Chao Hu, and Fei Luo

Shenzhen Institutes o f Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of SciencesShenzhen, China

• This paper presents an experiment of using external magnetic field to implement the actuation of wireless capsule endoscope with open-loop control strategy.

• Besides, we improve the exis ted mathematical model of the coil’s magnetic fie ld. The thickness of the coils is taken into account.

• Finally, MATLA B simulation experiment is carried out to analyse the relation of the coils’ sizes and the character of magnetic fie ld distribution. General experimental setup: two pairs

of coils and the Agilent power supply

MA-2 (5) 11:40—12:00

Optimized Design of Capsule EndoscopyLens Based on ZEMAX

Lilai Tang, Chao Hu, Kang Xie, Chang Cheng, Zhiyong LiuShenzhen Institutes o f Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shenzhen, China

• Overview of the development of capsule endoscopy lens.

• Specification and design procedure.

• Optimized design of CE lens.

• Simulation results and discussions. The Olympus CE

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MA-3: Signal Processing

Session Chairs: Liyang Zhou and Yuexian Zou Room Kowloon, 10:20—12:00, Monday, 6 June 2011

MA-3 (1) 10:20—10:40 MA-3 (2) 10:40—11:00

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180










1X: 50Y: 1









m X: 60Y: 0.7704

Direction Estimation Under Compressive Sensing Framework: A Review and Experimental Results

Bo LI, Yuexian ZOU* and Yuesheng ZHUSchool of Computer & Information Engineering, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,

Shenzhen, China

• DOA estimation under compressive sensing framework utilizing the spatial sparsity of the array signal has been studied comprehensively.

• DOA estimation approaches using CS in time domain and spatial domain are reviewed and analyzed in details.

• Broadband source DOA estimation using CS is proposed in spatial-domain.

• Intensive experiments for speech DOA estimation application show that DOA-CS outperforms MUSIC algorithm.

Top: Two sources DOA estimation setupBottom: DOA-CS results, SNR=10dB

A CDMA Acoustic Communication System for Multiuser Based on Sound Card

Zix in Zhao and Shuxiang GuoKagawa University, Japan

• A CDMA acoustic communication system for multiuser based on hardware platform is developed.

• The sound card in the computer with sound box and microphone was used as the energy transduction to accomplish acoustic communication in the air instead of the acoustic transducer and the hydrophone in the ocean for convenient. Acoustic Communication Platform

• In the simulation and experiments, the signals transmitted from the transmitting part could be received exactly in the receiving part which indicated good quality of the acoustic communication system.

MA-3 (3) 11:00—11:20 MA-3 (4) 11:20—11:40

A Modified ESPRIT Algorithm Based on A New SVD Method for Coherent SignalsLiyang Zhou, Dengshan Huang, Hongliang Duan, Yulong Chen

School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an, China

• The new algorithm is based on a new SVD method, the MSVD-ESPRIT algorithm for short.

• The main idea is to construct a matrix with the maximum eigenvector according to certain rules, then fix this matrix and get two signal subspaces by singular value decomposition; at the last we use the rotation invariant to get DOA.

• This improved ESPRIT algorithm’s resolution and robustness is obviously better, especially in low SNR case.

RMSE for defferent SNR

0 5 10 15 20 25 300














An Improved Bistable Circuitry System for Weak Signal Detection

Daoyi Dai, Qingbo He*, Yongbin Liu, Jianjun Wang, and Chang GongDepartment of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation

University of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei, Anhui 230026, China

• Explore weak signal detection via the SR effect with an improved bistable circuitry system.

• Use a filter array to realize multi-scale noise tuning.

• Main merits of the SR with multi-scale noise tuning : (1) the range of the noise density suited for SR is wider; (2) the output SNR of SR is higher.

Experimental setup of the bistable circuitry system

MA-3 (5) 11:40—12:00

A New Approach to the Diagnostic Quality Ambulatory ECG Recordings

Tsau Y et al. DIMETEK Digital Medical Technologies, Ltd

A new approach to ECG acquisition with the diagnostic quality in various activity states from resting to strenuous exercises without missing ECG signals is proposed, which is based on the digital technologies of pure digital medical amplifier (PDMA) featuring great input signal dynamic range (ISDR) and high immunity to various noises, as well as extensive use of digital filtering and parallel processing. The device can monitor ECG traces with up-to-moment P-QRS-T waveform measurements. It can be used as an all-in-one ECG device for diagnostic, monitoring, ambulatory, and stress testing purposes, and so has many new potential applications.

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MA-4: ISIT Image and Video Processing

Session Chairs: Gang Wang and Qi Zhang Room Macau, 10:20—12:00, Monday, 6 June 2011

MA-4 (1) 10:20—10:40 MA-4 (2) 10:40—11:00

Information Reduction Based on Temporal Similarity and Spatial Importance for Video

Transmission in Mobile Surveillance SystemYi-Chun Lin and Feng-Li Lian

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan UniversityTaipei, Taiwan

• Temporal similarity sampling is used to eliminate temporal redundancy.

• Spatial importance encoding is utilized to maintain high importance content.

• Information Reduction based on Similarity and Importance (IRSI) algorithm is proposed.

• Experimental results demonstrate excellent performance.

5 61 146 187 222 255











Frame (No.)





Client 2(1024k bps)

Label 1

Label 2Label 3

0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 0000







2 56( kb)

24. 12 / 3. 87

0.0 0 / 1. 42

0.0 0 / 0. 00

512( kb)

29. 81 / 3. 52

0.0 0 / 3. 76

0.0 0 / 0. 00

1024( kb)

31. 50 / 1. 81

16. 72 / 6. 99

0. 00 / 0. 00

2048( kb)

31. 95 / 1. 04

22. 99 / 3. 84

0. 00 / 0. 00

4096( kb)

31. 95 / 1. 04

30. 47 / 0. 65

0. 00 / 3. 02

8192( kb)

39. 66 / 1. 92

35. 79 / 0. 60

33. 15 / 0. 34

10240 (kb )

40. 41 / 1. 28

39. 74 / 0. 76

33. 37 / 0. 57





Bandw idth (kb)

for eman

0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 0000







2 56( kb)

23. 68 / 2. 07

0.0 0 / 0. 75

0.0 0 / 0. 00

512( kb)

31. 36 / 1. 44

0.0 0 / 3. 19

0.0 0 / 0. 00

1024( kb)

32. 29 / 0. 67

16. 43 / 1. 29

0. 00 / 0. 00

2048( kb)

32. 29 / 0. 67

21. 60 / 0. 43

0. 00 / 0. 00

4096( kb)

32. 29 / 0. 67

31. 09 / 0. 18

0. 00 / 0. 00

8192( kb)

41. 09 / 0. 60

37. 06 / 0. 17

33. 22 / 0. 08

10240 (kb )

41. 09 / 0. 53

40. 76 / 0. 12

33. 84 / 0. 30





Bandw idth (kb)


Human Tracking in Thermal Catadioptric Omnidirectional Vision

Yazhe Tang, Youfu Li, Tianxiang Bai, Zhongwei Li, Xiaolong ZhouDepartment of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management,

City University of Hong KongHong Kong, China

• This paper introduces a novel super surveillance system which has a global view and can work under all-weather condition.

• The proposed tracking method integrates the SVM with particle filter for effective tracking in thermal catadioptric omnidirectional vision.

• The experiments verify the proposed algorithm is effective.

The Thermal Catadioptric Omnidirectional Vision

MA-4 (3) 11:00—11:20 MA-4 (4) 11:20—11:40

Online Image Classifier Learning for Google Image Search Improvement

• The images returned by Google are used to learn a posterior pseudo-probability function for measuring their relevance to the query.

• All the images are re-ranked in descending order of their posterior pseudo-probabilities.

• The approach can bring better image retrieval precisions at top ranks than original Google results.

Yuchai Wan, Xiabi Liu and Jie BingSchool of Computer Science and Technology,

Beijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing, China

Yunpeng Chen The Middle School Attached to Northern

Jiaotong UniversityBeijing, China

From Google

Improved by using our approach

An example of top 10 images:

Efficient Registration Algorithm for UAV Image Sequence

Fan baojie, Du yingkui, Tang yandongState Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Shenyang, China

• This paper presents a fast and efficient image registration algorithm for UAV image sequence .

• The proposed algorithm consists of three main steps: feature extraction, feature point tracking, and homography matrix estimation..

• Experiments on different image sequences indicate that our method has satisfactory image registration results with the average time 0.3s The results of image

registration in the sequence

The UAV and its vision simulation motion platform

MA-4 (5) 11:40—12:00 A Method Study of Generating Digital Terrain Map for Lunar Exploration based on the Stereo Vision

Jianjun DU, Jinshou HE and Jianjun ZHU Shenzhen Graduate School Harbin Institute of Technology

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province China

• Construct the model and calibrate the camera.

• Use the polar geometry of linear transformation theory to recalculate pixel coordinates to rectify the image.

• Adopt the sum of absolute value of difference (SAD) method to achieve the image match.

• Use based on grid to generate digital map of landform reconstruction method to descript scene intuitively.

Left image and disparity map of Mars-3

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MP-1: Adaptive Control

Session Chairs: Zhibin Li and Shaobo Kang Room Zhuhai, 14:00—15:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

MP-1 (1) 14:00—14:20 MP-1 (2) 14:20—14:40

Robust Adaptive Control of Piezo-actuated Positioning Stages with An Ellipse-based

Hysteresis ModelGuo-Ying Guab, LiM in Zhua, and Chun-Yi Sub

aSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, ChinabDepartment of Mechanical and Industr ial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

• Description of the piezo-actuated positioning stage system

• Hysteresis modeling using an ellipse-based hysteresis model

• Development of a discontinue-projection-based robust adaptive controller

• Simulation validation and conclusion

Hysteresis PlantController

The UUV Heading Control SystemBased on Adaptive Robust PD Control Principle

Li Xu1, Shijie Li1, Jian Xu1,2, Jie Zhao2

College o f Automation, Harbin Engineering Universi ty, Harbin, ChinaRobotics Institute, Harbin Institute o f Technology , Harbin, China

• A heading control method of UUV based on adaptive robust PD control principle is presented.

• Simulation research is carried out for typical working conditions of UUV.

• The lake trial of “BSA-I” UUV in “xinan” river is carried out and the effectiveness of adaptive robust PD control principle is proved. Lake Trial of “BSA-I”UUV

MP-1 (3) 14:40—15:00 MP-1 (4) 15:00—15:20

Adaptive Synchronization Between Two Delayed Complex Networks With Derivative

Coupling And Non-identical NodesWang Jian, Feng Lin and Li Shu-kai

Institute of Systems Engineer ing, Tianjin UniversityTianjin, Ch ina

• Complex networks.

• Synchronization.

• Time delay.

• Non-identical nodes.

Adaptive Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Input Hysteresis

Li Zhifu, Yuan Peng, Hu Yueming and Chen Tiemei Engineering Research Center for Precision Electronic Manufacturing Equipmen ts of Ministry o f

Education, College of Au tomation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology Guangzhou, China

• Krasnosel’skii-Pokrovkii model and its inversion

• Design of adaptive controllers for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems preceded by unknown Krasnosel’skii-Pokrovkii hysteresis

• Numerical simulation to verify the theoretical findings and show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

• Conclusions Krasnosel’skii-Pokrovkii Hysteresis

MP-1 (5) 15:20—15:40

Application for Solving Angular Velocity with Adaptive Kalman Filtering in

Chen Lei, Sun Shuguang, Cheng Z ijian, Jiang Mai, JIA GangHeilongjiang East University,Harbin, China

• Based on a nine-accelerometer configuration, detailed analyzes the principle of GFSINS and gives the process for solving angular velocity.

• Adaptive kalman filter is constructed equations of state and filtering equations for solving angular velocity.

• Compare kalman filter and adaptive kalman filter for solving angular velocity.

• Simulate and verify the results, and obtain results . Configuration of nine accelerometer

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MP-2: Robotics I

Session Chairs: Ying Hu and Xiaodong Wu

Room Hong Kong, 14:00—15:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

MP-2 (1) 14:00—14:20 MP-2 (2) 14:20—14:40

Human-robot Collaborative Manipulation through Imitation and Reinforcement Learning

Ye Gu, Anand Thobbi and Weihua Sheng,ASCC Lab, Oklahoma State University,

Stillwater, USA.

• We propose a two-phase learning framework for human-robot collaborative manipulation tasks.

• Phase I – To learn to grasp the table using imitation learning.

• Imitating the human in the task space.

• Phase II – To learn the collaboration behavior by reinforcement learning.

• Robot can acquire the skill in a short time.

Human-robot performing the table lifting task

Development of a Sensor-driven Snake-like Robot SR-I

Xiaodong Wu1, and Shugen Ma1,2

1.Department of Robotics, Ritsumeikan University, Japan2.Shenyang Institute of Automation, CAS, China

• To achieve self-adaptive locomotion, a sensor-driven snake-like robot SR-I has been developed.

• The design of the mechanism and control system of this sensor-driven snake-like robot is presented.

• Based on the sensory information, the implementations of terrain-adaptive locomotion and collision-free locomotion are investigated respectively.

Snake-like Robot SR-I

MP-2 (3) 14:40—15:00 MP-2 (4) 15:00—15:20

Hybrid Control Policy of Robot Arm Motion for Assistive Robots

Hsien-I Lin and Chi-Li ChenGraduate Institute of Automation Technology National Taipei University of Technology

Taipei, Taiwan

• Propose a hybrid control policy of robot arm motion to semi-automatically control a remote robot arm for assisting the elderly in daily living.

• Integrate the advantages of end-effector and tele-operation control modes.

• Validate the hybrid mode by showing its capability of obstacle avoidance and reaching to a target position quickly.

• The average execution time of tele-operation mode: 40.46 sec.; hybrid mode: 22.26 sec. in the task.

Feature End-effect Tele-operation


Obs tacle avoidance

Fair Good Good

Accuracy Good Low Good

Speed Good Low Fair

Human-li ke


Low Good Good

Safety Low Good Good

The task environment to va lidate the hybrid mode

(a) (b)

Performance comparison

A Novel High Adaptability Out-door MobileRobot with Diameter-variable Wheels

Lan Zheng1,2,3, Peng Zhang1,2, Ying Hu1, Gang Yu2, Zhangjun Song1, Jianwei Zhang1

1.Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2. Mechanical Engineering and Au tomation, HIT Shenzhen Graduate School

3.The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China • A novel high terrain adaptability out-

door mobile robot with diameter-variable wheels was proposed.

• The mechanism was described. The obstacle climbing capability and stability of the robot were analyzed.

• The kinematic and dynamic models were introduced. Simulations were carried out to show that the robot has high adaptability in unstructured environment.

An Out-door Mobile Robotwith Diameter-variable Wheels

MP-2 (5) 15:20—15:40

Simulation Study of Planetary Rover’s Static Model under Unstructured Terrain Condition

Ning Mao1,2, Bo su2, Qichang Yao2, Lei Jiang2, Hongji Xu1

1Changchun University of Science and TechnologyChangchun, J ilin Province, China

2China North Vehicle Research Institu teBeij ing, China

• The static simulation of the rover with optimal power consumption is described.

• It is based on kinematics and statics model, combined with experiment data.

• This method can not only be seemed as an advance judgment of the trafficability, but also can be used as the design basis of the rover controller. Flow diagram of static simulation

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MP-3: Navigation System

Session Chairs: Shulian Pan and Hongyang Bai Room Kowloon, 14:00—15:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

MP-3 (1) 14:00—14:20 MP-3 (2) 14:20—14:40

Calibration of Low Cost MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit for an FPGA-based Navigation

SystemLei Wang

Center of Micro-system Technology , Shenyang Ligong UniversityShenyang, China

• An effective intelligent calibration method combining with Kalman Filter is proposed.

• A prototype development board based on FPGA is implemented for experimental testing.

• The significant error sources of IMU are estimated in virtue of static tests, rate tests, thermal tests.

• The efficiency of proposed approach is demonstrated by various experimental scenarios with real MEMS data.

