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Car Valeting business card and website designs.

Meeting date 21st may


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SEARCHING FOR A WORK PLACEMENT• Costcutter – super market

I emailed the head office of Costcutter asking about designing them a new logo or a new website for a college work placement project.

Outcome: they never got back to me so I tried asking the store supervisor but they needed to contact the head office also.

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RAF GUARD STAFF SHEET AND CALENDAR • My dad works in the RAF in Linton on ouse so I asked him if there was any jobs I could

do for him regarding my work placement and he said that I could do a staff sheet and calendar.

Outcome: I rejected it because I decided I wanted to do a job where I didn’t know the client personally.

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CAR VALETING • Met inside the local shop – lives in same village – works at the Costcutter with me

• I don’t know him very well personally

• He put an add up in the shop asking for people to ring him about having their car valeted for £40+ so I rang him and told him to come to the shop while I was working to discuss a what he wanted to do with this small business

• He said he wanted to quit the job at the shop or start doing both jobs at the same time.

• He offered to Valet my car for free to get some pictures for his portfolio

• At first I wasn’t sure about this work placement but it was getting late as we met on the 21st of May.

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STAGE 1• I took my car round to his house on the 23 rd of April early in the morning at about 8am so

he could Valet my car.

• 3 hours later I came back to his house and picked up the car and it looked better than I have ever seen it – all minor scratches gone

• The next step was to ask exactly how I could help with this small business.

• He said he wanted to start off slowly and work his way up but first of all he wanted a business card.

• He said he would do a rough sketch of what he would want it to look like and also he asked me if I could do a few basic designs of a website and he said he would get back to me with the sketches.

• The only thing I knew about the business card at this point is that he wanted to call it GRF Valeting. (George Robert Freeman Valeting)

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STAGE 2• Unfortunately after our first meeting on the 21st and 23rd I couldn’t get much done as I

was waiting for the sketches and his ideas before I started.

• He went to France for a week.

• I started to plan ideas myself.

• I didn’t want to do the wrong thing

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CONTINUED• In the time that he was in France I didn’t get much work done

• I didn’t have a clue exactly what he wanted me to do

• I need the sketches to base my work on

• All I did in this time was wait for him to get back and try and contact him as soon as possible

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CONTINUED• He arrives back from France

• I contact him via the shop time table and I went in the shop on his night

• Gave him my USB stick and asked him to put some pictures and give me a sketch or two

• He said he will do it as soon as possible which ended up being the next day when I had finished my shift at work.

• Went over everything to do with the site and business card.

• He said I am more interested in the Business card not the website and for the website to just have a basic lay out.

• I suggested some ideas of what programs to use and we agreed on Photoshop.

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STARTING THE WORK• So I finally got the USB stick after waiting for a week

• What he gave me I didn’t expect to get – too simple

• I only had about 8 pictures which didn’t really help

• 1 sketch – very simple

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ONWARDS• Those are the only few decent pictures of the dirty and clean process

• I started to design a basic website design and a business card

• I started experimenting around with background and writing but he specifically that he would like the colors to be based on black and white.

• I personally thought this would be boring and dull for potential customers to look at.

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FEEDBACK• Impressed with business as it was simple and not too complicated and apparently it gets

his main points across that he wanted.

• By the time I had shown him the website designs, he seemed to have gone off the idea and more enthusiastic towards the business card.

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THINGS I HAVE LEARNT• To spend more time looking for a work placement and be more organized with finding


• Try and get as much information off the client as possible from the start

• Complications could get in the way.

• It has also shown me what it could be like in a real job after college with meeting deadlines and given only a certain amount of information to create something.

• Some clients aren’t reliable.

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• Enthusiasm towards the project set

• Photoshop skills

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Overall the Client liked my end product but personally I think I could of done a lot better with more information.

Thanks for Listening