Download - Codeweek 2015 - Reactive Web Applications with Scala and LIFT framework


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Current touristic offer lacks of authenticity

There is a whole heritage of local and authentic socio-cultural activities and experiences



A Community Marketplace where to discover and book authentic local experiences with a Local Friend, a local person who can earn by

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• +1.5K Activities

Where are we now?

• 15 Italian Regions

• +300 active Local Friend

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Which is the tech challenge?

Reactive Manifesto

● The techniques and technologies traditionally used in a class of Reactive and Interactive Systems is gaining quite a bit of attention from the mainstream developers community

● Recently, the Reactive Manifesto was defined to summarise the key traits of “Reactive Applications”

Reactive Manifesto

● Responsive: Timely react to stimuli

● Event-Driven: modular, asynchronous

● Resilent: Tolerate failures functionally and ideally temporally

● Scalable: Gracefully scale up and down depending on load demands

@MarioBot /codeweek banana luca

Scala● Functional (style) programming● Everything is an Object● Run on JVM● Practical expressivity

○ Expressive Power

○ List(1,2,3,4).map(x => x + 1)○ What vs How

● N(Bugs) ∝ N(LOC)○ Fewer LOC fewer bugs○ Halstead complexity measures

Scala vs Java● Every operator is a method call○ 12 + 4 (12).+(4)○ “#name” #> “david”○ “codeWeek” indexOf “w”

● Object Equality○ List(56,13,75) == List(56,13,75)

● Optional Types○ NullPointerException○ val secret: Option[String] = Some(“zbmdfbmknnaprzvds=”)○ val secret: Option[String] = None

Scala vs Java● Immutable data structuresscala> val even = List(2,4)scala> 6 :: 8 :: evenres0: List[Int] = List(6,8,2,4)

● Type inferencescala> Map('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)res2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 1, b -> 2)

Scala vs Java

class User(val email: String)

class User{ private String email;

public User(String email){ = email

}public String getEmail(){return email;


Scala (1st class) Functions

var botMe = (name: String) => “@” + name + ”Bot”botMe: String => String = <function1>

val names = “Riccardo” :: “Andrea” :: “Mario” :: Nilnames: List[String] = List(Riccardo, Andrea, Mario) List[String] = List(@RiccardoBot, @AndreaBot, @MarioBot)

Objects EverywhereFunctions are Objects

(x: Int) => x * x * x expanded to..

new Function1[Int, Int] { def apply(x: Int) = x * x * x


Objects Everywhereval f = (x: Int) => x * x * xf(2)

val f = new Function1[Int, Int] { def apply(x: Int) = x * x * x}


Companion Objects

Companion Objects• Same name & same source file as the class

class User extends MegaProtoUser[User] { def getSingleton = User // reference to the companion object below def allAccounts : List[Account] = Account.findAll(By(Account.owner,}// Create a "companion object" to the User class (above).// The companion object is a "singleton" object that shares the same// name as its companion class.object User extends User with MetaMegaProtoUser[User] { override def dbTableName = "users" }

Pattern Matching

• Switch case on steroids

User.findById(“000001”) match {case Some(user) => println( Empty => println(“No User Found!”)


Scala Actors

Scala Actors● Manual threading and locking is difficult Actor abstraction● Concurrent processes that communicate by exchanging messages● Actor encapsulates both state and behavior● Fire&Forget

chatserver ! msgActor Model

LIFT me up

Setting the environment


MVVM in concrete

View Model

HTML page Scala Class (ORM)



CSS Selectors

“#id_element” #> <p> Element Content</p>


“#id_text” #> SHtml.text(“text”, textVar = _) & “#id_submit” #> SHtml.submit(“Submit”, processResult())

def processResult(): JsCmd = { //do something

S.notice(“Work Done”)}

Comet Actors


• Server Push• Real time event-based systems• Thread per request, long polling


One thread per request leads to…….. SCALABILITY ISSUES

Web container request suspension or continuation

Demo Time

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