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January 2012 Free Distribution of FBC 318 Hall St Franklin, VA

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Page 3: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Inspiring Our Seniors

Celebrating Accomplishments

Sisters & Spouses Sticking Together

Connecting With Community

Motivating Our Youth

Page 4: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Page 5: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


6— Stressed About Money?

How To Get Pass Financial Worry

6— Handling a Mans Dream

Five ways to help him dream

7— Have A Happy Hew Year!

Christians and 2012 Resolutions

8— Stay Connected On the Go!

Get the 411 from FBC via phone

9— God I have a Question

Why did this Happen to me?

10—Christians have Authority

The Believers Authority in Christ

11— A Family With God’s Favor

Meet Ricky Blunt & His Family

14— Make the Right Choice

View FBC Upcoming Events

15—The Blessing of Church

Churches & Ministries of our Area

16—Transformation is Real

Read 3 stories of God deliverance

17—Let’s Go to Church

Featured church families to join.

18—Have Purpose? Walk In It

View upcoming events for W.I.T.

19—Questions about money?

Ways to Get It Right With Money

20—Are you focused?

Find a class to join and grow in God

21—Is it too late?

Learn How God Redeems Time

22—Let’s Stick Together

Business that support FBC


Community Synergy (CS) Magazine is designed by and provided as a

ministry of First Baptist Church 318 Hall St Franklin, VA. Pastor DS Rid-

dick . It is distributed to over 2450 families in multiple cities in many

states. The next issue of CS will be in April of 2012. Contact our office

(757.562.7158) for advertising, submitting articles, and other inquiries.

Find A Church Family To Join and Become Active.

Making New Years Resolutions?

Away with Financial Worry!

Redeem The Time & Live Again.





The Blunt Family

Moving Forward

11 11





The Blunt Family

Moving Forward


Page 6: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


mind run toward all the things

you’re grateful for?

It‘s easy to draw inward when

we‘re worried, isn‘t it? To see

only what needs fixing and

none of what‘s working well,

all of the challenges and none

of the opportunities. I don‘t

mean to paint a smiley face on

anything you‘re worried about

right now, or anything I‘m wor-

ried about for that mat-

ter. But gratitude is the path

toward contentment, and con-

tentment has a way of taking

the sting out of worry.

So, as you think about what

concerns you, take inventory of

all that‘s good about your life

as well.

Take Action

I purposely put this sugges-

tion last because so often it‘s

the first step we try to

take. Our culture has a heavy

bias toward action. It‘s only

after we‘ve talked to God and

s o u g h t H i s g u i d -

ance, after we‘ve talked with a

trusted friend, or after we‘ve

taken stock of all that‘s good,

that we can possibly think of a

truly constructive action step.

What else have you found help-

ful in dealing with the things

you worry about?

Matt Bell

How To Get

Past Financial Worry

still remember the first time we took our first child to the

pediatrician. There was nothing wrong; it was just a

normal first check-up. However, my face must have

looked like I was carrying our newborn across Niagara

Falls on a tightrope. The doctor took one look at me and

said, ―It‘s okay, one day every parent stops worrying. in

about 60 years.‖ You don‘t need to be a parent to experience

worry. You just need to be alive. Worry is part of the human

condition. Today, as the stock market messes with our retirement

plans, the job market messes with our security, and the housing

market messes with our long-held assumption about the value of

homes, we‘re living in especially worrisome times.

Let‘s take a look at what the Bible says about worry.

Take It To God

Jesus once asked the rhetorical question, ―Who of you by worry-

ing can add a single hour to your life?‖ (Matthew 6:27)

Good question, right? There‘s no benefit that comes from worry-

ing. In fact, it can subtract hours from our lives andyet, we

worry. Telling ourselves not to is like telling ourselves not to

think about an elephant. So, in the midst of our worry, what can

we do to get to a better place? In the section of Scripture just ref-

erenced, Jesus reminds us that God takes good care of birds and

flowers, and since He cares so much more for us, we can rest

assured that he‘ll take care of us. But He does ask something of

us. He asks us to make our relationship with Him our first prior-

ity. That means turning to Him should be our first step whenever

we‘re worried about something. As the apostle Peter said, ―Cast

all your anxiety on him because he cares for you‖ (1 Peter 5:7).

Take It To Others

How many times a day do you have this conversation?

―How‘s it going?‖ ―Good. How about you?‖ ―Good.‖

We‘re all good. Fine. Great. Couldn‘t be better.

If you‘re struggling, don‘t let our ―Good, how are you?‖ world

fool you into believing you‘re alone. You‘re not. Everyone has

―stuff.‖ Sometimes it‘s small stuff; sometimes it‘s big stuff. But

we all have stuff we‘re worried about. The next time someone

passes you in the hall and asks, ―How‘s it going?‖ I‘m not sug-

gested that you let loose with all of your concerns.

but I am suggesting that you find

someone to talk to.

As Solomon once said, ―Two can

worry about something better than

one.‖ Okay, I took a few liberties

with that, but he did point out that,

―If one falls down, his friend can help

him up‖ (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

In the midst of our worry, we could

all use some help up.

Assuming you choose a safe person

to talk to about your worries – some-

one who‘s truly for you – you‘ll defi-

nitely experience one benefit, and

maybe two. First, you‘ll have some-

one else to walk through the worry

with you and your willingness to talk

about something you‘re worried

about may just open up enough space

for the other person to tell you what

you‘re worried. Then you can help

each other.

Then you can help each other.

Take Comfort In What’s Good

In Philippians 4:6, the apostle Paul

reiterated Peter‘s advice about taking

our concerns to God, but with some

very odd sounding added guidance:

―…in everything, by prayer and peti-

tion, with thanksgiving, present your

requests to God.‖

With thanksgiving? Huh?

How often, in the midst of a worri-

some challenge, does your


Inspire Your Husband To

Dream By: Cindi McMenamin

As wives and fe-

male friends we

must remember

that men expresses

their hearts in very

special ways when

they express a

dream or aspiration. But often we,

as wives, can discourage –

that dream if we‘re not careful in

how we respond.

