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Compartmentalized gene regulatory network of the pathogenicfungus Fusarium graminearum

Li Guo1, Guoyi Zhao2, Jin-Rong Xu3, H. Corby Kistler4, Lixin Gao2 and Li-Jun Ma1

1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA; 2Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of

Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA; 3Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA; 4USDA-ARS, Cereal Disease Laboratory,

University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 55108, USA

Author for correspondence:Li-Jun Ma

Tel: +1 413 545 1205Email: [email protected]

Received: 30 October 2015

Accepted: 25 January 2016

New Phytologist (2016)doi: 10.1111/nph.13912

Key words: Bayesian network inference, cellcircuits, Fusarium graminearum, modularity,network rewire and fungal pathogenesis.


� Head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum threatens world-wide wheat production,

resulting in both yield loss and mycotoxin contamination.� We reconstructed the global F. graminearum gene regulatory network (GRN) from a large

collection of transcriptomic data using Bayesian network inference, a machine-learning algo-

rithm. This GRN reveals connectivity between key regulators and their target genes. Focusing

on key regulators, this network contains eight distinct but interwoven modules. Enriched for

unique functions, such as cell cycle, DNA replication, transcription, translation and stress

responses, each module exhibits distinct expression profiles.� Evolutionarily, the F. graminearum genome can be divided into core regions shared with

closely related species and variable regions harboring genes that are unique to

F. graminearum and perform species-specific functions. Interestingly, the inferred top regula-

tors regulate genes that are significantly enriched from the same genomic regions (P < 0.05),

revealing a compartmentalized network structure that may reflect network rewiring related to

specific adaptation of this plant pathogen.� This first-ever reconstructed filamentous fungal GRN primes our understanding of

pathogenicity at the systems biology level and provides enticing prospects for novel disease

control strategies involving the targeting of master regulators in pathogens. The program can

be used to construct GRNs of other plant pathogens.


Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by the filamentousascomycete Fusarium graminearum (F. graminearum), is one ofthe most devastating diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley(Hordeum vulgare) and other small grains around the world(Goswami & Kistler, 2004; Leslie & Summerell, 2006; Rep &Kistler, 2010; Guo & Ma, 2014). FHB results in yield loss andcontamination of grains with mycotoxins (Leslie & Summerell,2006), fungal secondary metabolites toxic to animals, includinghumans. The management of FHB remains challenging becauseof a lack of effective resistant wheat cultivars and the prevalenceof pathogen resistance to fungicides. The understanding ofF. graminearum pathobiology at the systems level is vital to effec-tive disease and mycotoxin management.

From a systems biology perspective, any biological process,such as growth, reproduction or host invasion, is accomplishedby genome-encoded molecular components that are orches-trated and assembled into interconnected cell circuits (Kimet al., 2009). A gene regulatory network (GRN) depicts therelationships between regulatory components (e.g. kinases andtranscription factors (TFs)) and their target genes (e.g. enzymes

and structural proteins), key components of cell circuits.Among fungal species, GRN studies have extensively focusedon yeasts, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Pe’er et al., 2001,2002; Guelzim et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2002; Segal et al., 2003;Nachman et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2006; Hu et al., 2007; Dara-bos et al., 2011) and Candida albicans (Homann et al., 2009;Ramachandra et al., 2014). By contrast, the reconstruction ofGRN for filamentous fungi remains in its infancy. The bestunderstood F. graminearum transcriptional regulation system isthe Tri gene cluster, which is modulated by two internal TFs,Tri6 and Tri10 (Seong et al., 2009; Nasmith et al., 2011), anddirects the biosynthesis of trichothecene mycotoxins (Goswami& Kistler, 2004; Rep & Kistler, 2010). A chromatin immuno-precipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis (Nasmith et al.,2011) revealed that Tri6 physically binds to the promotersequences of six Tri genes and 192 non-Tri genes by recogniz-ing the ‘TNAGGCC’ motif (Nasmith et al., 2011). It remainsto be determined how cellular components work systemicallyto regulate F. graminearum development, invasive growth andvirulence.

There are rich resources to facilitate such an endeavor. TheF. graminearum genome has been fully sequenced (Cuomo et al.,

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2007) and putative regulatory proteins have been comprehen-sively annotated (Guldener et al., 2006a; Park et al., 2008, 2011;Wong et al., 2011). In addition to the Tri cluster, over 100pathogenicity-related genes have been characterized, includingsignal proteins (SPs), such as G proteins (Yu et al., 2008), smallGTPases (Bluhm et al., 2007) and mitogen-activated proteinkinases (MAPKs) (Urban et al., 2003; Jenczmionka & Schafer,2005). Genome-wide functional studies of F. graminearum TFs(Son et al., 2011) and protein kinases (PKs) (Li et al., 2011) havelinked 170 TFs and 64 PKs to fungal growth, development andvirulence. An F. graminearum protein–protein interactomedatabase (FPPI) has been constructed (Zhao et al., 2009). Fur-thermore, over 100 transcriptome datasets, covering diverse bio-logical states, such as plant infection (Boddu et al., 2006;Guldener et al., 2006b; Lysoe et al., 2011), sexual development(Qi et al., 2006; Hallen et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010; Sikhakolliet al., 2012), conidial germination (Seong et al., 2008) and myco-toxin production (Gardiner et al., 2009; Seong et al., 2009;Jonkers et al., 2012), are available in the PLEXdb public database(Dash et al., 2012) ( Large collections ofexpression profiles, either generated in our research or obtainedfrom PLEXdb, established a foundation for the systemic infer-ence of the F. graminearum GRN.

Many sophisticated computational programs, including Gaus-sian graphical models (Kishino & Waddell, 2000; Schafer &Strimmer, 2005a,b), probabilistic Boolean networks (Kauffman,1969; Glass & Kauffman, 1973; Shmulevich et al., 2002) andBayesian networks (BNs) (Friedman et al., 2000; Pe’er et al.,2002; Segal et al., 2003), have been developed for GRN recon-struction. This study adopted MINREG (Pe’er et al., 2002), a scal-able BN model that defines regulatory relationships usingexpression data, and has been successfully used to reconstructyeast (Pe’er et al., 2002) and mammalian (Amit et al., 2009)GRNs. A probabilistic graphical model, BN combines multivari-ate probability distributions and captures the properties of condi-tional independence between variables. Because of its ability todescribe complex stochastic processes and to provide clearmethodologies for learning from noisy observations, BN hasemerged as a common and attractive model for the reconstruc-tion of GRNs from expression data (Friedman et al., 2000;Vignes et al., 2011).

