Download - Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Page 1: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Commands in LOGO

Page 2: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Learning Objectives

To study about Hiding and Showing Commands Pen Commands

Page 3: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST


o Hiding o Showing o Pen Up o Pen Down Write the

keyword five times in your notebook

Page 4: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Let us revise…..

LOGO – Language Of Graphics oriented Moving Commands

To move forward- FD<space>(number of steps) FD 50 To move backward- BK<space>(number of steps) BK 50

Page 5: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST


Let us revise…..

Turning Command To turn right – RT<space>(number of turns) RT 90 To turn left – LT<space>(number of turns) LT 80

Page 6: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Hiding and Showing the Turtle

HIDETURTLE or HT HT<Enter> This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen

Page 7: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Hiding and Showing the Turtle

SHOWTURTLE or ST ST<Enter> This command is used to show the turtle back on the screen.

Page 8: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Pen Commands

PENUP or PU PU <Enter> This command will lift the turtle pen up without leaving a line behind. PU<Enter> FD 50 This command will lift the turtle pen up and moves 50 steps forward without leaving a line behind.

Page 9: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

Pen Commands

PENDOWN or PU PD<Enter> This command instructs the turtle to put the pen down on the screen. PD<Enter> FD 20 This command will make the turtle to leave a line behind and move 20 steps forward.

Page 10: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST


Please watch the link. Dear parents please download and print the worksheet for your child. Students please read chapter 7 ‘Commands in LOGO’ page number 60 and 61 and complete the worksheet and glue it in your notebook.

Page 11: Commands in LOGO Year3 Week4 ppt.pdf · HIDETURTLE or HT HT This command is used to hide the turtle from the screen . Hiding and Showing the Turtle SHOWTURTLE or ST ST

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