Download - Compilation Procedure

  • ZEUS-NL Compilation Procedure

    This document describes the compilation procedure for ZEUS-NL. This information is useful for users

    who want to implement their own material/element/joint models into ZEUS-NL and/or need to build the

    program from modified source files.

    In order to compile the source code of ZEUS-NL which is written in FORTRAN 77, an f77 compiler is

    required. The preferred compiler for Windows platform is Absoft Pro Fortran. For UNIX/LINUX systems

    GNU FORTRAN compilers (g77, gfortran) could be used. In the flowing sections, instructions for the

    compilation procedure with Absoft Pro Fortran and gfortran are provided.

    Compiling ZEUS-NL on Windows with Absoft Pro Fortran


    Current Windows version of ZEUS-NL is complied with Absoft Pro Fortran for Windows v7.5.

    Source Files

    Source code of ZEUS-NL consists of two parts: Reader and Solver

  • File extension *.f : FORTRAN files

    *.obj : object files

    *.gui : Absoft project file

    Compiling on Windows Systems

    1. Open the project file (reader.gui or solver.gui) with the Absoft Pro Fortran

    The project (or solution) file with the extension of .gui contains all source files

    (FORTRAN 77 files and header files).

    The Absoft project files are also provided with FORTRAN source files on our website.

    2. Modify/Update necessary source files including header files (*.inc)

    3. Compile the modifies source files to generate object files

    Here, it is important to check the compilation options. After clicking the right mouse button

    on the file tree, select Set Options from the pop-up menus. In the Options menu, you

    have to carefully examine the options for the compilation.

    4. Build the program to generate executable files

    Compiling ZEUS-NL on UNIX/LINUX with gfortran

    1. Modify/Update necessary source files including header files (*.inc)

  • 2. Compile the modifies source files to generate object files

    g77 -c file_name.f

    option -c: make object file

    3. Build the program to generate executable files

    g77 executable_file_name file1_name.o file2_name.o

    The batch files for step 2 and 3 are available on our website.