Download - Concrete and · concrete-making materials, including admixtures. Rehabilitation of corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete decks


DamianJ. Kulash Concrete and Structures"Executive Director •

ExecutiveCommittee Progress and Products UpdateJohn R. Tabb, ChairmanMississippi Highway Department

William G. AgnewGeneral Motors Research (Retired)

A. Ray ChamberlainColorado Department of Highways

James A. CrawfordNew Jersey Department of Transportation

Raymond F. DeckerUniversity Science Partners, lnc.

Thomas B. Deen, Ex OfficioTransportation Research Board

Horace B. 'EdwardsKansas Department of Transportation

Tom Espy:.Jr.Alabama Highway Department

Francis B. Francois, Ex OfficioAmerican Association of State Highway andTransportation O]'ficials

William L. GilesRuan Transportation Management Systems

Harvey HaackPet,n.syh,ania Department of Transportation

Boris R. llryhorczuk, Ex OfficioManitoba Department of Transportation

Lester P. LammHighways Users Federation

Thomas D. Larson, Ex OfficioFederal Elighway Administration

John D. Mackenzie

University of California/Los Angeles November 1989Harold L. MichaelPurdue University

Richard D. Morgan, Ex OfficioFederal Highway -Administration

Wayne MuffMissouri Highway and TransportationDepartment

llenry A. Thomason, Jr.Texag Depa.rtment of llighways and PublicTransportatton

Roger L. Yarbrough _ Strategic Highway Research Program/Ipcon Corporation National Research Council

Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP)Concrete and Structures: Progress and Products Update

SHRP publications are available directly from SHRP. For further information write to

SHRP818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20006.

This publication was written by SHRP staff. Key contributors included James J. Murphy of the NewYork State Department of Transportation, former Concrete and Structures Program Manager andcurrent vice chairman of the Concrete and Structures Advisory Committee; Concrete and StructuresProgram Manager Don M. Harriott; Project Managers John P. Broomfield and Inam Jawed; andOrganizational Relations Director Karen Haas Smith. Design and production by Luanne Crayton,SHRP Editorial Assistant.

Printed in the United States of America

Strategic Highway Research Program

Concrete and Structures Advisory Committee

Chairman Vice Chairman

Mr. Howard H. Newlon, Jr. Mr. James J. MurphyVirginia Transportation Research Council New York State Department of Transportation


Mr. Charles J. Arnold Dr. Charles F. Scholer

Michigan Department of Transportation Purdue University

Dr. Geoffrey J. Frohnsdorff Dr. Jan P. SkalnyNational Institute of Standards and W.R. Grace and Company

Technology Washington Research Center

Mr. Richard D. Gaynor Mr. Lawrence L. SmithNational Aggregates Association Florida Department of Transportation

Silver Spring, Maryland Mr. John Strada

Mr. Robert J. Girard Washington Department of Transportation

Missouri Highway and Transportation Dr. Forrest R. WilsonDepartment The American Institute of Architecture

Dr. David L. Gress Mr. James H. Woodstrom

University of New Hampshire California Department of Transportation

Mr. Gary Lee HoffmanPennsylvania Department of Transportation

Liaison Representatives

Dr. Carl E. Locke, Jr.University of Kansas Mr. Bryant Mather

Department of DefenseMr. Clellon L. Loveall

Tennessee Department of Transportation Mr. Thomas J. PaskoFederal Highway Administration

Dr. David G. ManningOntario Ministry of Transportation Mr. Crawford Jencks

Transportation Research BoardMr. Robert G. PackardPortland Cement Association Mr. John L. Rice

Federal Aviation Administration

Mr. James L. SawyerPyrament/Lone Star Industries



Foreword .................................................. vii

I. Introduction .......................................... 1Program Mission ....................................... 1Economic Significance ................................... 1Research Overview ..................................... 4

II. The Concrete Research .................................. 5

Objectives ............................................ 5Microstructure Development ............................ 7Alkali-Silica Reactivity ................................ 7Alkali-Silica Reactivity Reseach Background ................ 8Freeze-Thaw Damage ................................ 10Quality Control/Quality Assurance ....................... 11New Tests ......................................... 11

Background: Freeze-Thaw Damage Research ............... 12Guidelines for Construction of High-Performance Concretes ..... 14Optimization of Highway Concrete Technology .............. 14

Concrete Contracting Plan ................................ 15

III. The Structures Research ................................. 19Objectives ............................................ 19

Electrochemical Repair and Protection Techniques ........... 20Conventional Repair Techniques ......................... 22Development of Diagnostic Tools ........................ 23Bridge and Structures Diagnosis and Repair System ........... 24

Structures Contracting Plan ............................... 24Background on the Structures Research ................... 25


Concrete and Structures: Progress and How This Report is Organized:Products Update describes the The mission and economicStrategic Highway Research significance of the Concrete andProgram's projects in the Concrete Structures program are presented inand Structures area. It covers the Section I, along with a brief overviewobjectives of the research in broad of the research.economic and technical terms, aswell as progress as of the date of Sections II and III contain detailedpublication, discussions of the objectives and

expected products of the research.This Progress and Products Update is Section II covers the Concretethe first of four to be published by research, and Section III covers theSHRP in the fall of 1989, covering Structures research. These sectionseach of SHRP's four technical also include Contract Plans for each

research areas (Asphalt, Concrete subprogram. The Contract Plans telland Structures, Highway Operations, how the work is divided into researchand Long-Term Pavement contracts, and how the contractsPerformance). The Progress and interrelate.Products Updates are intended tomeet the need, midway through the Section IV of this Progress andfive-year research effort, for Products Update contains one-pagecomprehensive program descriptions Project Summaries for each of thethat document the program evolution contracts in the Concrete andthat has occurred since Strategic Structures area. These will beHighway Research Program: Research revised periodically as the researchPlans was published by the progresses.Transportation Research Board in1986.


I. Introduction

Program Mission Structures contracts (Figure 2).

SHRP's program in Concrete andStructures is divided into two Economic Significancesubprograms: Concrete, andStructures. The mission of the The potential economic benefits ofConcrete research is to increase the applied research in portland cementdurability of portland cement concrete are huge because so muchconcrete in highway applications, of it is used. The U.S. highwayThe mission of the Structures industry spends about $1 billionresearch is to develop improved annually on portland cement,techniques and equipment for accounting for about 16 percent ofcondition assessment of concrete U.S. portland cement sales. Almostbridges, and for rehabilitation and all bridge decks are portland cementprotection of corroded concrete, as are piers and abutments,steel-reinforced concrete bridges. In even where steel is used for theboth cases, the research has been superstructure. Over 85,000 miles ofplanned to result in tangible products U.S. roads are paved with portlandthat can be applied immediately and cement concrete, which also is thethat have the potential to result in material most often used for curbs,substantial savings in the operations sidewalks, and median dividers.budgets of highway agencies.

SHRP's Structures research isThe budget for Concrete and tackling a national problem ofStructures research contracts will enormous economic approximately $19 million; with Thousands of bridge decksabout $10 million in Concrete constructed in the United Statescontracts (Figure 1) and $9 million in between 1950 and the mid-1970s are




suffering from corrosion damage structures, and developing neededbecause of inadequate concrete cover specification and performanceover the top layer of reinforcing criteria for their use.steel. Few, if any, of these bridgeswere built with epoxy coating on the Assessment of conventional andreinforcing steel or other methods of chemical bridge protectioncorrosion protection that techniques also is being conducted.subsequently have come into Development of nondestructive testswidespread application. The nation for condition assessment is anothercurrently faces a $20 billion repair important aspect of the SHRPbill for corroded steel-reinforced Structures program.concrete bridges, and that figure isgrowing by about $500 million A bridge repair manual coveringannually. Development of more innovative technologies as well as theeconomical methods for repair and more conventional protection andprevention of concrete bridge repair techniques will be the keycorrosion has the potential to save product of the Structures research.highway agencies millions--or perhapsbillions--of dollars.

Research Overview

SHRP's Concrete research is

developing improved testing andquality control/quality assuranceprocedures for new concreteconstruction; nondestructivetechniques for condition evaluationof existing concrete pavements andstructures; innovative repair methods;and engineering criteria for improvedconcrete-making materials, includingadmixtures.

Rehabilitation of corrosion-damagedreinforced concrete decks and

substructures is a major thrust in theStructures research. SHRP also is

conducting an assessment of cathodicprotection systems for undamaged


II. The Concrete Research

Objectives 1. Enhance the constructability anddurability of portland cement

SHRP's Concrete research addresses concretes.both existing and new construction.

More "constructable" concrete will beThe overaII research objectives areto: easier to build -- that is, less prone to

mistakes in specification of the

(1) Enhance the constructability and materials, in mix design, in mixing, indurability of portland cement placement, or in curing.concretes.

