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1Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |

Edition 25th/V/January-February 2012

Communication Media of PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Fostered Community

Cattle Farm in Muara Begai Village

CSR Multi Stakeholder Forum of East Kutai Regency

Wash Hands, Brush Teeth Together & Traffic Lights Socializationwith PT Bharinto Ekatama



CDO Forum 1-2012 “Together we can do and

Do it by Heart”

| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 20122


The implementation of community development shows our concern as a company towards the community that live surrounds the mining area. Heading towards the mine closure, the community development programs that are sustainable becomes the priority. The community development program planning made based on the area potential and the community itself, overall it would be focused on its natural and human resources. In managing the natural and human resources, the involvement of all parties is the key of success because this has to be done together. The perpetrator components of the community development are the community, government, and the company. Each hold an important role, suited according to its capacity and also as a synergy that would bring integrated implementation of sustainable community development program. Besides the community’s role, the Community Consultative Committee (CCC) holds a very important role in implementing the sustainable community development program, because CCC always stands within the community and become the front door in communicating problems that arise when implementing the program. As a motivation in implementing the community development program, the company has provide reliable CD officer and also CCC member that are not only good in their skill but also have good knowledge and insight about community development in a form of training, seminar, internally (CDO Forum) and externally (CD Basic Training). With the spirit of togetherness towards a better future, let us all hold hands so we would be able to do and give our best in developing/empowering community with the spirit of “Do it by heart”.

Warm Regards,Khamhaeng Sihachan

Khamhaeng Sihachan

Mine Head PT Jorong Barutama Greston

BUBUHAN comes from the Kutai andBanjar language meaning friendship,partnership, and companionship. Thename BUBUHAN reflects the CD ITMTbk. spirit to always appreciated andlearn from the local wisdom within thecommunity.

Supervisor - Pongsak Thongampai

Advisor - Leksono Poeranto

Person in Liability - Tri Harjono

Editor in Chief - Rudy Prabowo

Managing Editor - Arista Stari

ContributorsCDO Indominco, CDO Kitadin, CDO Trubaindo, CDO Jorong, CDO Bharinto

ReporterJauhari Umar, Hanana Fajar, Emir Wicaksana

DesignCoratCoret Design


From the EditorialDear Fellow of Bubuhan,

We now have entered 2012 and Bubuhan have reached to the 25th edition. This year we would like to give a couple new excitements that will bring Bubuhan closer to its readers. This Bubuhan Media is not only for the Community Development Officer (CDO) but also made for the stakeholder and including the fostered community of the company. Bubuhan is not only prepared by the CDO but also by the community, so they could deliver their aspirations and their opinion especially in implementing the

Community Development Program in their area. This is none other than to connect and create good cooperation between the companies represented by CDO with the community. Organizational wise it is being represented by Community Consultative Committee (CCC) in every villages. Everything that we have done, that has to do with CD program publication and introduction was none other than to give clear information about the activities that has been done together with the communities. With new spirits, let us all welcome New Year with new hope. And do everything with clean heart and sincerity.

3Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |

It feels only yesterday that CDO Forum 1-2011 being held in Bandung and in 2012, Bandung

is has been re-elected as the place for CDO Forum 1-2012. All of the participants were scheduled to arrive at Padma Hotel, a place to stay and also the place for CDO Forum meeting, on February 20th 2012. This year’s CDO Forum participants were proven to increase from the previous time, as many as 42 participants that come from CD Jakarta, CD Mine Site and also from CD Bangkok. The CDO Forum this time feels very brief, because there are only two (2) days that can be used by the CDO to gather just for sharing with the other sites. On the first day, there is a sharing and discussion session from every site including Jakarta and Bangkok. Each presentation were scheduled for about 45 minutes, filled with discussion about 2012 action plan and 2011 actual, CD sharing best practice program that has been done on every site, were not left behind. The second day, it is all about the participant’s visit to the Best Practices Location. On this session the participants were being divided

