Download - Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Page 1: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Concierge Services SPAIN

Exclusive travel to Andalucía

Page 2: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Our 24 hours Travel Concierge service, is an exclusive concept design for travellers who want to experience the real Spain.

Our travellers will have a highly experienced professional at their disposal to solve any need they might have during their stay in our country and guide them to get the best experiences out of their stay.

From their arrival at the airport, private chauffeurs, cultural visits, best restaurants, sports, personal shopping, private villas in cities or countryside, logistics, special events, beauty and health services or anything that might be needed will be at their reach. Our service is totally personalized for our clients providing off-market experiences not at reach to the regular travellers, which guarantees the total fulfillment of their expectations.

We know that the most important thing for a true traveller is to be able to feel “at home” wherever they go which means not only to be able to enjoy the most exclusive touristic products, but also to reach those high level experiences normally reserved for locals.

We highlight some of the most attractive charms of Andalucía and show you the different ways we can help you discover them.

Page 3: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Art Treasures


Specialized cultural visits: Roman, Islamic, Mudéjar, Baroque or Renaissance arts both civil and sacred.

Private visits to museums and monuments after doors closing

Painting specialized trips Architecture specialized trips.

Sculpture specialized trips History specialized trips

Logistics, transports and accommodation for cultural trips in Andalucía.

Access to libraries and archivies

Spain is, according to the UNESCO, the second country in World Heritage Patrimony, and great part of it is found in Andalucía.

Due to its geostrategic location between the south of Europe and Africa, throughout history Andalucía has been under the influence of countless civilizations and all of them have left their cultural impront. It happens as well that the different conquerors, far from destroying their predecessors’ art, have respected it, turning us into a canvas where phoenitian, roman, arab, and christian elements of all styles fuse together in the most natural manner, something unbelievable in other parts of the world.

We will help you discover all this treasures by the hand of the best experts in each monument, museum or style.

Page 4: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Spanish Horse


Visit to the Royal School of Equestrian Arts in Jerez and its famous show “How the Andalusian Horses Dance"

Visit and show at the Royal Stables in Córdoba.

Visit to the most important horse breeders in Andalucía

“Doma vaquera” or country dressage

Horse riding routes in Doñana Park and other natural reserves

Horse for country labours

Riding and dressage school Specialised talks and lectures

Specialised shopping tours Accommodation in private horse farms.

Andalucía is a quality model for all horse lovers all over the world.

In the XVIth century, King Philip II, entrusted the 1st Marquis of El Carpio the creation of the Royal Stables of Córdoba, where they brought together the best stud horses and mares from the lands bordering the Guadalquivir River. This was the origin of what is known as the pure spanish race horse.

The devotion to the search of excellence in this animal, worldwide admired for its expressiveness and elegance of its movements, is still the motto of many breeders mostly settled in the areas of Jerez and Córdoba.

Page 5: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Pure Flamenco


Tablaos : professional flamenco shows Tours to the “peñas flamencas”: Local flamenco associations. Popular flamenco

Flamenco nightlife: Bars of flamenco ambiance where local people dance and sing

Festivals and reputed artists’ shows and performances

Flamenco School: lessons of dance, guitar or rythm

Specialised shopping tours

Lectures and talks on flamenco Flamenco in popular celebrations: Feria, pilgrimages, Holy Week, Christmas

Private flamenco shows Flamenco in the villages: We will visit the villages with the strongest flamenco tradition.

Song, dance, guitar, rhythm… you can breath flamenco in Andalucía with all its passion and emotion. Flamenco is not a touristic attraction. It is part of our daily life, part of our character.

We invite you to discover it truly. From the professional shows of the “Tablaos” or Festivals of reputed artists, to the “Peñas” (local associations) and bars where spectators jump into stage to dance or sing showing their passion for this thrilling art.

We will show you the magic triangle of Seville-Cádiz-Jerez, birthplace of the flamenco, but also Granada, Málaga, Huelva and the rest of Andalucía, each one with their own character.

Page 6: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Holy Week


Best hotels and private Villas Guided visits to the churches of the different brotherhoods or “cofradías”

Best balconies in private houses and palaces to watch the processions.

Saetas and concerts of Holy Week music

Personalized shopping tours on Holy Week products

Guided tours to see the processions in the street in the most magical corners.

Box seats in the official route PPRR with local society

The whole city of Seville dresses up every day to jump into the streets during the Holy Week. A week of passion, of emotion and beauty… A Seville that smells of orange blossom, a Seville that gets darker and silent.

Here, the Holy Week is more than just a religious celebration. It is a unique show capable of moving anyone whatever religion or culture. An open air museum transformed by an staging formed by the music, the smell, the light and even the moon. Emotion in its purest state!

