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Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared thermometry during radio

frequency ablation

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2014 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 047001


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Page 2: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared thermometry

during radio frequency ablation

Xiaonan Geng1†, Zhuhuang Zhou2†, Qiang Li1, Shuicai Wu2, Chiao-Yin Wang3,4,Hao-Li Liu5, Ching-Cheng Chuang6, and Po-Hsiang Tsui3,7*

1School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China2Biomedical Engineering Center, College of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China3Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan4Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan5Department of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan6Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan7Institute for Radiological Research, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, TaiwanE-mail: [email protected]

Received September 22, 2013; accepted February 3, 2014; published online March 19, 2014

Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a widely used alternative modality in the treatment of tumors. During RFA, temperature monitoring is essentialto ensure accurate and appropriate thermal dosage. Ultrasound temperature imaging based on the detection of echo time-shift has beendemonstrated to have good ability to monitor the temperature distribution. However, no study has proven that the region of ultrasound temperatureimaging can correspond well to the practical temperature distribution in the tissue. In this study, we aim to combine ultrasound and infrared systemsto clarify the correlation between ultrasound temperature imaging and the practical temperature distribution in a tissue. Five porcine livers (n = 5)were ablated using an RFA system and monitored with an ultrasound system to acquire raw backscattered data for temperature imaging.Meanwhile, an infrared imaging system was used to obtain the practical temperature map of the tissue. The results showed that the temperaturedistribution detected by ultrasound echo time-shift agreed with those obtained from the infrared image. When the tissue temperature was higherthan 45 °C, ultrasound temperature imaging is difficult to describe the behavior of the heat transfer in a homogeneous medium. In this study, weused the experimental setup based on combining ultrasound and infrared systems to confirm the reliability and limitations of ultrasoundtemperature imaging in RFA monitoring. Such an experimental design may be considered as an indispensable platform for the development andoptimization of ultrasound temperature imaging techniques in RFA monitoring. © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

1. Introduction

Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasivetherapeutic alternative modality for liver tumor treatment.1,2)

During the RFA procedure, a radio frequency (RF) needleelectrode is inserted into the tumor to deliver a strongalternating electrical current. This current agitates ions andproduces a temperature increase that induces the coagulationnecrosis of tissues surrounding the electrode. Previousresearch has proven RFA to be a reliable method for treatingtumors.3) Image guidance to insert the needle electrode to thecorrect location of the tumor is an indispensable procedureduring RFA treatment. Among the various medical imagingtechniques, ultrasound B-mode imaging is the most com-monly used method of guiding RFA. The popularity ofB-mode imaging in RFA guidance is based on its portability,low cost, real-time capability, and compatibility with othermedical equipment.4–6)

During RFA treatment, temperature monitoring is essentialfor quantifying the thermal dosage for better treatmentcontrol. Ultrasound techniques can also be simultaneouslyused to image the temperature distribution in tissues. This isbecause a change in temperature affects the properties of thescattering medium, thereby altering the acoustic properties ofultrasound propagation, including sound speed,7,8) attenu-ation,9,10) and backscattered energy.11–13) Among all methods,the echo time-shift that results from a change in the soundspeed and tissue thermal expansion has received considerableattention in the last decade.14–16) Previous studies havesuccessfully applied ultrasound temperature imaging basedon echo time-shift detection to monitor RFA.17,18)

To evaluate the reliability of visualizing the RFA-inducedtemperature distribution in tissues by ultrasound, a calibrationmethod is necessary when developing the algorithm andcomputational procedures of ultrasound temperature imaging.In reference to other studies, the use of thermocouples tomeasure temperatures at different locations in tissues is themost frequently used method of calibration.17–19) The mainlimitation of their use is that a practical temperature mapof tissues is not available for comparison with ultrasoundtemperature imaging. To resolve this problem, the region oftissue necrosis induced by thermal ablation may be used asa standard reference for comparison with the temperatureimage. However, the region of tissue necrosis depends ontemperature and needs to correlate with the ablation time. Inthe early stage of ablation, the region of tissue necrosis maynot be well developed owing to the lack of sufficient thermaldoses. For this reason, use of the necrosis region to evaluatethe overall reliability of ultrasound temperature imagingduring RFA is not a good option.

