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  • 8/13/2019 Comps Answers for Holt


    Sean NaltyComprehensive Exam Answers for Professor HoltMarch 6, 200

    Part !, "#estion 2

    St#$ents are to rea$ %oo&s in their entirety #nless otherwise note$'

    (ea$in) *ist for Comin) of the Civil +ar Collo#i#m-

    +ee& .- !ntro$#ction to the Pro%lem of Civil +ar Ca#sation

    (ecommen$e$ (ea$in)- Michael Perman /e$', The Coming of the American Civil War/! wo#l$ enco#ra)e st#$ents to rea$ only selections that cover historio)raphy #p to .10

    +ee& 2- An Era of 3oo$ or !ll 4eelin)5

    3eor)e an)erfiel$, The Era of Good Feelings/! wo#l$ have st#$ents rea$ selections, especially the chapters that show nationalism3lover Moore, The Missouri Controversy

    +ee& 7- 8he Mar&et (evol#tion an$ !ts (ole in 4or)in) a New National Party System

    Harry +atson,Liberty and Power*ee 9enson, The Concet of !ac"sonian #emocracy

    +ee& :- Antislavery (eform an$ the Proslavery 9ac&lash

    ;ames Stewart,$oly Warriors+illiam 4reehlin),Prelude to Civil War

    +ee& - 8he (ise of the Secon$ American Party System

    ;ames (' Sharp, The !ac"sonians %ersus the &an"s+illiam Cooper, The 'outh and the Politics of 'lavery/! wo#l$ have st#$ents rea$ only the chapters in Cooper that cover events #p to .s? /Expansion as a Har%in)er of oom5

    4re$eric& Mer&,Manifest #estiny and Mission in American $istory;onathan Earle,!ac"sonian Antislavery and the Politics of Free 'oil/! wo#l$ as& st#$ents to concentrate especially on Earle@s later chapters

    +ee& - 8he evelopment of So#thern an$ Northern Nationalism

    ;ohn McCar$le, The (dea of a 'outhern )ation

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    S#sanMary 3rant,)orth over 'outh

    +ee& nfort#nately, there $oes not exist many recent wor&s

    that partic#larly foc#s on the perio$ from .

  • 8/13/2019 Comps Answers for Holt


    )eneral political, $iplomatic, economic, an$ social $evelopments after .'S' history, especially )iven the way in which the post+ar of .

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    within the American p#%lic at lar)e' Here, ! wo#l$ choose a classic of the =new political

    history,? *ee 9enson@s The Concet of !ac"sonian #emocracyto offer an important

    corrective to the ol$ Pro)ressive an$ neoPro)ressive foc#s on the economic $isp#tes

    %etween the parties' 9enson@s intensive st#$y of New or& an$ partic#larly the rise of

    AntiMasonry aro#n$ the time that Charles 4inney starts to lea$ the revivals in the

    =9#rne$ Dver istrict? wo#l$ help st#$ents )rasp an important social %ase for the later

    +hi) an$ (ep#%lican parties' ! co#l$ then as& st#$ents to $isc#ss why AntiMasonry

    too& hol$ thro#)ho#t the North an$ how it, alon) with the revision of state constit#tions

    to a%olish property #alifications for votin) an$ offices, serve$ to %rin) or$inary citiFens

    into the $emocratic process'

    !n my fo#rth wee&, ! wo#l$ trace the rise of another form of reformmin$e$

    protest an$ its so#thern response- political antislavery an$ the proslavery ar)#ment'

    +ith the incl#sion of ;ames Stewart@s$oly Warriors, ! can provi$e st#$ents a short

    s#mmary of the rise of antislavery sentiment an$ the fatef#l $ecision to en)a)e in

    political activism' 8hro#)h Stewart@s %oo&, ! mi)ht as& the st#$ents as to why the

    antislavery movement fract#re$ rather than completely #nite %ehin$ either men li&e

    +illiam *loy$ 3arrison or ;osh#a (oot 3i$$in)s, lea$ers of two respective strate)ies of

    imme$iatism, apolitical confrontation thro#)h newspapers an$ leaflets an$ political

    pra)matism in Con)ress in opposin) the fe$eral )a) r#le' St#$ents mi)ht also )ain a

    %etter sense for the ways in which coloniFation an$ a%olitionism were relate$ aims in the

    min$s of reformers' !n or$er to )a#)e so#thern slavehol$er response to the a%olitionists,

    ! wo#l$ not hesitate to assi)n +illiam 4reehlin)@s masterf#lPrelude to Civil War'

    8hro#)h his #alifie$ reection of the ol$ tariff%ase$ ar)#ment for the ori)ins of the