Mistakes in mix design involve use of

(2) Develop techniques for increasing the wrong materials or the wrongthe service life of existing pavements combinations of materials. SHRP isand highway structures, developing new tests that will permit

rapid, accurate characterization of

(3) Develop better techniques for the performance-related properties ofquality assurance and quality control, cements, admixtures, and aggregates,

as well as improved guidelines for

(4) Develop and assess new concrete materials selection.materials that have high-performancecharacteristics. Mistakes in the construction stage--

that is, in mixing, placement, or

Each of these broad objectives will curing--can be reduced throughbe discussed in turn. better Quality Control/Quality

Assurance techniques. SHRP isdeveloping an improved QualityControl/Quality Analysis system,

which is described in more detail SHRP is evaluating new concrete-under objective number three below, making materials that are resistant to

deterioration. The goal is todetermine those concrete processing

2. Develop techniques for increasing techniques and materials that havethe service lives of existing concrete the best potential for superiorpavements and highway structures, performance with a wide range of

aggregate types, and to developAs the nation's highway system ages, criteria and recommendations forprolonging the service lives of their development and application.existing pavements and structures is The four broad objectives discussedmore important than ever. SHRP is above are interrelated. All ofdeveloping new nondestructive tests SHRP's Concrete research projectsfor assessment of the condition of relate to one another synergistically.

in-place concrete, as well as newmethods for repair and prevention of Project C-201 is an investigation offurther deterioration, the chemistry and physics of concrete

microstructure development, andforms a foundation for the other

3. Develop better techniques for research.quality control and qualityassurance. Two other projects are investigations

of specific performance problems:Quick, accurate, easy-to-use field alkali-silica reactivity (C-202), andtests are the key to more consistently freeze-thaw damage (C-203).high-quality concrete construction.SHRP is developing non-destructive Project C-205 is an investigation offield tests for quality control that can the mechanical properties andbe applied by minimally trained performance of high-performancepersonnel, and will produce quick, concretes containing admixtures.accurate results. These tests willform the basis for more rational In turn, each of these projects willacceptance criteria, as well as for feed into project C-204, whichnew guidelines for interim controls involves development of an improvedsuch as curing, form stripping, and Quality Control/Quality Assurancelimiting construction traffic, system for new construction and a

quality evaluation system for existingconstruction. The products of project

4. Define new concrete-making C-204 will include new, rapid,materials with high-performance reliable site tests for Qualitycharacteristics. Control/Quality Assurance, as well


as engineering guidelines for Quality aggregate to enhance strength andControl/Quality Assurance, including other physical applications manual.

SHRP's microstructure researchA wrap-up project, C-206, will use includes:the results of all of the other

research to develop specifications for o Investigation of the effects ofsuperior concrete materials, chemical admixtures and

pozzolanic materials on concreteThe goals and expected products in microstructure; andeach of these areas are discussed in

more detail below, o development of recommendationsfor specifications for concrete-making materials that will

Microstructure Development optimize durability andperformance.

The foundation of the SHRP

Concrete research program is The three-year microstructure projectinvestigation of the chemistry and is scheduled to conclude inphysics of cement and concrete December at the microstructure levelunder project C-201. Control of the Building on the results of thisphysical and chemical processes that research, SHRP will develop specifictake place during the mixing, placing, tools for avoiding and correcting twoand curing stages is a fundamental performance problems: alkali-silicastep toward advancement of concrete reactivity, and freeze-thaw damagetechnology. (including D-cracking). Each of

these research efforts is discussed inThe C-201 contractor, Pennsylvania turn below.State University Materials ResearchLaboratory, is investigating concretemicrostructure to determine: Alkali-Silica Reactivity

o How to reduce the permeability SHRP's alkali-silica reactivityof concrete so that water and research is focused on developmentother potentially aggressive of products in four categories:liquids have difficulty entering;and o Rapid and more accurate tests for

identifying reactive aggregateso how to strengthen the bond prior to construction, as well as

between cement paste and standards for their use.


o Engineering guidelines for o Techniques for minimizingpermissible or required expansion and deterioration duecombinations of cementitious to alkali-silica reactivity in existingmaterials, aggregates, and concrete.environmental factors to avoid

expansion due to alkali-silica The C-202 contract, "Eliminating orreactivity. Minimizing Alkali-Silica Reactivity,"

was awarded to Construction

o Nondestructive field tests for Technology Laboratories in Juneevaluation of alkali-silica 1988. The project is scheduled forreactivity in existing concrete, completion in March 1993.

Alkali-Silica Reactivity Research Background

Silica substances in aggregates can react with alkali in the cement andabsorb water, causing the concrete to expand. Within a few years, thismay crack the concrete. The process is irreversible. It may eventuallycause structural failure. There are no existing methods for treatment ofdamage due to alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) in existing concrete. Whenpavements are afflicted, the most common course of action is to rebuildthe upper courses, recycling the damaged materials into base courses ofthe replacement pavements.

Highway agencies are under increasing economic pressure to use availableaggregates, even if they present potential ASR problems. In some states,aggregate supply sources are limited due to resource depletion, landdevelopment restrictions, and environmental concerns. Many areas of theUnited States contain large deposits of mineral formations containing silicasubstances. Where reactive aggregates are locally plentiful, there is aneconomic incentive for local agencies to use them rather than transportother aggregates longer distances.

Where reactive or potentially reactive aggregates are used, current practiceis to control reactivity problems by using either low-alkali cements orpozzolanic admixtures. Low-alkali cements reduce the amount of freealkalis available to react with the silica substances. Pozzolanic materials

tie up the free alkalis and render them unavailable to react with silica.Both of these practices may increase costs.

Decisions on use of low-alkali cements or high-quality pozzolans to controlreactive aggregates are based on economic considerations and localavailability. In recent years the alkali content of cements in the UnitedStates has generally increased due to changes in processing techniquesbrought on by energy-conservation and pollution-control concerns.

Where low-alkali cements are used to avoid ASR problems, generalpractice is to use cements with less than 0.6 percent alkali content. The0.6 percent rule-of-thumb is generally effective, but there are conditionsunder which it is not. Because there has been relatively little research inthis area, environmental conditions that favor the development of ASRproblems when low-alkali cements are used are not well defined.

For example, even low-alkali cements may not prevent alkali-silicareactions when the weather is extremely hot, dry, and windy at the time ofplacement. These conditions cause moisture to evaporate from thesurface of the concrete. Water then migrates from the bottom of the slab,through the concrete, to the surface, where it also evaporates, resulting ina highly concentrated alkaline solution that can cause ASR failure.

Certain types of fly ash and other pozzolans, including blast furnace slagand silica fume, have been used successfully with numerous aggregates invaried climates, but there are no well-developed engineering criteria forthe specification of pozzolanic admixtures as agents to counteract ASR.SHRP will recommend specifications for ASR-resistant concrete-makingmaterials.

SHRP also is developing more rapid, reliable, and informative tests fordetermining the reactivity of aggregates. Such tests will be very valuable ifthey encourage the use of some inexpensive aggregates that are excludedcurrently based on existing tests.

Current practice is to screen aggregates through a combination ofpetrographic analysis and laboratory tests. The petrographic analysis willidentify rock formations that are likely to contain significant amounts ofsilica. Existing laboratory tests are slow and can be inconclusive. The


chemical test that is currently used for laboratory screening requiresseveral weeks to complete and its results indicate only whether theaggregate has a potential reactivity problem. The follow-up mortar bartest for cement-aggregate reactions takes one year, and interpretations ofthe validity of the test procedures and the significance of the results mayvary. The final result of the mortar bar test is a measurement of theamount of expansion, which reveals only indirectly the amount and type ofreaction.

Some agencies do not use concrete aggregates determined to bepotentially reactive in either petrographic or laboratory analysis. Thisapproach is probably effective from a performance perspective, but it maybe uneconomical. As aggregate sources become scarcer, many agenciesmay find that disallowing aggregate sources has become unacceptablyexpensive.

SHRP also is developing non-destructive field tests and guidelines forselection of concrete-making materials. The purpose of these tests andguidelines is to minimize the potential for alkali-silica reactivity, whileencouraging the use of a broader range of materials.

Another product of the alkali-silica reactivity research will be engineeringguidelines for diagnosis and assessment of damage to existing highwayconcrete resulting from alkali-silica reactivity (ASR). A final, and moredifficult-to-achieve, objective is to develop a method for arresting theASR-caused expansion in existing concrete structures.

Freeze-Thaw Damage freeze-thaw damage through the useof chemical admixtures and

SHRP's research in the freeze-thaw pozzolanic materials, through the usedamage area involves systematic of aggregates with certaininvestigation of the effects of frost characteristics, and due toaction on hardened cement and environmental phenomena such asaggregates, and the protective effect partial drying and re-wetting. Basedof entrained air. This includes on the results of these investigations,investigation of the mitigation of SHRP will develop criteria and


procedures for improvement of at critical points in the constructionconcrete freeze-thaw durability, process. The quality control/quality

assurance system will include existingThe objective of SHRP's freeze-thaw tests as well as the newly developed,research is to develop the following rapid, reliable non-destructive testsproducts: and acceptance criteria developed

through the other SHRP concreteo Air-void requirements for freeze- research projects. These include

thaw durability of concretes tests to measure:presently in use, especially thosecontaining pozzolanic materials o Water content of concrete mixand chemical admixtures.

o Air entrainment of fresh concrete

o Rapid tests for measurement ofthe freeze-thaw durability of o Moisture content, residualaggregates, strength/functional capacity of in-

place concreteo Techniques for arresting D-

cracking.New Tests

The contractor for Project C-203,"Resistance of Concrete to Freezing Water Content of Concrete Mix:and Thawing," is the University of Among the new tests underWashington. Completion of the four- development is a quick, accurate siteyear project is scheduled for test for measurement of the actualDecember 1992. water content of concrete mix

directly prior to placement.

Quality Control/Quality Assurance The existing construction qualitycontrol test for measurement of the

Under Project C-204, SHRP is water content of concrete mix is thedeveloping a quality slump test. This test provides aassurance/quality control system for gauge of the consistency of the mix,new construction, and a system for but does not measure water contentevaluation of existing concrete. The directly. The consistency, orquality control/quality assurance workability, of concrete mix also cansystem for new construction will be affected by cement and aggregateensure the structural soundness of characteristics, admixtures,the finished concrete and its temperature, and the moistureadequacy for the intended purpose content of the aggregate. Many ofthrough a series of field tests applied these effects -- particularly the effects


Background: Freeze-Thaw Damage Research

Freeze-thaw damage is caused by penetration of water into concrete,which, after repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, can cause theconcrete to deteriorate. Damage usually can be prevented bycombinations of:

o Minimization of the amount of water in the concrete at the time ofmixing through the use of the proper water-to-cement ratio;

o control of the size and distribution of pores through proper airentrainment;

o minimization of the permeability of the hardened concrete; and

o use of aggregates that do not degrade in a wet, freezingenvironment.

