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Communication - Recap Week 4 6/8/2013

Mostly we don’t stop to think about how we communicate with others.

We simply assume that we just know how to do it

However we don’t always get the message across

Communication is a complex process with the potential for things to go wrong (miscommunication)

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Models of communication are:Communicator – this is the initiator or sender of the


Messages – combinations of verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols that we use as a means to communicate

Channels – these are our senses through which we send and receive messages – vision, hearing, touch, taste & smel


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•Models of communication are:Feedback – this is provided by the receiver and

lets the sender know the reaction to the message ie. Is the message understood

Noise – in the context of interpersonal communication, noise is a distortion, interruption or loss of the intended meaning of a message. Noise can be physical but it can also be emotional, idealogical or attitudinal. That is, our own thoughts, feelings, attitudes, values, beliefs and world view can affect how we listen to or hear the message being communicated.



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Non-verbal communication and culture—Gestures, movements, tone of voice, eye contact and facial expressions vary in meaning across cultures. In India, for example, shaking the head from side to side is an indication of agreement rather than disagreement which is how we understand it in Australia.

Personal space—Distancing oneself or getting closer to clients may be misinterpreted as coldness or inappropriately intimate or pushy. The gender of the client and worker is also an important factor in how personal space is utilised.

Communicate information in a culturally appropriate way

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Eye contact—There are many cultural variations of what eye contact means. In some cultures such as Mexican, Japanese, Korean and many indigenous Australian cultures, avoidance of eye contact means respect. This is sometimes misinterpreted as not listening or being rude

Use of silence—Different cultures use silences differently. Arabic people often regard silence as a time to collect private thoughts; Russians, Spanish and French might regard silence as indicating a common agreement or shared view; while in Asian cultures silence is often used as a sign of respect

Communicate information in a culturally appropriate way

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Cultural variation in interpretation of social issues—For example, people might have a different interpretation of issues such as what constitutes a marriage or a marriage separation. In some cultures a woman may regard herself as not being separated from her husband, even though the husband has left, simply because they are still legally married.

Cultural responses to emotions—Different cultures have different rules about how to respond to emotions. Touching the hand of someone crying might be acceptable in our culture but in others, offering tissues or a glass of water could be adequate.

Communicate information in a culturally appropriate way

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CommunicationTo be an effective communicator we need to be

very aware of our own communication strengths and weaknesses

You will need to regularly reflect on the interactions you have with clients, co-workers and friends to assess what works and what barriers might be present

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This occurs when the message sent is received as the sender intended it.

This is achieved by the content of the message (verbal) and the non-verbal cues matching each other

This means the messages are congruent – a match between verbal and non-verbal

If we want to be effective communicators it is important that we send messages that are congruent

Effective CommunicationWeek 5 13/8/2013

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Activity 1 Challenge CourseCreate a challenge course using ordinary objects like chairs, trash cans and stairs. Separate into pairs. Blindfold one member of the pair and allow the other to use sight. The object is for those with sight to guide their partner through the obstacle course using only words. Ask team members after the exercise to give their perspectives on the role verbal communication played in finishing the course.

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Barriers to effective communicationThere are lots of behaviours that we all engage in

that have a negative impact on communicationFollowing are behaviours that inhibit effective


criticising (blaming) praisingname calling (labelling)

diagnosing orderingmoralising excessive questioningthreatening advisingdiverting reassuring

logical argument

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Activity 2 Reflective WritingStudents are to work individually. Using the 12 listings on the previous power point slide, divide a piece of butcher paper into the same amount.Write down a recent of past experience where you have been affected by ANY of these barriers and how it made you feel. Discuss.

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Diverting would be the most commonly used roadblock to effective communication

Diverting occurs when you change the conversation to something you want to talk about i.e. Changing the subject

Barriers to effective communication

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ACTIVITY 3 - SpeakingThis game requires two participants and building blocks. The participants sit with their backs to each other. Participant 1 is given an object that is already built with the blocks, and he describes the object to participant 2 with enough details so participant 2 can build the object. Allow the participants three to seven minutes to complete the game, depending on the complexity of the object.

At the completion of the game, the two participants should have identical objects. If the objects are not identical, there were communication issues. The two participants should talk to each other about the message received versus the message relayed. Could different words have been used; what were the different perspectives; what type of listening skills were used? To ensure that the lessons learned translate to the office, have the participants recount real-life issues they encountered in which the message relayed was not the message received.

Read more:

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Effective Communication in the Workplace

Nine Steps to Effective Listening

1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.2. Be attentive, yet relaxed.3. Keep an open mind to the speaker’s message – try to feel what the speaker

is feeling.4. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying.5. Do not interrupt and do not impose your "solutions."6. Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions - ask questions only

to ensure understanding of something that has been said (avoiding questions that disrupt the speaker's train of thought).

7. Give the speaker regular feedback, e.g., summarize, reflect feelings, or simply say "uh huh."

8. Pay attention to nonverbal cues -- to feelings, tone of voice, inflection, facial expressions, gestures, posture.

9. Be aware of potential barriers that impact your ability to listen effectively.

Skillful ListeningUnit Two

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Barriers to Listening

Sometimes people have a barrier that impedes their listening skills. Awareness of a barrier is the first step in being able to overcome it.

1. Barriers to listening include:past experiences that influence our reaction to the speaker or the message2. worry, fear, anger, grief and depression3. individual bias and prejudice4. semantics and language differences5. noise and verbal "clutter"6. preoccupation, boredom and shrinking attention spans

Effective Communication in the Workplace