Download - Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Page 1: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

ComputationalFluidDynamics '94

Proceedings of the Second EuropeanComputational Fluid Dynamics Conference

5-8 September 1994, Stuttgart, Germany

Edited by

S. WagnerUniversitdt Stuttgart, Germany

E. H. HirschelDAS A AG, Miinchen, Germany

J. PeriauxDassault Aviation, France

R. PivaUniversita di Roma 'La Sapienza', Italy

JOHN WILEY & SONSChichester • New York • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore

Page 2: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The


Preface xvii


New Upwinding Scheme Based on theWave Particle SplittingN. Balakrishnan and S. M. Deshpande 1

A Spectral Method with Subcell Resolutionfor Shock Wave CalculationsP. S. Crossley, R. Sounders, D. M. Causonand C. G. Mingham 9

A Preconditioned GMRES Pressure Correction Algorithmfor Incompressible, Laminar and Turbulent FlowsK. C. Giannakoglou and K. D. Papailiou 16

The Comparison of Several Numerical Techniques forViscous and Inviscid FlowM. Huntk and K. Kozel 24

On Parallel Solution of the Euler EquationsE. Katzer 31

Fictitious Domain Methods with Application to CFDY. A. Kuznetsov 37

Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equationson Scalable Parallel ComputersA. Peters and H. Daniels 44

A Cell-Centered Finite Volume Multidimensional UpwindScheme and Its Application to Various Test ProblemsK. Sawada 49

A Simple Characteristic Flux Evaluation for Subsonic FlowJ. Sesterhenn, B. Miiller and H. Thomann 57

Page 3: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

A Triangular Spectral Element Method: Algorithmsand Flow SimulationsS. Sherwin and G. Karniadakis 62

A Flux Filter Scheme Applied to the Euler andNavier-Stokes EquationsA. Vinckier, J. Jacobsen and S. Wagner 70

Finite Different Methods

High Performance Algorithm of the Stabilized FiniteDifference Method for Turbulent Simulation withAeroelasticityT. Aratani 77

CFD-External Separated and Internal 3D IncompressibleFluid FlowsV. Gushchin, I. Kononov, P. Matyushin and I. Rodionova 81

Peculiar Velocity Based Upwind Method onUnstructured MeshesS. V. Raghurama Rao and S. M. Deshpande 89

Finite Element Methods

Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by AdaptiveFinite ElementsK. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97

On The Extension of the SUPG Finite Element Method toMultidimensional Hyperbolic SystemsJ.-C. Carette and H. Deconinck 105

Finite Element Solution of the Stokes Problem withCoriolis ForceR. Codina and O. Soto 113

Two- and Three-Dimensional Simulations of theIncompressible Navier-Stokes Equations basedon Stabilized MethodsL P. Franca, S. L. Frey and A. L. Madureira 121

High Performance Implementation of the UpwindFinite Element Scheme based on the Choiceof Up- and Downwind PointsS. Fujima and M. Tabata 129

Petrov-Galerkin FEM using Exponential Test Functionsfor Conservation Form of the Navier-StokesEquationsK. Kakuda 135

Finite Element Computation of Unsteady NaturalConvection in a CavityN. Kondo 141

vi Contents

Page 4: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Finite Element Solutionsfor High Speed Euler FlowsE. Onate, R. Codina and M. Vdsquez 149

Numerical Computations of Flow between an InnerRotating Cylinder and an Outer Axially GroovedCylinder: Comparison with Experimental Data/. Peres, V. Moulin andJ. Pecheux 157

Obtaining Higher Order Accuracy with Linear ShapeFunctions—A New Approach for TransientProblemsP. Rutschmann 165

A Flux Corrected Transport Finite Element Methodfor Multi-dimensional Gas DynamicsT. W. H. Sheu and C. C. Fang 170

Mixed and Stabilized Finite Element Approximationsto Axisymmetric Flow ProblemsM. Tabata 176

An Adaptive h-p Finite Element Method forViscoelastic Flows SimulationsV. Warichet and V. Legat 181

Boundary Element MethodsOn the Convergence of a Coupled Finite

Element-Boundary Element Method for theTransonic Full Potential FlowW. Wendland and C. Coclici 188

New Aspect of Boundary-Domain Integral Formulationfor Diffusion-Convection Equation/. lagar, M. Hribsersek and L Hkerget 196