To date, no evidence is available that demonstrates thatthe temperature distribution detected by ultrasound matchesthe practical temperature profile in tissues. To clarify thecorrelation between ultrasound temperature imaging and thepractical temperature distribution in tissues, in this study,we designed an experimental setup to compare ultrasoundtemperature imaging with infrared imaging, which is usedas a standard temperature map. The results showed that thetemperature distribution measured by ultrasound correspondswell to that obtained from infrared imaging, meaning thatultrasound temperature imaging is a reliable tool for visual-izing the practical temperature map.

†These authors contributed equally to this work.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 047001 (2014)


047001-1 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 3: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Experimental setupFigure 1 illustrates the experimental platform and methodproposed to validate the reliability of ultrasound temperatureimaging in monitoring RFA. The experimental setup consistsof three main systems and accessories: a radio frequencysystem, an ultrasound imaging scanner, an infrared imagingsystem, and a tissue sample holder. The RFA system(Starmed VIVA RF generator) used to ablate the tissue inthe experiments consists of a needle electrode of 1.5 cmlength (Starmed 17-20V15-40), an RF generator, cables,and other accessories. The operation frequency of RFA is480 kHz. A commercial ultrasound scanner (Terason 3000)equipped with a 7.5MHz linear array transducer (Terason10L5) was used to acquire image raw backscattered data fromtissues during RFA. An infrared camera (Sunrite TechnologyDL770A) was placed in front of the tissue sample to monitorthe surface temperature map in a tissue.

Five porcine livers (n = 5) with dimensions of about6 (width) © 4 (height) © 3 (thickness) cm3 obtained fromlocal markets were used as test samples. The liver samplewas placed in an acrylic case. One side of the acrylic casefacing the infrared camera had a hole with a diameter ofapproximately 4 cm so that the cross section of the liversample can be directly exposed to the infrared radiation. Foreach liver sample, only the first half of the RFA electrode(corresponding to a length of 0.75 cm) was inserted into thetissue. Such an arrangement allows the heat induced by RFAto spread to the cross section of the tissue sample for infraredimaging. Subsequently, the power and duration of RFA were

set at 10W and 3min, respectively. During RFA, the infraredimaging system was enabled to monitor the surface temper-ature map corresponding to the cross section of the tissue.Meanwhile, the ultrasound transducer was placed near thecross section of the tissue sample as closely as possibleto acquire backscattered data of the ultrasound image ata sampling rate of 30MHz. This step allows the acquiredimage raw data to correspond to the tissue cross section forcomparison with the practical temperature map obtained fromthe infrared system.

2.2 Infrared thermometryThe infrared camera is a device that forms an image usinginfrared radiation. In general, objects at room temperatureemit mainly in the far-infrared region of the wavelength spec-trum, but as the temperature rises, the emission appears inthe infrared and, finally, in the visible spectrum. The Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unitsurface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unittime, I, is directly proportional to the fourth power of theblack body’s thermodynamic temperature T:

I ¼ �T4; ð1Þwhere · is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. The total infraredradiation emitted from a general body at temperature T can bemodeled by20)

I ¼ "�T4; ð2Þwhere ¾ is the emissivity. The emissivity is 1 for a black bodyand is smaller than 1 for a gray body. A liver sample may besimilar to a black body radiator because its emissivity islarger than 0.9.21)

Note that the wavelengths of the used infrared range from8 to 14 µm, limiting the camera system to detect only thesurface temperature without internal temperature information.The infrared system has been calibrated using a black bodyradiation source by the manufacturer, and therefore, the sys-tem can provide reliable temperature measurements. How-ever, the infrared light may be absorbed, scattered, andrefracted by air to cause the attenuation effect. Partial heatinduced by RFA may also dissipate from the tissue surface.It is difficult to estimate the effects of attenuation andheat dissipation, but these effects indeed cause the biasof temperature measurement to some degree. To reduceerrors of measurements on the surface temperature ofthe tissue, the RF electrode was inserted into the tissueperpendicularly, and the direction for the line of sightbetween the infrared detector and the tissue surface wasadjusted according to the orientation of the RF electrode(Fig. 1). In this arrangement, the RF electrode may stilllocally appear in the infrared images, but this does notaffect the measurements of the surface temperature profilebecause the temperature of the electrode remains at roomtemperature during RFA. The alternating electrical currentgenerated by RFA only agitates ions and produces atemperature increase in tissues.