Here, we report the first genome-wide F. graminearum GRNby harnessing available genomic, transcriptomic and functionaldata. Remarkably, the predicted regulators were functionally cor-related with target genes. Topologically, the GRN was dividedinto eight distinct functional modules that were differentially reg-ulated under various biological conditions, in agreement with thefinding that each module performed distinct functions. Finally,we provide evidence that the F. graminearum regulatory networkis compartmentalized in the core vs species-specific genomicregions, providing insight into the circuit rewiring that may con-tribute to fungal genome evolution and specialization. Key com-ponents of the GRN are promising candidates for devising novelstrategies to control this destructive disease. The computationalprogram used here is also suitable for network inference in abroad spectrum of phytopathogenic fungi.

Materials and Methods


Fusarium graminearum Schwabe PH1 wild-type and mutants(Supporting Information Table S1) were kindly provided by DrJin-Rong Xu at Purdue University, and have been described pre-viously (Wang et al., 2011).

RNA preparation, chip hybridization and analysis

For the 27 sets of microarray data generated in this study(Table S1), total RNAs were isolated from fungal hyphae har-vested from 36-h-old complete medium cultures with TRIzol®

Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA), following the manu-facturer’s recommendations. Microarray hybridization was per-formed using the Affymetrix Fungal Multigenome ExonChip,and data processing and analysis were conducted as describedpreviously (Guo et al., 2016). Three biological replicates wereconducted for each experiment. For data quality control, Pearsoncorrelation coefficients (r) were calculated, and scatterplots werecreated for each possible pair of biological replicates (Fig. S1)using the R package GGALLY.

Combined data and normalization

One-hundred and sixty-six F. graminearum microarray samples,subjected to 55 experimental conditions (Table S1), wereobtained from PLEXDB. As these datasets were generated fromdifferent sources, expression levels in all samples were calculateduniformly from raw microarray data, as described previously(Guo et al., 2016). The expression of each gene under each exper-imental condition was classified into three discrete statuses: nor-mal, upregulated and downregulated (Table S2). The normalizeddata were used as input in our network inference program.

MINREG algorithm implementation

The MINREG algorithm, based on the BN model (Pe’er et al.,2006), was adapted for our GRN inference. BN learning includestwo aspects: learning the parameters of the conditional probabil-ity distribution for genes as nodes and learning the BN structure.With thousands of gene nodes in a regulatory network, it is anNP (nondeterministic polynomial time)-complete problem toenumerate all possible network structures and optimize theparameters. Under the assumption that only a certain number ofregulators regulate a target gene, the MINREG algorithm uses aheuristic greedy strategy to add regulators, one by one, by select-ing the regulator that can increase the BN score (BNS) the most.If adding a new regulator does not significantly increase the over-all BNS, the algorithm terminates. In our implementation, weselected the candidate regulator with the highest BNS as a keyregulator in each iteration. The number of key regulators wasfinalized based on the score distribution of BNS increase. Targetgenes were assigned to respective regulators under the constraintof a limited number of parents, which is denoted as d. For the

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first set of d regulators (parents for all target genes), all possiblecombinations of d regulators from the candidates were enumer-ated to select the combination that gave the highest BNS. Then,for a new regulator to be added, the parents of each target genewere combined to select the combinations of d regulators thatgave the highest BNS. After summing all the BNSs, the candidateregulator that gave the highest score increase was added to thenetwork. When selecting the (k + 1)th regulator, if the slope ofthe score increase was less than the threshold, the programstopped and selected the k regulators as the final parents of thetarget genes. The source codes and detailed instructions forsearching the F. graminearum GRN can be accessed at:

RGO score calculation

If regulators were SPs, functional enrichment using FUNCAT

(Ruepp et al., 2004) was performed on target genes of each SPregulator to obtain significantly enriched terms with a P valuethreshold of 0.05. The significantly enriched terms were com-pared with functional terms of the SP regulator. The functionalcapture rate RGO was then calculated by dividing the number ofshared functional terms by the total number of regulator func-tional terms.

Permutation test

A permutation test was performed to compare the RGO scores ofour inferred regulatory network and the randomly generated reg-ulator–target gene relationship. In each permutation, 120 regula-tors were randomly selected from candidate regulators. Eachrandomly selected regulator was mapped to the F. graminearumnetwork with a set of randomly selected target genes of the samesize. With the new random target genes, the RGO score for eachrandom regulator was calculated following a FUNCAT analysis.After running permutation tests 100 times, the average distribu-tion of the RGO score was compared with that of the inferrednetwork.

Function prediction of TFs

Predicted TF regulators were evaluated using two differentpipelines. First, the 75 F. graminearum TFs were searchedfor homologs in the S. cerevisiae genome ( using BLASTP (e < 1e-10). For the identifiedF. graminearum TF homologs, FUNCAT analysis was performedfor target genes and enriched functions were compared withS. cerevisiae TF homolog functions to identify consensusfunctions. Second, TF binding motif enrichment was performedfor target genes of each F. graminearum TF homolog usingdegenerate TF binding motifs predicted previously (Kumar et al.,2010). The enriched TF binding motif was then comparedwith the binding motif in the S. cerevisiae TF homolog, if presentin the YeTFaSCo database (,to identify similar binding motifs based on matching scorecomputation.

TF binding site matching score

Generally, the TF binding motif is represented as a positionweight matrix (PWM) or sequence logo. The motif matchingscore function was derived to measure the distance between themost enriched F. graminearum k-mer motif and the knownS. cerevisiae motif. The matching score for the most enrichedmotif mg and the published S. cerevisiae motif my was calculatedin Eqn 1:

m-score ¼ max1� t �m�n

Pni¼1 Mmg i½ �;iþtPni¼1 max



9=; Eqn 1

The PWM for S. cerevisiae motif my is represented as a fre-quency matrix of Mk,j, where k is one of possible nucleotidesΣ = {A, C, G, T} and j is the position. The length of motif my isdenoted as m and the length of motif mg is denoted as n. Thenucleotide at position i of mg is denoted as mg[i]. When mg isaligned with my at position t of my, the total matching scoreequals the summation of frequency Mk,j at each aligned position.The denominator is the normalization factor to remove the influ-ence of the maximum frequency. From all the possible alignedpositions, the largest matching score is the m-score.