Grid Generation And Adaptivity

Adaptive Meshing for N3S Fluid Mechanics CodeO. Bonnin, B. Metivet, G. Nicolas,F. Arnoux-Guisse and L. L. De Sousa 201

Application of The FAME Method to StoreRelease PredictionT. A. Blaylock and S. H. Onslow 209

Optimum Aerodynamic Shape Design for High SpeedFlows including Mesh AdaptivityG. Bugeda and E. Onate 217

A Numerical Method for Generating StructuredGrids of Desired Properties on Complex3-D SurfacesP. Chaviaropoulos, K. C. Giannakoglouand K. D. Papailiou 225

Contents vii

Page 5: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

A Finite Volume Method with Arbitrary PolygonalControl Volumes and High Order Reconstructionfor the Euler EquationsC. Helfand U. Kiister 234

Self Adaptive Flow Computations on Structured GridsR. Hentschel and E. H. Hirschel 242

A Stretching Function Approach to Harmonic GridGenerationR. Lehtimaki 250

A Fast and Flexible Mesh-Generation-System forNon-Complex ConfigurationsR. Lbsch and S. Wagner 258

Interactive Grid Generation for Complex ConfigurationsO. Brodersen, A. Findling and A. Ronzheimer 265

Transient Problems with Moving Boundaries usingAdaptive Unstructured MeshesR. Tilch, K. Morgan and N. P. Weatherill 273

Mesh Generation and Adaptive Remeshing by GeneticAlgorithms on Transonic Flow SimulationG. Winter, G. Montero, D. Cuesta andM. Galdn 281

Unstructured Grids

Comparison of High-Order Godunov-type Schemes forthe Euler Equations on Irregular MeshesB. Berde and M. Borrel 288

Numerical Simulation of MPD Thrusters onAdaptive Unstructured MeshC. Boie, M. Auweter-Kurtz, H. J. Kaeppelerand P. C. Sleziona 296

A Robust Finite Volume Method for Computationson Two-Dimensional Unstructured Hybrid MeshesL Flandrin, P. Charrier and B. Dubroca 301

A Linearity Preserving Wave-Model for theSolution of the Euler Equations on UnstructuredMeshesH. Paillere, H. Deconinck and A. Bonfiglioli 309

Mixed Discretization Multigrid Methods for TVD-Schemeson Unstructured GridsK. Riemslagh and E. Dick 317

Numerical Simulation of Viscous Incompressible Flowsusing a Pressure-Correction Method andUnstructured GridsN. Thomadakis and M. Leschziner 325

viii Contents

Page 6: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Convergence Acceleration Methods, Multigrid,Pre-Conditioning

Convergence Acceleration for Viscous Aerofoil Flowsusing an Unfactored MethodK. J. Badcock, I. C. Glover and B. E. Richards 333

Recent Developments in Convergence AccelerationTechniques for the Solution of the Eulerand Navier-Stokes EquationsF. Chalot, M. Mallet, M. Ravacholand B. Stoufflet 341

Convergence Acceleration of a 2D Euler/Navier-StokesSolver by Krylov Subspace MethodsE. Issman and G. Degrez 348

Comparison of Multigrid Solutions of the CompressibleNavier-Stokes Equations coupled to the k-eTurbulence Equations for Upwind- andCentral SchemesE. Dick, P. Herbosch, J. Steelant and C. Lacor 356

Numerical Advances in Newton Solvers for theNavier-Stokes EquationsX. Xu and B. E. Richards 363

Domain Decompositions

On the Application of the Multizone Modelling andthe Local Grid Refinement Technique forHigh-Lift Airfoil AnalysisM. Amato and L. Paparone 370

A Multi-block Methodology for Solving FlowProblems in Complex GeometriesB. B0rresen Jr. 377

Interpolation Schemes for Intergrid Boundary ValueTransfer applied to Unsteady Transonic FlowComputations on Overlaid Embedded GridsD. Wehr, R. Stangl and S. Wagner 383

Parallel Computing

A Parallel Framework for Unstructured Grid SolversD. A. Burgess, P. I. Crumpton and M. B. Giles 391

Solution of Gas Dynamics Problems on MassivelyParallel Computer SystemsB. N. Chetverushkin 397

A Unified Algorithm to Solve Compressible as well asIncompressible Navier-Stokes EquationsA. G. Churbanov and A. N. Pavlov 401

Contents ix

Page 7: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Parallel Computation of Inviscid Steady HypersonicFlows on KSR1F. El Dabaghi, M.-C. Druguet and D. Zeitoun 407