Rather than saying ―That‘s not safe‖

―That‘s not practical‖ or ―That‘s just

plain stupid!‖ here are five ways (in

an acrostic spelling DREAM) that

you can draw out of him his dream

and encourage him to pursue it for

the sake of his heart and your own.

Continued on page 23


Page 7: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


year with a clean slate. Some believe that New Year‘s resolutions

began as promises made to the gods, negotiating or bargaining in

the hope that the gods would grant some favor in return,

such as a good harvest. It was also believed

that breaking of New Year's resolution brought

bad luck.

The Bible does not speak for or against the concept

of New Year‘s resolutions. Every day is the day the Lord

has made, as Psalm 118:24 states, and “we will rejoice and

be glad in it.” One can make a resolution or promise to one

self any day of the year, and keeping it or breaking it is in their

hands. One thing the Bible does say in Ecclesiastes 5:2,4 and

5 is that if one makes promises or vows to God, it

shouldn‘t be taken lightly.

“Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your

heart utter anything hastily before God. For God

is in heaven, and you on earth; therefore let your

words be few. When you make a vow to God, do

not delay to pay it; for He has no pleasure in fools.

Pay what you have vowed— Better not to vow than

to vow and not pay.”

Setting a goal or several goals at the beginning of

the new year can be stimulating, but it‘s the moti-

vation to keep the resolution that is important. One

can determine to pray more, read the Bible more,

go to church regularly, or volunteer more, but

these resolutions can fail without correct motiva-

tion. The incentive must come from within with

purpose and a plan. Even though there might be a

setback at times, the best thing to do is to immedi-

ately start again.

After months and months of tests to develop an electric light-bulb,

Thomas Edison was interviewed by a reporter who asked Edison if

he felt like a failure and if he thought he should just give up. Edi-

son replied, ―Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And

why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000

ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in

my grasp.‖ After over 10,000 attempts, Edison successfully in-

vented the light bulb. The point is, don‘t quit. If it‘s a worthy goal,

it‘s worth sticking to, even if it means starting over a few times.

The principles presented next in this series will ensure success in

selecting and achieving resolutions.

New Year‘s Eve is a great time for Christian believers to

get together and rejoice, either in homes or in

churches. Food, fun and fellowship are a

healthy alternative to all-night excessive

drinking of alcoholic beverages. Traditionally,

many people in the world get inebriated on

New Year's Eve, only to wake up sometime the

next day not knowing what they might have said, what

happened, or with whom. But God‘s people can unite in

prayer power for God‘s will to be done, and for His Kingdom

to come. Although this may perhaps sound too religious or

―goody-two-shoes,‖ it is a safe and sane alternative to the typi-

cal New Year‘s celebrations that dominate cul-

tures around the world.

Gathering together with music, food, games,

good conversation, and perhaps an inspirational

message right before midnight, along with

prayer, make for a blessed New Year‘s Eve

celebration. Then go home, go to bed, and en-

joy the next day without a smashing headache

or an upset stomach.

One of the traditions associated with New

Year‘s observances is the making of resolu-

tions, promises to stop or start something in the

new year. On the average, about half of Ameri-

can adults make one or more New Year‘s reso-

lutions each year, which commonly include

weight loss, exercise, quitting smoking and

better money management.

Typically, about 75 percent of people who

make resololutions maintain their commitment

past the first week, and less than half keep their

word to themselves after six months. Numbers

vary, of course, and some people actually make the desired

changes in their lives. But for the most part, it‘s another disap-

pointment and another failure, and it comes up again at the next

New Year‘s time.

Making New Year's Resolutions was started by early Babyloni-

ans. Although this is generally assumed as accurate, no one

really knows, but it‘s the stuff of great trivial conversation at

social gatherings, particularly New Year‘s Eve parties. For the

Babylonians, the start of the new year was a good time to re-

turn borrowed items, such as farming equipment, and so begin

the new


to not


than to

vow and

not pay.”

Another Year Another Year


Page 8: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


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Page 9: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Each person has a race to run in this life. It is not solely about what we accumulate along the way, who we fall in love with or how many friends we have that determines the course and purpose of our lives. It is our willingness to follow the Master wherever He leads. As you may have already suspected, God’s thoughts and God’s ways are higher than our ways. We don’t always know why things happen but whatever has gone on in your life, God can turn it into something good not only for you but also for someone else. Let’s look at Joseph in the Bible for a moment. He had a gift from God. Through the jealousy of his brothers, he was sold into slavery and his father told everyone that he was dead. Yes this was wrong and Joseph had to suffer for it, but God never left him. During that experience, he ended up in Potiphar’s house and in another sticky situa-tion. His wife accuses Joseph of rape because he rejected her advance. That lands him in prison for two years! During this time, he interprets a dream for the pharaoh and lands a job as his Number 1. There are two lessons here: Joseph was treated unfairly but he didn’t stop loving and following God. Through that, God was able to turn his situa-tion into something good and prosper him at the same time. And, what God does for one, he will do for all.

Have you ever asked this question? Of all the questions that a person could ask of God, this is probably the most common one and also the one whose answer is not ever straightforward. The title here implies that something bad has oc-curred. No one seems to ask God why they were given a blessing but always want to know what is going on when things are going more or less not according to plan. Take a look in the mirror and examine our eyes. They are said to be the windows to the soul. The situations we have experienced through our eyes leave a profound impact on our lives – a pedes-trian hit by a speeding car; a store owner shot in a robbery, a child abused by their caregivers. Or, the person you are seeing could be yourself ex-periencing something harsh in your life. There is one thing that you need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt: when you follow God, He works out all things for your good. This doesn’t mean that everything that happens to you will start off that way, but it will end up benefiting you. And, God is a God of love and peace, not hatred and chaos. When bad or unfavorable things hap-pen and affect us, He is affected too. God has a plan for each of our lives. The only way to know it and fulfill it is to follow him. Many people have troubles because they are not taking the path that leads to who God wants us to be.

God Why Did

This Happen

To Me?




Page 10: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


” “

There are some qualifications which we

must meet in order to have rightful au-

thority in Christ. Let's continue to look

at parallels between the police officer

and the Christian.

