Download - Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance

Page 1: Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance

Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis:

Solutions, Resources, and StrategiesSeptember 12, 2017

Presented by:

Genentech | Novartis | Teva Pharmaceuticals | Acorda Therapeutics | Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Page 2: Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance
Page 3: Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance

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Page 5: Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance

Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis:

Solutions, Resources, and StrategiesSeptember 12, 2017

Presented by:

Genentech | Novartis | Teva Pharmaceuticals | Acorda Therapeutics | Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Page 6: Common Health Insurance Problems in Multiple Sclerosis ... · Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program (QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance

Kimberly Calder, MPS

Director of Health Policy

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

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Emily Brown, BSW

Patient Advocate Foundation

Clinical Case Manager

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For more than 20 years PAF case managers have been directly intervening on behalf of thousands

of patients each year, enabling them to connect with and maintain access to prescribed healthcare

services, overcome insurance barriers, locate resources to support cost-of-living expenses,

evaluate and identify insurance coverage and manage out-of-pocket expenses associated with

medical treatment.

Total PAF Case Management Case Count 20,286

Unique Case Management Patient Issues 36,173

Summary of PAF Case Management Patient

Cases and Contacts in 2016

Case Management

How We Help

• Debt Crisis and Cost of Living Assistance

• Screening and Enrollment in Insurance

and Social Programs

• Disability Enrollment

• Appeals Assistance

• Identification of Co-Payment and

Co-Insurance Assistance

• Resolution of Coding and Billing Issues

• Assistance with Prior Authorizations

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When you are enrolling in a health insurance plan, you should do your research before you you would when shopping for other big purchases.

Plan Type (HMO, PPO, POS, High Deductible plans, etc.)

In Network Providers (includes available doctors, labs, facilities, and

pharmacies-and mail order)

Deductibles (medical care deductibles, pharmacy deductibles or


Cost Sharing Rates and limits (copayments and coinsurance, max


Formulary (identify expected medication costs and covered drugs)

Review Non-Covered Benefits or Exclusions


**Keep in mind that your annual total cost of care

goes beyond the monthly premium

Choosing the Right Plan

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• Talk to you doctor about various treatment and

medication options. Be honest about cost concerns.

• Ask your doctor if its still necessary to take all previously

prescribed medications?

• Are there other facilities, outpatient, or stand-alone network locations

that provide services at more affordable rates?

• Research advocates or possible allies that can help. Be friendly with

billing representatives. Ask for suggestions.

• Avoid collections when possible to reduce potential interest and fees.

• Consider Negotiating. Ask providers for prompt-pay or cash discounts for

larger balances. Ask about discounts or financial assistance options.

• Look for financial assistance in other family budget areas to offset

costs and free up money for healthcare expenses

Tips for Controlling Costs

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• Things to consider and review or research:

• Do you have other current health insurance coverage?

• Do you have current creditable prescription drug coverage?

• How does your current coverage work with Medicare?

• Could joining a plan affect your current employer coverage?

• Does your current medical provider

participate with Medicare?

• Do they participate in Medicare Advantage


• What are your current prescription drugs


• Do you have a preferred pharmacy?

Transitioning to Medicare

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Access to “Covered” Treatments

• “Covered” vs. authorized or approved -- prescription drugs as example

• Subject to restrictions, such as “prior authorization” or “fail first”


• On a tier you can afford?

• Financial assistance available for MS drugs –if you qualify (income-

based, generally not for Medicare beneficiaries)

• Call the National MS Society for help re: MS treatments

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• Sometimes the medications you need will not

be part of your plan's published covered drug list.

• Is your drug on the formulary, at the correct dose? in the right quantity?

• Submit a formal exception to the formulary to request coverage for the

treatment as prescribed.

• Research alternate insurance plans and consider uncovered medication

costs during the next round of open enrollment for a better option.

• Call the National MS Society for guidance or info about drug discount

programs if you have to pay out of your own pocket. (Needy Meds,


If Your Drug is NOT on the Formulary

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When Services Can Be Covered

• The Jimmo vs. Sebelius Settlement Agreement provides for the re-

review of certain Medicare claims under clarified maintenance coverage

standards for the SNF, HH, and Outpatient Therapy benefits

• Applicable when a patient has no restorative or improvement potential

• Allows patients to qualify for home health care just to maintain their

condition or to slow deterioration of their clinical condition

• Revisions were published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

Services (CMS) on 12/6/2013

The important issue is whether the skilled services of a health care professional are

needed, not whether the Medicare beneficiary will improve.

