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Collegiateest. 1982



Celebrating 30 Years


(Photo: Nathan Ham)

1982 - 2012

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2012Congratulations and Thank You!

(Photo: Nathan Ham)

FoundersSusan and Kent Garlinghouse

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A third of a century ago, Kent Garlinghouse came home from work one night and asked what was for dinner. His wife Susan replied, “This will just not do!” After explaining her frustration with their daughter Kim’s math experience in public middle school, Susan continued, “Maybe we should start a school!” Kent quips that his interest in dinner shifted to interest in a beer. Beginning with that conversation, it was the passion, persistence and advocacy of Susan and Kent Garlinghouse, along with many others, that culminated in the founding of Topeka Collegiate School.

On September 7, 2012, 30 years to the day after Topeka Collegiate (then Shawnee Country Day School) opened its doors to 43 students, Susan and Kent Garlinghouse became the inaugural inductees into the Topeka Collegiate Hall of Fame.

Topeka Collegiate Hall of Fame

“What better gifts can we give our children than the opportunity to be educated in a place that prepares them for whatever their tomorrows will be - where questions are honored, where critical thinking skills are a way of life, where the significant problems of today find new solutions for tomorrow?” - Susan Garlinghouse Founder

Head of School Mary Beth Marchiony with 2012 Hall of Fame Inductees Susan and Kent Garlinghouse

(Photos: Megan Rogers)

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The Founders Celebration Auction kicked off the 30th Anniversary festivities with a flourish. Three hundred sixty-five people - more than at any auction in our school’s history - gathered to pay tribute to Founders Susan and Kent Garlinghouse. It was a night of fun and great generosity as the school family came together to raise more than $190,000 for our students and teachers.

Thank you to Auction Co-Chairs Cheryl Fager, Tracey Goering and Brandi Wells, and the many volunteers who orchestrated an event where the Topeka Collegiate community spirit was palpable. There were smiles of recognition and even a few tears during the video tribute to our founders’ passion and

persistence. That gave way to laugher and spirited bidding that produced another record - the highest bid ever for a single item - $10,000!

The Garlinghouse Founders Fund

In honor of our founders, and in line with their belief that diversity enriches our learning community, we established the Garlinghouse Founders Fund to provide financial aid for deserving students. The fund has grown to more than $20,000.

Auction Honors Founders, Supports Our School “I am thrilled we could honor our founders by surrounding them with friends and family, including current parents and those whose children graduated many years ago. The evening was a wonderful display of the sense of community that is a hallmark of our school.”  - Mary Beth Marchiony Head of School

Head of School Mary Beth Marchiony with (l to r) Auction Co-Chairs Cheryl Fager, Brandi Wells and Tracey Goering

(Photos: Caitlin Seals Schwanke ‘03, Emily Swain)

The Garlinghouse Family (Meg, Susan, Kent, Matt ’90, Brad ’85)

With encouragement from Sahil Rattan ‘10 and Alix Welch ‘09, Brad Garlinghouse ‘85 bids high.

Alumnae Alexandra Blasi ‘98 (left) and Skyler Dykes ‘11 lead the crowd in the school song.

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Auction Honors Founders, Supports Our School

As we embark on our fourth decade, we reflect with pride and amazement on the accomplishments of our graduates and the educational experiences they’ve gained from Topeka Collegiate. Since 1982, 446 graduates - and many more students who left before 8th grade - have called Topeka Collegiate their home.

Did you know that one TCS alumna founded a charter school in Washington, D.C.? Or that another is working at the White House preparing for national disasters as part of the National Security Staff ? A recent graduate has founded a non-profit corporation to bring sanitation and clean water to isolated villages on the Amazon. Still another is part of an elite international team of scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider project, described as “the biggest physics experiment in history.”

Our alumni tell us repeatedly how Topeka Collegiate was the foundation for a lifetime of learning. That preparation extends beyond our robust curriculum and enriching educational experiences. Our

graduates tell us they were confident they would excel.

One of the unique attributes of our school is our reaccreditation process. Every seven years, our entire school community – current and former parents, graduates, students, faculty, staff and our Board of Trustees – come together to examine what we do, why it matters and how we can improve. We will write the self-study for our Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) reaccreditation during the next year. During this time, members of the school community will shine a light on each aspect of the school. We will evaluate and celebrate our successes and make recommendations about our future. These recommendations will directly impact our current and future students as we strive toward our goal to be one of the great schools of the 21st century.

Our community has worked to make the dream of our founders a reality. We offer Topeka an education alternative that has served as an inspiration for students who now, 30 years

later, impact the world around them. Many of their stories and recent accomplishments are highlighted in this issue of Collegiate Life. Our students today know their future will be shaped by their Collegiate education, experiences and friendships. They see it in those who have gone before them.

For 30 years, Topeka Collegiate has been synonymous with providing exceptional educational experiences. We believe the next 30 years are full of promise, and we are eager to see how our students continue to shape the world.


Michel’ Philipp Cole, President Board of Trustees

Mary Beth Marchiony Head of School


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Chase Hamilton ‘03Chase is taking time away from dental school to help people in poor villages along the Amazon with basic needs that Americans take for granted. He spent two months in Peru this summer and plans to return in January. Chase is working to improve the lives of people who live in grinding poverty in an isolated area where, as he puts it, “people are living in catastrophe all the time.” There are no bathrooms, no sanitation, and no clean drinking water. Yearly floods wash human waste and trash into the river, which is the only source of water for drinking and bathing. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, mosquitos and disease. “All the children become ill,” says Chase, “but the people have no other option than to

drink the water they know is poison.” Chase founded a non-profit corporation called the Coalition for Global Community Health, recruited an all-volunteer board and enlisted the help of KU’s chapter of Engineers without Borders. He met with elders in villages along the river, asking what they needed. Again and again he heard the same things - clean water and bathrooms. Chase wants to make sure Peruvians are part of the solution. He is developing a curriculum for building latrines and filtration systems with plans to teach one group then have that group pass the knowledge on to the next village, and so on. Chase’s motivation to help

stems from a trip to the Amazon region several years ago. “Seeing the struggle of humanity really opened a part of my soul,” he says. He stopped in a small pueblo and gave the children paper and pens. They were delighted but Chase couldn’t share their joy. “That was such an intense moment of sadness and inequality,” he remembers, “because I knew the children had no education and no medical care. I just couldn’t live with that. I told myself, ‘I will come back here and make sure these children have opportunities.’” Learn more about the Coalition for Global Community Health at

We are HumanitariansTopeka Collegiate’s Mission: We prepare students for advanced education, successful careers and responsible citizenship through a commitment to academic excellence and humanitarian ideals.

The alumni featured here are living their commitment to humanitarian ideals in intelligent, compassionate and inspirational ways, in Africa, South America and Latin America.

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Daniel Kennedy ‘07Daniel spent six weeks volunteering for a non-profit called Camino Seguro or Safe Passage in Guatemala this summer, working with the children of families that make a living recycling and reselling trash in the Guatemala City dump. Daniel helped at an education center. He describes the experience as immensely rewarding but significantly more challenging than he had expected. The work was both physically and emotionally draining. Daniel says his students’ stories opened his eyes to their reality. “Whether it was my 19-year-old ninth grader telling me his best friend was killed in an act of gang violence or seeing one of my fourth graders on the street carrying two enormous black bags filled to the brim with tin cans,” he says, “I learned that the trivialities I obsess about are not legitimate when compared to the struggles of my students.”

Daniel learned from his students that “satisfaction and happiness in life can be found regardless of one’s situation.” He encourages everyone to engage in service to others, “not only to gain an appreciation for your lifestyle,” he says, “but also to seek to alleviate the injustices in our society.”

Aly Woodbury ‘03 Aly spent two months this summer in Uganda, helping give poor women the tools they need to support their families. In a country of extreme poverty, women are often mistreated. Aly says many women are simply abandoned,

“unloved, unwanted, uncared for, with no way to provide for their children.” With her talent for sewing and design, Aly saw how she could help. She joined Project Lydia, an economic development project that lifts women out of the worst of poverty, restoring purpose, hope, and dignity. With no electricity in the tiny village of Nawensega, Aly had to learn how to use an old-fashioned treadle sewing machine. She helped design fabric headbands and backpacks, then made patterns for the women to follow. They now make and sell those and other handcrafted items, including jewelry made from recycled paper. The work and the money they earn give the women a sense of worth, and put them on the road to self-sufficiency. “These women changed my life,” says Aly. “The poverty is extreme, but the change that happens in these villages because of Project Lydia is real. With their earnings the women are able to pay for things like school fees for their children, oil for their lanterns or even a pair of shoes. Some of them pooled their funds to pay for a well in a nearby village. The well now serves more than 350 families!” Learn more about Project Lydia at

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By Tess Wilson ‘04 Tess Wilson ‘04 played Scout to fellow alum Nathan Peterson’s ‘02 Atticus in the Topeka High School production of To Kill a Mockingbird in 2005. Tess caught up with her

former co-star recently as he prepared for a high-profile film role. Nathan Peterson ‘02 never dreamed that just seven years after starring in a high school production of To Kill a Mockingbird, he would be involved in a film that will likely be seen at the Sundance Film Festival. But that’s exactly what has happened. Nathan is the first to admit that he had no intention of being a film actor. “Film wasn’t even in my scope of vision,” he says. “I wanted to act, but I was focused on stage acting.” This focus has resulted in an admirable repertoire, including a KU production of All My Sons that was recently presented at an international festival in Shanghai. In fact, it wasn’t until Nathan took a narrative acting class at KU that he discovered his passion for the medium. His professor, a woman who graduated from KU and moved to New York to become a producer and actor, introduced him to the art of film. “I love being in it and I love writing it,” he says. “If I hadn’t taken that class, I wouldn’t have auditioned for this role and been given this great opportunity.”

Nathan’s latest role is that of a young Forrest “Phog” Allen, the Kansas basketball player and coach who revolutionized the sport, in Jayhawkers, a film written and directed by Kevin Willmott.

A Kansas native himself, Willmott has been the writer and director – and quite often both – of several critically-acclaimed films, including CSA: Confederate States of America and The Only Good Indian. This film dramatizes the beginnings of basketball in Kansas. Although James Naismith invented the game, he wasn’t passionate about it. “Naismith didn’t really think much of basketball,” Nathan says. “He basically invented it to make sure kids got exercise indoors during the wintertime.” Then, along came Phog Allen, who immediately loved the sport and went on to become a coach

Alumnus Potrays KU Coaching Legend

Nathan Peterson ’02 as the young Phog Allen with Mike Rapport the actor who portrays James Naismith

Tess Wilson ‘04

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at both KU and Baker University. “My scene is a basketball game in the 1920s,” says Nathan. “We lose, and Naismith and I argue about the importance of coaching the sport.” Although Nathan certainly knows the history of the game now, it wasn’t always so. “I knew a little bit about Phog Allen and Naismith before I began this project,” he says. “But quite frankly, I soon realized how little I knew about it. I’ve been doing a lot of research.” On playing a role that is both based on a historical figure and is also played by another actor (Kip Niven of Magnum Force and The Only Good Indian) later in the film, Nathan says, “I really want to understand the work that Kip is

doing, as well as the character of Phog Allen. I mean, was he from Missouri or Missour-uh?” Nathan’s first experience with a full-scale film couldn’t be more appropriate. As a KU student and Kansan by birth, he understands and admires the regional and historical significance of this project. “It’s pretty awesome,” Peterson says with a giddy chuckle. “The fact that it’s being filmed in Lawrence, with Lawrence natives just feels right.” Not to mention, Nathan’s middle name is Allen!

2012-2013 Board of Trustees

Leading the Way


Michel’ Philipp Cole


Richard J. Wells

Vice President

Ximena Garcia, MD


Susan H. Garlinghouse


Payam Pourmirza


Jodi Boyd

Eva K. Brown

Mary W. Etzel

Brandan Kennedy, MD

Alison Hill Langham, PhD ‘86

Timothy Liesmann, Esq. ‘91

Bruce H. Myers

Stephanie Valley

Robert A. Weigand, PhD

Head of School

Mary Beth Marchiony

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Nick Henriquez ’08 kept a distinguished streak alive when he stepped to the microphone at Topeka High School’s commencement this spring. He was the fourth consecutive TCS alum to be named valedictorian. Nick told the commencement crowd, “We’ll go out into the world, but we shouldn’t forget the most important thing we learned from Topeka High: How to tell a true high school story. Luckily, the Topeka High School of the class of 2012 is about as good of a time and place as you can hope for. We have lived out almost a quarter of our lives here, and these years are likely among the most exciting we’ve had yet. Topeka High will continue to tell our stories. So, class of 2012, let’s continue to tell true stories of Topeka High.” Nick was one of only 141 students in the country to be named a U.S. Presidential Scholar. He was also named a National Merit Finalist, a National Achievement Scholar and a member of The Topeka Capital-Journal All-State Academic Team. He scored a perfect 36 on the ACT, was selected a Kansas State Scholar and inducted into the National Honor Society. “Academic success is wonderful,” Nick told The Topeka Capital-Journal, “but I’ve always been much

more interested in true knowledge.” Sounding just like the lifelong learners Topeka Collegiate nurtures, he continued, “I love to master new topics and combine elements of separate fields to learn more about the world at large.” Nick is a freshman at Yale University. Madison Myers ’08 kept another tradition going. As senior class president, he also spoke at graduation, making this the second year in a row that both commencement speakers were TCS alums. Winner of an academic scholarship to Kansas University where he is a freshman, Madison told the audience, “Topeka High has prepared us for life beyond high school, and I believe this is the high school experience. Not the homework, tests, and boring lectures, but submerging us in what is yet to come in our lives. Whatever you end up doing in the future, use Topeka High as a foundation for what you want to achieve.” We congratulate TCS alumnus Edward Collazo ‘08, who was named a National Hispanic Scholar. Also a Topeka High graduate, Edward is a freshman at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.