Modularity analysis

Regulatory modules in the F. graminearum GRN were identifiedusing the modularity function in GEPHI (Bastian et al., 2009)employing randomization and a resolution score of 1.0. Genes ofeach regulatory module were exported and functional enrichmentwas conducted using FUNCAT. Gene expression levels of eachmodule were extracted from master data tables using inhousePython scripts, clustered and visualized using MEV (

GRN–FPPI overlapping network analysis

To identify overlapping elements between the FPPI network andthe GRN inferred in this study, genes and their interactions pre-sent in both networks were captured using inhouse Pythonscripts. FPPI network data were kindly provided by ProfessorWeihua Tang at the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analyses, including Student’s t-test and Fisher’s exacttest, were conducted using the stats functions in the R program-ming language ( The F. graminearumgenome has been divided previously into core and species-specific(FS) compartments containing c. 9700 and 3600 genes, respec-tively (Ma et al., 2010). For the top-ranked 20 regulators for thetwo compartments, we performed Fisher’s exact test using thefisher.test function in R. Our data provide strong support for thebiased distribution of top regulators for both regions. Core

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regulators (19/20) are significantly enriched in the core genomecompared with random chance (9700/13 300) (P = 0.02281),whereas FS regulators (1/20) are under-represented in the coregenome. Similarly, FS regulators (12/20) are significantlyenriched in the FS genome compared with random chance(3600/13 300) (P = 0.002), whereas core regulators are signifi-cantly under-represented in the FS genome.

Data access

Microarray data generated in this work using the Affymetrix Fun-gal Multigenome ExonChip (Guo et al., 2016) are available atthe Filamentous Fungi Gene Expression Database (Zhang &Townsend, 2010) (Experiment ID: 241, 242, 246 and 247)( The GRN inferred in thiswork, as well as related datasets, source codes and instructions forusing the network, can be accessed at:


Global F. graminearum GRN inference

In this study, we inferred the F. graminearum GRN by adaptingMINREG, a machine-learning algorithm based on a BN model(Pe’er et al., 2002) which treats the expression level of each geneas a random variable and attempts to estimate the structural fea-tures of the dependences in their joint probability distributionfrom the data. To collect sufficient expression data for reliablenetwork prediction, we generated 27 expression profiles based onnine experiments (see the Materials and Methods section)(Table S1) and acquired 166 transcriptomic datasets curated atthe Plant Expression database (PLEXdb) (Dash et al., 2012).Expression data from both sources were combined and normal-ized, generating a global gene expression data matrix as input data(Table S2). A total of 968 candidate regulator genes, including660 putative TFs and 308 SPs (Table S3), were identified basedon current functional annotations and published studies (Cuomoet al., 2007; Wong et al., 2011). Overall, the global BNSincreased when a new regulator was added (Fig. S2). At thebeginning of the BNS distribution curve, there was a linear corre-lation between the global BNS value and the increase in regula-tors. The increase declined significantly after 120 regulators hadbeen added. Theoretically, each candidate regulator can be fittedinto the GRN; however, doing so is computationally costly andcreates statistical noise which probably leads to spurious depen-dences with a relatively small sample size. Therefore, we termi-nated our search with a parsimonious set of major regulators andlimited our search to a simple network structure in an effort tobalance the high resolution of the learned networks with statisti-cal robustness (see the Materials and Methods section). Wedefined these 120 regulators, which can be accessed at the website, as top regulators of theF. graminearum GRN (Fig. S3). The inferred top regulatorsincluded 75 TFs and 45 SPs. The number of target genes for eachregulator ranged from 71 to 629, with an average of 329

(Fig. 1a). Because the expression data covered diverse biologicalstates with an emphasis on pathogenesis, we aimed to deliver areduced network structure that described the regulation of funda-mental biological processes with an emphasis on the regulation offungal pathogenesis. This framework can be further fitted withexpression data under different perturbations to understand theregulation of specific biological functions.

Validation of the predicted F. graminearum GRN

Top SP regulators share functions with their target genes Reg-ulators and their target genes are usually involved in the samebiological processes (Pe’er et al., 2006). This is strongly sup-ported by the top SP regulators identified in our study and theenriched gene ontology (GO) terms of their target genes. Forexample, 38 of the 45 inferred top SP regulators have been func-tionally annotated, which enables a comparison of the GO termsassigned to each regulator and its target genes using the ratioscore function RGO (see the Materials and Methods section). Thescores range from 0 to 1. A score of 1 reflects complete functionaloverlap, as all GO terms assigned to a regulator are enriched inthe GO terms assigned to its target genes. By contrast, a score of0 indicates a lack of functional overlap. Of the 38 annotated reg-ulators, the average RGO score was 0.34, significantly higher thanthe randomized permutation test average RGO score of 0.0051(Student’s t-test, P = 0.00205). Specifically, the RGO score for theregulator RAS2 (FGSG_10114) was 1, and six regulators hadRGO scores of ≥ 0.7, and about half of the SP regulators (18) hadRGO scores that were ≥ 0.4 (Fig. 1b; Table S4).

These top SP regulators, which act as controlling centers of theGRN and regulate many key processes essential for survival andproliferation, were found to be mostly involved in housekeepingcell functions, such as metabolism, cell cycle control, cellulartransport, transcription, translation and cell growth (Table S4).For example, RAS2 (FGSG_10114) was predicted to regulate557 target genes in the F. graminearum GRN. Empirically, theras2 mutant showed multiple defects, including defects in vegeta-tive growth, mating and virulence (Bluhm et al., 2007), eventhough the mutant was viable. Interestingly, these 557 targetgenes included 38 genes involved in the cell cycle, 41 in stressresponses and 34 in cell polarity and ascospore development.Among the 45 SP regulators, at least three, that is, FGSG_00677(subunit of casein kinase 2, CK2), FGSG_01137 (FgMPS1) andFGSG_09660 (FgPKC1), are essential (Fig. S4), and no viableknockout mutants could be experimentally obtained for these(Wang et al., 2011). Mutants of the other eight regulators showedphenotypic defects in one or more processes, including vegetativegrowth, sporulation, toxin production and virulence (Wanget al., 2011), supporting their involvement in essential cellularfunctions as top regulators (Fig. S4).

