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  • 8/8/2019 Computer Fundamentals Hardware


    Computer Fundamentals



  • 8/8/2019 Computer Fundamentals Hardware


    What are Computers and Networks?


    (Collins English Dictionary): 'A device, usually electronic, thatprocesses data according to a set of instructions'

    (Ques Computer Users Dictionary): 'A machine capable offollowing instructions to alter data in a desirable way and to

    perform at least some of these operations without human


    (Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary, 3rd Ed.: 'Any machinethat does three things: accepts structured input, processes itaccording to prescribed rules, and produces the results as output'.

    Basically, a computer is: An electronic device Operates under the control of instruction stored in its own

    memory unit

    Can accept data (input) Processes data arithmetically and logically Produces results (output) Can store the results for future use

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    Types of Computer Systems

    Computers can be "classified" on the basis of:

    1. Type of data2. Use3. Size and complexity4. Function

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    Types of Computer Systems

    (Based on the type of data)

    1. Digital Computers - store data in discrete units and performarithmetical and logical operations at very high speed

    2. Analog Computers - have no memory and are slower; havecontinuous rather than discrete input; widely used in laboratoryequipment to monitor ongoing, continuous changes andrecord/graph these.

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    Types of Computer Systems

    (Based on their use)

    1. General Purposeo Perform a wide variety of processing tasks

    o These are the most common

    2. Dedicated or Special Purpose

    o Fundamentally the same as a general purpose

    o Programmed for a specific purpose

    o Advent of cheap microprocessors has lead to massivegrowth in usage/market penetration

    o Used in a variety of consumer products, microwaves,telephones, washing machines, etc.

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    Types of Computer Systems

    (Based on size and complexity)

    1. Mainframes2. Minicomputers

    3. Microcomputers

    4. Personal Digital Assistants

    These categories are almostout-of-date because of thewide scale introduction ofcomputer networks andpowerful PCs.

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    A multi-user computer designed to meet the computing needs of alarge organization

    Originally the term referred to the metal cabinet housing the CPU

    Generally refers to computers of the 1950s and 1960s

    Large number of dumb terminals were used for input/output andit had a large number of peripherals attached

    Can process a number of applications concurrently. This is known

    as multi-processing which aims to keep the CPU as busy aspossible

    Usually housed in special rooms.

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    Scaled down mainframe Designed to meet the computing needs of a department or small

    company. Typically 4-100 concurrent users.

    Usually run without a special environment

    Can support a number of concurrent applications and often uses atime-sharing operation system that aims to keep the users busy.

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    Based on a single silicon chip (IC or microprocessor) Appeared mid-to-late 70s. (E.g. Apple II, TRS-80, Sinclair

    Spectrum, Commodore PET, etc.)

    'Multi-media' systems now available

    o Enable the integration of sound, video, graphics, as well astext into software

    o At present the incorporation of a sound card, speakers,

    microphone, and CD-ROM drive defines a multi-media PC Portable versions now available.

    o Basically, the same except for the Video Display Unit.

    o Peripherals connected via PCMCIA/PC Card are nowpopular


    Since mid 80s the distinction between micro and mini has becomeblurred

    Now microcomputers (PCs and Workstations) are more powerfulthan older mainframes (see below)

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    Personal Digital Assistants

    PDAs are portable computers taken further Pocket sized designed for use on the move

    Use a pen as input (write directly to screen)

    Software 'attempts' to translate handwriting by reference tostored prototypes

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    Types of Computer Systems

    (Based on function)

    1. Centralized Computing systems - Services several userssimultaneously

    2. Stand-alone Computers - Have no sharing of resources, e.g. a self-contained PC

    3. Distributed Computing Systems

    1. Each user has access to the computing power of the

    machine they are on, however certain resources andperipherals are shared (e.g. file store and printing)

    2. Users can usually obtain further computing facilities andpower by connecting to other computers (nodes) on thenetwork

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    What is a Network?