MEMS IMU and FPGA prototype

A useful Doppler Radar outlier elimination algorithm Based on Orthogonality of Innovatione

Hongyang BAI1, Xiaozhong Xue2

1.National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, 2.Department of Power EngineeringNanjing University of Science and Technology

Nanjing, China

The DFBINS System

MP-3 (3) 14:40—15:00 MP-3 (4) 15:00—15:20

Average Speed Estimation Based on the Data of Diverse Floating Car

Shuliang Pan, Bo Jiang, Nan Zou, and Lei JiaSchool of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University

Jinan, China

• Road section division

• Dynamic road section integration

• Fitting the multi-type floating carspeed into average car speed using the least squares method

• Average speed estimation model based on the number of floating cars

• The average Error Rate is less than seven percent by simulation test using vissim

The Curve of Estimated Speed and Real Speed

Application of the Adaptive Two-stage EKF Algorithm in Geomagnetic Aided Inertial

NavigationMing Liu, Haijun Wang, Qingye Guo

Aviation Information Technology R&D Center, Binzhou UniversityBinzhou, China

• The geomagnetic aided inertial navigation is introduced to enhance the land vehicle navigation precision.

• Nonlinear model is developed, and an adaptive two-stage EKF method is proposed.

• Simulation results show the

efficiency of the new method. The east velocity error's estimation errors

MP-3 (5) 15:20—15:40

Research of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Monitor Technique Based on Dual-axis Consequential Rotation

Jianhua Cheng, Mingyue Li and Daidai ChenCollege of Automation, Harbin Engineering University

Harbin, China

• Analysis the errors of SINS.

• Display the theory of single-axis rotation monitor system.

• Design the scheme of dual-axis consequential rotation monitor system which can modulate three errors including constant error, the scale error and the installation error.

• Compare the modulation results done by single-axis and dual-axis consequential rotation.

Dual-axis rotationmonitor system

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MP-4: ISIT Pattern Recognition I

Session Chairs: Hai Wang and Gang Zhou Room Macau, 14:00—15:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

MP-4 (1) 14:00—14:20 MP-4 (2) 14:20—14:40 Detecting Temporal Patterns using Reconstructed Phase Space and Support Vector Machine in the

Dynamic Data SystemWenjing Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Xin Feng, Senior Member, IEEE, and Naveen Bansal

Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringMarquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA

• Detecting dynamic temporal patterns that are characteristic of significant events in a dynamic data system.

• Gaussian Mixture Model to cluster the data sequence into three categories of signals, e.g. normal, patterns and events.

• A hybrid method using Support Vector Machines and Maximum a Posterior to classify temporal pattern signals in Reconstructed Phase Space.

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100060











Time t



Dynamic Temporal Patterns

Scene text detection based on hierarchical MLPGang Zhou, Yuehu Liu, and Jianji Wang

Institute of AI and Robotics, Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an, China

• Utilizing local information for image segmentation.

• A novelty hierarchical architecture consisting of two MLP classifiers in tandem is utilized to analysis the connected components.

• 7 kinds of unary components feature and 4 kinds of binary components feature are proposed for training hierarchical MLP. Application of Scene text detection

MP-4 (3) 14:40—15:00 MP-4 (4) 15:00—15:20

Chinese Handwriting Quality Evaluation Based on Analysis of Recognition Confidence

Yan Gao and Lianwen JinHuman-Computer Communication Intelligent Laboratory,

South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

• Recognize the Chinese handwriting character by the MQDF classifier .

• Compute the recognition confidence based on MQDF distance.

• Rank the handwriting quality of Chinese character based on the recognition confidence.

• The proposed method generally coincides with the human scores. The Sony Aibo Dog

A matching algorithm on statistical properties of Harris corner

Baigen-He, Zhu Ming and Yajuan WeiChangchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

• This paper describes the statistical properties of Harris corner.

• A detailed analysis of the independence of Harris corners’statistical properties through some experiments.

• Statistical properties of Harris corner are applied to image matching combined with BBF algorithm.

Matching result

MP-4 (5) 15:20—15:40

Multiple Binary Classifiers Fusion using Induced Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Weighted Average

OperatorHai Wang, Yan Zhang, Gang Qian

School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal UniversityNanjing, China

• We present a multiple binary classifiers fusion scheme which is achieved by the induced intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted average (I-IFOWA) operator.

• With different manifestations of the weighting vector, we develop 9 specific I-IFOWA operators to weight and select base classifiers.

• Comparable experiments are developed and we consequently clarify that the weight of a base classifier is not simply linear to its accuracy.

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ME-1: Advanced Management I

Session Chairs: Yanjiong Wang and Liling Xia Room Zhuhai, 16:00—17:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

ME-1(1) 16:00—16:20 ME-1 (2) 16:20—16: 40

The Design and Implementation of Feature-Grading Recommendation System for E-Commerce

Luo Yi1 , Fan Miao 2, Zhou Xiaoxia 31 International School, 2 School of Softw are Engineering of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

3 School of Insurance and Economics University of International Business and Economics

• The overall process can be separated into 5 key steps.

• Based on feature mining, sentimental analysis, and the records of customer historical behaviors.

• Providing both related and highly appreciated items.

• We also introduce the prototype recommendation system we developed on the basis of Feature-Grading

Fig 1. The user interface

The Design and Implementation of Telemedical Consulting System for


A telemedical auscultation consulting system based

on LAN is designed and implemented. Besides

transmitting data with high security, this system can also

sample, real-time-display, and store heart sound signals.

Furthermore, many other functions are achieved such as

heart sound playback, computer-aided diagnosis,

electronic medical record reporting, etc. By using this

system, doctors can communicate with and diagnose for

patient s remotely.

AUTHORS: Lisheng Xu ,Ying Wang ,Yue Wang,etc

ME-1 (3) 16: 40—17:00 ME-1 (4) 17:00—17:20

The Design and Implementation of Distributed Inventory Management System Based on the

Intranet ArchitectureLiling Xia

Department of Informa tion Eng ineering, Nan jing Institute Of Industry TechnologyNanjing, Ch ina

• A distributed inventory management system based on intranet system structure was put forward in this paper.

• It analyses and designs the function model of distributed inventory management system, and introduces system design and implementation methods

• Implement the valid management and fast and accurate retrieval of distributed inventory information.

Fig. 2 Distributed inventory management system based on

intranet architecture

System Engineering Method for Naval Ship Evaluation

Liang Ge, Yuan-hang HouCollege o f Ship Building Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

Haibin, China

• A simplified warship index system including efficiency, risk and cost was built up.

• The group decision-making method improved by optimized Hadamard bulge combination was utilized to concentrate experts’ opinions for the weights of bottom targets.

• The whole process of naval ship evaluation was generalized based on system engineering methodology.

• A new naval ship evaluation model which could support both group decis ion and different kinds of attributes was constructed. Flowchart of naval ship evaluation

ME-1 (5) 17:20—17:40

A Key Exchange Scheme Based-On Product Code and Performance Simulation

Yanjiong Wang, Qiaoyan WenState Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology,

Beijing University o f Posts and Telecommunica tions, China

• A key exchange scheme base-on Merkle’s Puzzle without trusted third party.

• For any items with different product codes, different keys can be negotiated.

• Comparing with origninal Merkle’s scheme, security performance has been improved.

• Performance simulation is also given.

Original Merkle’s Scheme

CB-Merkle Scheme

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ME-2: Robotics II

Session Chairs: Qing He and Wei Liu Room Hong Kong, 16:00—17:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

ME-2 (1) 16:00—16:20 ME-2 (2) 16:20—16:40

Research of a Static Balance Method for a Quadruped Robot Walking on a Slope

Zhang Wen-yu , Zhang LeiInstitute of Command Automa tion, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China

• We propose a new stabilitycriterion combined Sne and

stability margin together.• Based on this criterion, the

gaits transition is planned and the two unstable problems are solved by dynamically moving the center of gravity

• Through simulation, it is verified that the quadruped robot could move in all directions on a slope with high stability and rapid speed

The Quadruped robot simulation platform

Type Synthesis and Kinematic Analysis of a New Class Schonflies motion Parallel Manipulator

Zhibin Li, Yunjiang Lou, Zexiang LIShenzhen Graduate School, Harb in Insti tute of Techno logy

Shenzhen, China

• A new class of spatial 4-DOF Schonflies motion parallel manipulator with four identical chains is presented.

• The solution of its inverse kinematics and forward kinematics are all sixteen.

• Two kinds of singularities and its workspace are discussed.

• The results show that the moving platform and the base should be in dissimilar dimension. The Parallel Manipulator

ME-2 (3) 16:40—17:00 ME-2 (4) 17:00—17:20

Fuzzy Logic-based Multi-robot Cooperation for Object-pushingYifan Cai and Simon X. Yang

School of Engineering, University of GuelphGuelph, Ontario, Canada

• A two-stage fuzzy logical controller

is developed.

• The controller inputs include previous robot velocities, distances detected from the obstacles, and robot members.

• The multi-robot system can work in the environments with both static obstacles and dynamic obstacles.

• The multi-robot cooperation is designed to be adaptive.

Multi-robot Cooperation for Object-pushing

Map Building for Mobile Robot Based on Distributed Control Technology

• An efficient SLAM technique for indoor mobile robot navigation based on Laser Range Finder and Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) was proposed.

• By using RTM, we developed LRF data getting component, mobile robot control component, RBPF component and etc.

• Some experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.

The components structure of mobilerobot SLAM based on RBPF

Songmin Jia, Ke Wang, Xiuzhi L i, Wei Cui, Jinhui FanCollege of Electronic Information & Con trol Engineering

Beijing, China

Jinbo ShengHitachi, L td

Tokyo, Japan

ME-2 (5) 17:20—17:40

A New Real-time Method for Distortion Correction in Surgical Robot Positioning

SystemsTingfang Yan1,2, Ning Wei1, Qing He1, Wei Liu1, Chenxi Wang1, Jinglan Tian2, Chao Hu1 and

Max Q.-H. Meng1,2,3

1Shenzhen Institutes of Adv anced Technology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China2School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong Univ ersity , Jinan, Shandong, China

3Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese Univ ersity of HongKong, HongKong, China

The surgical robot positioning system is real-time, so the image dis tortion correction should be real-time as well.

Analyze the distortion model and porpose a new real-time distortion correction method based on fixed point theorem.

Experiments show that our new distortion correction method can correct any points directly and quickly, meaning that it can meet the pos itioning system's real-time property well.

The original distorted image

The corrected image

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ME-3: Mechanism and Design

Session Chairs: Zhigang Liu and Kai He Room Kowloon, 16:00—17:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

ME-3 (1) 16:00—16:20 ME-3 (2) 16:20—16:40

Sensitivity Analysis of Torsional Vibrations in Mill Drive Train System

Xingchun Yan, Yongqin Wang, Yuanxin Luo and Qing WangThe State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission , Chongqing University

Chongqing, China

• The sensitivity can be easily obtained by using our in-house program.

• The inertia and stiffness of the components are sensitive to the specific order natural frequency in a mill drive system. Most sensitivity parameters of the drive system can be obtained by comparing the sensitivity value.

• This program should be improved by considering the structure parameter of the major components in the future.

The Mill Drive Train System







Theoretical and Experimental Analysis on Deformation of Sheet Metal under Singal Point

Waterjet Impact He Mao, Kai He, Qun Luo and Ruxu Du

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

• This paper studied the distribution of axial dynamic waterjet pressure and the impact pressure on sheet metal surface by theoretical analysis.

• FEA simulations were carried out to predict the sheet metal plastic deformation under different parameters including waterjet pressure, nozzle diameter and sheet metal thickness.

• Experiments were designed and carried out, and the experimental results matched the simulation results well.

Waterjet incremental sheet metal forming

ME-3 (3) 16:40—17:00 ME-3 (4) 17:00—17:20

A New Type of Four Supporting Points Parallel Redundant Action Mechanism for Attitude

AdjustmentYong Nie, Zhigang Liu, Jinhua Zhang and Dichen Li

Stake Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an,China

• The designing idea of this parallel redundant action mechanism.

• The working principle of this attitude adjustment mechanism.

• The parts digital assembly with this mechanism.

• The parts’ trajectory planning during the attitude adjustment process.

The Attitude Adjustment Mechanism

Digital Design of Low-cost 3-DOF Prosthetic Hand

Xi Tang, Changjie Luo, Kai He, and Ruxu DuPrecision Engineering Center, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology

Shenzhen, China

• Complete the structural design of prosthetic hand according to the anthropometric data .

• Develope a kind of digital design software of prosthetic hand. Two function modules are included, quick design module and customizable module.

• Make prototypes and do some tests.

The 3-DOF Prosthetic Hand

ME-3 (5) 17:20—17:40

Dynamic Optimum Design and Analysis of Cam Wave Generator

Qianjin Xiao1,2, Hongguang Jia1 and Xuefeng Han1,2

1.Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesChangchun, China

2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing, China

• The mathematical optimization model of the cam wave generator were established.

• Topology optimization and size optimization were performanced, and the optimal results were obtained.

• The analysis based on the static and dynamic performance was carried out in order to check the performance of the optimal cam.

The topology density distribution of cam

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ME-4: ISIT Pattern Recognition II

Session Chairs: Chao Wang and Panhong Wang Room Macau, 16:00—17:40, Monday, 6 June 2011

ME-4 (1) 16:00—16:20 ME-4 (2) 16:20—16:40

Vehicle Detection Based on Spatial-Temporal Connection Background Subtraction

Chao Wang, Zhan Song Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Guilin, Guangxi, ChinaShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

• The spatial contour information extracted to detect the vehicles.

• The GMM is used to establish the background model for subtraction.

• The stability of the background model is considered.

• Different methods are analysed and the stability is better than GMM method.

• Pre-process method is proposed.Background Stability

Robust Abnormal Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Frames Detection Based on Least Squared Density Ratio Algorithm

Haibin Wang, Dongmei Chen, Max Q.-H. Meng, Chao Hu, Zhiyong LiuShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, Shenzhen, China

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Shatin, China

• This paper proposes a new framework by defining Frame Abnormality Index using the ratio of training and testing data densities.

• We use Least Square-based algorithm to estimate density ratio parameters without involving density estimation. Actual clinical patient frames including various abnormal frames are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.

The strategy to detect abnormal video frames

ME-4 (3) 16:40—17:00 ME-4 (4) 17:00—17:20

A Human Identification MethodBased on Dynamic Plantar Pressure Distribution

Yong Feng, Yunjian Ge, Quanjun SongDepartment of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei, China

• Dynamic plantar pressure includes anatomical and behavioral characteristic of human.

• We established an in-shoe plantar pressure measure system for collecting pressure information.

• Some methods were used for data preprocessing.

• SVM was used for classification, and the recognition rate reached 96% in ourexperiments.

Technical flow chart

Learning Mahalanobis Distance for DTW based Online Signature Verification

Yu Qiao1,2, Xingxing Wang1, and Chunjing Xu1,2

1. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, Shenzhen, China2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

• Propose Mahalanobis distance (MD) for online signature verification.

• Estimate covariance matrix in MD

– Minimize signature difference for the same writer.

– Maximize signature difference for different writers

• Achieve better performances than previous methods.



ME-4 (5) 17:20—17:40

A Method for HMM-Based System Calls Intrusion Detection Based on Hybrid Training

AlgorithmPanhong Wang, Liang Shi, Beizhan Wang, Yangbin Liu, Yuanqin Wu

Software School of Ximen University, Ximen, China

• HMM (Hidden Markov Model) is a very important intrusion detection tool.

• The classical HMM training algorithm can only find a local optimal solution.

• this paper introduces a hybrid algorithm into intrusion detection.

• Experiments show that this algorithm can find a more accurate model.

The Taring Model of HMM

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TA-1 Neural Network

TA-2 Vision I

TA-3 Intelligent Information

TA-4 ISIT Mechanics Design and Analysis

TP-1 Modeling and Control

TP-2 Vision II

TP-3 Computer and Application

TP-4 ISIT Engineering Optimization

TE-1 Stability Analysis and Control

TE-2 Embedded & FPGA System

TE-3 Network

TE-4 ISIT Reliable and Optimization

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TA-1: Neural Network

Session Chairs:Chenn-Jung Huang and Yangze Dong Room Zhuhai, 10:20—12:00, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TA-1 (1) 10:20—10:40 TA-1 (2) 10:40—11:00

Neural Network Based Edge Detection for Automated Medical Diagnosis

Dingran Lu(1), Xiao-Hua Yu(1), Xiaomin Jin(1), Bin Li(2,3), Quan Chen(2,3), J ianhua Zhu(4)(1) Dept. of Electrical Eng., California Po lytechnic State University, SLO, Ca lifornia, USA

(2) Smar tbead Inc., San Luis Obispo, California, USA(3) Health-coming Co. Ltd, Haining, Zhejiang Province, China

(4) Departmen t of Or thopedics, Huzhou Central Hospital, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

• Artificial neural network is employed to detect edges in gray-scale images

• Fuzzy sets are introduced during the training phase to improve the generalization ability of neural networks

• The proposed approach is applied to the edge detection of medical images for automated bladder cancer diagnosis

Edge detection for bladdercancer cell images

RBF Neural Network Parameters Optimization based on Paddy Field Algorithm

Sheng Wang1,2, Dawe i Dai1,2,3, Huijuan Hu 4, Yen-Lun Chen1,2 ,and Xinyu Wu1,2

1.Shenzhen Institutes o f Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy Sciences ,Shenzhen, China2.The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

3.South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China4.China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China

• With regard to the issue of selecting Radial Basis Functions (RBF) neural network center parameters, this paper has introduced the paddy field algorithm (PFA) for its optimization.