Most predicted top TF regulators are functionally con-served Unlike SPs, most TFs in the F. graminearum genomehave limited GO annotations associated with biological processesand lack functional annotations other than nucleic acid binding.Validation methods based on such incomplete information could

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amplify both false-positive and false-negative signals. Therefore,we took a homologous-based approach, comparing the predictedtop regulators with homologs in the best-characterized modelfungal genome, S. cerevisiae. Among the 75 predicted top TF reg-ulators, 56 had putative S. cerevisiae homologs (e < 1e-10). Trans-ferring the functional annotation of yeast proteins to theirF. graminearum homologs enabled us to perform an annotation-based validation similar to that described for SPs. Interestingly,the functions of 34 of the 56 top TFs, as suggested by their yeasthomologs, were confirmed by the enriched functional categoriesinferred by their target genes (see the Materials and Methods sec-tion) (Fig. 2a; Table 1). These 34 conserved regulators regulate awide range of cellular processes, including the cell cycle, RNAprocessing during transcription and translation, mitochondrialfunctions, mating, stress responses and chromatin dynamics(Table 1).

A comprehensive mutagenesis study generated and character-ized all 660 TFs in the F. graminearum genome, showing that170 TF deletion mutants have at least one phenotypic defect(Son et al., 2011), including 13 of the 75 predicted top TF regu-lators (Fig. S4). Interestingly, 10 of these 13 TFs were found tobe conserved in S. cerevisiae. For example, FGSG_07310 wasfound to be the homolog of S. cerevisiae STE12, which is acti-vated by the MAPK cascade in response to pheromones and con-trols mating (Elion et al., 1993). The FGSG_07310 deletionmutant is unable to reproduce sexually, confirming the essentialrole of FGSG_07310 in mating (Son et al., 2011). Deletionmutants of four of these TFs, FGSG_00324, FGSG_00385,FGSG_00477 and FGSG_08719 (Fig. S4), had multiple defects(Son et al., 2011), consistent with the fundamental biologicalprocesses they share with their S. cerevisiae homologs, such astranscription, and chromatin and cytoskeleton structure(Table 1).

TFs control the transcription of their target genes by bindingto their respective regulatory sequences, called TFBSs, at the pro-moter regions of the target genes. It has been reported repeatedlythat the sequence of a TFBS can be preserved in a conserved TFover evolutionary distance, for instance from unicellular yeasts tofilamentous fungi (Kumar et al., 2010; Wittkopp & Kalay,

2012). Based on the set of computationally predicted TF cis ele-ments in the F. graminearum genome (Kumar et al., 2010), weidentified the most enriched TF binding sites (Student’s t-test)among target genes for each inferred top TF regulator (Table S5).On average, about one-quarter of the predicted target genes ofeach TF shared an enriched binding site. We further developed ascore function based on PWM to measure the sequence similaritybetween the enriched F. graminearum binding motifs and thecorresponding ones predicted in the Yeast Transcription FactorSpecificity Compendium (see the Materials and Methods sec-tion). The score ranges from 0 to 1, representing the least to themost matches. Among the 34 functionally conservedF. graminearum–S. cerevisiae TFs, 22 (65%) shared TF bindingsequences with S. cerevisiae homologs (Fig. 2a; Table 1). The con-served binding motifs included the TFBS for MIG2, PUT3,EDS1, STE12 and STB5, with matching scores of higher than0.8 (Fig. 2b).

In summary, validation of the reduced F. graminearum GRNconfirms its reliability in depicting the relationship between topregulators, both SPs and TFs, and their target genes. The conser-vation between F. graminearum and S. cerevisiae for both the pre-dicted top TFs and their TFBSs suggests that most predicted topregulators in this reduced network structure perform conservedhousekeeping functions.

Modularity is a key feature of the F. graminearum GRN

The GRN usually contains interconnected functional modulesthat have specific functions in biological processes (Segal et al.,2003). Multiple software packages, such as GEPHI (Bastian et al.,2009), were designed to extract tightly connected subnetworksfrom larger networks (Blondel et al., 2008), including social net-works such as Facebook (Akhtar et al., 2013), as well as transcrip-tion regulatory networks (Sanz et al., 2011). Using GEPHI, theF. graminearum GRN can be reproducibly divided into eight reg-ulatory modules (Fig. 3). GO term enrichment tests (Table S6)confirmed that each module was functionally independent andwas important for certain biological functions (Fig. 4). However,some functions were controlled by multiple modules (Tables 2,

Fig. 1 Summary of the Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory network (GRN). (a) The abundance of target genes for all regulators is summarized in ahistogram and a density curve. x-axis, number of target genes; y-axis, density of regulators. (b) A stack bar plot comparing the RGO (function capture rate)distribution for signal protein (SP) regulators in the inferred GRN and the random network obtained by a permutation test (see the Materials and Methodssection). RGO equals the ratio of functional terms shared by a regulator and its target genes (significantly enriched: P < 0.05) to the total functional terms ofthe regulator (see the Materials and Methods section). Color scale: RGO ranges from 0 to 1.

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S6). For example, module A was found to function in the cellcycle, remodeling of chromatin structure and cytoskeletal organi-zation, and cell polarity. Modules D, E and F were found to reg-ulate translation, transcription and DNA replication,respectively. Module G was found to control cell differentiationand stress responses. Although modules B, C and H were allfound to be involved in the regulation of cell detoxification pro-cesses, they were enriched for different cellular processes. Forinstance, module B was involved in secondary metabolism,including lipid, fatty acid and isoprenoid metabolism; module Cwas highly enriched for cytochrome P450-related detoxificationprocesses; and module H primarily regulated carbohydratemetabolism and detoxification.

Such functional affiliation was also supported by the findingsthat most regulators and target genes in modules B, C and Hwere upregulated during plant infection (Fig. S5) and that thegene expression profiles of modules B, C and H were distinct

from those of the other modules (Fig. S5; Table 2). For instance,module A (cell cycle and cell development module) was preferen-tially expressed during sexual reproduction stages, but module D(translation module) was induced during conidial germinationprocesses (Fig. S5). To quantify the functional affiliation of eachmodule, we co-clustered the expressed profiles of the 120 top reg-ulators and the expression profiles used for the F. graminearumGRN inference employing a hierarchical clustering (HCL) algo-rithm (Fig. S6), and observed distinct clustering patterns for theregulatory modules (Fig. 4a), in agreement with their functionalannotations. The most significant affiliation was in module C,where all regulators were found to be related to the disease phe-notype (Fig. 4a) and were strongly induced during plant infection(Fig. S5). In addition to module C, modules B (57% of regula-tors) and H (70%) were also substantially correlated with diseasephenotypes. Of 22 candidate FS effectors reported previously(Brown et al., 2012), 12, 12 and eight were found in modules B,



Fig. 2 Transcription factor (TF) regulators inferred in the Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory network (GRN) have exceptional functional or TF bindingsite (TFBS) consistency with Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologs. (a) Pie charts summarizing the validation of 75 TF regulators inferred in theF. graminearum GRN compared with S. cerevisiae homologs in terms of function and TFBS. Dotted lines and arrows represent a further breakdown offunctionally conserved TFs based on TFBS knowledge. (b) Summary of functionally conserved F. graminearum and S. cerevisiae TFs that share highlysimilar TFBSs, suggested by motif MSs (matching scores). MS computation details are provided in the Materials and Methods section.