    A network is often referred to as a Local Area Network [LAN].

    Can be defined as a computer based communication and dataexchange system;

    Is created by the physical connection between two or morecomputers;

    Is capable of supporting computers providing special services.

    1. A File Server

    Provides access to files for (all) workstations on the LAN

    Usually is a single, powerful machine with fast huge harddisk(s)

    Requires a type of Network Filing System (NFS) to operate.This enables the disks on the file server to appear as thoughthey are local disks on users workstation. (Often referred toas mounted disks)

    2. A Print Server

    A computer dedicated to receiving and temporarily storing

    files to be printed. The print server runs special printspooler software that establishes printer queues and enablesbackground printing. This enables the print server toperform other tasks as well as print serving.

    3. A Computer Server

    A computer dedicated to performing complex calculation.

    4. Other Servers

    A HTTP server provides WWW pages

    A FTP server provides files via File Transfer Protocol (anasynchronous communication method. Used extensively fortransfer of programs)

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    Data Representation

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    Data is either in Digital or Analog form.

    Most Computers work with Digital Data

    Computers store all data as a series of ones and zeros.

    Computers Use the Binary System to representnumbers and other characters.

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    Binary Numbers

    Binary digits are used to represent information in computers using

    magnetic or electrical devices.


    A Bit is short for Binary Digit.

    Bits can either have the value of 1 or 0, which corresponds to trueand false (or ON and OFF).

    8 bits make a byte.

    1024 bytes make up a kilobyte (Kb).

    1024 kilobytes make up a megabyte (Mb).

    All machines have a wordsize

    o Wordsize is a fundamental unit of storage, for example 8-bits, 16-bits 32-bits, etc.

    The size of a word (in bytes) differs between machines. A Pentiumbased machine is 32-bit.

    (2n -1)

    wheren = # of bits

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    Decimal Number System(base10)

    This is the numbering system that we have grown up with.

    To understand the other numbering systems (binary, octal,hexadecimal) we will start by recalling the 'rules' associated with thedecimal (or base10) system.

    With the decimal numbering system, we use a base of 10.

    This means that we go up in increments of 10:



    Consider the following decimal number:


    What does this actually mean?

    This number means:102 * 1 = 100.0101 * 3 = 30.0



    * 6 = 6.010-1 * 2 = 0.210-2 * 5 = 0.05

    total = 136.25

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    Binary Number System(base2)

    With the binary numbering system, we use a base of 2 instead of a base

    of 10.

    This means that we go up in increments of 2:



    Example:Consider the binary number


    Again in its full form this means:

    23 * 1 = 1000.0 (8 in decimal)22 * 1 = 100.0 (4 in decimal)21 * 0 = 00.0 (0 in decimal)20 * 1 = 1.0 (1 in decimal)



    * 0 = 0.0 (0.0 in decimal)2-2 * 1 = 0.01 (0.25 in decimal)

    total = 1101.01 (13.25 in decimal)

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    The following shows the first integers and their binary equivalents (andhow they are derived):

    decimal binary

    0 0000 (0 * 2


    + 0 * 2


    + 0 * 2


    + 0 * 2


    )1 0001 (0 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 0 * 21 + 1 * 20)2 0010 (0 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 0 * 20)3 0011 (0 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 1 * 20)4 0100 (0 * 23 + 1 * 22 + 0 * 21 + 0 * 20)5 0101 (0 * 23 + 1 * 22 + 0 * 21 + 1 * 20)6 0110 (0 * 23 + 1 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 0 * 20)7 0111 (0 * 23 + 1 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 1 * 20)8 1000 (1 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 0 * 21 + 0 * 20)9 1001 (1 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 0 * 21 + 1 * 20)

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    Octal Number System(base8)

    With the octal numbering system, we use a base of 8 instead of a base of

    10 or 2.

    As it turns out, each octal "digit" will represent a group of 3 bits orbinary digits.