Class of 2008 Scholars Move to Next Challenge

Edward Collazo Nicholas Henriquez Madison Myers

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Class of 2008 College Choices and Scholarships

Emran Altaf University of Kansas: Lawrence Academic Scholarship – Kansas University Shelby Carpenter Tufts University: Boston, Massachusetts Merit Scholarship – Bryn Mawr College Dean’s Award – University of Rochester

Alex Chanay University of Kansas: Lawrence Rock Chalk Scholarship – University of Kansas

Cyrus Clouten Walla Walla University: College Place, Washington Academic and Service Scholarships – Walla Walla University

Edward Collazo Creighton University: Omaha, Nebraska Leadership Scholarship – Kansas State University F. Sylvester Schmits Scholarship – Benedictine College Academic Scholarships – Creighton University Dean Scholarship – Franciscan University

Joyce DeCoursey Brennan Marquette University: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ignatius Academic Achievement Scholarship – Marquette University Loyola Scholarship – Loyola University Dean’s Scholarship – DePaul University Crimson and Blue Scholarship – University of Kansas

Matt DuPuis Bradley University: Peoria, Illinois Dean’s Scholarship – Bradley University Neighboring State Scholarship – Bradley University Forensics Scholarship – Bradley University

Patrick Elisha Park University: Parkville, Missouri Trustee Scholarship – Park University Music Department Scholarship – Park University

Nick Gideon Sewanee, The University of the South: Sewanee, Tennessee

Asher Gilliland Kansas State University: Manhattan

Kaitlin Hannigan University of Kansas: Lawrence Wiseman Scholarship – Washburn University Academic Scholarship – Washburn University Crimson and Blue Scholarship – University of Kansas School of Engineering Dean’s Scholarship – University of Kansas Medallion Scholarship – Kansas State University Memorial Scholarship – Kansas State University

Nick Henriquez Yale University: New Haven, Connecticut National Merit Scholarship

Rebecca Kaye Kansas State University: Manhattan

Nyalia Lui Morehouse College: Atlanta, Georgia Academic Scholarship – Morehouse College

Colton Manley University of Kansas: Lawrence Academic Scholarship – University of Kansas

Congratulations! 71% of the Class of 2008 won scholarships to the colleges of their choice.

(continued on p. 13)

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Early fall (new beginnings) Our middle school is a no-excuses charter school: uniforms, silent transitions between classes, 8.5 hour school days, and each kid has daily, intensive one-on-two tutoring. That’s where I come in. I’m responsible for six kids – two 8th graders, two 7th graders, & two 6th graders. Every day we meet with each grade for both math and English tutorials. The tutorials are structured with a specific aim, but the goal is to infuse energy and creativity into them so that algebra feels like an opportunity, not a chore. But every preteen already loves having to do extra work, so it should be a party every day… right? Mid fall (reality sets in) A bummer: the blatant disrespect of kids is grating and straight up disappointing. I try every day to teach them something. When I push them to correct their grammar or check their subtraction, it’s not to make myself feel useful. It’s to help them do well in school and set themselves up for a good future! Bummer #2 is watching kids fail their classes. A’s are truly unattainable for some, and I’ve had to adjust my expectations. For others, it’s a matter of not perceiving the consequences of their actions. If you don’t study, you don’t do well. If you don’t do your homework, you will get a zero. I want to just drill this message into their pubescent heads, but as my mom says, “You can’t want it more for them than they want it for themselves.” Thanksgiving (time to be grateful) In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is a day that

brought me joy: My 7th grade girls kept asking me to straighten my hair. Today I busted out the straight hair, and man, kids are brutally honest. Reactions included: “You look like a prettier version of Ugly Betty.” “You look so much better with straight hair. It brings out your complexion. And your attitude.” “So you got tired of your frizzy hair?” Middle schoolers are harsh but incredibly perceptive and usually hilarious. Winter (the long trudge) On this Wednesday, I witnessed my 6th grader’s 46th (official count) meltdown of the year. I played Uno yet again at 8:30 a.m. I teared up when a kid came back from suspension because he was so purely happy to be back. I reviewed a shockingly large range of American black history in about 30 minutes, from slavery to the Civil War to Emmett Till to Brown v. Board (hey Topeka!). I convinced a group of 6th graders I’m related to Michael Jordan, since they’ve figured out my first name is Jordan. The logic doesn’t quite connect, since first names and last names are not the same thing, but they think I’m

Yes, Jordan, You Changed Their Lives!Jordan Carter ‘03 spent the year between graduating from Washington University in St. Louis and beginning Kansas University Law School tutoring middle school students at the MATCH Public Charter Middle School in Boston. She blogged about her experience. Here are excerpts.

Jordan Carter ’03 with two of her students

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a millionaire now, so that’s cool. Just another Wednesday. Spring (the sun returns!) A few gems I hope they’ve learned: 1. Things aren’t always someone else’s fault! Sometimes you just screwed up, which is okay, but take responsibility for it. 2. Ask for help. You’re not stupid or weak for asking for help. 3. A negative plus a negative is still a negative!!! 4. Kansas is a great state. All my kids now know where Kansas is and know they should always root for its college basketball team. Always. There are a thousand things I know I’ve learned, far more than I’ve taught my kids, but here are two: 1. No matter what kind of day you’re having, there are always moments of humor and flashes of light. 2. Showing up consistently, even when you’re tired, even when you feel like you’re not getting anywhere, even when you kinda hate them and they kinda hate you, means everything. Graduation (the end) I will miss their inappropriate stories and fielding their endless questions about my personal life. I will miss taking pictures of my reluctant “I hate pictures” boys and my enthusiastic “let’s do a pic of us holding hands!” girls. I will miss the pride in their voices when they finally understand a new concept. I will miss hearing “Ms. Carter,” whether it is someone asking for help or showing me a test score or wanting a Kleenex. All of my kids have made gains as students and as young adults, mostly because of their own choices, but yep, I’m gonna take some credit. My nagging to finish their homework, pushing them to read aloud, and making them check their work just one more time surely had some impact, right? This is when you say RIGHT, JORDAN, YOU HAVE CHANGED THEIR LIVES! And they have certainly changed mine.

Maura McGivern University of Tulsa: Tulsa, Oklahoma Athletic Scholarship – University of Tulsa

William Millhuff William Jewell College: Liberty, Missouri Presidential Scholarship – William Jewell College Athletic Scholarship – William Jewell College

Julian Mullican Washburn University: Topeka Wiseman Scholarship – Washburn University Klasse Scholarship – Washburn University Marching Band Scholarship – Washburn University

Madison Myers University of Kansas: Lawrence Rock Chalk Scholarship – University of Kansas

Nick Palmer University of Kansas: Lawrence

Reston Phillips Kansas State University: Manhattan

Alessandra Politi University of Kansas: Lawrence Manuel Pusitz Scholarship Annabel Pringle Scholarship Friends of the Topeka High Library Scholarship

Haley Prekopy University of Kansas: Lawrence

Haley Ramirez Eckerd College: St. Petersburg, Florida Academic Scholarship – Eckerd College Freshman Research Associate Award – Eckerd College

Matthew Reynolds Kansas State University: Manhattan Leadership Scholarship – Kansas State University

Anika Reza Southern Methodist University: Dallas, Texas Academic Scholarship – Southern Methodist University

Meaghan Ricks University of Missouri: Columbia, Missouri

Hillary Rosacker Kansas State University: Manhattan

Nicole Rosacker University of Kansas: Lawrence Rock Chalk Scholarship – University of Kansas

Marissa Wiley New York University: New York, New York Academic Scholarship – New York University Pepsi Scholarship Dance Scholarship – University of Missouri-Kansas City

(2008 Colleges and Scholarships continued from p. 11)

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Topeka Collegiate fifth grade language arts teacher Briana Jackson was selected to at-tend a two-week fellowship at the Klingenstein Summer Institute. Run by the Columbia University’s Teachers College, the program brings together 75 of the most promising young independent school teachers from around the country and the world to study adolescent cognition, diversity and inter-personal relationships, cur-ricular development, specific teaching tools and techniques, and school lead-ership. Highlights included a lecture by eminent educa-tional psychologist and Stanford professor Carol Dweck, the creation of action plans for address-ing particular academic and cultural issues facing schools, small group work for feedback on in-dividual teaching practices, a trip to Broadway’s award-winning Clybourne Park, and fantastic food by several prominent chefs. “I am grateful for Topeka Collegiate’s support of my participation at the Institute,” says Ms. Jackson. “Attending the program was truly a life-changing opportunity for me at this point in my career. It’s changed my whole approach to teaching.” Ms. Jackson is implementing strategies she learned at the institute into her language arts classes. Fifth graders are experiencing an inquiry based learning approach this year that allows students’ ideas and questions to be at the center of the learning process. “Inquiry based learning really allows students to be 21st century learn-

ers,” says Ms. Jackson. “This approach allows them to be critical thinkers, communicators, and collaborators. It gets children excited and engaged in learning, and teachers focus more on the learning process than ‘covering the curricu-lum.’” At the institute, Jackson had an opportunity to take a crash course in Design Thinking, another approach she has brought to her classroom. Students become innovators as they follow these steps: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. Jackson is using this approach with characters in class novels. “It’s important for characters in novels to be relatable to students,” she says. “This process allows students to describe the character in a more meaningful way, define the problem he or she is having, brainstorm solu-tions, prototype a solution, and share it with the class. This approach is fast-paced, hands-on, and a lot of fun.” The institute also helped Jackson define her educational philosophy and frame her lessons in a way that is more meaningful to students. “I know my educational philosophy will continue to evolve as I continue to grow and experience more as a teacher,” she concludes.

Fifth Grade Teacher Selected As Klingenstein Fellow

Briana Jackson (middle row, center) and Klingenstein colleagues

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Class Notes(T) indicates students who transferred before graduation.

1985Jennifer Cowan Chase is in her fourth year of educating her four daughters at home in upstate New York. She and her husband David recently celebrated 19 years of marriage. Jennifer says, “I love the freedom to work with and teach my girls on an individual level - using classical literature as our basis for nearly every subject. Hey, Mrs. Hoyt, I am teaching pre-algebra this year. WHOA! I remember your overhead projector and MANY math lessons in your 7th grade class at SCDS (Shawnee Country Day School).”

Brad Garlinghouse accepted the position of CEO at the file-sharing start-up YouSendIt in May, a decision that spawned articles in The Wall Street Journal and Forbes (“Former AOL and Yahoo exec Brad Garlinghouse has a new gig.”) YouSendIt offers software tools for online collaboration and the transfer of large files. Brad told The Wall Street Journal he chose the young company because it is a fast grower in an underhyped space, and that he preferred to join a start-up rather than another

big company. Brad was featured in another Forbes article “The War to Store,” about the half-dozen major players in the cloud storage field.

1989Kathleen Williams Heit is a new bride, married October 20 to David Heit at her family’s ancestral home, Rippavilla, in Spring Hill, Tennessee. It was built in 1852 by Kathleen’s paternal great-great-great grandfather. The home played a very active role in the Civil War. It was occupied by both armies and served as a hospital and refuge, and is now a museum. The original occupant’s great-great-great-granddaughter says, “I was honored as the first descendant to be married at the home. It was a small family ceremony and I was blessed to have my wonderful bridesmaids and David’s two sons serving as groomsmen. We also celebrated with friends on October 27th at a reception at Topeka Country Club.”

1990Matthew Garlinghouse, his wife Katie and 20-month-old daughter Claire welcomed their new son and brother, Luke, on October 18. Matt reports that Luke is sleeping well and, “so far has shown himself to have quite an appetite. We’re hopeful that both of these traits persist! We’re a bit less clueless this second time around which is helping considerably.”

Jennifer Cowan Chase ’85 and family

Brad Garlinghouse ‘85

Kathleen Williams Heit ’89 and David Heit

Matt Garlinghouse’s ’90 son Luke

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1991Bridget Elmer married Lyman Edwards on Cinco de Mayo in a bayside ceremony on St. George Island, Florida. Bridget and Lyman met more than six years ago at the Penland School of Crafts in Asheville, North Carolina. He proposed on their fifth anniversary as a couple at the Asheville restaurant where they had their first date. Many TCS friends were at the wedding, including former Head of School Michael Roberts, alums Matt Garlinghouse ’90, Kansas Waugh ’90 and, of course, the bride’s sister Stacy Elmer ’95 and her parents, past board presidents Jett and Tim Elmer. Soon after the wedding, Lyman was offered a job teaching art at St. Petersburg High School, so the newlyweds promptly headed south to St. Pete. Bridget continues to work for the Asheville-based Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center. She also has teaching commitments back at Penland and in Michigan in the coming year. Bridget has launched an entrepreneurial venture with a partner – The Southern Letterpress – which provides letterpress artwork, products and printing.