1. The police officer must be under

authority himself, obedient to his supe-

riors. He goes where he has been as-

signed, not outside his jurisdiction. We

believers must be doing what Jesus has

said, according to the Bible and His

personal word to us as well. We cannot

be out doing our own thing for our own

pleasure. A clean, submitted heart is


2. The police officer must continue to

stay in contact with his superiors, and

must get their direction as needed in

difficult situations. We need to be in

constant communication with our supe-

rior officer -- Jesus.

3. The police officer must know how to

use his weapons, or his opponent will

run roughshod over him, and maybe

kill him. We must be skillful in the use

of our weapons -- the Blood of Jesus,

the Name of Jesus, our faith and, we

have to know the Word of God and use

it properly. Appropriate the Word.

4. The police officer must understand

the law and not step outside its bounda-

ries. He can't arrest people if they have-

n't broken the law. We must understand

what Jesus has given us and what He

has not. If it's in the Book it's ours to

use. If it's not clearly in the Book, we're

on shaky ground. We need to research

from Genesis to Revelation to make

sure we're getting it right. Know the


Remember whose authority it is in

which we operate. We have no author-

ity to come against the powers of dark-

ness in our own strength. We come

against them in the Name of Jesus. It is

His authority, not ours.

Attempting to execute authority for

anything other than His plans, His will,

His desires is presumption. It will most

certainly fail --and may put us in grave

danger as well. If something is impor-

tant to you, you will go after it. The

things God has promised us in His

Word should be vitally important to us

-- enough so that we are prepared to

take hold and struggle for them at any

cost until we obtain them. Anything

worth having is worth fighting for.

who are His own. The problem is

that Christ's authority belongs to

the Church today -- although there

is no Scripture that in any way

hints that His authority

would not be available to the

Church through all ages. Many are

content to get goose bumps by

reading about the miracles that take

place in third world countries when

the authority of Jesus is put to use

there. Some of us may go so far as

to dare to command a sickness or a

devil to be gone from someone we

are praying for, but we are fairly

complacent when nothing happens.

It is what we

were expecting

anyway, isn't it?

What we are

forgetting is that

the devil is not a


citizen. He is

the lawless one.

What happens

when the police

officer attempts

to use his au-

thority, and finds himself resisted?

Does he shrug his shoulders and

say, "Well, I guess that didn't

work!" No, he turns up the heat of

his authority. He pursues and sub-

dues the law-resister. Sometimes

there is a stiff fight -- but the law-

ful authority wins in the end!

So it is with our authority as be-

lievers. We need to understand that

the infinitely powerful government

of heaven backs us up. Jesus Him-

self is the one who has given us

authority in His Name. Sometimes

-- in fact, most of the time --

there is going to be a stiff fight.

Hell doesn't want to let go of its

victims all that easily.

We need to pursue, press in, and

insist on being obeyed.

― God doesn‘t need

our help. Turning

life over to him

causes life to be

much better ―

- LaVerne

(pictured on Far Left)

―I now know and

understand that God

gives assignments. I

want his will to be

done in my life. ‖

- Deborah

(pictured on Right)

One of the most astounding teachings in the Bible is

about the Christian's authority in the spiritual realm --

which ultimately affects what we see in earth's natural

realm. For many years this concept has been ignored,

and only in very recent times has it once again gotten the

attention of the Church. I would like to examine the au-

thority of the believer, by comparing it to the authority

of our earthly law enforcement system.

We understand that police officers have

authority that is backed up by the govern-

ment which they serve. There is no ques-

tion in your mind or the police officer's

that when you hear the sirens and see the

flashing lights, you had better pull over.

This is assuming you are a law-abiding


We who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

should understand that in His Name we

have an even mightier authority than that

of the police officer. In Matthew 28:18,

Jesus said, ...all power [authority] is given

unto me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus has given this authority to us, His followers.

Luke 9:1, 2 says, Then he called his twelve disciples

together, and gave them power and authority over all

devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach

the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

Mark 13:34 tells us, for the Son of man is as a man tak-

ing a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority

to his servants, and to every man his work, and com-

manded the porter to watch.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and

preach the gospel to every creature. And these signs

shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they

cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they

shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly

thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the

sick, and they shall recover.

Mark 16:15, 17, 18. Clearly, Jesus has promised His

authority to those His Name we have an

even mightier


The Believer's

Authority in Christ


Come From Behind The Mask

Page 11: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


A CS Interview With Ricky Blunt & Family

Ricky Blunt has served tirelessly as the

Chair of the Deacons ministry for more

than 5 years at First Baptist Church. He has

been apart of the Franklin City & South-

ampton City transportation dept. He rides

horses as a self-proclaimed ―cowboy‖

weekend after weekend, and yet he always

has time for family. CS Magazine interviewed Ricky Blunt and asked him a few questions

about the role of God and family in his life. He responded with humor and wisdom. (Next Page)


―There's an old saying, that when all else fails, "family is all you got". I strongly believe, based

on personal experience, that loving family relationships are critical to living a fulfilling life of

happiness, joy and peace. I really love family, have a wonderful husband of almost 30

years, two great children, a wonderful daughter-in-law, one grandson and another one on the

way. Above all of this love, my greatest love is for my Lord and Savior, Jesus

Christ. Through many years of praying with family and for family, I am grateful to be a part of

God‘s family. He has given me peace that surpasses all understanding. I know what it means

to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, body, soul and to love your neighbor as your-

self. It's all in the power of prayer that sustains and holds the family together.‖— Dorothy

Page 12: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


CS: How do you feel your parents have influenced your

family values?

R. Blunt: I feel fortunate, as well as blessed that I was reared by

both of my parents. There was a balance. My father was like an

Oak tree. He always displayed strength and determination and

showed us by example how to be a ―Man‖.He taught us to be

responsible, to work hard, and to fear God. My mother on the

other hand was loving and nurturing. She also taught us to work

hard, to educate ourselves and to always wear clean

underwear because you never knew if you were go-

ing to be in an accident. I am still amazed at how

when we awoke each morning to go to school, she

would have already left home for work, however, all

five of my siblings and my clothes would be laid out

and our breakfast would always be on the stove.

