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AFNOR (France)


Reference documents:RDA Toolkit [abridged: RDA]FRBR Review Group. Final Report of the Working Group on Aggregates. 2011 [abridged: Aggregates]


1.1 Manifestations embodying a limited number of works

When a manifestation embodies a limited number of works, RDA describes each work separately, if they are works by one person, family, or corporate body (see RDA and

See RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of the Work > Preferred Title for the Work > Recording the Preferred Title for a Compilation of Works of One Person, Family, or Corporate Body> Other Compilations of Two or More WorksFor a compilation consisting of: a) two or more but not all the works of one person, family, or corporate body, in a particular formorb) two or more but not all the works of one person, family, or corporate body, in various formsrecord the preferred title for each of the works in the compilation applying the basic instructions on recording titles of works given under 6.2.1 .  EXAMPLEDirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency First work in a compilation also containing Douglas Adams’s Long dark tea-time of the soulLong dark tea-time of the soul Second work by Douglas Adams in the same compilation  Alternative Instead of (or in addition to) recording the preferred title for each of the works in the compilation, record a conventional collective title as instructed under or , as applicable, followed by Selections.  EXAMPLENovels. Selections

See also RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of a Musical Work > Preferred Title for a Musical Work > Compilations of Musical Works> Incomplete CompilationsFor compilations corresponding to the categories covered under– that are incomplete, identify each of the works in the compilation separately applying the instructions given under–


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EXAMPLERenaissance concertoSalomon Rossi suiteOrpheus and EuridiceResource described: Orchestral works / by Lukas Foss Alternative Instead of (or in addition to) recording the preferred title for each of the works in the compilation, record a conventional collective title as instructed under– , as applicable, followed by Selections.

EXAMPLEOrchestra music. Selections Resource described: Orchestral works / by Lukas Foss

RDA applies the same treatment to works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies, only if there is no collective title (see RDA

See RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Constructing Access Points to Represent Works and Expressions > Authorized Access Point Representing a Work > Compilations of Works by Different Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies If the compilation lacks a collective title, construct separate access points for each of the works in the compilation.


Baden, Conrad. Symphonies, no. 6 First work in a compilation without a collective title also containing Symphony no. 3 by Hallvard Johnsen and Symphony no. 2 by Bjarne Brustad

Johnsen, Hallvard. Symphonies, no. 3, op. 26 Second work in the same compilation

Brustad, Bjarne. Symphonies, no. 2 Third work in the same compilation

1.2 Manifestations embodying compilations of many works

For compilations with many works, RDA considers that there is an aggregating work which corresponds to the compilation. But this not made explicit and the rules are scattered and not always consistent.

1.2.1 Compilations of works by one person, family, or corporate body

RDA provides rules for compilations of works by one person, family, or corporate body, through the rules on the preferred title (see RDA and aggregating work is identified, either by the title used in resources embodying that compilation or in reference sources, or by a conventional collective title. (See RDA and

See RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of the Work > Preferred Title for the Work > Recording the Preferred Title for a Compilation of Works of One Person, Family, or Corporate BodyIf a compilation of works has become known by a title through use in resources embodying that compilation or in reference sources, apply the instructions given under– . For other compilations, record the preferred title for a compilation of works applying the instructions given under– , as applicable. Complete Works

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Record the conventional collective title Works as the preferred title for a compilation of works that consists of, or purports to be, the complete works of a person, family, or corporate body, including those that are complete at the time of publication. Complete Works in a Single FormRecord one of the following conventional collective titles as the preferred title for a compilation of works (other than music, see ) that consists of, or purports to be, the complete works of a person, family, or corporate body, in one particular form. CorrespondenceEssaysNovelsPlaysPoemsProse worksShort storiesSpeechesIf none of the above is appropriate, record an appropriate specific collective title (e.g., Posters, Fragments, Encyclicals).If the compilation consists of two or more but not all the works of one person, family, or corporate body in a particular form, apply the instructions given under

See also RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of a Musical Work > Preferred Title for a Musical Work > Compilations of Musical Works6. Recording the Preferred Title for Compilations of Musical WorksIf a compilation of musical works has become known by a title through use in resources embodying that compilation or in reference sources, apply the instructions given under– . For other compilations, record the preferred title for a compilation of musical works applying the instructions given under– , as applicable. Complete WorksFor a compilation that consists of, or purports to be, the complete musical works of a composer, including those that are complete at the time of publication, record the conventional collective title Works. Works of Various Types for One Broad MediumFor a compilation that consists of, or purports to be, all the works in one broad medium by a composer, record the designation of that medium as the conventional collective title.

EXAMPLEChamber music


Choral music Use Choral music also for compilations of various types of works originally for one choral medium, with or without accompaniment

Instrumental music

Keyboard music

Vocal music Use Vocal music also for compilations of various types of works originally for one solo voice or one combination of solo voices, with or without accompaniment Works of Various Types for One Specific Medium For a compilation that consists of, or purports to be, all the works for one specific medium by a composer, record a conventional collective title generally descriptive of that medium.

EXAMPLEBrass musicOrchestra musicPiano musicPiano music, 4 handsPiano music, pianos (2)String quartet music

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Violin, piano music

A title is artificially provided for a consecutively numbered group of works (see RDA

See RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of a Musical Work > Preferred Title for a Musical Work > Compilations of Musical Works6. Works of One Type for One Specific Medium or Various MediaFor a compilation that consists of, or purports to be, all the works of one type by a composer, record the name of that type as the conventional collective title.