to three (3) groups visits because there are 3 different locations to be visited. A team will be visiting the location of vetyvert cultivation in Garut. On the location they could see how to cultivate vetyvert, this way they would gain their knowledge, especially at the mine closure reclamation. On other location, which is Ciwidey, B Team visited a place to make dodol and other foods made from guava, they could also learn how to cultivate oyster mushroom so they could produce sweets, crackers and other dried food. And as for Team C, they got the chance to visit milk economic enterprise and also cattle farm in Pangalengan in order to understand more about the system

in farm management and economic enterprise on the location. After an exhausting journey, the participants were scheduled to be taken back to their original sites on February 23rd 2012. It is hoped that the sharing session and also Best Practice study visit, the CDO would implemented the knowledge that they have gained and share it to the surround communities. The CDO Forum 2-2012 planned to be held on June. From the questioners, the participants had given their votes regarding on the location and also positive advice on the core activity of the event. So, where would be the next CDO Forum located? We will just have to wait and see.

(Hanana Fajar-CDO JKT)

Cover Story

CDO FORUM 1-2012“Enhance View of CDP for Its Sustainability Program”

| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 20124

Based on the CCC Muara Bengai Village’s proposal together with

PT Trubaindo Coal Mining Community Development (TCM CD), the development program has started with 11 Balinese cattle consist of 10 female cows and 1 male cow. This community development program for the economic sector has 10 members of stock farmers using traditional grazing system which is now in learning and training phase. In order to support the development of Bali cattle cultivation, sustainable training is necessary, using the maintenance system at the paddocks and stables. The maintenance administrations that have been

implemented were individual cages and group cages. Individual cages is where each cow is placed on its own 2,5 x 1,5 m cage. This kind of procedure could spur the cows development faster because there are no competition in getting their daily meal and also no space limitation to move, so the energy that they gain from their food is often being used to do main activities so the their meat production would not be lost because of any unnecessary movement. Different report coming from the group cages, the situation turns out to be less good that the individual cages because of the tendency of competing in getting their meal, so only the stronger cows grow faster than the weak ones.

For the cattle group located in Muara Begai Village, CD TCM will be using the individual cages system to fatten the cattle, this way the prospect in getting the profit is much faster than the grazing system in the field. The grazing system is not totally being abandoned, in fact it still being used minimum 3 times a week the cattle will be released to the field above 9 AM in order to avoid diseases. After using these patterns, the groups are hoped to be motivated and support for each of the group member improvement by using the sustainable training system by CDO TCM and Disbuntanakan West Kutai.

(Jones Silas - CDO TCM)

Fostered News

CATTLE FARMin Muara Begai Village

5Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |

In order to commemorate the 2012 K3 Month of PT Kitadin Embalut (KTD EMB), the committee and

CDO implemented educational activities such as:1. Smart Quizzes for Elementary and

Junior high School 2. High School K3 Poster Contest3. Visiting the mine site, CSR activity

and Laka Lantas workshop and The Danger in Using Drugs.

The smart quiz activity was opened by the Head of Subdistrict Tenggarong Seberang, H. Totok Sunarto SP. M. Pd. Accompanied by Summargianto (KTT KTD EMB) and Muspika (Koramil, Kapolsek - Police Chief, Head of Education Department of Tenggarong Seberang). In his speech, Totok Sunarto gives his gratitude to the Management of KTD EMB that has implemented the Smart Quiz entering in 3rd year, this could be an example of CSR educational activity for all of the companies that are operating at the Tenggarong Seberang Sub-District area.

The Winners of Elementary School Smart Quiz 1. 1st Winner : SDN No. 0102. 2nd Winner : SDN No. 0043. 3rd Winner : SDN No. 027

The Winners of Junior High School Smart Quiz1. 1st Winner : SMPN 42. 2nd Winner : SMPN 23. 3rd Winner : MTS Ibadurrahman

K3 Poster Contest Winners for Highschool1. 1st Winner : Akhmad Khoirudin,

SMA 22. 2nd Winner : Yani Seruni Wijaya,


3. 3rd Winner : Andik Purnomo, SMA 2 In visiting the mine site, CSR fostered area and Laka Lantas workshop about the danger in using drugs was attended by 100 students of elementary school, junior high school and high school. It was opened by AMM Tjatur HS. Accompanied by all of the K3 Committee, CDO, dr. Sindu and Polres (District Police) Members. In his speech, Tjatur HS tells about the KTD EMB 30 years operational history, the commitment in implementing CSR in education and also the danger in using drugs that will destroy the future.

