Download - Concept of Investment Banks

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    Concept of Investment Banks

    The banking scenario in India is itself huge, covering the different facets of the economy. By and large, investment

    banks in India are itself an institution which generates funds in two different ways. The first manner in which it works

    is by drawing public funds via the capital market by way of selling stock in their company. The other way in which itoperates is to seek for venture capital or private equity, as a substitute for a stake in their company.

    Role of an Investment Bank

    The major work of investment banks includes a lot of consulting. For instance, they offer advices on mergers and

    acquisitions to companies. The other arena where they give advice are tracking the market and determining when

    should a company come out with a public offering and what is the best possible way to manage the public assets of

    businesses. The role that an investment bank plays sometimes gets overlapped with that of a private brokerage

    house. The usual advice of buying and selling is also given by investment banks.

    There is no demarcating line between the investment banking and other forms of banking in India. This has been

    observed majorly of late. ll banks nowadays want to provide their customers the best of services and create a niche

    for themselves and that is why apart from investment banks, all other banks too are aiming at making it big.

    t the macro level, investment banking is related with the primary function of assisting the capital market in its

    function of capital intermediation, i.e., the movement of financial resources from those who have them !the investors",

    to those who need to make use of them for producing #$% !the issuers". &ver the decades, investment banks have

    always suited the needs of the finance community and thus become one of the most vibrant and e'citing segment of

    financial services.

    #lobally investment banks handle significant fund(based business of their own in the capital market along with their

    non(fund service portfolio which is offered to the clients. ll these activities are broadly segmented across three

    platforms ( equity market activity, debt market activity and merger and acquisitions !)*" activity. In addition, given

    the structure of the market, there is also a segmentation based on whether a particular investment bank belongs to a

    banking parent or is a stand(alone pure investment bank.

    Investmentbanks in India are challenging type of organization that support capital wants

    of a business venture. Executing personal post, submitting bond, performance as a go-

    between and supplementary merger and acquisition are some of the signicant features of

    Investment banking in India.

    !op "# Investment $anks in Indiao%ers large number of nancial optional services by

    tracking the economic trends, besides as long as nancial help to corporate and retail

    customers. &ome of them are'-

    " ( $a)a) *apital
  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    !he $a)a) *apital +roup is one of the famous Investmentconsultant and inancial lanning

    rms in India. It is expert under the group I of erchant $ankers by &E$I.$a)a) *apital

    provides specially made iscal lanning facilities and investment consultation to the

    investors, organizational investors, corporate, high income patrons and /on-0esident Indians


    $eing one of the biggest distributors of economic goods, $a)a) capital provides an wide

    range of investment schemes such as universal insurance, life insurance, mutual funds,

    etc to both public and personal institutions.

    3- icici securities ltd.

    I*I*I &ecurities 4td is India5s chief equity house, I*I*I &ecurities 4td o%er back-to-back

    banking solutions through its wide sharing network to canter to the varied needs of its retail

    and corporate clients. !he rm is listed under the nancial power of &ingapore 1&2 and

    inancial &ervices power, 67 and has an reliable place in the core divisions of its functional

    areas such as consultant services, scal good sharing, Equity *apital arkets optional&ervices, etc.

    8- I9*

    I9* is initiated in "::; in *hennai< I9* undertake the liability of as long as nancial

    support to 883 pro)ects accruing a earnings of up to 0s 3, 3#, =## million. !he sectors under

    I9*5s nancial support be infrastructure, agric related business, transportation, healthcare,

    tourism and others.

    = ( 7otak ahindra capital corporation

    7otak ahindra *apital corporation is inventor and leader in equity capital markets, 7otak

    Investment $anking has undertaken the developmental work of most ground breaking

    advances in the Indian capital markets comprising the launch of book building and capable

    Institutional lacements in India. !he investmentbank has an impressive path record of

    devious a range of sectors and has played a ma)or position in the government5s marker


    >- &$I *apital arkets

    &$I *apital arkets is India5s leading investmentbank and system consultant, aiding local

    rms in capital recruitment activities for last many years. !he rm started it operations in

    ":?@ and is a completely owned secondary of the &tate $ank of India. Asian growth $ank

    1A+$2 possesses "8.?=B stakes in equity segment of &$I*A&.

    @- !ata investment corporation ltd.

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    A non-banking nancial company 1/$*2, !I*4 is scheduled with the 0eserve $ank of India

    under the group of 5Investment *ompany5. !he rm5s commercial behavior constitute

    mostly of endow in ancient investmentsin equity of the rms in a variety of sectors. !he

    chief source of go back for the rm entails income on investment trading and income

    accrued on dividend.