EXAMPLEConcertosMotion picture musicMusicalsOperasPolonaisesQuartetsSonatasSongs

If the compilation consists of a consecutively numbered group, record the inclusive numbering following the name of the type.


Sonatas, piano, no. 6–10 Resource described: Sonates pour piano 6 à 10 / Alexandre Scriabine

Symphonies, no. 1–3 Resource described: First, Second, and Third symphonies / Ludwig van Beethoven

RDA regards the titles proper of the manifestations that embody the compilation as variant access points for that aggregating work, when its preferred title is a conventional collective title (see RDA 6.2.3 and, 6.14.3 and

See RDA 6.2.3IDENTIFYING WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of the Work > Variant Title for the Work6.2.3.1 Scope A variant title for the work▼ is a title or form of title by which a work is known that differs from the title or form of title chosen as the preferred title for the work. Sources of InformationTake variant titles for a work from any source. General Guidelines on Recording Variant Titles for WorksRecord variant titles for works applying the basic instructions on recording titles of works given under 6.2.1 .Record as a variant title for the work a title or form of title under which the work has been issued or cited in reference sources, or resulting from a different transliteration of the title, if it is different from the title recorded as the preferred title for that work.

ExceptionRecord a title appearing on a manifestation of the work as a variant title for the work only if it differs significantly from the preferred title and the work itself might reasonably be sought under that title. For instructions on recording the title proper and other titles appearing on the manifestation see 2.3 .

Apply the additional specific instructions given under– and those given in preceding sections of this chapter, as applicable.

For instructions on using a variant title for the work to construct a variant access point representing a work, see 6.27.4 . Alternative Linguistic Form of Title for the Work

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[...] Other Variant Title for the WorkRecord other variants and variant forms of the title recorded as the preferred title not covered under , as required.


Personal history of David Copperfield Preferred title recorded as: David Copperfield

Encyclopædia Britannica Films presents Historical America in song Preferred title recorded as: Historical America in song

2 towersLord of the rings. Two towers Preferred title recorded as: Two towers

Three men and a baby Preferred title recorded as: 3 men and a baby

Book of Mac Carthy ReaghBook of Mac Cárthaigh RiabhachLismore, Book of Preferred title recorded as: Book of Lismore

Dead Sea scrolls. 11QTDead Sea scrolls. Temple scroll Preferred title recorded as: Temple scroll

Codex Egerton 2895Codex Sánchez SolísCodex Waecker GötterCodice Zapoteco Preferred title recorded as: Manuscript. Egerton 2895. A manuscript in the collection of the British Library

Cronycles of the londe of EnglōdCronycles of the londe of Englond Preferred title recorded as: Chronicles of England

Here begynneth a lytell treatyse for to lerne Englysshe and FrenssheHere is a good boke to lerne to speke French Preferred title recorded as: Lytell treatyse for to lerne Englysshe and Frensshe

Collected papers of Albert EinsteinGesammelte Schriften Albert Einstein Preferred title recorded as: Works

Selected plays of Lady GregoryShort plays of Lady GregorySeven short plays Preferred title recorded as: Plays. Selections

See also RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Constructing Access Points to Represent Works and Expressions > Variant Access Point Representing a Work > Variant Access Point Representing a Compilation of Works If the authorized access point representing a compilation of a person’s works has been constructed using the authorized access point representing that person followed by a conventional collective title (see ), construct a variant access point representing the compilation using the authorized access point representing the person followed by the title proper of the resource being described or the title found in a reference source, unless the title proper (excluding any alternative title) of the resource being described or the title found in a reference source is the same as, or very similar to, the collective title.


Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805–1875. Eventyr Title proper of the resource being described. Authorized access point recorded as: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805–1875. Tales

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Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805–1875. Samlede eventyr og historier Title proper of the resource being described. Authorized access point recorded as: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805–1875. Tales

Make additions to the access point, if considered to be important for identification, applying the instructions given under , as applicable.

EXAMPLEDante Alighieri, 1265–1321. Tutte le opere di Dante (1966) Title proper of the resource being described. Authorized access point recorded as: Dante Alighieri, 1265–1321. Works (1966)

Construct additional variant access points if considered important for access.

See also RDA 6.14.3IDENTIFYING WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Title of a Musical Work > Variant Title for a Musical Work6.14.3.1 Scope A variant title for a musical work is a title or form of title by which a musical work is known that differs from the title or form of title chosen as the preferred title for the work. Sources of informationTake variant titles from resources embodying the work and/or from reference sources. General Guidelines on Recording Variant Titles for Musical WorksRecord variant titles for musical works applying the general guidelines on recording titles for works given under 6.2.1 .Record as a variant title a title or form of title under which the work has been issued or cited in reference sources, or resulting from a different transliteration of the title, if it is different from the title recorded as the preferred title for that work.

ExceptionRecord a title appearing on a manifestation of the work as a variant title for the work only if it differs significantly from the preferred title and the work itself might reasonably be sought under that title. For instructions on recording the title proper and other titles appearing on the manifestation see 2.3 .Apply the additional specific instructions given under– and those given in preceding sections of this chapter, as applicable. Recording Alternative Linguistic Forms as Variant Titles for Musical Works

[...] Recording Other Variant Titles for Musical WorksRecord other variants and variant forms of the title recorded as the preferred title for a musical work not covered under , as required.