Parallel Computations of Unsteady FlowsA. Ecer, H. U. Akay and O. Selcuk 416

Finite Element Analysis of High Speed ViscousFlows in a Massive Parallel ComputerT. Fischer, E. Onate and J. Miquel 424

Results for the Navier-Stokes Solver ParNSS onWorkstation Clusters and IBM SP1 Using PVMJ. Hauser, M. Spel, J. Muylaert, R. D. WilliamsandH.-G.Paap 432

A Parallelized Lattice-Gas Solver for ReactiveMulti-Component-FlowM. Krafczyk and E. Rank 443

Towards An Efficient Modular ParallelNavier-Stokes SolverT. Michl and S. Wagner 449

Computation of Viscous Compressible Turbulent Flowsthrough Air Intake Ducts on Parallel Computer BPPSB. Uthup, S. M. Deshpande, A. G. Maratheand K. Rajesh 455

Boundary Layers And TransitionRealistic Numerical Simulation of Boundary-Layer

Transition ExperimentsH. Bestek, A. Thumm and M. Kloker 463

Direct Numerical Simulation of Airfoil SeparationBubblesU. Maucher, U. Rist and S. Wagner 471

Evolution of Coherent Structures in Flat-Plate BoundaryLayers with and without Pressure GradientD. Rempfer, M. Kloker, P. Stoll, H. BestekandS. Wagner 478

Simulation of Nonlinear Helical Waves in the Wakeof an Axisymmetric Bluff BodyV. Schwarz, H. Bestek and H. Fasel 487

Conditioned Navier-Stokes Equations for theCalculation of Transitional FlowsJ. Steelant and E. Dick 495

Simulations of Turbulence, Turbulence ModellingA Master Equation Approach to Statistical Fluid

Mechanics : Two-Dimensional TurbulenceH.-P. Breuer and F. Petruccione 503

x Contents

Page 8: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

The Effects of Turbulence Boundary Conditions onthe Flow within an Enclosure with VaryingBlockageC. E. I. Byrne and A. E. Holdo 509

Computational Modelling of Turbulent Flow inTurbomachine Passage with Low-ReTwo-Equation ModelsW. L. Chen, F. S. Lien and M. A. Leschziner 517

On the Influence of Compression and Rotation onInitially Isotropic Turbulence in a CylinderE. Giintsch and R. Friedrich 525

Numerical Simulation of Inclined Jets in a Crossflowusing a Reynolds Stress ModelL. S. Jansson and L Davidson 535

Evaluation of Three Turbulence Models for Afterbody/JetFlows, including Reynolds Stress ClosureN. E. May 543

Numerical Implementation of Second Moment ClosureTurbulence Model in the Industrial FiniteElement Code N3SN.-E. Rharif, D. Laurence and G. Pat 551

Direct Numerical Simulation of a 3D TurbulentFlow in a Driven Cavity at Re= 10,000R. W. C. P. Verstappen and A. E. P. Veldman 558

Turbulent Entrance Flow in a Channel: How toImprove the CFD ConceptM. Voigt and H. Herwig 566

Modelling of Oscillating Bluff Bodies in a TurbulentFlow5. J. Wakes, A. E. Holdo and T. M. Rashid 572

Euler Solutions

An Efficient Strategy for the Computation ofTransonic Flows around Complex AerospaceConfigurationsR. Collercandy 579

A Second-Order Upwind Scheme without Limiterfor the Steady Euler EquationsY. Huang, K. Khalfallah and A. Lerat 587

Properties of a Propellor Model in the StationaryEuler EquationsP. Lbtstedt 594

Contents xi

Page 9: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Navier-Stokes SolutionsA Matrix-Free Pressure Solver for the Incompressible

Navier-Stokes Equations : Applications to 2-D FlowsP. Chaviaropoulos 605

Iterative Solution Technique for Spectral-ElementPressure Operators at High Reynolds NumbersW. Couzy and M. O. Deville 613

Comparison Between a Pressure Correction and an ArtificialCompressibility/Characteristic Based Method inParallel Incompressible Fluid Flow ComputationsD. Drikakis and M. Schafer 619

Flow Simulation in a Model Reciprocating EngineJ. Yao and E. von Lavante 627

Three Dimensional Calculations of the Flow AroundSingle and Multiple Particle SystemsH. Nirschl, P. Kerschl, H. A. Dwyer and V. Denk 635