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C and H, respectively. Although all modules contain effectorgenes, B and C have the highest ratio of effector genes per mod-ule (Table S7). By contrast, modules A (80%), F (68%) and G(85%) were major contributors to sexual development. ModulesD (70%) and E (68%) were primary contributors to the conidialgermination process (Fig. 4a). This distinctiveness of expressionprofiles and functional affiliations among different modules indi-cates that the F. graminearum GRN has clear modularity and thateach module is differentially expressed under certain biologicalconditions.

The F. graminearum GRN reveals conserved vs species-specific components

Novel traits, such as overcoming host resistance to establish infec-tion, or utilizing different nutrient sources to support growth in a

changing environment, are important for the adaptation of anorganism and, in many cases, are gained through the acquisitionof new genes. The integration of these new genes into the regula-tory network is crucial for their functionality. Based on a knowl-edge of the structural and functional divergence of theF. graminearum genome (Cuomo et al., 2007), we identified9700 orthologous genes that were conserved among three Fusar-ium sister species, F. graminearum, F. verticillioides andF. oxysporum (Ma et al., 2010), as core genes. About 3600 genesthat lack orthologous sequences in the sister species were looselydefined as F. graminearum specific (FS hereafter). These FS geneswere primarily localized to genomic regions that contained a highdensity of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and some ofthese genes were found to encode pathogenicity-related effectorproteins (Kistler et al., 2013) and secondary metabolite gene clus-ters (Zhao et al., 2014).

Table 1 Summary of conserved Fusarium graminearum (Fg) transcription factor (TF) regulators homologous to those in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc)

Fg TF regulators Fg degenerate TFBS Sc homologs Sc TFBS evidence Consensus function annotation Motif matching score

FGSG_04666 CGGTGAR CHA4 No Cell cycle –1

FGSG_07097 CNCCAAN YOX1 Yes Cell cycle control 0.51FGSG_07924 CGACNNC ZNF1 No Cell cycle, cell component biosynthesis,

cell differentiation, signal transduction–

FGSG_07310 CCCTGNN STE12 Yes Cell cycle, cytokinesis, mating, cell typedifferentiation, stress response


FGSG_09807 YGCGACN CEF1 No Cell cycle, RNA processing, mRNA splicing –FGSG_08349 NGTSACG UME6 Yes Cell cycle, transcription, cell transport 0.57FGSG_00385 CCNCNTC NHP6B Yes Chromatin remodeling, condensation –FGSG_08719 NGCCNCA MYO1 No Cytoplasmic and nuclear protein degradation,

cell cycle, cytoskeleton structure–

FGSG_07789 ATCGATA SKO1 Yes Disease, virulence, defense 0.53FGSG_00477 GNCCCRC MIG2 Yes Fungal cell differentiation 1FGSG_00318 CCCCGSA BAS1 Yes Metabolism, energy, transport 0.71FGSG_00717 AAAANTT TIM10 No Mitochondria, mitochondria transport,

heat shock stress response–

FGSG_09892 GATGNCN MPE1 No mRNA synthesis, transcriptional control –FGSG_00153 ATAAGAT PUT3 Yes Nitrogen utilization 0.98FGSG_04480 NNAAAAA EDS1 Yes Nonvesicular transport, stress response 1FGSG_00800 CCNCCNC HAL9 Yes Osmotic and salt stress response, stress response 1FGSG_13172 CNCNCCA PIP2 Yes Oxidation of fatty acids, cell cycle and DNA processing 1FGSG_06516 GCKGACT STB5 Yes Oxygen and radical detoxification 1FGSG_01172 CCGAGGY OAF1 Yes Peroxisome, fatty acid, mitochondria 1FGSG_01411 NNCGCGT PFA4 No Protein modification, degradation, cell cycle regulation –FGSG_06220 GNGGGGY SUI2 No Protein synthesis, translation, translation initiation –FGSG_05012 AGCTNCN ARC1 No Protein synthesis, tRNA aminoacylation,

tRNA binding, stress response–

FGSG_00052 CAYGTGC RSC30 Yes Regulation of ribosomal protein genes 0.83FGSG_04554 YNATTGG DPS1 No RNA modification, rRNA processing –FGSG_06168 RAAAAAN RSF2 Yes rRNA processing, protein synthesis, transcription 0.84FGSG_11996 ACGTMAT ECM22 Yes Sterol metabolism 0.62FGSG_00713 NCTCCCN STB5 Yes Stress response 0.61FGSG_12798 TATAAGA PPR1 Yes Stress response 0.86FGSG_02696 NACGTCA PPR1 Yes Stress response 0.84FGSG_02787 GCGGRGN STB5 Yes Stress response 1FGSG_04293 CNCCGMC CRZ1 Yes Stress response, calcium binding 0.97FGSG_01638 GCGNCAN HAP1 Yes Transcription regulation 0.64FGSG_00324 CNCCCNC SNT1 No Transcription, chromatin regulation, meiosis –FGSG_05498 GANGCGN BUR6 No Transcription, chromosomal cycle –

TFBS, transcription factor binding site.1Score not calculated.

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Based on this genome partition, we examined whether the reg-ulatory modules identified in the F. graminearum GRN had anenrichment of genes located on either genomic region. Interest-ingly, FS genes are significantly enriched in the three pathogene-sis-related modules, B (30%, P = 1.1e-3), C (52%, P = 1.3e-71)and H (38.2%, P = 1.2e-17), but under-represented in all othermodules (Table 2). Such a biased distribution is reflected in bothregulators (Fig. 4b) and their target genes, and the most signifi-cant enrichments are observed among FS target genes that are

regulated by FS regulators. For instance, 55% of FS target genesin module B, 84% of FS target genes in module C and 73% ofFS target genes in module H are regulated by FS regulators.

