Download - Common core plc part two

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Common Formative


Essential Learnings


Guaranteed Viable


Data Analysis


Individual & Collaboration

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A process that teams can use to filter the vast number of standards to determine which are

most essential

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Identify the Essential Learnings, Target Outcomes or Power Standards

From state standards, common core, district objectives

The reason is to obtain a collective focus on what students must learn, which will lead to what will be monitored with common formative assessments

Based on 3 criteria

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Standard that students will need to know for a longer period of time.

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Standard is taught and used in more than one subject

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For the next level of learning

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Teachers individually review the list of standards/objectives for a subject area.

Check the standards you believe to be power standards based on the criteria

Meet together, but work independently

Shouldn’t take to long

Gut reaction

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Teacher teams need to come to agreement and build a consensus about which standards are essential learnings

Compare common checks Encourage discussion vs voting

This step might take some time

Note: Important that everyone has a voice

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Check with other teams- grade level or cross-curricular

Look over what will likely be on state tests-

examine released items

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Montana Analysis and Reporting System

Can find:

CRT release items

Item Analysis

Montana Common core field test items

grade 10-11-12

Smarter Balance sample test questions

I will email the link with the user name & password for these sites:

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Next Step:

Unwrap and Analyze Standards

( Interpretation and intent )

It is important to decide when to teach each standard and how long it will take (units)

Common Formative Assessment