CS: How do you think your faith has and does

affect your family values and decision making?

R. Blunt: My faith now has everything to do with

my decision making. Before I committed my life to

Christ I didn‘t consider the consequences of my

actions. I only thought of myself. I now consider the possible

impact of my actions on my family, church and mostly my God.

Although I am committed to serving God I have fallen short

once, twice or maybe several times. However, the fact that the

Holy Spirit convicts me each time I do fall short lets me know

that I am on the right track.

CS: Deacon Blunt do you believe that communication and encour-

agement help in time of trouble and grief to prevent tension and


R. Blunt: Absolutely! I often share my testimonies of how I was once

very ill and told by my doctors that I wouldn‘t see my 40 th birthday and

I was once financially destitute wherein we almost lost our house. Al-

though I had to endure dialysis for five years and had to regroup finan-

cially, with a lot of prayers we made it through. People need to know

that the same God who was with Moses at the Red Sea

and with the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace is also

with us today. We just have to seek him.

CS: So when troubles and conflict come how do you

usually handle them?

R. Blunt: After I get over the initial shock of the cir-

cumstance, I pick myself up and say, ―okay God how are

we going to handle this one?‖ That is when the calming

effect comes and that‘s when I know the situation will be

alright. It‘s kind of crazy because sometimes I don‘t

have a solution to the problem but somehow when I look

back the problem is solved and I don‘t have a clue of

how it got solved. This way of handling conflict has

caused life to be much better for us now. My wife and I really don‘t

worry about too much. Not that we don‘t have problems to come up,

it‘s just that our faith tell us that no matter what comes He will work it

out if we remain faithful.

CS: Now that you have chosen a list of family values and connected

them to your faith, do you share them with other family members?

―My Faith now

has everything

to do with

my decision


Drawing of Gernie, Ricky, Deon, & Xavier Blunt

taken from photo below


Page 13: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Rickeita says,

“Where would I be

without my family?

My parents were the

first to teach me that

the most important

relationship to have is

a relationship with

God. They have always protected , pro-

vided, and prayed for and with me. My par-

ents loved me unconditionally through suc-

cesses, failures, achievements, mistakes,

and growing pains. I am grateful to have a

brother who has always protected me and

had a listening ear, while offering advice.

He has given me an awesome sister-n-law

and has made me a proud auntie. Beyond

my immediate family, I remember when I

was a little girl my Grandmother babysat all

of my cousins and me, spending summers

with my Aunts and Uncles, and even today,

getting together every 4th of July, Thanks-

giving, Christmas, or just to celebrate some-

one's accomplishment. It's those moments

where we laugh together, cry together, and

just have plain old fun! My extended family

was a major part of the "village" that made

me who I am today. Through modeling

behavior, sharing their life experiences, and

Godly wisdom my family has instilled in

me morals and values. We have made last-

ing memories. I thank God for each one of

them and the roles they play in my life!”

Deon says,

“Family is very

important to me.

Family is why I am

who I am today. My

father taught me

how to work, be a

man, stand up for

myself and how

to be a good father.

My mom taught me

how to study, love

unconditionally, why I should never let

anything come between family and what a

Godly wife is. Having a sister that I now

know looks up to me in certain areas of life,

has made me want to excel more, and keep

the bar high for her. Extended family is

has taught me that it does take a village to

raise a child, because everyone has

had different experiences that help in rear-

ing kids. My whole family has given me a

reference point to have an idea of how

much God loves me, because if my earthly

family loves me this much, then God's love

for me has to be beyond explanation” -

R. Blunt: Yes, my wife

and two adult children are

probably more or just as

faithful as I am. I guess

because they have seen

what impact serving God

has had on our lives it

make it a little easier for

them to trust God. We

often talk for long periods

of time about serving God.

We have a family email

tree wherein scriptures

and testimonies are

shared. I often talk with

my nephews about what it

takes to be a man and

how to have a happy

home. Dorothy has devel-

oped a sweet discerning

spirit about herself that

causes family and friends

to come to her to seek her

opinion and advice on a

number of family and life


CS: Do you discuss the

Bible, scriptures that help

in developing Family val-

ues? And if so, what par-

ticular scriptures stand

out for you that has help

you the most with family


R. Blunt: Yes I do and I guess

what comes to mind is when

we discuss choosing associ-

ates, friends, business part-

ners or a spouse. I always refer

to 1 Samuel 16:7 wherein it

refers to the fact that man

looks at

the outer appearance when

choosing but God looks at the

heart. To follow up with that

Matthews 15:18 which partly

states ―but the things that

come out of the mouth comes

from the heart.‖

The Crowning of Another Blunt Into Legacy

Deon, Megan, & Xavier

Dad, Rickeita, & Mom


Page 14: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Jan. 8 – Community Family Reunion 5pm

Jan. 21 – Leadership Conference 9am – 3pm

Jan. 22 - Leadership Day 11am

Jan. 29 – REMIX

Feb. 4 - True Love Waits

Feb. 18 – Missionary Red/White Banquet – 5pm

Feb. 24-25 – Relationship Conference

Feb. 25 – Usher’s Breakfast – 9am

Mar. 5-8 – Pastor’s Pre-Anniversary Celebration 7pm

Mar. 11 Pastor’s 6th Anniversary – 5pm

Mar. 23-24 Walk In It Women’s Conference (Va Beach, VA)

Apr. 4- FBC ―The Seven I Am’s‖ – 7pm

Apr. 6 – Good Friday Service – 7pm

Apr. 7 - Youth Ministry Easter ―Eggstravaganza‖


Apr. 10 – Kingz Kidz @ Chucky Cheese

Apr. 12 - Youth @ Greenbrier Skating Rink

Apr. 13 – Youth Guys @ Laser Tag

There are always choices to make in life. Will you choose to

Join Us in Lifting Up The Name of Jesus At These events

Jan. 8 – Community Family Reunion 5pm

Jan. 21 – Leadership Conference 9am – 3pm

Jan. 22 - Leadership Day 11am

Jan. 29 – REMIX

Feb. 4 - True Love Waits

Feb. 18 – Missionary Red/White Banquet – 5pm

Feb. 24-25 – Relationship Conference

Feb. 25 – Usher’s Breakfast – 9am

Mar. 5-8 – Pastor’s Pre-Anniversary Celebration 7pm

Mar. 11 Pastor’s 6th Anniversary – 5pm

Mar. 23-24 Walk In It Women’s Conference (Va Beach, VA)

