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Colonial AmericaThe Settling of North

America History 140

By Aaron Land

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Ch. 13 Glorious RevolutionsKing James, threatened Protestant majority in England. William, the Dutch Prince of Orange, petitioned by the whigs, invaded England, forcing James to flee. Parliament transferred the throne to William and his wife Mary.William, with his own sights on France, would also bring about revolution in the colonies, forcing many who were under James to flee.

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Ch. 14 TradeNavigation Acts: contracted the Chesapeake and the West Indies into a sugar and tobacco trade directly with London. The West Indies trade growth allowed them to cancel debts, and trade for products the Northern Colonies produced. Population growth and the importance of Wheat: allowed the Chesapeake growers to grow more wheat for markets in the northern colonies. The colonies grew more rapidly than any other economy in the eighteenth century.

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Ch. 15 RevivalsRevivals were an evangelical tradition, which emphasized an emotional process of conversion, that transformed sinners into saints. Ministers such as Stoddard, preached “soul searching,” that meant to shock listeners into recognizing their eternal sentence in hell. Through pulling the seeker through despair, to an ecstatic experience, in which only God would save them, seekers were meant to give up sing. Revivals were emotional demanding, causing some to commit suicide.

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Ch. 17 Horses and GunsHorses acquired by the Pueblos and Apache in New Mexico, began spreading to the Northern Plains by the 1750's.The horse made life for Indians easier. They could kill buffalo easier and made them more mobile.Attracted Indians from other parts, in fact most Indians we now associate with the Great Plains, arrived from other parts in the eighteenth century. Guns also changed warfare. Villagers initially prevailed over nomads. Disease epidemics would change this, allowing nomads to prosper.

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Ch. 18 Indian Rebellions

The collapse of New France brought new fears among Indians. The first attacks happened in the Carolinas.With the French facing defeat in the Seven Years War, settlers attacked the Cherokee. The Cherokee, attacked back, but were defeated again. In the North, Indians feeling the threat decided to ban together. In the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley groups banded together and took many forts, miscalculating and not capturing the three largest: Detroit, Niagara, and Fort Pitt.

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Ch. 19 RussiansRussians in the 1680's began occupying Kamchatka Peninsula. Traders primarily sought sable, the fur-bearing mammal of Siberia.Russians relied on Siberian Tribal peoples to kill sable, where they intimidated Siberians with their firearms. Russians employed a tribute of five to seven sable per Siberian. At the Russian capital, St. Petersburg, expeditions and exploration teams were assembled.The Aleutians- although ingenious in their adaptation to the cold Alaskan winters, could not withstand the force brought about by the Russians. After a large massacre brought on by the Russians, the Aleut never mounted another rebellion.