Download - Coleg Sir Gar HE Conference 030714

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Lis Parcell, Jisc RSC Wales

Coleg Sir Gar: digital literacies and student experience03/07/14

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What are digital literacies?

»Those capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society

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A closer look at digital literacies

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A digital literacy pyramid

access and awareness


practices in context


Developed by Helen Beetham and Rhona Sharpe, 2009 & 2010

“I am...”

“I do...”

“I can...”

“I have...”

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What do digital literacies mean to you?

»What would you say are the attributes of a digitally literate HE student?

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Developing students’ digital literacies

» Student digital literacy confidence often exceeds capability to operate digitally in an academic setting.

» Needs for guidance vary (NB accessibility)

» Peer support, students as change agents

» Online professional identity a key motivator

» Importance of tutor as ‘role model’

» Importance of integrating into course requirements and study skills support

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Developing digital practices in academic context

» Digital practices needed for academic success are subject specific and best developed in a discipline-specific context

» Subject-specific digital attributes?

» Curriculum design is key – embed digital into quality mechanisms and graduate attributes

» Digital learning activities should be creative and appropriately assessed

» How digitally skilled do teaching staff need to be?

» Need for staff to work together (e.g. teachers, librarians, ILT support, IT staff)

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Support for staff digital literacy development

Barriers• Fear• Time• Where to start?

Enablers• ‘Just in time’ & relevant

examples• Communities of practice• Developing online identity• Professional development &

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Digital student expectations

»Digital student project

»Review into students’ expectations and experiences of the digital environment at university (phase 1)

»Focus on general environment e.g. wifi, IT support, access to devices and printers; also study environment e.g. use of digital resources, devices and services to support learning

» Importance of dialogue and engagement with students

»Project has just started a new phase looking at FE learners

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What can the college do?

»How can the college help to develop the digital student experience? (may include developing digital literacies of students and staff)

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Selected Jisc resources

» Jisc quick guide to developing students’ digital

» Developing digital literacies infoKit

» Jisc advice: student experience

» Students’ experiences and expectations of the digital environment

» Student Summer of Innovation #studentideas

» What students really want

» Jisc FE Digital Student project - deadline for expressions of interest: 30 July 2014

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Find out more…

Lis Parcell

Senior E-learning Advisor, Jisc RSC Wales

[email protected]

Tel: 07970 939550 @lisparcell @jisc


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