Come to Seville… we will show it to you!

Page 7: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Seville’s Fair


Best hotels and private Villas Flamenco lessons

Tailor made flamenco dresses and gentlemen’s costumes

Horse and mule carriages

Access to the most exclusive private casetas Horses for you to ride

Bulfighting shows Visit to bullbreading farms and lectures with experts on bullfighting

Best flamenco PPRR with local society

Seville’s Fair in April, is without any doubt one of the most colourful and stunning popular shows that can be seen in the world. However, although millions of visitors from all over the world travel to Seville in April to see it, Seville’s Fair continues to be something very “intimate” so great part of its charm is still reserved for the sevillians and not at reach to the foreign visitor.

At Otravis, our mission is to get you inside this closed world of the sevillian Fair, an aim that we achieve by treating you as our personal friends and introducing you in the local society and traditions so that you can fully participate in the feast.

Place yourself in our hands and we promise you an unforgettable experience!

Page 8: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Castles, Palaces and Historical Houses


Guided visits to castles, palaces or private historical houses

Lunch, dinners and other events

Accommodation in some of these houses Visit to private collections

Private visits to museums Lectures on family history and genealogy

Gardens and private patios Guided visits on special subjects

Spain is filled with Castles, Palaces and Historical Houses that have belonged to the same families for centuries.

In some cases we can suspect from their outside what treasures we can find in the inside, but other times they are hidden behind sober facades that remain unnoticed to the passers-by.

Most of them are only for private use and not open to public. Put yourself in our hands and we will step back in the past with you by opening the doors of the most magnificent and unknown castles, palaces and houses in Spain.

You will meet their owners, learn about their family history, have lunch, dinner or a drink with them and in some cases you will even be able to sleep in them.

Page 9: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Golf Experience


Best golf courses in Andalucía: Sotogrande, Costa del Sol, Sancti Petri…

Luxury private villas

Conierge services: personal assistance, private cars, shopping etc

Golf lessons

Boat charters Health and beauty

Hotels and restaurants Luxury car rental

With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, Andalucía is the perfect place to practice golf.

No wonder it has become the leader golf destination in Europe with the larger number of golf courses.

But golf is not just a sport. It is also an attitude, a lifestyle. We will offer you the best courses but also the top hotels, and unimaginable private villas, white sand beaches, spas and whatever is necessary for a perfect holiday at any moment of the year.

Page 10: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Brave Bulls in freedom


Private visits to the most prestigious bull farms to learn about the bull’s life in freedom

Specialized talks with the main breeders and bullfighters on specific issues

“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback)

“Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their fighting spirit in order to select the fathers.

“Tentaderos de hembras”: test done in the bullring to the cows (females) to check on their fighting spirit in order to select the mothers.

Other country labours related with the bulls such as the labours of directing the animals with the horses, feeding them, or branding them .

Brave bulls are one of the symbols of Spain but strange enough they are mainly known through their most controversial side: The moment of their death at the bullring.

However, what is unknown by most people is the beauty, respect and love that involves the breading and life of this magnificent animal.

Hundreds of people in Spain devote their lives to the preservation of this race, unique in the world, that already coexisted with men in prehistorical times. The brave bull lives in freedom in beautiful country sites during 6 full years, time during which, it’s taken care of according to ancestral traditions full of respect and worship to the bull.

We will visit the most prestigious “ganaderías” (breading farms) and talk to their owners and bullfighters to discover this fascinating world.

Page 11: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |



Visits to the Bullring: the arena, the “burladeros”, chapel, hospital and the significance of each one of them.

Actors of the bullfighting and their importance and duty

The torero dress, “Traje de Luces” and its elements.

The different “pases” with capote: la verónica, chicuelina, media verónica…

The “Suerte de varas” or picadores to judge the bravety of the bull

Banderillas and the different ways of puting them

The muleta: natural, derechazo, pase de pecho…

The supreme luck or the killing of the bull

President and rules The use of the handkerchief and the different awards

What makes a man want to risk his life every afternoon fighting a brave bull? Fighting a bull is an act of faith: in the art, in the game and in God. The truth of the bullfight is to have a mystery to tell and to be able to tell it. Everything involved in the bullfighting has a why and a significance. We will show you the meaning of every detail, form the different actors of the performance such as “picadores” or “banderilleros” to the significance of the rituals done in the arena. Lead by the hand of professional bullfighters we will learn how they think, what they feel and what they fear so that we can learn to enjoy the Feast in all its magnificence.

Page 12: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Luxury at your table


Search of the most incredible locations. Best cooks

Flower arrangements Unique table settings

Lighting Life music performances

Theme decorations Global organisation for large events such as weddings or parties.