• PFA had stronger global search capacity and higher convergence speed so as to better optimize RBF neural network.

• The experiment showed that all predicted errors were lower than that of PSO predicted results.

Predicted output

0 500 1000 1500-1.5






1.5Corresponding predict ion output of various algorithms

Sampling points x


Actual outputPSO-RBF Prediction

PFA-RBF Predict ion

RBF Predict ion

TA-1 (3) 11:00—11:20 TA-1 (4) 11:20—11:40

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Army KM Performance Based on Neural Network


Xu Yuanlin, Gao Peng, Liu Zengliang and Xu Peng

School of Managemen t of Graduate Schoo l,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China

• Construct the army knowledge management performance evaluation system

• Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation algorithm base on BPNN and RBFNN

• Builde the evaluation model

• Evaluated the knowledge management of 4 corpses in certain division by using the above network structure and

NN structure of determine the weight





Infrared Face Recognition Based on Local Binary

Pattern and Multi-objective Genetic AlgorithmTu We i, Xie Zhihua

Jiang xi Sciences and Techno logy Normal Universi tyNanchang, Jiangxi, China

• To get robust local features in infrared face, local binary pattern representation is applied to our method, instead of holistic feature extraction method

• Feature selection algorithm based on multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is proposed to analyse and discard patterns that are not relevant to the recognition task.

• The experimental results demonstrate the infrared face recognition method based on LBP+MOGA proposed outperforms the traditional methods based on LBP or PCA+LDA.

The features extraction process based on LBP and NSGA

TA-1 (5) 11:40—12:00

Vehicle-License-Plate Recognition Based on Neural Networks

YiQing Liu,Dong Wei, Ning Zhang,MinZhe Zhao Control Theory and Control Engineer ing Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture Xicheng

Distrct,Beijing,ChinaArtific ial Inte lligence Tianjing KuGe Technology Co.,LTD

• A license plate recognition system based on neural networks was designed and developed. The system used a neural-network chip(CogniMem) to recognize license plates.

• The chip is a fully parallel silicon neural network with 1024 neurons inside.

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TA-2: Vision I

Session Chairs: Baopu Li and Zhangjun Song Room Hong Kong, 10:20—12:00, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TA-2 (1) 10:20—10:40 TA-2 (2) 10:40—11:00


Kun Peng, Lulu Hou, Jing Kong, Ren Ren, Xianghua Y ing, Hongbin ZhaKey Laboratory of Machine Percep tion (Ministry of Eduction)

School of EEC S, Peking University, Beijing China• This paper presents a practical 3D

tracking method using rectangular

regions in structured scenes.

• Dominant orthogonal vanishing points and some projections of rectangular regions (PRR) are detected from the first frame.

• Full camera pose is tracked using the intensity differences of PRR among the frame sequences.


Capsule Endoscopy Video Boundary Detection

Baopu Li, Max Q.-H. Meng, Department o f Electronic Engineer ing, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Capsule endoscopy (CE) is a new technology to diagnose the diseases for small intestine;

• Reduction of the review time for a CE video is desired;

• Color, textural and motion features are chosen to represent the frame content;

• Boundary detection is obtained by localizing local maximal values along the feature distance curve;

• Preliminary experiments show a promising performance of CE video boundary detection .

TA-2 (3) 11:00—11:20 TA-2 (4) 11:20—11:40

A Novel Strategy to Label Abnormalities for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Frames Sequence

Dongmei Chen, Max Q.-H. Meng, Haibin Wang, Chao Hu, Zhiyo ng Liu

• Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is the most accurate, patient-friendly diagnostic tool that allows physicians to see the patient’s whole gastrointestinal tract, especially the small intestine . However, reviewing capsule endoscopic video is a labor intensive task and very time consuming. Also the diagnosis process by WCE videos is not rea l-time. All above limitations motiva te us to develop an approach to automatically de tect the abnormalities in real tim e. In this paper we propose a novel strategy to detect abnormal fram e for WCE.

• The key idea of the proposed stra tegy is to define the Frame Abnormality Index (FAI) using the ratio of training and testing data densities, where training dataset only consist of norm al samples and testing dataset consist of both normal and abnormal samples. We select training and testing da tabase from several WCE video segments to do our pilot experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy achieves promising performances.

Approach to detec t abnormal WCE frames

Under-Monitoring test ing databas e Pre-prepared Tr aining Databas e

Test ing Samples


Feature Extrac tio n

D ensity Rat io

A bnormal Frame

N ormal Frame

Training Samples

Frame Abno rmali ty Index



Represent at ive Group

No rmal Frames on ly Nor mal& Abnormal Frame

Patient W CE V ideo

Real-time Pedestrian Detection Based on Edge Factor and Histogram of Oriented Gradient

Guoqing Xu1,2.3 and Xiaocui Wu1,2, Li Liu1,2 and Zhengbin Wu1,2

1 Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy Chinese Academy of Science, ShenZhen, China;

2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;

• Pre-process: convert to greyscale, zooming, set ROI;

• Coarse detection—edge factor;

• Fine detection—HOG/linSVM.

Gradient original image

TA-2 (5) 11:40—12:00

Real-time Vehicle Detection Based on HaarFeatures and Pairwise Geometrical Histograms

Xi Yong, Liwei Zhang, Zhangjun Song, Ying Hu, Lan Zheng, Jianwei ZhangShenzhen Institutes o f Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Result of Vehicle Detection using Our Method

• The PGH is a powerful shape descriptor applied to contours matching

• In recent years, the Viola and Jones rapid object detection approach became very popular

• Haar features are similar to the basis functions in Haarwavelet

• We combine the Haar features

and PGH together for vehicle detection

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TA-3: Intelligent Information

Session Chairs: Xianhui Yang and Yu Mao Room Kowloon, 10:20—12:00, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TA-3 (1) 10:20—10:40 TA-3 (2) 10:40—11:00

Automatic Extraction of The Lung Field from Volumetric Images for Statistical Anatomical

Modeling: A Technical ApproachHongliang Ren 1 and Max Q.-H. Meng 2

1 Children’s Hospital Boston, USA2 Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Fully automatic segmentation• Intensity Based Automatic

Extraction of Lung-field

• Populational Statistical Anatomical Shape Analysis• Statistical Atlas

A new model updating approach of multivariate statistical process monitoring

Bo He, Xianhui YangDepartment o f Automation, T singhua University

Beijing, China• Proposed a new model updating

approach of multivariate statistical process monitoring .

• Combining the information from quality information with real- time process measurements to monitoring.

• An effective approach of calculating the update interval has been discussed.

• CSTR simulation to evaluated the proposed algorithms has been presented The Scheme of the new model

updating approach

TA-3 (3) 11:00—11:20 TA-3 (4) 11:20—11:40

An Improved Method and Algorithm for Electromagnetic Localization

Jinglan Tian1,2, Shuang Song1, Xiaojing Wang1, Tingfang Yan2,Chao Hu1, Max Q.‐H. Meng1,2,3

1) Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, the Chinese Academy of Science, the Chinese University of Hongkong,  Shenzhen, China

2) School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China3) Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong KongShatin, N.T. Hong Kong

• The magnetic field is generated by one 3-axe excitation source and one 2-axe sensor.

• The two sensors are fixed with an included angle (a constant value less than 90 degree).

• Obtain the 6-D parameters(x, y, z, ψ, θ, φ) of position and orientation information. The Geometric Relationship

An Alternative to Enhanced External Counterpulsation: A Pilot Study of ECG-driven

Sequential Muscle StimulationRen Xu1, Xiaochang Liu1, J ia Liu1, Gang Dai2 and Guifu Wu2

1 Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy, Chinese Academy of Sciences / The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Ch ina

2 The Key Laboratory of Assisted Circula tion, The Ministry of Health of China / The First Affiliated Hosp ital of Sun Ya t-sun University, Guangzhou, China

• We developed a system aiming at improving cardiac circulation similar to EECP, using ECG-driven sequential muscle stimulation (ESMS).

• A experiment on a beagle dog was carried out to find out its immediate hemodynamic effects .

• We observed the augmented diastolic blood pressure and blood flow induced by the proposed system, though D/S ratio is much lower than the reported

( )

ESMS system

TA-3 (5) 11:40—12:00

An Analysis of the Effect of Bit Error Ratio on Signal Reconstruction ErrorYu Miao, Haiyan Wang, Xuan Wang, Wanzheng N ing ,Yuan Zeng

School of Marine Engineering, Nor thwestern Poly technical University, Xi’anShaanxi, China

Abstract - When comp ressed sensing technology is applied to underwater acoustic communication system, signal reconstruction error will be affected more or less by bit error ratio (BER). In this essay, random number of statistics, which obeys the law of standard normal d is tribution, is used to simu late the generation of bit error. Using the same reconstruction algorithm, reconstruction error with bit error and reconstruction error without bit error are compared. The result of the simu lation shows that signal reconstruction error with a bit error rat io of is 4t imes as much as s ignal reconstruct ion e rror without b it error rat io .

Index Terms - Compressed Sensing; Bit Error Ratio; Reconstruction error.


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TA-4: ISIT Mechanics Design and Analysis

Session Chairs: Jianing Liang and Jia Liu Room Macau, 10:20—12:00, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TA-4 (1) 10:20—10:40 TA-4 (2) 10:40—11:00

Electric Air Conditioner System with On-board Charger for PHEV

Jianing Liang12, Guoqing Xu23, Linni Jian12 and Liu Li12

1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China2The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

3Tongji University, Shanghai,

• Proposed a novel topology of SRM converter.

• Integrated a SRM driving function and battery charging function.

• Analyzed the operation mode of proposed converter.

• Proposed a control scheme for proposed converter.

Proposed converter

Performance Analysis of Two-way Cartridge Calve Based on MESim and Aorthogonal Test

Lei Tian Jinjin Guo and Rensheng YuTianjin University

TA-4 (3) 11:00—11:20 TA-4 (4) 11:20—11:40

Mechanical Designs and Control System of Throwable Miniature Reconnaissance Robot

Liancun Zhang1, Qiang Huang1, Liying Wu2,Yuancan Huang1, Yue Li1 and Wenhua Sang1

1. Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing , China 2. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

• The mechanical designs and control system of the robot have been illustrated in the paper.

• ANSYS/LS-DYNA was applied to accomplish dynamic simulation analysis of the robot.

• Some experiments have been done tovalidate the anti-impact ability and autonomous capabilities of the robot.

The Throwable MiniatureReconnaissance Robot

• The robot can real-time feedback video and audio of target area.

• The robot has autonomous mode and remote control mode.

a novel instantaneous phase difference estimator:Piecewise Maximum cross-correlation

functionXiaoan GU1, Jia Liu1, Xiping Gong2

1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences 2Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University

• we took the complex Morlet waveletmethod as an example to discuss the possible limitations

• we proposed a new statistical approach PMCC based on time shift estimation.

• PMCC avoids the avoids the trade-off between time and frequency resolution and performs well in anti-noise .

• PMCC requires data to be mono-time-shift signal.

PMCC method

TA-4 (5) 11:40—12:00

The Research and Design of ATM PIN Pad Based on Triple DES

Wanping Wu1,2, Jianxun Jin1, and Jun Cheng2,3

1University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 2Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences.

3The Chinese University of Hong Kong

ATM(Automatic Teller Machine) PIN (personal identification number) pad is essential in bank. In the paper, a PIN Pad system is designed based on 3DES encryption algorithm, and the exception handling is added in the PIN Pad (such as: jitter, command coverage, the wrong password more than three times). The experimental results demonstrate feasibility of designed system.

The system flow chart

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TP-1: Modeling and Control

Session Chairs: Zhangjun Song, Xinyu Miao Room Zhuhai, 14:00—15:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TP-1 (1) 14:00—14:20 TP-1 (2) 14:20—14:40

Research on Mathematical Model of Autonomous Decentralized PMSM and Its Current Compensation

during FailureJizhu Liu, Shuanghui Hao, Shaohua Wang, Peng Zhang and Tao Chen

School of Mechanical and Elec tric Engineering, Soochow UniversitySuzhou, China

Permanent magnetic synchronous motor (PMSM) with high speed, large torque and high power usually employs centralized h igh power, which increases the capacity of the transformer, and reduces the reliability of the system, so the paper proposes a scheme based on an autonomous decentralized architecture, in wh ich the stator winding uses dis tributed network s tructure, each coil of the winding is controlled by a separate driving controller, to improve the fault tolerance of the driving system. The paper deduces the formula for PMSM vector coordinate transformation, and the formula for motor self-inductance and mutual-inductance, as well as the motor voltage and electromagnetic torque model in decentralized architecture, taking a 8-pole 12-slot PMSM as example, establishes the mathematical model of current compensation with constant motor instantaneous electromagnetic torque before and after one or all coils of phase A are failed, finally tests the correctness of the current compensation model by using finite element simulat ing analysis and concrete experiments .

Modeling of a Gyro-stabilized Helicopter Camera System Using Artificial Neural Networks

Nicholas Layshot, Xiao-Hua Yu Department o f Electrical Engineering, Cali fornia Poly technic Sta te University

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, USA

• The inertial characteristics of the

inner gimbal in a multi-g imbal

system is modeled by artificial

neural networks

• The neural network is tra ined with

time-domain data obtained from an

actual gyro-s tabilized camera system

• Computer s imulation results show the neural

network model fits well with the

measurement data and significantly

outperforms the traditional model

TP-1 (3) 14:40—15:00 TP-1 (4) 15:00—15:20

Accurate Distortion Modeling of Active-RC LossyIntegrator by Volterra Series Method

Yingwu Miao and Yuxing ZhangUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Chengdu, China

• Accurate distortion modeling of active-RC integrator was proposed using the Volterra series method.

• All the nonlinearity including nonlinear intermodulation, the loading effect of external configuration components and parasitic capacitance are considered.

• Theoretical analyses are in accordance with the transistor level simulation even up to 5 times gain bandwidth product.

• Analysis derived can be used to accelerate the design and avoid time-consuming transient simulation.

2nd and 3rd order distortion












frequency (Hz)



102 104 106 108-120






frequency (Hz)



Generating Lane-change Trajectories using the Dynamic Model of Driving Behavior

Guoqing Xu1,2, Li Liu1, Zhangjun Song1, Yongsheng Ou1.1.Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinesena Academy of Sciences.

2.The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.

• In this paper, we propose a dynamic lane-change model which reflects the driver control strategy of adjus ting longitude and lateral acceleration.

• The proposed model is intuitive and can clearly describe the habit and randomness of lane-change behavior with limit parameters.

Generated Lane-change Trajectories

0 12 3 45670






0123 45670






TP-1 (5) 15:20—15:40

Immune Evolution Algorithm for Iterative Learning Controller

Xiulan Wen, Hongsheng Li, Fulin Teng , JiaCai Huang, Li Fang

Automation Depar tment, Nanjing Institute of Techno logyNanjing, Jiangsu, China

Tracking results in different iterationsfor non-linear plant model

• Immune evolution algorithm for iterative learning controlle r.

• The proposed method is effective for both linear time invariable system and non-linear plant model

• It has higher tracking accuracy and fast convergence speed.

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TP-2: Vision II

Session Chairs: Qing He and Wei Liu Room Hong Kong, 14:00—15:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TP-2 (1) 14:00—14:20 TP-2 (2) 14:20—14:40

Approach of Human Face Recognition Based onSIFT Feature Extraction and 3D Rotation Model

Ran Zhou, Jie Wu, Qing He, Chao Hu and Zhuliang Yu Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shenzhen, China

• This paper proposes a novel algorithmof human face recognition to overcome the influences of varying poses and illumination.

• The structure of our face recognition system.

• SIFT feature extraction and matching.

• 3D rotation model.