Apr. 4- FBC ―The Seven I Am’s‖ – 7pm

Apr. 6 – Good Friday Service – 7pm

Apr. 7 - Youth Ministry Easter ―Eggstravaganza‖


Apr. 10 – Kingz Kidz @ Chucky Cheese

Apr. 12 - Youth @ Greenbrier Skating Rink

Apr. 13 – Youth Guys @ Laser Tag

There are always choices to make in life. Will you choose to

Join Us in Lifting Up The Name of Jesus At These events

All of the Above Events are sponsored by First Baptist Church Franklin, Pastor Dwight Shawrod Riddick, but are de-

signed to include and bless our community. More information @ or 757.562.7158


Page 15: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Zion Southampton A.M.E. Zion Church

Pastor Christopher A. Eason

17121 Wakefield Road

Courtland, VA 23837

757-653-9189; Fax: 757-653-0609

[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Bible Study: Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.

Church School: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

Worship Service: Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Churches & Ministries That

Will Bless You This Year

The Strength Of A Man

As a child, I realized that God

had more love for me than I could ever

imagine; but as I grew older, I began

to discredit God‘s authority in my life.

I was often challenged by things I did

not understand. As a result, I found

my own answers and deemed them


In high school, I played every

sport possible and even had aspira-

tions to join the military and ‗be all

that I could be.‘ At the age of sixteen,

I began having health problems and

my dreams became shattered. At this

point in my life, I could not compre-

hend what was happening to me. I was

diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

(MS) and my condition grew worse.

During this time, the enemy was try-

ing to plant seeds of negativity in my

mind. I even found myself contemplat-

ing the idea of taking my own life.

Through it all, the miraculous

power of God prevented those nega-

tive seeds of failure from manifesting

in my life. With God‘s power, I am

now able to talk about the trials in my

past. I have learned that being a Chris-

tian, I can be strong in the mighty

power of God. My strength is not of

the world; my strength is found in

Jesus Christ. No matter what pain,

struggle, or affliction I may be faced

with, God‘s power and love will al-

ways stay the same-and He sustains

me. I have a measure of strength

within me that is given by God. This

strength is stronger than anything I

could ever imagine, and he can be

strong in your life if you let him!

I LIVE BY: Greater is he that is in

me, than he that is in the whole world.

- Ralphael

Churches & Ministries That

Will Bless You This Year

―Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether

Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even

as I try to please everyone in every way. For

I am not seeking my own good but the good

of many, so that they may be saved. “ 1 Co-

rinthians 10:33 This is the basis for which

we believe churches and ministries exist in

our communities. Over the years the church

overall and the Kingdom of God has often

been giving a bad rap through media. Not

that Christians have not made mistakes, or

that any Christian is perfect, but we must

remember that God‘s house is to be distinct

and identified by its ability to bless others

and give God credit for his greatness. and

The next few pages are filled with positive

information about the effectiveness of

church on every day people. People who

have found refuge and transformation by

being actively involved with a church fam-

ily. A church family keeps you accountable

for living a better lifestyle, and strengths you

when life has beat you down. There are also

a number of FEATURED ministries in our

surrounding areas that have been provided

for your convenience. The list only scratches

the surface of the great churches and minis-

tries that could bless you this year. Other

ministries will be listed in the next issue of

CS magazine.

Page 16: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


New Branch Baptist Church

Pastor Frank Aikens

8140 Proctors Bridge Road

P.O. Box 456

Ivor, VA 23866


Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. 1st—4th Sundays

Bible Study: Wednesdays 7:30 p.m.

Scott’s Revival Church

Pastor Evelyn Square

1816 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851


[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday Morning Worship: 11:30 a.m./9:15 a.m.

Radio Broadcast WLQM Franklin (Sundays)

Sunday Children‘s Church: 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday Night Bible Study: 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday Night Children‘s Church 7:30 p.m.

Pleasant Shade Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Willis Freeman

24030 Delaware Road

P.O. Box 924

Franklin, VA 23851


Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday Church School: 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Prayer: 12:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.

Pulaski Baptist Church Pastor R.E. Rodgers

6431 Carrsville Hwy.

Carrsville, VA 23315


Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.

Bible Study/Prayer: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Grace Lutheran Church Pastor Dennis Buchholz

25280 New Market Road

Courtland, VA 23837


[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday Worship Service 9:00 a.m.

Bethel Assembly

Pastor T.R. King

8904 S. Quay Road

Suffolk, VA 23434


[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.

Royal Rangers—Girls Club, Teens, Nursery & Adults

Class: Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Haywood Riddick, JR. was

employed at

union camp for

approx 4 years.

He left there and

went to Hercules

for 30 years. He

says, the Lord

has blessed him over the years more

than he can count.. His relationship

with Christ has helped him to over-

come several addictions. Drinking

and Drugs were a part of his lifestyle

for over 17 years ,. He now gives

God praise for delivering him from

his addiction. He has been CLEAN

for 23 years! He thanks God for a

good church family that has given

him support and reason to be a better

man. He has now retired after work-

ing for over 35 years. His retirement

provided time to develop a friendship

with Ralphael, who he refers to him

as his nephew. They can often be

founded together through ups and

downs. This is what family is all

about. He says, ―Put God first and

everything else will fall in to place. First Baptist Church 318 Hall St

Franklin, VA 23851


Sunday Worship

7:45 Am & 11AM

Focus Classes 9:30AM

WOW Bible Study

Wednesday Noon & 7PM

Power of Strong

Church Family

Herbert Hunter was born and

reared in Franklin,

VA. He began smok-

ing cigarettes when he

entered the Marine

Corps. At that time

you either cleaned

your gun, or smoke a

borrowed cigarette. After years

passed, and the prices went up and he

began to become active in a local

church things changes. He had tried to

quit before, but because of his growth

in church he felt different this last

time. This time he felt delivered! No

quit smoking aides, with God‘s power

he was able to just quit. Since April of

2010 he has been smoke free. He

laughs because he is now able to eat

and not have to go outside for a

smoke, or put on a shirt without look-

ing at burn holes. To God be The


Page 17: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Scott’s Revival Church

Pastor Evelyn Square

1816 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851


[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Sunday Morning Worship: 11:30 a.m./9:15 a.m.