(Ilmansyah-CDO KTD EMB)


CommemoratingThe K3 Month of

PT Kitadin Embalut

| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 20126


On the second day of the Community Development Officer (CDO) Forum,

February 22nd 2012, the participants were divided into 3 (three) team; Team A, Team B and Team C so they could visit a couple of fostered economic enterprise community business that located surround Bandung area which related on the area’s superior program. Team A is scheduled to visit Garut, Team B to Ciwidey, and Team C to Pangalengan. Because the writer comes from Team A, so the writer will write about Team A visiting Garut. At 7 in the morning, all of the team moves to their destination. Together with Team A, I went to Garut. After travelling for 2,5 hours, we arrived to Vetyvert Cultivation Coorporative, Garut Regency located in Sukakarya Village, Samarang Sub-District - Garut Regency. At the location we were welcomed by abundance hospitality by the cooperative committee and were taken to a building where they usually use to welcome guests. The building is shaped as saung made from bamboo, semi outdoor and built above a fish pond/dam. Later on, while enjoying light traditional snacks from Garut, we were given an explanation about the Vetyvert plant (also known as fragrance plant) and its usage. The presentation of this Vetyvert plant was delivered by the cooperative committee and completed by slide projector. On the presentation, I can conclude that Vetyvert plant is a rooted fiber plant shaped like grass but it will not spread wildly when being planted and will grow according to the current planting row. It is just the roots that form as a fiber that spreads deep down the soil.

We also received information that there are 4 kinds of Vetyvert plants according to its usage, they are:1. Vetyvert plant is very good

for reclamation soil in order to decrease soil erosion because the fiber root could spread deep 2-4 m into the soil. The root is able to penetrate hard soil. It takes about 1 (one) year since the seed being planted into the soil to achieve perfect spreading of the root in order to decrease soil erosion.

2. Vetyvert for oil, could produce oil from its roots through distillation process. The produced oil is used to tie the aroma/fragrance on perfume and also could be used as a regulator and control perfume scent (hard or soft). In certain process the Vetyvert oil could also be used as a traditional medicine.

3. Vetyvert plant for handicraft is used to make bags, wallets, ornaments, dolls etc made from webbing the root and leave of Vetyvert plant.

4. Vetyvert plant as an organic plant is still in pilot phase.

There are other usages from all of the Vetyvert plant above; the root fiber could absorb 90% metal elements in water and kept in on its leaf, this helps purification of waste water from the mining area and also for water that is going to be used for fish ponds at the used mining area. After hearing all of the presentation, we start seeing some of the handicrafts that were made from Vetyvert plant; the handicrafts were displayed on the room. From there, we move to the oil refining Vetyvert plan and garden that are located across the street, not far from the presentation place. After seeing the tools that they were using for the oil refining and see the true form of Vetyvert plant directly, we say goodbye and said thank you for the cooperative management. This new knowledge about Vetyvert is hoped to be applied properly on the mining area.

(Yohanes Susilo-CC JKT)

ITM CDO VisitingVetyvert Cultivation Place

7Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |

Fostered News

That day, the sun feels so near. Even so, it does not slow down the spirit

of watermelon farmers in PT Indominco Mandiri (IMM) fostered area. Monday (5/3), the farmers are harvesting their first watermelon which they had planted 2 months or 60 days ago in Nyerakat Kiri Bontang Lestari Village, South Bontang. They produced to 35 Tons of watermelon from 1,5 Ha of land. Not only the farmers that were very enthusiast in harvesting the watermelon, Assistant Vice President IMM, HM Nasution, Head of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Department (DPPK) Bontang City, Aji Erlinawaty Head of Bontang Lestari Village, also IMM employees, they were very enthusiast in harvesting watermelon. This time the harvest feels more special for the farmers and definitely amazed the IMM as the trainer. All of these time the farmers have always have moral and material moral from the IMM to plant watermelon. They never expected from 1,5 Ha of land that belongs to

