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1. The Spanish Civil War. 2. 1. The propaganda in the Spanish Civil War. 3. 2. What is propaganda? Propaganda is an activity that is to convince the public of the qualities, values and benefits offered. Also it uses posters, newspapers, informational films, brochures etc.., to transmit messages. 4. 3. Spanish Civil War. In this war society splits into two sides. Each side used posters as a means of propaganda. -THE REPUBLICAN SIDE. -THE NACIONAL SIDE. 5. 4.1. Women! In the poster we see two important iconographic resources that are characteristic for communism. -The red star (very frequent propaganda in Soviet Union). -The hammer and sickle (symbols Communism adopted by the Marxist-Leninists from the Third International). 6. 4.2. Women! It tries to convince women using the slogan ''to defend your freedoms and rights'' to define the objectives of the organization. Another poster that treats the topic of the female role. 7. 5. The Republican Side. Unlike the cartel wants to convince men to join the Communist Party. Drive the words to the workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals, who can fight. The Communist Party was a political party that based its ideology and practices in Marxist theory. 8. 5.1. Reinforce ranks. The great part of the poster takes up the Soviet flag the characteristic symbol is the hammer and sickle. The figure of Leon Trotsky appears on the flag. It was a very strange politic who was the leader of an international revolutionary movement leftmost identified with the name of Trotskyism. 9. 6. The National Side. Women in the civil war had an importance also in the national side. The family and home were the main areas, but we can not forget about their existential labour. 10. 6.1. Women at work. - 1,140 women worked in laundries, there were 76 washing sites that worked during the war. - 20,000 women worked in the factories that supplied clothes to the soldiers of the national army. - The Created Female Section organized courses to educate new nurses coming to mobilize 8,000 women. 11. 6.2. For a better Spain. The slogan of a cartel is '' For Mother and son and for a better Spain ''. In this claim states that the objective is to improve the situation in the country. 12. 7. The National Side. The Slogan of a cartel is'' SPAIN UP! ''. Convince the uprising, to fight against the Republicans. The iconographic element is the yoke and arrows, holding symbols of the Catholic Kings, you can define which symbolizes strength and combat. 13. 7.1. The National Side. This poster presents the soldier, he his hands are holding two flags, one of the National Side and the other is representing Falange Side. 14. 8. The Falange. The Spanish Falange was a Spanish political party of the extreme right with the characteristics of fascism and Catholic traditionalists components. Before the war it joins the JONS. 15. 9. Unity. ''Talking about Spain is named Falange''. The slogan tries to surround the issue of the national side containing the fact that the Spanish Falange belongs to that side of the conflict. It also indicates that the approval of that party's support for the homeland. 16. 10. The comparison. - THE REPUBLICAN SIDE. - THE NATIONAL SIDE. 17. 11. The Republican Side. The poster shows the head of a soldier with the different flags of the countries that supported the Republicans. The People's Army were the national armed forces of various countries and non-regular war forces organizations. 18. 12.''All molten militia ...'' The People's Army of the Republic are organize between July and August 1936 to deal to the government attack that started in July 17. This poster join people, so everyone can identify and know that they will never be alone in the conflict. 19. 13.The flags. The face of a militant form flag of the "Pas Vasco", the flag of the Spanish Republic , the flag of "Catalua", the flag of "Comunidad Valenciana", the flag of "Madrid", the flag of "Castilla y Leon" and the flag of "Andaluca". Besides the letters that are below of the soldier say "all joins militias in the Popular Army". 20. 14. The National Side. The poster shows the head of a soldier, in his helmet is painted the boat into the sea, on the left there is the raised hands and on the top there is a hidden small eagle. 21. 15. The iconographic resources. The boat symbolizes strength and solidity of a national army, the raised hands are the element of fascism that has the origin in nationalism. It is a expression that teaches justice to the national side and generally fascist system. When they greeted, the shouted a motto that says: "Spain up", the Falangists considered a sign of patriotism and a statement of intentions. 22. 16. The slogan. The slogan is ''Spain was and is immortal''. The statement stresses that with the help and effort the sense of nationality is maintained. Spain with the support of the people can be improved but only with the support of the society.