Download - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

Page 1: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds


HIL<· « a • P\ .. •··'


COM(78) 577 final. -Brussels, 6 November 1978 • 1.~ .,

c:,,.,__ , c . ~N Hl 1811 -.:_~: 4 ~V :-qfd

-~G£ Proposal for a


on the opening, allocati"ng and administration of a Community tariff quota

for ferro-silicon falling within subheading No 73.02C of the Common Customs

Tariff (1979)

Proposal for a


on the opening, allocating and administration of .a Community tariff quota

for ferro-silicon-manganese falling within subheading No 73.02D of the ,,

it Common Customs Tariff (1979)

Proposal for a


on the opening, allocating and administration of a Community tariff quota

for ferro-chromium containing not more than 0.1~ by weight of carbon and

more·than 30Y., but not more than 9Dr., by weight of chromium (super-refined

ferro-chromium)" falling within subheading No ex 73.02 E I of the Common

Customs Tariff (1979)

<submitted to the Council by the Commission>

COMC78) 577 final •

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Page 3: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds




1. As part of the multinational negotiations l-lithin GATT the Community

undertook to open the Community duty-free .tariff quotas eaCh year for

the three following ferro-alloys:

73.02 c

73.02 D

ex 73.02 E I



· overrefined ferro­chromium

20 000 tonnes

50 000 tonnes

. 3 000 tonnes

However, since 1 July 1977, these ferro-a.lloys can be imp~rted from

Portugal duty free in pursuance of the agreement concluded With this

country. The ferro-silioon quota. of 20 COO tonnes must therefore bo

reduced by 4%, this representing the Portuguese share in Community

imports. 'lhe volume of this qu.ota io thus reduced to 19 200 tonnes


for 1979.

2. 'lhe Commission's proposals regarding these three ferro-alloys drat-:

extensivel.r upon those; put fon·.Jard forr the same producto

in previous years, in that the allotting of the share q.ontinu<3s to bo in

lino with "the rules habitually adhered to (calculation based on pa.ot fiG"Ill'GB

Page 4: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds


and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from

those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds the volume assigned to Comm~~ity

reserves, which in this case accounts for 5% of the quota volume for

each of the three f'erro-alloys.

3. The proposals for regulations annexed hereto therefore relate to

the opening, the distribution and type of management of the follovting ·

Community tariff quotas for 1979:

Description of Quota Quota. Volume of Voh~:c of product volume duty );"eserve initial

tr.:mcho -Annex A ferro-silicon 19 200 t \f/o 960 t 18 21;.0 t •• Anne:t B ferro-silico- so 000 t (1/o 2 500 t 47 500 1.


Annex C overrefined 3 000 t 07~ 150 t 2 850 t ferro-chromium

• I

Page 5: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

P.roposu L for <1


on the opening, allocation and administration of a Community tariff quota f?r ferro-silicon falling within subheading 73.02 C of the Common Customs Tanff



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas, as regards ferro-silicon falling within 73.02 C, the European Economic Commu­nity has undertaken to open an annual nil duty tariff quota of 20000 tonnes; whereas thh should however be reduced to 19 200 tonnes to take account of the tradi­tional imports from Portugal which, since 1 July 1977, have been free of cu~toms duty under the Agreement concluded with that country; whereas, the tariff quota . concerned should therefore be opened on 1 January 1979 and allocated among the Member States ;

Whereas arrangements for the utilization of the Community tariff quot~ based on an allocation among Member States would seem to be consistent with the Community nature of the quota; whereas, to corres­pond as closely as possible to the actual trend of the market in the product in question, allocation of the quota should be in proportion to the requirements of the Member States as calculated by reference to statis­tics of imports from third countries during a repre­sentative reference period and to the economic outlook for the quota year in question;

\:here as, during tho 1 ast three years for whi eh co~plete statistics are available, the correspond­Ing il:ipods Into each of the l·:e;:;ber States repre~ entad the followinq percentages of total tr~orts of the prod-.~ct in C:'!t:d;on:

/'}7} 1976 1977

Benelux 17·47 17· 91 16.35 Denmark 0·54 o-60 0.09 Germany 5J.03 53-88 53.10 France 1·22 1· 58 2.85 Ireland 0·25 0· 22 0.08 Italy 1H2 13 83 14.21

. United Kingdom 13-67 11· 98 8.32

Whereas, in view of these factors and of market fore­c~sts for fcrro-silicon for 19"Z9. the initial percentage shares in the quota volume can be expressed roughly as follows :

Benelux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom

17.22 0.38

55.05 1. 92 0.16

13.98 11.29;

Whereas, to take account of future import trends fot the product concerned, the quota should be divided into two tranches, the first being allocated and the second held as a reserve to cover subsequently the requirements of Member States which have used up their initial share; whereas, to give importers some degree of certainty, the first tranche of the tariff quota should be fixed at a high level, which in th1 s case could baSS% of the awount of tha qt:ota;

Whereas initial shares may be used up at different rates ; whereas to avoid disruption of supplies on this account it should be provided that any Member State which has almost used up its initial share should draw an additional share from the reserve ; whereas each time its additional share is almost used up a Member State should draw a further share, and so on as many times as the reserve allows ; whereas the initial and additional shares should be valid until the end of the quota period ; whereas this form of adminis­tration requires close collaboration between the Member States and the Commission, and the Commis­sion must be in a position to keep account of the extent to which the quota has been used up and to inform the Member States accordingly ;

Whereas if at ~. given date in the quota period a considerable quantity of a Member State's initial share remains unused, it is essential that that Member State should return a significant proportion thereof to the reserve in order to prevent a part of the Co.n;uuni ty tariff quota from remaining unused \n one ~:ecbor Stata whe~ tt could be used tn others;

Whereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are united within and jointly represented by the Benelux Economic Union, any measure concerning the administration of the shares allocated to that economic union may be carried out by one vf its members,

( 3

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ArHcl o 1

1. For the period 1 January to 31 DJcck.bcr 1979, a ~~~unlty tariff quota of 19 200 tonnes shall bo opened within the Community in respect of ferro­silicon falling within subheading 73.02 C of the Common Customs Tariff.

2. Imports of the product in question may not be charged against this tariff quota if they are already free of customs duties under other preferential tariff 'arrangcr::cnts. '

3. Wlthln thls tartff quota, the Oocmon Custoos Tariff duty shall be totally suspended.

Article 2

I. The Community tariff quota referred to in Article I shall be divided into two tranches.

2. A first tranche of 18 240 tonnes shall be allo. cated among the Member States ; the shares, which subject to Article 5 shall be valid from I January until 31 December 1979, shall be as follows :

Denclux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom

£01'4~ 70

10 040 350

30 2 550 2 060

3. The second tranche of 960 tonnes shall constt-tutc the reserve.

A~ticle 3

1. l·f a i1en:ber State has used 90~ or more of its initial share as fixed in Article 2 (2), or of that share minus any portion returned to the reserve pur~uant to Article 5, it shall forthwith, by notifying the Commission, draw a second share, to the extent that the reserve so permits, equal to 5 %. of its initial share rounded up as necessary to the next whole · number.

2. If a Xc:::bcr State, after exhausting Hs initial share, has used 90 % or more of :he second 5hare draw by it, that Member State shall forthwith in the ma1.:.1~r and to the extent provided in paragraph I, draw a IJ1rd share equal to 2·5 % of its initial share rounded 'JP as l)ecessary to the next whole number.

3. lt ' Hc~bar State, after exhausting its sc.:cond si • re, has used 90 % or more of the third share.: dr~v ;!. by it, that Member State shall, in the

. '

manner and to the extent provided in paragraph 1, draw a fourth share equal to the third.

This process shall apply unt\1 the reserve ls used up.

4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 to 3, a Member State may draw shares lower than those speci­fied in those paragraphs if there are grounds for • believing that those specified may not be used in full. Any Member State applying this paragraph shall inform the Commission of its grounds for so doing.

Article 4

Additional shares drawn pursuar;t to Article 3 s_hall be valid until 31 December 197 9, •

Article 5

·Member States shall, not later than I October 1979., return to the reserve the unused portion of their initial share which, on 15 September 197 9 is in excess of 20 % ofthe initial volume. They may return a greater portion if there are grounds for believing that it may not be used in full.