To further understand the compartmentalization of regulation,we ranked the top regulators based on their number of targetgenes, and searched for the top 20 regulators for the conserved vsspecies-specific genes, respectively. For the 9700 core genes, 19 ofthe 20 top regulators were also encoded in the core regions, indi-cating significant enrichment if assuming a random distribution









Fig. 3 The Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory network (GRN) consists of eight regulatory modules that are regulated under different biological states.Visualization of the F. graminearum gene regulatory network, which is divided into eight modules (a–h). Only the regulator nodes are shown. Modules(shaded circles) and their enclosed regulator nodes are colored. The size and label of the nodes are proportional to the number of target genes for eachregulator. Edges are nonweighted, simply showing inferred regulatory relationships. The functional annotation of each module represents the mostsignificantly enriched gene ontology terms among target genes within the module.

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(P = 0.02281). By contrast, only eight of the highest ranked 20regulators for the 3600 FS genes were found to be core regulators,and 12 were FS regulators (Fig. 5a), which were significantlyenriched (P = 0.002) (see the Materials and Methods section).This over-representation of core and FS regulators for the coreand FS genomes, respectively, suggests that each genomic regionhas a regulatory network that primarily employs regulators fromthe same region. In addition, gene expression patterns for the top20 regulators of the two genomic regions were also distinct. Incontrast with the top regulators in the core genome, those in theFS genome were highly upregulated during plant infection stages,

further suggesting that the FS genome and its top regulators playvital roles in fungal pathogenesis (Fig. 5a).

Furthermore, we found that if a regulator was F. graminearumspecific, its target genes were mostly F. graminearum specific, andvice versa. We calculated the core and FS target gene ratios,which represent the frequency of target genes from the core or FSgenome, respectively, in the total number of target genes per reg-ulator. Density curves suggested that 96 core regulators (regula-tors from the core genome) had low FS target gene ratios,compared with 24 FS regulators (Fig. 5b). The FS gene ratio dis-tributions for 24 FS regulators (mean, 0.41) and 96 core

(a) (b)

Fig. 4 Dissection of functional association in regulatory modules of Fusarium graminearum. (a) Bar graphs summarizing the number of regulatorsbelonging to the four major regulator clusters: Sexual, Disease, conidia_germ (conidia germination) and Sexual&Conidia germ, equivalent to the clustersshown in Fig. 3. The regulators were counted for each module and plotted. Bar colors represent the four clusters. (b) Core genome and F. graminearum-specific distribution of regulators for each regulatory module. FSR, F. graminearum-specific genome regulators; CoreR, core genome regulators.

Table 2 Summary of module statistics: the number of target genes and regulators in each module and the most significantly enriched functional terms intarget genes ranked by P values (low to high)

ModuleNo. targetgenes

No. FS target genes(percentage)1

FS enrichment(P value)2

No.regulators Significantly enriched biological processes3

A 2743 367 (13.4) Under (5.4e-38) 11 Cell cycle; cytoskeleton; budding; cell polarity;chromosomal structure; G-protein-mediated cellsignaling

B 5066 1539 (30.4) Over (1.1e-3) 17 Detoxification; degradation of exogenouscompounds; nonvesicular cellular import;secondary metabolism

C 3195 1658 (52) Over (1.3e-71) 12 Degradation of exogenous compounds;detoxification involving cytochrome P450;polysaccharide metabolism

D 3295 594 (18) Under (3.4e-18) 16 Protein synthesis; unfolded protein response;mitochondrion; stress response

E 4440 561 (12.6) Under (3.8e-63) 21 Transcription; cellular transport; cytoskeleton; cellcycle; mitochondrion; stress response

F 6807 1693 (24.8) Under (8.4e-3) 21 Metabolism; rRNA processing; Ori recognitionand priming complex formation; vitamin/cofactor transport

G 4212 861 (20.4) Under (6.5e-12) 14 Stress response; fungal cell type differentiation;ascospore development; cell wall; G-protein-mediated signal transduction

H 3012 1151 (38.2) Over (1.2e-17) 8 Carbohydrate metabolism; detoxification bydegradation; aminosaccharide catabolism

1FS, Fusarium graminearum specific. Percentage, FS target gene ratio per module.2FS enrichment: enrichment test (two-sided Fisher’s exact test) for FS target genes over total target genes per module, compared with total FS genes(3600) against whole genome (13 300). Over, over-representation or enrichment (P < 0.05). Under, under-representation or lack of enrichment (P < 0.05).3Significantly enriched biological processes using FUNCAT database (ranked by FUNCAT P-value in ascending order). Complete FUNCAT results for all modulesare available in Supporting Information Table S6.

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regulators (mean, 0.18) were significantly different (Student’st-test: P = 8.63e-05) (Fig. 5c). By contrast, target genes inferredfor core regulators were mostly situated in the core genome, andthe FS regulators had low core target gene ratios (Fig. S7). Thesefindings indicate that a compartmentalization of regulatory net-works exists between the core and FS genomic regions.

A comparison of the F. graminearum GRN and FPPI revealssubnetworks

Many regulatory interactions are effectively carried out by proteincomplexes, which are essential molecular machineries for a vastarray of biological functions. FPPI, which interconnects 3750proteins, was established previously (Zhao et al., 2009). By com-paring the F. graminearum GRN with the reported FPPI, we

identified shared components that capture a total of 311 interac-tions between 337 proteins. Although this shared network con-tained only 337 proteins, 78 were predicted top regulators,including 34 SP regulators and 44 TF regulators identified in thisstudy (Fig. S8; Table S8).

These shared interactions formed several major subnetworks,and the top two were a ribosomal protein complex and a complexthat involved a subunit of CK2 (FGSG_00677). The ribosomalprotein complex contained 30 proteins that were all annotated asribosomal protein subunits and predicted to be part of moduleD, which was found to be involved in translation. The subnet-work centering on the regulator FGSG_00677 included a total of20 proteins and was part of module E, which was found to con-trol transcription and cell transport. FGSG_00677, an essentialF. graminearum kinase (Wang et al., 2011), was found to be

Fig. 5 The Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory network (GRN) has core genome- and F. graminearum-specific (FS) components. (a) Top 20 regulators(in terms of having the most target genes) of target genes belonging to the core genome and FS genome. Purple and blue rectangles denote the coregenome and FS genome, respectively. The same colors were also used to shade the top 20 regulators, based on their location in genome compartments.Heatmaps show the gene expression changes of the 40 regulators across three categories of biological conditions. Color scale represents log2-transformedfold change from low (�4) to high (4). Green, downregulated; red, upregulated; black, no change. The core and FS genomes were defined based on acomparative genome analysis between F. graminearum and three additional Fusarium species: F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopercisi, F. verticillioides andF. solani. Core genes are shared by the four species. FS genes are unique to F. graminearum. (b) Kernel density curve of FS target gene ratio distributionsfor 96 core and 24 FS regulators in the F. graminearum GRN. FS target gene ratios measure the proportion of FS genes amongst all target genes perregulator. (c) Notch boxplots summarizing FS target gene ratio distributions for 96 core and 24 FS regulators, which are significantly different, with P < 0.05(Student’s t-test). A horizontal black line across each box denotes the mean gene ratio.

