Download - Come among us, Jesus · 2020. 12. 16. · Come among us, Jesus you whom angels worship and children welcome: come Jesus, and meet us here. Come among us, Jesus you who hurled the

  • Come among us, Jesus

    you whom angels worship

    and children welcome:

    come Jesus, and meet us here.

    Come among us, Jesus

    you who hurled the stars into space

    and shaped the spider’s weaving:

    come Jesus, and meet us here.

    Come among us, Jesus

    you who walked the long road to Bethlehem

    and lit a flame that dances for ever:

    come Jesus, and meet us here.

    We light the fourth Advent candle, which reminds us of Mary; how

    brave and trusting she was, agreeing to be the mother of Jesus.

    Then we pray:

    Lord Jesus, Light of the world,

    blessèd is Gabriel, who brought good news,

    blessèd is Mary, your faithful mother:

    bless your church preparing for Christmas

    that we too may hear and obey.


    The people who walked in darkness:

    have seen a great light!

    For to us a child is born:

    to us a Son is given!

  • His name will be called

    Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God:

    the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!

    Glory to God in the highest:

    and peace to his people on earth!

    from Isaiah 9:2, 6


    It’s a very special day;

    come and share our jubilation,

    there’s a new King born today!

    See the shepherds hurry down to Bethlehem;

    gaze in wonder at the Son of God who lay before them.

    Wise men journey, led to worship by a star,

    kneel in homage, bringing precious gifts from lands afar, so

    “God is with us,” ‘round the world the message bring;

    he is with us, “Welcome!” all the bells on earth are pealing.

    Father God,

    we are sorry

    for the things we do and say and think

    which make you sad,

    and for not thinking of others before ourselves.

    Please forgive us,

    and help us to love you and other people

    more and more.


  • May almighty God,

    who sent his Son into the world to save sinners,

    bring us his pardon and peace, now and for ever.


    Eternal God,

    as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,

    so we wait for his coming in glory;

    bring us through the birth pains of this present age

    to see, with her, our great salvation

    in Jesus Christ our Lord.



    all seated on the ground,

    the angel of the Lord came down

    and glory shone around.

    ‘Fear not’ said he, for mighty dread

    had seized their troubled mind;

    ‘Glad tidings of great joy I bring

    to you and all mankind.

    ‘To you in David’s town this day

    is born of David’s line

    a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord,

    and this shall be the sign.

    ‘The heavenly babe you there shall find

    to human view displayed,

    all meanly wrapped in swaddling bands,

    and in a manger laid.’

  • Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith

    appeared a shining throng

    of angels, praising God, who thus

    addressed their joyful song:

    ‘All glory be to God on high

    and on the earth be peace;

    goodwill henceforth from heaven to men

    begin and never cease.’

    WHAT KIND OF THRONE is a manger of hay,

    no majesty shown there, no dignity claimed

    for One who deserves to be

    crowned and enthroned on our praise?

    What kind of king is so modestly born,

    when glory unmeasured is humble and small?

    This is the hope of the world

    and the true light of all.

    So I'll bow down to worship the humblest of kings

    and I'll bring him the best that I have;

    I'll say that I love him, and that I am his,

    and I'll give him the throne of my heart,

    I'll give him the throne of my heart.

    What kind of Saviour makes weakness his strength,

    in frailty depending on those he would save,

    and veiling the power

    that always belonged to his name?

  • What kind of child causes heaven to sing,

    with angels proclaiming the hope that he brings?

    This is the glory of God,

    this is Jesus, the King!

    ending with the Lord’s Prayer:

    Our Father in heaven,

    hallowed be your name.

    Your kingdom come.

    Your will be done

    on earth as in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread.

    Forgive us our sins

    as we forgive those who sin against us.

    Lead us not into temptation

    but deliver us from evil.

    For the kingdom, the power,

    and the glory are yours,

    now and for ever.


    THE FIRST NOWELL the angel did say

    was to Bethlehem’s shepherds in fields as they lay;

    in fields where they lay keeping their sheep,

    on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

    Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell,

    born is the King of Israel!

  • Then wise men from a country far

    looked up and saw a guiding star

    they travelled on by night and day

    to reach the place where Jesus lay:

    At Bethlehem they entered in,

    on bended knee they worshipped him;

    they offered there in his presence

    their gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.

    Then let us all with one accord

    sing praises to our heavenly Lord,

    for Christ has our salvation wrought

    and with his blood mankind has bought.

    God sent his angels from glory

    to bring to shepherds

    the good news of Jesus’ birth:

    Yes! We thank you, Lord.

    We have heard this story,

    the story of God’s own Son:

    Yes! We thank you, Lord.

    May he fill us with joy

    to bring this good news to others:

    Yes! We thank you, Lord.

    And the blessing of God almighty,

    the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

    be among us and remain with us always.

    Yes! We thank you Lord.

  • Join us for any of our other Christmas celebrations,

    either in person or online using the QR code below …


    6.30pm Carols by Candlelight - online with the Chapeltown Community Choir

    (maybe with your very own mulled wine & mince pies?!)


    3.00pm Christingle Service - online with special puppet show!

    11.30pm Midnight Communion at St. Saviour’s High Green (booking essential!)


    10.30am All Age Family Communion at the Newton Hall (booking essential!) AND online