Although the effect of air-entrainment in protection of concrete fromfreeze-thaw damage is well established, situations arise where evenproperly mixed and air-entrained concrete fails due to freeze-thawdamage. One such situation is where the concrete reaches criticalsaturation before the full curing time has elapsed. This process isexacerbated when deicing chemicals are applied. Chemical or mineraladmixtures such as high-range water reducers, fly ash, ground slag, andsilica fume also affect entrained air void systems. One objective of theSHRP concrete research is to quantify these effects.

As noted in the discussion of alkali-silica reactivity, methods for screeningthe aggregates for their alkali-silica reactivity and freeze-thaw durabilityare not well developed. Under Project C-203, SHRP is developing rapid,reliable and inexpensive tests that will screen out aggregates that aresusceptible to damage due to freezing and thawing, as well as to D-cracking.

D-cracking, popouts, and other readily visible cracks and surface defectsare caused by freeze-thaw failures within the aggregate particlesthemselves.


of chemical and mineral admixtures concrete. If the concrete is not

-- are only poorly understood, and acceptable, the only course of actionslump test results alone do not is to remove the hardened concrete,account for them. Water content is which presents a serious problem.sometimes increased if the requiredslump is not obtained at the job site. SHRP is developing a new air voidConcrete with extra water may be test that will accurately measure theaccepted if subsequent strength size, number, and average spacing ofmeasurements are adequate, but the air voids in the plastic concrete mix.concrete will be less durable than it

would have been without the Non-Destructive Testing of In-Placeadditional water. Concrete: Another important

objective of the C-204 project is toAir Entrainment of Fresh Concrete: develop non-destructive moistureStandard quality control/acceptance tests. Current methods do nottests for air entrainment measure measure the moisture content of in-only the total volume of air place concrete directly. A direct testincorporated in a mix sample. This will be useful in control of allmeasure is deficient because it does moisture-related deterioration

not indicate the number of air voids problems, including alkali-aggregatein the mix, or their size and reactivity, curling and warping, creep,dispersion. The size and dispersion drying, shrinkage, and corrosion ofof the air voids are directly related to steel reinforcement, as well as freeze-the dissipating physical stresses thaw damage. The tests willcaused by repeated freezing and facilitate the planning ofthawing cycles. Another drawback of maintenance activities by indicatingthe existing, commonly-used air which pavements and structures needentrainment tests is that, in order to the most immediate attention.obtain consistently accurate andreproducible test results, they must The C-204 contractor, Trow, Inc.,be performed by specially trained also is developing a field manualpersonnel using calibrated providing test procedures forequipment. Yet another shortcoming estimation of the residual strengthis that the test takes several minutes and functional capacity of in-serviceto complete, so every load of concrete, which will also be of usefulconcrete delivered to a site is not in planning maintenance andtested, rehabilitation activities.

The present methods for determining The four-year C-204 project isthe size and average spacing of air scheduled for completion in Marchvoids are applicable only to hardened 1993.


Guidelines for Construction of High- Optimization of Highway ConcretePerformance Concretes Technology

Under Project C-205, SHRP will Building on the results of SHRPdevelop detailed data on the concrete research as well as onmechanical properties and behavior evaluation of recent developments inof high-performance concretes in concrete technology, SHRP willhighway applications, select the concrete-processing

techniques, materials, and materialThe high-performance concretes to combinations that have the bestbe investigated include high-strength potential for superior performanceconcretes, high-early-strength on the highways, and developconcretes, and those containing recommendations for developmentpozzolans and other admixtures, and application of these materials.The C-205 contractor, NorthCarolina State University, is SHRP also will explore the value ofinvestigating the effects of field an expert system based on theenvironmental conditions -- moisture, knowledge and data obtained fromhumidity, temperature, exposure to SHRP's concrete research programmarine environments, deicing agents, as well as information availableetc. -- on the mechanical properties elsewhere. It is not clear, at thisand behavior of high-performance stage, whether an expert system willconcretes. The objective is to be an effective and practical way todevelop guidelines and present and use new and availablerecommendations for the use of information for highway applications.various materials (pozzolans, and However, such a system, ifother admixtures) for improvement developed, would allow state highwayof the mechanical properties and agency engineers to diagnosebehavior of high-performance concrete problems, select appropriateconcretes, materials and mix designs for both

new construction and rehabilitation

It is expected that numerous sets of and in the case of new construction,criteria will be developed to cover ensure optimum performance in thethe range of structures and field design environment.conditions encountered in highwayapplications.


Concrete Contracting Plan reactions and the structure-propertycharacteristics of concrete. Based on

The goals and objectives of SHRP's this analysis, SHRP is developingConcrete research were explained recommendations for optimization ofabove. The following section concrete microstructure for desiredexplains how the work is packaged performance properties. Theseinto contracts, and how the contracts modifications may be accomplishedfit together, through adjustments in mix designs,

improved tests, and specifications forThe Concrete research consists of concrete and concrete-making

several independent but interrelated materials.projects that have been packagedinto six research contracts. Five The C-201 contractor is Pennsylvania

State University's Materials Researchcontracts were released in fiscal year1988 and the first quarter of fiscal Laboratory. The planned contractyear 1989. period is December 1987 - December


The products of the researchconducted under these initial Project C-202, Eliminating orcontracts will be interrelated because Minimizing Alkali-Silica Reactivity,

is developing practical tests forthe projects address different aspectsof the single problem of the prediction of alkali-silica reactivitydurability of concrete in highway susceptibility, specifications forapplications, concrete-making materials that are

resistant to alkali-silica reactivity inThe results of the initial five new construction, and techniques forcontracts will be combined in the mitigation of the harmful effects of

final project, C-206. This project, alkali-silica reactivity in existingscheduled for contract award in fiscal concrete pavements and structures.year 1990, will compile the concrete The key product of the project is aresearch results into practical quick and reliable method forguidelines on the application and use identification of potentially reactiveof concrete materials, aggregates. Criteria for avoidance of

alkali-silica reactivity also will be

Project C-201, Concrete developed based on quantitativeMiscrostructure, is addressing the definition of the environmentalnature of concrete as a material, and conditions, combinations of materials,its inherent strengths and and mix design specifications relateddeficiencies. The researchers are to the phenomenon. Finally, anddeveloping, in quantitative terms, equally important, this project willrelationships between the hydration attempt to develop techniques for


effective control of alkali-silica construction process. This projectreactivity damage to existing concrete also includes development of apavements and structures, condition-evaluation system based on

nondestructive techniques forThe C-202 contractor is Construction measurement of those characteristicsTechnology Laboratories, Inc. The of in-service concrete that reveal itsplanned contract period is June 1988 condition and help to predict itsto March 1993. remaining service life.

Project C-203, Resistance of Concrete The C-204 contractor is Trow, Freezing and Thawing, is The planned contract period isdeveloping methods for avoidance of March 1989 - March 1993.freeze-thaw durability problems. Thecontractors are examining the Project C-205, Mechanical Behaviormechanism of air entrainment in of High-Performance Concretes, isprotection of concrete from freeze- developing quantitative relationshipsthaw damage, and determining how between the mechanical propertiesvarious cementitious materials affect and behavior of high-performancethe requirements for entrained air. concrete in service, under variedRapid and relatively inexpensive environmental conditions (moisture,methods for identification and humidity, temperature, exposure toscreening of non-durable aggregates marine environments and deicingalso are under development in this agents, etc.). These relationships willproject, be used as a basis for development

of engineering guidelines for use ofThe C-203 contractor is the the materials.University of Washington. Theplanned contract period is October The C-205 contractor is North1988 - December 1992. Carolina State University. The

planned contract period is MarchProject C-204, Nondestructive 1989 - March 1993.Testing for QualityControl/Condition Analysis of Project C-206, Optimization ofConcrete, is developing improved Highway Concrete Technology, isquality control/quality assurance scheduled to begin in the third yearsystems for assessment of new of the SHRP program. This projectconcrete construction in highway will build on the knowledge gained inapplications. These systems will be the five initial projects, and extend itbased on rapid, reliable, and to development of new concretes andnondestructive field tests that can be methodologies for increasing theapplied at critical points during the durability and service life of


highways. The C-206 project will SHRP-IDEA contracts awarded tocritically evaluate new materials and date are included in Section IV.processes in concrete technology andestablish plans for using them inhighway applications. Specificationsfor environment-specific superiorconcrete will be produced. Anexpert system will be developed foruse in diagnosis of concretedurability problems and for extensionof the service life of highwayconcrete. The contracts also will

produce appropriate manuals andinformation-dissemination materials.

The C-206 contract is scheduled for

release in the second quarter of fiscalyear 1990 (fall 1989).

In addition to the planned contracts,SHRP has awarded five IDEA

(Innovations Deserving ExploratoryAnalysis) contracts for research inthe Concrete area. The SHRP-

IDEA program encouragesinnovative approaches toachievement of the objectives ofSHRP's planned contract researchprograms. The program awardscontracts in the $100,000 range forabout one year of exploratoryresearch.