Songs, airs, duets, and choruses in the masque of King Arthur Preferred title recorded as: King Arthur

Salzburg sonata Preferred title recorded as: Sonatas

Forellen-QuintettQuintette de la truiteTrout quintetForellenquintettTruchaForellen-kvintetQuintette “La truite”Forelių kvintetasGrand quintuor Preferred title recorded as: Quintets

Cinq mélodies populaires grecques5 mélodies populaires grecques

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Preferred title recorded as: Mélodies populaires grecques

Complete organ worksŒuvres complètes pour orgueSämtliche Orgelwerke Preferred title recorded as: Organ music

Complete Takemitsu editionTakemitsu Tōru zenshū武満徹全集 Preferred title recorded as: Works

Best of Bach Preferred title recorded as: Works. Selections

Selected works for piano Preferred title recorded as: Piano music. Selections

See also RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Constructing Access Points to Represent Musical Works and Expressions > Variant Access Point Representing a Musical Work or Expression > Variant Access Point Representing a Compilation of Musical WorksIf the authorized access point representing a compilation of a person’s musical works has been constructed using the authorized access point representing that person followed by a conventional collective title (see, construct a variant access point representing the compilation using the authorized access point representing the person followed by the title proper of the resource being described or the title found in a reference source, unless the title proper (excluding any alternative title) of the resource being described or the title found in a reference source is the same as, or very similar to, the conventional collective title.


Vierne, Louis, 1870–1937. Complete organ worksVierne, Louis, 1870–1937. Œuvres complètes pour orgueVierne, Louis, 1870–1937. Sämtliche Orgelwerke Authorized access point for the compilation: Vierne, Louis, 1870–1937. Organ music

Takemitsu, Tōru. Complete Takemitsu editionTakemitsu, Tōru. Takemitsu Tōru zenshūTakemitsu, Tōru. 武満徹全集 Authorized access point for the compilation: Takemitsu, Tōru. Works

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685–1750. Best of Bach Authorized access point for the compilation: Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685–1750. Works. Selections

Bartók, Béla, 1881–1945. Selected works for piano Authorized access point for the compilation: Bartók, Béla, 1881–1945. Piano music. Selections

Make additions to the variant access point, if considered to be important for identification, applying the instructions given under– , as applicable.


Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770–1827. Ludwig van Beethoven’s Werke (1862) Authorized access point for the compilation: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770–1827. Works (1862)

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770–1827. Ludwig van Beethoven’s Werke (1949) Authorized access point for the compilation: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770–1827. Works (1949)

Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865–1936. Orchestral works (Naxos (Sound recording label)) Authorized access point for the compilation: Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865–1936. Orchestra music (Naxos (Sound recording label))

Hindemith, Paul, 1895–1963. Pieces, double bassHindemith, Paul, 1895–1963. Stücke, double bass Authorized access point for the compilation: Hindemith, Paul, 1895–1963. Double bass music

Construct additional variant access points if considered important for access.


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Cimarosa, Domenico, 1749–1801. Sonatas, harpsichordCimarosa, Domenico, 1749–1801. Sonatas, piano Authorized access point for the compilation: Cimarosa, Domenico, 1749–1801. Sonatas, keyboard instrument

1.2.2 Compilations of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies

RDA provides rules for compilations of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies, through the rules on the structure of an authorized access point (see RDA The aggregating work is identified by the title proper of the Manifestation that embodies the compilation.If the Manifestation lacks a collective title, there is an alternative to construct an authorized access point based on a title devised by the cataloguer.

See RDA WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS > Constructing Access Points to Represent Works and Expressions > Authorized Access Point Representing a Work > Compilations of Works by Different Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies If the work is a compilation of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies, construct the authorized access point representing the work using the preferred title for the compilation, formulated according to the instructions given under 6.2.2 .


Anthologie de la poésie baroque française Resource described: Anthologie de la poésie baroque française / textes choisis et présentés par Jean Rousset

Exploring the Olympic Mountains Resource described: Exploring the Olympic Mountains : accounts of the earliest expeditions, 1878–1890 / compiled by Carsten Lien

Music in the classic period Resource described: Music in the classic period : essays in honor of Barry S. Brook / [edited by] Allan W. Atlas

Tutti i libretti di Bellini Resource described: Tutti i libretti di Bellini / a cura di Olimpio Cescatti ; con una prefazione di Marzio Pieri. Librettos for Bellini operas by various librettists

Treaties and alliances of the world Resource described: Treaties and alliances of the world / [compiled by] N.J. Rengger with John Campbell

Lesbian history sourcebook Resource described: The lesbian history sourcebook : love and sex between women in Britain from 1780 to 1970 / [compiled by] Alison Oram and Annmarie Turnbull

U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003 Resource described: U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003 : anthology and annotated bibliography / compiled by Christopher M. Kennedy, Wanda J. Renfrow, Evelyn A. Englander, and Nathan S. Lowrey. An anthology of personal narratives by various authors, originally published in other resources

Best of Broadway Resource described: The best of Broadway. A set of five CDs with selections from original cast recordings of various musicals by various composers

If the compilation lacks a collective title, construct separate access points for each of the works in the compilation.


Baden, Conrad. Symphonies, no. 6 First work in a compilation without a collective title also containing Symphony no. 3 by Hallvard Johnsen and Symphony no. 2 by Bjarne Brustad

Johnsen, Hallvard. Symphonies, no. 3, op. 26 Second work in the same compilation

Brustad, Bjarne. Symphonies, no. 2 Third work in the same compilation

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 Alternative Instead of (or in addition to) constructing access points for each of the works in the compilation, construct an authorized access point representing the compilation using a devised title formulated according to the instructions given under .

EXAMPLEThree Norwegian symphonies

1.3 Status of the compiler

Compilers are regarded as related to the Expression (see RDA There is no example for a compiler of works by one person, family, or corporate body, but it can be assumed that the same treatment applies.