Legal Precedent - Jimmo vs. Sebelius

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• Patient’s doctor needs to be kept updated on patient status Have a physician continue to certify need for services or adjust plan

• Patient and/or family members need to be honest with home health staff

about any changes or declines in function If there is a change in functioning, the patient may be entitled to increasing

and/or continuing services

• Become familiar with Medicare or private Long-Term Care policy guidelines

• Speak w/ social worker or hospital advocate regarding eligibility for benefits Apply for Medicaid if not already done

Qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid Special Needs Program

(QMB/SLMB) can result in no coinsurance and no balance billing

Eligibility for Medigap policy

• Become familiar with "Coordination of Benefits" to help understand

who pays first if covered by more than Medicare

Maximizing Your Benefits: Accessing All of Allowed

Home Health Benefits

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• May Be Provided Concurrently With Home Therapy

• After the Part B deductible ($183), responsible for 20% of the cost

of therapy services

• Responsible to pay 20% for durable medical equipment such as

wheelchairs, walkers and oxygen

• Medicare Limits- “Therapy Caps” on Services for 2017

• $1,980 for physical therapy & speech-language

pathology services combined

• $1,980 for occupational therapy services

Outpatient Therapy Benefits

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• How to qualify for an Exception to the Therapy Cap limits

• The therapy provider must:

• Establish the need for medically reasonable and necessary services

and document this in the medical record

• Indicate on the Medicare claim for services above the therapy cap limit

that ongoing therapy services are medically reasonable and


• Threshold or additional limit amounts:

• $3,700 for physical therapy & speech-language pathology services


• $3,700 for occupational therapy services

Outpatient Therapy Benefits

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Appeals are contract disputes initiated by patients or providers when

they disagree with the plan’s decision to deny or limit care.

An appeal is a formal request for an additional review of an adverse

coverage decision by an insurance company.

Rules for the appeals are outlined in plan language, similar to guidance

for disputes that would be included as part of a business contract.

Insurance plans are contracts based on your plan


A ‘denial’ occurs when the insurance company makes

a decision that a submitted claim or request for services is not covered under

the language and provisions of your plan language and is thus outside of the


What is an Insurance Denial?

What is an Appeal?

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When you receive notice that something is

denied, review the codes on the EOB or denial

letter for specifics and instructions.

Call your health plan's customer service

line to clarify, many times denials can be

cleared up at this level.

If denial is a result of improper coding, missing documentation, or

other billing issues that require a resubmission of claim, these may be

handled in a simpler and faster manner, that will most likely be paid

upon correct processing.

*Be sure to take notes on all phone conversations, including the date

and time of the call, the names of the people you speak to and what was


Next Steps

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• Understand the process and timelines.

• Keep providers office updated on status of appeal to

avoid collections. (Do not pay the bill before the appeal

is complete, there may be delay in getting money back).

• If still before treatment was received and approved preauthorization

is necessary, are there alternate options for treatments?

• Will a delay in treatment:

Seriously jeopardize your life or health?

Affect your ability to regain maximum functions or subject you to

severe pain?

• State consumer insurance commissions can clarify your rights and

provide additional guidance.

Factors to Consider

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• Perhaps the most important element of your appeal packet is a clear

concise letter detailing your argument that addresses the reason for the

denial and cites the terms of your insurance policy language

• The letter can be written by you, a medical provider or an advocate on

your behalf. Advocacy organizations may offer help.

• Try to remain factual not emotional while you are preparing your packet-

this is a business decision, not personal.

• Submit your appeal on time and with required


• Track the submission- if by mail, send by certified mail

with a return receipt

• If sending by fax- keep a copy of the successful

transmission confirmation and plan a 48-hour follow-up

Writing the Letter

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• You should receive an official notices within 7-10 days that your

appeal has been received. If you do not receive this, contact your

insurance company to verify that the appeal has been received.

• Timeline for answers depend on which type of appeal, which level

of appeal you are on and other factors defined in appeal process

and may range from 72 hours in urgent appeals to 60 days.

• The answer may be provided to you via phone, but will always

include a written response of decision.

After Submission

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• Term “healthcare reform” over-used

• System is constantly changing, re-forming

• ACA’s biggest impact on those previously un-insured and people who

“individual” policies

• Congress and state governments likely to do more healthcare reforms

in these same areas

• Most people will NOT be affected, but your insurer can make changes

on their own

Healthcare Reform and Your Coverage

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Open Enrollment Coming Soon!

• Take advantage of Open Enrollment no matter how you get insurance

• Dates vary depending on type of insurance, except Medicaid (enroll


• Medicare Open Enrollment for 2018

• October 15 to December 7, 2017

• Important information for “individual” plans

• New dates, shorter open enrollment period:

• Nov 1st to Dec 15th only

• is starting point, but less one-to-one help -- so start early

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Questions or Comments

Emily Brown, BSW

If you are enjoying tonight’s presentation, please consider donating

to our programs:

Text to donate: 970-626-6232

Kimberly Calder, MPS

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Can Do MS Resources

Find these resources at

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National MS Society


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National MS Society Health Insurance Services

If you have a health insurance related question that was not answered during tonight’s webinar, please feel free to email

[email protected]

or call 1-800-344-4867

You can also visit our website at

Thank you

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Discover The Invisible: Pain and Depression in MS

October 10, 2017Presented by:

Genentech | Novartis | Teva Pharmaceuticals | Acorda Therapeutics | Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

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