2.3 Ultrasound temperature imagingThe ultrasound backscattered signals were used for B-modeand temperature imaging. The details of the algorithm forultrasound temperature imaging based on echo time-shift



Fig. 1. (Color online) Experimental setup of RFA and monitoringsystems, including an ultrasound scanner and an infrared imaging system.(a) Schematic diagram of experimental setup, (b) practical measurementenvironment and arrangements.

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 047001 (2014) X. Geng et al.

047001-2 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 4: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

estimation were described and discussed previously.22) Here,we briefly explain the principle and assumptions. Whenultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues,the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.Changes in the sound speed in a tissue will produce echotime-shifts for ultrasound backscattered signals. The relation-ship between temperature change �TðzÞ and time delay �tðzÞcould be derived as22)

�TðzÞ ¼ c0ðzÞ2


�ðzÞ � �ðzÞ@

@zð�tðzÞÞ; ð3Þ

where z is the axial depth along the direction of ultrasoundtravel, ¡ is the linear coefficient of thermal expansion, ¢ is thethermal coefficient of sound speed, and c0ðzÞ is the depth-dependent initial sound speed. To simplify the analysis, thefollowing assumptions are made: (i) there was no changein the properties of tissues during increasing temperature(e.g., coagulation); (ii) the material parameter ¡ remains thesame within the tissue. The above two assumptions couldbe satisfied within the temperature range analyzed in thisstudy, and thus, the nonlinear effects associated with thermalexpansion could be neglected.23) Under these assumptions,Eq. (3) could be simplified to

�TðzÞ ¼ kðzÞ c0ðzÞ2


@zð�tðzÞÞ; ð4Þ


kðzÞ ¼ 1

�ðzÞ � �ðzÞ � k; ð5Þ

where k is a material-dependent coefficient. Equations (4)and (5) show that the temperature distribution can beestimated by tracking the cumulative echo time-shifts relativeto the reference image at each location, and, then, differ-entiating along the axial direction.15,22)

By attaching a thermocouple to the tip of the RF electrodeto measure the tissue temperature at the electrode locationðxe; yeÞ, the coefficient k of in vitro porcine liver tissues couldbe estimated using Eqs. (4) and (5):

k � 2�TðyeÞc0



; ð6Þ

where the sound speed c0 is assumed to be 1540m/s, �TðyeÞand ð@=@yÞð�tðyeÞÞ are the temperature change and the dif-ferential of echo time-shift with respect to ðxe; yeÞ at a specifictime of heating, respectively. With Eq. (6), the tissue co-efficients k at different temperatures were estimated and usedin the temperature estimation.

The algorithm of ultrasound temperature imaging used inthis study is implemented according to the following steps.At first, the image raw data at initial reference temperaturerðx; y; t0Þ prior to RFA heating were acquired. For eachtime point i during RFA, the incremental time-shift map�t̂incrðx; y; tiÞ was estimated using the current image datarðx; y; tiÞand the previous one rðx; y; ti�1Þfor one-dimensionalcross-correlation analysis. The cumulative echo time-shiftmap was computed as

�t̂ðx; y; tiÞ ¼Xi


�t̂incrðx; y; tjÞ: ð7Þ

It is necessary to carry out smoothing along both axial andlateral directions to reduce the ripple in the temperatureestimates.22) For this reason, the cumulative echo time-shiftmap was further filtered using an 8-order low-pass Butter-worth filter with normalized cutoff frequency of 0.33, whichwas obtained empirically in our tests to work well withthe experimental system. Finally, the ultrasound temperatureimage was obtained by differentiating the cumulative echotime-shift map along the axial direction and scaling the resultusing Eq. (4).

2.4 Data analysisThe temperature curve as a function of ablation timewas measured from the temperature values at the electrodelocation in the infrared images for comparison with ultra-sound temperature images. The ¹6 dB temperature distribu-tion areas obtained from the ultrasound and infrared systemswere compared. Data were expressed as mean « standarddeviation.