• Experiments and conclusions. Recognition rates

A New Calibration Method Used in the Infrared Ray Environment

Chenxi Wang2, Qing He 1,2, Ning Wei 2, Wei Liu 2, Chao Hu2,and Max Q.-H. Meng2,3

1 Institu te Microelectronics o f Chinese Academy of Sciences, Be ijing, China2 Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenzhen,

China3 Department o f Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, Hong Kong,


• Employed in the infrared ray environment

• Design a move path to replace the gridiron pattern which is invisible in the infrared ray environment.

• The C.M.M control a visible ball to move along the designed path

• Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters computation Coordinate measuring machine

TP-2 (3) 14:40—15:00 TP-2 (4) 15:00—15:20

The Design of Infrared Touch Screen based on MCU

Source Image Smooth Image

Binary Image Result

Result of Experiment

Zheng Wei, Wei Liu, Qing He, Ning Wei, Chenxi Wang, Tingfang Yan, Chao Hu, Max Q.-H. MengShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong

Province, China

This paper introduces a touch screen technology based on infrared optical. This technology has apparent advantages in the large-size applications, which is simple, low cost, high feasibility.

•In the system, the detection of ambient light and the adaptive control of IR LED can effectively enhance the adaptability of the touch screen in complex light environment via the MCU. •The image of foreground and background are segmented by Otsu’s method with a coefficient. Integral projection is adopted to recognize the contact area. •Real time and accuracy.

Design of an Embedded Vision System for the Rubik’s Cube Robot

Xin Hu, Xi Chen, Lei Nie, Zhan Song

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Fig. 1 Hardware Structure Diagram

Fig. 2 Before The Rubik’s Cube Restoration

Fig. 3 After The Rubik’s Cube Restoration

TP-2 (5) 15:20—15:40

Crowd Behavior Detection Basedon the Energy Model

Guogang Xiong, Xinyu Wu, Yen-Lun Chen and Yongsheng OuShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno logy

,Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen, China

• Two typical abnormal activities: pedestrain gathering and running.

• Based on the potential energy and kinetic energy.

• Reliable estimation of crowd density and crowd distribution are firstly introduced into the detection.

Pedestrain Gathering and Running

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TP-3: Computer and Application

Session Chairs: Xuncai Zhang and Lanju Kong Room Kowloon, 14:00—15:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TP-3 (1) 14:00—14:20 TP-3 (2) 14:20—14:40

A Metadata-driven Cloud Platform for Delivery of SaaS Applications

KONG Lanju, LI QingzhongSchool of Compu ter Science and Technology,Shandong University

Jinan, Ch ina

• Designed and implemented a metadata-driven cloud platform for delivery of SaaS applications.

• Support development through standard SQL and effectively support the tenants’ customization.

• Easy to insure the data node stretching in the cloud.

The SaaS Platform Model

Grid Structures for Efficient Geometric Algorithms

Xiaodong Wang and DaxinQuanzhou Normal University

Quanzhou, China

• This paper presents an efficient data structure for the on-line closest pair problem in $d$ dimensional space. The data structure maintains the closest pair of the current point set in\textit{d} dimensional space on-line in amortized time $O(\log^2n)$, using $O(n)$ space.

• In high-dimension cases, a data structure is given that maintains the minimal distance in amortized $O((\log n)^{d-1} )$ time, using $O(n)$ space. This leads to an $O(n\log ^{d-1} n)$ time algorithm for the on-line closest pair problem.

TP-3 (3) 14:40—15:00 TP-3 (4) 15:00—15:20

Solving Minimum Vertex Cover Problems with Microfluidic DNA Computer

Xunca i Zhang1, Ying Niu2, Fei Li1, Zuoxin Gan3

School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking UniversityBeijing China

• Microflow Reactor

• Selection Procedure and Principle of Operation

• Microfluidic Networks for Minimum Vertex Cover

The architecture of a 6 bit configurable microfluidic computer

Predicting Algorithm for RNA Pseudoknotted Structure

Zhendong Liu and Chuande FuShandongJianzhu University and Shandong University Jinan, China

• Pseudoknots are a frequent RNA structure. Based on the relative stability of the s tems in RNA mo lecules .

• an algorithm is presented to predict RNA pseudoknotted structure,the introduced algorithm takes O(n3) time and O(n) space and outperforms other known a lgorith ms in predicting accuracy. .

• The algorithm not only reduces the time complexity to O(n3), but also widens the maximum length of the sequence.

• The experimental results on the RNA sub-sequences in PseudoBase indicate that the algorithm has good accuracy, sensitivity and specific ity.

Complex Pseudoknotes

TP-3 (5) 15:20—15:40

Semi-supervised Temporal-spatial Filter Based on MRP for Brain computer interfaces

Lv Jun and Wang leiCollege o f Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

• In brain-computer interface (BCI) studies, if the number of training trails is small, the discriminative patterns of movement related potentials (M RPs) can not be appropriately extracted by temporal-spatial filter (TSF) algorithm.

• In this paper, we proposed a semi-supervised TSF (ssTSF) algorithm which employed self-training scheme to induce the unlabelled trails with high confidences and learn the discriminative patterns of MRPs iteratively.

• TSF and ssTSF were evaluated on the data from BCI competition I. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the ssTSF, especially for small training sets.

(a) TSF (b) ssTSF

Fig. 2 the st and ard deviat ion of spatia l fi lt er we ights for ea ch channel obta ined by TSF and ssTSF respec tive ly (randomly choosing 80 training tria ls for 4 0 times).

Fig.1 Averaged predict ion accu rac ies of ssTSF across 40 times of random partition on original da tas et, wi th dif ferent it erat ion

numbers and tr aining si zes. The firs t iter at ion means that no unlabell ed tri al induced, viz . co nventiona l TSF . Error bar denotes st and error of mean.

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TP-4: ISIT Engineering Optimization

Session Chairs: Lisheng Xu and Zhiwei Wang Room Macau, 14:00—15:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TP-4 (1) 14:00—14:20 TP-4 (2) 14:20—14:40

Design of Frequency Invariant Response ArrayBased on Steepest-descent algorithm

Wang Zhiwei1, Wang Dacheng1 and Liu Wenshuai2

1.College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China2.Dalian Test and Control Institute, Dalian, China

• Model of signal received by array.

• Building the target function.

• Derivation of weight vector using steepest-descent algorithm and simulation analysis.

• The improved steepest-descent algorithm and its simulation. Frequency invariant beam pattern

with the steepest-descent algorithm

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40-70








Ang le /°








A Heuristic Task Scheduling for Multi-Pursuer Multi-Evader Games

Shiyuan Jin and Zhihua QuDept. of EECS, University of Central Florida

Orlando, FL 32821, USA

• A combination of Voronoi diagram partitioning and negotiation-based mechanism is applied to the high-level for the scheduling of tasks between teams.

• A heuristic algorithm is applied to each team for position optimizationof pursuers.

• Guidelines for cooperation between evaders.

• Simulation results show the importance of team negotiation and the effectiveness of the heuristic functions.

Scheduling, surrounding andcapturing

TP-4 (3) 14:40—15:00 TP-4 (4) 15:00—15:20

Intelligent Multi-Mode Energy-RefreshingStation for Electric Vehicles within the

Framework of Smart Grid Linni Jian,Guoqing Xu,Honghong Xue and Ming Chang

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences & Chinese University of Hong Kong

1068 Xueyuan Avenue,Shenzhen University Town,Shenzhen,P.R.China

Proposed intelligent multi-mode energy-refreshing station for EVs

Influence of the surface roughness on the micro-vibrations of the aerostatic air filmYu Jing, Zhang Wen, Li Dongsheng, Xu Pengfei and Zhang Yubing

College of metrology & measurement engineeringChina Jiliang University

• aerostatic bearing system

• aerostatic air film

• surface roughness

• frictional resistance

• micro-vibration

Pressure distribution of the semicircular roughness model

TP-4 (5) 15:20—15:40

Multi-Gaussian Fitting for Digital Volume Pulse Using Weighted Least Squares Method

Lisheng Xu1, 2, Shuting Feng1, Yue Zhong1, Cong Feng1,Max Q.-H. Meng3, Huaicheng Yan4

1Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School, 2Key Laboratory of Medical Image Computing, Northeastern University, Shenyang , China.

3The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.4School of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and

Technology, Shanghai , China.

Pulse Plethysmogram

• Decompose Digital Volume Pulse (DVP) using Multi-Gaussian (MG) model.

• DVP is classified into four types and MG model can fit different types of DVP.

• Component pulses of MG model may possess great signification in arterial parameter estimation.

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TE-1: Stability Analysis and Control

Session Chairs: Yu Wang and Shaobo Kang Room Zhuhai, 16:00—17:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TE-1 (1) 16:00—16:20 TE-1 (2) 16:20—16:40

Optical Axis Stabilization of Semi-Strapdown Seeker Based on Disturbance Observer

Gao Sun, M ingchao Zhu, Shengli Yin, and Hongguang JiaGraduate University of Chinese Academy o f Sciences Beijing, China; Changchun Institute of

Optics, Fine Mechan ics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China

• Strapdown Stabilization Equation and Control Principle.

• Disturbance Observer Design.

• Hardware- in- loop simulation shows effective function of the disturbance observer.

Stabilization error compare at 5°1Hz missile disturbance

Backstepping tracking control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems in pure-

feedback formHua Meng, Zhan Zhang and Shaoqing Wei

Hebei Universi ty of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang, China

• A new control scheme is proposed for a class of pure-feedback nonlinear discrete-time systems by using backstepping technique.

• The stability of the close- loop system is proved based on Lyapunov theorem.

• Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

TE-1 (3) 16:40—17:00 TE-1 (4) 17:00—17:20

Delays-independent stability analysis of networked and quantized control system

Feng Yi-wei , GuoGeSchool of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University ,

Dalian, China

Stability analysis for networked and quantized control systems (NQCSs).

A new delays- independent stability criterion is derived for NQCSs . Present a guaranteed cost controller for NQCSs.

0 10 20 30 40 50-4




0 10 20 30 40 50-2






State trajectory and control signal versus time

Delay-dependent Asymptotical Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Delay Neural Networks

Yuzhong Mo(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Liuzhou Teachers College )

•In the note, the global asymptotic stability of nonlinear cellular neural networks with constant delay is studied. At first, a transformation is made the nonlinear neural networks into the linear neural networks. Then the Lyapunov-Krasovskiistability theory for functional differential equations and the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach are employed to investigate theproblem. A novel sufficient condition is derived that is less conservativethan the ones reported so far in the literature. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the method and improvement over some existing methods.

TE-1 (5) 17:20—17:40

The Input Characteristic and Stability Analyse of Inverter with Induction Motor

Shaobo Kang, Yaohua Luo, Jiang You and Shijia LvCollege of Automation, Harbin Engineering University

Harbin , China

• The d-axis rotor flu x is inverse relationship with input impedance of inverter with IM.

• The input impedance would change with the load torque.

• The input impedance of inverter with IM is changed with DC-link voltage. The Two Step Cascaded System


IMGPrime mover

Motor controller

rectifiertransformer capacitance inverterPropulsion




The input and output impedance are employed to analyze the stability of two s tep cascaded system, and the input impedance of inverter was derived and analyzed in the paper

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TE-2: Embedded and FPGA Syetem

Session Chairs: Gang Wang and Jingsheng Liao Room Hong Kong, 16:00—17:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TE-2 (1) 16:00—16:20 TE-2 (2) 16:20—16:40

FPGA-Based Parallel Calculation of FocusFunction

Wenjia Ni, Jintao Liu, Shi Chen, Qing He, Wei Liu and Chao HuShenzhen Institute o f Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

• This paper proposes an adaptive method with FPGA to design a new auto-focus system.

• section 2 mainly describes the method of region selection and how to assign weights for each block in the system.

• The discussion and experiment on several classical focus functions are presented in section 3.

• Section 4 gives a parallel calculation method on the computing of the focus function.

Defocus-Focus-Defocus Pictures

Hardware System Design of SD Card Reader and Image Processor on FPGA

Yansi Yang, Y ingyun Yang, Lipi Niu, Huabing Wang and Bo LiuInformation Eng ineering Schoo, Communication University of China

Beij ing, China

• We designed a useful digital signal generating system which transforms various file data stored in SD card into SDI output signal based on the FPGA hardware platform.

• This paper presents the hardware design and implementation of the system, which includes two steps.

• Include one picture/graph of your work with >300 dpi resolution.

• First step is the design of the NIOS II system, which includes SRAM controller and SD card controller IP core design. Second step is the generation of the whole functional SOPC system which using Quartus II development tool. NIOS II system is integrated with the scrambling encoders in this step. And then the hardware system is implemented.

TE-2 (3) 16:40—17:00 TE-2 (4) 17:00—17:20

The Hardware System of Body Impedance Jinhong L iao1, Zhiyuan Zhou2,Gang Wang3, Chao Hu4, Yong Yin5

Shenzhen Institute o f Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of SciencesShenzhen, China

• The principle of Bio-impedance RC three components equivalent circuit model

• Signal Generator choose MAX038 as the ma in chip to produce a sine signal, the range of output sine wave’s frequency is 0.1Hz~20MHz which can be adjusted by the external res istor and capacitor.

• Vo ltage-controlled current source (VCCS) Circuit use AD844 to complete voltage into a current

• Differential amplifier circuit use AD620 to amplifier the voltage signals of measured body and precise resistor

• Phase gain detected circuit use AD8302 to obtain the value of U1/U2

• Vo ltage uplifted circuit is designed for A/D sample ,to make sure the sampled signal’s voltage in the range 0~3.3V

The Block Diagram of the System

Detection Equipment for Bottom Dead Center of Punching Machine

• Detection equipment of BDC.

• Principle of Eddy Current Sensor.

• Waveform of BDC Signal.

• Analog Filter , Digital Filter Design and Real-time Data Acquisition.

• LabVIEW Software Design.

The system design diagram.

Derong ZhangNingbo Institu te of Technology, Zhejiang University

Ningbo, PR China

Min ZhengFinance Bureau of Jiangdong District

Ningbo, PR China

TE-2 (5) 17:20—17:40

Design of Medical Remote Monitoring SystemBase on Embedded Linux

Ping Li, Jingsheng Liao, Chao HuShenzhen Institute of Advanced TechnologyShenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

• The remote wireless monitoring terminal use ARM microprocessor as its core controller.

• The first is physical signal acquiring design as monitoring terminal.

• The second section is a method to achieve the function of remote monitoring based on 3G wireless network and SSH (Secure Shell).

• The whole software is run in embedded Linux system. The Remotoring System

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TE-3: Network

Session Chairs: Guo Cui and Hongyu Shi Room Kowloon, 16:00—17:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TE-3 (1) 16:00—16:20 TE-3 (2) 16:20—16:40

Information Reduction Based on Temporal Similarity and Spatial Importance for Video

Transmission in Mobile Surveillance SystemYi-Chun Lin and Feng-Li Lian

Department of Electrical Eng ineering, National Taiwan Un iversityTaipei, Taiwan

• Temporal similarity sampling is used to eliminate temporal redundancy.

• Spatial importance encoding is utilized to maintain high importance content.

• Information Reduction based on Similarity and Importance (IRSI) algorithm is proposed.

• Experimental results demonstrate excellent performance.

5 61 146 187 222 255











Frame (No.)





Client 2(1024k bps)

Label 1Label 2Label 3

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6 000 7 000 80 00 900 0 100000







256 (kb )

2 4.12 / 3.8 7

0 .00 / 1 .42

0 .00 / 0 .00

512 (kb)

29 .81 / 3.52

0. 00 / 3 .76

0. 00 / 0 .00

1024 (kb )

31. 50 / 1 .81

16. 72 / 6 .99

0. 00 / 0. 00

2048( kb)

31. 95 / 1. 04

22. 99 / 3. 84

0. 00 / 0. 00

4096( kb)

31. 95 / 1. 04

30. 47 / 0. 65

0. 00 / 3. 02

8192( kb)

39. 66 / 1. 92

35. 79 / 0. 60

33. 15 / 0. 34

10240( kb)

40. 41 / 1. 28

39. 74 / 0. 76

33. 37 / 0. 57





Bandw idth (kb)

for eman

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6 000 7 000 80 00 900 0 100000







256 (kb )

2 3.68 / 2.0 7

0 .00 / 0 .75

0 .00 / 0 .00

512 (kb)

31 .36 / 1.44

0. 00 / 3 .19

0. 00 / 0 .00

1024 (kb )

32. 29 / 0 .67

16. 43 / 1 .29

0. 00 / 0. 00

2048( kb)

32. 29 / 0. 67

21. 60 / 0. 43

0. 00 / 0. 00

4096( kb)

32. 29 / 0. 67

31. 09 / 0. 18

0. 00 / 0. 00

8192( kb)

41. 09 / 0. 60

37. 06 / 0. 17

33. 22 / 0. 08

10240( kb)

41. 09 / 0. 53

40. 76 / 0. 12

33. 84 / 0. 30





Bandw idth (kb)


A parking guidance and information system based on wireless sensor network

Mingka i Chen1,2,3 , Tianhai Chang1

1. School of Electronic and In formation Eng ineering ,Sou th China University of Technology ,Guangzhou,China

2. Shenzhen I nstitutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China

3. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Architecture  of PGIS

• The communication between nodes is based on wireless sensor network.