The Concrete Contracting Plan isgraphically illustrated in Figure 3 (p.18). Staff and contractororganization charts are shown onpages 31 and 32. Brief summaries ofthe scope of work and progress todate for each of the seven plannedcontracts and for the concrete-related


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Figure 3. Concrete Research Contracting Plan


III. The Structures Research

Objectives SHRP is conducting field tests andwill produce much-needed

Repair of chloride-induced corrosion engineering criteria for theof concrete bridges is one of the specification and performance ofmost expensive problems facing cathodic protection systems.highway agencies in the United Cathodic protection uses a low-States. Using existing techniques, the voltage and current (typically in thebill for repairing the nation's range of 1-5 volts and 1-3corroded concrete bridges will be milliamps/sq, ft.) to immunize themore than $20 billion, reinforcing steel against corrosion

using a surface-mounted anode (that

Because of the magnitude of the is, an anode that is placedproblem, new, more efficient and permanently on the bridge). Notecost-effective techniques for bridge that the system is devised to protectcorrosion repair are urgently needed, bridges from chloride-inducedConventional techniques involve damage to the concrete rather thanphysical removal and replacement of to repair the damage (remove thedamaged concrete, followed by corrosion and salt) once it hassealing; this is both difficult and occurred.

costly. Cathodic protection systems are

SHRP is evaluating the effectiveness available commercially in the Unitedand feasibility of innovative States, and most states have one orelectrochemical techniques for bridge two experimental and protection, including Missouri is the exception, with overcathodic protection and chloride 100 systems in place. The objectiveremoval systems, of the SHRP work is to accurately

define the costs, benefits, and


reliability of cathodic protection A bridge repair manual thatsystems as well as to optimize their incorporates all of the results of thedesign. SHRP structures research into

diagnostic and repair guidance forThe elements of chloride removal highway agencies will be the finalsystems are similar to those used in product of the Structures program.cathodic protection systems, except astronger electrical current is applied The goals and expected products ofto pull the chloride ions away from SHRP's Structures research arethe steel, and completely out of the discussed in more detail below.concrete. This is a one-time Background information on thetreatment that does not require structures research is provided onmaintenance of a power supply or a pages 25 and 26. Brief descriptionspermanent anode, as in the case of of each of the research contracts incathodic protection. In contrast to the structures area begin on page 24.cathodic protection, chloride removalis not a proven technology; theobjective of the SHRP work is to Electrochemical Repair anddetermine its feasibility and Protection Techniquespracticality.

Electrochemical Chloride Removal:Another important thrust in the In project C-102A, SHRP isStructures research is the investigating the feasibility anddevelopment of nondestructive cost-effectiveness of electrochemicaldiagnostic techniques for chloride removal. This technologymeasurement of corrosion before it has tremendous money-savingresults in visible spalling on the potential because it could make itbridge surface, and for detection of possible, in the course of a month, todelamination before it results in remove chloride from a bridge, andholes in the deck or the substructure, then seal the bridge against furtherThe use of infrared and radar seem damage with a coating or overlay.particularly promising in this regard. There is, however, a significant

possibility of damage to the steel orSHRP also is assessing conventional the concrete.concrete removal-and-replacementmethods to determine the amounts of Electrochemical chloride removal

concrete that must be removed and involves application of a strongthe relative merits of replacement electric field between a temporarymaterials under various conditions, anode on the concrete surface and

the reinforcing steel to pull thechloride ions away from the steel and


out of the concrete. This technique Cathodic Protection: Corrosionhas been attempted only in occurs at anodic sites, which aresmall-scale applications, positively charged, but not at

cathodic sites, which are negativelyThe C-102A contractor is Eltech charged. Cathodic protectionResearch Corporation. Phase I involves installation of a low-voltagebegan in May 1988 and is scheduled electrical circuit between an externalfor completion in November 1989. If anode and the reinforcing steel, sothe Phase I investigations indicate that all of the steel becomes cathodicthe technology is feasible, the project and immune to corrosion.will continue until March 1993.

The feasibility of cathodic protectionSHRP's research in electrochemical has been established over the pastchloride removal includes: decade through successful

applications to bridge decks and, to ao Laboratory studies to determine lesser extent, to substructures. In

the limitations of electrochemical project C-102B, SHRP is conductingchloride removal and the further assessment, and will developlikelihood of structural and guidelines and formal engineeringmaterial damage to the concrete criteria for selection of the optimaland the reinforcing steel. If the systems for specific applications,laboratory tests indicate that which are much-needed if cathodicelectrochemical chloride removal protection is to achieve widespreadis not feasible, the project will be application. Cathodic protection isterminated, one of the few technologies that can

stop corrosion regardless of theo If feasibility is proven, SHRP will chloride content of the structure.

develop practical engineering The payoff for development ofmethods for applying the cathodic protection techniques thattechnique, as well as methods for are reliable, easy to use, and easy tosealing the concrete after chloride monitor would be substantial.removal to prevent SHRP's cathodic protection researchrecontamination, includes:

o After field testing, SHRP will o A survey of the performance ofdevelop an implementation existing cathodic protectionpackage for use by highway installations, and field tests ofengineers, deck and substructure systems in

a range of environments.


o Evaluation of the control and this innovative approach will provideprotection criteria used to operate a valuable new technique forof cathodic protection systems, as protection of existing bridgewell as the long-term effects of components.cathodic protection systems andthe durability of their The C-102C contractor is SRIcomponents. International. The project began in

May 1988 and is scheduled foro Development of a guide for completion in November 1989.

installation of cathodic protectionsystems. This will providehighway engineers with Conventional Repair Techniquesinformation on design,construction, acceptance, Damaged Concrete Replacement: Inactivation, and monitoring of addition to investigation of thecathodic protection systems, electrochemical repair and protection

techniques discussed above, SHRP iso Development of recommendations conducting assessments of

for cathodic protection system conventional and chemical repairspecifications, techniques. At present the prevalent

repair technique is to remove andThe C-102B contractor is Battelle replace some or all of the crackedColumbus Division. The planned and chloride-contaminated surfacecontract period is September 1988 to concrete, and subsequently to add aMarch 1993. low-permeability overlay to stop

further salt ingress. This is anElectrochemical Injection: An expensive and difficult process that isalternate method for protection of prone to failure if any chloridesthe steel from corrosion without remain.removal of concrete is to inject theconcrete around the reinforcing steel Under project C-103, SHRP iswith protective chemical inhibitors, assessing the cost-effectiveness ofUnder project C-102C, SHRP is various methods for removal ofinvestigating the feasibility of using salt-contaminated concrete, includingan electric field to drive corrosion high-pressure water jetting,inhibitors into the concrete. The scarification (milling and grinding),corrosion inhibitors are electrically and jack-hammering.charged, and can be attracted to thesteel by forced diffusion through thepores of the concrete. If theinhibitors prove effective and stable,


These physical removal methods are concrete removal while assuringbeing assessed in terms of speed, protection of the steel fromcontrol, effectiveness, and damage subsequent corrosion.risk. After field testing, SHRP will

produce a manual that documentsSHRP is developing needed effective methods for application ofinformation about the amounts of the repair techniques found mostconcrete that must be removed effective.(determining the minimal amount isan important economic The C-103 project began inconsideration) and the relative merits September 1988 and is scheduled forof replacement materials, completion in March 1993.

Removal and replacement of crackedand delaminated concrete will not, by Development of Diagnostic Toolsitself, permanently restore astructure, even when the damage to Under Project C-101, SHRP isthe steel is minimal, because the developing techniques for assessmentchloride ions that remain in the of the physical condition of concretesurrounding concrete will continue bridge components, including:the corrosion process elsewhere.Therefore all the contaminated o A method for measurement of theconcrete must be removed, and the corrosion rate of steel imbeddedsteel must be protected from further in concrete;corrosion.

o a method for detection of

Chemical Protection: As part of the delamination and cracking inC-103 project, Virginia Polytechnic is bridge component structures, andconducting a field and literature another to detect delaminationsurvey of existing conventional and under asphalt-covered decks;chemical repair and protectiontechniques to determine the o methods for measurement of thefeasibility of various new approaches effectiveness of membranes andto protection of corroded bridge sealers used on decks andcomponents. These include: substructures;new techniques for repair andprotection such as oxygen and o field techniques for measurementchloride scavenging, chemical of the chloride content ofdewatering, corrosion inhibition, and concrete;polymer impregnation, along withtechniques for limiting the volume of


o methods for measurement of the determining how to assess the rate ofwater and chloride permeability deterioration, options for repair,of existing concrete, constraints on each option, and the

life-cycle costs of repair options.All of these techniques will be fieldtested, calibrated, and fully The decision model will be tested,documented. A final objective is to validated, and calibrated throughdevelop recommended specifications field trials by highway agencies. Afor adoption by one or more of the users' manual will present thenational consensus standard-setting decision model and explain how it isorganizations, such as the American used and adjusted for various fieldAssociation of State Highway and conditions.Transportation Officials and/or theAmerican Society for Testing and Contract C-104 is scheduled forMaterials. release in the second quarter of fiscal

year 1990 (fall 1989).The C-101 contractor is PennsylvaniaState University. The plannedproject duration is August 1988 - Structures Contracting PlanFeburary 1992.

The SHRP Structures research isdivided into six contracts. The first

Bridge and Structures Diagnosis and five contract projects are exploringRepair System bridge assessment, repair, and

protection techniques, and wereUnder project C-104, SHRP is released in fiscal year 1988. Thedeveloping a manual for repair of sixth project, scheduled to begin inreinforced concrete structures fiscal year 1990, will combine thesuffering from salt-induced corrosion, results of the earlier projects into an

expert system designed to assistThe manual will provide a rational, highway engineers in decision-makingcost-effective approach to structure regarding repair of concrete bridgesrepair, and structures.