Radio Broadcast WLQM Franklin (Sundays)

Sunday Children‘s Church: 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday Night Bible Study: 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday Night Children‘s Church 7:30 p.m.

Life Line Ministries, Inc. Rev. Carlton L. Lowe, Sr.

1620 Armory Drive

P.O. Box 501

Franklin, VA 23851


Day/Hour of Services:

Bible Church School: 10:30 a.m. each Sunday

Worship Service: 11:45 a.m. each Sunday

Radio broadcast: Intitled ―Throwing out the Life

Community Fellowship Church of Deliverance

Bishop Albert Evans Jr.

19315 Southampton Parkway

Capron, VA 23829


[email protected] (under construction)

Day/Hour of Services:

Prayer Service: Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Prayer & Bible Study: Wed. at 6:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Sunday School : 9:45 a.m.

Rock Church Franklin

Pastor David Dillon

130 Lakeview Road

Franklin, VA 23851


[email protected]

Day/Hour of Services:

Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.

Wednesdays: Cell Group Meetings in Homes

Fridays: Rocky‘s Café Youth 7:00 p.m.

Power of Strong

Church Family

The James Family came to

Franklin in

2010 from

Delaware, to

help a family

member with

her 11 year old

daughter while

she was de-

ployed with

the military. Mrs. James says, ―God

gave us tremendous favor, we were

able to move in with them and we did

not have to pay anything or work for

a whole year. We came to help, but

we got a lot more than we expected.

My husband went from sitting on a

pew at our home church, to being

active. And we thought we were just

coming to help Keith‘s granddaugh-

ter, but in our desire to help her, God

rekindled our love for each other.

Now here we are learning the Word

together and growing together‖…

they shared an intimate smile filled

with love.

Mrs. James went on to explain: ―I

can‘t even write everything down, it

would be too much. The blessing that

God gave us, had a ripple effect on

some other family members that we

did not even realize would be a part

of the process. When we left, they

were about to take our car, a little

while later we were able to get an-

other car that was paid for.‖

Mrs James then shared: ―Our time

here has been strategically set up by

God for this season of our lives. This

is a season that He is using to grow

us to Him, to each other, and to oth-

ers. In spite of us, God is showing us

tremendous favor.

Mr James shared: ―It‘s quite hum-

bling, we haven‘t always done things

right. We were out in the world for a

time, and both used drugs. To the

glory of God, we‘ve both been clean

for 18 years and now have an oppor-

tunity to give back what has been

given to us so freely. We‘ve been

blessed by God to implement a 12

step program through our church to

help others who find themselves

bound as we once did. We have ex-

perienced the freedom of God for

ourselves, and He has blessed us to

share this freedom with others. What

a mighty God we serve!

Page 18: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


W.I.T. Upcoming Events

February 4th—True Love Waits

Join middle school and high school students from across the state for

a relationship conference, featuring a formal night out! Franklin, VA

April 9-13—Beach House Retreat

The Ladies of Distinction (L.O.D.) Groups from schools in VA

will gather in a 10-12 bedroom beach house for motivational girl talk,

activities, and lots of fun in VA Beach, VA

March 24—WIT Women’s

Empowerment Conference

Women from the east coast gather for a weekend of emotional, spiritual,

and mental rejuvenation in VA Beach

April 28—Statewide Ladies of Distinction

Conference All L.O.D. Groups

The Ladies of Distinction unite in

Virginia Beach, VA for two-days of

self-esteem building, and empowerment.

May 12—Mother/Daughter Brunch

Mothers & Daughters gather for great food and

fun right here in Franklin, VA.

Sept 29 —Stroll For Self Esteem

Join the 1,000 Women Walk for Self-esteem! Women and girls

will fill the streets on a 1.5 mile stroll, taking a stand for higher self-

esteem, and positive identity formation. The event will end with motiva-

tional speaking, entertainment, and more. You don‘t want to miss this!

Rev. Jennell Riddick


For More information

Just Text




Page 19: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


3 Right With

Ways to Get It Money

As I travel this country presenting

finances I am sometimes over-

whelmed by the way God‘s kids

seem to be in as much money

trouble as our unsaved friends.

Nationwide Christians are strug-

gling to get it right with the


There are three lessons that might

turn this predicament into a

fruitful learning and growing

opportunity. James, put a high

premium on wisdom.

(see James 1:5) Today, there

seems to be confusion between

wisdom and knowledge. They

both have their place — but

they are not synonymous.

Knowledge is what tells us that

a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is

what tells us not to put a to-

mato into a fruit salad.

Today‘s world has plenty of

knowledge but a dearth of wis-

dom. The smart people of to-

day‘s financial world have had

their turn at things, and now

we are in trouble. Maybe it‘s

time to rethink the fundamental

tenets of our beliefs.

Wisdom speaks to this. It

says whenever someone

gets something for nothing,

there will eventually be a dis-

proportionate price to be paid.

Solomon, King David’s number

one son, was fond of saying,

“There is nothing new under

the sun.”

It seems to me that there is nothing ―new‖

about our contemporary culture. While I would

agree that the names and players are different,

the root cause is the same. It pivots on the three

things that John warned the early Christians to

guard against, ―For all that is in the world, the

lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and

the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father,

but is from the world.‖ (1 John 2:16)

We would serve ourselves well to remember

that the best financial teaching is in the Bible. I

call it ―Money 101.‖ It comes from a man who

knew how to live with and without prosperity.

Paul shared with his young protégé Timothy

the secret to dealing with money in 1 Timothy


Command those who are rich in this pre-

sent world not to be arrogant nor to put

their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain,

but to put their hope in God, who richly pro-

vides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good

deeds, and to be generous and willing to


Note the three things Paul tells rich Christians

to do. (By the way, if you have a bathtub in

your home—comparatively speaking—

you‘re a rich Christian.)

