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    Astronomical Symbols on

    Ancient Coins

    Preface: I grew up in northwestern Pennsylvania, one of the few places in the

    country with areas without significant light pollution. As kids we would spend

    nights laying on the ground playing with the stars above. We created our own

    constellations, saw meteors and fireballs, anticipated Orion returning in the fall,

    and watched the colors of the moon change during solar eclipses. Occasionally, the

    aurora borealis would really make things interesting. Even at this young age we

    would speculate about what the "cavemen" thought of all this. It was so easy to seehow that face in the moon was transformed into a god. To the right is a sketch I

    made of a cave painting at Lascaux, France. It may or may not depict the Plaeides

    star cluster and the constellation of Taurus the bull. Taurus has been a bull in the

    heavens since the earliest written records - possibly before. Even to us kids the the

    anomalies stood out: things in the heavens that were different looking or that

    moved contrary to other objects. The fuzzy star was the Andromeda galaxy,

    Antares glowed red, and the Plaeides, was just beautiful.

    Of course we had references for finding accurate

    scientific information about these objects; the ancients

    did not. I still gaze at the skies through the lights of

    suburbia using my 8" reflecting telescope. When I firstsaw ancient coins with astronomical symbols, I was taken

    back to my childhood musings about how the ancients would have interpreted the night sky. I thought I

    would try to put together some thoughts about the subject in this essay.

    Astronomy Primer:

    While the night sky is full of wondrous objects, most of the action takes place in the line of the ecliptic:

    the plane followed by the sun and the visible planets. The moon moves along a path inclined about 5o to

    the ecliptic. It is the moon playing tag with other members of our solar system as it moves back and forth

    across the ecliptic that gives rise to what the ancients would have viewed as wondrous events, portents,

    and omens. Of particular interest to them were occultations and eclipses [from the Greek, ekleipsis

    meaning "failure"]. These two terms are almost synonymous; however, the term eclipse is usually reserved

    for Earth, Moon, Sun events and occultation for planetary and stellar mergers. The picture at the top left

    of this page depicts an occultation of the moon and the planet Venus with a near occultation of Jupiter. In

    Roman and Greek times, this would have been a momentous event. The movement of the planets [from

    the Greek word for wanderer or nomad] through the ecliptic was also a major area of study for the ancient

    astronomers. The movement of planets as viewed from the Earth seems erratic due to the Earth's own

    movements around the sun. Planets may progress in a line across the sky, stop, and even start moving

    backwards. The planets Venus and Mercury being nearer the sun than the Earth, appear only in the

    evening and morning hours. It was the movement of the planets through the zodiac [the constellations

    within the line of the ecliptic] that was and is the basis for astrology. Besides the North Star andconstellations that appear during planting and harvest times, much of ancient astronomy focused on what

    went on in the ecliptic plane.

    The ancient view of the Universe:

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    Modern astronomy is concerned with the observation of the motions and compositions of heavenly

    bodies. Astrology is the study of the effects the movements of these celestial bodies have on humans and

    their affairs. In ancient times, across most civilizations, the distinction between these two

    studies was not made. However, the Greeks were able to work out a fairly reasonable view

    of the universe based on the work of scientists and philosophers such as Pythagorus,

    Ptolemy, Plato, Socrates and others. The center of the universe in this geocentric model

    was, contrary to popular belief, not the Earth, but the universal fire or hearth. The Earth

    revolved around the hearth accompanied by an "anti-Earth" and then outward from here

    revolved the moon, sun, the five planets and finally a fixed celestial sphere of stars.1 This

    system was accepted as truth, more or less, for almost 2,000 years. It was in this geocentric* model that

    the moon, sun, and planets did their dances through the zodiac. Heavenly bodies, as representations of

    gods or divine cosmology, ruled the lives and affairs of humans. It is hard to imagine the power celestial

    events had on the ancients until you delve into their literature.