the farmer, they would be able to harvest 35 tons of watermelon in just two weeks. Looking at the size of the watermelon and the juicy taste, the results are very satisfying. “wah… these are very big” said Aji, the head DPPK Bontang who also came to harvest. Its true, said Nasution, all these time being the farmer’s trainee, IMM always give their support totally. To gain perfect result, IMM gives trainings for the farmer before the plantation. “so it’s true, all these time we always give training and

education to the farmers group so they not only planting. But also learn how to bring high selling products”, explained Nasution. What IMM has given does not go to waste. Now the farmers that commonly come from the community surround the mining company, could also enjoy the benefit that has been given by IMM. Not only by giving land, but also gives help, motivation and also high quality seeds for the watermelon plantation. “Now the farmers can live to enjoy it. Let’s hope this could be useful for them”, he said. Meanwhile, Hainin, CD Section Chief IMM said that success would not come if it were not from the persistent struggle and perseverance of the farmers. “This time the success does not mean that it have not failed, but the spirit and determination of the farmers that never fades to keep on trying till they got what they dreaming of,” said Hainun. From the 35 Tons of harvest, a farmer, Farid Fajar confessed, that the harvest could result of hundreds millions rupiah. “If we counted Rp 3,500 per kilo, times 35 Tons, then it would be 122 million rupiahs right?”

(Bontang Pos , Selasa 6 Maret 2012)

Watermelon Harvest with PT Indominco Mandiri

35 Tons in 60 Days

| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 20128

Our News

Commemorating The Occupational Health and Safety Month, or it is

commonly known as K3 Month. Community Development Department and Quality Safety Environment Division working together with PT PAMA Persada Nusantara, initiated to conduct a social activities for elementary school students located in the fostered village. On February 9th, located Besiq Village, three elementary school that are located in Besiq and Bermai area were being involved in lightened up the event, the schools are SDN 012 Bermai, SDN 013 and SDN 014 Besiq with total students of 280. The event started at 10 in the morning, opened with speeches from Krisdy Gunaryanto, QSE Dept. Head also as management representative of PT Bharinto Ekatama (BEK), Rodiansyah as an officials and representatives of the village, also LEsmana Daniel as head of PUSKESMAS (health clinic) Besiq.

This time, the event is all about Giving Ketapang Seed that could later serve as plants to add shades and helps water absorption to prevent flood/excessive water puddles, there are also Washing Hands and Brushing Teeth Together, the two activities that strongly connected to body health are very simple things to do, but have great impact if the children start understanding and implemented it on their daily life. Then the last activity which was conducted by QSE Department is Traffic Lights Socialization. Traffic knowledge of how to understand the signs is very important for the children so they would be accustomed to always be alert when they are on the street. This time, some of the events that were being compiled to one activity, would not be successfully implemented if it were not for the support of village’s officials and also the teachers from three related elementary school, beside that the company’s Mine Rehab

Department also involved, represented by Sugianto, giving 50 polibag of Ketapang seed for the school. From the government, we invited doctors as a medical expert in giving instruction on how to brush your teeth the right way, and also the Public Relation of West Kutai staff who wants to capture the moment. “We really hoped that these health programs, especially for elementary school children could be an ongoing event, and we are really grateful that BEK is a company that gives great attention towards the surrounding company” said Rosalina, Headmaster of SDN 014 Besiq. In 2012, CD BEK program will stay focus on three main fields in the community they are economy, education, and health. BEK, as one of the company that holds strongly to their commitment concerning the surround community, tries to build good cooperation with various parties, internally such as the other departments and external especially the community it self, and also the government so they would have the same vision and understanding as the company which is to slowly change the community as a development object and independent subject that will help the economy conditions in the future.