• For the new-coming car, PGIS will calculate an ideal parking space.

• PGIS will control the LED to show the path to the parking space.

TE-3 (3) 16:40—17:00 TE-3 (4) 17:00—17:20

A New Hybrid Algorithm on TDOA Localization in Wireless SensorNetwork

• Abstract :A hybrid algorithm for TDOA localization is proposed in this paper. It has well combined the advantages of genetic algorithm and quasi-Newton algorithm. The hybrid a lgorith m has sufficiently d isplayed the characteristics of genetic algorithm’s group searching and quasi-Newton method’s local s trong searching. At the same time it effect ively overcomes the problem of high sensitivity to initial point of quasi-Newton method and shortcoming of genetic algorithm which reduces the searching efficiency in later period. The experimental results show that if the parameters are assumed reasonably the hybrid algorithm has extremely stability, higher localization rate and localization precis ion than genetic algorithm and quasi-Newton algorithm.

• Keywords:Localizat ion; Genetic Algorithm; Quasi _Newton Algorithm; TDOA

HongyuShi Jianzhong Cao Department of Electronic Science Huizhou University Huizhou, China

A Prediction-Based Joint Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless NetworksChenn-Jung Huang, Ying-Chen Chen, Sheng-Chieh Tseng, Yu- Wu Wang and Chin-Fa Lin,

Heng-Ming Chen and Chih-Tai GuanIntelligent System Laboratory, National Dong Hwa University

Hualien, Taiwan

• Wireless network resource distribution is an important issue in recent years.

• A user mobility prediction algorithm was proposed to improve it.

• Hybrid genetic algorithm in our work is employed to allocate bandwidth more effectively.

• Results showed the effectiveness.Joint bandw idth allocation scheme

TE-3 (5) 17:20—17:40

Distributed Least Square Support Vector Regression for Environmental Field Estimation

Bowen Lu, Dongbing Gu, and Huosheng HuRobotics Group, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University o f Essex, UK

•A distributed Least Square Support Vector Regression is applied on mobile sensor network for field function estimation.

•A gradient descending method (CVT) is used for sensor locational optimising.

Estimated result

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TE-4: ISIT Reliable and Optimization

Session Chairs: Chaokun Yan and Ming Xu Room Macau, 16:00—17:40, Tuesday, 7 June 2011

TE-4 (1) 16:00—16:20 TE-4 (2) 16:20—16:40

Study on Delivery Reliabiltiy of Push-Pull Mixed Supply Chain

Guohua Chen, Genbao Zhang and Jihong PangCollege of Mechanical Engineering Chongqing University, China

The dynamics model of push-pull mixed supply chain operation

supplier's productionorder ratio 1

reject ratio 1

supplier's inventoryinspection ratio1


output time1

output ratio 1reject ratio 2

manufacturer's inventory

inspection ratio2inspection time 1

percent of pass 1

inspection time 2

percent of pass 2supplier's order

cycle time

output ratio 2

manufacturer'starget inventory

order 2

ditributor's productionorder ratio 3reject ratio3

ditributor's inventory

inspection ratio3

sales rate 3

ditributor's targetinventory

order 3ditributor's order

cycle time market demand

Average demandSmooth time

percent of pass 3

output time 3

deliveryreliability 3

deliveryreliability 2

deliveryreliability 1

Reliability Enhanced Grid Workflow Scheduling Algorithm with Budget Constraints

Chaokun Yan, Zhigang Hu,Xi Li, Zhoujun Hu and Peng XiaoCentral South University

Changsha, China

• Adopt M/M/C queuing system to describe grid resource nodes’workloads and service process.

• Proposed a reliability enhanced grid workflow scheduling algorithm with budget constraint.

• The main idea of this algorithm is to select the resource which can maximize the reliability of task execution.

• The order of tasks in the queue is sorted by Min-min Cost strategy.


TE-4 (3) 16:40—17:00 TE-4 (4) 17:00—17:20

Multiple Sparse Tables Based On Pivot Table For Multi-Tenant Data Storage In SaaS

Wang Xue, Li Qingzhong and Kong LanjuSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University

Jinan, China

• Proposes an index model called Pivot Table

• Constructs respective index metadata for business data of the tenants, and achieves isolation of

index data & customization

• Returns the tenants’ result sets more quickly or updates index data on-demand The pivot table index model

Emulation Analysis on Space Gain of Frequency Invariant Array

Wang Zhiwei1, Wang Dacheng1 and Liu Wenshuai2

1.College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China2.Dalian Test and Control Institute, Dalian, China

• Calculation on spatial gain of frequency invariant.

• Emulation analysis of the influence of frequency-invariant array error on spatial.

• Emulation analysis of the influence of array error to frequency invariant feature.

Beam pattern with errors- 100 - 80 - 60 -40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 100

- 60

- 50

- 40

- 30

- 20

- 10


angle / °












TE-4 (5) 17:20—17:40

Cost-related importance measureMing Xu, Wencong Zhao and Xianhui Yang

Department of Automation, Tsinghua UniversityBeijing, China

• A new importance measure (IM) -the cost-related importance measure (CIM) is introduced for system cost-risk analysis.

• Different from other basic IMs, CIM takes into account both structure importance and cost-efficiency importance.

• CIM is additive, which is easier for calculating groups of events or parameters than other basic IMs CIM for double-bride network

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WA-1 Control System I

WA-2 Mobil Robot

WA-3 Communication

WA-4 ISIT Serve Robot

WP-1 Control System II

WP-2 Special Design Robot

WP-3 Sensor

WP-4 ISIT Image

WE-1 Advanced Engineering Management II

WE-4 ISIT Material

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WA-1: Control System I

Session Chairs: Guiyong Yang and Weimin Li Room Zhuhai, 10:20—12:00, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WA-1 (1) 10:20—10:40 WA-1 (2) 10:40—11:00

Anti-skid for Electric Vehicles Based on Sliding Mode Control with Novel Structure

Kun Xu1,2, Guoqing Xu2,3, Weimin Li1,2, Linni Jian1,2 and Zhibin Song1,21Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China

2The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China3Tongji University, Shanghai, China

• SMC based anti-skid control, with a friction coefficient estimator.

• Construct a novel structure to deal with driver’s operation on foot pedal and anti-skid control .

• Using a slip ratio selector instead of the torque selector to improve the dynamics.

• Using co-simulation of SIMULINK and CarSim to show the effectiveness.

Novel anti-skid controller

Steering Law for Control Moment Gyroscopes Based on H∞ Theory

Jingwen Yang, Shuai Tang, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Zheng College of Machtronics and Automation , National University o f Defense Technology

Changsha, China

athematical Modeling of Rigid Spacecraft with CMGs Novel Steering law for CMGs is proposedesign the steering law with a control perspectiveased on H∞ Theory, get the simulation for the new steefing law

WA-1 (3) 11:00—11:20 WA-1 (4) 11:20—11:40

A Novel Method Using PFA in Parameters Turning of PID Controller of High-order System

Ming Cheng1,2,3, Dawei Dai1,2,3, Pandeng Zhang1,2, Jia Liu1,2, Fei Luo3

1Shenzhen Insti tutes o f Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy Sciences, Shenzhen, China2The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China3South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Ch ina

• The Paddy Field Algorithm (PFA) is operated in the parametric space from the initial scattering of seeds.

• We apply the PFA algorithm to design the PID controller of a high-order system.

• Tested with the PID and PSO algorithms, the results show that the designed controller of PFA has a better performance of overshoot and settling time.

Step response curve of theplant with different controller

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50











step response



Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control Algorithms for Small Satellite Three-Axis Stabilization

Xi Chen, Xiaofeng WuSchool o f Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,

The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

•Laguerre Functions are used to simplify the traditional MPC Algorithm

•A five-stage pipeline processor is designed

•A novel methodology for testing

the performance of the MPC-dedicated embedded processor is


WA-1 (5) 11:40—12:00

Nonlinear Parameter Prediction of Fossil Power Plant

Based on OSC-KPLSXi Zhang, Shihe Chen, Weiwu Yan, and Huihe Shao

Guangdong Electric Power Research Insti tute Guangzhou,Guangdong, China

• A novel parameter prediction and estimation method based on orthogonal signal correction (OSC) and kernel partial least squares (KPLS) is proposed. OSC-KPLS effectively simplifies both the structure and interpretation of the resulting regression model and shows superior prediction performa- nce compared to PLS, OSC-PLS and KPLS.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200-1









Sample Number



Actual(red -)

Residual(green-)Predicted(blue --)

Training data Testing data

Predicted value

Actual value

Residual value

OSC-KPLS prediction results

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WA-2: Mobil Robot

Session Chairs: Dan Liu and Bo Su Room Hong Kong, 10:20—12:00, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WA-2 (1) 10:20—10:40 WA-2 (2) 10:40—11:00

Research on Algorithm of counter Target lost for Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle using Infrared Imaging Terminal Guidance

Tao Xu, Xiao-ping Zhu, Xiao-feng ZhangCollege of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Xi’an,,Shannxi, China

• Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle using Infrared(IR) imaging terminal guidance isvulnerable to interference which cause the seeker lost target.

• According to this problem, first, this paper presents a new counter target lostAlgorithm which combined extended state variable dimension passive locationbased on Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and virtual guidance method torebuild guidance information. Then the passive location accuracy of extendedstate variable dimension EKF and normal EKF algorithm is comparedthroughout simulation, at last, guidance accuracy of fore mentioned twoalgorithm and acceleration command memory algorithm are compared bycircular error probable(CEP) simulation which based on six degree of freedom(6DoF) guidance and control model.

• Simulation results show the validity of the algorithm presented in this paper.

Trajectory Tracking and Attitude Identification of the Lunar Rover Based on Computer Vision

Jianjun DU, Dan HU and Jianjun ZHUShenzhen Graduate School ,Harb in Institute of Techno logy

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 518055, China Dun LIU

School o f Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, Heilongjiang Province 150001, China

• Visual equipment and lunar rover

• Velocity estimation based on Kalman filter

• Attitude identification of lunar rover

• Emulation of the visual servo system

• Experiment of visual servo track and attitude identification

Diagram of visual sets and lunar rover

WA-2 (3) 11:00—11:20 WA-2 (4) 11:20—11:40

Research on Virtual Scene Simulation for Planetary Rover

Ning Mao1,2, Bo su2, Qichang Yao2, Shuling Yang2, Hongji Xu1

1Changchun University of Science and TechnologyChangchun, Jilin Province, China

2China North Vehicle Research Institu teBeij ing, China

• The kinematics equations of rover moving on uneven terrain are deduced.

• The joint angles and some attitude angles can be got by solving nonlinear optimization equations.

• The rover kinematics simulation in the virtual scene is realized. The rover in virtual environment

Active Pedestrian Following Using Laser Range Finder

Chin-Lung Chen, Chih-Chung Chou, and Feng-Li LianDepartment of Electrical Eng ineering, National Taiwan Un iversity

Taipei, Taiwan

• Detect and track the pedestrian target in a dynamic environment.

• Follow the pedestrian target by selecting the optimal trajectory using heuristic search approach.

• Avoid any static and dynamic obstacles by adopting DWA*, a look-ahead algorithm.

Pioneer Robot Following a Pedestrian

WA-2 (5) 11:40—12:00

Formation Control for Wheeled Mobile RobotsBased on Consensus Protocol

Shulin Feng , Huanshui ZhangSchool of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong Un iversity

Jinan, China• In this paper, consensus protocol is

presented for formation control of the mobile robots. In allusion to the mobile robot platform, a local computer which is used as controller and the AmigoBot mobile robots set up a wireless local area network (WLAN), transmitting data by means of wireless communication to implement the remote control of robots. The kinematics mathematical model of the mobile robot is presented, making use of consensus protocol to implement the column and triangular formation control.

AmigoBot Robot

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WA-3: Communication

Session Chairs: Zixin Zhao and Xuesen Lin Room Kowloon, 10:20—12:00, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WA-3 (1) 10:20—10:40 WA-3 (2) 10:40—11:00

Highly Directional Emission from Multi-channel Photonic Crystal via Beam splitting

Qiong Wang1, Quanqiang Yu1, Lingling Zhang2 , Yiping Cui2, and Zhengbiao Ouyang1

1 College o f Electronic Science and Technology,Shenzhen university,Shenzhen, China2 School of Electronic Science and Engineering,Sou theast University,Nanjing, China

• Efficient directional emission is realized by using beam splitting in multi-channel photonic crystal (MCPC).

• MCPC is introduced to create multiple light beams on the surface by coupling effect.

• The interference of the light beams emitted from the surface channels leads to the directional emission.

Elec tric field amplitude distributions of (a) 1-PCW without multi-channel and (b) 1-PCW (c) 3-CPCWs

(d) 5-CPCWs with multi-channel

A Novel Method of Multipath Mitigation for C/A Code Tracking Loop Based on Wavelet

TransformXUE Bing, GAI Meng, SHEN Feng, and LIU Na

407 Lab, Automation School, Harbin Engineering UniversityHeilong jiang, China


( )IFs n

•Multipath is one of main errors in GPS and other spread spectrum systems, it seriously affects the performance of the navigation receiver.

•A method of detecting jumping-off point of autocorrelation function based on wavelet analysis is proposed.

WA-3 (3) 11:00—11:20 WA-3 (4) 11:20—11:40

Survey on Cloud Based Mobile Security and A New Framework for Improvement

Xuesen LinComputer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China

• The state-of-the-art of cloud based mobile security.

• The limitations of current frameworks.

• A new framework PCFC (Private Cloud and File Characteristic based) is proposed .

The architecture of PCFC

A Multi-standard-supporting and GeneralCommunication Protocol Parsing System Design

Xiangtao Jiang, Jianbiao HeSchool of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forest

Technology, Changsha, China

• Use descriptive and easy extension way to define communication protocol.

• Construct the universal sub-parsing engine of data item.

• decouple the protocol parsing module and protocol defining module.

• Provide uniform persistent interface.

System component structure diagram

WA-3 (5) 11:40—12:00

Development of Diabetics-oriented Telemedical Information System

Zhao, Zhiqiong Wang, Yu Tang, Mengyu Zhao, Shuzhong Chen, Jingqi Hou, Meng KeSino-Dutch Biomed ical and information College, Nor theastern University

Shenyang, China

• A development of Diabetics-oriented Tele-medical Information System (DTMIS) is introduced.

• Our software module is divided into patient-end, the doctor-end, and the server end.

• The design of a self-monitoring center at the patient’s place is introduced.

• We use wavelet packet transform (WPT) to remove the noise and baseline signal of ECG.

Video Consultation Module

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WA-4: ISIT Serve Robot

Session Chairs: Ying Liu and Yongsheng Ou Room Macau, 10:20—12:00, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WA-4 (1) 10:20—10:40 WA-4 (2) 10:40—11:00

The Mobile Manipulation System of the Household Butler Robot based on

Multi-Monocular CamerasLong Hana, Xinyu Wua,b, Chunjie Chena and Yongsheng Oua

aShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.bThe Chinese University of Hong Kong.

• Describing a mobile manipulation system based on multi-view monocular.

• Splitting the whole grasping problem into four steps in a "Look-Move-Look-Move" pattern and be solved step by

• Implementing this algorithm on the Household Butler Robot (HBR).


Butler RobotChunjie Chen, Xinyu Wu, Long Han, and Yongsheng Ou

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CASShenzhen, China






WA-4 (3) 11:00—11:20 WA-4 (4) 11:20—11:40

Mechanical Design, Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of a Robotic Dolphin

Peng Liu, Kai He, Xiefeng Ou, and Ruxu DuPrecision Engineering Center ,Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese

Academy of Sciences Shenzhen, China

• Designed the mechanical structure of robotic dolphin

• Establish the motion equation of the robotic dolphin

• Achieve the motion simulation of the sinusoidal movement mechanism and the caudal fin

The Robotic Dolphin

Optimization on Multi-Robot Workcell Layoutin Vertical Plane

Long Tao and Zhigang Liu State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Xi’an,Shannxi China

• Describe a potential application of multiple industrial robots inaircraft fuselage riveting.

