Download - Coménius Poland (PT)


2013 -


COM06 - Parcerias Multilaterais Número de candidatura

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 5

Agrupamento de Escolas de Sardoal


Parceiros e visitas

1. Polónia - 15 a 20 out 13 2. Turquia - mar 143. Espanha - jun 144. Portugal - nov 145. Roménia - fev 156. Itália - jun 157. Bulgária ?

Polónia (outubro 2013 - Escola coordenadora)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 1

Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 2

Cidade – Tarnow

Profª – Marta Rodo (MAT)

Turquia (março 2014)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 4

Eyup Kiz Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi

Cidade – Istambul

Profª– Ayse Guler (ING)

Espanha (junho 2014)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 6

IES Arcebispo Xelmírez I

Cidade – Santiago de Compostela

Profª Carmen Sande (ING)

Portugal (novembro 2014)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 5

Agrupamento Escolas de Sardoal

Cidade – Sardoal

Profº Pedro Neves (EF)

Roménia (fevereiro 2015)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 2

Liceul Tehnologic de Protecția Mediului, Cluj-Napoca

Cidade – Cluj

Profª Livia-Stela > Diretora da Escola

Itália (junho 2015)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 7

Scuola Paritaria Pitagora College srl

Cidade - Foggia

Profª – Donatella Biscelglia (ING )

Bulgária (data por definir)

2013-1-PL1-COM06-38866 3

Vasil Levski" High-school

Cidade – Isperih

Profª– Zorka Naydenova (HIS)

Atividades Coménius Sardoal

1 Set 13

Self-presentation: "Our school is our home". The presentation of the educational systems. "School kaleidoscope" - (film, video CD). Portfolio of pupils, classes and teachers. The multimedia presentations in partnership schools.- History , informatics

2 Out 13

A trip to Poland. The exchange of experiences. The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions. The support of the inter-cultural dialogue. We know the local communities and the course of the educational process. - the cooperation with other partnership institutions and with parents.2. A project evaluation.

Atividades Coménius Sardoal

3 Dez 13

The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions of partnership countries. The multimedia presentation of the celebration of the New Year in the islamic tradition. The religious and literary importance of the Koran.- Religion , mother's tongue classes2. The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions: Christian tradition (Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmas traditions) - the multimedia presentation. The religious and literary importance of the Bible.- Religion , mother's tongue classes

Atividades Coménius Sardoal

4 Jan 14

1. The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions in Islam: Aszura, the Night of the Conception of the Prophet, the presentation of the Koran.- the multimedia presentation - Religion- mother's tongue classes 2. The presentation of the heritage of Christian culture and tradition: the concert of carols, the vernissage of Christmas decorations - photographic presentation.- Religion- mother's tongue classes

Atividades Coménius Sardoal

A talk: "The traditions and customs cultivated in my homeland" - the multimedia presentation- history- mother's tongue classes

5 Mar 14

1. A trip to Turkey. The exchange of experiences. The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions. The support of intercultural dialogue. We know local communities and the course of educational process.2. Project's evaluation.

Atividades Coménius Sardoal

6 Set 14

The multimedia presentation of one's region - country: "Touristic valours and the heritage of culture and tradition of your region".- history- geography- mother's tongue classes- religion- the knowledge about culture (history of arts)

7 Nov 14

A trip to Portugal. The exchange of experiences. The presentation of the heritage of cultures and traditions. The support of the intercultural dialogue. We know the local communities and the course of the educational process.

Welcome to Poland 15 a 20 october 13

Sancturary Łagiewniki



Programa Polónia

15 OUT (3F)

16 OUT (4F)

17 OUT (5F)

18 OUT (6F)

19 OUT (SAB)

20 OUT (DOM)


1. Welcome of visitors.

2. Meeting at school – Multimedia presentation. (in the middle- lunch break).

3. Dinner in a restaurant.

4. Visiting the old city of Tarnov

1. Visiting the Sancturary in Łagiewniki and Centre John Paul II. 10:30

2. Free time in Bonarka Shopping Centre- time for lunch.

3. Visiting Auschivitz 14:00.

4. Returning to the hotel and homes

1. Heritage of the teaching of John Paul II and his input into intercultural dialogue – presentation.

2. Workshops for both: students and teachers.

3. Lunch in a cafe.

4. Visiting Tarnow.

5. Official dinner in the hotel Tarnovia and after a party.

1. Trip to Krakow, visiting the city.

2. Lunch in a restaurant ‘Babcia Malina’. (‘’Grandmother rasberry).

3. Visiting the sights.

4. Returning to the hotel


Informações úteis (Polónia)

Pedro Neves 962706979

lagoadanta@sapo. pt

Carmina Nascimento 919370119

[email protected]

BI válido (NÃO ESQUECER) e Cartão da Escola

Autorização do EE para visita de estudo

Autorização para saída do país (reconhecida pelo notário)

Cartão Europeu de saúde (SNS) e Cartão de vacinas

Não esquecer medicamentos : para quem os toma regularmente

1 mala de mão (máximo) e Roupa e calçado confortável

Moeda local é o zloty, subdividido em groszy (1 ZPL = 100 groszy)

1 Euros = 4,1 Zloti Polaco (ZPL) 1 ZPL = 0,24 Euros

Podem levantar dinheiro polaco nos Multibancos

Informações úteis (Polónia)Àgua da rede – não potável

Não esquecer ativar o rooming do telemóvel

Telefonar de Portugal para a Polónia – basta marcar o nº (se a rede for portuguesa)Ou colocar 00 se a rede for polaca

Telefonar da Polónia para Portugal – bastar marcar 00351+nº telefone

Telefone de urgência – 112 (polícia, bombeiros ou ambulância)

Embaixada de Portugal em Varsóvia:- Endereço: UL. Atenska n.º 37 03-978, Varsóvia- Telefone: + 48 225111000    - Fax: +48 225111013- Email: [email protected] - Site:

Sabe mais sobre a Polónia

Preparar trabalho >Polónia

Wednesday 16th.October

ApresentaçãoMultimedia (20-30 min)

1. Information about the native country (plus photo galery) - -emblem , flag, anthem, capital city

2. Information about the region, city ( plus photo galery)3. Information about school – history of school ( plus photo galery)

4. Information about the educational system - (for example : primary school, middle-schools, high-school and college).

5. Information of the dominating religions in the country ( plus photo galery)

*Students should prepare a final product (for example a poster)


A - Preparation for the workshops for students.Theme: Our school is our Home.Information about traditions of school, about extra classes, Photo galleries from every day activites at school.

 B -Preparation for the workshops for teachers. The ways of creating attitudes of tolerance among students (open discussion)


“ na vanguarda da educação ”