1993Katie Freeman is engaged to her boyfriend of two years, Chicago lawyer Billy Hutchens. He proposed in Central Park during an October trip to New York. Billy is a

Notre Dame alum who shares his enthusiasm for his alma mater with Katie and their dog Auggie who can be seen around Chicago on football game days sporting a Notre Dame jersey. Katie reserves the right to change Auggie’s jersey to reflect her KU allegiance during basketball season. The couple traveled to Italy this summer, and fell in love with the beauty and variety of Florence, Positano and Rome. They particularly enjoyed their off-the-tourist-path adventures in search of traditional Roman food, which yielded some memorable meals. Katie still enjoys selling real estate in Chicago. She and Billy are planning a late summer wedding in Lake Tahoe. Keith Ulmer is thrilled by the discoveries emerging from the Large Hadron Collider project, calling this “an exciting time in the world of particle physics.” Keith is part of the international team of scientists working on what has been described as the largest physics experiment in the world. (see p. 36 ) Anne McCoy Wilson (T) is back just in time for Topeka Collegiate’s 30th Anniversary! Her son Michael is a Pre-Kindergartner and second-generation Eagle. The Wilson family moved back to Topeka this summer after Anne’s husband Brian completed a fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at the University of Kentucky School of Medicine in Lexington. Brian has joined father-in-law Mike McCoy at the Cotton-O’Neil Orthopedic Surgery practice. Anne and Michael’s 10-month-old sister Sarah are regulars in the hallways. Anne says she and Brian are “enjoying our kids and happy to be done with 10 years of medical training!”

Bridget Elmer ’91 and Lyman Edwards

Katie Freeman ’93 and Billy Hutchens

Anne McCoy Wilson (T)’93 and son Michael

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1994Brooke Borel married Mike Wasilewski in late September in Brooklyn, New York, where they live. Their dog, a beagle-spaniel mix (he’s a rescue dog, so they’re not sure) named Lorenzo, was in the wedding. Mike is the creative director at Frank Collective, a design and production studio. Brooke is a fulltime freelance writer, and she’s currently working on her first book, a popular history and science narrative on the bed bug, for University of Chicago Press. It should be published in 2014. She also continues to write for magazines and online outlets that include Popular Science, BBC Future and Hurricane Sandy stranded Brooke at a science writers’ conference in Raleigh, North Carolina but after two cancelled flights, she eventually made it home via Baltimore and Albany, to find Mike and Lorenzo safe. “We were very lucky,” she says. (photo by Kacy Jahanbini ~ Walker Waugh and his wife Mary are the happy parents, and Henry the proud big brother of Zelda McCoy Waugh, born November 1 in New York, shortly after Hurricane Sandy blew through. Is Zelda named for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s wife? Walker explains that he and his wife love the name and admire Fitzgerald. As for McCoy, it is Walker’s middle name, too, passed down from his paternal grandmother’s family. Walker describes the day his daughter was born as “a day of magical beauty.” Had Zelda come sooner, it could easily have been a day of anxiety. “We were very worried about the timing of Sandy,” remembers Walker, “especially so when all of the bridges out of Brooklyn were ordered closed, as we were scheduled to deliver at a hospital on the upper east side of Manhattan. Thankfully, where we live in Brooklyn never lost electricity, and my wife didn’t go into labor until after the bridges

had been reopened, so we made it safely to the hospital. We feel very lucky, considering how difficult it was for so many of our friends and neighbors.”

1995Stacy Elmer works at the White House where she serves as the Director for Incident Management on the National Security Staff. She manages the National Exercise Program, overseeing the planning and execution of national level disaster exercises designed to ensure that the country is prepared to respond to and recover from terrorist events, and natural and manmade disasters. Her duties include providing information to the President and the Homeland Security staff during disasters. She continues her efforts to pave the way for the use of social media in disaster preparedness and response efforts across the country. Away from work, Stacy plays softball and flag football, and has had a few opportunities to play both on the President’s court and on the south lawn of the White House. She is having a great time in D.C., but misses her friends and family in Topeka, “especially Mom and Pops.” Samantha Crow Quist and her husband Jake moved back to Silicon Valley from Colorado last year to focus on their careers. Both are now founding Internet startups. Samantha’s is

Brooke Borel ’94 and Mike Wasilewski

Jett, Stacy ’95 and Tim Elmer at the White House

Jake and Samantha Crow Quist ’95 in Greece

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Staff ’n, which will help businesses find and hire highly specialized freelance writers and marketers. Samantha has 50 freelancers in her network so far and is preparing to launch the company later this year. She says, “Teaching myself to code has been especially fun. I learn something new every day.” Samantha traveled to Europe for two weddings this summer, one in Germany, the other in Greece. She also ran the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon, her first, in Savannah, Georgia. Tim Liesmann (T) is the newest alumni member of the TCS Board of Trustees. Tim prosecutes accused criminals as the Assistant County Attorney for Jackson County and also runs a private law practice in Topeka. He left Kansas to attend college at Washington University in St. Louis, returned for law school at KU, then left again to join the Army JAG (Judicial Advocate General) Corps. In 2010, he returned to Topeka where he lives with his wife Tiffany and their eight-month-old son, Oliver. Megan Petty serves on the TCS Marketing Committee, bringing an alumni perspective to the table. She traveled to Scotland this summer for her brother’s wedding.

1996Lesley Ash is working for the Eileen Fisher clothing company in their Creative Center and Showroom in New York City. She is also busy doing freelance art and illustration and recently had an art exhibition in Cincinnati which included a 60-foot charcoal wall mural with an interactive component that invited the community to get involved with the project. Says Lesley, “It was a lot of fun and I am already planning my next community-based art project!” Michael Poulton (T) went to TCS until the middle of 7th grade, finished school in

Vermont, and then went to Lawrence University in Wisconsin for a year before transferring to the University of Nebraska where he majored in construction management with physics and business minors. He moved to Arizona after graduation and eventually went to law school at Arizona State. He started his own firm this year with his mother and a friend from law school. Michael says, “I am definitely still the same science geek I always have been. I still love fireworks and work on electronics non-stop! It may not be the core of what I do in my law practice, but that knowledge is definitely useful at times. Several of our clients are tech companies and it helps to speak their language and be able to understand their business.”

1997Benjamin Bammes is Director of Applications and Marketing at Direct Electron - the first company to successfully commercialize a direct detection camera for electron microscopy. He works from his home office and travels about a week out of every month to visit labs and attend conferences around the world. He is continuing his consulting business as well, and is figuring out how to juggle everything! Ben and his wife are expecting their third child in March. He says their three-year-old (Elliott) and one-year-old (Parker) are “full of energy and keep us on our toes, and also keep us entertained!” The family lives in Pearland, Texas, a suburb of Houston. Katherine Garlinghouse married Alex Duff on July 7 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. There were about 100 guests at the wedding, including family and friends from as far away as Vancouver, B.C., the Cayman Islands and South Africa. Among the attendees were longtime friend Rohini Thukral ‘97, who was Michael Poulton (T) ’96 with his 6th

grade science project

Alex Duff and Katherine Garlinghouse ‘97

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the maid of honor, alumni parent Nancy Parrish, who officiated the ceremony, and her son Monte ’04. Since the wedding, Alex and Katherine have moved from San Francisco to London. Katherine’s work for Chevron has taken them to the UK, where she is leading a public affairs team supporting new business developments in central and eastern Europe. Katherine and Alex are enjoying getting to know London, including being able to attend some of this summer’s Olympic Games. Jenny Hoyt (T) married Aaron Storck on June 22, in an outdoor ceremony with her sister Jackie ’03 serving as maid of honor. The proud mother of the bride, longtime TCS math teacher Phyllis Hoyt describes the ceremony as “lovely in every way.” The newlyweds moved to Richmond, Virginia where Aaron is attending graduate school. Jenny is working as a school psychologist in the Henrico County Public Schools. Alexis Rowe has moved from New York City to Des Moines, Iowa where she’s a first-year law student at Drake University. She reports that her life is consumed by school, but she loves Des Moines so far and loves being closer to her family. Sarah Temple and her husband Angus traveled to the London Olympics this summer where they were among the spectators watching diving, gymnastics, beach volleyball, track and field, and women’s soccer. Sarah finished her medical residency and has a new job as an

attending emergency room physician in Sarasota, Florida. The couple lives in Bradenton, where they just bought a new house. They share it with a dog and two cats but that will soon change, as they’ve just announced they’re expecting a baby!


Kathleen Daughety is at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School pursuing her MBA, majoring in entrepreneurship management. She is interested in technology and entrepreneurship and hopes to do a summer internship at a tech firm. Kathleen spent the spring and summer as the Colorado consultant for Priorities USA, President Obama’s super PAC (political action committee). Before starting at Wharton, she went to a week-long surf camp in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. “Now I’m obsessed with surfing,” Kathleen says, “and I’m trying to figure out a place to settle after school where I can surf daily.” John Freeman and his wife Kim returned home for his 10-year Topeka High reunion in September, then came back in October to join in John’s mother’s 60th birthday celebration/challenge – a half-marathon; he ran alongside his mom (TCS Development Director Mary Loftus). John has been a Sales Account Manager at CDW, an IT solutions company, for five years, and lives with his wife in Chicago. He serves as a board member for the Chicago Chapter of The University of Kansas Alumni Association, the

Jenny Hoyt Storck (T) ‘97, Phyllis and Jackie Hoyt ‘03

Angus Mugford and Sarah Temple ’97 in London

TCS Class of ’98 makes a strong showing at their 10-year Topeka High School Reunion: (back) Chris Yorke (middle) Wesley West, Allison Viola Loftus, Katie Farmer, Matt Leifer, John Freeman, James Frager (front) Kathleen Daughety, Jonny Schmidt

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largest outside the state of Kansas. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Howard Johns is studying behavioral neuroscience at the University of Missouri in Columbia, investigating food addictions in test rats. His research is an attempt to identify the brain regions involved in eating for pleasure vs. eating because one is energy or calorie deficient.

Richie Kent (T) was badly injured when he stepped on a landmine while serving his country in Afghanistan in August. A West Point grad and Army Lieutenant, Richie lost his right leg and two fingers on his right hand. His left leg was severely injured but doctors

were able to save it by transferring muscle from Richie’s back onto his leg, then grafting skin onto the wound. Richie underwent several surgeries and was hospitalized for two months in San Antonio, Texas, where his sister Chelsey ’00 (T) and mother Cathy were by his side. Seeing the huge outpouring of concern about him, Richie said, “I had no idea so many people knew this happened to me. Thank you for all the support.” Richie is now working hard on rehabilitation, and

has been fitted with a prosthetic leg. He’s also talking about furthering his education. Allison Viola Loftus and her husband Brian spend most of June traveling in Europe. Of the London Eye, Allison says, “While this modern marvel provides a spectacular 360-degree view of London, my favorite view of the city is actually from the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral. After an extremely narrow walk up countless stairs, we finally made it to the top and discovered that every step we took was most certainly worth it. No matter what anyone says, you must climb to the top if you take a trip to London! The last time I visited London was in middle school with (former TCS teacher) Mrs. Straus on one of the summer adventure programs. We traveled to Rome, Paris, and London on that trip and Mrs. Straus was an incredible guide!” Rachael Greene Sokoloff and her husband Gabe are the proud, happy parents of a baby boy born May 26. Wesley West has weathered two hurricanes in two years in New York, Irene and Sandy. Irene didn’t hit hard, so as Sandy approached, Wes says, “We were all a bit desensitized.” Once the storm hit and the scope of the damage became clear, things changed. “We never lost power,” he says, “although there was flooding one block to the north and all power one block to the west was lost. We went shopping for Halloween candy by candlelight and the store was borrowing power for the cash register by a 100-foot extension cord.” Wes worked from home for a week and knows he was lucky. “At the beginning, it was nerve-wracking when we didn’t know what

(Above) Richie Kent (T) ’98 on duty in Afghanistan, far right (left) Richie learning to walk with new prosthetic leg

Allison Viola Loftus ’98 and Brian Loftus in London

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would happen. But life got pretty sweet when we realized the worst that was going to happen was that we wouldn’t be able to go to work.” Blake Whitaker is engaged to Danielle Mauldin. The two are planning an April wedding in College Station, Texas, where they met. Blake will earn his PhD in history and his fiancée her master’s degree in education from Texas A&M University in May. Blake serves as a Psychological Operations Officer in the 344th Tactical Psychological Operations Company (Airborne) of the US Army Reserve. He went to Thailand this summer on a US Army mission to train the Royal Thai Army. Stephanie Meador Willis married Til Willis at 9,000 feet in the tiny 900-resident town of Ouray in southwestern Colorado on August 18. Sarah Temple ‘97 was her matron of honor and was joined by other TCS grads Katie Farmer ’98 and Esther Kennedy ‘98 in the bridesmaid line-up. The bride says, “It was so much fun to have my TCS buddies meet our local Ouray friends! Sharing our beloved mountain town with fellow Kansan ‘flat-landers’ was a thrill.” Stephanie has spent her summers living and working in Ouray since high school and met Til while working on her master’s thesis research there. Til, a singer-songwriter, grew up in Ouray but is living in Lawrence until Stephanie finishes her PhD at KU. The call of the mountains is strong, says Stephanie, “so we’ll see where we end up after graduation!”

Chris Yorke is an architect at Boora Architects in Portland, Oregon. While he is currently working on a Google project, the office generally specializes in academic buildings and performance halls. Chris is engaged to Susan Reid, whose last name, coincidentally, is Chris’ middle name. He proposed during a romantic walk along the beach, having secretly stowed champagne in his backpack. Before graduate school at Princeton, Chris served an internship with the world’s foremost designer of treehouses and traveled the world photographing treehouses in exotic places. He put that experience to use designing a multi-story treehouse for the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center and returned home in September to oversee construction. “I think of the treehouse as a way of giving something back to the town where I grew up,” Chris said at the unveiling. “We hope that this will be a wonderful place for kids to interact with nature, exercise their imaginations and have fun.”