• Optimize multi-robot workcelllayout for avoiding collision during aircraft fuselage surface operation in vertical plane.

• Transform the problem of multi-robot workcell layout into a nonlinear programming problem. The Fuselage Assembly Site

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WP-1: Control System II

Session Chairs: Feiping Wu and Xuejie Wang Room Zhuhai, 14:00—15:40, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WP-1 (1) 14:00—14:20 WP-1 (2) 14:20—14:40

Using Reinforcement Learning for Agent-based Network Fault Diagnosis System

Jingang CaoDepartment of Computer, North China Electric Power University

Baoding, Ch ina• Introduce the characteristics of

Mobile Agent and Reinforcement Learning.

• Design and describe the Architecture of Network fault diagnosis system.

• Depict the Reinforcement Learning Algorithm of the fault diagnostic agent.

• Compared the system performance through simulation and experiment, and results show that the model has greater advantage.

The Architecture of networkfaul t diagnosis system

Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling Method Based on Multi-agent Particle Swarm Optimization

Fu Yue-wen, Zou Feng-xing, Xu Xiao-hong, Cui Qing- zhu and Wei Jia-huaCollege of Mechatronics and Automation, National University of Defense Technology

Changsha, Hunan, China

• Present a hybrid integer program-ming model of HFSP.

• Propose a MPSO algorithm with

the hybrid of MAS and PSO.

• Design a random cycle topological structure related to MPSO.

• The simulation shows that MPSO can accelerate the evolution of the agents, improve the convergence precision and enhance the global optimum searching ability of PSO.

The reconstruction process of random cycle topological structure

WP-1 (3) 14:40—15:00 WP-1 (4) 15:00—15:20

Equipment Design of Linear Motor Driven Inverted Pendulum Based on cSPACE

Rongmin Cao 1,2 , Huix ing Zhou 1, Ronghua Ma 1, Ang Su 2

1 School of Industry, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083,China2 Beijing Information Science & Technology University,

Beijing 100192,China

Inverted pendulum is a kind of typical platform for control theory verification. Noted as a non-linear, s trong-coupling and natural instable system. In this paper, ironless permanent magnet synchronous linear motor driven inverted pendulum laboratory equipment is developed. The plant is hardware in the loop real time simulation control development system (Hardware-in-Loop, HIL) based on TMS320F2812DSP and MATLAB, it can use simple and efficient way to achieve linear motor driven inverted pendulum real-t ime control. Control algorithm can be investigated directly on MATLAB/Simulink, and can be generated automatically control code to control inverted pendulum system. Long design time for programming and debugging difficu lty are avoided for traditional programming language.The real performance of the driven inverted pendulum is researched in this paper, Based on cSPACE real time control system, the experiment results showed that the control ability of the system is fine.

A Design and Implementation of Edge Controller for SPWM Waves

Fan Lin, Kun Li and Yang LiuSchool of Aerospace Science, Be ijing Institute o f Technology

Beijing, China

SPWM (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation) waves are commonly used in the control of frequency conversion and test sys tem. This paper presents a method which can control SPWM waves rising/falling time for the requirements of controlled edge. This function mainly for a high power device test systems. First, SPWM waves are generated by a generator programmed by Lab VIEW, and the SPWM waves’ dead time and frequency of carrier signals and modulation signals can be easily regulated by LabVIEW. Second, SPWM waves rising / falling time is adjusted by edge controller. The experimental results indicate that SPWM waves edge time ad justs from 0.1μs to 12μs can be achieved using this des ign.

WP-1 (5) 15:20—15:40 Pre-estimate Relative Intensity Noise Subtraction

Performance of FOG by Using Signal Cross-CorrelationYonggang Zhang, Honggang Chen, Tao Li and Deshuang Wang

Automation Co llege, Harbin Engineering UniversityHarbin, China

• A method of pre-estimate Relative Intensity Noise (RIN) subtraction performance in IFOG is introduced.

• Experiment shows that the noise subtraction result depends on the cross-correlation coefficient between FOG’s output and coupler’s free port signal.

• This method can be used in high precision FOG, and it can enhance the reliability of noise subtraction.

Result of RIN reduction with coefficient 0.91

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000-0.05


0.05Result of RIN reduction with cross-correlation coeffic ient 0.91

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000-0.05



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000-0.05



sampling point


ge (


interference signal b(n)

delayed RIN sequence d(n)

FOG's output signal e(n) after noise subtract ion

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WP-2: Special Design Robot

Session Chairs: Xinyu Wu and Ying Liu Room Hong Kong, 14:00—15:20, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WP-2 (1) 14:00—14:20 WP-2 (2) 14:20—14:40

An Overview of the Underactuated Biped Robots

• Introduction

• Model Description





Zhensheng You Zhihuan Zhang Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University

On a Novel Wheeled Robot with Tumbler Characteristics

Liping Ouyang, Ying Liu, Ansi Peng, Xinyu Wu, Yongsheng OuShenzhen Insti tutes o f Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy Sciences, Shenzhen, China

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

• House environment challenges those wheeled robots and it is a tough problem to keep balance in size, intelligence, mobility and safety of a household robot.

• we proposed a novel wheeled robot with spherical shape to conquer those problems. This robot combines wheeled robot with tumbler characteristics.

• Mechanical design and experiment result is introduced.

Figure 1:Design concept

Figure 2: Prototype

WP-2 (3) 14:40—15:00 WP-2 (4) 15:00—15:20

Mechanical Structure of Intelligent Underwater Dexterous Hand

Xu De-Zhang,Yang Ming, Zhang Qing Wang Bu Yun,Ge Yun JianAnhui Polytechnic University WuHu City , China

• Introduction

• The Design Goals of the Underwater Working Dexterous Hand

• The Components of the Underwater Working Dexterous Hand

• The Equipment of Sensors

• ConclusionIUDH Dexterous hand

A Screw Propelling Capsule RobotHuajin Liang1,2,3, Yisheng Guan1, Zhiguang Xiao1, Chao Hu2,3, Zhiyong Liu2,3

1Biomimetic and Intelligent Robotics Lab (BIRL), Sou th China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

2Shenzhen Institu tes of Advanced Technology, CAS, Shenzhen, Ch ina3The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

• A novel approach to active capsule robot/ endoscopy.

• A theoretical model for the robot is built, considering both the hydrodynamic effect and the direct contact.

• The average speed of the capsule robots in rubber pipe filled with water is evaluated as 60 mm/s.

The screw propelling capsule robot

WP-2 (5) 15:20—15:40

Heading Direction Computation Of Golf-Ball Collecting Robot Using Vanishing Points

Zhiqiang Ma, Hyongsuk KimRobot Vision Laboratory, Chonbuk National Universi ty

Jeonju, Republic of Korea

• Techniques of Navigation system for golf ball collecting robot is proposed using vanishing points of parallel lines contained in the facility buildings.

• The inter-stair parallel lines of facility buildings are extracted and then the vanishing points are computed using Moore-Penrose inverse.

• The proposed vanishing point method is proved to be time efficient and accurate via experiments.

Golf-Ball Collecting Robot

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WP-3: Sensor

Session Chairs: Zhang Qi and Bo Yang Room Kowloon, 14:00—15:40, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WP-3 (1) 14:00—14:20 WP-3 (2) 14:20—14:40

Dynamic-Range Adjustable Pipelined ADC in CMOS Image Sensor with Black-Level and Offset

Noise CalibrationRan Zheng, Tingcun Wei, Feng li and Deyuan Gao

Engineering Research Cen ter of Embedded System In tegration Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechn ical University, Xi’an, China

• Proposed CIS Architecture.

• Sampling and calibration method

of black-level and offset noise.

• An input-range adjustable pipelined ADC is necessary for noise sampl-ing.

• The dynamic range is improved by


A PVDF Micro-force Sensor Based on Inverse-model Algorithm and Its Applications

Zhiyong Sun, Lina Hao, Shuai Li, and Jiawei ShenSchoo l of mechanical Engineering and Au tomation, Nor theastern University

Shenyang, China

• This paper gives a model of one PVDF with its physical circuit system and gives its inverse-model.

• This paper designs a static micro-force sensor based on the inverse-model algorithm.

• This paper sets up a micro-force-tracking system and also gets some good experimental results.

The force-tracking system

WP-3 (3) 14:40—15:00 WP-3 (4) 15:00—15:20

Research on Thermal Characteristics and On-Chip Temperature-Controlling

for Silicon Micro-Gyroscope

• Capacitive sensitivity has a variation of 13.5% when gyroscope’s working temperature has a change of 50K.

• A gyroscope prototype with on-chip temperature-controlling is given and its performances are analyzed theoretically and numerically.

• Fabrication process is designedbased on Silicon-On-Glass (SOG) technology.

Cross sectional view of gyroscope with on-chip temperature-controlling

Lu Xu, Bo Yang, Shourong Wang, Hongsheng Li and Libin Huang Key Laboratory of Micro Iner tial Instrument and Advanced Navigation Technology

of Ministry of Education Southeast Universi tyNanjing 210096,China

Novel statistical technique of defective information

extraction in Pulsed eddy current NDEGuang Yang1 , Qi Zhang 2

1.Deparment of Electical and Computer, Michigan State University2.Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS

Shenzhen, China

The pulsed eddy current (PEC) technique as complementary approach oftraditional eddy current method has found increasing applications in deep flawdetection and complex structure inspection. Considering the present PEC NDE(non-destructive evaluation) needs valid algorithms and techniques to implementsignal processing in time domain, the novel statistical technique based onprinciple component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA)is proposed to extract defective information from transient PEC signals andevaluate flaw inspection during the PEC detection. The presented results of defectclassification associated with different flaw types validated the feasibility ofproposed technique in this paper.

WP-3 (5) 15:20—15:40

Assessing Age‐Related Performance Decrements in User Interface Tasks     Xiaolei Zhou

Capital University of Economics and Business

Manual dexterityVisual acuity

Cognitive abilitiesHearing

How about elderly people performance in common

interface tasks?




ConclusionsThe older subjects:

performed less accuratelyfaster speed at the cost of more loss of accuracyshowed greater individual differences

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WP-4: ISIT Image

Session Chairs: Yu Qiao and Yaoqin Xie Room Macau, 14:00—15:40, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WP-4 (1) 14:00—14:20 WP-4 (2) 14:20—14:40

iGAPSearch: Using Phone Camera to Search Around the World

Jiemin Wang1,2,3, Yuanhai He3, Yujie Zhou3, and Yu Qiao1,2

1. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen 518055, China2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

3. Software Institute, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China

• Identify buildings in certain area using photos captured by phone cameras.

• Client part: Android phone platform.

• Server part: Linux OS, manage data and run a search.

• Image retrieval part: SIFT feature, K-means, frequency vectors and bag of words method.

• Compare L1-norm, L2-norm, KL-divergence and χ 2 distance. iGAPSearch

A Video Quality Metric based on Frame Differencing

Engin Mendi, Coskun Bayrak, Mariofanna MilanovaComputer Science Department, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA

Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul Kultur University, Istanbul, Turkey

• Image - Video quality assessment.• A simple and affordable objective

quality metric for tracking moving objects in video streams.

• The proposed metric particularly takes the moving objects into account as visually important content.

• Foreground masks produced by frame difference-based background subtraction are incorporated as weighting function into the existing metrics. VQA plots

3 6 9 12 1520





Frame  Index


R & wPSN


PSNR  ‐ wPSNR for Blurring

fi lter  size=6, std. dev=6  ‐ PSNR

fi lter  size=8, std. dev=8  ‐ PSNR

fi lter  size=10, std. dev=10 ‐ PSNR

fi lter  size=6, std. dev=6  ‐ wPSNR

filter  size=8, std. dev=8  ‐ wPSNR

filter  size=10, std. dev=10 ‐ wPSNR

3 6 9 12 150.8



Frame  Index


 & wSSIM

SSIM ‐ wSSIM for Blurring

filter size=6, std. dev=6  ‐ PSNR

filter size=8, std. dev=8  ‐ PSNR

filter size=10, std. dev=10 ‐ PSNR

filter size=6, std. dev=6  ‐ wPSNR

filter size=8, std. dev=8  ‐ wPSNR

filter size=10, std. dev=10 ‐ wPSNR

WP-4 (3) 14:40—15:00 WP-4 (4) 15:00—15:20

Using Neural Network to Combine Measures of Word Semantic Similarity for Image Annotation

Yue Cao, Xiabi Liu, Jie Bing and Li Song School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology

Beijing, China

• The Feed-forward Neural Network (FNN) is introduced to combine semantic similarity measures between words.

• A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is designed to train the FNN for achieving the optimal image annotation accuracy.

• The annotations for testing images based on our hybrid measure are obviously better than those based on single measures.

the annotations for the example images

A Feature-based Watermarking Algorithm Resistant to Copy Attack

Junpeng Zhang , Qingfan ZhangShujuan Geng and Mingyu ZhangSchool of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University,Jinan, China

• A novel Feature-based watermarking algorithm for color image resistant to copy attack.

• The feature is obtained from the chroma component of color host image and describes the image uniquely.

• DWT transform and Scrambling by logistic chaotic sequence can enhance the security and robustness further.

• The algorithm is robust against common image processing and is effectively robust against copy attack.

Nc Values Extracted FromCopy Attacked Images

0.50671Graph 8

0.42091Graph 7

0.47631Graph 6

0.45621Graph 5

0.45101Graph 4

0.45311Graph 3

0.47821Graph 2

0.51231Graph 1


WP-4 (5) 15:20—15:40

A Novel Video Object Segmentation Based on Recursive Kernel Density Estimation

Qingsong Zhu Guanzheng Liu Zhen Wang Hao Chen and Yaoqin XieShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS

Shenzhen, ChinaThis paper presents a novel recursive Kernel Density Estimation method for dynamic video segmentation.

Mean shift method is used to approximate the peak values of the density function recursively. Components and parameters of mixture Gaussian distribution are adaptively selected via a proposed scheme and finally converge to a relative stable background distribution. In the segmentation, foreground is separated by simple background subtraction method firstly. And then, Bayes classifier is proposed to eliminate the misclassification points to refine the segmentation result.

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WE-1: Advanced Management II

Session Chairs: Dang Li and Liang Ge Room Zhuhai, 16:00—17:40, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WE-1 (1) 16:00—16:20 WE-1 (2) 16:20—16:40

Functional Requirement and Realization of Regional Smart Grid Energy Management

SystemXilin Zhang1, Xiaojuan Han2,Xiaohua Wan3 and Shuo Wang4

Dispatching Center, Changchun Power Supply Company,JiLin, China

• Power Quality On-Line Monitoring of EMS for District Intelligent Grid

• The Setting Calibration Conditions About Extinction Arc coil

• SCADA Interface Project Design with Integrated Control

Vendor independent Control Database for Virtual Preparation and Formal Verification

Petter Falkman, Jonathan Hedvall, Anders Holmblad, Bengt LennartsonControl and Automation Laboratory Department of Signals and Systems

Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden

• Virtual techniques for testing and developing software systems.

• Formal verification techniques in order to guarantee a correct system behavior.

• Present paper presents a method for sharing information between the virtual development tools and formal verification tools.

The Sony Aibo Dog

WE-1 (3) 16:40—17:00 WE-1 (4) 17:00—17:20

Design the principal dimensions of ships based on a fuzzy hybrid operator

Liang Ge, Yuan-hang Hou, Xiang-yin MengCollege of Ship Building Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

Haibin, China

• The uniform design method was used to provide a series versions of an original project for experts to choose from.

• Their score of each version’s attributes was gathered, and then entered in a new intuitionistic fuzzy matrix that was used to construct an overall expert opinion.

• The intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid geometric operator processed the evaluating matrix, ensuring the weights of experts’ attitudes were counted in.

• In this way a final decision on ship’s principal dimension was finally obtained.

the basic optimize model

Research on Premature Ventricular Contraction Real-time Detection Based Support Vector

MachineZhao Shen, Chao Hu, Ping Li and Max Q.-H Meng

School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an, Shaanxi, China

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

• The three types feature extracted by morphology and spectrum method.

• The SVM is used to classified the PVC from other beats.

• Real-time detection method is proposed.• Diffe rent types of PVC is analysed and the

result is more than 97% by using MIT-BIH database.

• Pre-process method is proposed.

