Download - Community Church - Abundant · Kia Ora Church June has been a ... We also have recently had stirring testimonies

Page 1: Community Church - Abundant · Kia Ora Church June has been a ... We also have recently had stirring testimonies

Abundant Life Community Church

Page 2: Community Church - Abundant · Kia Ora Church June has been a ... We also have recently had stirring testimonies

Kia Ora Church

June has been a significant month for Abundant Life with the emphasis that we have

seen on missions. We have hosted overseas speakers 3 out of the 4 Sundays of the

month – Dr Asher from Pakistan, Ps. Duane Newport from Philippines and Ps.

Simon Wamala from Tanzania. We also have recently had stirring testimonies and

accounts from ones in our church who are involved in mission organisations and

outreach, Steve Stock of Adoptachurch, Alvin Allan of Mission Outreach, Cheyne

Hosking of YWAM Marine Reach DTS, and Josh Cole of YWAM Bethlehem DTS

will be speaking on the first Sunday in July. As a result I believe God has been opening

our eyes to further opportunities that we have to be involved in the mission fields of the

world! Remember our focus this year is centred on Harvest, and there are many

nations of the world that need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

Rod and Jan Kell have settled in at Arusha, Tanzania and the following is an excerpt

from their first supporter’s newsletter:

“Two months into our new life here in Arusha, Tanzania and we are settling in well and

finding our feet. The changes have been enormous, with not only our location very

different, but also food, vocation, culture and climate. You could say our lives have

been turned upside-down!

Rod is pursuing his passion for teaching and training people to experience the

presence of God. He is now leading the Wednesday morning prayer / teaching meeting

for the Base leaders and is excited to see them come into a new relationship with the

Holy Spirit. He will also be taking over teaching the Base staff in the very near future.

Jan has been given the responsibility for maintaining the hospitality calendar, and has

just begun looking after the Joshua School Arusha sponsorship programme. She has

also begun teaching four classes of the upper primary school 'oral reports' or speeches

as part of their English curriculum. We have also now joined Emma Marlow on the

Community Outreach Team where our goal is to reach out into the community to bring

healing and encounters with the love of God.”

Please continue to pray for them and for Lorraine Wells who is there now with Lois

Wagener to take Ladies conferences and Leaders meetings in Tanzania and Kenya.

By the time you read this, the Cleansing Stream Course will be over for this year and

all of the 105 participants will have discovered a new freedom in Christ in many different

ways, particularly from the Retreat day when people are prayed for in a number of key

areas of life. If you are not familiar with the Cleansing Stream programme please talk

to Dave Zajkowski or contact the office for more information, then register your interest

for next year’s course.

Make sure you mark your calendar for an exciting upcoming event, on Sat August 8th

we will be celebrating Abundant Life’s 33rd Birthday! The theme will be “Harvest of

Thanksgiving” and we have much to celebrate and thank God for as we enjoy a fun

evening together! More information to follow next month.

Have a “Christ centred, joy-filled July”.

Shalom Mike

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9:00am Prayer Meeting


10:45am Kids Rock

2:00pm MegaLife


6:30pm Youth

This Week

Monday 29th June

7:20 pm Girls Group – FLAG

Tuesday 30th June

7:30 WOL Lesson 21

Church Government

Wednesday 1st July

Connect Groups

Meetings in July


Mission Sunday

MegaLife - Mike Cullen



Sammy Sta.Lucia

Prayer 6:30 pm

Lorraine in Africa &

Mission Outreach



Japhet Sta.Lucia



Meddy Sta.Lucia

Prayer 6:30 pm

Youth, Young Adults, Young

Families & Adoptachurch

A special welcome to our visitors today!

We trust that you feel at home with us as we worship God together.

It is a pleasure to have you join with us!