1999Nathan Bammes graduated from medical school at KCUMB (Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences) in May and received his MBA from Rockhurst University in Kansas City. In July he began his Internal Medicine residency at UMKC (University of Missouri-

Stephanie Meador Willis ’98 at her Colorado wedding with the TCS contingent: (back) Joey Kennedy ’01, Dale Meador (T) ’01 (front) Sarah Temple ’97, Esther Kennedy ’98, Katie Farmer ‘98

Chris Yorke ’98 in the treehouse he designed

Nathan Bammes ‘99

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Kansas City) and is working at St. Luke’s Hospital and Truman Medical Center. Nathan says his ultimate goal is to do a fellowship in cardiology. Emily Einspahr Griggs married Will Griggs on June 23 at the River Market Event Place in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Her brother Michael ’10 was a groomsman. The couple honeymooned in Maui where Emily says, “we did lots of hiking, snorkeling and relaxing.” The newlyweds recently moved to Lake Quivira in suburban Kansas City and are enjoying life on the water - fishing, kayaking and boating. Lisa Greene Hauge married Rune Hauge in April in Half Moon Bay, California. Her sister Rachael Greene Sokoloff ’98 was her eight-months pregnant matron of honor and brother Josh ’10 one of Rune’s groomsmen. Through the acquisition of her previous company, Buddy Media, Lisa is back at as the Manager of Business Development on the Marketing Cloud Product Partnerships team. She is “absolutely loving my new nephew,” (Rachael and Gabe Sokoloff ’s son, born in May), and enjoying spending time with her husband and chocolate Lab Sprinkles. Betsy Wanless Johnson has had quite a year! She and her husband Matt welcomed a baby boy into their lives, moved to Kansas City from Seattle and bought a house. Betsy and her brother Berry’s 91 company SwimZip has been featured on national TV and in high-profile

online and print publications. First things first: Andrew “Andy” Matthew was born on July 6. Just two weeks before Andy made his appearance, Betsy won a coveted spot on the TODAY Show showcasing SwimZip’s protective swimwear for children. She was featured in a article about fashion designer Betsey Johnson (“On her wedding day, the former Ms. Wanless sported sky-high Betsey Johnson red shoes to pay tribute to her new name”), and in a Fortune Magazine article titled “5 Gen-Y Corporate Refugee Entrepreneurs.” Maria Maldonado is in the second year of three of her dual master’s program in social work and public health at Washington University in St. Louis. She’s also working at a local clinic called Casa de Salud, a nonprofit organization that works primarily with Spanish-speaking clients. Maria worked there last semester as a practicum student, but now she’s a staff member, developing new programs and working with clients. Brianne Burnett Powers accepted Robert Powers’ proposal on her birthday in May and the two were married on October 20 in East Lansing, Michigan where they met during their first year of law school. The couple loves the fall weather in Michigan so they chose to exchange vows at the Alumni Memorial Chapel on the Michigan State University campus. The newlyweds live in Arlington, Virginia, where they both practice law.

Emily Einspahr Griggs ’99 and Will Griggs

Lisa Greene Hauge ’99 and Rune Hauge

Matt Johnson, Betsy Wanless Johnson ’99 and Andrew

Brianne Burnett Powers ’99 and Robert Powers

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Jenny Clinton Preece is relishing her new role as a new mom. Amelia Jean Preece was born on May 25 weighing six pounds, seven ounces and, her mother reports, perfect in every way. This year brought another milestone for Jenny. She graduated with a degree in sign language interpreting and transliterating. She’s primarily a stay-at-home mom, but is interpreting part-time at Weber State University near the family’s home in Utah. Jenny says she loves her job, but “I think I love being a mom more!”

2000Rebecca Kopp is working as a tech startup consultant in Los Angeles, concentrating on building app wireframes, social media strategies and overall business development. Previously she worked for Dwell Magazine curating their new, national modern home tours and managing a selection of their Dwell On Design exhibits. Rebecca reunited with fellow alumna Julia Franklin ’96 on a plane to Kansas City last year and they discovered they live only a block apart in L.A. which, Rebecca says, “was very cool to find out!” Tyler Schmidt married Lindsey St. Martin in the fall of 2010. He has been working at Cargill as an FX (foreign exchange) and interest rate trader, but recently accepted a position on Cargill’s energy desk trading gasoline. Tyler, a champion collegiate swimmer, says he “still likes to get in the water from time to time.” He and his wife enjoy road biking together. They live in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Abby Brownback Teetsel married Eric Teetsel on New Year’s Eve at Topeka’s First Presbyterian Church where her parents were married 29 years before. Abby’s sister Liz ‘04 served as maid of honor. The wedding reception was at the governor’s mansion. The couple lives in Washington, D.C. where Abby is a high school math teacher at a small Christian school and Eric is the executive director of The Manhattan Declaration. Whitney Hamilton Wood is living in Paris where she is a Resident Artist at the Cité Internationale des Arts. In May, Whitney graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a Masters in Fine Arts degree as an Olin Fellow. During her tenure, she was the recipient of the John T. Milliken Foreign Travel Scholarship, The Collaborative Technology Center and Creative Research Institute Grant and was nominated for the Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA grant. In Paris, she has been working collaboratively with artists, writers, and musicians from around the world as well as practicing French in her spare time. At the beginning of her residency, she attended Documenta, one of the most important exhibitions of modern and contemporary art, which happens once every five years in Kassel, Germany. Outside of working and visiting museums and bakeries, she took a week off to

Amelia Jean Preece

Lindsey and Tyler Schmidt ‘00

Abby Brownback ’00 and Eric Teetsel

Whitney Hamilton Wood ’00 in her Paris studio

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host her husband in her new temporary city. As the only American currently in residence, Whitney says, “The most rewarding experience has been learning the customs and sharing multicultural meals with fellow residents from across the world.”

2001Sarah Bellows-Blakely is an Olin Fellow in her third year of a PhD program in history at Washington University. She spent the summer researching at archives in the New York City area and at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Sarah is preparing to leave St. Louis next fall to spend a year researching for her dissertation, which is on girl-focused development initiatives in Kenya. Her research will primarily take place in Kenya, but she also plans to visit the archives of the World Bank in Geneva, the United Nations in New York and State Department files at the National Archives back in Washington, D.C. Sarah says, “It’s like one really long History Day project!” Stephanie Johns Jenkins graduated from the University of Missouri in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. She married Mike Jenkins in June of last year and they honeymooned in Hawaii for two weeks. The couple moved to Lee’s Summit, Missouri with their two dogs, Roxy and Duke. Stephanie works for Silpada Designs, the Kansas City-based sterling silver home party company, as its International Project Coordinator. Grace Catherine Jenkins was born on August 3, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 19 3/4 inches. Stephanie says, “Each morning when she shows us her big gummy smile, my heart melts and fills with so much love, gratitude and thankfulness that we have been blessed with such a beautiful and healthy baby!”

Asona Lui is deep in study in her second year at Kansas University School of Medicine. She participates in JayDoc clinics where medical students provide direct patient care for underinsured and uninsured populations. She is enjoying a nice change of pace this semester, serving as a teaching assistant in her favorite subject of immunology for first year medical students. Asona recently became engaged to Marco Chacon, who proposed in Chicago in a park near his childhood home, under his favorite tree, complete with a hidden cello player, champagne picnic, and an engagement ring custom-designed by his uncle, an East Coast jeweler. Asona says she was completely surprised and couldn’t figure out where the music was coming from! The couple met while they were undergrads at Washington University in St Louis. Jill Moenius reports her last year at KU Law School was great. In addition to serving on the KU Law Review’s Board of Editors, she was a member of KU’s Moot Court Council. She and her moot court partner represented KU at the National Moot Court Competition. They won the regional rounds and at the finals in New York City, placed in the top eight of 191 teams, falling to the University of California-Berkeley in the quarterfinals. Jill graduated Order of Coif (an honor society for law school graduates) and is now serving a two-year judicial clerkship with the Honorable Lisa White Hardwick of the Missouri Court of Appeals in Kansas City. Tyler Waugh has launched his own photography business, Slide into Focus, specializing in pet photos. He also books people portraits and events. Tyler continues to work at The Toy Store in downtown Lawrence and he’s excited at

Grace Catherine Jenkins

Asona Lui ’01 and Marco Chacon

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becoming an uncle again with the recent birth of his brother Walker’s ‘94 little girl Zelda.

2002Adam Coulon graduated from Purdue University with a degree in aerospace engineering in 2010. After that he worked at the University of Stuttgart in Germany helping to put a small satellite into orbit to be used during classes and labs. In the spring of 2011 Adam began graduate school at Georgia Tech studying Computational Science and Engineering, which he describes as computer science techniques used with engineering problems. After two semesters he took an internship in Seoul, South Korea at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology working on plasma actuator experiments and their applications to turbo machinery. In January, he returns to Georgia Tech to finish his master’s degree. Adam says ever since he studied abroad in Japan as an undergraduate, he’s been drawn to traveling. “The world is a great place and there really is so much we can learn from each other,” he observes. “It’s also amazing that even with huge cultural and language differences, people are still people and can relate on a human level.” Amelia Maxfield After two years as Policy Specialist at Kansas Action for Children, Amelia has started law school at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Amelia hopes to build on her experience as a lobbyist at the Kansas legislature to pursue a career in public interest law or public policy. Amelia’s inspiration for law school was her grandfather, James “Big Jim” Voorhees, an attorney and frequent volunteer during Amelia’s days at Topeka Collegiate. Nathan Peterson is in his final year at KU and plans to graduate with a degree in theatre

performance and communications. This summer he was cast as the young Forrest “Phog” Allen, playing the legendary Jayhawks basketball coach in the upcoming movie Jayhawkers. Nathan, whose middle name is Allen, says he’s “excited and honored” to portray the man credited with developing the profession of basketball coaching. Nathan has his sights on a career in acting after graduation. (see p. 8 ) Paige Whitaker is completing two degrees at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, marketing and vocal performance. She is also working at a Lincoln advertising company and loves it!

2003Jordan Carter is a first-year law student at Kansas University. She switched roles from student to teacher for a year after graduation from Wash U in St. Louis, to tutor middle school students at a charter school in Boston. (see p. 12 ) Elizabeth Coulon is finishing her first semester in physician’s assistant school in Fort Worth, Texas. She graduated from Baylor and worked for a year as an office medical aide with an orthopedic surgeon in Dallas. Christina Gitto graduated from Baker University in December 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She was hired as a Customer Support Associate by Sunflower Marketing (Topeka) in February of 2012. She has returned to Topeka Collegiate to take notes for the monthly Board of Trustees meetings. Christina and fellow alum Pablo Kennedy ’03 teamed up to host the time capsule portion of the 30th Anniversary Hall of Fame ceremony. The two were eighth graders when the 20th Anniversary

Amelia Maxfield ’02 with her grandfather “Big Jim” Voorhees

Christina Gitto ’03 at the Hall of Fame ceremony

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time capsule was sealed. They had fun unearthing its contents a decade later. Chase Hamilton is taking a break from dental school to pursue a project close to his heart - helping provide sanitation and clean water to people in isolated villages along the Amazon in Peru. (see p. 6 ) Katherine Heflin spent last year working with survivors of domestic violence in Washington, D.C. which took her from Superior Court to a low-income hospital to police cars during night shifts. This year she continues her work at the Santa Clara Superior Court in California with low-income San Jose populations. She also supervises undergraduates from Stanford, Berkeley and San Jose State who volunteer for JusticeCorps, a program that trains college students to work in legal self-help centers. After her year in California, Katherine will move to Boston to begin graduate work at The Harvard School of Public Health in the Policy and Management Department, with the goal of serving disadvantaged populations through policy work. Pablo Kennedy works as a phlebotomist at Stormont-Vail Hospital while finishing prerequisites for medical school. He and TCS classmate Christina Gitto ’03 got a kick out of describing the contents of the 20th Anniversary time capsule at this year’s 30th Anniversary celebration. Megan Reynolds graduated from K-State with a degree in theatre and a minor in Spanish. During the final year, she performed with the K-State Concert Choir at the Myerson Symphony Center in Dallas, “an amazing experience, especially for a

non-music major!” she says. Megan kept busy as a stage manager, managing the opera The Crucible as well as two K-State Singers shows. Megan also received one of the campus philanthropy organization K-State Proud’s five “K-State Hero” awards for her contributions to the student body and community. Megan is working as a para-educator in Manhattan’s public schools but hopes to eventually use her drama, music and Spanish speaking skills in the Christian arts ministry. Eric Wang worked two internships in Shanghai, China following his graduation from Wash U. in St. Louis in 2011. One was for the United Foundation of Children’s Health, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing health care for orphans born with congenital defects. As the foundation’s only intern, Eric was responsible for all communication between the Shanghai orphanages and the foundation’s headquarters in Beijing. He accompanied the orphans on their doctor visits, and helped with translating and paperwork. He updated the foundation’s database, wrote articles for the foundation’s English newsletter, and planned special events such as providing first aid training to caretakers and giving out free flu shots and vaccinations to all the orphanages in the Shanghai area. The other internship was for the Chief of Medicine at Shanghai United Family Hospital, where he assisted the Chief of Medicine with administrative projects. After returning to Topeka, Eric worked full-time as a clinical technician at the Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital while applying to medical schools. This summer, he moved to Chicago to work at a hospital or in research before embarking on another international summer internship and beginning medical school in the fall. Aly Woodbury will receive her fashion design and entrepreneurship degree from Johnson County Community College in December. She also teaches sewing at a local sewing center and is rooming with her former TCS classmate and longtime friend Jackie Hoyt ’03. Aly’s passion is her work with Project Lydia, an economic