    Example:Consider the binary number


    This 9 bit binary number can be grouped into 3 groups of 3 bits:

    110 101 010

    6 5 2

    This gives us the octal number:


    This octal number (and associated binary number) is a representationof the following decimal number:


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    Hexadecimal Number System(base16 or baseH)

    Although it is very convenient for computers to use 0 and 1 it is difficult

    for humans to readily identify binary numbers.

    Hexadecimal (Hex) acts as an interim number system between binaryand ourselves as it is more recognizable yet easy to convert to and frombinary.

    With the hexadecimal numbering system, we use a base of 16 instead ofa base of 10, 8, or 2.

    As it turns out, each hexadecimal "digit" will represent a group of 4 bitsor binary digits (1 byte can be expressed by two hexadecimal digits).

    The Hexadecimal system uses the following "digits"

    Hexadecimal Digit Decimal Digit1 12 23 34 4

    5 56 67 78 89 9A 10B 11C 12D 13

    E 14F 15

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    Example:Consider the binary number


    This 12 bit binary number can be grouped into 3 groups of 4 bits:

    1001 0111 0100

    9 7 4

    This gives us the hexadecimal number:

    97416 = 974H

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    A table providing decimal, binary, and hex equivalents for the first 16integers is:

    decimal binary Hex0 0000 01 0001 12 0010 23 0011 34 0100 45 0101 56 0110 67 0111 78 1000 89 1001 910 1010 A

    11 1011 B12 1100 C13 1101 D14 1110 E15 1111 F

    A few further examples of binary and hexadecimal numbers follow:

    0100 1100 0001 1111 = 4C1F16

    = 4C1FH

    1101 0110 1100 0000 = D6C016 = D6C0H

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    There are 5 Categories of Computer Hardware

    These units are all interconnected through various buses.

    A bus is a set of wires (a physical path for the signals to travel).

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    Output Device

    Output Device

    Storage Device

    Storage Device

    Input Device

    Input Device Output Device



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    power supply

    ports andconnectors




    expansionslots CPU


    hard disk

    open bay

    open bay

    open bay


    floppy drive

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    Terminology of Components "Inside" the Box

    Power Supply:A power supply regulates the supply of electricity to the variouscomponents of the computer.

    Motherboard:The motherboard is the most important part of the system. It acts as the

    foundation of your computer and supplies all of the electrical connections

    between components.

    ROM (Read-Only Memory):Read-only memory contains the commands your computer needs to getitself going. The ROM is non-volitile, meaning that the contents of ROM

    are retained even when the power is off. The instructions in ROM allow

    the comuter to get started when the power is turned on.

    CPU (Central Processing Unit):The CPU is the brain of the computer. The CPU is a chip that actually

    processes instructions and carries out commands. Every other part ofyour comuter serves the microprocessor so it can do its job.

    RAM (Random-Access Memory):RAM is the working memory of the computer. For instance, when you

    run a program, it is loaded from your hard disk into RAM and remains

    therre while you use it. You have to save work onto a disk because

    whatever is in RAM gets erased when the computer is turned off. RAM

    chips are physical components that contain the memory and are grouped inrows called banks.

    Floppy Drives:Floppy drives allow you to write information to, and read, floppy


    Add-on Boards:Add-on boards, that extend the abilities of your computer. These boardsare inserted into the computers expansion slots. The slots allow you to

    add boards such as serial and parallel prots, modems, video cards, mice

    and fax boards.

    Disk Controler:The disk controller connects the disk drives, floppy or hard, to the CPU.

    Without this card, the CPU would not be able to communicate with thedrives, and the computer would have no way to save or retrieve


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    Processing Unit

    The processing unit is made up of the Central Processing Unit andmemory.