    Astronomical events in History:

    Eclipses are recorded in neolithic rock art and ancient Chinese and Sumerian documents. In total and

    annular solar eclipses, the moon is invisible in the sky. These eclipses only occur during the new moon

    when the moon is exactly between the Earth and sun. Thus, the observer on the ground sees only thecomplete or partial disappearance of the sun. There would appear to be no rational explanations for the

    phenomenon. Herodotos (1.74) details the impact the total eclipse of 585 BCE had on two warring

    nations. The Lydians and Medes in Asia Minor had been engaged in a brutal war for over 5 years without

    resolution. On May 25 in the middle of a battle there was a total eclipse. The warring parties broke off the

    conflict, returned home and soon made peace.

    Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the sun and moon. While not as spectacular as solar

    eclipses, it still held significant power as an omen. As the earth's shadow moves across the surface, the

    moon often appears to become blood red. One can imagine the interpretations put on this event.

    Thucydides in his The Peloponnesian Warrelates how a lunar eclipse changed history. A lunar eclipse

    occurred on August 27, 413 BCE during the Peloponnesian War. The Athenians were in the process ofremoving their forces from Syracuse when the Moon was eclipsed. The Athenians and their commander

    Nicias were so frightened that they delayed their departure for twenty-seven days. The Syracusans used

    the time wisely, regrouped, and handed the Athenians a devastating defeat.2

    Other relatively rare celestial events made their way into ancient astronomy texts,

    history, and thus to coins. Probably the most noted of these phenomena was the comet

    (Greek: long haired star). The appearance of comets was often linked to the birth of a

    great leader. This was another legacy of Alexander the Great, as he was born during a

    comet's visit. Other leaders such as Ptolemy V and Augustus issued coins with comets

    as propaganda to solidify or justify their rule.

    Possibly the rarest of visible celestial events is the supernova. Depending on distance

    from the Earth, this can be a remarkable sight. The supernovae of 1006, 1572, and

    1604 reached a magnitude greater than Venus and were observable in broad daylight. Since that time the

    only supernova visible to the naked eye occurred in 1987 and was only visible in the southern hemisphere.

    (Interestingly approximately 375,000 years ago, Geminga exploded at a distance of between 50 and 75

    light years. Early humans would have seen a star as bright as the moon.)3 There is only one recorded

    supernova that occurred in ancient Roman and Greek times. The Chinese recorded this event beginning

    on December 7, 185 CE in the constellation of Centaurus. The astronomers Clark and Stephenson

    translated the Chinese texts and identified a likely remnant of the supernova as the radio source G

    315.4-2.3. Huang and Maoriarty-Schiven calculated that this exploding star would have been visible from

    Rome at a maximum of 5 to 6o above the horizon. They also calculated that the supernova would have

    been visible at magnitude -8 (much brighter than Venus, thus easily seen in daylight), and that it lasted for

    7 to 8 months.4 (See below for other celestial events happening at this time.) Other phenomena such as

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    variable stars that wax and wane in brightness, and meteor showers were certainly noticed, but did not

    seem to be remarkable enough to make their way onto coins. While meteors did not seem to make the

    grade, meteorites did. Many were venerated as cult symbols such as the Stone of Emesa, the Stone of the

    Temple of Aphrodite at Paphos (actually excavated and confirmed as a meteorite), and the Stone of Zeus


    While eclipses must have panicked ancient viewers, their daily lives were also entwined with more

    predictable celestial movements. Astrology as an influence in politics and human affairs was practiced by

    the Chinese and Sumerians. The Greeks borrowed it from the Babylonians and then the Romans borrowed

    from the Greeks. There was an obsession with astrology, but the state also understood that there was

    danger in terms of self-fulfilling prophecy and ill omens. The emperors treated astrologers in an approach-

    avoidance kind of way. They often had their own personal astrologers, but passed laws restricting the

    practice and on several occasions all astrologers were banished from Rome. Augustus, Tiberius, and

    especially Domitian [not to mention Nancy Reagan] were among the rulers who are known to have made

    state decisions based on astrological readings. During the reign of Septimius Severus and successors the

    reliance on astrology became a mania. Despite this love-hate relationship, celestial events appeared

    regularly on Roman and Greek coins and most of these were related to astrology.