Megan Reynolds ‘03

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development project whose mission is to lift women out of the worst of poverty, restoring purpose, hope and dignity. She spent two months this summer using her sewing and design skills to help poor women in Uganda become more self-sufficient. (see p. 7)

2004Erin Atwood graduated from KU in May with a bachelor’s degree in genetics. She won a Fulbright Award to fund research in Peru, where she is administering preliminary hearing screenings for children and adults to recommend changes in classroom and home environments. (see p. 38) Cassidy Carpenter is in the first of three years pursuing a PhD at the University of Kansas’ Clinical Child Psychology Department, the nation’s top-ranked clinical child psychology program. Her research focus is on resiliency and adaption in children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Cassidy is engaged to Dan Belz. The two met on her first-ever and, as it turns out, only blind date! They are planning a wedding in Kansas City in the spring of 2014. Caitlin Fitzpatrick graduated from Kenyon College in the spring, and is living and working in Colorado. She received Kenyon’s Muriel C. Bradbrook Prize for writing the best short story in a competition sponsored by the English Department. She also presented a paper on Shakespeare at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts. Caitlin returned to Topeka Collegiate last year to step

into the role of teacher for a day, leading Mr. MacDonald’s middle school students through a class on creative writing. Austin Gideon graduated from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia in the spring and his professional career began two weeks later. He’s living in San Francisco and working at Harris and Williams, an investment banking firm. Austin says, “It has been extremely busy with quite the learning curve. However, to me the challenge is the exciting part so I have absolutely loved the first few months at my job. The individuals I work with are fascinating and no deal is the same.” Austin invites fellow TCS alums who find themselves in the Bay Area to get in touch. Atima Lui graduated from Wash U in St. Louis in the spring with a BS in business administration, and began her new job in marketing with Walmart Corporate shortly afterward. She is really enjoying it! Atima moved into a condo in Rogers, Arkansas, and is experiencing “adult” independent life for the first time. “I am really enjoying owning my first dog as well,” she says, “although it is a lot of new responsibility all at once. Career, home ownership, dog - but I am loving every minute of it! Maybe because it is all still shiny and new and exciting. I’m also enjoying getting to know new people here through my CrossFit training. After two months of searching, I have found a CrossFit gym I really like not just for a good

Cassidy Carpenter ’04 and Dan Beltz

Caitlin Fitzpatrick ’04 teaching at TCS

Austin Gideon ‘04

Atima Lui ‘04

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workout but also for the community aspect and feel.” Atima has been accepted into Harvard’s 2+2 MBA Program, comprised of two years of professional work experience followed by two years in the Harvard Business School MBA Program. Kirsten Marples graduated from KU in May with distinction, university honors, departmental honors and a B.A. in art history. She served as president of her scholarship hall senior year, was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and was named a KU Woman of Distinction. She volunteered at an adult day center working with people suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as at the Spencer Museum of Art. Kirsten did her honors research in Japanese prints and co-curated an exhibition at the Spencer called “Divine Inspiration” in Japanese Prints. She was accepted into the History of Art master’s program at New Jersey’s Rutgers University for the fall, where she is studying 19th and 20th century European art and architecture. After Hurricane Sandy, Kirsten was without power, water or heat for seven days. “The storm itself wasn’t terrible in the part of New Jersey where I live,” she says. “It seemed very similar to the high winds we get in Kansas, but its aftermath was devastating for many.” Classes were cancelled for an entire week as the campus and its students and faculty struggled without electricity. Katrina Ramirez lives in Chicago and is working for the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Illinois as well as Loyola University’s School of Law as an administrative and research assistant. In the spring she plans to study abroad in Chile. Tess Wilson is a senior at Washburn University studying English and art. She serves as an editor for Inscape, Washburn’s literary magazine, writes for the Washburn Review, works at the Mabee Library and the Mulvane Art Museum’s ArtLab. Washburn isn’t the only campus where Tess can be found. Because of the fond memories she has

of Junior Great Books classes at TCS, she has recently started teaching After-School Adventures classes at TCS, following the JGB curriculum. In addition to her academic endeavors, she will soon be performing in the Ad Astra Theatre Ensemble’s production of Private Eyes with TCS’s Middle School Head Travis Lamb. This year - her last at Washburn - is a busy one, but Tess proclaims she is “up for the challenge!”

2005Alexa Dattilo is a senior at the University of Chicago. She’s a biology major specializing in neuroscience and cancer biology. She works in a virology lab and volunteers at Health Leads, which mobilizes college volunteers to connect patients and their families with the basic resources they need to be healthy. She also volunteers at Peace Hospice and Palliative Care. She is studying in Barcelona, Spain during the winter quarter. Hunter Ellsworth (T) is in his fifth year at K-State majoring in mechanical engineering. He plans to transition to biomedical engineering for graduate school and pursue studies in tissue research. Next semester he leaves for Europe where he will do tissue research at Belgium’s University of Leuven. Hunter has been an intern for the past year-and-a half at GE Aviation, designing training modules for flight simulations for domestic and military aircraft. Before he leaves for Europe he will explore grad schools in Pittsburgh and Ann Arbor. Bondy Kaye is a senior at Kansas State University majoring in psychology, with minors in leadership and pre-law. He is president of the Mock Trial Team, which competes in student mock trial competition. Michael Myers is a senior at KU and a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He has applied to and is now interviewing at dental schools.

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2006Sjobor Hammer is a junior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, a cognitive science major with a minor in classics. She was the David Van Tassel Founder’s Award winner (National History Day’s highest award) and is on the Dean’s List. She is active in the Sigma Psi sorority, the oldest local sorority in the nation, serving as its scholarship chair and webmaster. She is also involved in Alpha Phi Omega, Case Concert Choir, serves as a WISER mentor, tour guide, and works in the Music Library. She will begin work on her master’s degree in cognitive linguistics in the spring. Emily Park is a junior at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri majoring in fashion communication. She is a member of both the volleyball and softball team for Stephens, named as a member of the Capital One Academic All-District Softball Team for the year 2012. Emily is the editor for Stephens Life magazine, a student-run publication. She is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority and in her third year of taking the role of big sister to her 10-year-old little sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

Jennifer Rosacker won two major volunteer awards last year for her work with Mentors in the Lives of Kids (MILK) in Lawrence, where

she’s a junior at KU. The Lawrence Journal-World described the impact of her work: “She may not be able to leap over tall buildings like Superman, but Jen Rosacker is determined to be a superhero. This plucky Kansas University student is taking to heart the motto for a volunteer organization she helps coordinate: Be a Child’s Superhero.” Jen organized an event to encourage at-risk middle school students to consider attending college before it’s too late. “Many do not realize they can go to college, so they are discouraged about school at a young age,” she says. “Our program was aimed at creating a place of conversation and hope for our Lawrence youth. I want to encourage our children to dream big.” After graduation, Jen, who is pursuing anthropology and Latin American studies majors, wants to work as an activist. Mentoring kids through MILK, she says, “is one step to my dream.” Jen has been accepted to a study abroad program at the University of Costa Rica. Ashley Welch is a junior at KU majoring in international studies. She studied Spanish this summer through KU’s Study Abroad program in Barcelona, Spain.

2007Joseph Barber is in his first year of a Bachelor of Science in Video Game Design at Digipen Institute of Technology in Redmond, Washington. In New Zealand, where Joseph completed high school, it takes five years rather than four, so he’s a year later starting college. He lives in an apartment with three other Digipen students, working hard and enjoying it. He is doing well in psychology, and his mom Carrie (who teaches psychology at the university level) says Joseph may have to resist getting sucked into the family business! Jonah Freed is a sophomore at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota majoring in international studies and philosophy with a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. This summer he worked for

Sjobor Hammer ‘06

Jennifer Rosacker ’06 honored for volunteer work (photo courtesy of Lawrence Journal-World)

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the Obama Campaign as a Summer Organizing Fellow, recruiting and training volunteers as well as helping organize and run events. Three former TCS classmates visited Jonah during the summer, Max Haverfield ’07, Joseph Barber ’07 and Joel Billinger ’07. They went sightseeing around Chicago. This year Jonah is tutoring at the Division of Indian Work in Minneapolis. He also serves on the leadership council for Habitat for Humanity and will probably lead the group on its spring break trip to Tennessee. Lauren Gernon is a sophomore at Rice University in Houston. Last year she went on alternative spring break to Colorado where she helped disabled skiers. This year, she’s leading the trip. The first half takes the college students to Winter Park, where they will work with the National Sports Center for the Disabled, skiing with children who suffer a genetic skin disorder and teenagers with visual impairments. Later, Lauren and her fellow spring breakers will travel to the Colorado Center for the Blind to partner with CCB students and attend classes in braille, cooking and how to navigate. Lauren is involved in several sports: club soccer, club ultimate Frisbee, and powder puff football. She’s taking an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) class next semester as a first step toward joining the Rice EMS (Emergency Medical Services) program as a volunteer.

Daniel Kennedy is a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis. This summer he worked for a non-profit called Camino Seguro (Safe Passage) in Guatemala City while staying with his grandparents. Camino Seguro works with families that make a living recycling and reselling trash in the city dump. (see p. 7 ) David Wang is a sophomore at Wash U in St. Louis. He’s playing varsity soccer and baseball for the school, and is involved with several groups around campus. He says, “Classes are somewhat challenging but manageable. I’m planning on majoring in applied math, minoring in Chinese and biology, and I’m also doing pre-med.” He worked as a medical technician at Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital this summer.

2008Joyce DeCoursey Brennan is a freshman at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after graduating from Topeka High with superior honors, as a member of the National Honor Society. This fall she has enjoyed traveling to South Bend, Indiana to watch football at her mother and grandfather’s alma mater Notre Dame. Shelby Carpenter is a freshman on the Boston campus of Tufts University, in the Institute of Global Leadership, with plans to major in Russian. In preparation, she studied Russian with TCS teacher Gail Franklin this summer. Shelby graduated from Phillips Academy Andover in June, winning the Ayars Prize, given to a senior “who through work, perseverance, and seeking after excellence has created for himself a position of respect and admiration in the school community.” Shelby was also inducted into the Cum Laude Society. She started a club at Andover called CPR (Culture, Politics, Religion): Giving Life to Discussion, with the goal of promoting civil dialogue among people with different views. Before graduating, Shelby created a mission statement and recruited a board for the club, to ensure it will continue.

Jonah Freed ’07, Joseph Barber ’07, Joel Billinger ‘07

Lauren Gernon ’07 learns to help disabled skiers

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Alex Chanay is a freshman at the University of Kansas majoring in English. He’s the singer and guitarist for his band Hidden Objectives, and also writes all of their songs. Edward Collazo is a freshman at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He graduated from Topeka High in the spring with high honors, as a National Hispanic Scholar. (see p. 10 ) Matt DuPuis is a freshman at Bradley College in Peoria, Illinois. He graduated with honors from Topeka High where he was active in drama and forensics, qualifying for two national forensics tournaments. He played Hamlet in the Shakespeare classic and portrayed a young man dying of cancer in Cancer: Inspiration and Hope at Topeka High. Nick Gideon graduated with honors from Washburn Rural High School and continues his soccer career at Sewanee: The University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee. Kate Hannigan graduated from Topeka High with superior honors, as a member of the National Honor Society and a Kansas State Scholar. She is a freshman at KU this fall. Nyalia Lui is a freshman at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. He graduated from Lake Forest Academy in

Chicago in June. At graduation he was presented the Butler Award for academic achievement and perseverance. He also received a music award for his accomplishments in percussion. Nyalia was a prefect, one of 13 seniors nominated by faculty for the highest position of student leadership. They run all-school morning meetings, are responsible for the peer mentoring program, plan Healthy Choices Day and various social and community service events. Nyalia was also active on the Robotics Team, the Bomb Squad Dance and Cheer Teams, and played soccer. Nick Henriquez is a freshman at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. He graduated as Topeka High School’s valedictorian with superior honors. Nick was one of only 141 students in the country to be named a U.S. Presidential Scholar. He was also named a National Merit Finalist, a National Achievement Scholar and a member of The Topeka Capital-Journal All-State Academic Team. He scored a perfect 36 on the ACT, was selected a Kansas State Scholar and inducted into the National Honor Society. (see p. 10) At Yale, Nick is taking a film class, not surprising since a screenplay he wrote as a junior, Slightly Scorched, was selected by a KU student for her senior film project. The film won Best Drama and Best in Show at the KU Student Film Festival, and was screened at the Free State Film Festival. Nick is also involved with Yale’s radio station and Rumpus, the campus tabloid/humor publication. Maura McGivern is a freshman at the University of Tulsa, playing Division I volleyball and she is enjoying playing at the collegiate level. At press time, Maura and her teammates had just claimed Tulsa’s third straight regular season league title.

