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1Compeyson left her on her wedding day.

2Compeyson and Magwitch were caught.

3Herbert hands Pip a note.

4Chapter 43

5Pip is sad.

6Drummle is pursuing Estella.

7Pip runs into Drummle at the inn.

8Pip decides to go to the Satis House.

9Chapter 44

10Pip arrives at the Satis House.

Satis House

11Pip confronts Miss Havisham.

12Pip confronts Estella.

13Pip receives a letter upon his arrival back in London.

14LITERARY TERMSForeshadowingIronyForeshadowing: At the end of the chapter, foreshadowing is incorporated by the note Pip got from Wemmick telling him not to go home. This foreshadows that something bad is going to happen.

Irony: It is ironic that the partners of the man giving Pip his fortune robbed Miss Havisham of hers.Also, the fact that the girl that Pip loves is betrothed to his enemy.15ThemeThese chapters portray the theme of the struggle between guilt and innocence. First of all, the question is raised if it was acceptable for Magwitch to steal as an orphaned child. It also exemplifies the theme preserving a conscience over social class development because Pip's conscience got in the way and he no longer thought it would be right for him to accept money once he found out his benefactor was a convict.

16New CharactersCompeyson- Gentlemen criminalpulled Magwitch out of povertyaccomplice with Arthurturned on Magwitch when caughtused gentlemen's manners to get light sentencestood up Miss Havisham on wedding dayArthur- Miss Havisham's half brotherhim and Compeyson plotted against her to get share of fortunedriven to despair by criminal deed

17Discussion QuestionsChapter 421. When Abel Magwitch was a child, he stole food to provide for himself. Firstly, do you think it made it alright because he was doing it to survive? Secondly, was his childhood of stealing what made him become a criminal in the long run?

Chapter 432. Pip decides to see Estella for one final time. Was it a good idea for him to do this in the consideration of his mental well-being and his future? (including immediate future)Chapter 44 3. Was Estella or Miss Havisham more responsible for the misleading of Pip to believing he would one day have Estella? 18