    The heavens represented on coins:

    While researching this essay, I tried to locate the earliest coin with an astronomical reference. The earliest

    coin I could find using astronomical search terms such as "star", "crescent" and "globe" were the silver

    staters struck at Knossos, Crete. Some of these contain a star at the center of the labyrinth with groups of

    5 pellets in the corners. And here is where the speculation begins. Any grouping of 5 or 7 pellets or stars

    leads one to conclude that these represent the moving celestial objects: 5 planets and 2 luminaries (sun &

    moon). Why there were 4 groups of five and what they represented in relation to the labyrinth is

    unknown. It may have been done for aesthetic reasons to balance the design. It also may have had deeper

    meaning with the labyrinth representing the seemingly random

    wanderings of the planets through the maze of the zodiac.

    It wasn't until I received an email from a fellow Moneta_L member

    reminding me to include the Julian II large bronze of the Apis bull in my

    research that I realized that the first coin with astronomical significance -

    was the first coin. The bull facing lion on the first electrum coins minted

    in Lydia surely relate to Taurus, represented in the constellation as the

    forepart of the bull, and Leo, the Nemean lion. There are several reasons

    why the Lydians may have used these symbols. First, Leo is high in the

    sky in the spring while Taurus is best viewed in the winter. Their confrontation on the coin may well

    represent the triumph of spring over winter. Secondly, it was thought by the Greeks that regions/ countries

    of the ancient world were ruled by certain signs and that these were sometimes adopted as symbols on

    their coins. A list of minting cities that used a zodiacal sign on coins is presented in Table 1. This is not tomean that every coin that bears the image of an animal in the zodiac actually refers to the astrological

    creature. The reasons to place animals on coins are many including: tying the city to a myth, cult figures,

    animal magnetism and fertility, food sources or exports, etc. Additionally, the coins included in the search

    for this table were those that had the animal as the main or co-main motif on one of the coin sides. Lion

    skins and scalps were not included even though these tie into the myth of Herakles and the Nemean Lion

    which is the source of Leo. A search for the term "lion" on produced almost 1200 hits in

    the Greek coin section.

    Table 1. Zodiacal signs on Greek coins by region and city

    Note: based on online sources, thus not an all inclusive list.

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    What is interesting is that Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, and Sagittarius are missing from the list. Searches for

    scales (Libra) and the terms Virgo and Aquarius produced no results on search engines. Many archers

    (Sagittarius) were found, but none that had obvious celestial origins. Virgo was often associated with

    Demeter and later Ceres. There are many Greek coins with Demeter, but none where I could disassociate

    her from her role as goddess of the fields.

    Symbolism on coins:

    The three most common symbols associated with celestial objects were pellets, stars, and crescents. The

    crescent and star symbol is one of the most ancient designs. It appears on petroglyphs and steles of the

    first civilization in Sumer. This symbol was adopted by the Greeks and was associated with many of their

    gods including: Selene and Helios, as one would suspect, but also with Artemis of Perge, the Artemis of

    Ephesos, the Aphrodite of Paphos, Zeus Casios, the Zeus of Tarsos, Nemesis, Tyche, and Astarte.5 It is

    not surprising that this symbol found its way onto Greek and Roman coins. Often times the stars and

    crescent were presented on the same coin. Typically, the crescent symbol is associated with the moon andthe stars with the planets. I would argue that there may be an alternative explanation. There is a paradox

    evident on some star/crescent coins: stars appear within the crescent. This, of course, is impossible as the

    moon is the closest celestial object to Earth. This impossible juxtaposition may be attributed to ignorant

    engravers or to artistic license, but I believe there are coins of Hadrian that hint at something else. Below

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    are the images of these denarii minted around 128 CE. The first has the star in crescent, the second coin

    has an additional pellet under the crescent, and the third has a crescent and 7 stars.