Drawing on the results of other Project C-101 is developing methodsSHRP Structures research, the for assessment of the physicalmanual will provide a decision model condition of concrete bridgethat will assist engineers in components. Techniques (preferably

nondestructive field test methods)are being developed for:


Background on the Structures Research

The Corrosion Process: Corrosion is an electrochemical phenomenon thatoccurs where both moisture and oxygen are present. Steel embedded inconcrete is normally protected from corrosion by the high alkalinity of thewater in the concrete pores. The alkaline substances help to form aprotective oxide layer on the steel, which grows impervious to furthercorrosion.

The chloride ion in salt can break down the protective layer on the steel,allowing corrosion to proceed rapidly. Once in sufficient concentration atthe reinforcing steel, the chlorides act as catalysts, promoting the corrosionreaction without being consumed. The product of corrosion--rust--is manytimes greater than the volume of the steel. Even very small amounts ofrust generate pressure within the concrete. Concrete is brittle, and willcrack and break with as little as one-hundredth-of-an-inch increase in thediameter of the reinforcement bar. Such a small amount of rust can beproduced in one year of corrosion. Corrosion-induced deterioration leadsto a continual cycle of failure and repair as corrosion proceeds to breakoff (delaminate) the concrete cover of the reinforcing steel.

Left unchecked, the chlorides can then proceed to cause severe corrosionin the steel, leading to fracture of the reinforcement and collapse of thestructure. Structural collapse is rare in the case of bridges, however,because the deterioriation of the concrete usually will render the bridgeunusable long before it is subject to structural failure. A number ofsteel-reinforced concrete parking garages have collapsed due to corrosiondamage.

Diagnostic Techniques: Present methods for detecting the presence ofcorrosion before spalling becomes visible are generally inconclusive andindirect. One extensively used technique is to measure the electricalpotential of the steel against a standard half cell. This measurement


indicates the susceptibility of that particular area of the reinforcing tocorrosion. This technique is limited in its applicability and is not alwaysaccurate. Another diagnostic method is to drag a chain across the bridgedeck and listen for hollow sounds that would indicate delamination of thesubsurface concrete. Neither method provides a direct measure of theamount of corrosion or its rate.

In the absence of effective diagnostic tools, corrosion usually goesundetected until damage is visible. Even then, highway engineers havedifficulty assessing the amount of damage and its location.

At present there are no nondestructive methods for detecting cracking(delamination) under asphalt-covered decks or in bridge support structureswithout direct access. Nor are there methods for measuring theeffectiveness of membranes and sealants that are used on decks andsubstructures to keep salt out. Bridge engineers need faster,nondestructive techniques for measuring the chloride content of theconcrete, and its water and chloride permeability. SHRP will developthese needed tests and procedures.

Information regarding the rate of corrosion is useful in determining thebest time and method for repair. Devices that can measure the rate ofcorrosion of steel in concrete are in the early stages of development.These devices have not been evaluated and field tested uniformly. If theavailable techniques prove effective, development of a standardapplication procedure would be useful.

If all of these field test methods are developed -- and it seems technicallyfeasible to do so -- then highway engineers will, for the first time, haveadequate means for diagnosis of the extent and location of chloridedamage in bridges and other concrete structures, and for choosing the bestrepair technique.


o Detection of delamination in The final task under this contract willexposed components (beams, be preparation of a manual thatpiers, and abutments); documents procedures for condition

assessment of in-place concreteo Determination of the condition of components.

asphalt-surfaced concrete deckslabs; The C-101 contractor is Pennsylvania

State University. The contract waso Determination of the integrity awarded in August 1988 and is

and effectiveness of membranes scheduled for completion in Februaryand sealer materials in concretes; 1992.

o Determination of the permeability Project C-102A is exploringof concrete to water and chloride electrochemical methods for removal

ions. of chlorides and protection ofconcrete bridges. The first major

o Measurement of chloride content task under this contract is to examinein-situ, the feasibility of electrochemical

chloride removal, and the best formA field method for measurement of of anode for cost-effective

the corrosion rate of steel in concrete application. Eighteen months intoalso is under development. This the research program, SHRP willincludes assessment of available decide whether the electrochemical

devices, and exploration of new chloride removal method is feasible.approaches for measurement of the If it is agreed that work shouldsteel corrosion rate. The more proceed, analysis and development ofpromising approaches are being the method through field validationinvestigated thoroughly through and documentation will be continued.laboratory and small-scale fieldstudies. A final product will be a The C-102A contractor is Eltechfield method for corrosion rate Research Corporation. The contractmeasurements suitable for adoption was awarded in May 1988 and willby national standards-setting run through March 1993.organizations.

Project C-102B is assessing theThe newly developed test methods performance of various types ofwill be proven under field existing cathodic protectionconditions. The project also involves installations in application to bridgecritical evaluation of current test decks, beams, and substructures, andmethods, field testing cathodic protection

systems in a range of environmental


conditions in order to produce formal funded through this initial contractengineering documentation and indicates further development isevaluation. The final product will be warranted, this technology has thea guide to the installation of cathodic potential to be developed into aprotection systems that will provide powerful new weapon for combattinghighway engineers with information corrosion.on how to tailor the design,construction, acceptance, activation, The C-102C. contractor is SRIand monitoring of cathodic International. The contract wasprotection systems to various field awarded in May 1988 and isconditions, scheduled for completion in

November 1989.The C-102B contractor is BattelleColumbus Division. The contract Project C-103 is assessingwas awarded in September 1988 and conventional and chemical methodsis scheduled for completion in March for concrete bridge repair and1993. protection.

Project C-102C is a short-term The project is evaluating existing andproject conducted in close association new techniques for concrete removalwith contract C-102A. C-102C is and surface preparation, andinvestigating the feasibility of preparing recommendedinjecting synergistic corrosion specifications for their use, coveringinhibitors into chloride-contaminated such parameters as removal speed,bridge components to prevent further depth control, and prevention ofcorrosion after chloride removal, or damage to remaining concrete. Theas a method of corrosion prevention project is exploring new chemicalin its own right. The injection of protection techniques, such as oxygenchemical agents into the concrete to and chloride scavengers, chemicalprotect the reinforcing steel is dewatering, corrosion inhibitors andpossible, but very little work has polymers. It also is exploring rapidbeen done in this field to date. The rehabilitation and protection methodsfeasibility of using a special group of such as patching techniques andcorrosion inhibitors that can be polymer concrete overlays. The effectinjected into the concrete by applying of weather conditions on thesean electric field is being explored, techniques is being established.

Early laboratory tests suggest that The project includes field tests to forsynergistic inhibitors become more validation of the effectiveness of theefficient as chloride concentrations above methods in installations onincrease. If the feasibility study


decks, beam piers and abutments. A about one year of exploratorymanual containing specifications and research.procedures is being prepared.

The Structures Contracting Plan isThe C-103 contractor is Virginia graphically illustrated on page 30.Polytechnic Institute. The contract Staff and contractor organizationwas awarded in September 1988 and charts are shown on page 31 and scheduled for completion in March Brief summaries of the scopes of1993. work and progress to date for each

of the Structures contracts and theProject C-104 will combine the Structures-related SHRP-IDEAresults of all of the other projects to projects are in Section IV.develop a diagnosis and repairmanual to guide the engineerthrough the evaluation, selection,application, and analysis processinvolved in structure rehabilitation.The manual will guide the engineerthrough the process of evaluating thecondition of a structure, calculatingthe future rate of deterioration,selecting the optimum repairtechnique, applying it, anddetermining life-cycle costs for therepair of the structure.

The C-104 contract is scheduled for

release in the second quarter of fiscalyear 1990 (fall 1989).

In addition to the planned contracts,SHRP has awarded four IDEA

(Innovations Deserving ExploratoryAnalysis) contracts for research inthe Structures area. The SHRP-

IDEA program encouragesinnovative approaches toachievement of the objectives ofSHRP's planned contract researchprograms. The program awardscontracts in the $100,000 range for




P R0 T ECT I0 N '/////////////////////_//////////////._.i_X/2_////////////, _d_ELECTROCHEMICAL /













Figure 4. Structures Research Contracting Plan


Concrete and Structures Organization Chart

Don M. HarriottProgram Manager

ri I

John Broomfield Inam Jawed

Project Manager Project Manager

[ m1 IC-201

C-101 C-102A Materials ResearchPennsylvania Eltech Research

Laboratory,State University Corporation PennsylvaniaPhilip D. Cady J. E. Bennett State University

Della M. Roy


C-102B 1......................Battelle C-202 C-203

Columbus Division Construction University ofTechnology Washington

M. Ken Han Laboratories, Inc...................................... Donald Janssen

David C. Stark



C-102C C-103 Trow, Inc.