Coming Up

6th July Monday Life Group Leaders Meeting

7pm ALC auditorium

9th July Thursday 65+ Club

10:00 am ALC auditorium

For those 65 years and over a morning of

board games, cuppas, entertainment and

a light lunch. No charges and local

transport available phone office 5768259

or for more info phone Eveline 5714431

14th July Tuesday Financial Report 7:30pm

19th July Sunday Honey for Sale 12:00pm

20th July Monday Trustees Meeting 5:30 pm

Monday MTeam Meeting 7:30 pm

21st July Tuesday WOL

Lesson 22 Church Discipline

7:30pm Youth Centre

28th July Tuesday WOL

Lesson 23 Evangelism & Church Growth

7:30pm Youth Centre

1st Aug Saturday WORKING BEE @ ALC!

From 8am till 12 noon

Morning tea provided

Come for an hour or two or the whole morning!

8th Aug Saturday ALC 33rd Birthday!

6:30pm ALC auditorium

13th Aug Thursday 65+ Club 10:00 am

Page 4: Community Church - Abundant · Kia Ora Church June has been a ... We also have recently had stirring testimonies

5th July

Ross & Niki Nicol

12th July

Ian & Julie Kelly

19th July

Terry & Karen Wills

26th July

Rob Oversluizen &

Dianne Mannington

5th July

Nathanael Stock &

Dionnie Richter

12th July

Trish Nixon &

Michelle Savage

19th July

Eveline Redstall &

Lorraine Donald

26th July

Howard & Jo Martin

5th July

Holiday Programme

12th July

Holiday Programme

19th July

Holiday Programme

26th July


Barbie Derecourt


Jane Waldegrave

Received Outgoings

Marine Reach - Hosking $0 $500

YWAM - Cole $50 $500

Africa – Joshua Foundation $1425 $1425

Peru – Aravalo $0 $500

Nasik - Sunil $0 $500

Pakistan – Dr Asher $1000 $1000

Sri Lanka – Ps Layasing $200 $200

Philippines - Hands of Hope $802 $1500

Africa – Conference & LWells $ 3893 $4801

We encourage targeted financial giving for these missions. Presently, most missions support is sent from our general giving. Please specify mission on the tithe envelope or reference for online banking – (mission and tithe number - e.g. “Nasik 1206”)

Account: Abundant Life Church 06 0491 0011061 02 Please pay any IOU’s into the 02 account.

Give generously – Sow into the Kingdom – Reap a Harvest

As a church we believe wholeheartedly in the biblical

principle of tithing. We have a box for Tithes and

Offerings situated on the wall by the crèche room.

Remember to write your tithe number on the envelope

provided. Tithe and AP forms are also available.

Our bank details: Tauranga Abundant Life Church

Tithes, course fees etc 06 0491 0011061 00

Missions, IOU’s 06 0491 0011061 02

IS54 Building Fund 06 0491 0011061 25

IS54 giving for June $6283.21







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ial C



A few weeks ago an 11 year old Auckland boy flattened a referee at a

schoolboy rugby match. The media publicised this; public opinion was divided

and the following suggestions were made:

That the youngster should be banned for life from rugby.

That he should be dealt with by his parents

The Rugby Union’s process for senior players should apply.

That his team should be judge and jury.

All of the above have merit but without knowing his personal circumstances it

is a hard one to rule. What if this behaviour had simply reflected the

environment he was being raised in? What would a lifetime ban really achieve?

Few senior players in New Zealand are ever banned for life. It is very possible

that his team mates and coach are the very people he needs around his life at

this time to be examples of how to behave. Christians would also be able to

help the family by giving good positive support and to mentor and equip the

parents and the 11 year old.

David wrote in Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is

God in His holy dwelling. Could the Christ in us be the hope of glory for this

young life?

Till next time

Blessings Barbie

End Times! Interested in knowing more about end-time events?

We are opening the Word of Life end-time classes to

anyone who would like to learn about end-time events.

If you have done Word of Life before then you may still be

interested as several of the lessons have been re-worked

and re-modelled, and our very own Mike Cullen will be


Further details to be confirmed.

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