    Now it so happens that Hadrian probably experienced two solar eclipses; one shortly after the death of

    Nerva on March 21, 98 CE and another on Sept. 3, 118 CE.6 It is not clear from ancient texts whether

    these were total, annular, or partial, but the odds are that he viewed a partial eclipse. Totality in an eclipse

    is seen over a short swath of the Earth with a width often less than 250 kilometers. Still, a partial eclipse

    would have an enormous impact on ancient viewers. The three views below are of recent eclipses. Photo

    1 is of the total eclipse of 1998 at totality. Photo 2 is of the same eclipse, but illustrates the diamond ringor cosmic egg effect. Just before and after totality the sun's rays penetrate through the moon's valleys to

    create a short star burst effect prior to the sun disk's reappearance. This diamond ring effect in itself has

    spawned numerous myths and conjectures among ancient people. Photo 3 shows an annular eclipse

    shortly before the moon is completely centered on the sun. Annular eclipses occur when the moon is

    furtherest from the earth. In these eclipses the sun is not totally obscured. While the moon is centered on

    the sun, a ring near the sun's edges is always visible; thus, while impressive, it does not have the same

    impact as the total eclipse. Nevertheless, it does not take a stretch of the imagination to see a correlation

    between Hadrian's denarii and eclipses. If the crescent represents the sun, and the star the moon, the star

    within the crescent makes sense. It may represent a partial eclipse or a total eclipse nearing totality. I

    mention this latter possibility because it is possible that the second denarius in the photo represents the

    diamond ring effect. The third denarius could represent a commemorative issue celebrating that fact thatthe eclipse failed to destroy the sun and things were back to normal. Given the Roman proclivity for

    propaganda, this also makes sense: "The emperor saw us through another trial". Faustina the wife of

    Hadrian's successor Antoninus Pius also had coins [denarii and Ases] minted with the 7 stars/crescent

    motif. On her coins six of the stars circle the crescent while one resides distinctly in the center of the


    There is one more enigma in this series which is also evident in other coins with the seven stars with

    crescent motif. Seven celestial objects are all that are visible unless one counts the Earth. Thus, the

    crescent is either used as a generic symbol representing the heavens or the Earth is included as one of the

    planets (or, as stated above, the "anti-Earth" may be included in this model). One other possibility that

    was suggested by Marshall Faintich is that the seven stars represent the Plaeides. He notes in his bookSymbolic Messengers that once in 125 and again in 126, a thin crescent moon occulted the Plaeides. One

    other piece of circumstantial evidence that may support the eclipse theory is the sporadic way in which

    this reverse design is used in Roman history. Almost all of the appearances of the star/crescent motif

    occurred during the reigns of Hadrian, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, and Percennius

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    Niger. Theprovincial coins of Septimius Severus seem only to be mainly minted at Nikopolis. The minting

    of these coins in Nikopolis could indicate an eclipse focused on that region. Because of the sporadic use

    of these designs, it seems likely that the star and crescent symbols were used to mark events (Images of

    star/crescent coins from my collection can be viewed here). Furthermore, the grouping of these coins in

    the latter part of the 2nd century may have significance. Computer models have suggested that two

    eclipses, one annular the other total, occurred in the northern hemisphere in 186 CE.7 This would place it

    in the reign of Commodus**. Two eclipses in the same year (July 4, and Dec. 28) would have been

    exceedingly rare and noteworthy especially with the Annular eclipse occurring almost at the new year (theJuly 4, eclipse was total). All of the emperors mentioned above ruled within 19 years of each other. The

    minting of the crescent/star motifs seem to be linked to a celestial event. Whether they are related to

    eclipses or conjunctions of the Plaeides and planets, or both, (or the supernova mentioned above) may

    never be known for sure. Maybe Hadrian noticed the symbols in his travels in the east and brought them

    back to Rome. Just as with today's coins, the reverse design may have been very popular and was thus

    adopted by subsequent emperors. It is difficult to be certain.