3. Results

Figure 2 shows the typical B-mode images of the porcineliver sample acquired in the ablation period. The white arrowin the figure indicates the location of the RF electrode.Figure 3 shows the ultrasound temperature images con-structed using the echo time-shift corresponding to the B-scans in Fig. 2. The regions indicated by white lines mean¹6 dB temperature distribution areas. The infrared images atvarious ablation times are shown in Fig. 4. The black circlesin the infrared images represent ¹6 dB areas of temperaturedistribution, indicating that RFA induced a temperature dis-tribution in the tissue. The temperature values at the electrodelocation in the infrared images were used to calculate thetemperature as a function of the ablation time, as shown inFig. 5. As the ablation time increases, the temperatureincreases from approximately 21 to 52 °C. Figure 6 showsthe cross section of the liver tissue after RFA ablation. Tissuenecrosis can be observed on the tissue cross section, meaningthat the RFA-induced temperature distribution satisfied thethermal dose requirement to produce the effect of tissuedenaturation. Figure 7 compares the temperatures at thelocation of the RF electrode measured from ultrasound andinfrared images, indicating that the echo time-shift methodhas a good ability to estimate the temperature variation. Inparticular, Fig. 8 shows that the ¹6 dB area of the temper-ature distribution measured from the ultrasound temperatureimage is in good agreement with that obtained from theinfrared image. In the temperature range between 21 and45 °C, the ¹6 dB areas of the temperature distributionsestimated from ultrasound and infrared images increasedfrom 0.2 to 1.6 cm2. However, the area of the temperaturedistribution detected by ultrasound tends to be underesti-mated compared with that in the infrared image when thetemperature exceeds approximately 45 °C.

4. Discussion

It is well known that ultrasound temperature imaging basedon echo time-shift detection can visualize the temperaturedistribution in a tissue.15,22–24) The limitations of the echotime-shift method have also been discussed in the literature.Previous research has shown that the sound speed does

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 047001 (2014) X. Geng et al.

047001-3 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 5: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

Fig. 3. (Color online) Ultrasound temperature images based on echo time-shift estimation of liver sample acquired at the various ablation times. The whitelines represent ¹6 dB areas of temperature distribution.

Fig. 2. B-mode images of liver sample acquired at various times during ablation. The white arrow indicates the location of the RF electrode.

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 047001 (2014) X. Geng et al.

047001-4 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 6: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

not increase significantly at temperatures over 50 °C.23) Inparticular, the sound speed of fatty tissues decreases withincreases in temperature. Examples of the temperaturedependence of the sound speed, such as for breast or fattyliver, can be found in the cited reference,23) which indicatedthe difficulty of using echo time-shift to establish the tem-perature distributions of fatty tissues. For temperature

elevations much higher than 50 °C, the major limitationcomes from the irreversible changes in the acoustic propertiesof tissues caused by necrosis. In the case of coagulativenecrosis, the properties of scatterers (e.g., echogenicity,spacing, or arrangement) are completely altered, to make thewaveforms of the backscattered signals different from those

Fig. 4. (Color online) Infrared temperature maps corresponding to ultrasound temperature images in Fig. 3. The black circles in the infrared imagesrepresent ¹6 dB areas of temperature distribution.

Time (s)0 50 100 150 200




re (








Fig. 5. Average and standard deviation of temperature at location of RFelectrode as a function of ablation time.

Fig. 6. (Color online) A typical cross section of ablated tissues. The whitecircle indicates the ablated region. The tissue necrosis induced by RFA canbe observed.

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 047001 (2014) X. Geng et al.

047001-5 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 7: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

before ablation (signal decorrelation effect). In this case, thecross-correlation analysis using the backscattered signalsacquired before and after heating for tracking echolocationshifts becomes difficult.25) Moreover, the echo time-shiftestimation using the cross-correlation algorithm is sensitiveto the tissue motion and bubble formation during RFA, whichleads to severe decorrelation between measurements.26) Ahigh-temperature ablation can also generate cavitation, whichresults in significant nonlinear aftereffects to cause echodistortions. The effects of bubbles on the measured echotime-shift depend on how they affect the phase characteristicsof the echo signals.7)

In this study, we found that the temperature estimated fromultrasound echo time-shift highly correlates with measure-ments from the use of infrared imaging. There is a good con-sistency between the areas of temperature distribution meas-ured using ultrasound echo time-shift and infrared imaging.The evidence provided by the infrared image indicates thatthe ultrasound temperature image is a reliable approach in thevisualization of temperature distribution. Meanwhile, the use

of infrared imaging in the experimental design also pointedout the dilemma of ultrasound temperature imaging.Evidently, the estimation bias of the temperature distributionis significant when the temperature exceeds 45 °C.