See RDA, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXPRESSION > Contributor 20.2.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Contributors20.2.1.1 Scope A  contributor▼ is a person, family, or corporate body contributing to the realization of a work through an expression. Contributors include editors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc.For expressions consisting of a primary work accompanied by commentary, etc., illustrations, additional musical parts, etc., the writers of commentary, etc., illustrators, composers of additional parts, etc., are considered to be contributors. Sources of InformationTake information on contributors from the sources specified under 20.1.1 Recording Contributors Record a contributor applying the general guidelines on recording relationships to persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with a resource given under 18.4 .

EXAMPLEEditor, Compiler, Etc.

Borchardt, Julian, 1868–1932 Authorized access point representing the editor for: The people's Marx : abridged popular edition of the three volumes of Capital / edited by Julian Borchardt ; translated by Stephen L. Trask

Blackwell, David D.Richards, Maria C. Authorized access points representing the editors for: Geothermal map of North America / North American map editors, David D. Blackwell and Maria C. Richards ; map production by the Kansas Geological Survey

Goss, Charles Mayo, born 1899 Authorized access point representing the editor for: Anatomy of the human body / by Henry Gray. — 25th edition / edited by Charles Mayo Goss

Committee on Women's Studies in Asia Authorized access point representing the editor for: Changing lives : life stories of Asian pioneers in women's studies / edited by the Committee on Women's Studies in Asia ; foreword by Florence Howe

Arneil, BarbaraDeveaux, MoniqueDhamoon, Rita, 1970–Eisenberg, Avigail I., 1962– Authorized access points representing the editors for: Sexual justice/cultural justice : critical perspectives in political theory and practice / edited by Barbara Arneil, Monique Deveaux, Rita Dhamoon and Avigail Eisenberg

Jonas, Wayne B. Authorized access point representing the editor for: Mosby's dictionary of complementary and alternative medicine / editorial consultant, Wayne B. Jonas

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Atlas, Allan W. Authorized access point representing the editor for: Music in the classic period : essays in honor of Barry S. Brook / [edited by] Allan W. Atlas

Payne, ClaireBowker, James M.Reed, Patrick C. Authorized access points representing the editors of compilation for: The economic value of wilderness : proceedings of the conference, Jackson, Wyoming, May 8–11, 1991 / compilers, Claire Payne, J.M. Bowker, Patrick C. Reed

Dionne, René, 1929– Authorized access point representing the editor of compilation for: Anthologie de la littérature franco-ontarienne des origines à nos jours / [compilé par] René Dionne

Rousset, Jean Authorized access point representing the editor of compilation for: Anthologie de la poésie baroque française / textes choisis et présentés par Jean Rousset

Perigault de Ortíz, Tilsia Authorized access point representing the editor of compilation for: Colección de rimas infantiles / [seleccionada por] Tilsia Perigault

Richardson, James D. (James Daniel), 1843–1914 Authorized access point representing the editor of compilation for: A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789–1902 / by James D. Richardson

Momigliano, Eucardio, born 1888 Authorized access point representing the editor of compilation for: Tutte le encicliche dei sommi pontefici / raccolte e annotate da Eucardio Momigliano

1.4 Whole/part relationships

Finally, RDA enables one to record the whole /part relationship between works (see RDA J.2), Expressions (see RDA J.3), and Manifestations (see RDA J.4).

According to the examples, the relationship between a compilation and the compiled works is at the Work level (see RDA 25.1), but it can also be recorded at the Manifestation level (see RDA 27.1).

See RDA 25RELATED WORKS25.0 Purpose and Scope This chapter provides general guidelines and instructions on recording relationships between works.

25.1 Related Work 25.1.1 Basic Instructions on Referencing Related Works25.1.1.1 Scope A related work▼ is a work related to the resource being described (e.g., an adaptation, commentary, supplement, sequel, part of a larger work). Sources of InformationTake information on related works from any source. Referencing Related Works Reference a related work applying the general guidelines on referencing related works, expressions, manifestations, and items given under 24.4 .

EXAMPLEAuthorized Access Point Representing the Related Work

Contains: Davis, Jack, 1917–2000. DreamersContains: Johnson, Eva. MurrasContains: Walley, Richard. Coordah

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Contains: Maza, Bob, 1939–2000. Keepers Resource described: Plays from Black Australia / Jack Davis, Eva Johnson, Richard Walley, Bob Maza ; with an introduction by Justine Saunders. An anthology of four plays

Contains: Bax, Arnold, 1883–1953. Sketches. Dance of wild IrravelContains: Bax, Arnold, 1883–1953. Paean; arrangedContains: Bax, Arnold, 1883–1953. Symphonies, no. 3 Resource described: Dance of wild Irravel ; Paean ; Symphony no. 3 / Sir Arnold Bax. An audio CD containing performances of three works by Bax

Contains: Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1910)Contains: Magic cloak of OzContains: His majesty, the Scarecrow of OzContains: Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1925)Contains: Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1933)Contains: Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1939) Resource described: The Wizard of Oz / a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture ; produced by Loew's Incorporated ; screen play by Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson and Edgar Allan Woolf ; produced by Mervyn LeRoy ; directed by Victor Fleming. — Three-disc collector's edition. A three-disc DVD set of the 1939 motion picture that also includes earlier short and feature-length motion pictures based on the same characters