Member States shall, not later than 1 October 1979, notify the Commission cf the· total. quantities of the product in question imported up to and including 15 September 1979 and cha:ged against the Community quota and of any portion of their intUa1 shares returned to the resei'Ve.

Article 6

Heober States may r-astrtct the charging of imports against their sharas to products for certatn intended uses. lr· that case the Co1:1muntty provi­sions on the mat{~r shall be applied for checking that tt;e product has boan used for the stipulated purpose.·

Article 7

The Commissior shall keep an account of the shares opened by the Member States pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 and shall, as soon as the information reaches it, inform each State of the extent to which the reserve has been used up.

It shall, not later than 5 October 1979, inform the Member States of the amount still in reserve, following any return of shares pursuant to Article 5 . .

lt shall ensure that the dra~tng which exhausts the re~erve does not exceed the balance avatl-abl e and to this end shall notlfy the aCJount· of that balance to the Member State maklng the last dra~ing. ·

Page 7: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

Article 8

I. The Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that additional shares drawn pursuant to Article 3 are opened in such a way that I oports may be charged without interruption against their accumulated shares of the Community quota.

2. The Member States shall ensure that importers of the product in question established in their terri­tory have free access to the shares allocated to them.

3. The extent to which the Member States have used up their shares shall be determined on the basis of I m ports of the products in question entered with the customs authorities for home use.

Article 9

At the request of the Commission, the Member States shall inform it of the lli1ports actually charged against their shares.

Article 10

The Member States and the Commission shall coop­erate closely to ensure that this Regulation is complied with.

Article 11

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1979.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at

For the Council

The President

Page 8: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

Proposal -for. n


on the opening, allocation and administration of a Community tariff '!uota for fcrro-silico-manganese falling within subheading 73.02 0 of the Common

Customs Tariff (19(9)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the E~ropean Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas, as regards fcrro-silico-mangancsc falli~g within subheading 73.02 D, the European Economtc Community has undertaken to open an annual duty­free Community tariff quota of 50 000 tonnes; whereas the tariff quota in question should therefore . be opened on I January 197 9 and allocated among the Member States;

Whereas equal and continuous access to the quota should be ensured for all Community importers and the rate of duty for the tariff quota should be applied consistently to all imports until the quota is used up; whereas in the light of the principles outlined above;, arrangements for the utilization of the Community tariff quota based on an allocation among Member States would seem to be consistent with the Commu­nity nature of the quota; whereas, in order that it may correspond as closely as possible to actual market trends in the product in question, allocation of the quota should be in proportion to the requirements of the Member States as calculated by reference to statis­tical data on imports from third countries during a representative reference period and to the economic prospects for the quota year in question ;

Whereas, during the last three years for which cor.:­plcte statistics are available, the corresponding !~ports Into each of the Mer.ber States r~presented the following percentages of total lcports of the product In quost\!)n:

/97j 1976 1977 -Benelux 11·00 15-29 12.67 Denmark 0 0 0 Germany 71·52 66.16 63.40 France 0·58 1·68 1.88 Ireland ' 0·04 1g.92 18~56 Italy

' 14·04 United ~<.,: 1gdom 2-82 2.95 3.49

Whereas, .' view of these factors and of market fore- . casts for ~:' ;ro-silico-manganese for 1979 the initial

percentage shares in the quota volume may be expressed roughly as follows :

Benelux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom

12.99 0.10

66.91 1. 39 0.10

15.50 3.01

Whereas, to take account of future trends in imports of the product in question, the quota should be divided into two tranches, the first being allocated and the second forming a reserve intended to cover ~ny subsequent requirements of Member St~tes wh1ch have used up their initial share ; whereas, 1n order to ensure a certain degree of security for importers, the first tranche of the Community tariff quota should be set at a high level,which in this case might be 95 % of the volume of the quota ;