1. Don’t be prideful and arro-

gant. Wealth doesn‘t make

one person

better than


2. Don’t put

your trust in

your 401(k) plan.

As we‘ve all seen,

dollars in the bank

do not guarantee anything.

3. Enjoy your wealth, but be ready to share

it at the drop of a hat.

You may be thinking, ―That was fine in the

day of well-drawn water and one-room

houses with no electrical outlets, but it is far

too simplistic for our modern, complex


I disagree. Paul‘s words from the ancient

world are every bit as relevant as the head-

line on the Wall Street Journal sitting next to

my computer. His teaching drills to the very

core of who we are and how we think. It gets

back to what I mentioned a moment ago: appre-

ciating the difference between knowing

(knowledge) a lot about wealth and being wise

enough (wisdom) to use our wealth properly.

Steve Diggs

I Am A Christian and I Trust

God With My Finances

―Our God is Faithful…I had a time

period where my insurance cover-

age was cancelled. After submit-

ting two letters of appeal to re-

verse the decision, it was finally

approved and coverage reinstated.

However, I was still unable to re-

ceive the missed benefits totaling $3000.00/month.

For several months I received courtesy benefits, but

that soon stopped and I was told I had to pay the

$3000 out of pocket. I prayed that God would make a

way, and the day that I needed the benefits the most I

received what I needed in a 3 month supply. Not only

that, I was approved to continue receiving this assis-

tance FREE for two years. We serve an Awesome

God…keep trusting Him with high expectations. He

is able to move mountains on our behalf!‖

- Robin J

If you have a testimony you would like to share please

leave it on our website.

Another Testimony on page 22

Page 20: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor

20 20

Page 21: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


from the beauty of Gods bountiful

blessings for your life; and/or

provide a new vitality to your

reawakening dreams that had

been forgotten because of the con-

stant drain of life that had fa-

tigued your hope? Could it be that

traveling with God could provide

more time than people say you

have to get the degree, find that

mate, have that child, operate in

your spiritual gift, purchase that

home, bounce back from a break

up, start that business, take that

vacation, write that book, gain

employment after incarceration or

accomplish some other task that

allegedly could only be done in

your youth? Our earthly trip with

an airline gave us hours, I believe

a spiritual journey with the Al-

mighty can give you years.

According to Ephesians, if you

wise UP and fly with God, soar-

ing above sin and elevating above

evil, God can help you make the

best of every opportunity. He can

give you more time. So dont be

worried about what you look like

now. Like our trip, some people

dressed for where they are going,

others for where they are but it

doesn‘t matter much what you

have on now, God has packed a

suitcase of new clothes for you,

particularly joy for mourning. Just

Check with Abraham (children in

old age), Joshua (successfully

prayed for God to hold the sun

still for more time to win a battle),

Hezekiah (had the sun turned

back degrees as a sign his sick-

ness was removed), and Elizabeth

(child in old age that would pre-

sent Jesus) for other testimonies

of how hiring God as your travel

agent can traject you into awe-

someness. Start obeying God and

watch your watch move in re-


Big thanks to my First Baptist

Church family for making this trip

possible and to God opening my

eyes while traveling

The words

found in


5:15-17 can

be life


his is


v e r s e

that I have read,

taught, preached, and g i v e n

examples about before. But not to

long ago I lived it. We arrived in

Norfolk dressed in sweat suites and

jackets. It was early in the morning.

The sky was midnight dark. The

morning breeze, cold and biting at

our skin, yet excitement still filled

the air. We were leaving for vacation.

As we boarded the plane we noticed

that people were dressed in different

ways. Some in shorts and tank tops;

While others were in business suits.

Although it seemed odd, it wasn‘t

any of our business so we took our

seats. Not to bore you to sleep with

the details, know that we left at

6:45am. We traveled for a total of 13

hours and when we arrived to our

destination it was 1:55pm. Huh!?

What?! That‘s what I said. See, we

traveled beyond the US west coast

which means the beak of our plane

not only pierced clouds and soared at

ridiculous altitudes, it also

paused time and reversed the

hands on our clocks.

We traveled through

almost 5 time

zones. Herein lies

our lesson for the

week. If flying

in a United

aircraft left

and west-

ward can

give us time

back. Then

surely staying

in UNION with God

and living RIGHT can do one

better, and help us redeem the

time we think we have lost.

See although 13 hours had

passed we were able to live as

if it had only been 7 hours and

10 minutes. Where it was

cold when we started and

should have become freezer

like frigid when we stopped, it

wasn‘t. When we should have

been loosing the light of day

and journeying beyond the

gates of evening into the dun-

geon of dark, we weren‘t. Our

bodies should have been de-

voured prey for

fatigue and been

overtaken by jet-

lag tiredness, but

it didn‘t happen.

Instead after 13

hours of travel

that should have

landed us late in

the evening and

left a dismal and

draining depression, we

were impressed to find

the weather warm in the

upper 80′s. The sun

lifted high and brightly

illuminated our just

beginning of our

day, our bodies while

jet lagged, were

somehow rejuvenated

by the anticipation of

all of the unseen

events of this new

and uncharted location.

We thought in travel we

would loose time, but in

fact we gained some

back. We maximized

our moments, redeemed

the time, left the pains

of the peninsula and

landed in a form of

p a r a d i s e .

Could this be a fore-

shadowing of life with

God where the begin-

ning of our life with

Him saved, is like en-

tering the cushioned

and purpose confirming

cabins of a joyous jet

plane that has been

waiting to not only relo-

cate you to distance

isles of paradise, but

also redeem your time?