    ;- Avendus capital

    An investmentbank as long as mergers and acquisitions, xed returns, controlled nance,

    intended optional facilities and rivate Equity &yndication to its customers ranging from

    investors to corporate. !he bank has a powerful investigate capability which it utilizes to

    close business deals in antagonistic situation. It presently concentrate on sectors where

    Indian rms have planned growth benet that is Cealthcare, harmaceuticals, I! &ervices,

    *onsumer goods, manufacturing, etc.

    ? ( 6!I securities 4td.

    6!I &ecurities 4td authorized as a self-governing specialized body in "::=, 6!I &ecurities

    4td., is one of the famous investmentbank of India. After the annihilation of 6nit !rust of

    India 16!I2 Act, the total share fund of 6!I&E4 is now controlled by manager of particular

    enterprise of 6!I. !he rm has been contribution all sorts of investment linked behavior

    which incorporate investmentbanking and commercial consultation services.

    :- yes bank

    !his Investment banking friendship is busy in the categorization, understanding and

    execution of deals for their clients in diverse sectors and nations. &ome of the typical

    dealings incorporate divestitures, condential equity syndication, mergers D acquisition andI discussion.

    "# ( cholamandalam investment D nance ltd.

    A combined economic service supplier of three rms namely *holamandalam 9$& inance

    4imited 1*942, 9$& *holamandalam 9istribution 4imited and 9$& *holamandalam

    &ecurities 4imited, *holamandalam 9$& operates in "@ international markets. 9$& provides

    a general range of services to small and medium sized venture, corporate, customers and

    comprehensive banking behavior crossways center East and Asia.


  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    An Investment Banker is total solutions provider as

    far as any corporate, desirous of mobilising capital, is

    concerned. The services range from investment

    research to investor service on the one side and from

    preparation of offer documents to legal compliances

    and post issue monitoring on the other. There exists

    a long lasting relationship between the Issuer

    Company and the Investment Banker. A !erchant

    Banker could be defined as An organisation that

    acts as an intermediary between the issuers and the

    ultimate purchasers of securities in the primary

    security market

    !erchant Banker has been defined under the

    "ecurities # $xchange Board of India %!erchant

    Bankers& 'ules, ())* as any person who is

    engaged in the business of issue management either

    by making arrangements regarding selling, buying or

    subscribing to securities as manager, consultant,

    advisor or rendering corporate advisory service in

    relation to such issue management.

    !erchant Banking, as a commercial activity, took

    shape in India through the management of +ublic

    Issues of capital and oan "yndication. It was

    originated in ()-) with the setting up of the

    !erchant Banking ivision by A/0 1rindlays Bank.

    The main service offered at that time to the

    corporate enterprises by the merchant banks

    included the management of public issues and some

    aspects of financial consultancy. The early and mid2

    seventies witnessed a boom in the growth ofmerchant banking organisations in the country with

    various commercial banks, financial institutions,

    broker3s firms entering into the field of merchant


    Issues +ead )anaged by arvy In the

    last - ears

    The /redentials

    !anagement of Capital Issues

    !anagement of Buybacks and


    +rivate +lacements of debt and


    !ergers and Amalgamations

    oan "yndication

    #lossary of ey Terms
  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    'eform measures were initiated in the capital market from ())*, starting with the

    conferring of statutory powers on the "ecurities and $xchange Board of India %"$BI& and

    the repeal of Capital Issues Control Act and the abolition of the office of the Controller of

    Capital Issues. These have brought about significant improvement in the functional and

    regulatory efficiency of the market, enabling the !erchant Bankers shoulder greater legal

    and moral responsibility towards the investing public.


    5arvy is well networked with *66 full2fledged branches and 786 Investor "ervice Centers

    with a workforce of over 7866 personnel drawn from various disciplines.

    5arvy Investor "ervices imited, a "$BI registered !erchant Banker is a (669 subsidiary

    of 5arvy Consultants imited and is among the top (6 merchant Bankers in India today.

    The parent Company i.e. 5arvy Consultants imited was founded by a group of

    professionals in ():* and today it has evolved as integrated financial services company of

    repute, offering various financial services to suit every re4uirement;need of our

    customers. By virtue of its access to millions of Indian "hareholders, in addition to

    companies, banks and financial institutions, 5arvy has in the process built up a positivereputation with regulatory authorities and other government agencies. 6 public;rights issues as !erchant Bankers. uring

    the last two years we have handled the share buyback issues of TT5 I1 imited, "irpur

    +aper !ills imited, Bhagyanagar !etals imited, A ? Thomas 1roup2/elliampathy Tea and

    +roduce Company imited, Chordia @ood +roducts imited, eritage @oods %India& imited,

    Titanor Components td, +unab Communications imited, etc. to name a few.