EXAMPLEStructured Description of the Related WorkContained in: Acadia early music facsimile archive / Gordon J. Callon (editor). — Resource described: Louis Moreau Gottschalk / site designed by Michelle E. Keddy. A Web site that includes a biography of Gottschalk, a facsimile reproduction of the 1881 Lippincott edition of his journal, and links to other sites of interest to Gottschalk scholars. The site is part of the Web site Acadia early music facsimile archive. Resource identifier provided in conjunction with a partial description of the related work

Contains: 'Til death do us plots / by Julianne Bernstein — Class act / by Michael Elkin — Where's your stuff? / by Daniel Brenner — Foot peddler / by Vivian Green — Smoke / by Louis Greenstein — Single Jewish female / by Julianne Bernstein — In spite of everything / by Hindi Brooks — Ger (the convert) / by Leslie B. Gold and Louis Greenstein — Golden opportunity / by Julianne Bernstein — Interview with a scapegoat / by Louis Greenstein Resource described: Voices from Ariel : ten-minute plays reflecting the Jewish experience : a collection of ten short plays / compiled and edited by Julianne Bernstein and Deborah Baer Mozes. An anthology of ten-minute plays

EXAMPLEUnstructured Description of the Related Work

Also contains two short prose pieces dated 1937

Contains letters to Mrs. Wells and Gabrielle Gissing

Includes “Travel connections” map of air, rail, bus, and ferry routes, insets of “Ryukyu Islands, 1:2,000,000” and “Okinawa, 1:1,000,000,” and 5 city map insets showing places of interest: Sapporo — Kyōto — Tōkyō — Ōsaka — Kōbe Resource described: Japan. — London : Published by Collins, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, ©2001. A tourist map

Includes: Bibliography of Northwest materials

See also RDA 27RELATED MANIFESTATIONS27.0 Purpose and ScopeThis chapter provides general guidelines and instructions on recording relationships between manifestations.

27.1 Related Manifestation 27.1.1 Basic Instructions on Referencing Related Manifestations27.1.1.1 Scope A related manifestation▼ is a manifestation related to the resource being described (e.g., a manifestation in a different format). Sources of InformationTake information on related manifestations from any source. Referencing Related Manifestations

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Reference a related manifestation applying the general guidelines on referencing related works, expressions, manifestations, and items given under 24.4 .

EXAMPLEStructured Description of the Related Manifestation

Contained in: Understanding our environment / NSTA. — Arlington, VA : National Science Teachers Association, ©1995 Resource described: The Earth's fractured surface ; Living on the edge : [West Coast of U.S.] / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society ; John F. Shupe, chief cartographer. — Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, 1995 Two maps on one sheet

Contains: Map of area with highlighted street. — NYDA.1933.010.00130Contains: View of Mill Brooks Houses from one of the houses, 89/05. — NYDA.1993.010.00131Contains: View SE from Mill Brook House on rooftop on Cypress Ave. between 136th St. and 137th St., 93/05. — NYDA.1933.010.00132Contains: View N from 136th St. rooftop of area between Bruckner Expressway and Cypress Ave., 93/06. — NYDA.1933.010.00133Contains: View E from rooftop of garden bounded by Bruckner Expressway, 136th St. and 135th St., 93/06. — NYDA.1933.010.00134 Resource described: 136th Street, southeastern section of the Bronx. Set of 11 slides

Contains: v. 1. Status, distribution, and taxonomy (xvii, 848 pages : 1 map) — v. 2. Field guide (xvii, 740 pages, 96 leaves of plates : illustrations (some coloured), maps (1 coloured)) Resource described: The birds of Ecuador / by Robert S. Ridgely and Paul J. Greenfield ; with the collaboration of Mark B. Robbins and Paul Coopmans ; in association with the Academy of Natural Sciences. — Ithaca, NY : Comstock Publishing, 2001. A two-volume set

Contained in: The New Yorker. — Volume 73, number 31 (October 13, 1997) Resource described: Brokeback Mountain / by Annie Proulx. — pages 74–80, 82–85

EXAMPLEUnstructured Description of the Related Manifestation

Compilation of essays, interviews, and discussions previously published in the webzine Library juice between 1998 and 2005

Includes petition to the King from the citizens of London, 1783, in scroll form

The reporter contains binders: Current developments; Monographs; State solid waste — Land use; Federal laws; Federal regulations; State water laws; State air laws; Mining; Decisions (later published in bound volumes as Environment reporter. Cases)

Filmed with five other titles

Reports for 2000/01 and 2001/02 issued together

Disc 1 includes feature length commentary by the director, Julia Stiles, and cinematographer, and theatrical trailer; disc 2 includes comprehensive analysis of key basketball scenes, deleted scenes with commentary, and the restored 1922 film: Othello (80 min.) / National Film Museum Incorporated ; Ben Blumenthal presents ; directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki Resource described: “O” / a Chickie the Cop production in association with Daniel Fried Productions and Rhulen Entertainment ; a film by Tim Blake Nelson ; producers, Eric Gitter, Daniel L. Fried, Anthony Rhulen ; screenplay writer, Brad Kaaya ; director, Tim Blake Nelson. — Deluxe edition. — [United States] : Trimark Home Video : Lions Gate Home Entertainment, [2002]. Two videodiscs

Shots: LS through heat haze of jet landing towards camera (20 ft.). CU front view of jet as it taxis towards camera (40 ft.). CU fuselage turning right to left through picture (30 ft.). CU braking parachute as it is discarded (52 ft.). CU nose and engines (57 ft.)

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We agree with RDA’s treatment when a manifestation embodies a small number of works.

We wish the treatment were consistent for compilations of many works, regardless of whether they are by the same person, family, or corporate body, or not.

