Download - Common Interview Questions


Common interview questions:1. Tell me something about yourself?2. Which is your favourite subject and why?3. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?4. Why should we select you over other students?5. Which incident in your life influenced you the most and why?6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?7. What do you know about our organization?8. How did you benefit from your SIP?9. Are you willing to relocate?10. Salary expectations11. Family background12. What are your hobbies?13. Which location would you prefer?14. What value addition would you do to our firm?15. Tell us something about yourself that is not mentioned in your c.v.?16. Define yourself in one sentence?17. If any of your group members doesnt perform, what will you do?18. Give one reason to why we should not select you?19. What is the most important factor that an employee should have?20. What does integrity mean to you?

More personal questions to be answered with caution:1. 10 being highest how would you rate yourself in honesty, integrity and punctuality?2. According to you which way leads to success, hard work or smart work?3. What do you understand by management?4. Whats the greatest asset that youll bring to our company?5. Name three adjectives that best describe your ideal work colleague?6. If offered this job, how long do you plan to stay in this role?7. What do you think it takes to be a successful person?8. What attracts you to this company?9. What did you like most about your college?10. What did you like least about your college?11. What motivates you?12. How would you handle stress?13. Do you like to be criticized and why?14. Do you like to be praised and why?15. How would you measure success?16. What type of people do you find difficult to get along with?17. Are you competitive and is it bad or good?18. How do you cope up with taking instructions?19. Would you like to work as a part of a team or alone?