Premature Contraction

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500-1








WE-1 (5) 17:20—17:40

Study of EMS Statements production and Dispatcher Simulation Training for Regional

Smart GridXilin Zhang1, Fan Zhang2, Xiaojuan Han3 and Shuo Wang4

Dispatching Center, Changchun Power Supply Company,JiLin, China

• Introduction

• Regional Power Dispatching DTS Function Design

• Regional Power Dispatch DTS Function Design

• Conclusion

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WE-4: ISIT Material

Session Chairs: Rong Sun and Kai Gong Room Macau, 16:00—17:40, Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WE-4 (1) 16:00—16:20 WE-4 (2) 16:20—16:40

Modeling Asymmetric and Large-displacement Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators

Guilin ZHANG, Chengjin ZHANGSchool of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University

Jinan, China

• Hysteresis is the main form of nonlinearity in piezoelectric actuators.

• Introduce the inflexion point of the ascending curve.

• Describe the ascending curve and descending curve separately.

Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Silane Modified Ni-Zn Ferrite and its Epoxy Composites

Yanmin Wu1, Pengli Zhu1, Rong Sun1,2

1. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen 518055, China; 2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

• Ni-Zn ferrite was prepared by a coprecipitation method ,and then modified with KH-560.

• It was proved that permeability of this ferrite was higher .

• The study of magnetic properties of saline-modified Ni-Zn ferrite/ epoxy stated that it kept stable permeability and had lower magnetic loss. Magnetic properties

WE-4 (3) 16:40—17:00 WE-4 (4) 17:00—17:20

The Impact of Laser Drilling on AlN CeramicsChongyu Xie, Xizhao Lu, Haihe Xie,Wenqi Ding

School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xiamen UniversityXiamen, China

• AlN has been used in printing circuit board for a long time, and we need to explore the drilling conditions of it.

• By performing experiments on AlN by laser drilling, we get to know there’s little impact when laser drilling on the AlN.

• At last, We get the way to improve the quality of the laser drilling on AlN.

Drilling on the AlN

Multi-physics Analysis of Heat-Structure on Surface Resistance

Jianxu Hu, Maozhou MengShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology

Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaGraduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

• Surface resistance was chosen to explain what relationship among the electric field, heat transfer, and structure expansion by using the multi-physics modeling and simulation software, COMSOL Multiphysics.

• Model these three physical fields in fully coupling. The components of the electric field, temperature field and stress field distribution were extracted to explain the interaction among these three physics fields.

• According to the results of numerical simulation, the engineer will be inspired to obtain an optimization structure and process.

Temperature distribution at steady state

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Session  Chair  Index  

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Bai,Hongyang ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-3Cui,Guo ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-3Dong,Yangze ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-1Ge,Liang …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WE-1Gong,Kai ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WE-4He,Kai ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-3He,Qing ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-2He,Qing ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-2He,Yuqing ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-1Hu,Ying ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-2Huang,Chenn-Jung …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-1Kang,Shaobo ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-1Kang,Shaobo ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-1Kong,Lanju ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-3Li,Baopu …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-2Li,Dang ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WE-1Li,Weimin ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-1Li,Zhibin ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-1Liang,Jianing ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-4Liao,Jingsheng ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-2Liao,Wei-Hsin ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-2Lin,Xuesen ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-3Liu,Dan ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-2Liu,Jia…………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-4Liu,Wei ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-2Liu,Wei ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-2Liu,Ying ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-4Liu,Ying ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-2Liu,Zhigang …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-3Miao,Yingwu ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-1Miao,Yu …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-3Ou,Yongsheng ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-4Ouyang,Puren ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-1Pan,Shulian …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-3Qi,Zhang ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-3Qiao,Yu ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-4Shi,Hongyu …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-3Song,Zhangjun ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-2Song,Zhangjun ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-1Su,Bo …………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-2Sun,Dong ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-2Sun,Rong ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WE-4Wang,Chao …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-4Wang,Gang …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-4


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Wang,Gang …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-2Wang,Hai ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-4Wang,Panhong …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-4Wang,Xuejie …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-1Wang,Yanjiong ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-1Wang,Yu ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-1Wang,Zhiwei …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-4Wu,Feiping ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-1Wu,Xiaodong ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-2Wu,Xinyu ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-2Xia,Liling …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ME-1Xie,Yaoqin ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-4Xu,Lisheng ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-4Xu,Ming ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-4Yan,ChaoKun ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TE-4Yang,Bo ………………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WP-3Yang,Guiyong ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-1Yang,Xianhui ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TA-3Zhang,Qi ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-4Zhang,Xuncai ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… TP-3Zhao,Zixin ……………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… WA-3Zhou,Gang ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MP-4Zhou,Liyang …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-3Zou,Yuexian …………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… MA-3


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Author  Index  

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Chen,Yen-Lun ……………… TP-2.5Chen,Ying-Chen …………… TE-3.4Chen,Yulong ……… ……… MA-3.3

Bai,Hongyang ……………… MP-3.2 Chen,Yunpeng ……………… MA-4.3Bai,Tianxiang ……………… MA-4.2 Cheng,Chang ……………… MA-2.5Bansal,Naveen …… ……… MP-4.1 Cheng,Jianhua……………… MP-3.5Bayrak,Coskun …… ……… WP-4.2 Cheng,Jun ………… ……… TA-4.5Bing,Jie……………………… MA-4.3 Cheng,Ming ………………… WA-1.3Bing,Jie WP-4.3 Cheng,Zijian………………… MP-1.5

Chignell,Mark ……………… WP-3.5Chou,Chih-Chung ………… WA-2.4Cui,Qing-zhu………………… WP-1.2

Cai,Yifan …………………… ME-2.3 Cui,Wei ……………………… ME-2.4Cao,Jianzhong ……………… TE-3.3 Cui,Yiping …………………… WA-3.1Cao,Jin-gang ……………… WP-1.1Cao,Rongmin ……………… WP-1.3Cao,Yue …………… ……… WP-4.3Chan,Kai-Ming ……………… MA-2.3 Dai,Daoyi …………………… MA-3.4Chang,Ming ………………… TP-4.3 Dai,Dawei …………………… TA-1.2Chang,Tianhai ……………… TE-3.2 Dai,Dawei WA-1.3Chen,Chi-Li………………… MP-2.3 Dai,Gang …………………… TA-3.4Chen,Chin-Lung …………… WA-2.4 Dam,Truong ………………… MA-1.2Chen,Chunjie ……………… WA-4.1 Dam,Truong MA-1.3Chen,Chunjie WA-4.2 Ding,Wenqi ………………… WE-4.3Chen,Daidai………………… MP-3.5 Dong,Yangze ……………… TE-3.1Chen,Dongmei ……………… TA-2.3 Du,Jianjun ………… ……… MA-4.5Chen,Dongmei ME-4.2 Du,Jianjun WA-2.2Chen,Guohua ……………… TE-4.1 Du,Ruxu …………… ……… ME-3.2Chen,Hao…………………… WP-4.5 Du,Ruxu ME-3.4Chen,Heng-Ming …………… TE-3.4 Du,Ruxu WA-4.3Chen,Honggang …………… WP-1.5 Du,Yingkui ………… ……… MA-4.4Chen,Jian-fang …… ……… MA-3.5 Duan,Hongliang …………… MA-3.3Chen,Lei…………… ……… MP-1.5 Dumtrascu,Bogdan ………… MA-1.5Chen,Li……………………… MP-3.5Chen,Mingkai ……………… TE-3.2Chen,Quan ………………… TA-1.1Chen,Shi …………………… TE-2.1 Falkman,Petter …… ……… WE-1.2Chen,Shihe ………………… WA-1.5 Fan,Baojie ………… ……… MA-4.4Chen,Shuanshuan ………… TP-2.4 Fan,Jinhui …………………… ME-2.4Chen,Shuzhong …………… WA-3.5 Fan,Miao …………………… ME-1.1Chen,Tao …………………… TP-1.1 Fang,Li……………………… TP-1.5Chen,Tiemei ………………… MP-1.4 Feng,Cong…………………… ME-1.2Chen,Xi ……………………… WA-1.4 Feng,Cong TP-4.5Chen,Yen-Lun ……………… TA-1.2 Feng,Lin …………… ……… MP-1.3





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Feng,Mei …………………… MA-2.1 Han,Long …………………… WA-4.2Feng,Shulin ………………… WA-2.5 Han,Xiaojuan ……………… WE-1.1Feng,Shuting………………… TP-4.5 Han,Xiaojuan WE-1.5Feng,Xin …………………… MP-4.1 Han,Xuefeng ……… ……… ME-3.5Feng,Yiwei ………………… TE-1.3 Hao,Lina …………………… WP-3.2Feng,Yong ………… ……… ME-4.3 Hao,Shuanghui……………… TP-1.1Filipescu,Adrian …………… MA-1.5 Hao,Yongping ……………… MP-3.1Filipescu,Adriana …………… MA-1.5 He,Baigen …………………… MP-4.4Fong,Daniel Tik-Pui ……… MA-2.3 He,Bo ……………… ……… TA-3.2Fu,Chuande ………………… TP-3.4 He,Jianbao ………………… WA-3.4Fu,Yili ……………… ……… MA-2.1 He,Jinshou ………………… MA-4.5Fu,Yue-wen………………… WP-1.2 He,Kai ……………………… ME-3.2

He,Kai ME-3.4He,Kai WA-4.3He,Qing ……………………… ME-2.5

Gai,Meng …………………… WA-3.2 He,Qing TP-2.1Gan,Zuoxin ………………… TP-3.3 He,Qing TP-2.2Gao,Deyuan ………………… WP-3.1 He,Qing TP-2.3Gao,Peng…………………… TA-1.3 He,Qing TE-2.1Gao,Yan …………………… MP-4.3 He,Qingbo ………… ……… MA-3.4Ge,Guo ……………………… TE-1.3 He,Yuanhai ………………… WP-4.1Ge,Liang …………………… ME-1.4 He,Yuqing …………………… MA-1.4Ge,Liang WE-1.3 Hedvall,Jonathan … ……… WE-1.2Ge,YunJian………………… WP-2.3 Holmblad,Anders …………… WE-1.2Ge,Yunjian ME-4.3 Hou,Jingqi ………… ……… WA-3.5Geng,Ning…………………… ME-1.2 Hou,Li-Qiang ……… ……… MA-1.1Geng,Shujuan ……………… WP-4.4 Hou,Lulu …………………… TA-2.1Gong,Chang ………………… MA-3.4 Hou,Yuanhang……………… ME-1.4Gong,Xiping ………………… TA-4.4 Hou,Yuan-hang WE-1.3Gu,Dongbing ……… ……… TE-3.5 Hu,Chao……………………… MA-2.4Gu,Guo-Ying ……… ……… MP-1.1 Hu,Chao MA-2.5Gu,Xiaoan ………… ……… TA-4.4 Hu,Chao ME-2.5Gu,Ye………………………… MP-2.1 Hu,Chao ME-4.2Guan,Chih-Tai ……………… TE-3.4 Hu,Chao TA-2.3Guan,Yisheng ……………… WP-2.4 Hu,Chao TA-3.3Guo,Hongtao ……………… MA-2.3 Hu,Chao TP-2.1Guo,Jinjin …………………… TA-4.2 Hu,Chao TP-2.2Guo,Qingye ………………… MP-3.4 Hu,Chao TP-2.3Guo,Shuxiang ……………… MA-3.2 Hu,Chao TE-2.1

Hu,Chao TE-2.3Hu,Chao TE-2.5Hu,Chao WP-2.4

Han,Jianda………… ……… MA-1.4 Hu,Chao WE-1.4Han,Long …………………… WA-4.1 Hu,Dan ……………………… WA-2.2



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Hu,Huijuan ………………… TA-1.2 Kim,Hyongsuk……………… WP-2.5Hu,Huosheng ……………… TE-3.5 Kong,Jing …………………… TA-2.1Hu,Jianxu …………………… WE-4.4 Kong,Lanju ………………… TP-3.1Hu,Xin ……………………… TP-2.4 Kong,Lanju TE-4.3Hu,Ying ……………………… MP-2.4Hu,Ying TA-2.5Hu,Yueming ………………… MP-1.4Hu,Zhigang ………………… TE-4.2 Layshot,Nicholas … ……… TP-1.2Hu,Zhoujun ………………… TE-4.2 Lennartson,Bengt … ……… WE-1.2Huang,Chenn-Jung ………… TE-3.4 Li,Baopu …………………… TA-2.2Huang,Dengshan…………… MA-3.3 Li,Bin ………………………… TA-1.1Huang,Fu-Ming …… ……… MA-1.1 LI,Bo………………………… MA-3.1Huang,JiaCai ……………… TP-1.5 Li,Dichen…………… ……… ME-3.3Huang,Libin ………………… WP-3.3 Li,Dongsheng……… ……… TP-4.4Huang,Pu …………………… MA-1.1 Li,Fei………………………… TP-3.3Huang,Qiang ……… ……… TA-4.3 Li,Feng……………………… WP-3.1Huang,Yuancan …………… TA-4.3 Li,Heng-Nian ……… ……… MA-1.1Hung,Aaron See-Lon ……… MA-2.3 Li,Hongsheng……… ……… TP-1.5

Li,Hongsheng WP-3.3Li,Kun ……………… ……… WP-1.4Li,Mingyue…………………… MP-3.5

Jia,Gang…………… ……… MP-1.5 Li,Nanxi ……………………… MP-4.3Jia,Hong-guang…… ……… TE-1.1 Li,Ping ……………………… TE-2.5Jia,Hongguang ME-3.5 Li,Ping WE-1.4Jia,Lei ……………… ……… MP-3.3 Li,Qingzhong………………… TP-3.1Jia,Songmin ………………… ME-2.4 Li,Qingzhong TE-4.3Jian,Linni …………………… TA-4.1 Li,Shijie ……………………… MP-1.2Jian,Linni TP-4.3 Li,Shuai……………………… WP-3.2Jian,Linni WA-1.1 Li,Shu-kai …………………… MP-1.3Jiang,Bo …………… ……… MP-3.3 Li,Tao ……………… ……… WP-1.5Jiang,Lei …………………… MP-2.5 Li,Weimin…………………… WA-1.1Jiang,Mai…………………… MP-1.5 Li,Xi…………………………… TE-4.2Jiang,Xiangtao ……………… WA-3.4 Li,Xiuzhi……………………… ME-2.4Jiang,Xian-liang …………… MA-3.5 Li,Youfu ……………………… MA-4.2Jiang,Yao…………………… ME-1.2 Li,Yue ……………… ……… TA-4.3Jin,Jianxun ………………… TA-4.5 Li,Zexiang …………………… ME-2.2Jin,Lianwen ………………… MP-4.3 Li,Zhibin……………………… ME-2.2Jin,Shiyuan ………………… TP-4.2 Li,Zhifu ……………………… MP-1.4Jin,Xiaomin ………………… TA-1.1 Li,Zhongwei………………… MA-4.2

Lian,Feng-Li ………………… MA-4.1Lian,Feng-Li WA-2.4Liang,Huajin ………………… WP-2.4

Kang,Shaobo ……………… TE-1.5 Liang,Jianing ……… ……… TA-4.1Ke,Meng …………………… WA-3.5 Liao, Wei-Hsin ……………… MA-2.3