    1. Central Processing Unit

    Has 3 different parts:

    a) Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU)* Performs arithmetic and logic operations

    b) Instruction Control Unit (ICU)* Coordinates the machine's activities

    c) Memory (Registers)* Special memory cells in the CPU that is used

    as temporary holding places.* Certain registers are assigned special tasks(e.g. instruction register, storage register,accumulator etc)

    2. Main Memory* Stores data and program instructions* each physical storage unit is assigned a unique address* a location in main memory is accessed by its address

    To View Bottom View

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    Main Memory

    There are two parts to the main memory - ROM and RAM

    ROM (Read only memory)

    Contains BIOS and start-up programs. The BIOS areinstructions to perform many elementary functions such astelling the computer how to "be a computer" and how to "bootitself up" or turn itself on.

    ROM memory cannot be altered, and is not cleared when thepower is turned off.

    Very slow compared to RAM memory (see below).

    RAM (Random Access memory) Control Unit can only directly interact with RAM. Temporary storage that serves as the "working" memory of

    the computer. RAM's memory contents can be changed, and are cleared

    when the power is turned off (i.e. it's volatile). Very fast memory access.


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    Computer memory is usually characterized by how much storage theycan hold.

    Each storage location has an address.

    Storage locations can hold instructions or data

    The # of locations and size determines how much information canbe kept in memory.

    Analogous to a post office and the post office boxes.

    The amount of computer memory is expressed in units of bytes.(i.e. 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB)

    1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB's

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    The Control Unit Decodes each program instruction, and then executes it by

    sending and/or retrieving data to/from memory locations orsections of the computer.

    Arithmetic Logic Unit Circuitry to perform +-*/ on only two numbers, or compare

    two numbers.

    Registers Part of control unit, not memory Very high speed storage locations. Used only in low level programming.


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    The Motherboard

    All processing unit components are placed on the motherboard and areconnected by something called a bus.

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    So, how does a Computer's CPU actually do something?

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    Secondary Storage Units

    Non-volatile (compared to RAM)

    Cheap per MB (compared to RAM/ROM)

    Convenient (compared to filing cabinet)

    Relatively fast (compared to filing cabinet)

    Slow compared to RAM

    There are two main classifications of secondary storage units:

    1. Direct Access devices:

    Data is located directly according to its address withoutreading through the other data.

    Example: magnetic or optical disk drives

    Advantages: fast access to data

    Disadvantages: easy to erase data

    More expensive than sequential devices(see below)

    2. Sequential Access devices:

    Data is located by reading from the beginning of the media

    until the desired data is located.

    Example: magnetic tape

    Advantages: cheap

    Disadvantages: very SLOOOOWWWW retrieval of data

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    Types of Sequential Access Storage Units:

    Magnetic Tape

    Cartridge tape

    Types of Direct Access Storage Units:

    Floppy Disks

    Hard Disks


    Magnetic-Optical drive

    PC Cards

    Smart Cards

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    Formatting a Disk

    All Direct Access Devises have to be "Formatting"

    Defines the tracks and sectors on the surface of the disk.

    Generally erases all data ('cleans' the disk)

    Creates FAT (File Allocation Table) and root directorystructure

    FAT contains information on sectors for each file plus freesectors



    This disk is dividedinto 18 sectors.

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    Magnetic and Cartridge Tape

    Thin plastic ribbon

    Sequential storage

    Support read and write


    Plastic Mylar or Polyester tape covered on one side with a magnetic

    coating (iron-oxide) that permits the recording of data

    Data can only be accessed sequentially (compare to disk)

    QIC (Quarter Inch Cartridges) and DAT (Digital Audio Tape formsare most common now.

    Storage 200MB to 10+GB

    Useful for:

    Are now used primarily for backing-up data and archivingfrom magnetic disks

    Distributing large programs

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    QIC records data in narrow tracks along the length of the tape.When the end is reached, the tape reverses direction and data isrecorded on the next track in the opposite direction. This is calledlongitudinal or serpentine recording.

    DAT drives use helical scan technology to record data across thewidth of the tape at a 6-degree angle.

    Older reel-to-reel tape drives record data across the width of thetape on 9 tracks.

