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Page 2: Company profile "What we can do for your business"

WHO WE ARE?NRG dig i ta l c reat ive so lut ions is a d ig i ta l agency compr ised of s t ra teg is ts , c reat ive , technologis ts , des igners , marketers , s tory te l le rs , and inventors . We de l iver except iona l resu l ts for our c l ients by ga in ing a deep understanding of the i r needs, customers and target market , and then combin ing ins ight -dr iven s t ra tegy & ideat ion wi th the h ighest leve ls o f execut ion .

We are a pass ionate group dedicated to creat ing the most meaningfu l , impact fu l and e f fect ive d ig i ta l so lu t ions for progress ive brands. We of fer a range of serv ices that encompass d ig i ta l s t ra tegy, des ign , technology and media . Whether creat ing campaigns and websi tes or games and appl ica t ions , we f ind gaps in the marketp lace and br ing our un ique brand of innovat ion to the d ig i ta l landscape. VISION


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We make br i l l iant in teract ive v isua l exper iences you can see and touch, de l ivered in every conce ivable way. We are a t the cut t ing edge of d ig i ta l media product ion . We work for agencies and end c l ients creat ing communicat ions , enter ta inment , v isua l iza t ions , adver t is ing and t ra in ing .


our sk i l led team of hands-on spec ia l is ts is mot ivated by a can-do cu l ture , dr iven by want ing to exceed expecta t ions and br ing new ways of th ink ing to our c l ients . Our team consis ts o f dedicated des igners , an imators , programmers , wordsmi ths and creat ive d i rectors , a l l o f which work in house. Our un ique ta lents combined wi th our broad exper ience means we de l iver except iona l resu l ts t ime and t ime aga in .

The Team

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We create d ig i ta l products and serv ices that he lp brands thr ive in a connected wor ld .

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Interactive software solutions.

We create exper ient ia l web exper iences that combine a l l our in -house capabi l i t ies in des ign , 3D, programming and an imat ion . Our team he lp promote some amazing c l ients in a var ie ty o f ways onl ine , a l l o f which have seen a fantast ic re turn on investment .

Web Solutions1





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AR is a way to get t ing more out o f the wor ld around you. As an adver t iser, you have a exc i t ing new way to d isp lay your products . As a d ig i ta l media company, AR is product that you can add to your media buy ing. Augmented Rea l i ty can be ava i lab le on most popular mobi le p la t forms and desktops.

Augmented Reality Apps

2We specia l i zes in deve lop ing and des ign ing cut t ing-edge apps for iPhone, iPad and Andro id dev ices . Whether i t ' s a magaz ine , ca ta logue, websi te or serv ice we wi l l he lp you reach the r ight audience wi th wel l -a rch i tected , s t rong in ter face des ign .

Smart Devices Apps.


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5We develop and create branding games across Mobi le , Facebook and PC/Mac to improve your products or serv ices awareness , engagement , adopt ion , loya l ty and re tent ion among consumers and employees

We create g a m e s that you can p lay wi th any gadget

Games And Gamification.

We create bespoke in teract ive touch screen appl ica t ions and presenta t ions that he lp you as a brand communicate , in form and enter ta in . Th is leaves a t remendous las t ing impress ion on your v iewing publ ic a t exh ib i t ions , open days , sa les presenta t ions and l ive events .

Touchscreen Apps.4

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Mot ion graphics is a t the hear t o f everyth ing we do. We create mot ion graphics for adver t isements , websi tes , presenta t ions , d ig i ta l s ignage. . . in fac t the l is t is endless as most o f our work involves moving graphics in some form across a l l the mediums we work in : be i t f lash , v ideo, 3D.

Video Production.

6We have complete so lut ion that le ts media and bus iness publ ishers create , d is t r ibute , monet ize and opt imize publ ica t ions for tab le t dev ices .Br ing your cata log or magaz ine to l i fe by le t t ing consumers in teract wi th products the way they would in person. When they l ike what they see , they ’ re just a tap away f rom buying.

Digital Publishing.


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Interactive hardware solutions

Glass enc losed wi th a 90 , 180 or 360-degree v iewing p la t form, the Magic Box combines f lex ib le content , spec ia l e f fects , d imensions and music to create a breathtak ing promot iona l too l . Looking to show of f the la test mobi le phone technology? S imply p lace your dev ice ins ide the Magic Box for power fu l adver t is ing so lut ion .

Magic Box1

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We can conver ts any wal l sur face , LCD or a back pro jected d isp lay in to a gesture sens ing in teract ive sur face . I t engages a person in an unforgat tab le exper ience a l lowing them to immerse in to the brand or just p la in fun .

Interactive Window

2Is interact ive accessory for iPads , iPhones, and Andro id dev ices . The d isp lay incorporates touch technology and sof tware to be a la rger than l i fe vers ion of your favor i te dev ice . S tandard s izes are 40” , 55” and 65”

Touch Frame


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In an indust ry that is constant ly be ing redeve loped and new technologies emerg ing every day i t is impor tant to keep up wi th what 's go ing on.

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WHY US?The oppor tuni t ies are endless . We are good wi th ideas and know how others have used the technology.



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65 I sma ie l E l kabany S t . , 1s t D is t rec t ,Nasr C i ty, Ca i ro , Egypt .

Web: www.nrg-d ig i ta l .com E-ma i l : i n fo@nrg-d ig i ta l .com

Te l : [+202 ] 22554466


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