Download - Combating Climate Change

  • Research Report

    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity

    and Dear Earth

    Name: Diamonette Syncon

    Course Code: FOUN1014

    Course Title: Critical Reading and Writing in Science & Technology and Medical Sciences

    Date: April 21, 2014

    Research Question: What can be done to combat climate change?

    Title:Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth


    Our dear planet is being destroyed by means of climate change, fortunately there are

    developments and policy proposals that can dynamically combat this effect. With the increase in

    atmospheric CO2 in the atmosphere scientists are putting forth several ideas and innovations

    towards mitigating this climate change. These designs include mechanisms of cutting CO2

    emission, green/environmental technology and geoengineering__ these can be looked at as the

    potential saviors from climate change. To each mechanism there are given advantages as each

    are aimed at reducing the effects of climate change; however, as with all else there are

    drawbacks to the use of each individually. If these methods should jointly implemented then it

    would yield superior results.


    How can we counter this monster of climate change? Over the years it has been consistently

    resonated through the media by either climate scientists or environmentalists that climate change

    is taking place here and now. This is reinforced through the earth facing a period of rapid and

    often unpredictable climatic deviations. More importantly these climatic deviations are steadily

    increasing and drastic changes can be seen within the natural environment. Washington State

    Department of Ecology submitted that the climate refers to the temperature, precipitation (rain or

    snow), humidity, wind and seasons of a particular area. The patterns of the climate play a

    fundamental role in shaping our natural ecosystems and the human economies and cultures that

    depend on them. However, the climatic conditions that we have grown use to and have come to

    expect has changed and are no longer what it used to be. The Earths climate is rapidly altering

    with disruptive impacts, and that transformation is progressing very quickly. Climate change is

    caused by a substantial accumulated amount of the carbon dioxide (CO2) and other green- house

    gasses (GHG) concentration that have been released in the atmosphere. These gases act as a

    natural insulator, trapping heat that would normally be expelled out into space; consequently,

    increasing the global temperature. These gases also thin the ozone layer which protects the

    troposphere from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. This has a wide range of impacts on the Earth,

    which may include rising sea levels due to melting snow and ice, extreme heat events such as

    forest fires and drought, and even more extreme storms, rainfall and floods. If this should persist,

    then it will pose significant risks to human health, our forestry, agriculture, freshwater supplies,

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth

    coastlines, and other natural resources that are vital to our economy, environment, and our

    quality of life. This has an unquestionable impact on life as we know it as so many systems are

    intricately linked to the climate and if the climate change then all else is affected. This

    effectively puts into perspective what is in store for the earth within the future and that is

    complete destruction. This destruction can be avoided by means of scientific innovations that

    will be able to efficiently mitigate climate change and therefore protect the planet from

    destruction by this particular phenomenon.


    In pursuing information for this particular research question, the online database was explored

    and sifted along with several journal articles. These were examined and inspected for relevant

    and credible data. The manuscripts utilized as my fundamental/foundation data source were

    scholarly articles and books written by professionals within the field of environmental science.

    Webpages were utilized to acquire additional information pertinent to thee research being

    conducted. The sources were cited using the CSE (author/year format). The information gathered

    went through a series of screening and evaluation to ensure that they were effective. The

    evaluation was done using the (CRAAP) technique, that is, the sources cited were certified to be

    current, relevant, accurate, and authoritative and they achieve their purpose.


    Reduction of Carbon-dioxide (CO2) and Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Emission

    A recommendation put forth by Lester Brown, prominent Environmental Analyst and president

    of the Earth Policy Institute is to have a concentrated effort to cut net CO2 emissions to 80

    percent by 2020. The aim of this proposal is to prevent the atmospheric CO2 concentration thus

    limiting the future rise in temperature. The three components of this carbon-cutting effort are

    halting deforestation while planting trees to sequester carbon, raising energy efficiency

    worldwide, and harnessing the earths renewable sources of energy. GHGs emission reduction is

    also tackled in the Kyoto Protocal where the major feature lies in the fact that mandatory

    targets are placed on greenhouse-gas emissions for the world's leading economies which have

    accepted the agreement. The targets range from -8 per cent to +10 per cent of the countries'

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth

    individual 1990 emissions levels "with a view to reducing their overall emissions of such gases

    by at least 5 per cent below existing 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 to

    2012."Adapted from the United Nations, Framework convention on Climate Change.