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    Floppy Disks

    Consists of magnetic "platter" that rotates at speeds ofapproximately 360 rpm

    Read and Write heads is in close contact with the surface of thedisk or platter

    Usually very low capacity storage (usually around 1.44 MB)


    Paper Liner

    Rigid Plastic Shell

    Metal Hub

    Plastic Disk

    Magnetic Coating

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    Hard Disks

    Consists of magnetic "platter" that rotates at speeds of 3600+rpm

    Read and Write heads 'floats' over the surface of these platters

    Usually high capacity storage (range from 40MB to 10GB+)

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    Two types:

    1. Fixed

    What we think of as hard drives inside the computer box

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    2. Removable (disk cartridges such as Zip or Jazz disks)

    Zip disks:

    o Stores 100 - 250 MB;

    o This has become a kind of standard because somany have been sold.

    JAZZ disks:

    o Stores 1 or 2 GB.

    Disk Cartridge

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    Key differences between floppy disks and hard disks:

    Floppy disk: Head is in close contact with surface of the disk

    Hard disk: Heads "fly" on a film of air a fraction of a mm above

    the disk's surface.

    If head touches dirt or the disk then you have what iscalled a "head crash" which destroys the surface ofdisk and disk head.

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    o store 650 MB, or 74 minutes of CD quality music (so about9 MB/minute)

    CD-R (CD-Recordable):

    o these can be burned once. The media cost about $1 eachfor 650 MB, so media cost is negligible.

    CD-RW (CD-Rewrite):

    o these can be written over. They cost $10 or so each, andthus are a lot more costly than plain CD-R.


    o store the equivalent of 5-6 CD-ROMs.

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    Magnetic-Optical drive

    Combines magnetic and optical (laser) technology

    Magnetic field changes polarity of spot.

    Capacity ~ 500 MB - 2.3 GB

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    PC Cards

    Very small Most often used with portable computers Can store more than 300 MB of data

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    Smart Cards

    Credit card-sized devices that contain a microprocessor in thecenter left section.

    Microprocessor can store up to 8,000 bytes of information.

    Examples of uses -

    o Prepaid telephone card

    o Employee time and attendance tracking.

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    Input Units

    Input devices: These are peripheral equipment that allows data andinstructions to be entered into the computer.

    Allows the conversion of "human language" into"computer language"

    Two types of Input Device Classifications:

    1. Direct Machine data input Machines make better input devices

    2. Non-direct Human data entry Most often used method

    Examples of Direct Entry Input Devices:

    o Scanners (OCR - optical character readers)

    o Bar code readers

    o Microphones/Sound digitizers

    o 2D/3D-Digitizers

    o Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC's)

    o Voice recognition devices

    o Virtual Reality headsets and gloves

    o Sensors (pressure and/or heating sensors)

    o Others????

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    Examples of non-direct Entry Input Devices:

    o Keyboard

    o Mouse

    o Joystick

    o Touch sensitive screens

    o Light pens

    o Others????

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    Output Units

    Output devices: These are peripheral equipment that allows data fromthe computer to be converted to human readable


    Allows the conversion of "computer language" into"human language"

    Two types of Output Device Classifications:i. Hard Copy

    Printer Plotter Microfilm Film and VHS/video

    ii. Soft Copy Video Display Units (VDU's or "screens" or

    "monitors") Voice Sound Cards Another computer


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    Types of printers:

    Impact printersImpact a solid image of a character onto an inked ribbon upagainst the paper.

    i. Daisy wheel, band, chain and drum printers(Old technology)

    ii. Dot Matrix:Line of solid pins that moves across the page9 and 24 pin printersCan print graphics

    Non-impact printersNo physical contact between paper and printing deviceDot matrix concept used to form characters

    i. Laser

    ii. Ink jet

    iii. Thermal

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    Types of Video Display Units (VDU's):

    Also called screens, terminals, and monitors.