Whereas Member States may use up the'ir initial shares at different rates; whereas to provide for this eventuality and to avoid disruption of supplies, any Member State which has almost used up its initial share should draw an additional share from the reserve; whereas each time its additional share is almost used up, a Member State should draw a further share, and so on as many times as the reserve allows ; whereas the initial and additional shares should be valid until the end of the quota period ; whereas this form of administration requires close collaboration between Member States and the Commission, which latter must, in particular, be able to keep a record of the extent to which the quota has been used up and to inform the Member States accordingly ;

Whereas if at a given date in the quota period a considerable quantity of a Member State's initial share remains unused, it is essential that that Member State should return a significant proportion to the reserve so as to avoid a part of the COi:iwuni ty tariff quota remaining ~n~sed in one Member State when lt could bo used in others;

Whereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are united within and jointly represented by the Benelux Economic UQion, any measure

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-- -~ .............. Ill

concerning the administration of the shares allocated to that economic union may be carried out by any one of its members,


Artic/1' 1

I. For the period I januar1 l~ 31 December 19tf, a Community tariif quota of 50 000 tonnes shall be opened in the Community for fcrro-silico-mangancse blling within subheading 73/'.2 D of the Common Customs Tariff.

2. Imports of the product in question may not be charged against this tariff quota if they are already free of customs duties under other preferential tariff arran­gements.

3. Within this tariff quota, the Common Customs Tariff duty shall be totally suspended.

Article l

I. A first tranche of '+7 S:>J tonnes of thts Ul::l!ilU•

nity tariff qaota shall be allocated :;mong the Member States; the shares, which subject to Article 5 shall be valid from I January to 31 December 1979, shall be as follows:

Benelux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom


6 170 50

31 780 660

50 7 360

'1 430

2. The seconp tranche of 2 5oo tonnes shall consti-tute the reserve.

Article 3

I. Ii 90 % or more of a Member State's initial share as fixed "an Article 2 (1), or of that ~hare minus any portioP. returned to the reserve where Article 5 has been ap?lied, has been used tip, that Member State shall fonhwith, by notifying the Commission, draw a second ~nare, to the extent that the rt"serve 50 permits, equal to 5 % of its initial share, rounded up as neces­sary to the next whole number.

2. If, afb its initial shan: has been used up, 90 % or more of >,e second share drawn by a Member State has been u:.·.d up, that Member State shall forthwith, in the man,• ·r and to the extent provided in para­graph I, dra¥. ~ third share equal to2. 5% of its initial share, roundc ·• up as necessary to the next whole number.

3. If, after it "ccond share has been u~ed up, 90 % or more of the hird share drawn by a Member State has been used . ;>, that Member State shall forthwith,

in accordance with the same conditions, draw a fourth share equal to the third.

This process shall apply until the reserve is used up.

4. By way of derogation from paragraphs I, 2 and 3, Member States may draw lesser shares than those specified therein if there are grounds for believing that those specified may not be used up. They shall inform the Commission of their reasons for applying this paragraph. .

Article 4

Additional shares drawn pursuant to Article 3 shall· be · vaiid until 31 December 1979.

Article 5

Member States shall return to the reserve, not later than 1 October 197 9, the unused porti~ns of their initial shares which, on 15 September 1979, are in excess of 20 % of the initial amounts. They may return a greater portion if there are grounds for believing that such portion may not be used up.

Member States shall notify the Commission, not later than 1 October 1979, of the total quantities of the product in question imported up to and including 15 September 1979 and charged against the Community quota and of any portion of their initial shares returned to the reserve.

Article 6,

Ne:iber States cay restrict the charging of imports against thetr shares to products for certain Intended uses. In that case the Comcunity provi­sions on the matter shall be applied for checking that the product has been used for the stl pul ated purpose.

Article 7

The Commission shall keep an account of the shares opened by the Member States pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 and, as soon as it has been notified, shall inform each State of the extent to which the reserve has been used up.

It shall inform the Member States, not later than 5 October I 979, of the amount still in reserve after amounts have been returned thereto pursuant to Article 5.

It shall ensure that the drawing which exhausts the reserve does not exceed the balance available and to this end shall notify the amount of that balance to the Member State making the last drawing.

Article 8

I. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that :jdditional. shares drawn pursuant to Article 3 are opened in such a way that


Page 10: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

impvrts may be charged without interruption against their a~grq;atc shares of the Community quota.