(Rahma Dewi -CDO BEK)

Wash Hands, Brush Teeth Together & Traffic Lights SocializationWith PT Bharinto Ekatama

9Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |

Our News

It all started with the willingness to become a mechanic and represent their village, nine of

eleven participants that participated in the raining has gone through learning phase for about 40 days, leaving their homes and living in a

One of the positive effects of Penas Event is that there are many investors that come to PT KITADIN and wants to develop the Elephant Cassava. For example, a mining

mess to do the training, theoretical and practice. During 40 days, the bonding between the trainer and participants grow closer that is why the theory that they learn and their everyday activity is very memorable even for a

short moment. Located at PT United Tractors (PT UT) office, Jengan Danum site, on January 25th 2012, Basic Mechanic Course (BMC) closing has been implemented, it was attended by the PT Trubaindo Coal Mining (TCM) representative, PT UT and representative of Education and Labor Department, also 9 training participants that has participated in the training until it is finished. In the event, TCM, PT UT, Education and Labor Department, and the trainer sent out an important message for the participants; they should implement their knowledge that they have gained throughout the training process and then implement it at work. From the 9 participants, one of them is being picked because of the good grade and get an award from PT UT. Let’s hope that the learning never stopped and becomes a motivation and a fresh start to move on the next phase.

(Roswita Melisa-CDO TCM)

company, PT Indocoal has bought a large scale of Elephant Cassava seed to be developed into Bioethanol, Gasoline and Alcohol. In 2011, the Kutai Mandiri Economic Plantation Enterprise has sold 200 thousand of seeds, each priced Rp 300,-. Besides that, every two weeks there are regular customers that buys one ton of cassava to be made into crackers. The cassava price is Rp 1.000/kg. one of the Elephant Cassava is even though its already 2 years old, but it still have good flavor and still can be made as crackers. On December 22nd 2011, commemorating Mother’s day, Borneo Environmental Community (BEC) Non Governmental Organization (NGO) conducted an Elephant Cassava exhibition and the making of various kind of food made from Elephant Cassava including Getuk Lindri 2011 meter long, this has made it through the Muri record as the longest getuk. This event was attended by the previous Mayor of Samarinda with wife and the wife of previous Regent of Kutai Kartanegara.

(Ilmansyah-CDO KTD EMB)

Basic Mechanical Training Closure BASIC MECHANIC COURSE


| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 201210

Our News

In an effort to maximize the performance of Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSH) as

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or East Kutai Regency in supporting an independent sustainable area development, a coordination meeting was being held creating “Optimizing the Institutional Role of CSR Multi Stakeholder” as a theme. In the meeting that was being held in February 9th 2012 at Bukit Pelangi Multi Purpose Building, led by Governing Body of MSH-CSR, Rupiansyah, SE, MM. this event was also attended by 36 companies from East Kutai Regency, including PT Kitadin and PT Indominco Mandiri representative. Besides them, there are also 6 people from Banking, 43 from SKPD, 6 from NGO and 2 people from university. The result from the first session of coordination meeting are the same perception about CSR, the role and function of MSH-CSR forum, program planning system of CSR, monitoring and evaluation system, organization structure and financial patterns of MSH-CSR Forum. And it was followed by forming a small group to unite and plan work program. On March 12th 2012 at Bappeda East Kutai a Sustainable MSH-CSR Forum Meeting, led by the Vice Regent of East Kutai, Ardiansyah Sulaiman and Zubair, MT as the head of Bappeda discussing the preparation or Rakor II coordination, which was all about synchronization of CSR program that has been clarify into 7 fields, they are:1. Economic Empowerment2. Education3. Health4. Infrastructure5. Environment6. Government and

Communication Relation7. Charity

The purpose of CSR program synchronization are:l Building commitment of the

companies that has been coordinated through MSH-CSR Forum in implementing the CSR programs that support the sustainable area development.

l Indentifying the success and problems in implementing CSR program at East Kutai Regency in 2011.

l Formulating the CSR program of East Kutai Regency for 2012.

With the existence of MSH/CSR Forum in East Kutai Regency, it is hoped that it could unite many stakeholders to communicate, consult, and act together sustainably for the development and management of CSR.

