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Page 1: Combustor Tuning Abstract



Combustor Dynamics Monitoring for Improved GasTurbine Reliability

  Reduce combustor damage risks

  Be proactive in preventing excess instabilitiesand combustion induced vibrations

Background, Objectives, and New Learnings

This project is a continuation of EPRI R&D that developed a

basis for detecting combustion system failures in dry, low-

NOx (DLN) gas turbines, based on analysis of dynamic

pressure data. This detection analysis approach is a

significant advancement over the threshold detection

methodologies currently available with existing combustion

dynamics monitoring systems (CDMS). This field test effort

project continues this work by applying these methods to

additional host site gas turbines. It will focus on the

refinement of these methods of failure detection for DLN

combustion systems while minimizing false alarms alerts due

to sensor failures, ambient condition changes, and control

system variations.

The objectives of this project are to provide host sites with an

on-line tool to improve operational flexibility and avoid DLN

combustion system failures; to investigate any data

anomalies and identify potential or emerging problems over a

24-month period; and to generate guidelines to avoid DLN

combustion system failures.

The knowledge developed by this project can provide gas

turbine operators with information to improve operational

flexibility and avoid further in-service failures. This

knowledge will assist in avoiding DLN combustion system

failures and reduce operational risks. The results will be

incorporated in a series of EPRI design and O&M guidelines

that address increased combined-cycle operational flexibility.


Combustor dynamics monitoring provides improved

diagnostic capability and risk avoidance. The EPRI

diagnostic tool provides advanced warning beyond the

conventionally supplied combustor monitoring system.

Project Approach and Summary

The EPRI diagnostic tool will be installed in the host site's

existing combustor monitoring system. The diagnostic data

will be monitored over a 24-month period. The plant receives

regular status reports and alerts of impending combustor

system malfunctions.


Combustor Diagnostic Monitoring: Installation of

diagnostic software and routine review of data are covered.

Plant is provided timely alerts of developing faults.

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Product ID: 1023354 Project ID: 072056 June 2011

Electric Power Research Institute3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • [email protected] •

© 2011 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, andTOGETHERSHAPING THE FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

Price of Project

Companies that fund any Generation program can use

tailored collaboration (TC) funds for up to half of their

contribution. The cost to join this EPRI project is $50,000

USD per year for two years.

Project Status and Schedule

The project currently is ongoing with installations at two F-

class combined-cycle sites.

Who Should Join

Owner/operators of natural gas-fired combustion turbines,

operating in combined cycle or simple cycle configuration

equipped with a combustion dynamics monitoring system,

could benefit from participation in this project.

Contact Information

For more information, contact the EPRI Customer

 Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 ([email protected]).

Technical Contact

Leonard Angello, 650.855.7939 ([email protected])