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    N#llification Controversy, 4reehlin) serves to hi)hli)ht the threat that a%olitionists an$

    political antislavery lea$ers pose$ to So#th Carolinians an$ other so#therners' 8racin)

    how the conflict over tariffs #ltimately revolve$ aro#n$ the So#th Carolinian in$irect

    $efense of slavery, this st#$y of N#llification an$ the s#%se#ent efforts of so#thern

    politicians to o%tain a )a) r#le over a%olition petitions wo#l$ provi$e a parallel to the

    iss#es that Stewart@s %oo& serves to raise'

    Even with the rise of sectional attit#$es thro#)h the N#llification Controversy, !

    thin& it is imperative that st#$ents #n$erstan$ that the chief attention for many northern

    an$ so#thern whites was how +hi)s an$ emocrats $ivi$e$ over monetary an$ fiscal

    matters' 8he Panic of .

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    provi$es m#ch fo$$er for st#$ents to consi$er a%o#t the ori)ins an$ $evelopment of the

    ;ac&sonian Era party system'

    Now in the sixth wee&, ! hope to intro$#ce st#$ents to the pivotal %attles over

    westwar$ expansion in the .

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    #ite comprehensive The (dea of a 'outhern )ationoffers a #sef#l overview of the ways

    in which so#thern nationalists trie$ to infl#ence so#thern reli)ion, literat#re, economic

    $evelopment, as well as politics in the years after .nion'

    Still, st#$ents mi)ht come away from McCar$le@s %oo& with the lon)stan$in) scholarly

    impression that sectionalism was somehow a profo#n$ly so#thern phenomenon, as

    evi$ence$ in the writin)s of s#ch )reat historians as Genneth Stampp' !n or$er to co#nter

    this %elief an$ provi$e a stim#latin) $isc#ssion of =nationalism? an$ =sectionalism,? !

    wo#l$ then co#nter%alance McCar$le with S#sanMary 3rant@s)orth 3ver 'outh, a fine

    treatment in the ways in which northerners viewe$ the So#th thro#)h a sectional not

    necessarily national lens' Her attention to the pro%lem of a northern =sectionalism? can

    also point to how the polariFe$ climate of .

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    i$eolo)y was the )l#e that hel$ northern antislavery politicians an$ voters to)ether

    $espite the hetero$ox political ori)ins /i'e' AntiMason, +hi), emocratic, *i%erty, 4ree

    Soil, GnowNothin) of many in the coalition' His contention that the rise of the

    (ep#%licans somehow represente$ a new =i$eolo)ical? perio$ of politics %ase$ #pon

    f#n$amental $ifferences over slavery an$ its expansion presents a compellin) iss#e that

    Holt@s wor& $irectly spea&s to an$ see&s to re%#t' Another area of $isa)reement that

    co#l$ prove very enli)htenin) to st#$ents is what %oth a#thors have to say a%o#t the

    relationship %etween nativism an$ antislavery in the .pper So#th mi)ht

    $ispel the myth of complete so#thern #nity prior an$ even $#rin) the Civil +ar' 8he

    possi%ility of alternative $ecisions %y political lea$ers, especially the tantaliFin) prospect

    of A%raham *incoln appointin) an anti(ep#%lican so#therner to his Ca%inet, sho#l$

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    provi$e m#ch room for spec#lation an$ critical thin&in) on the part of st#$ents' Df

    co#rse, to %alance thin)s o#t, ! wo#l$ also assi)n 9ertram +yatt9rown@s 1an"ee 'aints

    and 'outhern 'inners, which famo#sly post#lates that existence of a so#thern =honor

    c#lt#re? impelle$ white so#therners to treat northern $enials of e#al access to the fe$eral

    territories as a personal re%#&e that #stifie$ secession' 8he white so#thern fear of %ein)

    %ran$e$ a =s#%missionist? in lea)#e with 9lac& (ep#%licanism can also $raw st#$ents

    towar$ the relationship %etween racial fears an$ so#thern violence'

    (ea$in) *ist for (econstr#ction after the Civil +ar-

    +ee& .- !ntro$#ction- +hose (econstr#ction5

    /Here ! wo#l$ as& st#$ents to $efine what they thin& the term =reconstr#ction? means

    +ee& 2- 8he Pro%lem of So#thern Self(econstr#ction in .