We agree that an aggregating Work should be recorded every time an aggregating Manifestation has a collective title. But we do not favour the proposal to record artificial aggregating works, most notably for consecutively numbered groups of musical works (see RDA 614.2.8.5), for these are merely editorial groupings which lead to record a great number of aggregating Works which are of no interest for end-users. We recommend in such cases that direct access points should be made to each single work embodied in the Manifestation.

We agree with the RDA rules as to the choice of a preferred title for the aggregating Work: if it is a compilation of works by one person, family, or corporate body, the preferred title will be

- either the title usually found in sources and publications to refer to that compilation, - or a conventional collective title constructed according to the RDA rules. If the

compilation is not complete, specify: “Selections”. if it is a compilation of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies, the preferred title will be the title of the first Manifestation that embodies that compilation.

However we think that this aggregating Work is a Work in its own right and should be identified just like any other Work. It must not be a “pseudo-Work” that would only serve to collocate all sorts of publications which do not contain the same selections, but distinct aggregating Expressions.

Consequently, we disagree with the RDA rule which regards Manifestation titles as variant titles for the aggregating Work, most notably when the compilation is not complete (see RDA rationale for our disagreement is twofold.Firstly, the various Manifestations the titles of which are gathered as variant access points under the same authorized access point can embody very different aggregations, when the compilation described does not consist of complete works or complete works in a single form. If the alternative for RDA (“Instead of (or in addition to) recording the preferred title for each of the works in the compilation, record a conventional collective title (…), followed by Selections.”) is applied, any title of any Manifestation used as the basis for a variant access point eventually points to all other Manifestations that embody different selections.Secondly, this does not seem particularly useful, since Manifestation titles can be retrieved otherwise. There is no reason to record Manifestation titles twice: once at the Manifestation level, and once again at the Work level. It is even misleading, in the context of a catalogue where bibliographic records are linked to authority records, because when a user makes queries on the title proper of a Manifestation, the system will return not just this Manifestation, but all other Manifestations collocated by the record for the aggregating Work, regardless of what their own title proper is.

Also, we tend to disagree with the RDA rule that regards compilers as contributors (see RDA According to this rule, such aggregating Works have no creator; the person, family, or corporate body responsible for the compilation is only mentioned at the Expression level.

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We do support FRBR Review Group's approach about the “the creative effort of the aggregator or editor” (in the Final Report of the Working Group on Aggregates). Within that framework,The process of aggregating the expressions itself is an intellectual or artistic effort and therefore meets the criteria for a work. In the process of creating the aggregate manifestation, the aggregator produces an aggregating work. The aggregator of an aggregating Work should be recorded at the level of the aggregating Work.

Besides, it is unclear at which level the whole/part relationship between an aggregating Work and the aggregated Works should be recorded according to RDA. RDA seems to allow cataloguers to record such relationships indifferently at the Work, Expression, or Manifestation level, which may result in inconsistencies. But perhaps this could be addressed in an Application Profile.

The report of the WG on Aggregates reads as follows:

However, modeling an aggregate simply as an embodiment of discrete expressions may fail to recognize the creative effort of the aggregator or editor. The process of aggregating the expressions itself is an intellectual or artistic effort and therefore meets the criteria for a work. In the process of creating the aggregate manifestation, the aggregator produces an aggregating work. This type of work has also been referred to as the glue, binding, or the mortar that transforms a set of individual expressions into an aggregation. This effort may be relatively minor—two existing novels published together—or it may represent a major effort resulting in an aggregate that is significantly more that a sum of its parts (for example an anthology). An aggregating work is not a discrete section or even necessarily an identifiable part of the resulting manifestation and does not contain the aggregated works themselves.


The general model for aggregates is shown in figure 3. A new entity is created for the aggregate manifestation which embodies n individual expressions. Any of these expressions may also be embodied individually in a non-aggregate manifestation.

14 AFNOR – Compilations of Works

Aggregating Expression



is embodied in

WorksThe WorksAggregating Work

Embodied Expressions

is embodied in

is realized throughis realized through


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EURIG Meeting on Aggregates, Helsinki 2012

The AFNOR group thinks it would be more economical to provide the links to the aggregated Expressions at the level of the aggregating Expression, as the same aggregating Expression can be embodied in more than one Manifestation, especially when it comes to audiovisual resources. This point has been forwarded to the FRBR Review Group.

Consequently, this is AFNOR’s proposal:

1. For a compilation consisting of two or more but not all the works of one person, family, or corporate body, or for a compilation of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies lacking a collective title, do not describe the aggregating Work, but construct separate access points for each of the works in the compilation (as advised in RDA).

2. In all other cases (i.e., compilations of numerous Works by one author or by different authors), describe the aggregating Work.Do not create “artificial” aggregating Works devising a title (for consecutively numbered group of musical Works of the same type or for compilations lacking a collective title)

2.1 Apply RDA rules for constructing the authorized access points representing the aggregating work.If the access point of the aggregating Work is the same as or similar to an access point representing a different aggregating Work, add, as appropriate the date of the aggregating Work, and/or a term indicating another distinguishing characteristic of the aggregating Work (e.g. the name of the compiler; the name of the performer; the form of content of the aggregated Expressions, etc.), according to the instructions given under RDA, Gioachino, 1792-1868. Operas. Selections (Bartoli)Rossini, Gioachino, 1792-1868. Operas. Selections (Di Donato ; 1995)Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891. Correspondence. Selections (Carré)

2.2 The author of the aggregation is to be recorded at the Work level since he or she is the originator of the concepts that underpin the aggregating Work

2.3 The aggregation is at the level of the aggregating Expression, not at the Manifestation level.

2.4 The relationships between the aggregating Expression and each Expression contained in it may be described or not, depending on the anticipated needs of the users.

