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Company Life

Company LifeBy: Bryan London & Arnold Nguyen11/4/13

GoogleHeadquarters located in Mountain View, CAGoogle is an tech sector.Google employs 30,000 people.Google gives information for what you search for.People working research about hardest problems in computer science.

YahooHeadquarters located in Sunnyvale, CA.Yahoo is based on tech sector.12,300 people are employed in Yahoo.Yahoo gives answers to peoples questions.Yahoo is a marketing and accounting business.

FacebookMenlo Park, CA is headquarters.Social media is sector.5,299 people are employed.Facebook is online social media website.People working at Facebook, try to stop hackers from stealing accounts.

IBMHeadquarters in Armonk, New York.The sector is Information Technology Sector.434,246 are employed at IBM.IBM collects personal information that is necessary for a purpose.Working here, you can be an Innovator.

AppleCupertino, CA is Apples headquarters.Technology is sector.Apple employed 80,000.Sells Apple products such as IPhones, and IPads.To advertise people to buy apple products.

MicrosoftRedmond, WA is Headquarters area.Microsoft located International Organization Sector.91,000 people are currently employed by Microsoft.They create Computers, and programs.Working at Microsoft, you can manage or develop computers or programs.

DellRound Rock, TX is headquarters.Based on Computer Service Sector.78,000 people are employed at Dell.They sell Computers and Provide service.You can produce the newest computer technology and help customers.

Hewitt Packard [HP]Palo Alto, CA is headquarters location.Based on Computer Technology Sector.331,800 people are employed at HP.HP produces Computers and other devices for 170 counties around the world.Working at HP will introduce you into the technology field and to produce the latest computers and devices.

Coca ColaAtlanta, GA is Company Headquarters.Coca Cola is a soft drink company.700,000 people are employed at Coca Cola.Sell Coke, Coke Cherry, Coke Zero, Sprite, etc.You get to produce one of be best Drinks in the World.

UPSHeadquarter located at Atlanta, GA.Transport Sector.399,000 people work for UPS.They Transport and Package goods or items for you.To make good money and to just drive & deliver packages.

SonicHeadquarters in Oklahoma City, OK.Fast food Sector11,510 people work for Sonic.They sell and produce Fast Food.Provides as a Collage job and be able to skate around.

3MHeadquarters in St. Paul, MN.Business Sector.67,000 people work for 3M.Inventing Company that pays to invent.You work for Manufacturing Environment and proceeded in safety career.

Johnson & JohnsonNew Brunswick, NJ is Headquarter Location.Health and Product Sector.117,900 people are employed at Johnson & Johnson.Sell baby products and sanitary products.Get discounts on baby products and other Johnson products.

Wal-MartBentonville, AR is headquarters.2.2 million people work for Wal-Mart.Product Sector.Sells food, toys, electronics, etc.College job, and earn discounts.

StarbucksSeattle, WA is Starbucks Headquarters.Employs 151,000 people work at Starbucks.Energy Drink Sector.Sell Cappuccinos, Lattes, Hot Chocolate, etc.You get to make coffee and earn discounts.

ExxonMobilIrving, TX is headquarters.Gas Station Chain Sector.82,000 people work at ExxonMobil. Sells gasoline, is a convenient store.Cheep Gasoline.

Mustang Public SchoolsHeadquarters Located in Mustang, OK.Education Division. Over 1000 people work for Mustang Public Schools.Provide education for students.Teach the young.

PepsiPurchase, NY is Headquarters.Food and Beverage Sector.297,000 people work at Pepsi.Sell Pepsi, and other beverages. Make Pepsi and experiment with Pepsi.

TargetMinneapolis, MN is headquarters location.Goods Sector.361,000 people work for Target.Sell goods such as foods and toys and electronics.It is collage type job and you can get discounts.

IntelSanta Clara, CA is headquarters location.Computer and Intel Sector.82,500 people work for Intel.Sells computers and programs and electronics.Get to design the latest computers and programs.

FordLocated in Dearborn, MICar sector.350,000 people work at Ford.Sells Ford vehicles and other brands.Design the latest cars like trucks.

MercedesStuttgart, Germany is Headquarters.Car Manufactory Sector.98,020 people work at Mercedes.Sell Mercedes Cars.Design the latest Mercedes and cars.

Digital RiverMinnekota, MN is Headquarters.Electronic Sector.5,000 people work for Digital River.Sell and create electronics.Learn how to work and create programs.

British Petroleum (BP)London, England is Headquarters.Natural Gas Sector.85,900 people work for British Petroleum.Sells Natural Gas.Learn how to work with Natural gas.

ChesapeakeOklahoma City, OK is Headquarters.Energy sector.12,598 people work at Chesapeake.Create energy and sell energy.Work with electricity and power homes.

Devon OilOklahoma City, OK is headquarters location.Energy Sector.5,700 people work for Devon Oil.Work with energy, power and oil.Power homes, learn how to work with electricity and oil.