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    +illiam #nnin),0econstruction

    +ee& - So#thern Politics an$ the Pro%lem of the Color*ine

    +'E'9' #9ois,&lac" 0econstruction in America

    /! wo#l$ have st#$ents rea$ selecte$ chapters, especially =8he 9lac& Proletariat in So#thCarolina? an$ =8he Propa)an$a of History?Michael Perman, The 0oad to 0edemtion


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    an$ so#thern politicians $#rin) the Secession Crisis' Examinin) yo#n) so#therners also

    from the >pper So#th an$ specifically from Bir)inia, Carmichael explores how a

    )eneration comin) of a)e conscio#sly reecte$ the mo$eration of their ol$ >nionist

    parents an$ politicians an$ ea)erly em%race$ secession in .nion' Mar& 3rimsley@s The $ard $and of War,

    while a$mitte$ly a%o#t military strate)y towar$ civilians $oes offer some important

    insi)hts into the way that the process of fi)htin) helpe$ en)en$er %itter hatre$s on %oth

    si$es that wo#l$ impair attempts at reconciliation' Partic#larly, his passa)es that cover

    the passa)e of the Confiscation Acts an$ the prom#l)ation of the *ie%er Co$e /.

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    emancipation' 4rom personal experience, ! can say that Michael Boren%er)@sFinal

    Freedom$oes a fine o% of presentin) the revol#tionary implications of emancipation

    #pon American political an$ constit#tional $evelopment' 8ho#)h a slim vol#me,

    Boren%er)@s %oo& caref#lly traces the wheelin) an$ $ealin) of the *incoln

    A$ministration, (ep#%licans an$ +ar emocrats in Con)ress, an$ a%olitionists in

    effectin) the 8hirteenth Amen$ment' His cr#cial insi)ht that the amen$ment presa)e$ a

    chan)e in the way or$inary Americans loo&e$ at their Constit#tion is partic#larly #sef#l

    in stim#latin) f#rther $isc#ssion' 8#rnin) from the halls of Con)ress to con$itions on the

    )ro#n$ for the free$men themselves, (o)er (ansom an$ (ichar$ S#tch@s 3ne 4ind of

    Freedom$isplays the nee$ of so#thern planters an$ free$men to form a s#ita%le wor&

    arran)ement after the $emise of slavery' +hile many aspects of so#thern life will

    event#ally )et reconstr#cte$, the ol$ instit#tion of slavery was not one of them, an$ th#s

    poorer whites an$ %lac&s fo#n$ themselves as sharecroppers force$ to pro$#ce cotton in

    or$er to satisfy the $esires of )eneral store merchants who hel$ a monopoly on postwar

    cre$it' 8he experiences of whites an$ %lac&s in the So#th after the Civil +ar lar)ely

    reflecte$ the wi$esprea$ poverty an$ fixation of the re)ion@s elite #pon the res#mption of

    cotton pro$#ction'

    Aro#n$ the halfway point, then, my co#rse wo#l$ only %e)in to $isc#ss the

    impact of post.

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    %oth an 8' Carter@s )oo$ %oo& When the War Was 3veras well as Eric 4oner@s

    ma)isterial0econstruction' Carter $oes an excellent o% with reco)niFin) the stren)ths

    an$ limitations inherent in the concept of so#thern selfreconstr#ction after .

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    towar$ reco)niFin) how the policies of Con)ress were frame$ %y Mo$erates who may

    have prevente$ a more thoro#)h)oin) process of reconstr#ction towar$ the $efeate$

    white So#th' 8o this en$, st#$ent $isc#ssions mi)ht foc#s #pon the intentions an$ act#al

    o#tcomes of $e%ates to pass the Civil (i)hts 9ill of .

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    +hile some co#rses spen$ consi$era%le time on events in the So#th, ! happen to

    thin& that events in the North an$ +est also carrie$ a maor /if not $ominant infl#ence

    #pon the form#lation of policy in +ashin)ton' 8he postwar North experience$ a rise in

    immi)ration levels after the war an$ this in t#rn le$ to the )rowin) clo#t of or)aniFe$

    la%or in the A)e of (econstr#ction' avi$ Mont)omery@s fine&eyond E5ualitys#))ests

    one reason for the northern wanin) interest in the pro%lem of reconstr#ction thro#)h his

    emphasis on the specter of class conflict over the meanin) of free la%or' +hen most

    (ep#%licans ref#se to ac&nowle$)e the ri)ht to collective %ar)ain an$ stri&e, the ei)ht

    ho#r $ay, or p#rs#e so#thern lan$ confiscation to its f#llest extent, the interests of the

    la%orers of the National *a%or >nion %e)an to $iver)e from the (a$ical (ep#%licans'

    Part of explainin) this apparent fiscal conservatism of (ep#%licans m#st rest with some

    #n$erstan$in) of the ori)ins of the *i%eral (ep#%lican movement after the war' 8hro#)h

    An$rew Slap@s#oom of 0econstruction, st#$ents )ain a %etter appreciation for the way in

    which i$eas of laisseFfaire political economy )aine$ wi$e cre$ence amon) elite

    northerners after .

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    it, 8release@s len)thy st#$y properly points o#t how $iffic#lt any consistent policy towar$

    white so#thern violence was %o#n$ to %e after .