    Innovations in Green/Environmental Technologies

    Environmental/green technology or clean technology (clean tech) is an environmentally friendly

    technology that is, developed and used in such a way so as not to disturb our environment and

    conserves natural resources. Green Technology is almost entirely materials science based.

    Relying on the availability of alternative sources of energy, the purpose of this technology is to

    reduce global warming as well as the greenhouse effect. Its main objective is to find ways to

    create new technologies in such a way that they do not damage or deplete the planets natural

    resources. It also offers less harm to human, animal, plant health, as well as damage to the world,

    in general. With the help of green technology, one can reduce pollution and improve the

    cleanliness as well. Today developed as well as developing countries are turning to green

    technology to secure the environment from negative impacts.


    Climate geoengineering has been proposed as a viable option to mitigate future warming induced

    by anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. Any intentional, large-scale modification and

    manipulation of the natural systems for the benefit of mankind is generally known as a

    geoengineering or macro-engineering scheme. Geoengineering schemes are, therefore, by

    definition, intentional and implemented on a large scale10. The proposed schemes can be

    classified into two categories. The first-class, the sunshade schemes, which involves reducing the

    solar radiation that reaches the surface of the earth by an amount that balances the reduction in

    outgoing long wave radiation due to increase in atmospheric CO2. The other schemes typically

    removes atmospheric CO2 and sequesters it into terrestrial vegetation, ocean, or into deep

    geologic formations.

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth


    Based on the data collected it is indicated that climate change can in fact be mitigated/retarded

    by the use of the methods deliberated. In the mechanisms most targets really goes towards

    reducing CO2 and GHGs for example green technology speaks to using technology that will

    reduce pollution which in this case is carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. While

    geoengineering has two schemes, one of which is to sequester carbon use in terrestrial and

    aquatic vegetation. The utilization and reduction of the carbon seeks to lessen its emission into

    the atmosphere which goes back to the definition that states that, it is the emitted CO2 and GHGs

    that traps the heat. The other scheme of geoegineering which is to literally shade the planet from

    the suns ultra-violet rays seeks to protect the earth from the impact/effect of climate change.

    Other research conducted by scientists and environmentalists suggested that the approaches

    stated in the findings could actually combat climate change, however some are skeptical of the

    sun shading scheme proposed by geoengineering as is tinkers with the natural flow of the

    planet/sun relationship. The use of green technology unfortunately is not as accepted either due

    to the expensive costs associated with the technology. Granted, it is an excellent approach

    however, the worlds leading economies except for Japan are not completely embracing it, which

    ultimately means only CO2 emission cuts are being actively supported. It should be known that

    this approach has been failing miserably.

    Conclusion and Recommendation

    In reducing the effect of climate change there can be an integrated approach to tackling the

    phenomenon. The three main mechanisms deliberated were carbon reduction, innovations in

    green technology and geoengineering. If these methods are to be integrated to actively tackle

    climate change then:

    The challenges of cost must be overlooked and the bigger picture of a possible future for

    our must be taken into perspective.

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth

    The utilization of green technology would be step one of the approaches as using it

    reduces pollution and lessens the CO2 and GHGs that would have been emitted if normal

    type technology were used.

    This would have effectively dealt with some levels of the CO2 emission cut while the

    other methods of the CO2 cut would entail planting more trees and stopping deforestation.

    With all of these in place, geoengineering would have been used as last resort as the

    planet would not have been in dire need for the sun shading scheme because all of those

    were taken into consideration with the prior methods.

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    Combating Climate Change to Save Humanity and Dear Earth


    Bala G. 2009 January 10. Problems with geoengineering schemes to combat climate change.

    Current Science. Vol. 96 (No. 1): 41-48.

    Brown L. 2008. Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization. Earth Policy Institute. New York;

    London: W.W. Norton and Company. 212 p.

    Department of Ecology, State of Washington.1994 August.Climate Change education page.What

    is ClimateChange.. Accessed on 2014

    March 29.

    Lomborg B. 2013 November 18. At last, A plan B to stop Global Warming.TheTimes.The

    Global Warming Policy Foundation.. Accessed 15 March 2014.

    [UNFCCC] United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change.UNFCCC home

    page.. Accessed 2014 Ap