    =e have also handled;are handling the 'ights;+ublic issues of hanalakshmi Bank,handapani @inance, !oschip, 5arur ?ysya Bank, ux osiery Industries td, "ah

    +etroleums imited, +aradyne Infotech imited, ash +apers imited, "+ Industries

    imited, +rovogue %I& imited, Tulip IT "ervices imited, 1ati imited as lead managers to

    name a few. =e have also been appointed as advisor to some of the 1

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    '$C, +@C, "IBI, etc.

    As an Investment Banker, 5arvy providesD

    E !anagement of Capital Issues

    E !anagement of Buybacks, Takeovers and elisting offers

    E +rivate +lacement of ebt and $4uity

    E !ergers and Amalgamations

    E oan "yndication

    Source : Investment Banking Department


    A""I1/!$/T" A/$ B 5A'?


    S.No. Name of the Issuer Issue Sie

    !Rs. I" #a$hs%

    &ur Ro#e

    ( FC< Bank *G,666 Co2!anager

    * ux osiery Industries td (,666 ead !anager

    7 ?iaya Bank *6,666 Co2!anager

    G 'amakrishna @orgings td (,(86 ead !anager

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    8 ?ishal $xports 66 ead !anager

    - IBI @lexi Bonds (: >6,666 ead !anager

    > IBI @lexi Bonds () -6,666 ead !anager

    : IBI @lexi Bonds *6 :6,666 ead !anager

    ) IBI @lexi Bonds *( (,66,666 ead !anager

    (6 ICICI August *667 -6,666 ead !anager

    (( ICICI G: ead !anager

    * The 5arur ?ysya Bank imited 7-66 ead !anager

    7 Borax !orari imited ()- ead !anager

    G !oschip "emiconductor Technology


    ((>6 ead !anager

    8 Coonoor Tea $states Co td ead !anager

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    - Agro utch @oods imited ead !anager


    S.No. Name of the Issuer &ur Ro#e

    ( TT5 imited ead !anager

    * Advanced !icronic evices td ead !anager

    7 ?enkataramana otels td ead !anager

    G Thiagaraar !ills imited ead !anager

    8 =+I imited ; industhan Fdyog imited ead !anager

    - 'aasi 'efractories td ead !anager

    > industhan Fdyog td ead !anager

    : 5erry Host $ngineering td ead !anager

    ) "tewarts and loyds of India td ead !anager

    (6 '' 1reenhands td ead !anager

    (( TT5 ealthcare td ead !anager

    (* +hoenix !ills imited ead !anager


    S.No. Name of the Issuer &ur Ro#e

    ( Titanor Components imited ead !anager

    * +unab Communications td ead !anager

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks



    S.No. Name of the Issuer &ur Ro#e

    ( "pencer # Company td ead !anager

    * "haradha Terry +roducts imited ead !anager

    7 Idea "pace solutions td

    G "'+ Tools imited


    S.No. Name of the Issuer Issue Sie

    !Rs. I" #a$hs%

    &ur Ro#e

    ( A+ +ower @inance Corporation td 7),*>) Arranger

    * A+ =ater 'esources evelopment


    8-,:67 Arranger

    7 +unab "tate Industrial

    evelopment Corporation

    *6,666 Arranger

    G imachal +radesh Industrial

    evelopment Board

    *6,666 Arranger

    8 A+ +ower @inance Corporation td *8,666 Arranger

    - hanalakshmi Bank imited *,666 Arranger


    S.No. Name of the Issuer &ur Ro#e

    ( +C" Technologies td !erchant Banker

    * "uven ife "ciences td !erchant Banker

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    7 =ipro imited !erchant Banker

    G +olaris "oftware Tech. td !erchant Banker

    8 Aptech imited !erchant Banker

    - C Technologies imited !erchant Banker

    > 1ati imited !erchant Banker

    : !atrix aboratories imited !erchant Banker


    S.No. Name of the Com+a", Nature of Assi-"me"t

    ( Bharat otels imited ?aluation of Business

    * ?erdant Technology td ?aluation 'eport


  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    G !ars 'estaurants imited +ublic Issue