Vorticity-Vector Potential Formulation of the Navier-StokesEquations : A Numerical StudyR. Pasquetti 642

Flow Through an Engine Compartment: Comparisonof Numerical Results with MeasurementH. Reister 650

Multidimensional Upwind Dissipation Models for the2D Navier-Stokes EquationsP. Van Ransbeeck and C. Hirsch 655

Unsteady FlowsA Novel Fully Implicit Multigrid Driven Algorithm

for Unsteady Incompressible Flow CalculationsA. A. Belov, L. Martinelli and A. Jameson 663

Simulation of Unsteady Toroidal Shock WaveInteractions using Local Adaptive UnstructuredTechniqueA. Fursenko, D. Sharov, E. Timofeev andP. Voinovich 671

Numerical Analysis of Transient Gas Flow in aPressure Wave RefrigeratorA. Galyukov, E. Timofeev and P. Voinovich 678

Numerical Modelization of Unsteady Lift ofSupersonically Moving Slender Body dueto the Interaction with Variable PressureProfile WavesV. N. Golubkin 685

xii Contents

Page 10: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Error Analysis and Numerical Tests for theApproximation of Unsteady IncompressibleViscous Flow by means of Projection MethodsJ.-L. Guermond and C. Tenaud 687

Numerical Solution of Compressible Flowspast a Deformable BodyT. Nishitani and N. Satofuka 695

Steady and Unsteady Two-Dimensional FlowCalculations using an Explicit FractionalStep AlgorithmG. Simandirakis, F. Dejean, C. VassilopoulosK. C. Giannakoglou and K. D. Papiliou 701

Vortex Dynamics And Separated Flows

Analysis of Vortex Sound by means of a VortexParticle Method

; S. Huberson, K. P. Pothou and S. G. Voutsinas 711t

i Numerical Simulation of the Unsteady Vortex BreakdownJ using a Free Divergence Velocity-Vorticity 3DI Navier-Stokes Formulation[ R. Lerible, J. Fontaine and L. Ta Phuoc 719I A Numerical Investigation of the Karman Vortex Streetj in Shear Flow and Comparison with Experimentst U. Peters, H. Nirschl, H. A, Dwyer and V. Denk 726

Hypersonic Flows And Gas KineticsUsing Kinetically-Consistent Difference Schemes

for the Prediction of Moderately RarefiedGas Flows/. V. Abalakin and B. N. Chetverushkin 734

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of RarefiedHypersonic Flow about an ASTV Re-Entry BodyA. Chpoun, L. Cohen, J. C. Lengrand, J. AllegreandM.Raffin Til

Coupled Flow- and Radiation Field Computationsin Hypersonic FlowsT. H. Gogel and E. W. Messerschmid 744

Initial Efforts in Computing the Flow Field of aThermal Airjet ThrusterT. M. Golz, M. Auweter-Kurtz andP. C. Sleziona 753

Real Gas Effects on the Aerodynamics of ConcaveBodies in the Transitional RegimeM. S. Ivanov, S. F. Gimelshein andG. N. Markelov 759

Contents xiii

Page 11: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Compressibility Corrections for Two-Equation Modelsfor Hypersonic Turbulent FlowsB. Mohammadi and O. Pironneau 768

New Mathematical Model for Numerical Simulation 3DHypersonic Viscous Gas Flow over Complex BodiesS. Peigin and A. Borodin 776

Three Dimensional Hypersonic Viscous Flow Computationson a Parallel MachineS. K. Saxena and K. Ravi 782

Numerical Model for an MPD Thruster CalculationP. C. Sleziona, M. Auweter-Kurtz andH. O. Schrade 790

Hypersonic Viscous Flow with Nonequilibrium CouplingEffectsD. Zeitoun, E. Schall, Y. Burtschell and M. C. Druguet 796

Combustion And Reacting FlowsNumerical Simulation of Reacting Swirled Flow

under Unsteady ConditionsV. Arkhipov and O. Matvienko 803

Turbulent Reacting Flow Modeling in Gas Turbine CombustorsX. S. Bai and L. Fuchs 807

Navier-Stokes Modeling of 2D and 3D Reactive Nozzle Flowon the Basis of Compressibility Scaling MethodYu. Egorov, A. Kuznetsov, M. Shur, M. Strelets and L. Zaykov 815

Numerical Simulation of Reacting Flows in Coal-Fired UtilityBoilers using a Domain Decomposition MethodR. Schneider, B. Risio, U. Schnell and K. R. G. Hein 823