SRI International Virginia Paul H. Read

Samson PolytechnicHettiarachchi Institute

.............................. Richard E. Weyers............ C-205

North CarolinaState University

Figure 5 Paul Zia


Concrete and Structures SHRP-IDEA Organization Chart

Don M. Harriott K.T. ThirumalaiConcrete and SHRP-IDEA

Structures [ Program ManagerProgram Manager /

John Broomfield : Inam Jawed

Project Manager Project Manager i

.......... 7


-- [ -- -- I-- ID001

ID002 _Corning Glass WorksHarwell Laboratory John F. MacDowellR. L. Smith ___

L ]

[ ID007 ID011

University of New JerseyIDO05 Michigan Institute of

Cortest TechnologyColumbus, Inc. Will Hansen

Farhad Ansari

Nell G. Thompson



]L'.- Cornell University

IDO08 ID014 Kenneth C. HoverSRI SRI

International International }

Digby D. MacDonald Samson ID012Hettiarachchi State University

of New Yorkat Buffalo

Deborah D. L. ChungFigure 6


IV. Contract Project Summaries


DURATION: 3 1/2 years (Aug. 1.988 - Feb. 1992)BUDGET: $2,289,818AWARD DATE: 8/11/88CONTRACTOR: The Pennsylvania State University

248 Calder Way, Suite 300University Park, Pennsylvania 16801


INVESTIGATOR: Philip D. CadySTAFF MANAGER: John P. Broomfield


The contractor will develop a number of non-destructive test techniques for use inevaluating the condition of deteriorating bridge components. At present there arelimited methods of examining structures and determining the extent of deterioration.The aim is to develop economically viable procedures for determining the existingcondition and predicting the future rate of deterioration. The project will develop thefollowing:

- A method of measuring the corrosion rate of the steel embedded in the concrete.The most promising method(s) will be laboratory and field tested. The finalproduct will be a field test method suitable for adoption by AASHTO/ASTM.

- A method of detecting delamination (cracking) in bridge support structures andanother to detect delamination under asphalt covered decks.

Methods to examine the permeability of the concrete, including methods formeasurement of the effectiveness of membranes and sealers used on decks and onsubstructures respectively. A field technique for measuring the chloride content ofthe concrete also will be developed, along with methods for measuring water andchloride permeability.

All techniques are to be field tested and calibrated, fully documented, forAASHTO or ASTM approval where possible.


Field work has been done using a Nippon Steel Corrosion Rate device and Radar.States use of Sealers has been surveyed and will be reported at TRB. Lab workcontinues on corrosion measurement and thermography. A decision will soon be madeon whether to terminate work on thermography for substructures. I.ab. work continueson corrosion rate measurement and integrity of membranes. Work on in situ chloridemeasurement is being written up. A disk ccmtaining the literature search has beenproducecL.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 5 years (May 1988 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $850,000AWARD DATE: 5/04/88CONTRACTOR: ELTECH Research Corporation

625 East Street

Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: J.E. BennettSTAFF MANAGER: John P. Broomfield


This project will consider the use of a high voltage electric field to remove chloridesfrom concrete, thus preventing corrosion of the steel. It is high risk, and can thereforebe terminated at an 18 months decision point if work shows that the technique will notbe feasible. The technique of electrochemical removal should prevent corrosioninitiation in concrete which has a high chloride level but has not shown signs ofdeterioration. By applying an electric field the negatively charged chloride ion can beremoved from the concrete which can then be sealed against further chloride ingress.The contract is broken up into several tasks and decision points including:

- Laboratory studies of limitations to the technique and likely damage to thestructure. Project terminates after 18 months if not feasible.

- Practical engineering methods for applying the technique and methods of sealingthe concrete to stop recontamination after chloride removal.

- Field trials alongside those of C-102B.

- An implementation package for use by highway engineers.


A series of criteria for evaluating progress & achievement have been drawn up. TheseThese have been achieved and work on developing practical techniques has beeninitiated. The anode selection has been narrowed down to steel or coated titanium.

Rebar bond strength tests, large slab tests & embrittlement tests show acceptable resultsand are continuing. Methods of preventing chlorine gas relief heve been evaluated andseveral suitable candidates identified. A site evaluation of an Ohio bridge deck whichhad chloride removal done on it 3 years ago has been completed. An evaluation of aNorwegian process for chloride removal is underway, in collaboration with the OntarioMinistry of Transportation.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 1/2 years (Sept. 1988 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $1,900,000AWARD DATE: 9/6/88CONTRACTOR: Battelle

Columbus Division

505 King Avenue:Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693



The objective is to develop cost-effective and easily used cathodic protection systems forconcrete bridge components and to produce specifications and a guide for installation ,.ofcathodic protecticm.

The contract is broken down into a series of tasks:

State-of-the-art surveys will be carried out to assess the performance of presentinstallations and to define appropriate starting points for the other tasks. A database documenting in-service performance will be created.

- Laboratory and exposure plot studies to define long-term effects, both beneficialand adverse, of a cathodic protection system.

- Evaluation of the control and protection criteria used to operate cathodicprotection systems. Durability of the components of the system also will beassessed.

Field tests of deck and substructure systems will be carried out in a range ofenvironments.

A manual, describing design, construction, acceptance, activation, and monitoring,will be produced for use by highway engineers.


A survey of C.P. System installed by State DOT's has been completed. A draft report &database are under review. Laboratory work on criteria for control is progressing slowly.An evaluation of anodes and embedded monitoring probes is about to begin. A fieldsurvey of over 150 bridge CP systems is underway.

Revised:, October 30, 1989



DURATION: 1 1/2 years (May 1988 - Nov. 1989)BUDGET: $178,619AWARD DATE: 5/18/88CONTRACTOR: SRI International

333 Ravenswood AvenueMenlo Park, CA 94025

PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Samson HettiarachchiSTAFF MANAGER: John P. Broomfield


This is a high risk project supplementing the main work in C-102A. It will specificallyinvestigate a novel approach to corrosion prevention by impregnating chloridecontaminated concrete with corrosion inhibitors to prevent them from attacking thesteel. The aim is to produce a generic inhibitor that can be injected electrically into theconcrete to inhibit the corrosive action of chlorides on the reinforcing steel.

Preliminary synergistic inhibitor studies will be undertaken to determine theireffectiveness in the reinforced concrete environment. Work will then start on techniquesfor electrical injection of inhibitors and concurrent protection.


A Task 1 Report has been completed. The work in now underway on larger, morerealistic specimens compared with the small mortar disks used in Task 1. Results arepromising with inhibitors successfully passing through small mortar disks when current isapplied. Results from the larger concrete specimens show a drop in corrosion rates andcorrosion potentials. Destructive analysis has been delayed by loss of a technician. Weexpect a delay in completion of this project to January 1990.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 1/2 years (Sept. 1988 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $2,694,482AWARD DATE: 9/28/88CONTRACTOR: Virginia Polytechnic Institute

and State UniversityBlacksburg, Virginia 24061



This contract is concerned with methods of removing chloride contaminated concretefrom corroding bridge decks and substructures in a cost-effective manner, minimizing thevolume of concrete removal while still protecting the steel from subsequent corrosionand new approaches such as oxygen and chloride scavenging, chemical dewatering,corrosion inhibitors, polymer impregnation. The task list is as follows:

- Field and literature survey of repair techniques.

- Feasibility studies of new approaches to protecting corroding bridge components.

- Evaluation of methods of removing salt contaminated concrete in terms of speed,control, effectiveness, and damage. Bar cleaning and surface preparation.

- Rapid repair techniques.

- Reinstatement and repair of bridges after concrete removal, including cementitiousreplacement materials, inhibitors, coatings, and sealers.

Field evaluations of the most viable and cost effective techniques

- A manual will be produced, documenting the techniques developed in this projectand those found in the survey.


Field surveys of State DOT's is underway to elicit rapid repair techniques. Fieldexamination of a deep polymer impregnated bridge has been completed. A detaileddatabase of rehabilitation techniques has been compiled and submitted to SHRP. Testtechnique_ for innovative methods or repairs are being evaluated.

Revise#" c_ct,_ber 30, 1989



DURATION: 2 1/2 years (Oct. 1990 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $400,000 - $600,000AWARD DATE: Scheduled for October 1990CONTRACTOR: To Be DeterminedPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: To Be DeterminedSTAFF MANAGER: John P. Broomfield


The aim is to produce a repair manual for reinforced concrete bridges suffering fromsalt induced corrosion to ensure a rational, cost effective approach to bridge repair.This project will unify the elements in the previous contracts and will be mainly anoffice study. The project will develop a framework for a decision model, evaluatingwhat is required in the model and ensuring that it is flexible and modifiable. Once fullydeveloped, the manual will be tested under operational conditions by agency staff, andmodified if necessary. The work will be carried out in the following stages:

A set of equations will be developed to enable the engineer to take themeasurements produced by techniques in C-101 and calculate the likely rate ofdeterioration of the bridge components.

Flow diagrams will be developed to guide the user through the repair andrehabilitation procedure.

Constraints limiting repair options will be identified, such as the need to maintaintraffic flow, weather conditions, required lifetime, lack or availability of localexpertise, etc.

A decision model will be developed for use by agencies. This will include alloptions for repair, life cycle costs, and limitations or constraints of each option.

The decision model will be tested, validated, and calibrated in the field by workingwith agencies.

A user's handbook will be produced detailing the decision model, how it can beused, how to calibrate it, and how to modify it under field conditions.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 3 years (Dec. 198Y - Dec. 1_190)BUDGET: $1,298,057AWARD DATE: 12/1/87CONTRACTOR: Materials Research Laboratory

Pennsylvania State UniverskyUniversity Park, PA 16802



The performance of concrete is a direct result of the microstructural development duringits mixing, setting, and hardening processes. Practical problems such as early orretarded setting, excessive bleeding, drying shrinkage, inadequate strength, permeability,and frost damage can be traced to processes occurring on a micro or sub-microscopiclevel in the concrete matrix. An understanding of concrete at micro or sub-microscopiclevel is the initial and an important step toward achieving the means to control itsmicrostructure and, hence, to improve its performance.

This research project will investigate factors that control the: microstructure developmentin concrete, in particular the porosity and permeability, and will include the effect ofchemical and pozzolanic admixtures. It will address how the microstructure affects theperformance of concrete, and how it can be altered to improve the performanceproperties of concrete for highway use. The information generated will be synthesizedinto predictive models, along with recommendations for test methods, specifications andcriteria for superior performance concrete.