2. Member States shall ensure that importers of the product in question established in their territory have irc:c access to the shares allocated to them.

3. Member States shall charge imports of the product in question against their shares as and when the product is entered with the customs authorities for home use.

4. The extent to which a Member State has used up its share shall be determined on the basis of lhe imports £harged in accordance with paragraph 3.


At the Commission's request, Member States shall inform it of the imports actually charged against their shares.

Article 10

The Member States and the Commission shall coop­erate closely to ensure that this Regulation is

, complied with.

Article 11

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January t9?9. . .

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at

I j

For the Council

The President


; .




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ProposQl for a


on the opening, allocation and administration of a Community tariff quota for ferro-chromium containing not more than 0·10% by weight of carbon and mote than 30% but not :uore than 90%, by weight of chrooium (super-refined ferro-chromium) falling within subheading ex 73.02 E I of the

' Common Customs Tariff (197'1 ·


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European· Economic Community, and in particular Article t t 3 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas, as regards ferro-chromium containing by weight not more than 0·10% of carbon and more than 30 %, but not ·more than 90%, of chromlu:n (super-refined ferro-chromium) falling within su'-heading ex 73.02 E I, the European Economic Community has undertaken to open an annual nil duty tariff quota of 3 000 tonnes ; whereas the tariff quota concerned should therefore be opened on I January 1979 and allocated among the Member States;

Whereas arrangements for the utilization of the Cc 1muniry tariff quota based on an allocation among Member States would seem to be consistent with the Community nature of the quota ; whereas, to corres­pond as closely as possible to the actual trend of the market in the product in question, allocation of the quota should be in proportion to the requirements of the Member States as calculated by reference to statis­tics of imports from third countries during a represen­tative reference period and to the economic outlook for the quota year in question ;

Whereas, during the last three years for which COIP

plete ~tattstlcs are available, the ·corresponding Imports Into each of the }le::Jbor States represe.nted tho following percentages of total !~ports of the product ln question:

/97j 1976 1977 -Benelux I0-27 9.58 19.37 Denmark 0·15 0·02 0.02 Germany 48·52 32.31 24.93 France 0·30 3.74 8.23 Ireland 0·01 0 0~02 Italy 17-40 31.17 40.75 United Kingdom 23-35 23 •. 18 6.68

Whereas, in view 'of these factors and of market fore· casts for ferro-chromium for 1979 thelniUal


psrcentago shares In the quota volu:e can be expressed roughly as follows:

Benelux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom

12.86 0.07

34.28 4.24 0.03

30.55 17.97;

Whereas, to take account of future import trends for the product concerned, the quota should be divided into two tranches, the first being allocated and the second held as a reserve to cover subsequently the requirements of Member States. which have ·used up their initial share ; whereas to give importers some degree of certainty, the first tranche of the tariff quota · should be fixed at a high level, which In this caso could be 95% of the azount of the quota;

Whereas initial shares may be used up at different rates; whereas to avoid disrupti'on of supplies on this account it should be provided that any Member State which has almost used up its initial share should draw an additional share from the reserve ; whereas each time its additional share is almost used up Member State should draw a further share, and so on as many times as the reserve allows; whereas the initial and additional shares should be valid until the end of the quota period ; whereas this form of adminis­tration requires close collaboration between the Member States and the Commission, and the Commis­sion must be in a position to keep account of the extent to which the quota has been used up and to inform the Member States accordingly;

Whereas if at a given date in the quota period a considerable quantity of a Member State's initial share remains unused, it is essential that that Member State should return a significant proportion thereof to the reserve to prevent a part of the Q>o:nunl ty tariff quota fro~ re~aining unused ln one Member State uhen lt could ba used in others;

Whereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are united within and jointly represented by the Benelux Economic Union, any measure concerning the administration .of the shares allocated .


Page 12: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

to that economic union may be carried out by one of its mt:mbers,


Article 1

I. For the period I January to 31 December 1979, a Community tariff quota of 3 000 tonnes shall be opened in the Community in respect of ferro-. chromium containing by weight not more than 0·1 0 % of carbon and more than 30 % but not ~Jre than 9U.Z, of chro~luc (super-refined fcrro­chromium) falling within subheading ex 73.02 E I of the Common Customs Tariff.