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Notes on examples :

In all examples, the records for the Manifestations come from BnF’s General Catalogue and follow current French cataloguing rules for the bibliographic description.

For clarity, the language of the Expression is systematically recorded, including for Expressions in the original language (against RDA practice), in order to make clear that we are at the Expression level.

A dotted line in the figures indicates that the relationship is optional.

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1. Manifestations embodying a limited number of works

Fêtes galantes ; Romances sans paroles ; précédé de Poèmes saturniens / Paul Verlaine ; préface et notes de Jacques Borel. - Paris : Gallimard, 1991. - 1 vol. (189 p.) ; 18 cm. - (Collection Poésie).Bibliographie p. 185.ISBN 2-07-032053-7

Three works by the same author, Paul Verlaine with notes and a preface

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Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)


The woodlandersThe woodlanders W

The woodlanders. French (Six)The woodlanders. French (Six) E


Aggregate ManifestationPOL, 1992Aggregate ManifestationPOL, 1992M


Pièges. FrenchPièges. French E

PiègesPièges W

Margerie, Diane de (1927-....) Margerie, Diane de (1927-....)


1.Manifestations embodying a limited number of works

Six, Antoinette Six, Antoinette

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through use in reference sources

1.Compilations of Works of one PersonAggregative work known under a title

Derniers poèmes : 1936-1939 / William Butler Yeats ; présenté, annoté et traduit de l'anglais par Jean-Yves Masson. – Édition bilingue. - Lagrasse : Verdier, impr. 2008. - 1 vol. (189 p.) ; 18 cm. - (Verdier poche. Littérature anglaise).Traduit de : Last poems. - Texte anglais et traduction française en regard.ISBN 978-2-86432-558-1

A bilingual edition of the last poems of Yeats, with notes and a preface by the translator, published first in 1994, and then in 2008 by the same publisher.The aggregative Work is known as « Last poems and two plays », but the publication includes only the poems.

AFNOR Proposal

2. Compilations of Works of one PersonAggregative work known under a title

Same selection of Expressions


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939

Poem 1Poem 1authorMasson, Jean-Yves, 1962-.... Masson, Jean-Yves, 1962-....

Aggregating WorkLast poems and two plays. Selections(Masson)

Aggregating WorkLast poems and two plays. Selections(Masson)


Aggregating ExpressionLast poems and two plays. Selections (Masson). English

Aggregating ExpressionLast poems and two plays. Selections (Masson). English

EPoem 1. EnglishPoem 1. English



Aggregate ManifestationVerdier, 1994Aggregate ManifestationVerdier, 1994

Aggregate ManifestationVerdier, 2008Aggregate ManifestationVerdier, 2008



Poem 1. French (Masson)Poem 1. French (Masson)

Poem n. French (Masson)Poem n. French (Masson)

Poem 2. French (Masson)Poem 2. French (Masson)

Aggregating ExpressionLast poems and two plays. Selections (Masson). French (Masson)

Aggregating ExpressionLast poems and two plays. Selections (Masson). French (Masson)


Poem 2Poem 2

Poem nPoem n

Poem n. EnglishPoem n. English

Poem 2. EnglishPoem 2. English

Masson, Jean-Yves, 1962-.... Masson, Jean-Yves, 1962-....

translator translator


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Lettres de la vie littéraire d'Arthur Rimbaud (1870-1875) / réunies et annotées par Jean-Marie Carré. - Paris : Gallimard, 1932. - 237 p. ; in-16. Suivi de la Relation du voyage au Harrar et au Choa adressée au directeur du "Bosphore Égyptien" en 1886.

Lettres de la vie littéraire d'Arthur Rimbaud / réunies et annotées par Jean-Marie Carré. - Paris : Gallimard, 1991. - 1 vol. (123 p.) ; 20 cm. - (Collection l'Imaginaire; 238).Contient : "Lettre de Rimbaud sur son voyage en Abyssinie".ISBN 2-07-072009-8.

Lettres de la vie littéraire d'Arthur Rimbaud (1870-1875) / réunies et annotées par Jean-Marie Carré. - 6e éd.. - Paris : Gallimard, 1931. - 236 p. ; in-16.

2. Compilations of Works of one PersonConventional collective title

A selection of Rimbaud’s letters by Jean-Marie Carré, whichwas published first alone, and then with the addition ofRimbaud’s letter describing his journey in Abyssinia

2. Compilations of Works of one PersonConventional collective title

A selection of Rimbaud’s letters by Jean-Marie Carré,which was published first alone, and then with theaddition of Rimbaud’s letter describing his journeyin Abyssinia

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21 AFNOR – Compilations of Works

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3. Compilations of Works by different Persons

La légende arthurienne : le Graal et la Table ronde / édition établie sous la direction de Danielle Régnier-Bohler ; [tableaux généalogiques établis par Michel Pastoureau] ; [avec la collaboration d'Emmanuèle Baumgartner, Marie-LuceChênerie, Mireille al.]. –Paris : R. Laffont, 1991. - 1 vol. (LIX-1206 p.): cartes ; 20 cm. - (Bouquins).

Réunit quinze romans du cycle arthurien, la plupart inédits.ISBN 2-221-05259-5

For the details of the contained works, see

A compilation of 15 medieval romances or excerpts of them, translated into French. The selection of the works and theedition was supervised by Danielle Régnier-Bohler . Eachwork has its own translator and/or editor.