    Types of screens:

    Most common screencathode ray tube (CRT)

    Another screenliquid crystal display(LCD)Gas Plasma

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    Most CRT screens use a technology called raster-scan technology.

    The electron gun scans left to right/top to bottom across thescreen grid.

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    Communication Units

    Communication devices: These are peripheral equipment thatallows data from one computer to be

    transferred to another computer.

    Allows computers to "talk" to oneanother.

    Examples: Modems Network Cards (Ethernet cards) Serial Ports Parallel Ports

    SCSI PortsParallel port: used for the printer, external ZIP drives, scanners,

    and cameras. These use a 25-pin connector on thePC.

    Serial port: used for external modems, mice, and connectinginstruments. Most new ports use a 9-pin connector,but some older ones have a 25-pin connector.

    USB: (Universal Serial Bus) a faster and better connection

    that lets you changes components on the fly. Thecomputer should recognize the peripheral and notrequire re-booting. The connectors are smallrectangular plugs.

    SCSI: (Small Computer System Interface) less commonstandard for computers that requires interface cards

    that look like large printer connectors.

    Parallel Ports SCSI Port

    Serial Ports MIDI Port

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    Computers can send information in one of two ways:

    1. Synchronous

    2. Asynchronous

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    Glossary of Terms


    Arithmetic Logic Unit


    Central Processing Unit

    DLLDynamic-link Library:

    A feature of the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems and OS/2 that allows

    executable routines to be stored separately as files with DLL extensions and to be loaded

    only when needed by a program. A dynamic-link library has several advantages. First, it

    does not consume any memory until it is used. Second, because a dynamic-link library is

    a separate file, a programmer can make corrections or improvements to only that module

    without affecting the operation of the calling program or any other dynamic-link library.

    Finally, a programmer can use the same dynamic-link library with other programs.


    Dynamic RAM


    Erasable Programmable Read Only MemoryEmail

    Electronic MAIL


    Floating Point Operations Per Second


    File Transfer Protocol


    Acronym for Graphics Interchange Format.

    A graphics file format developed by CompuServe and used for transmitting raster images

    on the Internet. An image may contain up to 256 colors, including a transparent color.

    The size of the file depends on the number of colors actually used. The LZW

    compression method is used to reduce the file size still further.

    GIF images are often only 8 bit colour rather than 24 bit bit.

    Can contain hidden information that may be used by special applications.

    Can be animations, i.e. contain several images that are displayed in sequence.


    HyperText Transfer Protocol


    Integrated Circuit


    Joint Photographic Experts Group

    Acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group. An ISO/ITU standard for storing images in

    compressed form using a discrete cosine transform. JPEG trades off compression against loss; itcan achieve a compression ratio of 100:1 with significant loss and possibly 20:1 with little

    noticeable loss.


    Local Area Network


    Large Scale Integration


    Millions of Instructions Per Second

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    Acronym for Moving Pictures Experts Group.

    A set of standards for audio and video compression established by the Joint ISO/IEC Technical

    Committee on Information Technology. The MPEG standard has different types that have been

    designed to work in different situations.


    Most Significant Bit


    Network Filing System


    Optical Character Recognition


    Personal Computer Memory Card International Association


    Personal Digital Assistant


    Portable Network Graphics

    A file format for bit mapped graphic images, designed to be a replacement for the GIFformat,

    without the legal restrictions associated with GIF


    Random Access MemoryRISC

    Reduced Instruction Set Computer


    Read Only Memory


    Super Video Graphic Adapter

    .tif or .tiff

    Identifies bit map images in Tagged Image File FormatA standard file format commonly used for scanning, storage, and interchange of gray-scale

    graphic images. TIFF may be the only format available for older programs (such as older versions

    of MacPaint), but most modern programs are able to save images in a variety of other formats,

    such as GIFor JPEG.

    URLUniform Resource Location


    Video Display Unit


    Video Graphic Adapter


    Video RAM


    Write Once, Read Many


    World Wide Web