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Page 1: Come to visit switzerland

Come to Visit Switzerland!Wellcome to Switzerland!

This is a beautiful country full of nice

people, cows, chocolates,

cheeses, watches and more!


Page 2: Come to visit switzerland

Come to Visit Switzerland!


1.Introduction 2.Location

3.Language 4.Customs

5.Celebrations 6. Religion

7.Local food 8.Interesting places


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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Switzerland is a small country located in the center of


It's a country full of green fields and white mountains.The

most popular Swiss landscape are Alps and Bern, the capital.

The weather is usually cloudy and maximun temperature in

summer reaching 25 degrees

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Come to Visit Switzerland!Most important mountains where skiing

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Come to visit Switzerland!

Switzerland has four different languages;

- Swiss German

- Swiss Italian

- Swiss French

- Cantonese

Most people are bilingual speaking German and French.

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Come to Visit Switzerland!Swiss Customs

– Swiss people usually leave their shoes outside the door. They are confident people and nobody is going to steal their shoes.

– They love outdoor activities, because of that they love nature and spend time in the field.

– The most important food is breakfast. They have a big breakfast at 7 a.m. Lunch is at 12 noon and dinner is at 6 in the evening. So they go to bed at 10 p.m at the latest.

– Swiss are very clean and neat people, and they keep their country as perfect as their houses.

– Bike is the most popular transportation. Public transport and car is also used, but less than bike

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

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Come to Visit Switzerland!Celebrations

The Swiss national holiday is celebrated on August 1st

To strengthen the ties between the different cantons became necessary to create a national party. Other countries had national days, so the Swiss people abroad needed a party to maintain links with the motherland and to demonstrate the existence of Switzerland in their host countries.

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

The Alphorn is the typical Swiss instrument. They play that long kind of trompet in the national celebration day. It can measure from 1.5 to 3 meters long.

This rare instrument was brought to Europe by nomadic tribes from Asia. First, it was used just to communicate over long distances. In 18th century somebody started to play the first notes in it.

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Come to Visit Switzerland!


The most practiced religion in Switzerland is Roman Catholicism, which owns the 43.8% of the population.

The 30.3% are Protestants and because immigration there is a Muslim minority of 2.3%.

The figure Orthodox Christianity with 1.8% and 7.1% say they have no religion.

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Switzerland is a country where you can try many kind of foods. They have four different local food like meat (calf), macaroni and cheese, eggs with bacon and a pear puree and a salad gratin. For dessert the best thing is an apricot cake.

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

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Come to Visit Switzerland!Interesting places

What can we visit in Switzerland?

There are a lot of interesting places to visit in Switzerland. The most visited cities are





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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Bern, the capital of Switzerland

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Parlament Square in Bern

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Flower Clock in Geneva

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Zurich is the biggest city in Switzerland

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Bahnhofstrasse is the main street in Zurich, full of different kind of shops and entertaiment.

Many people go to Zurich just to buy in this street.

It’s near from the train station and the main market

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Come to Visit Switzerland!


The chocolate factory Lindt

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

Tinguely Fountain in Basel

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Come to Visit Switzerland!

This is not the only place you can visit in Switzerland!

There are a lot of activities to do.

Don’t think about it, just… Come!


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Come to Visit Switzerland!