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Liao,Jingsheng …… ……… TE-2.5 Liu,Zhigang WA-4.4Liao,Jinhong ………………… TE-2.3 Liu,Zhiyong………… ……… ME-4.2Lin,Chin-Fa ………………… TE-3.4 Liu,Zhiyong TA-2.3Lin,Fan ……………………… WP-1.4 Liu,Zhiyong MA-2.5Lin,Hsien-I ………… ……… MP-2.3 Liu,Zhiyong WP-2.4Lin,XueSen ………………… WA-3.3 Lou,Yunjiang ……… ……… ME-2.2Lin,Yi-Chun ………………… MA-4.1 Lu,Bowen …………………… TE-3.5Liu,Bo ……………… ……… TE-2.2 Lu,Dingran ………… ……… TA-1.1Liu,Chang…………………… MA-2.1 Lu,Xizhao …………………… WE-4.3Liu,Dun ……………………… MA-4.5 Luo,Changjie ……… ……… ME-3.4Liu,Dun WA-2.2 Luo,Fei ……………………… MA-2.4Liu,Guanzheng……………… WP-4.5 Luo,Fei WA-1.3Liu,Jia………………………… WA-1.3 Luo,Qun……………………… ME-3.2Liu,Jia TA-3.4 Luo,Yaohua………………… TE-1.5Liu,Jia TA-4.4 Luo,Yi ……………… ……… ME-1.1Liu,Jiajin……………………… ME-1.2 Luo,Yuanxin ………………… ME-3.1Liu,Jintao …………………… TE-2.1 Lv,Jun ……………………… TP-3.5Liu,Jizhu …………………… TP-1.1 Lv,Shijia …………… ……… TE-1.5Liu,Li ………………………… TA-2.4Liu,Li TA-4.1Liu,Li TP-1.4Liu,Ming …………… ……… MP-3.4 Ma,Ronghua ……… ……… WP-1.3Liu,Na ……………… ……… WA-3.2 Ma,Shugen ………………… MP-2.2Liu,Peng …………………… WA-4.3 Ma,Zhiqiang………… ……… WP-2.5Liu,Pingxiang ……………… TE-3.1 Mao,He ……………………… ME-3.2Liu,Shao-yang……………… MA-3.5 Mao,Ning …………………… MP-2.5Liu,Wei……………………… ME-2.5 Mao,Ning WA-2.3Liu,Wei TP-2.3 Mendi,Engin ………………… WP-4.2Liu,Wei TE-2.1 Meng,Hua…………………… TE-1.2Liu,Wei TP-2.2 Meng,Maozhou …… ……… WE-4.4Liu,Wenshuai……… ……… TP-4.1 Meng,Max Q.-H.…………… ME-4.2Liu,Wenshuai TE-4.4 Meng,Max Q.-H. TA-3.3Liu,Xiabi …………… ……… MA-4.3 Meng,Max Q.-H. TP-2.2Liu,Xiabi WP-4.3 Meng,Max Q.-H. WE-1.4Liu,Xiaochang ……………… TA-3.4 Meng,Max Q.-H. ME-2.5Liu,Yang …………………… WP-1.4 Meng,Max Q.-H. TA-2.2Liu,Yangbin ………………… ME-4.5 Meng,Max Q.-H. TA-2.3Liu,Ying ……………………… WP-2.2 Meng,Max Q.-H. TA-3.1Liu,Yiqing …………………… TA-1.5 Meng,Max Q.-H. TP-2.3Liu,Yongbin ………………… MA-3.4 Meng,Max Q.-H. TP-4.5Liu,Yuehu …………………… MP-4.2 Meng,Max Q.-H. TE-2.5Liu,zengliang ……… ……… TA-1.3 Meng,Xiang-yin …………… WE-1.3Liu,Zhendong ……………… TP-3.4 Miao,Yingwu ……… ……… TP-1.3Liu,Zhigang ………………… ME-3.3 Miao,Yu ……………………… TA-3.5


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Milanova,Mariofanna ……… WP-4.2Minca,Eugenia ……………… MA-1.5Minzu,Viorel ………………… MA-1.5Mo,Yuzhong ………………… TE-1.4 Ren,Hongliang ……………… TA-3.1

Ren,Ren……………………… TA-2.1Ren,Xiangshi ……………… WP-3.5

Ni,Wenjia …………………… TE-2.1Nie,Lei ……………………… TP-2.4Nie,Yong …………………… ME-3.3 Sang , Wenhua …… ……… TA-4.3Ning,Wanzheng …………… TA-3.5 Shang,Wen ………………… MA-2.2Niu,Lipi ……………………… TE-2.2 Shao,Huihe………………… WA-1.5Niu,Ying …………… ……… TP-3.3 Shen,Feng ………… ……… WA-3.2

Shen,Jiawei ………………… WP-3.2Shen,Zhao ………… ……… WE-1.4Sheng,Jinbo ………………… ME-2.4

Ou,Xiefeng ………………… WA-4.3 Sheng,Weihua ……………… MP-2.1Ou,Yongsheng……………… TP-2.5 Shi,Bo ……………………… MA-3.5Ou,Yongsheng TP-1.4 Shi,Hongyu………… ……… TE-3.3Ou,Yongsheng WA-4.1 Shi,Junyu…………………… MP-3.5Ou,Yongsheng WA-4.2 Shi,Liang …………………… ME-4.5Ou,Yongsheng WP-2.2 Song,Li ……………………… WP-4.3Ouyang,Liping ……………… WP-2.2 Song,Quanjun ……………… ME-4.3Ouyang,Puren ……………… MA-1.2 Song,Shuang ……………… TA-3.3Ouyang,Puren MA-1.3 Song,Zhan…………………… TP-2.4Ouyang,Zhengbiao… ……… WA-3.1 Song,Zhan ME-4.1

Song,Zhangjun …… ……… MP-2.4Song,Zhangjun TA-2.5Song,Zhangjun TP-1.4

Pan,Bo ……………………… MA-2.1 Song,Zhibin ………………… WA-1.1Pan,Shuliang ……………… MP-3.3 Su,Ang ……………………… WP-1.3Pang,Jihong ………………… TE-4.1 Su,Bo ……………… ……… MP-2.5Peng,Ansi …………………… WP-2.2 Su,Bo WA-2.3Peng,Kun …………………… TA-2.1 Su,Chun-Yi ………………… MP-1.1

Sun,Dong …………………… MA-2.2Sun,Gao …………………… TE-1.1Sun,Rong …………………… WE-4.2

Qian,Gang ………… ……… MP-4.5 Sun,Shuguang……………… MP-1.5Qiao,Yu ……………………… ME-4.4 Sun,Zhiyong ………………… WP-3.2Qiao,Yu WP-4.1Qu,Zhihua …………………… TP-4.2

Tang,Lilai …………………… MA-2.5Tang,Shuai ………………… WA-1.2








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Tang,Xi ……………………… ME-3.4 Wang,Lei TP-3.5Tang,Yandong ……………… MA-4.4 Wang,Panhong …… ……… ME-4.5Tang,Yazhe ………………… MA-4.2 Wang,Qing ………………… ME-3.1Tang,Yu …………… ……… WA-3.5 Wang,Qiong ………………… WA-3.1Tao,Long …………………… WA-4.4 Wang,Shaohua …… ……… TP-1.1Teng,Fulin…………………… TP-1.5 Wang,Sheng ……… ……… TA-1.2Thobbi,Anand ……………… MP-2.1 Wang,Shourong …………… WP-3.3Tian,GuiYun ………………… WP-3.4 Wang,Shuo ………………… WE-1.1Tian,Jinglan ………………… ME-2.5 Wang,Shuo WE-1.5Tian,Jinglan TA-3.3 Wang,Xiaodong …………… TP-3.2Tian,Lei ……………………… TA-4.2 Wang,Xiaojing ……………… TA-3.3Tsau,Young ………………… MA-3.5 Wang,Xingxing …… ……… ME-4.4Tseng,Sheng-Chieh ……… TE-3.4 Wang,Xuan ………………… TA-3.5Tu,Wei……………… ……… TA-1.4 Wang,Xue …………………… TE-4.3

Wang,Yanjiong……………… ME-1.5Wang,Ying ………… ……… ME-1.2Wang,Yongqin ……………… ME-3.1

Wan,Xiaohua ……………… WE-1.1 Wang,Yue …………………… ME-1.2Wan,Yuchai………………… MA-4.3 Wang,Yu-Wu ……………… TE-3.4Wang,Beizhan ……………… ME-4.5 Wang,Zhen ………………… WP-4.5Wang,BuYun………………… WP-2.3 Wang,Zhiqiong …… ……… WA-3.5Wang,Chao ………………… ME-4.1 Wang,Zhiwei ……… ……… TP-4.1Wang,Chenxi ……………… ME-2.5 Wang,Zhiwei TE-4.4Wang,Chenxi TP-2.2 Wei,Dong …………………… TA-1.5Wang,Chenxi TP-2.3 Wei,Jia-hua………………… WP-1.2Wang,Dacheng …… ……… TP-4.1 Wei,Ning…………… ……… TP-2.3Wang,Dacheng TE-4.4 Wei,Ning ME-2.5Wang,Deshuang …………… WP-1.5 Wei,Ning TP-2.2Wang,Fei …………………… MP-3.1 Wei,Shaoqing ……………… TE-1.2Wang,Gang ………………… TE-2.3 Wei,Tingcun ………………… WP-3.1Wang,Guanxiong…………… ME-1.2 Wei,Yajuan ………………… MP-4.4Wang,Hai …………………… MP-4.5 Wei,Zheng ………… ……… TP-2.3Wang,Haibin ……… ……… ME-4.2 Wen,Qiaoyan……… ……… ME-1.5Wang,Haibin TA-2.3 Wen,Xiulan ………………… TP-1.5Wang,Haijun ……… ……… MP-3.4 Wu, Liying …………………… TA-4.3Wang,Haiyan ……………… TA-3.5 Wu,Guifu …………………… TA-3.4Wang,Huabing ……………… TE-2.2 Wu,Jie ……………………… TP-2.1Wang,Jian ………… ……… MP-1.3 Wu,Wanping ……… ……… TA-4.5Wang,Jianji ………………… MP-4.2 WU,Xiaocui ………………… TA-2.4Wang,Jianjun ……………… MA-2.2 Wu,Xiaodong ……………… MP-2.2Wang,Jianjun MA-3.4 Wu,Xiaofeng ……… ……… WA-1.4Wang,Jiemin ……… ……… WP-4.1 Wu,Xinyu …………………… TA-1.2Wang,Ke …………………… ME-2.4 Wu,Xinyu TP-2.5Wang,Lei …………………… MP-3.1 Wu,Xinyu WA-4.1


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Wu,Xinyu WA-4.2 Xue,Xiaozhong …… ……… MP-3.2Wu,Xinyu WP-2.2Wu,Yanmin ………………… WE-4.2Wu,Yingjie…………………… TP-3.2Wu,Yuanqin ………………… ME-4.5 Yan,Chaokun ……………… TE-4.2Wu,Zhengbin ……… TA-2.4 Yan,Huaicheng……………… TP-4.5

Yan,Tingfang ……………… ME-2.5Yan,Tingfang TA-3.3Yan,Tingfang TP-2.3

Xia,Liling…………… ……… ME-1.3 Yan,Weiwu ………………… WA-1.5Xiao,Peng …………………… TE-4.2 Yan,Xingchun ……………… ME-3.1Xiao,Qianjin ………………… ME-3.5 Yang, Shuling ……………… WA-2.3Xiao,Zhiguang ……………… WP-2.4 Yang,Bo …………… ……… WP-3.3Xie,Chongyu ……… ……… WE-4.3 Yang,Guang ………………… WP-3.4Xie,Haihe…………………… WE-4.3 Yang,Jingwen ……………… WA-1.2Xie,Kang …………………… MA-2.5 Yang,Ming…………………… WP-2.3Xie,Yaoqin ………… ……… WP-4.5 Yang,Shu …………………… MA-3.5Xie,Zhihua…………………… TA-1.4 Yang,Simon X.……………… ME-2.3Xiong,Guogang……………… TP-2.5 Yang,Xianhui………………… TE-4.5Xu,Chunjing ………………… ME-4.4 Yang,Xianhui TA-3.2Xu,DeZhang………………… WP-2.3 Yang,Yansi ………………… TE-2.2Xu,Guoqing………………… TA-2.4 Yang,Yingyun ……………… TE-2.2Xu,Guoqing TA-4.1 Yang,Yuning ……… ……… WP-3.4Xu,Guoqing TP-1.4 Yao,Qichang ……… ……… MP-2.5Xu,Guoqing TP-4.3 Yao,Qichang WA-2.3Xu,Guoqing WA-1.1 Yin,Sheng-li………………… TE-1.1Xu,Hongji …………………… MP-2.5 Yin,Yong …………………… TE-2.3Xu,Hongji WA-2.3 Yin,Yong TE-2.5Xu,Jian ……………………… MP-1.2 Ying,Xianghua ……………… TA-2.1Xu,Kun ……………………… WA-1.1 Yong,Xi ……………………… TA-2.5Xu,Li ………………………… MP-1.2 You,Jiang …………………… TE-1.5Xu,Lisheng ………………… ME-1.2 You,Zhensheng …………… WP-2.1Xu,Lisheng TP-4.5 Yu,Gang …………………… MP-2.4Xu,Lu ………………………… WP-3.3 Yu,Jimin …………… ……… TE-1.4Xu,Ming ……………………… TE-4.5 Yu,Jing……………………… TP-4.4Xu,Peng……………………… TA-1.3 Yu,QuanQiang ……………… WA-3.1Xu,Pengfei ………… ……… TP-4.4 Yu,Runsheng ……………… TA-4.2Xu,Ren……………………… TA-3.4 Yu,Xiao-Hua………………… TA-1.1Xu,Tao ……………………… MA-3.5 Yu,Xiao-Hua TP-1.2Xu,Tao WA-2.1 Yu,Yue ……………………… MA-3.5Xu,Xiao-hong……… ……… WP-1.2 Yu,Zhuliang ………………… TP-2.1Xu,Yuanlin…………………… TA-1.3 Yuan,Peng ………………… MP-1.4Xue,Bing …………………… WA-3.2Xue,Honghong ……………… TP-4.3



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Zhao,MinZhe ……… ……… TA-1.5Zhao,Shengdong…………… WP-3.5Zhao,Wencong …… ……… TE-4.5

Zeng,Yuan ………… ……… TA-3.5 Zhao,Yue …………………… WA-3.5Zha,Hongbing ……………… TA-2.1 Zhao,Zixin …………………… MA-3.2Zhang,Chengjin …………… WE-4.1 Zheng,Jinjin ………………… MA-2.2Zhang,Derong……………… TE-2.4 Zheng,Lan ………… ……… MP-2.4Zhang,Fan ………… ……… WE-1.5 Zheng,Lan TA-2.5Zhang,Genbao ……………… TE-4.1 Zheng,Min…………………… TE-2.4Zhang,Guilin ………………… WE-4.1 Zheng,Ran ………………… WP-3.1Zhang,Huanshui …………… WA-2.5 Zheng,Zhiqiang……………… WA-1.2Zhang,Jianwei ……………… MP-2.4 Zhong,Cancheng …………… MA-2.4Zhang,Jianwei TA-2.5 Zhong,Yue…………………… TP-4.5Zhang,Jinhua ……………… ME-3.3 Zhou,Gang ………………… MP-4.2Zhang,Junpeng …………… WP-4.4 Zhou,Huixing ……… ……… WP-1.3Zhang,Lei …………………… ME-2.1 Zhou,Liyang ………………… MA-3.3Zhang,Li …………… ……… WA-1.2 Zhou,Ran …………………… TP-2.1Zhang,Liancun ……………… TA-4.3 Zhou,Xiaolei ………………… WP-3.5Zhang,Lingling ……………… WA-3.1 Zhou,Xiaolong ……………… MA-4.2Zhang,Liwei ………………… TA-2.5 Zhou,Xiaoxia………………… ME-1.1Zhang,Mingyu……………… WP-4.4 Zhou,Yujie ………… ……… WP-4.1Zhang,Ning ………………… TA-1.5 Zhou,Zhiyuan ……………… TE-2.3Zhang,Pandeng …………… WA-1.3 Zhu,Daxin…………………… TP-3.2Zhang,Peng………………… TP-1.1 Zhu,Jianhua ………………… TA-1.1Zhang,Peng MP-2.4 Zhu,Jianjun ………………… MA-4.5Zhang,Qi …………………… WP-3.4 Zhu,Jianjun WA-2.2Zhang,Qing………………… WP-2.3 Zhu,LiMin …………………… MP-1.1Zhang,Qingfan ……………… WP-4.4 Zhu,Ming …………………… MP-4.4Zhang,Weng………………… TP-4.4 Zhu,Ming-chao ……………… TE-1.1Zhang,Wenjing …… ……… MP-4.1 Zhu,Pengli ………… ……… WE-4.2Zhang,Wenyu……………… ME-2.1 Zhu,Qingsong……………… WP-4.5Zhang,Xi …………………… WA-1.5 Zhu,Xiao-ping ……………… WA-2.1Zhang,Xiao-feng …………… WA-2.1 Zhu,Yuesheng……………… MA-3.1Zhang,Xilin………… ……… WE-1.5 Zou,Feng-Xing……………… WP-1.2Zhang,Xilin WE-1.1 Zou,Nan …………… ……… MP-3.3Zhang,Xuncai ……………… TP-3.3 Zou,Yuexian ………………… MA-3.1Zhang,Yan ………… ……… MP-4.5Zhang,Yonggang …………… WP-1.5Zhang,Yubing……………… TP-4.4Zhang,Yuxing ……………… TP-1.3Zhang,Zhan ………………… TE-1.2Zhang,Zhihuan …… ……… WP-2.1Zhao,Jie …………… ……… MP-1.2Zhao,Mengyu ……………… WA-3.5


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