AFNOR Proposal

3. Compilations of Works by different Persons

Same selection of Expressions

compiler Aggregating WorkLa légende arthurienneAggregating WorkLa légende arthurienne

Robert de BoronRobert de Boron

Perceval Perceval


Merlin. SelectionsMerlin. Selections


Régnier-Bohler, DanielleRégnier-Bohler, Danielle



Aggregating ExpressionLa légende arthurienne. FrenchAggregating ExpressionLa légende arthurienne. FrenchE

Perceval. FrenchPerceval. French

Merlin. Selections. FrenchMerlin. Selections. French

author author



Aggregate ManifestationR. Laffont, 1989Aggregate ManifestationR. Laffont, 1989M Aggregate Manifestation

R. Laffont, 1991Aggregate ManifestationR. Laffont, 1991

Aggregate ManifestationGrand livre du mois, 1997Aggregate ManifestationGrand livre du mois, 1997

EPerlesvaus. FrenchPerlesvaus. French


Chrétien de Troyes, 113.-1185?Chrétien de Troyes, 113.-1185?

Variant titlePerceval le Gallois ou Le Conte du Graal

WVariant titleLe haut livre du Graal

Foulet, LucienFoulet, Lucien

Régnier-Bohler, DanielleRégnier-Bohler, Danielle


Marchello-Nizia, ChristianeMarchello-Nizia, Christiane translator

Baumgartner, Emmanuèle, 1940-2005Baumgartner, Emmanuèle, 1940-2005translator + editor etc. E


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3. Compilations of Works by different Persons

Josef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe / HerthaKlust, piano. - Hamburg 36 : Deutsche GrammophonGesellschaft ; Antony : distributeur Polygram, Division Polydor, 1997 (DL). - 2 disques compacts (1 h 10 min41 s, 1 h 08 min 58 s) : ADD, Mono. - (Double 2 CD).

Distribution musicale : voix - basse , clavier - piano. - Notice par Stéphane Friederich. - Hamburg 13 : production Polydor international GmbH. Deutsche Grammophon 4570182 (boîte) : PY 925. EAN 0028945701820

For the details of the contained works, see

A compilation of 15 lieder by two composers,performed by the same singer.

a) Full description of the Expressions contained in the Aggregating Expression


Winterreise. D 911.Performed music (Greindl)Winterreise. D 911.Performed music (Greindl)


Sehnsucht, D 636.Performed music (Greindl)Sehnsucht, D 636.Performed music (Greindl)


An die Musik, D 547.Performed music (Greindl)An die Musik, D 547.Performed music (Greindl)


Der Wanderer, D 489.Performed music (Greindl)Der Wanderer, D 489.Performed music (Greindl)


3. Compilations of Works by different Persons

Aggregating WorkJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe

Aggregating WorkJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe

Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869 Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869



Aggregating ExpressionJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe. Performed music

Aggregating ExpressionJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe. Performed music



Aggregate ManifestationDeutsche Grammophon, 1997Aggregate ManifestationDeutsche Grammophon, 1997 M AFNOR


Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828

Klust, Hertha, 1903-1970Klust, Hertha, 1903-1970



Greindl, Josef, 1912-1993 Greindl, Josef, 1912-1993

Winterreise. D 911Winterreise. D 911W

Tom der Reimer. Op. 135a Tom der Reimer. Op. 135a W

Tom der Reimer. Op. 135a.Performed music (Greindl)Tom der Reimer. Op. 135a.Performed music (Greindl)


Sehnsucht, D 636 Sehnsucht, D 636 W

An die Musik, D 547An die Musik, D 547W

Der Wanderer, D 489 Der Wanderer, D 489 W

W etc.

Edward. Op. 1, no 1Edward. Op. 1, no 1W

Edward. Op. 1, no 1. Performed music (Greindl)Edward. Op. 1, no 1. Performed music (Greindl)


Die Uhr. Op. 123, no 3.Performed music (Greindl)Die Uhr. Op. 123, no 3.Performed music (Greindl)


Die Uhr. Op. 123, no 3Die Uhr. Op. 123, no 3 W


etc. Eetc. E



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b) Simplified description of the Expressions contained in the Aggregating Expression, by the means of conventional collective titles established for the compilation of Works of each composer

3. Compilations of Works by different Persons

Aggregating WorkJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe

Aggregating WorkJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe

Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869 Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869



Aggregating ExpressionJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe. Performed music

Aggregating ExpressionJosef Greindl chante Schubert & Loewe. Performed music



Aggregate ManifestationDeutsche Grammophon, 1997Aggregate ManifestationDeutsche Grammophon, 1997 M

AFNOR Proposal

Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828

Klust, Hertha, 1903-1970Klust, Hertha, 1903-1970instrumentalist


Greindl, Josef, 1912-1993 Greindl, Josef, 1912-1993

Aggregating WorkSchubert, Franz, 1797-1828.Lieder. Selections (Greindl)

Aggregating WorkSchubert, Franz, 1797-1828.Lieder. Selections (Greindl)


Aggregating WorkLoewe, Carl, 1796-1869.Lieder. Selections (Greindl)

Aggregating WorkLoewe, Carl, 1796-1869.Lieder. Selections (Greindl)


Aggregating ExpressionSchubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Lieder. Selections (Greindl). Performed music

Aggregating ExpressionSchubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Lieder. Selections (Greindl). Performed music


Aggregating ExpressionLoewe, Carl, 1796-1869. Lieder. Selections (Greindl). Performed music

Aggregating ExpressionLoewe, Carl, 1796-1869. Lieder. Selections (Greindl). Performed music





24 AFNOR – Compilations of Works