Work on the relationships between mix design, packing and rheology of concrete hasbeen completed. The task on concrete curing technology is almost complete. Tables,based on curing technology model, have been developed to specify proper curingconditions for various types of concretes under different environmental conditions.Modeling of pore size distribution is completed and correlations with permeability arebeing investigated. Device for measurement of concrete permeability has beendeveloped, and is being tested. Work on the interracial porosity and permeability isprogressing well.

Revised: Octobe_ 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 3/4 years (Jun. 1988 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $1,720,103AWARD DATE: 6/24/88CONTRACTOR: Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc.

5420 Old Orchard RoadSkokie, IL 60077



Alkali-silica reaction continues to be a significant cause of deterioration of highwayconcrete. Despite much research since the early 1940s, persistence of the problemshows the inadequacy of our current state of knowledge and methodology in controllingor avoiding this deleterious reactivity in concrete. Low-alkali cements have not alwayseliminated the problem. Test procedures do not always adequately identify potentiallyreactive aggregates. Even with relatively simple aggregates, there is controversy over thevalidity of test procedures and the significance of the results obtained.

This project will address issues of alkali-silica reactivity pertinent to the highwayindustry. It will develop reliable test methods and specifications for concrete-makingmaterials that are resistant to alkali-silica reactivity. Environmental conditions favorablefor this reactivity as well as requirements of the pozzolanic materials (fly ash, silicafume, etc.) to avoid or minimize it also will be established. In addition to newconcretes, this research will also attempt to eliminate or control the reactivity in existinghighway concrete structures.


Review of alkali-silica reactivity literature to identify gaps in current knowledge is beingfinalized. Experimental data for modeling alkali-silica reaction is being obtained whichincludes reaction kinetic data for representative aggregates, and data on inward progressof reaction in concrete cores. A prototype restraint system has been designed tosimulate reaction when encapsulated in concrete. Field activity was carried out in anumber of states (AL, CA, DE, GA, NC, SC, VA and NM). Evaluation of tests forreactive-aggregates has been initiated. Evaluation of polyether compounds for inhibitingalkali-silica reactivity in existing concrete continues.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 1/4 years (Oct. 1988 - Dec. 1992)BUDGET: $1,184,222AWARD DATE: 10/27/88CONTRACTOR: University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Donald J. JanssenSTAFF MANAGER: Inam Jawed


Freezing and thawing is an important cause of concrete deterioration on the nation'shighways. Previous research on the mechanism of frost action on hardened concreteestablished the protective effect of entrained air and led to the development of thevoid-spacing factor criterion as the basis for the assessment of the adequacy of theair-void system in concrete. However, even a properly air-entrained concrete suffersdamage from cyclic freezing under certain conditions, such as when frozen at inadequatematurity or when non-durable aggregates are used. Admixtures, both chemical andpozzolanic, can modify the spacing factor requirements for resistance to freezing andthawing. Environmental factors such as partial drying and re-wetting have importanteffects on spacing factor requirements. Insofar as aggregate durability is concerned, D-cracking and pop-outs are the results of failure of aggregate particles due to freezingwhen critically saturated. Although various tests have been developed to identify andscreen aggregates that cause these problem, the most reliable and informative methodsare time-consuming and require rather expensive equipment.

This research will examine the mechanism of frost action, the conditions for airentrainment, and the protective effect of entrained air. It will determine how thesemechanisms and conditions are modified by chemical and pozzolanic admixtures,aggregate characteristics, and environmental factors such as partial drying and re-wettirg.The data will then be used to develop and improve criteria and test procedures to assessthe potential resistance of concrete and aggregates to freezing and thawing.


Synthesis on factors affecting air voids and air void requirements for frost resistance ofportland cement concrete has been completed. Development of experimental designand matrices has begun. Evaluation of concrete pore system has been initiated. Stateswith unpublished useful data have been identified and contacted. Climatic data fromstates is being analyzed. Freezing rates for pavements have been determined, andsimilar data for bridge decks are being obtained. Aggregates durability data from statesis being collected. Tests on aggregates durability have been initiated. A test method fo:ridentifying problem aggregates has been proposed and is being evaluated.Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 years (Mar. 1989 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $1,599,843AWARD DATE: 3/6/89CONTRACTOR: Trow, Inc.

1595 Clark Blvd.Ontario, Canada L6T 4V1



This research will address two areas of concern for the highway industry. The first dealswith the assessment of the quality of concrete construction on highways. Thisassessment would be meaningful only if it could be done quickly and at the right time.Currently, quality assessments are based on monitoring the amounts and quality of thecomponents going into the concrete mix, and periodic measurements of some propertiesof the mix--e.g, slump, air content, and unit weight--at the time the concrete is mixedand placed. From that time until a day or more later, when strength and profiling databecome available, the contractor's primary tool for maintaining quality is visualinspection. This monitoring practice often has proven grossly inadequate. An improvedQA/QC system should be based on rapid, reliable and, preferably, non-destructivetechniques applied at critical points in the construction process, and designed to provideimmediate quality feedback both to the contractor and the purchasing agency.

The second area of concern that this research will address is the evaluation of thecondition of existing concrete in highway pavements and structures. Tests are needed todetermine the internal condition of in-place concrete to allow effective planning andrehabilitation activities to extend the service life of the pavement or structure. A properand acceptable quality evaluation system would be one based on rapid and reliabletechniques to measure the particular characteristics of concrete which reveal itscondition and predict its performance.


Prototype equipment for detecting alkali-silica reactivity in the field was assembled anddemonstrated at the Construction Technology Labs., the C-202 contractor working onthe alkali-silica reactivity problem. The effect of pressure on the rheology of freshconcrete is being investigated as part of development of modified air meter.Development of the impact echo technique (both hardware and software) is progressingwell. Work on impedance measurements for determining the water/cement ratio ofconcrete has beein initiated. A questionnaire on non-destructive testing practice hasbeen prepared, and is being sent to state highway agencies.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 4 years (Mar. 1989 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET: $1,394,378AWARD DATE: 3/1/89CONTRACTOR: North Carolina State University



High-performance concretes which normally contain materials such as fly-ash, silicafume, ground granulated slags, a variety of chemical admixtures, fibers, and othermaterials, individually or in various combinations, have been employed to providesignificantly enhanced or improved mechanical properties or to obtain extraordinaryproperties at earlier ages. Highway engineers are increasingly using them for a varietyof highway applications including new construction, repair, and rehabilitation. Higherstrength concrete can enable more structural design flexibility and provide more options.Improved earlier age properties of concrete can facilitate construction and rehabilitationtasks and improve quality. To utilize these high-performance concretes most effectively,more information is needed about their mechanical properties and behavior in serviceunder field environmental conditions (field curing, moisture, humidity, exposure tomarine environment and deicing agents). This project is designed to address this needand will complement and supplement concrete-related work underway elsewhere in theSHRP program involving microstructure and durability issues such as alkali-silicareaction and freeze-thaw resistance.


An annotated bibliography of over 5000 entries, covering 13 subjects and dating back 15years, has been completed. About 50% of these reference have been reviewed andscreened. A bibliographic data base is being established. Contacts with privateindustries (Pyrament, Lone Star, Master Builders, Chem Tech) have been established.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 2 1/2 years (Oct. 1990 - Mar. 1993)BUDGET RANGE: $1.4 - 1.8 MAWARD DATE: Scheduled for October 1990CONTRACTOR: To Be DeterminedPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: To Be DeterminedSTAFF MANAGER: Inam Jawed


This project is aimed at unifying the results and products of all SHRP concrete researchactivities as well as recent developments in concrete technology. The goal is to presentthe user with tools (methodology and materials) for increasing the durability and servicelife of highway concrete. Products of this project will include field and training manuals,expert systems, audio-visual aids, and specifications for optimal highway concrete fordesignated uses.

This project will consist of the following tasks:

Task 1: This task will critically evaluate recent developments (including newproprietary materials and processes) in concrete technology andpractice for highway applications. Building on this evaluation and theproducts of SHRP concrete research (C-201 through C-205), it willprepare a detailed workplan (Task 2) for optimization of concretetechnology for highway applications.

Task 2: This task will test and validate materials and processes identified inTask 1 under a variety of environmental and service conditions. Basedon the results, specifications for superior concrete materials for specificuse under specific conditions will be prepared.

Task 3: This task will develop and test an expert system for use in diagnosingconcrete durability problems and extending the service life of highwayconcrete. This expert system will use information generated by SHRPconcrete programs as well as that available elsewhere to develop itsknowledge bases. Such a system will allow the user to diagnoseconcrete problems, select concrete materials and mix designs forsuccessful rehabilitation of older structures, and in case of newconstructions, for designing for adequate performance in theenvironment of interest.

Task 4: This task will package the products of Tasks 2 and 3 in a form that isusable by the state highway agencies. These products will include fieldmanuals, training texts, audio-visual aids and illustrations.

Revised: October 30, 1989





This IDEA project evaluates the feasibility of using Stratlingite-Hydrogarnetglass (S-HG) cements for roadway, pavement, and bridge deck applications.S-HG cements are characterized by rapid curing, low porosity, low chemical reactivity,high strength, and low dependence on water/cement ratios. The suitability of fiveC3A-based S-HG cement compositions will be tested in the laboratory. The proposalcombines the material science and development expertise available at Corning with theengineering expertise available at Lehigh University-Engineering Research Center.Experimental tests will be performed jointly with Lehigh University-Fritz EngineeringLaboratory (NSF Engineering Center).

This feasibility study on cement matrix composites may extend the use of S-HG cementmaterials into highway repair products for the SHRP program.