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    of a maor thir$party challen)e seems excee$in)ly rare, voters in the nineteenthcent#ry

    m#st have )reete$ these #pstart or)aniFations as a fairly ro#tine matter for Americans to

    express their $issatisfaction with the c#rrent political lea$ership'

    Dne example of s#ch a protest movement is the AntiMasonry movement of the

    late .

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    8he creation of the *i%erty party after the AntiMasons %e)an to oin with the

    +hi)s, hi)hli)hts the small, %#t )rowin) importance of antislavery sentiment within the

    political system' 8he mem%ers of the *i%erty party compose$ those a%olitionists,

    incl#$in) Salmon P' Chase an$ 4re$eric& o#)lass, who co#l$ simply not a%i$e %y the

    $ict#m of the followers of +illiam *loy$ 3arrison that en)a)ement in partisan politics

    wo#l$ prove to %e a compromise of principle' 8his split ha$ first occ#rre$ in the .

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    ;ames Pol&' Dnce in office, however, Pol& mana)e$ to an)er westerners thro#)h his veto

    of rivers an$ har%ors improvements, protariff emocrats in Pennsylvania with the

    +al&er 8ariff, an$ the few remainin) conservative emocrats thro#)h his rea#thoriFation

    of the !n$epen$ent 8reas#ry system' 8he Ban 9#ren men increasin)ly felt incense$ %y

    the patrona)e the Pol& A$ministration )ave to their New or& rivals, the H#n&ers, which

    incl#$e$ Secretary of +ar +illiam *' Marcy' +hen the H#n&ers attempte$ to $eny the

    Ban 9#ren =9arn%#rners? a chance to press for the +ilmot Proviso at Her&imer /Dcto%er


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    D#t of the former 4ree Soilers an$ those remainin) northern emocrats an$

    +hi)s who resente$ the ha#)htiness of the =Slave Power,? the (ep#%lican party emer)e$

    o#t of a series of antiNe%ras&a splinter parties that rose #p a)ainst the passa)e of

    Stephen o#)las@s GansasNe%ras&a Act in May .

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    an$ $an)ers to the rep#%lic, the hyperpatriotic GnowNothin)s starte$ o#t as a series of

    fraternal lo$)es that #ic&ly )rew into a mass political movement' 8he GnowNothin)s

    #r)e$ a len)thenin) of the perio$ of nat#raliFation for forei)ners as well as an en$ to the

    papal infl#ence of Catholic lea$ers li&e New or&@s Arch%ishop ;ohn H#)hes thro#)h

    the nativist $eman$ for an en$ to p#%lic ai$ of parochial schools an$ incl#sion of only the

    Gin) ;ames 9i%le in p#%lic schools' 8he party /later %ran$e$ =American? #n$erwent a

    meteoric rise, capt#rin) control of states li&e Massach#setts in .

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    Constit#tional >nionists as a competitive force with the 9rec&inri$)e emocrats' !n the

    en$, tho#)h, the secession of the eep an$ later >pper So#th ha$ ero$e$ whatever force

    the party ha$ to effect f#t#re elections' 8he tas& for creatin) a %isectional =>nion? party

    th#s fell #pon the (ep#%lican a$ministration of A%raham *incoln'

    After the Civil +ar, however, the (ep#%licans ha$ proven themselves an

    en$#rin) maority in northern politics' 8he fee%le competitiveness of the northern

    emocracy, with its so#thern win) still limite$ %y the threat of fe$eral intervention ha$

    provi$e$ the context for a potential $ivision within the ran&s of the $ominant

    (ep#%licans' 8he *i%eral (ep#%lican %olt occ#rre$ first in Misso#ri as formerly ra$ical

    politicians li&e Carl Sch#rF an$ 9enamin 3ratF 9rown so#)ht to win over $isfranchise$

    exConfe$erates there thro#)h a lenient policy of amnesty an$ reconciliation' 8he #se of

    fe$eral power in the Military (econstr#ction Act of .

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    allowe$ protectionist an$ Horace 3reeley to )ain the nomination in May .

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    c#rrency from I:0 million to I700 million over a perio$ of : years %efore a ret#rn to

    )ol$ converti%ility, Sherman also remove$ any caps on the n#m%er of national %an&notes

    in circ#lation' 8h#s free %an&in) came at the cost of )reen%ac& re$#ction, which prove$

    no compromise to the )reen%ac& a$vocates' +ith the res#mption of specie, the mem%ers

    of the 3reen%ac& party ran their own presi$ential can$i$ate in .nfort#nately,

    the 9laineAllison Silver P#rchase Act of .

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    panacea of free silver an$ achieve$ f#sion with the emocrats #n$er +illiam ;ennin)s

    9ryan in .