    The star and crescent symbol may or may not represent an eclipse. There may be evidence to support

    another symbol that could be eclipse related: the "wreath

    above". One famous eclipse occurred on November 11th,

    120 BC. The Romans declared this event indicated divine

    support for their recent conquering of southern France.8 A

    search for coins minted in 119 BC revealed two interesting

    coins. The reverses of these are shown to the right. The

    coin on the left minted by Tullia M. Tullius has Victory in

    quadriga right,with a wreath above in field. This is

    generally thought to represent the moneyers ancestor's

    (Ser.Tullius) victory over the Sabines; he being the first Roman to receive a laurel-wreath. Having the

    wreath positioned in the field above is unusual as most wreathes appear in hand. A search of 225 coins on

    Wildwinds with the search terms "wreath above" revealed this as the only coin with this format. On each

    of the coins of this type, Victory seems to be looking directly at the wreath in the sky (nose angles used

    for that). A wreath would bear much resemblance to the effects of a total or annular eclipse. The secondphoto of a denarius of M. Furius L.f. Philus, has Roma standing left placing wreath on a trophy which

    stands over gallic arms. There is a star over her shoulder which some have associated with the eclipse of

    120 BC. Crowning the trophy with the wreath may have dual symbolism. As a footnote to this discussion :

    A beautiful coin ofJuba II has one of the clearest depictions of the star and crescent. In this case, it is

    difficult to make assumptions because Juba was married to the only surviving child of Cleopatra VII,

    Selene (goddess of the moon). That may be Juba's wife on the reverse.

    Some coins of the Roman Republic actually use the personification of the moon, Luna or Selene in place

    of the crescent symbol. In 109-108 BCE Man. Aquillius produced a beautiful denarius with Luna driving a

    biga through an interesting grouping of stars. As can be seen in the photo, there is a crescent moon and 3

    stars above and a lone star below the horses. A radiate Sol graces the obverse. Marshall Faintich haslinked this coin with a known celestial event. According to Faintich:

    "Soon after sunset on 17 June 109 BC, a very thin

    crescent moon was in conjunction with Jupiter, Mars, and

    Venus. Mercury was just above the horizon, but may

    have been lost in the twilight. Saturn was not too far

    away in the southwestern sky. This would have been a

    spectacular sight to see, as the trio would have remained

    visible as the sky darkened into night. Either Mercury or

    Saturn could be represented by the star below the biga."


    An earlier Republican Uncia minted anonymously in 217-215 BCE is similar in that a radiate Sol appears

    on the obverse and an arrangement of stars, pellet, and crescent appears on the reverse. Usually a two star

    arrangement is used to symbolize the Dioscouroi [Gemini], but the addition of the pellet, crescent and the

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    Sol marker on the obverse, makes one wonder whether this coin represents a conjunction of moon and

    planets. Another possibility is that this represents an eclipse with stars visible in the daytime. One of the

    interesting phenomena associated with total eclipses is that bright stars [planets] become visible in

    daytime. (Of course this could also have been an early engraver's attempt at creating the first smiley face.

    :-) Other Roman coins with images of3 stars, 4 stars, and even 5 stars may also represent lunar


    The Roman and Greeks were not the only civilization to mint coins with

    stars and crescents. The rulers ofElymais were often depicted with the star

    and crescent over their shoulders. The Parthians often used this symbol on

    coins. On the coins ofParthamaspates [116 CE] he is depicted wearing a

    crown decorated with stars within crescents. Probably the most common

    coin found in collections that feature stars and crescents are the coins

    minted in Macedon just before and while under Roman rule. The shield of Macedon features a border of 7

    star/crescent symbols. The Celtic peoples also minted coins with the star-crescent symbol, but their use of

    stylistic representations make interpretation problematic.

    There are other coins of mystery and interest in terms of astrological symbolism. Probably the most

    interesting of these is the series representing each of the signs of the zodiac with an accompanying planetthat were minted in Alexandria by Antoninus Pius. Besides the coins of the individual signs, there is one

    fascinating coin that bears a disk of the complete zodiac. These coins are beautiful in design with

    Olympian gods representing the planets and luminaries. They also illustrate the Roman's understanding of

    the planetary movements. For example, the "sun in Leo" coin has the bust of Helios over a charging lion,

    with star above. When the sun is in Leo, the constellation is not visible in the night sky. On the "Mercury

    in Gemini" coin, Hermes is pictured facing a star while the figures representing Gemini are Apollo and

    Hercules. It is interesting that they used this pair rather than Dioscouroi to represent Gemini.The image to

    the left of the BMC plate of these coins is clickable for an enlarged picture.