Development of materials technology for highway repair using fast-setting and low-costcementitious materials with low water/cement ratio.


The project work was initiated in November 1988 and is nearing completion. Tests onthe setting time and early strength characteristics of a number of formulations werecompleted. Lehigh University is evaluating the durability and chemical stability of thematerials. A 60 day no cost extension has been approved by SHRP for Lehigh tocomplete the final report on test results. Corning is currently negotiating with severalconstruction materials manufacturers for Trial Testing the product in the field.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 9 MonthsBUDGET: $68,000CONTRACTOR: Harwell UK Atomic EnergyPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Ronald L. SmithSTAFF MANAGER: John Broomfield


The objective of this IDEA project is to evaluate an ultrasonic-based system for rapidnon-contact inspection of concrete and asphalt structures, including pavements. Themethod involves measuring ultrasonic wave propagation induced by laser-pulsing.Laboratory tests will be carried out to evaluate the feasibility of the method for rapiddetection of internal flaws in structures. The relative sensitivity of the method will becorrelated using data from conventional impact devices currently used for pavementtesting.

Laser ultrasonics methods have worked successfully in measuring defects in metals,ceramics, and composite materials, including concrete. The method has the potential toovercome the limitations of mechanical impactor methods for pavement testing.


Development of a technique for non-contact pavement testing using pulsed lasers.


The SHRP-IDEA contract with Harwell was executed in September 1988. Harwell hascompleted experimentation on the feasibility of the technique. Thermal pulsing by alaser produced adequate thermo elastic response for pavement inspection. The resultshave shown the working of the concept in laboratory concrete samples and large testblocks of concrete and asphalt.

Harwell has successfully proved the feasibility of the method in the laboratory. Theconcept is now ready for prototyping and testing in the field. Negotiations are currentlyunderway with several highway instrument manufacturers to explore cost sharing forprototyping and field testing phase.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 1 yearBUDGET: $58,950CONTRACTOR: Cortest ColumbusPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Neil G. ThompsonSTAFF MANAGER: John Broomfield


A method for detecting ongoing corrosion in a cathodically protected reinforcedconcrete structure is not currently available. Previous studies by the investigator haveestablished that the EIS method has applicability for monitoring corrosion.

Laboratory experiments will be performed to examine the applicability of the proposedmethod for detecting corrosion in small concrete specimens containing a single rebar,and large (5 feet x 5 feet) concrete slabs with two layers of rebars. Exposure plotstudies will be made for different CP levels and chloride concentrations. Based on

experimental data, a prototype field experiment will be designed for evaluating thepracticality of the method.


A technique for direct monitoring of rebar corrosion in structures which have cathodicprotection.


The SHRP-IDEA contract was executed in September 1988. A series of small scalelaboratory tests were completed. The efficacy of the concept to detect ongoingcorrosion was established. Cortest proposed to perform additional larger scale tests inthe laboratory to examine the viability of the method for prototyping and field testing asa supplemental effort. The request is cur'cntly being reviewed by SHRP staff.

Revised: October 30, 1989





The objective of this IDEA project is to develop a field technique using a laser methodfor rapid and accurate measurement of the air void system in concrete immediatelybefore and after placement. The method will be used to assess the durability of existingconcrete pavement and bridge decks. If successful, the method will lead to significantimprovement in quality control of new and existing concrete pavement and bridge decks.

The proposed study will be accomplished in three parts. Task 1 consists of evaluatingresults on hardened concrete with the laser method. In Task 2, techniques for coring infresh concrete to measure air void systems will be developed. The data will becorrelated with measurements on the same concrete in the hardened state. In Task 3,the influence of test time on the air void system prior to setting will be determined.


A rapid field technique for measuring the air-void system in concrete during placementand setting.


The contract was executed in September 1988, and the project was initiated. A freezedrilling technique to recover cores from fresh concrete was designed and successfullytested. The project results have shown the feasibility of the method to measure air voidsin concrete. A final report is under preparation.

Revised: October 30, 1989




INVESTIGATOR: Digby D. MacdonaldSTAFF MANAGER: John Broomfield


This IDEA project assesses the viability of using the ultra-low frequency AC impedancespectroscopy (ULFACIS) method for monitoring and locating rebar corrosion inreinforced concrete. The concept presents a novel approach for quantitativenon-destructive evaluation (NDE) of the onset of rebar corrosion in reinforcedstructures.

SRI has a preliminary theoretical study completed on the concept. Carefully designedexperimental studies will be conducted to evaluate the concept and correlate themeasured impedance characteristics associated with rebar corrosion.


A new technique to locate and measure rebar corrosion in concrete structures.


The contract was executed in October 1988. Four concrete slabs with rebars were

prepared for tests. The impedance measuring system was designed, and preliminaryimpedance data with reference electrodes placed on the concrete surface was obtained.Results show that the proposed concept may have some limitations for practicalapplications to bridge decks. A report on test results is nearing completion.

Based on the evaluation of the project by SHRP staff, the project work will not beconsidered for Phase II prototyping. The results will be made available to the highwaycommunity for potential further development.

Revised: October 30, 1989





This IDEA project investigates the development of chemical agents which will neutralizethe reactivity of deleterious aggregates, rendering them non-reactive (insoluble) in thepresence of the alkalies. A two-pronged attack is planned to develop 1) admixtures toprevent the initiation of ASR in new concrete and 2) penetrating agents which willprevent or retard the progress of alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) in existing concrete.

In the first stage of this project, a number of chemical agents will be evaluated for theireffectiveness in preventing the dissolution of reactive silica in a strong alkaline solution.On the basis of this work two most promising chemical agents will be selected forfurther study. The second stage will evaluate the effectiveness of the two chosenchemicals when used as admixtures to minimize ASR. A modified mortar bar expansiontest will be used for evaluations.

The effectiveness of a series of chemicals for use as penetrating agents to mitigate ASRdistress in existing concrete structures will be tested. The results will isolate suitablechemicals for use as penetrating agents for mitigating ASR distress in hardenedconcrete.


This project, if successful, will provide a basis for developing an important class ofalternative solutions to ASR problems.


The contract was executed in April 1989. Phase I of this study has been completed.Ten compounds were evaluated for their effectiveness in inhibiting silica dissolution. Ofthese, two compounds, zinc sulfate and pyragallol, have been identified for further testsin mortars and concrete.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 1 yearBUDGET: $76,112CONTRACTOR: New Jersey Institute of TechnologyPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Farhad AnsariSTAFF MANAGER: Inam Jawed


The objective of this IDEA project is to develop a quality control method and apparatusto determine the amount and distribution of entrained air void systems in freshly mixedconcrete using fiber optics technology. The technical basis for the measurement is theloss in light intensity outputs of thin optical fibers embedded in fresh concrete.Laboratory experiments will be conducted for developing the methodology. Theoutcome of the proposed project will be a hand-held device for insitu measurement ofair content and its distribution within freshly mixed concrete.


The method has a potential to develop cost effective and rapid quality control techniqaefor estimating the amount and distribution of entrained air in fresh concrete.


The contract was executed in January 1989, and the research appears very promising. Aspecial sensing tip was invented which is capable of measuring entrained air in less thana minute. Work is focusing on the design and fabrication of the air meter for field use.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 1 yearBUDGET: Phase I - $29,998

Phase II - $59,973CONTRACTOR: The Research Foundation of the State

University of New YorkPRINCIPAL



The objective of the proposed IDEA project is to examine the use of carbon fiberreinforced cement (CFRC) improved by chemical agents. By using the proposedapproach, short carbon fibers with 0.3 percent by volume of cement mortar, has apotential to double the tensile and flexural strengths as well as the ductility. Existingapproaches require 4 percent by volume of carbon fibers in order to significantlyincrease failure strengths. This improvement would mean savings in material cost andease of mixing during processing. Phase I project efforts are focused to prove theadvantage of the concept in terms of enhanced strength characteristics by adding lowvolume of carbon fiber to concrete.

The Phase II project will extend the investigation and test this new technology for fieldapplications. The mechanical properties, the freeze-thaw durability and the long-termchemical stability of the concretes will be tested. The quality of bonding between thecarbon fiber reinforced cement mortar and the aggregates will be examined and possiblyimproved by adjusting the cement formulation.


A cost effective CFRC Technology with high strength and more durable and resistant tocracking than using plain cement mortar.

If the project is successful, the investigators predict application in highways in about 3years. CFRC use in highways and bridges will greatly reduce the cost of highway repair.


The contract was awarded on June 1, 1989. Phase I of the study has been completed.Using 0.5% carbon fibers by weight of cement, the contractor has shown about 40%increase in tensile strength as compared to ordinary portland cement concrete. Thecontractor has been asked to show the beneficial effect on actual highway concretemixes.

Revised: October 30, 1989



DURATION: 1 yearBUDGET: $74,954CONTRACTOR: SRI InternationalPRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR: Samson HettiarachchiSTAFF MANAGER: John Broomfield


The objective of the proposed IDEA project is to develop a cathodic protection (CP)technology by injecting conducting polymer anode network in the interior of concretestructures.

The project examines methods for insitu injection of conducting polymer anode networkin the interior of the concrete by first injecting electropolymerizable monomers intoconcrete bridge decks with a low-field assisted transport process and subsequentlypolymerizing the monomers by increasing the electric field. The proposed approach, ifsuccessful, has a potential to reduce the effective separation between the anode andcathode (rebar) and thereby reduces the adverse impacts of increased power needed forCP operations.


Design of a conductive polymer anode system in existing highway practices.


The project work was initiated in June 1989. Laboratory tests are underway to test thefeasibility of creating a polymer anode network in concrete samples.

Revised: October 30, 1989