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involved in cell cycle control, rRNA synthesis, and cell growthand polarity (Table S4). Overall, we found that proteins involvedin the cell cycle and transcription were enriched in this subnet-work. Consistent with the active involvement of protein synthe-sis, DNA synthesis and transcription during fungal sporegermination (Osherov & May, 2001; Seong et al., 2008), bothmodules D and E were strongly transcriptionally associated withconidial germination (Fig. 4a).

The other shared component had a key regulator, adenylatecyclase FAC1 (FGSG_01234), which controls the central signal-ing cascade cyclic adenosine monophosphate–protein kinase A(cAMP–PKA) pathway by producing the second messengercAMP (D’Souza & Heitman, 2001) to transmit extracellularstimuli and govern cell responses (Hu et al., 2014; Guo et al.,2016). This component was part of module A in theF. graminearum GRN and was predicted to regulate the cell cycleand cell development.

Previously, our comparative study of the cAMP–PKA pathwayin F. graminearum and in one of its sister species, F. verticillioides(Guo et al., 2016), has revealed that this pathway has conservedhousekeeping functions, such as cell cycle regulation, primarymetabolism and stress response. In the F. graminearum GRN,FAC1 was predicted to be one of the top regulators, and wasfound to regulate 356 target genes that were enriched for func-tions in small GTPase-mediated signaling, cell cycle regulationand ascospore development (Table S4). Combining FPPI, ourGRN inference and the 1238 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) identified in the Dfac1 mutant (Guo et al., 2016), weidentified a single edge that was supported by all three lines ofevidence (DEG–GRN–FPPI) (Fig. 6a,b). This single node(FGSG_09908) encoded the regulatory subunit of PK (PKR),and binding of cAMP to this subunit led to activation of CPK1.

Most edges were supported by both GRN and DEG (26 edges),including FGSG_00800 (HAL9) and FGSG_08763 (SWI6).Seven edges were supported by GRN and FPPI, including a RASGTPase (FGSG_05501) and protein phosphatases PP2, PP2cand CDC25. Interestingly, 16 edges were supported by DEGand FPPI, but not by GRN prediction, including a FAC1-associated protein (FGSG_01923), the cAMP scavenger enzymePDE1 (FGSG_06633), G-protein b subunit FGB1 (FGSG_09870) and a MAPK (FGSG_09612). This suggests that theseproteins may be part of a large protein complex involved in thecAMP–PKA signaling pathway, but may not be directly regulatedby FAC1 (Fig. 6b).

Because this current model links all target genes with a subsetof regulators, we anticipate a relatively high false-positive rate intarget prediction. Therefore, it is not surprising that we identifiedover 300 targets that only existed in GRN and lacked supportfrom either DEG or FPPI. These target genes had multiple regu-lators in GRN; therefore, it is likely that their expression levelsmay not be changed by blocking a single regulator. However, theGRN-unique edges did capture cAMP signaling-related genes,such as the G-protein a subunit (FGSG_05535) and c subunit(FGSG_07235), consistent with the fact that G-protein signalingregulates cAMP signaling. FAC1 is likely to be co-regulated withthese target genes.

Overall, the network analysis reported here captures manyedges that can be supported by both protein–protein interactionand gene expression profiles. Combining these multiple layers ofevidence helps us to understand the hierarchical structure of theFAC1 regulatory network in depth. This analysis provides a tem-plate for functional validation of GRN, which could be achievedusing genetic and physical interaction data obtained in futurebiological experiments.

(a) (b)

Fig. 6 Fusarium graminearum FAC1 regulatory subnetworks. (a) Venn diagram of network edges captured by the gene regulatory network (GRN),F. graminearum protein–protein interaction network (FPPI) and differentially expressed genes (DEG) for the Δfac1mutant. (b) Fusarium graminearum

FAC1 (FGSG_01234, adenylate cyclase) regulatory subnetworks. Edges are nonweighted and depict regulatory relationships. For simplicity, prefixes(FGSG_) of genes are omitted. Five clusters within the network are: GRN shared with DEG (DEG-GRN), GRN shared with FPPI (GRN-FPPI), FPPI sharedwith DEG (DEG-FPPI), shared by all three (DEG-GRN-FPPI) and only in GRN (all are not shown). Colors of nodes (except FAC1, the regulator) are the sameas the clusters. Red labels beside the nodes are either gene names or functional annotations of genes.

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The reconstruction of a GRN at the genomic level remains adaunting task in any organism, particularly in higher eukaryotes.In this study, we selected a filamentous fungus, F. graminearum,for the network inference, because of its agricultural importance,the wealth of available transcriptomic data and the existence of awell-annotated genome. Furthermore, F. graminearum is one ofthe most extensively researched plant-pathogenic fungi (Deanet al., 2012). This first reconstructed GRN of a filamentousascomycete identified 120 top regulators that regulate differentsets of target genes, and provided a regulatory framework thatlinks every gene in the genome. Phenotypic association analysisshowed that some of the identified top regulators are critical forfungal asexual and sexual growth, toxin production and virulence.Interestingly, although the SP regulators investigated to date seemto be crucial or indispensable, most TF regulator mutants havesimilar phenotypes to the wild-type, with a few exceptions. Thismay be attributed to different modes of action for these two dif-ferent types of regulator. SPs, such as kinases, typically actupstream of TFs and are therefore higher on the hierarchy of reg-ulators, behaving as molecular switches. However, TFs oftenrequire the cooperation of multiple transcriptional cofactors, asthis perhaps allows cells to cope with the loss of certain individualTFs. Regardless, the importance of kinases vs TFs is not alwaysintuitive and, in many cases, requires further investigation.

One significant discovery of this relatively preliminary networkinference is the modularity of the network. Any biological func-tion is accomplished by hundreds of proteins through indepen-dent, but interconnected, subnetworks. Even though completeseparation may be impossible, certain subnetworks are moreinterconnected than others. Our modularity analysis repro-ducibly identified eight regulatory modules. Although this dis-tinction between modules is clear, it is not uncommon to findgenes associated with more than one module, reflecting the com-plexity of regulatory networks. The study of these modules willprovide valuable insight into the gene regulatory circuits thatcontrol key fungal biological processes, and guide the functionalcharacterization of these regulators and target genes throughexperimental approaches.