Matt DuPuis ’08 onstage (photo courtesy of The Topeka Capital-Journal)

Nick Gideon ‘08 with his parents Karen and Pat

Nyalia Lui ‘08

Ellen ‘06, eighth grader Joe, Maura McGivern ’08 with Head of School Mary Beth Marchiony

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Madison Myers graduated from Topeka High School with superior honors, as senior class president and a member of the National Honor Society. He was one of two graduation speakers, both TCS alumni. (see p. 10 ) Madison is a freshman at KU and has pledged Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Reston Phillips is a freshman at Kansas State University and a Sigma Chi fraternity pledge. He plans to major in biology and is playing drums in the marching band. Alessandra Politi graduated from Topeka High with superior honors as a member of the National Honor Society. She is a freshman at Kansas University, living in a scholarship hall and planning a month-long trip to Italy with her family next summer.

Haley Ramirez is a sophomore at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. Last year she was named a Freshman Research Associate, which allowed her to work on marine science research projects throughout the school year. This summer Haley won an internship working with professors at the University of South Florida on a marine project studying the Gulf of Mexico and the impact of the BP oil spill. She is majoring in marine science and pursuing a minor in Chinese. Haley says her

TCS SeaCamp experience had everything to do with her college choice. “I thought I was going to be a lawyer like the rest of my family,” she says, “but I just couldn’t see myself happy practicing law for life. SeaCamp helped me figure out what I truly love is the ocean.” She chose Eckerd because of its strong undergraduate marine science program and the opportunity to begin research in her freshman year.

2009Bailey Evans received the Youth Philanthropy Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals this fall for her work with Girls on the Run, mentoring third graders at a local elementary school. She volunteers twice a week, talking with girls to encourage them to be healthy and confident, and running with them to train for a pair of 5K races. Bailey is a senior at Topeka High School, a member of the National Honor Society and editor of The World newspaper. This summer she interned with Obama for America, helping organize grass roots volunteers in various cities. She also worked as a life guard and volunteered her time to take children with disabilities swimming. Cain Mathis is a National Merit Semifinalist and president of Topeka High’s National Honor Society. This summer he represented Kansas at Boys Nation in Washington D.C. “I was a Boys’ Nation Senator, so I wrote two pieces of legislation, both of which passed,” explains Cain. “The 18 bills that passed are now in the White House.” Cain and the other boys met President Obama and their senators and representatives. Cain’s senior soccer season was cut short by an injury but he’s “pretty proud of taking it upon myself to design the new Topeka High mascot costume (full Roman armor).”

Reston Phillips ‘08

Haley Ramirez ’08 speaks to students and is reunited with teachers

Bailey Evans ’09 wins youth philanthropy award

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Riley Mickelsen is Topeka High’s All-School Secretary, as well as editor-in-chief of the yearbook, president of the Quill and Scroll Society and a member of the web design team. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society). Riley is also one of two Topeka High School Presidential Scholar Nominees. Luke Miltz is Student Body President at Washburn Rural High School, and a member of the National Honor Society. He sings with the select vocal group T.G. (This Generation) and serves as a peer tutor in a sophomore English class for students with learning disabilities. He is also active in Circle of Friends, which promotes inclusivity of special needs students. He raises money for Special Olympics by taking the annual Polar Plunge at Lake Shawnee in January! Mackenzie Morrison performed in Topeka High’s musical Legally Blonde this fall and is a varsity cheerleader. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, a Kansas Honors Scholar and part of the Freshmen Mentor Program. Alix Welch is a senior at Washburn Rural, a National Merit Commended Student and a member of the National Honor Society. She sings with T.G. (This Generation), Washburn Rural’s elite vocal group and won a part in Seussical, the winter musical. With her partner, Alix won the Centennial League Doubles Tennis Championship, took second at regionals and 11th at state. This summer Alix spent two weeks in Cordoba, Argentina. She stayed with a host family, worked on her Spanish and

volunteered at an orphanage. ”It was definitely an eye-opening experience,” she says.

2010Megan Anderson is a junior at Topeka High School, splitting her time between varsity cheerleading and taking six AP (advance placement) classes. This summer, she went on a mission trip to an American Indian reservation in Sisseton, South Dakota, where she enjoyed working with the children. She recently choreographed the group jazz dance and performed a solo dance in the school’s student-run SRO talent show. Megan is excited to assume the vice-presidency of the Science Olympiad team, a title she earned in part by medaling at last year’s state competition. She also found time to organize a booth at the Aaron Douglas art fair and write a nationally-recognized essay on the work Anthem by Ayn Rand. Nick Badsky is a junior at Washburn Rural High School where he is a member of the swim and dive team. Last year the team won city and league championships and Nick was named to First Team All-City, Second Team All-League and was a state qualifier. He is on the Outstanding Scholar Roll and the All-Academic Team for Missouri Valley Swimming. He is the WRHS women’s swim and dive team manager and this is his third year on the robotics team. While Nick spends most of his extra time in the pool with his Topeka Swim Association club team, he has enjoyed volunteering the past two summers at Kansas Children’s Discovery Center. Alec Berryman just capped a dream soccer season by learning he’s been named one of next year’s team captains. This year’s team won the state championship and Alec was named First Team All-City, Second Team All-League, First Team Regional and Honorable

Mackenzie Morrison ‘09

Alix Welch ’09 in Argentina

Alec Berryman ‘10

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Mention Team All-State. Alec represents his junior class in student government, serves as a freshmen mentor and maintains excellent grades taking a rigorous schedule of classes. David Gernon is a junior at Topeka High School and a member of the National Honor Society and National English Honor Society. He is arts and culture editor for the Topeka High World. He has lettered playing varsity soccer and tennis, is involved in Science Olympiad, and is a member of Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society). He participates in Model United Nations and plays saxophone in the band. David also works as a VIDA volunteer supervising children while their parents learn English. This summer he spent a month in Spain. A recent highlight was the whirlwind trip to see President Obama speak in Iowa on the eve of Election Day. Josh Greene is a junior at Washburn Rural High School but also a virtual student at Stanford University Online High School. Josh is taking multi-variable differential calculus and an AP physics course online. Josh continues to excel at math competitions. He was WRHS’s top scorer in the AMC 10 (American Mathematics Contest) and AMC 12 last year, and won seven medals at the Great Plains Math League State Competition. Josh was a groomsman in his sister Lisa Greene Hauge’s ’99 spring wedding in California. Maria Kingfisher is a junior at Topeka High School and sings with the Madrigals, the elite vocal group. Irene Nicolae is president of the junior class at Washburn Rural High School. Irene and her partner had a successful varsity tennis season, winning the 6A doubles regional title, finishing fifth in the Centennial League meet, first in the city in number two doubles, and eighth at state. Sahil Rattan is a junior at Washburn Rural and describes debate as his passion. He loves it and it shows when he talks about it. “It’s like football,” he says. “If you practice and have passion, you get results.” Sahil serves as election commissioner

for WR’s student government, is vice-president of the Young Democrats and is active in the India Association, where he is among the next generation of leaders. Sahil balances his activities with a rigorous academic schedule.

2011Elena Blum has received two recent awards for her volunteer accomplishments beginning with the Rising Star Award given by the United Way of Greater Topeka, for her work at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center where, according to the nomination, “Elena cultivates imaginations and promotes learning.” They like her so well at KCDC they’ve hired her. Elena also won the Presidential Award, which included a certificate signed by President Obama. She is vice-president of the United Way’s Youth Advisory Council and a mentor to incoming Topeka High School freshmen. She also sings with the Topeka High Chansonettes, an all-girl chorus.

Ella Brown Richards is a sophomore at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, California. She continues to be active in her school’s award-winning drama department, playing one of the lead roles in The Miracle Worker, winning a part in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in the spring and this

Elena Blum ’11 wins volunteer award

Ella Brown Richards ’11 (center) in The Miracle Worker

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In Memoriam

The following members of the Topeka Collegiate community passed away since the last issue of Collegiate Life. We continue to remember them in our hearts.

Daiana Barber ‘04 Jene Hillyer Angel, former faculty, mother of Anna Angel Lippold ’00 and Aubrie Angel ‘03 Neal Whitaker, father of Blake ’98 and Paige Whitaker ‘02

fall, being cast in Almost Maine. She has served on student government and is looking forward to helping with dances and something called MORP, a prom for sophomores. Ella says, “I am enjoying California but love coming home!” Skyler Dykes sings with Madrigals, Topeka High School’s elite vocal group, and was nominated in two categories for Topeka Civic Theatre’s Renna Hunter Awards. She recently competed in NATS, a national competition for teachers and their music students. She placed third in the female high school division, out of 42 contestants. She is traveling to Texas to compete in the Schmidt vocal competition in December. She is also in the THS production of Legally Blonde, playing Vivien.

Credits Written by:

Mary Loftus Development Director


Erin Atwood ‘04 Ben Bammes ‘97 Jordan Carter ‘03 Tess Wilson ‘04

Design by:

Keli Huddleston Trinity Marketing Group


Courtesy of Security Benefit

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By Benjamin Bammes ‘97 About 300 feet below the border of Switzerland and France, two beams of subatomic particles called protons travel in opposite directions around a 16.8-mile circular tunnel at nearly the speed of light. At six different points around the machine’s circumference, the counter-

rotating beams of protons converge, producing 600 million collisions per second and generating billions of even smaller subatomic particles. Complex multi-layered detectors around each collision site measure the energy, momentum, and type of each smaller particle generated. This is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) beginning in 1998. Even using an existing tunnel, the LHC was a massive international project, requiring more than a decade of development and cost a total of

nearly 3 billion euro (about $4 billion). On March 30, 2010, the LHC began operating at half of its maximum power. Since experiments began, the LHC has been generating about 15 petabytes (15 million gigabytes, or more than 1.7 million DVDs) of data each year. The data is distributed around the world for thousands of scientists to analyze in hopes of discovering new subatomic particles and better understanding how all of the various subatomic particles behave and interact. On July 4, 2012, the LHC made worldwide news as researchers announced that they had discovered a new subatomic particle called the Higgs boson. This discovery filled one of the last remaining holes in the Standard Model - the framework that physicists use to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and forces. Still, several major questions for particle physicists remain. For example, why do the four fundamental forces in nature - gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force-have such different

Discovering The Smallest Particles

Keith Ulmer ’93 (right) inside the Large Hadron Collider

Ben Bammes ‘97

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magnitudes? The answer may lie in “physics beyond the Standard Model,” such as the theory of supersymmetry.

Keith Ulmer ‘93 is a post-doctoral researcher in particle physics at the University of Colorado, searching for evidence of supersymmetry within the massive quantity of data generated by the CMS detector at the LHC. Supersymmetry (SUSY) suggests that for every subatomic particle that exists, there also exists a corresponding partner particle of higher mass. The existence of these superpartners would resolve the discrepancy between the four fundamental forces, while also providing a convenient candidate for dark matter (another curious physics puzzle). In his research, Keith has visited the LHC a few times each year, and he has helped calibrate and evaluate parts of the CMS detector. Recently, most of his work has been in analyzing the results from the LHC from his lab in Boulder. He has been developing and running computer programs to comb through the huge datasets from the LHC, searching for statistically significant evidence of superpartners. The tools he has developed are pushing the envelope of what can be detected, and they are now widely used by other particle physics groups. Because of the unprecedented

energy and huge number of collisions at the LHC, Keith is optimistic that even the most rare particles and events may be detectable. “The LHC has now fully entered a ‘discovery mode’ where the excitement of possible discoveries in many sectors is palpable.” Keith credits his early education for his interest in pursuing such difficult scientific problems. “The teachers at Topeka Collegiate possessed a curiosity about the natural world and shared it so enthusiastically that it became infectious. This curiosity continues to serve me well today.” Combined with a love of math, Keith’s curiosity led him to physics. Keith received his PhD in physics from the University of Colorado in 2007, and he has continued there as a post-doctoral research associate for the past five years. Since 2009, he has been an author on 147 collaborative publications related to the CMS detector at the LHC. In the future, Keith plans to become a professor, continuing his research in particle physics, while also teaching graduate students and enthusiastically passing on his curiosity.

“I like particle physics because I think it gets at really fundamental questions. What stuff is and how it works is really what we are trying to answer. Particle physics tries to answer those questions on the smallest possible scales, the most basic levels. It’s amazing to me that we can understand as much as we do about this fundamental world and I think it’s fascinating and important to keep pushing on. Supersymmetry just seems like the best guess for what else might be out there. I’d be thrilled to find it, but even if I push further to exclude the possibility that nature is described by supersymmetry, I think we’re still learning something important about the ultimate answer for how particles interact and how we got to where we are today.” - Keith Ulmer ‘93

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By Erin Atwood ‘04

When people ask me why I chose to study abroad in Peru or why I chose to return to the same community for a year, I struggle with how to respond. I mention how I love the culture, the people, the salsa dancing, the food and most importantly, my work. But nothing I can say quite encompasses it all, because it’s hard for me to express how much I cherish this city and the people I work with. In the spring of 2011, I studied abroad in Lima, Peru for five months and volunteered at a non-profit organization called Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP). CASP is a center that works to promote the independence, productivity and happiness of people with disabilities. When it started, the director Liliana Mayo held classes for eight students in the garage at her parents’ home. Thirty-three years later, CASP works with 450 students and their families to assist individuals find work and live independent and happy lives. CASP was the first of its kind to advocate for the disabled population in Peru, and now it is recognized worldwide for its functional-natural teaching curriculum and holistic program that mandates the entire family be involved in the student’s development. Last spring, I volunteered in the classrooms several mornings a week. I was so impressed by the

passion and dedication that all of the specialists and staff demonstrated on a daily basis that I left the center each day feeling inspired. When I returned to Kansas, I knew I wanted to go back to Lima and work at CASP so I applied for a Fulbright scholarship, a grant that enables U.S. students to study and conduct research abroad on the topic of their choice.