(Tetty Novita-CDO KTD TDM)

Tumbuhan Akarwangi (Vetyvert)

CSR Multi Stakeholder Forum of East Kutai Regency

Forum in East Kutai Regency, it is hoped that it could unite

many stakeholders

11Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 2012 |


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I was born in Indramayu Regency on April 7th 1951. In 1985 I went to elementary school, and then go to Junior Highschool, and I dropped out on second grade of Highschool because my parent could not afford to pay for it. So I went to Jakarta seeking for fortune and luck. In 1971, I continue my education by going to pesantren (boarding school) and become private SPG in Babakan Cirawingin Cirebon, but in the end I still could not afford to come home. In 1973 I was asked to teach Madrasah MIN until 1988 and in the same year I then joined Trans to East Kalimantan, Muara Mahau for 2 years and in 1990 I continue to join Trans to South Kalimantan, December 12th 1990 was the precise date that I came to Jorong. And since I came to Jorong is where I started learning to live in a society and then gained confidence in becoming RT, RW, head of BKM, and Religion Counselor (Penyuluh Agama-PAG). In 2000 I was trusted in becoming the head chief of Karang Rejo Village. Started in 2005, I was involved in the Sumber Makmur Farmer’s Group and from here I started to get to know about

Community Development (CD) and on March 17th-26th 2010 I participated in INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEM (IFS) training that was facilitated by Mr. Arief Guno (CD Coordinator of PT Jorong Barutama Greston) by inviting experienced instructor?expert of Bokashi from Bogor (Mr. H.Agus Asmara-P$S Antanan- Bogor), located at BP3K with 30 participants from 6 villages of ring 1, attended by 4 department/institution from Palaihari Regency. From there I have gained knowledge about how to make Bokashi fertilizer and learn how to do business, and Alhamdulillah, the Sumber Makmur Farmer Group ( Cattle Group) could cooperate with JBG and until now for about 1-2 years, we have succeeded in sending 126 tons of fertilizer for Mr. Rizali (JBG Reclamation Coordinator).

About Education? About education, Alhamdulillah, with the government involvement, the JBG and community are not left too far behind. The building is well built, enough teachers, and many students, but there might be something that the company should notice, that is financial help for those who could not afford to go to school.

What do you think about the Comdev

Implementation? Overall, I am watching from the Infrastructure aspect and noticed especially for ring 1 village (6 villages) are lucky for the Comdev implementation. Because of the trainings, individual and group, the community finally realized that they who want to be success should fight and work hard and many of them who previously does not have any ability to do anything, through trainings, they finally have skills so they could work in a company.

Can you give some input to improve Comdev performance?1. For the company, never get tired in

assisting the community especially towards the group of people who have received training.

2. And help to find a way out for the people who have received trainings, either its mechanic or welding so they could have a job. As for them who have received oyster mushroom, Sasirangan, various taste of banana crackers, carvings, processed sea food, screen printing, fish food and many more trainings, to help them look for the market.

What have you made (long term) for the farm area and Bokashi Fertilizer Production Center?1. I wanted the farm area/ Bokashi

center to be beautiful and clean and appealing.

2. The membership and cattle to increase and healthy, and also for the Bokashi to develop fast.

3. The member could be happy becoming a member of cattle and Bokashi farm.

What are your whishes and hope for the future of Comdev JBG?1. I always hoped that the COmdev

programs would continue until the company came to a mine closure.

2. Comdev to not only empower the people but also the environment especially the village roads.

3. With the Comdev programs, I hoped that the community could live more independent, could do their own business, so when the mine closure happens the community is already empowered and could live in peace.

(Interviewed by Risdian-CDO JBG)

CASUAL TIME WITH Mr. Udin Baharudin CASUAL TIME WITH Mr. Udin Baharudin (The Farmer’s Group Head & Head Coordinator of Bokashi Manufacture in Karang Rejo Village)

| Bubuhan - Edition 25th/V/January - February 201212

BEADS CRAFT PRODUCTSEmpas Village, fostered by TCM

Various kind of bouquet that were shown are made by housewives

from Empas Village, they were first received beads craft training from PT Trubaindo Coal Mining (TCM) Community Development. Beside bouquet, the beads craft come in

many forms such as Pin, Brooch, Key Chain, Decorative Refrigerator and various forms of souvenirs. The skill that the Empas Village housewives possessed is hoped to continuously

grow so they can fill their spare time with positive things and increase the

family income.