Some of us think that sometimes, having the best food is just not enough. It is important, of course and we will provide it for you, but sometimes, it’s also necessary to wrap it up in a beautiful package and put a ribbon to it.

From simple country luncheons to the most sophisticated and elegant dinner tables, outdoors or indoors, but always with an impeccable presentation and staging so that you can enjoy a gastronomic experience with no equal.

We will look for the most impressive venues and will take care of all the details for a unique event, no matter if it is just a dinner for two or a party for 500 or more.

Page 13: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Culinary Experiences


Strolling through Seville from “tapa” to “tapa” Tour to the mounts of Aracena and Jabugo to discover the best iberic ham

Visit to the province of Jaén and the “sea of olive trees”: The best olive oil of the world combined with the magnificent towns of Úbeda y Baeza

Sailing down the Guadalquivir river through the Natural Park of Doñana up to Sanlúcar of Barrameda to taste the king prawns and the “manzanilla” wine

Caviar de Riofrío (Granada): considered one of the best in the world and the only 100% ecologic. Best combination to the beauty of the Alhambra.

Córdoba, mixtures of cultures: “salmorejo”, “flamenquines” and Montilla wines

The bull route, the white towns, the beaches of Cádiz and the tuna fish from Barbate

Jerez: wines, horses and flamenco

Cooking lessons at all levels Specialized tastings and mixtures

Andalucía has countless gastronomic jewels, unique in the world and capable of impressing the most exquisite gourmet.

We propose a sensorial journey that will take us from the iberic ham of Huelva, to the caviar in Riofrío (Granada), the olive oil of Jaén, the tapas in Seville or the wines of Córdoba or Jerez without forgetting the kingprawns of Sanlúcar or the tuna fish from Barbate (both in Cádiz)

All of them together in a healthy, natural but full of shades gastronomy that has no need of additives because it is based on the best products.

A different way of visiting Andalucía.

Page 14: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Hunting in Spain


Driven red legged partridge hunts Big – Hunting games (Montería)

Falconery Hare hunting with greyhounds and horses

Specialized shopping tours Best logistics and organization

Luxury accommodations

The hunting tradition goes back in Spain to the beginning of our history.

The orography and climate have developed a wide range of species that go from the red deer in the meadows to the ibex in the mountains or the fallow deer, roe deer, wild board or wild sheep which complete the hunting diversity of our country.

Special attention to be given without doubt, to the red partridge, ducks and other species that compose the shooting modalities.

The ways of hunting are also most varied and we offer them all to you.

Page 15: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |



Professional motorbike track experiences. Professional car track experiences

Classic cars’ routes Luxury car rental

Off road routes : 4x4, buggies, Hummer or quads

Professional driving clinics

Road driving routes with Lamborghini, Porche o Ferrari

Accommodation and logistics overnight trips.

The motor world is always a good ally in travel experiences. From off road trips by 4x4 or hummers that will take us to the most remote places to driving trips on classic cars or the best sport cars to take you from one town to the other. Without forgetting the most extreme driving experiences at any of the three professional race tracks in Andalucía. Porche, Lamborghini, Hummer, Ferrari, Classics of all ages and styles, buggies, quads or 4x4

Page 16: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |



Yacht and Sailing boats charters Classic boats

Crossings along the river Guadalquivir to Doñana Park

Diving and fishing

Kite or Windsurf in Tarifa Crossings to Morocco or Portugal

Water sports : jetski, waterski, wakeboard, fly board, sailing races …

Parties on board

The Mediterranean sea, the Atlantic ocean or the Guadalquivir river. All of them offer countless possibilities for enjoying water activities. The most active water sports such as kite surf, waterski or jetski, quite crossings in the best sailing boats or yachts, experiences with classic boats or best fishing are just some of the possibilities.

Page 17: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

Andalucía from the air


Panoramic flights on balloon. Private jets

Helicopters Microlight aircrafts

Paragliding Skydiving

We offer a new way of discovering our country from the air. Either on a balloon, a helicopter or a private flight, our clients will be able to discover the wonders and variaty of our landscape. From the montains of the Sierra de Aracena, Sierra de Hornachuelo or Grazalema to the farming lands, the olive trees’ sea, the desert of Almería, the snows of Sierra Nevada or the floded lands of Doñana. We will also give you the opportunity to see the main cities and towns from the air.

Page 18: Concierge SPAIN Services...“Rejoneo” exhibitions (fighting the bull on horseback) “Tienta de machos”: test done in the open countryside to the male bulls to check on their

Otravision Convenciones e Incentivos S.L. Cif: B91442434 | Avd. Portugal 17 – 41004 Sevilla | Tel.: 954546184 |

For more information

[email protected]