Alumna Wins Fulbright for Research in Peru

Stephanie ’03 and Erin Atwood ’04 in Peru where Erin is a Fulbright Scholar

Erin Atwood ’04 graduated from KU in May with a bachelor’s degree in genetics. She won a Fulbright Award to fund research in Lima, Peru, where she studied as an undergraduate.

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My project is a communication study that tests the students at CASP and children from the Lima area with hearing and language disabilities. I work at CASP full time in the hopes of producing research that will expand the knowledge of communication disorders and development in students with disabilities. While I’ve been busy working on these projects at the center, I’m also trying to learn as much as possible from the programs, teaching methods, students and their families. I have observed in-home trainings, sibling, parent and even grandparent trainings, and multi-country teleconferences. Students at CASP whose families live in extreme poverty are now the sole breadwinners because of their jobs at local businesses or restaurants like TGI Friday’s and Chili’s. Thanks to the collaboration between CASP and the families, the students have learned to navigate the dangerously chaotic bus system, work independently and live a fulfilled life. I have only been back here for two months, but I’ve already learned so much from the staff, consultants and students at CASP. Outside of my work at CASP, I’ve been trying to really integrate myself into the daily lifestyle and live as a Lima native. I live with a host family, and I couldn’t be happier. My host family has become my second family, and I know they will support and encourage me through anything. I had the opportunity to visit the huge food festival, Mistura, a few weeks back, where I ate everything from Cuy (guinea pig) to Anticucho (beef heart) to Quinoa ice cream. I traveled to Machu Picchu when my sister Stephanie ‘03 visited me this year, and I’ve been to Ica to sand board and ride a dune buggy across the sand dunes. I’ve mastered the outrageous combi system, a haphazard mess of buses and oversized vans that stuff in as many passengers as possible and weave their way through traffic as if brakes didn’t exist. My Spanish is improving as well, and I hope to maintain my Spanish language abilities when I

return to the states. Living in Peru and working at CASP has been an amazing experience thus far, and I am so excited that I have eight more months before completing this project. I’ve learned so much from the people here and I hope that when I come back to Kansas this time I bring a little bit of Peru back with me. While I can’t say I’m an advanced salsa dancer or surfer yet, I still have several months to get there! For more information about CASP or the Fulbright, feel free to contact Erin at [email protected] or visit her blog at

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Nikhil Biju Washburn Rural High School

David James DeCoursey Brennan Topeka High School

Jared Daniel Bridwell

Hayden High School

Michael Evan Brown

Topeka High School

Jennifer Joy Brownback

Washburn Rural High School

Mark Roberto Brownback Washburn Rural High School

Alexander Jacob Carter

Topeka High School

Antonio Deveron Chavez

Topeka High School

Jacob James Cole

Topeka High School

Brandon Walter Cox Topeka High School

Brian Thomas Doran

Topeka High School

Theresa Erin Marie Duncan Topeka High School

Jordan Clay Farris

Topeka West High School and Lawrence Virtual School

Sofia Natalia Kennedy

Topeka High School

David Locke Lohf

Washburn Rural High School

Micaela Dawn Magee

Hayden High School

Anneleise Nichole McEvoy Washburn Rural High School

Laura Maria Nicolae

Washburn Rural High School

Michael Foster Bowen Padgett

Washburn Rural High School

Sage Neemah Pourmirza Washburn Rural High School

Mira Saraswati RamWashburn Rural High School

Matthew Walker RicksTopeka High School

Jordan Elizabeth Schwerdt

Washburn Rural High School

Jeremiah William Shipman

Washburn Rural High School

Anjum Ayesha Syed

Blue Valley North High School Overland Park, Kansas

Neha Tripathi

Washburn Rural High School

The Class of 2012 and the High Schools They Have Chosen Congratulations Class of 2012

Photo: Nathan Ham

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Photo: Nathan Ham

Honors and Awards

Mac Rives Award Jordan Schwerdt

Debra Pakaluk AwardLaura Nicolae

Head of School AwardJacob Cole

Character Counts AwardMichael Brown

Susan H. Garlinghouse Humanitarian AwardAnneleise McEvoy

Student Council Gavel AwardJordan Schwerdt

Class AddressSage Pourmirza

Physical Education AwardDavid Lohf

Technology AwardMira Ram

Art AwardNeha Tripathi

Music AwardSofia Kennedy

Science AwardJordan Schwerdt

Spanish AwardLaura Nicolae

Latin AwardLaura Nicolae

Language Arts AwardJordan Schwerdt

Mathematics AwardLaura Nicolae

History AwardJacob Cole

Spelling Bee AwardAnjum Syed

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“The world is worth understanding. There are all sorts of strange and wonderful things in the world, and it’s not at all obvious how some of them work, but there is a comprehensible reason behind what we see, and it’s worth your time to figure it out. It’s not just deeply satisfying, it’s the basis for a scientific worldview, and thus much of modern civilization. “You’ve been lucky enough to spend several years in the care of individuals dedicated to the idea that the world can be understood, that your minds are capable of holding a model of the world. They’ve sketched the framework of that model. You, by dedicated effort, and watching, and learning, and doing homework, are starting to build the gears and motors. “Some of these new models are going to be confusing. . .Some of these models will be

inspiring, mind-expanding, even world-altering. . .Some of the models won’t make any sense at all. . .Some of them are, in fact, wrong. . .So how do you know what’s right? Watch. Think. Reason. Listen. The world is worth trying to understand. Only by learning new things can we understand it. Those new things can best be learned by understanding perspectives other than our own. “Seek out people who are wise, but whose models don’t look anything like yours. Those are exactly the people you need to talk to. You don’t have to agree with them, but you need to discuss. Listen. Learn. Persuade. Be persuaded. When we can all do that, we’ll all be free.” The full text of the graduation address can be found on the Topeka Collegiate website at

Dr. Richard Albistegui Dubois ’88 attended Shawnee Country Day School (now Topeka Collegiate School) from 4th to 8th grade. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marine biology in 1996 and a doctorate in neuroscience from UCLA in 2004. While there, he found that teaching young college students is his favorite thing to do. He is now a professor of physiology at Palomar Community College in north San Diego County. math, science and the arts. They call it Serious Fun! Math teacher Phyllis Hoyt taught Richard and introduced him at graduation: “Beyond his intellect and his talents, what I recall most of Richard is his inquisitive mind, his quick wit, his humility, the kindness of his heart, the depth of his character, and the pure delight of his essence. He was, in fact, the recipient of our only major award (in 1988), the

Mac Rives. He was and is the epitome of a Mac Rives scholar, characterized as having the ‘mind of a scientist, the heart of a poet, and the ways of a gentle person’.” Here are excerpts from the commencement address:

Alumnus Addresses Graduation Class of 2012

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Alumni Elected to Leadership Roles

Washburn Rural High SchoolStudent Body President:

Luke Miltz ’09

Junior Class President: Irene Nicolae ’10

Election Commissioner:

Sahil Rattan ’10

Class Representatives: Alix Welch ’09

Hannah Wilson ’09 Alec Berryman ’10

Jenna Brownback ’12 Anneleise McEvoy ’12

Jordie Schwerdt ’12 Neha Tripathi ’12

Our alumni are leaders in their high schools. These students have been elected by their peers to represent them in student government this year.

Topeka High SchoolAll School Secretary:

Riley Mickelsen ’09

Senior Class President: Joe Vosburgh ’09

Senior Secretary: Riley Mickelsen ’09

Sophomore Vice President: Grayson Manley ’11

Class Representatives: Mariella Kennedy ’11

Sofia Kennedy ’12

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Congratulations Tessa Duncan ‘12 who finished 12th in the nation in the Junior Individual Performance category at this summer’s National History Day competition in College Park, Maryland. Tessa’s entry depicts a little-known but dramatic chapter in Kansas history, “The Women’s Amazon Army and Coalmining Revolution of Pittsburg, Kansas.” Tessa earned the distinction of being the only Kansas student in either the junior or senior division to advance to the performance finals. We also congratulate the two other students who represented Topeka Collegiate at the national contest. Laura Nicolae ‘12 competed in the Junior Historical Paper category with her entry, “Changing Minds: How Dorothea Dix Established the Human Dignity and Humane Treatment of the Mentally Disabled Through Psychiatric

Reform.” Eighth grader Chris Gernon performed “The Other 9/11: Salvadore Allende’s Revolution of Chile” in the Junior Individual Performance category. We are proud of our outstanding young historians! Proud, too, of Middle School Head Travis Lamb, who represented our school as a National History Day judge. Mr. Lamb judged the Senior Group Performance preliminary competition and the finals of Junior Group Performance. Congratulations to eighth grader Erica Self whose History Day exhibit “Executive Order 9981: Truman’s Revolution for Equality for Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Forces” won the Robert J. Dole Congressional History Prize at the Kansas History Day State Contest and was displayed at the Dole Institute in Lawrence this summer.

Students Explore Revolution, Reaction, Reform

National History Day is a year-long academic undertaking. Students choose historical topics related to a theme and conduct extensive primary and secondary research. After analyzing and interpreting their sources and drawing conclusions about their topics’ significance in history, students present their work in original papers, websites, exhibits, performances and documentaries. The impact of National History Day goes far beyond the annual contest. A recent comprehensive study (Rockman et al) found that students who participate in NHD develop a range of college and career-ready skills, and outperform their peers on state standardized tests across all subjects, including science and math.

Tessa Duncan ’12 after her award-winning performance

Eighth grader Erica Self with her exhibit at the Dole Center

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Topeka Collegiate SchoolAnnual Report 2011-2012*

* The Development Office has made every effort to check the accuracy of this report. We sincerely regret any errors or omission that may have escaped our notice. Every contribution to TCS makes a difference and is deeply appreciated. If there is an error in the way we have listed your gift, please contact Mary Loftus at 785.228.0490 or [email protected].

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RevenueTuition & Fees $1,961,642

Auction 190,585Annual Fund 141,965

Extracurricular Activities 189,412Other Fundraising 280,860

Interest 40,167Miscellaneous Revenue 10,497

Total $2,815,128

ExpensesSalaries & Benefits $1,632,943

Fundraising 306,248Administrative & Office 60,108

Financial Aid 294,044Facilities 330,242

Instructional Support 310,508Total $2,934,093

Topeka Collegiate SchoolAnnual Report 2011-2012

Tuition & FeesSalaries & Benefits


n Fundraising

Financial Aid

Administrative & Office

Other Fundraising

Annual Fund









l Sup


Miscellaneous Revenue

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Annual Report 2011-2012Whether leading the charge for Annual Fund, co-chairing Parent Association or working the auction crowd to boost bidding, the Miltz family is a profile in generosity. They give their time, talent, treasure and considerable energy in a variety of ways to support Topeka Collegiate. Both Sherry and Eric work full time, but they make education and their children’s school a priority. “Eric and I want to leave a positive mark wherever we go,” Sherry explains. “We believe in giving back, not only with money, but with time.” The family first came to TCS the summer before their son Luke ’09 entered second grade. Public school was not a good fit for their shy child. Sherry smiles when she remembers enrolling him in Summer Adventures to help get him used to his new school. “When I picked him up the first day, he was crying,” she remembers. “He was so happy because he felt like he fit in.” That shy boy is now a top student and Student Body President at Washburn Rural High School. “We are firm believers in this school,” says Sherry. “We’ve seen the results with Luke.” Luke’s little sister Emma is a second grader. While he loved reading and books, Emma is an auditory learner. Sherry appreciates that the school is not “one size fits all” and that teachers take the time to discover each child’s unique learning style. Her children’s experiences motivate Sherry to be a tireless champion for Annual Fund. “It matters that our children have a good education, but nothing will happen without the money,” she says. “We are all part of the family. Maybe not everyone will step up, but we do, and hope that others will join us.” Many others have joined them. Since Sherry took over as Annual Fund Chair, participation has grown to record levels.

Eric steps up whenever there’s a crowd to feed. His Cowboy Up ribs are an effective Annual Fund incentive, he served barbeque for more than 200 people at last year’s Friends and Family Night, and offers dinners every year at the auction. He served two years as Parent Association Co-chair and has

volunteered for campus beautification projects. “We view this as a family,” Eric says, “and our family has benefitted a lot from the generosity of others. People who were the leaders when we came made this experience possible for us, so we should pay it forward. We are committed to giving back to the school because it’s our responsibility. We want people who come after us to enjoy the benefits of what we’ve done here.” Giving their time to help

others is a way of life for Luke and Emma, as it is for their parents. Emma takes an active role in choosing toys to donate to the Rescue Mission and wants to raise money for the Humane Society Shelter. Luke is a frequent, reliable TCS volunteer. He’s helped with summer camps, done yard work, offered odd job services in the auction and helped his dad prepare, serve and clean up after last year’s Friends and Family Night dinner. Away from TCS, he serves as a peer tutor in a class for students with learning disabilities and is active in Circle of Friends, which promotes inclusivity of special needs students. He also raises money for Special Olympics. Luke says his years at TCS “really impressed on me the importance of being a member of a community and not just being a member of a community but a contributing member of the community.”

Profile: The Miltz Family

“Our family has benefitted a lot from the generosity of others. People who were the leaders when we came made this experience possible for us, so we should pay it forward. We are committed to giving back to the school because it’s our responsibility.”