Could Uniting with

God be a way to rid

yourself of ice block

like burdens that create

unnecessary discomfort;

decrease the dark and

depressing situations

that often blind you



The Time

By Pastor DS Riddick—


Page 22: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Loleatha Neclos

Shear Creations

305 S. Main Street

Franklin, VA 23851


(specializing in relaxers, hair cuts, razor cuts,

permanent and semi-permanent hair color,

shampoo & set, and shampoo, blow & curl)

Nikita Cofield

Cofield’s Barber and Beauty Salon

701 South Street, Suite E

Franklin, VA 23851


[email protected]

(specializing in relaxers, haircare, updos,

haircuts, press n curls and much more)

Minister William Bellamy

Bellamy Painting

827 Railroad Avenue

Franklin, VA 23851

757-377-6085 (professional painting

services catered to please you)

Judonald Sweat

Premier Masonry

231 Crescent Drive

Franklin, VA 23851

757-295-7638 (specializing in brick,

block, concrete & stone)

Robin A. Jones

7 Cities Lawn Maintenance LLC

335 Sherwood Forest Road

Chesapeake, VA 23322


[email protected]

(landscaping, hedge trimming, edging/

cutting, aeration, seeding/fertilization,

mulching, top soil, sod installation)

Timothy “Shawn” House

Tim House Construction

321 Hall Street

Franklin, VA 23851


(renovation, additions, roofing, flooring)

Deacon Michael A. Smith

Smith & Smith LLC

26320 Melon Field Road

Newsoms, VA 23874


[email protected]

(tax preparation, business consulting, fuel oil



Stick Together


Stick Together

I Am A Christian and I Trust

God With My Finances

―My roof needed to be repaired for

a number of years and I didn‘t

know how it was going to get

done nor did I have the

money to fix it, but I waited

and waited. God sent storm

Irene which caused a lot of

damage in the City of Franklin. I

called my insurance company for an

estimate after I discovered that a few shingles had

blown off from the storm. The insurance adjuster

came to assess the damage and informed me that they

would fix the entire roof. He also assessed the interior

and informed me that work would be done on the in-

side of the house as well as the outside. Nobody but

God can do the things that we think are impossible,

and I give God all the praise.‖ — Helen D

Financial Testimony also on page 19

As a community we must support each other. Not just in

words, but in deeds. We at FBC are grateful to have so

many in church and community business partners. Each

Sunday morning during our worship through giving finan-

cially, we give back to a randomly chosen present wor-

shipper what we call a ―GRACE GIFT.” Each grace gift

is given by one of our community partners as a way to

say, ―Let’s Stick Together!‖ We

believe that this is a warranted

act as we make practical the

scripture in Hebrews 11:6,

―And without faith it is im-

possible to please God, be-

cause anyone who comes to

him must believe that he

exists and that he rewards

those who earnestly seek

him .‖ We ask that you sup-

port the following busi-

nesses because they have

partnered to be a blessing

to the Faith Community.

Now as a Faith Community

we want to reach out and be

a blessing to them.

If you would like the chance

to be a recipient of a GRACE

GIFT just attend any worship

service on Sunday morning

at FBC during 11AM service


―55469‖ and become el-

gible to receive a FREE Gift.

If you would like to become


please contact Robin Jones

at 757-562-7158.

...He Rewards

those who ear-

nestly seek him. ―

Page 23: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


Joe’s Pizza & Pasta Palace

1217 Carsville Hwy.

Franklin, VA 23851


Bobby’s Muffler & Tire Center, Inc.

1381 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Pizza Hut

1394 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851



1396 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Fred’s Restaurant

107 S. Main Street

Franklin, VA 23851


Great Wall Chinese Restaurant

1313 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Essence Beauty Salon

2016 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851


Bud’s Car Wash

33350 Edgehill Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Deb’s Hair Studio

931 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Riddick’s Barbershop

1414 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851}


Cofield’s Auto Sales, Auto Upholstery,

Mobile Locksmith

701 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851


Golden Skillet

1130 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


Cofield’s Barber and Beauty Salon

701 South Street, Suite E

Franklin, VA 23851


Nannie Home Health Care Inc.

205 South Main Street

Franklin, VA 23851


Walk In It Inc.

Rev. Jennell W. Riddick

249 Fallawater Way

Suffolk, VA 23434


Cover3 Football Inc.

400 E. Second Avenue

Franklin, VA 23851


21st Century Community Learning Ctrs.

Franklin City Public Schools

207 West Second Avenue

Franklin, VA 23851


PC Renovations

JT Deloatch

111 Duffy St

Franklin, VA 23851

757-653-7617 (computers repair, upgrades, com-

puter construction )

Professional Touch 625-A East Washington St

Suffolk, VA 23434


William Banks

Blake Ford Mercury

1011 Armory Drive

Franklin, VA 23851


(vehicle sales)

Ben’eta Cofield

Secretary Solutions

701 South Street

Franklin, VA 23851


[email protected]

(appointment scheduling, bookkeeping, e-mail

management, order processing, schedule travel,

telephone answering service, word processing)

Unique Unlimited

Courtland Antiques & Collectibles/Booth 10

Southampton Parkway

Courtland, VA 23837

(757) 377-7140

Tim Parsons’ Franklin Automotive

209 East Fourth Avenue

Franklin, VA 23851


Cynthia Walloe

Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant

Wedding Planner

616 West 2bd Ave

Franklin, VA 23851


(specializing in skin care & color)

Helen “Lenora” Hambrick

Ultimate Events

208 Madison Street

Franklin, VA 23851


(all your decorating needs)

Melanie Bradshaaw

Simply Sarah’s Cupcakes


[email protected]

(cupcakes for all your special occasions)

Latoya Adkins

Realty Professionals

156 Newton Road, Suite A4B

Virginia Beach, VA 23462


[email protected]

(real estate needs)

Continued from page 6

D - Draw out of him the dream: Ask your

husband what he‘d love to do.

R -- Respond positively: Instead of telling

him: ―Yeah, right, be the optimist.

E - Encourage him to take the first step :

You may have to remind him of the dream.

A -- Acknowledge his adventure : Even if it

seems dangerous.―Have a great time, honey.‖

M -- Make it happen – or make it a mat-

ter of prayer: Some husbands just aren‘t

planners. You might have to start it.

This article will continue in the April Issue.

Page 24: Community Synergy: A Family With Godly Favor


More Than Church Online It’s Info to Keep Your Life Inline

More Than Church Online It’s Info to Keep Your Life Inline