    8 +aradyne Infotech imited +ublic Issue

    - +lus +aper @oodproducts imited +ublic Issue

    > Bartronics India imited +ublic Issue

    : Tulip IT "ervices imited +ublic Issue

    ) "+ Industries imited +ublic Issue

    (6 +rovogue India imited +ublic Issue

    (( 'ohit @errotech imited +ublic Issue

    (* ash +apers imited @urther +ublic Issue

    (7 Beeyu +ower @inance Corporation Bonds Issue

    (: "IBI Bonds Issue

    () /B Bonds Issue


    S# Name of the Com+a", Nature of Ma"ate

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks



    ( $ssel "hyam Communications imited +ublic Issue

    * /avayuga $ngineering Company imited +ublic Issue

    7 +ioneer $mbroideries imited @urther +ublic Issue

    G /C Industries imited 'ights Issue

    8 Agro utch Industries imited 'ights Issue

    Top;Back !B ome;5arvy ome

    SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 199

    )erchant Bankers have been barred from undertaking activities other than related to the securities

    market. The 01BI !)erchant Bankers" 2egulations, 3445 have been amended on $ecember 34,

    3446 to provide that7

    a. the applicant should be a fit and proper person8

    b. a merchant banker has to seek separate registration for its underwriting or portfoliomanagement activities8

    c. the categorisation of merchant bankers I, II, III and I9 has been dispensed with8

    d. a merchant banker, other than a bank or a public financial institution, has been prohibitedfrom carrying any activities not pertaining to the securities market8 and

    e. the applicant should be a body corporate other than non(banking finance company.

    The )erchant Bankers 2egulations were amended on :anuary 53, 344; to provide time

    upto :une -

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    securities market. The 2eserve Bank of India has e'empted merchant banking companies

    from the provisions of 2eserve Bank of India ct, 34-= relating to compulsory registration

    !section =>3", maintenance of liquid assets !section =>3B", creation of reserve fund

    !section =>3/ " and all the provisions of the recent $irections relating to deposit acceptance

    and prudential norms.

    )erchant banking companies, to be eligible for the above e'emption, are required to satisfy

    the following conditions7

    i. such companies are registered with the 01BI under section 35 of the 01BI ct, 3445 and arecarrying on the business of merchant banker in accordance with the 2ules ? 2egulationsframed by the 01BI8

    ii. they acquire securities only as part of their merchant banking business8

    iii. they do not carry on any other financial activities as mentioned in section =>3 !c " of

    the 2BI ct, 34-=8

    iv. they do not accept ? hold public deposits.

    Nee for Re-istratio"

    "$BI "tarted the process of registration of some of the intermediaries associated with the process of

    issue management. This is done to ensure professionaliation of intermediaries and to curb the

    malpractices indulged in by some of intermediaries.

    The merchant banks have to be registered with "$BI and no firm can carry on any activity as a

    !erchant banker, unless it holds a certificate granted by the board under the regulation of "$BI. The

    investment banks serves as an intermediaries between issuing company and investing clients.

    =hen investment banks serve as the lead managers for the securities of a client, it is necessary that

    they themselves are credible in order to gain the investor confidence.

    The registration procedure serve this purpose. By setting out certain eligibility criteria for the purpose

    of registration, the regulatory bodies seek to ensure that the investment banks, which handle the

    various needs of the clients, have the re4uired infrastructure and resources to do so.

    $ligibility Criteria

    "$BI has prescribed certain criteria in order to be register as merchant banks. These criteria are

    included in "ecurities and $xchange Board of India %!erchant Bankers& 'ules, ())*.

    To be eligible to carry out activities of merchant banker, the applicant must be a body corporate other

    than a /on Banking @inance Company. The applicant himself must be a 4ualified professional in

    finance, law or business management from an institute recognied by the 1overnment, the applicant

    also must employ two competent persons to carry out the dealings of a merchant banker.

  • 8/10/2019 Concept of Investment Banks


    The applicant, his director, partner or principal officer must not have been involved in any lawsuit

    associated with the securities market and they also must not have been convicted at any time for any

    offence involving moral turpitude.

    "$BI has also set out the capital ade4uacy re4uirement to the persons waiting to be registered as

    merchant bankers. The applicant must have a minimum /et worth of 's. 8 Crore. The maximum

    underwriting exposure for an investment bank should not exceed *6 times its total net worth. If theindustry practice is to keep an exposure of around (8 times the net worth, it would be termed as the

    JIndustry Capital Ade4uacy 'e4uirementK as against regulatory suggestions.

    In the term of regulations, the firms must meet the capital ade4uacy in both the countries from where

    the capital flows out as well as where it flows in. The procedure for registration must be followed and

    the relevant forms should be submitted by the merchant bankers.