Using the experimental setup, we further observed someproblems of ultrasound temperature imaging in visualizingthe practical temperature distribution in a tissue. According tothe results of the infrared images, the practical temperaturedistribution in a tissue induced by RFA behaves in a circularshape. This is reasonable because the liver is essentially ahomogeneous tissue. A previous study has demonstrated thatheat transfer in a homogeneous medium forms a temperaturedistribution with a circular shape.27) However, when thetemperature exceeds 45 °C, the circular pattern of the heattransfer in a homogeneous medium cannot be well describedby ultrasound temperature imaging. Possible reasons whythe echo time-shift cannot accurately describe the practicalshape of the temperature distribution in a tissue may includethe imperfection of algorithms and system factors. It hasbeen shown that echo time-shift estimation is highlydependent on the filter design for the reduction of artifacts(e.g., thermal lens effect).15,22) Furthermore, the samplingrate of 30MHz for the ultrasound system used in this studymay not be sufficient to describe the echo time-shift in moredetail.

Here, we want to emphasize that the experimental setupbased on the combination of an ultrasound scanner and theinfrared imaging system provides us a direct and effectiveplatform to allow real-time observation of the heat diffusionduring RFA and the comparison of ultrasound temperatureimaging with the practical temperature map in the tissue.Under a condition that many algorithmic and system factorsneed to be taken into account in practice, the proposedexperimental method can serve as a standard calibrationplatform to optimize the algorithms and system settings forultrasound temperature imaging.

Some considerations when using the proposed experimen-tal method in practical applications need to be discussed here.First, the experimental method is useful for the calibrationof ultrasound temperature imaging for correctly visualizingthe heat transfer pattern and the temperature distribution in atissue. However, it should be noted that a difference in sizebetween the temperature maps measured using ultrasound andinfrared images may exist, because both ultrasound andinfrared imaging are impossible to carry out in the same plane.To reduce measurement errors, operators must adjust theposition of the ultrasound transducer to approximate the frameof ultrasound imaging to the cross section of the tissue.Second, the proposed experimental method is only suitable foruse in developing ultrasound temperature imaging techniquesdedicated to RFA or microwave ablation monitoring. Thermalablation using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)needs water or gel for acoustic coupling, and thus, thereliability of ultrasound temperature imaging used to monitorHIFU is typically validated by egg white phantoms.28)

5. Conclusions

This is the first study to use infrared images for evaluatingthe reliability of using ultrasound temperature imaging tovisualize the practical temperature map in a tissue. Accordingto the lines of evidence provided by infrared imaging, we

Temperature (°C)(obtained from infrared imaging)

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55




re (




ed f



o t



t im












Fig. 7. Comparison of temperatures at location of RF electrode measuredfrom ultrasound and infrared images.

Temperature (°C)

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55






2 )






2.5Infrared imageEcho time-shift image

Fig. 8. (Color online) Comparison of ¹6 dB areas of temperaturedistribution measured from ultrasound and infrared images. The area of thetemperature distribution detected by ultrasound tends to be underestimatedcompared with that in the infrared image when the temperature exceedsapproximately 45 °C.

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 047001 (2014) X. Geng et al.

047001-6 © 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Page 8: Comparison of ultrasound temperature imaging with infrared ...€¦ · ultrasound waves propagate through biological soft tissues, the sound speed is a function of the tissue temperature.

found that the range of the temperature distribution estimatedfrom the ultrasound echo time-shift is consistent with thatmeasured from the infrared image when the tissue temper-ature is smaller than 45 °C. However, the typical pattern ofthe heat transfer (circular-shape distribution) in a homoge-neous medium cannot be well described by ultrasoundtemperature imaging as the tissue temperature continues toincrease to satisfy the thermal dosage required to cause tissuenecrosis. It is worth mentioning that the experimental methodbased on combining ultrasound and infrared systems allowsreal-time observations and demonstrations of the strengthsand weaknesses of ultrasound temperature imaging. Suchan experimental design may be further considered as anindispensable platform for the development and optimizationof ultrasound temperature imaging techniques in RFAmonitoring.


This work was supported in part by the National ScienceCouncil (Taiwan) under Grant No. NSC 102-2221-E-182-008. This work was also supported by the ChangGung Memorial Hospital (Linkou, Taiwan) under GrantNos. CMRPD1C0661 and CMRPD1C0711.

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