Prediction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions by Flamelet BasedProceduresK. J. Syed and A. C. Benim 831

Internal FlowsA Numerical Analysis of the Labyrinth Seal Flow

A. C. Benim and M. Arnal 839

Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Axisymmetric InternalFlow with Heat Transfer and SwirlE. A. Shabana and M. M. Hafez 847

Navier-Stokes Simulation of Subsonic Turbulent Flowthrough a Wind Tunnel Test SectionB. Miiller 857

xiv Contents

Page 12: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Free Surface FlowsOn Mechanism of Oscillations Energy Dissipation of

Liquid in A Tank, Models, Estimates andNumerical Results/. Bogoryad 864

A Source Term for the Computational Modelling of theFlow Generated by a Liquid Droplet Impingingon a Liquid SurfaceM. H. Davies, M. J. Painter and M. A. Wahab 868

A Direct BEM Formulation for Nonlinear Free SurfaceFlow Near Fixed or Floating StructuresC. Haack, O. Mahrenholtz and V. Schlegel 873

A Finite Element Technique combined with a Marker-ParticleMethod for the Solution of Water-Entry Problemsof Rigid BlocksT. Nakayama and M. Mori 880

Drops Moving in Flow with Chemical ReactionP. Neittaanmaki and V. Rivkind 888


Adaptive Finite Volume Method for the Numerical Solutionof the Compressible Euler EquationsJ. Felcman, V. Dolejsi and M. Feistauer 894

Calculation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow inTurbomachinesR. Greim, H. Schulz and W. Volgmann 902

A Linear Euler Method for Analysis of Unsteady Flowin an Oscillating CascadeP. Groth 910

Unsteady Euler and Navier-Stokes Flow Simulationswith an Implicit Runge-Kutta MethodN. Liamis and V. Couaillier 917

Algorithm Development for Inverse Computationof Transonic Flow in TurbomachineryE. Schmidt and H.-D. Grein 925

Calculation of Turbulent Internal Flows with a NewThree-Dimensional Implicit Upwind Navier-Stokes SolverE. Scholl, H. -H. Fruhaufand Z. Feng 93 3

Two-Phase Flows

A Euler 3D-Asymptotic Model Describing a DispersedTwo-Phase Flow in a DuctA. H. R. Boutekedjiret, M. Haboussi andR. Djellouli 941

Contents xv

Page 13: Computational Fluid Dynamics '94 · 2007. 3. 16. · Finite Element Methods Entropy Stable Gas Dynamics Simulations by Adaptive Finite Elements K. Banas and L. Demkowicz 97 On The

Towards A Numerical Model of Powder Snow AvalanchesF. Hermann, D. Issler and S. Keller 948

Three Dimensional Flow Around a Rigid Sphere and aBubble Fixed on a WallM. Lutz, H. Nirschl, P. Kerschl and V. Denk 956

Application of the Spectral Multi-Domain Method toFlows in Crystal Growth SystemsP. Larroude, I. Raspo, J. Ouazzani and R. Peyret 964

A Numerical Method for the Study of Two-Phase Flowin Heat ExchangersA. Torres, J.-B. Cazalbou and P. Chassaing 971

Non-Newtonian Flows

Numerical Simulation of Creeping Non-Newtonian FluidFlow with Free SurfaceM. Alies, A. Lipanov and Y. Konstantinov 978

Finite Volume Method for Simulation of Non-NewtonianFluid FlowS. Bschorer and P. O. Brunn 981

On Viscoelastic Fluid Flow Simulation using the FiniteVolume MethodM. Resch and U. Kiister 989

Environmental FlowsNumerical Investigation of the Interaction between

Adjacent Cooling Tower PlumesR. B. Bornoffand M. R. Mokhtarzadeh-Dehghan 994

Numerical Simulation of Downbursts using aTerrain-Following Coordinate TransformationY. Horibata and H. Oikawa 1002

3D Simulation of the Interaction between Large ThermallyBuoyant Clouds in the Earth AtmosphereA. Kuznetsov, D. Niculin, M. Strelets and M. Zatevakhin 1010

Optimum DesignNumerical Optimization of the Suction Distribution

for LFC AerofoilsP. Hackenberg, O. R. Tutty and P. A. Nelson 1018

Towards Complete Shape Optimisation of FrancisTurbine Spiral CasingL Sopta and Z. Mrsa 1025

xvi Contents