The other intriguing discovery of this study is the compart-mentalization of the regulatory network. Previous studies havedivided the F. graminearum genome into conserved vs highlyvariable genomic regions. Genes encoded within these regions areenriched for species-specific genes and many of these encodepotential virulence factors that are induced during plant infection(Cuomo et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2014). In agreement with thegenomic division, these two regions are controlled by compart-mentalized regulatory circuits in the predicted F. graminearumGRN. However, there are strong connections between these tworegions and they clearly act as one unit. How F. graminearumacquired these novel regulatory circuits during evolutionary pro-cesses, how they were integrated with core circuits to form acohesive functional unit and, finally, how the two parts commu-nicate to regulate diverse fungal biological processes remain to bedetermined.

Our network inference also provides insight into the TF bind-ing sites for the predicted TF regulators using a purely computa-tional approach. Based on previously published results of anin silico cis-element prediction for F. graminearum (Kumar et al.,2010) and on homology with S. cerevisiae, we found strong con-servation signals for 12 TFs (of 75 predicted top TF regulators)and their corresponding TFBSs (matching score > 0.8) betweenF. graminearum and S. cerevisiae, indicating functional conserva-tion over > 400 million yr of evolutionary time. As expected, weobserved sequence divergence for the binding sites, even whenthe TFs were conserved, as TF binding site turnover is commonlyobserved during fungal species evolution, even between closelyrelated species (Gasch et al., 2004).

Overall, this network prediction illustrates the power of com-putational biology and demonstrates the integration of social net-work and life sciences. However, this current static networkmodel has its limitations. First, it does not consider the dynamicnature of the network and lacks the fine resolution needed toidentify regulatory relationships under specific conditions. Forexample, two well-characterized TFs, Tri6 and Tri10, which con-trol the production of the mycotoxin trichothecene, are absent inthe top regulator list. This is probably a result of their specialized,but nonessential, regulation of a set of genes that control sec-ondary metabolism. Indeed, when we extended our search, bothTri6 and Tri10 were identified among the top 500 regulators.Second, the current algorithm is based on the consistent correla-tion in expression levels of a regulator and target genes withoutany consideration of post-transcriptional and post-translationalregulation events, which may have created noise in the predic-tion. Third, certain genes that share similar patterns of expressionwithout actual regulatory relationships may have been assignedregulatory relationships as false positives. As expression-basedmodeling identifies regulators that are active (up- or downregu-lated) under most, if not all conditions, candidate regulators lack-ing significant expression changes are unlikely to be identified.Despite these limitations, we are confident of the overall accuracyof this network model, which has already revealed exciting andbiologically meaningful insights into the gene regulation of thisfilamentous fungus. By increasing the number of datasetsobtained under more diverse conditions, the network structureand topology can be further refined with improved resolution.The identification of the components and dynamics of the cellregulatory network and the pinpointing of specific regulators thatgovern fungal pathogenesis will offer potential novel strategies tocontrol FHB, one of the most devastating diseases of wheat.


This project was supported by the National Research InitiativeCompetitive Grants Program grant nos. 2008-35604-18800 andMASR-2009-04374 from the USDA National Institute of Foodand Agriculture. L. Guo and L-J.M. were also supported by aseed grant from Massachusetts Green High PerformanceComputing Center and the National Research Initiative HatchGrants Program grant no. MAS00441. The authors would liketo extend their thanks to Steve Klosterman, Lynda Ciuffitti,

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Ralph Dean and Andrew Breakspear for providing DNA andRNA samples; to Supriya Gupta and Andrew Crenshaw at theBroad Institute Expression Platform for conducting hybridizationof both DNA and RNA samples to the Affymetrix arrays and forprocessing the microarray results; and to Gene Tanimoto andStan Trask at Affymetrix for their assistance with the design ofthe fungal pathogen microarrays and for optimizing thehybridization conditions.

Author contributions

The project was designed by L. Guo, G.Z., L. Gao and L-J.M.The manuscript was written by L. Guo, G.Z., L. Gao and L-J.M.The experimental design was conducted by L. Guo, G.Z.,H.C.K., J-R.X. and L-J.M. Chip design was conducted byH.C.K., J-R.X. and L-J.M.


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Supporting Information

Additional supporting information may be found in the onlineversion of this article.

Fig. S1 Scatterplot matrix of three biological replicates and asso-ciated Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for each condition/bio-logical state transcriptomically profiled in this study using theAffymetrix Fungal Multigenome ExonChip.

Fig. S2 Bayesian network score distribution for the top 300 regu-lators in the Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory network(GRN).

Fig. S3 Visualization of the Fusarium graminearum gene regula-tory network (GRN) featuring the top 120 regulators, includingtranscription factors (TFs) and signal proteins (SPs), representedby red and green nodes, respectively.

New Phytologist (2016) � 2016 The Authors

New Phytologist� 2016 New Phytologist



Page 15: Compartmentalized gene regulatory network of the ... › comparativegenomics › Pdfs › ...Compartmentalized gene regulatory network of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum

Fig. S4 Gene–phenotype networks depicting the association ofknown phenotypes (red nodes) with inferred signal protein (SP)(blue nodes) and transcription factor (TF) (green nodes) regula-tors.

Fig. S5 Regulatory modules are differentially regulated inresponse to various biological conditions.

Fig. S6 Heatmap of hierarchical co-clustering of biological con-ditions (rows) and 120 regulators (columns).

Fig. S7 Biased regulatory networks for core regulators ofFusarium graminearum.

Fig. S8 Shared networks by the Fusarium graminearum gene reg-ulatory network (GRN) and protein–protein interaction network(FPPI).

Table S1 Summary of conditions on which the transcriptomicdata are based for Fusarium graminearum gene regulatory net-work inference in this study

Table S2 Input gene expression data matrix

Table S3 Spreadsheets containing lists of candidate regulators,inferred 120 top regulators, the full gene regulatory network(GRN), core genome GRN and Fusarium graminearum-specificGRN

Table S4 Summary of signal proteins identified as inferred regu-lators in this network

Table S5 List of 75 inferred transcription factor regulators andthe most enriched binding sites for target genes

Table S6 Gene lists of eight regulatory modules (A–H) and com-plete FUNCAT analysis results

Table S7 Gene regulatory networks for candidate effector genes

Table S8 Shared networks by the Fusarium graminearum generegulatory network (GRN) and protein–protein interaction net-work (FPPI)

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