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Thank you to the Topeka Collegiate community for coming together to achieve record-breaking participation in the 2011-2012 Annual Fund campaign. School families set a new school record with their unprecedented 96.9% participation. Our Board of Trustees and faculty/staff continued their generous traditions of 100% participation. The overwhelming spirit of generosity helped us raise more than $141,000 for our students and teachers.


Sherry Miltz

Rosa and Ed Sanderson

Class Captains

Sherry Miltz

Rosa and Ed Sanderson

Cacy Klumpp

Dawn Brosa

Julie Bernal

Kelli Gonzales

Nikki Kemp

Winnie Kimata

Sonja Czarnecki

Mary Etzel

Mindy Bowman

Alex Glashausser

Serece Sumners

Tammy Schmidt

Amy Spurgeon-Hochard

Lynette Palmer

Debra Ricks

Lisa Hecht

2011-2012 Annual Fund Leadership

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Soaring Eagle Council $10,000 and aboveKathy and Bruce Myers American Eagle Council $7,500 to $9,999 Golden Eagle Council $5,000 to $7,449Sharon and Howard FrickeSusan and Kent GarlinghouseCharlene and John GernonSherry and Eric Miltz Founders’ Council $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous (1) Sue and Randy BadskyLyn Huffaker and Craig CowleyJoyce and James DeCourseyJ. Patrick GarrettXimena Garcia and Craig GernonAlison Hill Langham ‘86 and Brian LanghamJennifer MacLeay and John SorrentiStephanie and John ValleyWesley West ‘98 Zap the Gap $1,500 to $2,499Kristi and Arturo CamachoMichel’ and Jim ColeCheryl and John FagerLinda HillMary Beth and Jim MarchionyHeather and Jared MorrisonRosa and Ed SandersonLaura and Greg SchwerdtBrandi and Richard Wells

President’s Council $750 to $1,499 Deborah and Brad AboudXianqun and Chris BoiteauJodi and Todd BoydKristina and John DietrickNicoleta and Vlad DimitriuEileen and Patrick DoranJett and Tim ElmerMary Loftus and Glenn FreemanTracey Goering and Dennis MahanSerece and Pete Sumners Head of School’s Council $500 to $749Anonymous (7)Eva BrownAdrian CaracioniJane and Russell GreeneCacy and Russell KlumppMorrison Family Fund-Topeka Community Foundation Julia Voica and Florin NicolaeLynette and Chris PalmerPenny and Ed PlamannSharon ReadInke Paetau-Robinson and Elmer RobinsonBarbara and Loren ShinnAbirami Ponnusamy and Krishnamoorthy SivakumarCrystal and Ian Stevens Kyesuk Kim and Radu TeodorescuAsha and Sanjay Tripathi Benefactors’ Council $250 to $499Anonymous (3)Kim and Rick BakerJulie and Mark BernalTheresa and Dan CainLisa Hecht and Vince Carter

Robert DuboisGail and Benjamin FranklinLauri and Scott GamerlKatie and Matt Garlinghouse ‘90Karen and Patrick GideonRobert HechtPhyllis and Brent HoytMaureen and Bob IhrieDavid KingfisherMonique and Keith Liesmann ‘91Karen and Andrew LinnSushmita Veloor and Raghunath MalaySally and Michael McEvoyDené and Zachary MosierAlana and Bryant MoyerKathleen and Ron Ransome Barbara and Richard ShapiroLynn and Mark StillingsRehana and Imtiazur SyedSridevi Donepudi and Brian van DorenMende Barnett and Pete VobachNancy and Rob WeigandRobin and Stephen Wolgast Friends’ Council $50 to $249Anonymous (17)Lesley Ash ‘96Ruth and Eugene BammesDallas BauerPatricia and Lenny BeckKelley and Jason BerrymanEllen Safier and Efrain BleibergVirginia BockwitzMindy and Randall BowmanJenny Kwong and Raymond CheungSabine Schmidt and Alex CimbalMaura and Bud Dingman

Annual Fund Contributors2011-2012 Honor Roll of

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Kathy and Tuck DuncanJill and Chris DykesJack ElliottBridget Elmer ‘91Vanessa and Roger FergusonErin and Micah ForsteinJaime and Tony FrederickKatie Freeman ‘93Kimberly and John Freeman ‘98Nancy and Max FullerShannon and Joseph GabelCassie and Nick GinappKelli and John GonzalesJoni HamiltonLarry HargreavesKevin HawkerLaura Stephenson and François HenriquezBrenda HoldrenKathleen and Lawrence HortenstineDanielle and David HuckinsKaren and Michael HuddlestonRachel and Kenny HundleyBriana JacksonShelby Grau and Brett JamesPolly and Evan JohnsonAli KhanWinnie KimataReem Douidar and Mouhammed KyasaJane and Junyu LeeGloria and Al LeiTiffany and Tim Liesmann ‘95Julie and Mike LippoldLisa LockeSuzanne and John MacDonaldRachel Lindbloom and Allen MacfarlaneGeera and Kalpesh MaruAlora and Michael MayerKate and Lee McGeeSonja Czarnecki and Eric McHenryMarlene and Ron MontgomeryTally and James MooreMelanie and John MullicanLinda and Ken ParkKathy and David Petty

Jessica and Travis ReedSherry and Jeremy RentfroMegan and Steve RogersAlexis Rowe ‘97Panna and Dave SandirTammy and Shaun SchmidtAthena Andaya and Gordon SelfTatiana Lin and Vadim SidorovKay and Bradley SiebertDebbie and Steve StielDonna Kirk Swaffar and Steve SwaffarDemetria SwindellMelinda and Brian TheisAnita ValdiviaBryce Valley Katrina Van AalstCynthia White-Warren and James WarrenNeva Jean and Harry WashingtonBritney and Kansas Waugh ‘90 Jamie and Keith WeberJulie and Toby WegnerJudy and Robert WelchJessica WendtAmy and Sean WhiteTracy WickhamCathie and Tom WileyMartha and Al WilliamsKathleen Williams ‘89Sue WineBlake and Rob ZachritzBeth and David Zlotky Associates’ Council $1 to $49Anonymous (1)Mercedes AndayaMichael ArmstrongEdward BakerMary Kate BaldwinKaren and Lee BensonGraciela BerumenAlexandra Blasi ‘98Bonnie Martel and Luis ChavezKris Bethea and John ConnettJerald Cook ‘95 (T)Michelle and Daniel Decker

Barbara and Jimmy DelisleStephanie Flores and Matt GrubbCheryl and Stuart HamiltonBushra and Mehmood HashmiKaren and David Kapusta-PofahlLinda KehresCrystal and Ron KielyTracie and Travis LambSarah LewisAllison Viola Loftus ‘98 and Brian Loftus Chris MacDonaldGina and Dan MangiaracinoJannis and Miguel MartinezLaura and David MorrisMrs. Frederick’s ClassLinda NewmanLauren and Jayson NorthMelanie OberhelmanDoris OselandMegan Petty ‘95Sarah PrudenSamantha Crow Quist ’95 and Jacob Quist Sarah and Scott ShipmanMeera and David WatsonTess Wilson ‘04

Businesses and FoundationsAboud’s CateringBurlington Northern Santa Fe FoundationColgate-Palmolive CompanyFederal Home Loan BankGrainger, Inc.Hill’s Pet NutritionKokari Foundation Security BenefitTargetWalmart FoundationWestar Energy

Susan Buder Horan Memorial FundSusan and Kent Garlinghouse

Dick Patterson FundFritz Aldrine

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Sue and Randy Badsky Kimberly and Rick Baker Ruth and Eugene Bammes Peggy and Jon Boursaw Victoria and David Console Collette and Phil Coolidge Helen and Dan Crow Lois and Lawrence Dimmitt Eileen and Patrick Doran Jett and Tim Elmer Shirley Fouse Martha Frank Mary Loftus and Glenn FreemanKristen & Brad Garlinghouse ‘85Susan and Kent Garlinghouse Katie & Matthew Garlinghouse ‘90 Yumiko and Alex GlashausserMary Ann and Denis Hill Frank Johnson Linda Kehres Nancy and John Leutert Tracey Goering and Dennis Mahan Leah Gabler-Marshall and H. B. MarshallDen’e and Zachary Mosier Alana and Bryant Moyer Dianne and Takayoshi Sands Mary and John C. Schell Barbara and Richard Shapiro Judith Soule Pat and Dan Swearingen Harriet Stephen Treacy Stephanie and John Valley Mende Barnett and Pete Vobach Doug Wallace Myers Family Scholarship FundKathy, Bruce, Michael ‘05 and Madison Myers ‘08 Gifts-in-KindBaker’s DozenCytek Media SystemsEnviro Health CorporationGail and Benjamin FranklinSusan and Kent GarlinghouseJane and Russell Greene

Josten’s PrintingMary Beth and Jim MarchionySherry and Eric MiltzMartha and Dick PattersonSecurity Benefit Charles and Mary SnyderRehana and Imtiazur SyedValley Self StorageDebbie Ward Auction Professional Development FundSue and Randy BadskyKaren and Lee BensonJudith Corkum and Stephen BlumDawn and Bernard BrosaEva BrownMichel’ and Jim ColeKellie and Darrel DouganJett and Tim ElmerCheryl and John FagerMary Loftus and Glenn FreemanLinda and David FrickeKatie and Matthew Garlinghouse ‘90Meg GarlinghouseXimena Garcia and Craig GernonMarta and Brandan KennedyWinnie KimataVanessa LamoreauxAlison Hill Langham ’86 and Brian LanghamMonique Pittman-Lui and Nason Lui Tracey Goering and Dennis MahanSushmita Veloor and Raghunath MalayRajya and Pathanjali MalayMary Beth and Jim Marchiony Sherry and Eric MiltzHeather and Jared MorrisonPenny and Ed PlamannKate and Bill Sackett Security BenefitJane and Richard TilghmanTracy and Jim WagnerJulie and Toby WegnerNancy and Robert WeigandBrandi and Richard Wells

Garlinghouse Founders FundAnonymous (1)Faith and Douglas AdamsRandy Arnold MemorialNancy BantaDee and Ernie BeaudetEllen Safier and Efrain BleibergJodi and Todd BoydMary DeCoursey and David Brennan Eva BrownCapitol Federal Savings Beatrice Clemens Michel’ and Jim ColeKaren and Ignacio CuevasRichard Davis Kristina and John DietrickThe Elmer FamilyElinor and Stewart EntzBeth and Duane FagerCheryl and John Fager Federal Home Loan Bank of TopekaGail and Benjamin Franklin Mary Loftus and Glenn FreemanJulie and Webb GarlinghouseKatie and Matthew Garlinghouse ‘90Kristen and Brad Garlinghouse ‘85Mark and Kristine GarlinghouseMeg GarlinghouseSusan and Kent GarlinghouseJ. Patrick GarrettInes and John GilbertJane and Russell Greene Josephine and Martin HalleyJoanne HarrisonLinda HillPatricia HoranLisa Altomare and Patrick HowleyPhyllis and Brent HoytHTK Architects Kimberly Garlinghouse-Jones and Eliott JonesKansas Action for ChildrenLinda Kehres Debbie Field-Kresie and Randall Kresie

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Rhonda and Kent LammersThe Mahan FamilyMaryam and Osman MalikMary Beth and Jim MarchionyM-C Industries, Inc.Barbara and Richard MeidingerSherry and Eric MiltzJoanne and Noble MorrellMorrison Family Fund-Topeka Community Foundation Dené and Zachary MosierLanny and Bryant MoyerMelanie and John MullicanPenny OslundAnn and Jerry PalmerMargi and Keith PenceCatherine and William SackettKristen and Jim ScottBarbara and Loren ShinnKay and Bradley Siebert Ruth and John StaufferRehana and Imtiazur SyedJane and Dick TilghmanTopeka Community FoundationLinda and Larry Vande GardeMende Barnett and Pete VobachMaureen and Robert WashatkaWashburn University FoundationYu WelchBrandi and Richard WellsThe Wittig Family Blake and Rob Zachritz

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1. Nina Tancabelic and Jazmine Johnson 2. Mary DeCoursey and David Brennan, Joyce DeCoursey, David ’12, Connor ’10, Joyce ’08 and Nell Brennan 3. Abby Brownback Teetsel ’00, Jenna ‘12, Mark ‘12 and Liz Brownback ‘04 4. Michael Wilson 5. Brandan, Marta, Pablo ‘03, Daniel ’07, Mariella ’11 and Sofia Kennedy ‘12 6. Aditi and Rishi Malay 7. John ‘98 and Katie Freeman ’93, Former Head of School Michael Roberts 8. Ewan Thompson

30th Anniversary Photos

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Happy 30th Anniversary!

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Collegiateest. 1982


2200 SW Eveningside Drive Topeka, Kansas 66614

Alumni Family Reunion Friday, December 21, 2012 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. TCS Commons

Keep in TouchDid you know there is a Facebook page devoted entirely to alumni? Please check us out and like us - Topeka Collegiate Alumni!

Come Sail Away Auction Honoring Jett and Tim Elmer Saturday, March 9, 2013 5:30 p.m. Ramada Hotel Graduation Thursday, May 23, 2013 10:00 a.m. Topeka Collegiate School

Save the Dates

Friends and Family Night Friday, February 8, 2013 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Topeka Collegiate School

Do You Know a Future Eagle?For information or to schedule a tour, contact: Admissions Director Tracey Goering 785.228.0490 [email protected]