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© 2016, 2017 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Session ID:

Agenda Key:

COMMON Europe Workshop:Orion, Git, and Python!

Jesse R. Gorzinski, MBA


© 2016, 2017 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Hands-on requisites

• Own device (laptop)

• Internet connectivity

(use CEC2017 with password congre55)

• Google chrome (optional) if Windows

• GitHub account

• IBM BlueMix account



© 2016, 2017 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems


• Lecture: Git/Orion

• Hands-on exercise w/Orion, Git, Bluemix

• Bluemix discussion

• ================= BREAK ==================

• Programming exercise

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Git – what is it?

• Linus Torvalds – inventor of Linux wanted a better source control system – so

he wrote one

• Very popular in the open source community and increasingly in enterprises

• Distributed Version Control System

• Some distinctives

• NOT a server! Just a simple executable

• Stores all of its meta data in one .git directory at the root of your


• Very fast !



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Snapshots, Not Differences -> Nearly every operation

local -> FAST!!


Other VCS store deltas from the


Git stores full copies (links, compressed)

Everyone has a full repository

Nearly every operation is local

Full redundancy with all other


© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Small & Fast!




© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

High-level flow

© 2015 IBM Corporation

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Staging area?

• Before the commit, files get "staged"

• Why?

– Commit only one of several changed files

– Commit only a portion of a changed file!



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Hash codes

• All content is check-summed into a SHA-1 hash code

• From then on the file is referred to by that hash code

• Probability of collision is very small ~ # of sand grains on earth

• => the content is tracked so empty directories are not

• Commits are also referred to by a hash code

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Branching and Merging

image source=



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© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Git hooks

• To install a git hook, just put an executable file in the hooks directory

• The name of the file is the hook

• Example, to install a post-receive hook, do this from the .git/hooks directory

(depending on how you created the repository, the hooks directory may need

to be created)

• Then, populate the file with the commands needed

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

git hooks (

• applypatch-msg

• pre-applypatch

• post-applypatch

• pre-commit

• prepare-commit-msg

• commit-msg

• post-commit

• pre-rebase

• post-checkout

• post-merge

• pre-push

• pre-receive

• update

• post-receive

• post-update

• push-to-checkout

• pre-auto-gc

• post-rewrite

• rebase



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Cognitive Systems

Git hook example

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems - 5733SC1 instructions

ssh-keygen contained in 5733SC1 IBM Portable Utilities for i5/OS

*BASE & Option 1

$ ssh-keygen$ ls ~/.sshauthorized_keys id_rsa known_hosts

ssh-keygen creates necessary files

Copy/paste into GitHub/Bitbucket web interface

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubssh-rsa AAAABxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpomIpqNexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLUMp4zhi4BqGHIl [email protected]

To communicate with repository via SSH, you need to give them

your public SSH key for password-less authentication.




© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Where can I get Git?

• Can download to your PC

• Can add to your Eclipse

• Can use right now and have it hosted in the cloud

• this how a lot of open source is developed

• Or ……

• Install it on your IBM i !

• 5733-OPS option 6

• And then install PTF

• Coming soon

• Follow DeveloperWork Page on 5733OPS

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems



Web Editor

- Supports

open source


AND free form


Zero install – runs in the browser – on any platform –

cheaper, easier than SEU


Git UI

- Strong git



support in

elegant and


single page


Versatile theming – editor can be light, dark – by customization

or importing themes



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Free form RPG in Orion!

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

• Aaron Bartell published an article just recently on Orion/RPG

• He told me that he had the most screen caps in any article he has ever


• Detailed scenario of how to develop in RPG using Orion

Industry pundits have already published articles



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Think through the implications of editing RPG in a


• You can now edit RPG on any device that has a browser

• Windows

• Linux

• Mac

• Tablet

• Phone

• Etc.

• It requires no installation per user

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Orion - Language Support

• First class editor support for

• JavaScript



• Basic editing for

• Free form RPG

• Python


• C/C++

• Ruby

• Etc.



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Orion is actively being developed – key part of IBM’s

strategic BlueMix

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Where can I get Orion?

• See

• Can download to your PC

• Can use right now and have it hosted in the


• Or ……

• Install it on your IBM i !

• 5733-OPS option 8

• And then install PTF

• Coming soon

• Follow DeveloperWork Page on 5733OPS

• Only this version supports free form RPG



© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

RDi and Git

• Eclipse has a free extension to support

Git called EGit

• Anyone with Eclipse can install it from

the Help->Eclipse Marketplace…

• If you have RDi Java Modernization

Edition – it is an optional component

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Think through the implications of Orion + Git

Here's a scenario:

Jesse is travelling. He's at the airport and just has a tablet and his

phone. He receives an urgent call from Edmund that there's a

bug in his code and Sam's pay is incorrect. He logs onto Orion,

fixes the bug, and pushes the change back to Git. Back at the

office, Edmund fetches the change from Git into an i Project in

RDi and recompiles the program. Sam's pay is fixed and the

problem didn't have to wait until Jesse returned from his trip.



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Edit RPG to change Sam’s pay – original pay 50000.99

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Sam’s pay is edited – now 50000.33



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Git view to commit the change

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Push change using Git



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Change is now in the Git repository history

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Fetch from Git into RDi



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Cognitive Systems

Change made in tablet is now in RDi iProject where it can be built and run!

© 2015 IBM Corporation

Cognitive Systems

Latest update (March 2017)

• Upgrade to Orion v13

• Added support for more lanuages:

– bash

– coffeescript

– json

– less

– properties

– scss

– sql

– typescript


– CL



– fixed-form RPG



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© 2015 IBM Corporation

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Demo / Activity time!



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IBM Power Systems Official Channels:


Power Systems Social Media

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More to Follow:

Blogs Twitter #Hashtags

• IBM Systems Magazine You and i

(Steve Will)

• IBM Systems Magazine i-Can

(Dawn May)

• IBM Systems Magazine: iDevelop

(Jon Paris and Susan Gantner)

• IBM Systems Magazine: iTalk with


• IBM Systems Magazine: Open your i

(Jesse Gorzinski)

• Aaron Bartell Blog

• Steve Pitcher Blog

• Trevor Perry Blog

• IBM DB2 for i (Mike Cain)

• IBM DB2 Web Query for i (Doug Mack)

• Modern-i-zation (Tim Rowe)




















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Cognitive SystemsCognitive Systems


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