2. loports of the product In question may not be charged against this tariff GUota If they arc already free of customs duties under other prefer• entlal tariff arrangecents.

3. Ill thin thl s tariff quota, the Coo:-;on Custocs Tariff duty shall be totally suspended.

Article 2

1. A first tranche of 2 850 tonnes of thl s Co~:::u­nity tariff quota shall be allocated among the Member States ; the shares, which subject to Article 5 shall be valid from I January to 31 December 1979, shall be as follows:

Benelux Denmark Germany France Ireland Italy United Kingdom


367 2

977 121

1 870 512

2. The second tranche of 15 0 tonnes shall consti-tute the reserve.

... Artjcle 3

1. If a l~er.bcr State has used 90% or more of its i~itial share as fixed in Article 2 (1), or of that share mmus any portion returned to the' reserve pursuant to Article 5, it shall forthwith, by notifying the Commission, draw a second share, to the extent that the reserve so permits, equal to 5 % of its initial ~hare rounded up as necessary to the next whole number.

2. If a l1e::~bcr State, after exhaust! ng Its initial share, has used 90 % or more of the second

share drawn by it, that Member State shall forthwith, in the manner and to the extent Q_rovi.ded in para­graph I, draw a third share equal toZ • 5%of its initial share rounded up as necessary to the next whole number.

3. If a Ncobcr State, after exhaustl ng its second share, has used 90 % or more of the third share drawn by it, that Member State shall, in the manner and to the extent provided in paragraph 1, draw a fourth share equal to the third.

This process shall apply until the reserve Is used up.

4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, a Member State may draw shares lower than those specified in those paragraphs if there are grounds f<?r believing that those specified may not be used in full. Any Member State applying this paragraph shall inform the Commission of its grounds for so doing.

Article 4

Additional shares drawn pursuant to Article 3 shall be valid until 31 December 1979 .•

Article 5

Member States shall, not later than I October 1979, return to the reserve the unused portion of their ,initial share which, on 15 September 1979, is in excess of 20 % of the initial volume. They may return a greater portion if there are grounds for believing that it may not be used in full. ·

Member States shall, not later than 1 October 1911 notify the Commission of the total quantities of th~ product in question imported up to and including 15 September 1979 and charged against the Community quota and of any portion of their initial shares returned to the reserve.

Article 6

Mecber States ~ay restrict the ch~glng of 1mports against their shares to products for certatn · intended uses. In ihat case the Cou.munlty provi­sions on tha cattcr shall ba ap:>lied for checklng that the product has been used for the stl pul ated pt:rpose. \

Article 7

The Commission shall keep an account of the shares opened by the Member States pursuant to Articles 2 ~nd 3 and shall, as soon as the information reaches it mform each State of the extent to which the resetv( has been used up.

Page 13: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPE;AN and on prospects for 1979>a The management conditions proposed differ from those adopted,for 1978 as re~rds

. •· L

\ ' I! shall, not later than 5 October 1979, inform the Member States of the amount still in reserve following any return of shares pursuant to Article 5.

lt shall ensure that the drautng which exhausts the reserve does not exceed the balance avatl­<lbl e and to thIs end shall notify the ar..ount of that balanco to the ~1ember State making the last dra\/lng.

Article 8

I. The Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that additional shares drawn ~ursuant to Article 3 are opened in such a way that l'oports may be charged without interruption against their accumulated shares of tht' Community quota.

2. The Member States shall ensure that importers of the product in question established in their terri­tory have free access to the shares allocated to them.

3. The extent to which the Member States have used up their shares shall be determined on the basis of t ~:ports of the products in question entered with the customs authorities for home use.

Article 9

At the request of the Commission, the Member States shall inform it of the imports actually charged against ·their shares.

Article 10

The Member States and the Commission shall coop­erate closely to ensur~ that this Regulation is complied with.

Article 11

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 197 9.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. .

Done at

For the Council

The President

'I . { I:

. '

J. , .

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,J .•