    Marshall Faintich makes another connection between a known planetary

    conjunction and a Roman coin; this being the famous AE 1 coin of Julian IIfeaturing the bull with two stars reverse design. Julian came to power in 360 CE in a

    revolt against Constantius II and tried to reinstate pagan gods. Julian would certainly

    be looking for a heavenly sign to offset the Christian vision of Constantius' father,

    Constantine the Great. This event materialized on May 4, 360 as Mars and Venus

    occulted, thus forming one very bright star. This occultation happened to occur in

    the constellation of Taurus directly between the horns. Two weeks prior to the

    occultation, the planets were in the exact location indicated on the coin. This was

    probably the last coin minted by the Romans that had an astrological base. The

    Christians who regained dominance following Julian's attempt to restore the ancient

    ways would never again depict pagan-related events.

    It makes sense that celestial events that were both spectacular and related to the ancient people's

    cosmology and religion would find their way onto coins. The heavens ruled destiny and was the abode of

    the gods. If you have ever gazed up at the night sky under clear conditions away from city lights and

    pollution, you can relate to the power and awe this view must have had on human imagination. I am sure

    there is much more in the way of astronomical symbolism embedded in ancient coins. I am also sure that

    there are inaccuracies in this text. The Romans did not leave extensive astronomical records and,

    unfortunately neither did the minters. We can only speculate. The coins of India and China probably hold

    a wealth of information, but the ancient astronomy associated with these civilizations is foreign to me. I

    have seen crescents on Chinese coins that normally have blank reverses. It makes one wonder what event

    this is linked to. I would also like to have software that allowed views of the night sky on any given day in

    history. It would be interesting to try to match "wondrous" celestial events with the coins of that time.

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    1Brundige, E. H.Inventing the Solar System: Early Greek Scientists Struggle to Explain How the

    Heavens Move.

    online at:

    2Espenak, F. Solar Eclipses of Historical Interest. online at:


    3Stephenson F. R. & Green, D. A. (2002).Historical Supernovae and their Remnants. Cambridge:

    Clarendon Press.

    4Culver, R. G. & MacDonald D. (1989). An Astronomical Interpretation of Caracalla's Shield. The

    Ancient History Bulletin, 3.1, 18-24.

    5Brody, L. R. The Iconography and Cult of the Aphrodite of Aphrodisias

    online at:

    6 Annals of Ravenna [ca. 576] as cited in (Newton, 1972)Ancient astronomical observations and the

    acceleration of the earth and moon, The Johns Hopkins University Press

    note: Recent computer models (which have a considerable standard error of measurement) indicate that

    eclipses occurred in 110 and 121 AD.

    7Espenak, F. Eight Millennium Catalog of Long Solar Eclipses -2999 to +5000 (3000 BCE to 5000 CE )

    Online at:

    Mossman, A., Archibald, G., Rideout, D. & Murphy, J.Astronomy, History & Religion

    Online at:

    9Faintich M. Symbolic Messengers Astronomical Symbols on Ancient and Medieval Coins.

    online at:


    *The Earth was still considered the center of the physical universe. The Universal Fire or Hearth was a

    stoic philosophical construct.

    **According to the computer models both of these eclipses lasted over 6 mins at totality. The total eclipse

    was centered over the Azores, the annular eclipse approximately on the Pakistan - Iraq border. Bothwould have created at least partial eclipses over parts of the empire.

    Special thanks to:

    Dave Suber at where many of the links in this essay lead.

    Chris Hopkins at for the links to coins of Parthia and Elymais

    Michael J. Covili at Coins of Roman Egypt for the BMC plate of the Alexandrian coins

    And Thomas Burger for insightful email assistance.

    A very interesting site on the star of Bethlehemby Michael R. Molnar

    Marshall Faintich's site on Symbolic Messengers

    Astronomy resources - directory of Astronomy related websites.

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