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POLICIES & GuIDELInES 1Organisational Responsibilities 1

PROCEDuRES 3Recruitment and Selection 3

PRACTICE 4Guidelines for Managers, Coaches and Selectors 4Code of Conduct for Managers, Coaches and Selectors 5Code of Conduct for Parents 6Guidelines for Children / Young Players 6Code of Conduct for Players 7Travelling with Children 9Safety 9Insurance 10Use of Video, Photography and Mobile Phones 10

PROTECTIOn 11Substance Abuse 11Psychological Stress, Burnout and Dropout 11Bullying 12Child Abuse and Protection Procedures 12

APPEnDICESAppendix 1 - Registration Form 15Appendix 2 - Code of Conduct Acceptance Form 17Appendix 3 - Accident Report Form 18Appendix 4 - Incident Report Form 19

Report of Designated Person / Children’s Officer re Incident 20Appendix 5 - Application Form for Coach / Manager 21Appendix 6 - Confidential Referee’s Form 23Appendix 7 - Garda Vetting Procedure 25Appendix 8 - Access NI Procedure 26Appendix 9 - Declaration Form for Managers / Coaches /

Selectors / Volunteers 29Appendix 10 - Travel Permission Form 30Appendix 11 - Designated Person / Children’s Officers with regard to

Child Protection – Contact Details 31Appendix 12 - ICC Europe / ECB Safety Regulations

Fielders / Wicket Keepers / Bowling / Umpires Resps / Batting 32Appendix 13 - ICC Europe / ECB Fast Bowling Regulations 34Appendix 14 - Duties and Responsibilities of Managers and Coaches 35


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PRInCIPLES AnDCORE VALuESThe work of Cricket Ireland is based on the followingprinciples that will guide the development of cricketfor young people. Young people’s experience ofsport should be guided by what is best for theyoung person. The stages of development and theability of the young person should guide the typesof activity provided within cricket. Adults will needto have a basic understanding of the needs of youngpeople, including physical, emotional and personal.

Importance of ChildhoodThe importance of childhood should be understoodand valued by everyone involved in sport.

needs of the ChildAll children’s experiences should be guided by whatis best for children.

Integrity in RelationshipsAdults interacting with children in sport are in aposition of trust and influence. They should alwaysensure that children are treated with integrity andrespect, and that the self-esteem of young people isenhanced.

Fair PlayAll children’s sport should be conducted in anatmosphere of fair play.

Quality Atmosphere and EthosStandards of behaviour for leaders and children incricket are as important as standards set for sportsperformance. Standards of excellence extend topersonal conduct.

CompetitionCompetition is an essential element of sport andshould be encouraged in an age-appropriatemanner. A child-centred ethos will help to ensurethat competition and specialisation are kept in theirappropriate places.

EqualityAll children should be treated in an equitable andfair manner regardless of ability, age, gender,religion, social or ethnic background or politicalpersuasion. Children, irrespective of ability or

disability, should be involved in cricketing activitiesin an integrated and inclusive way, whereverpossible.

POLICIES AnDGuIDELInESThe following statement is written into theConstitution of Cricket Ireland:The company is fully committed to safeguarding thewellbeing of its members. Every individual involved inorganised cricket should, at all times, show respect andunderstanding for their rights of safety and welfare,and conduct themselves in a way that reflects theprinciples of the company and the guidelinescontained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice forChildren’s Sport in Ireland.

In Cricket Ireland, our first priority is the welfare ofthe young people and we are committed toproviding an environment which will allowparticipants to perform to the best of their ability,free from bullying and intimidation1. Cricket Irelandwishes to provide the best possible environment forall young people involved in cricket. Young peopledeserve to be given enjoyable, safe sportingopportunities, free of abuse of any kind. Theseparticipants have rights, which must be respected,and responsibilities that they must accept. Youngpeople should be encouraged to realise that theyhave responsibilities to treat other participants andsports leaders with fairness and respect.

Organisational Responsibilities

Overall Responsibility

As the governing body for cricket in Ireland, CricketIreland is responsible for overseeing the adoption and

1 Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’sSport, Irish Sports Council / Sports CouncilNorthern Ireland, 2006; Children First: NationalGuidelines for the Protection and Welfare ofChildren, Dept. of Health & Children, 2009; OurDuty to Care, DHSS, 2000; Co-operating toSafeguard Children (NI), 2003

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implementation of this Code by all of its associatedmembers. This responsibility is devolved in the firstinstance to its constituent unions, namely, theLeinster Cricket Union, the Northern Cricket Union,the North West of Ireland Cricket Union, the MunsterCricket Union and the Connacht Cricket Union.

To maximise compliance with the Code, CricketIreland will:

Ensure that the Code of Ethics and Good Practicefor Children’s Sport is adopted and implementedin each of the constituent unionsMaintain its procedures to reflect a safe andclearly defined method of recruiting, selectingand managingAppoint a Designated Person to act as liaisonwith the Statutory Authorities in relation to thereporting of allegations or suspicions of childabuse. The Designated Person, recommended tobe the Chief Executive Officer, will be a memberof the Board of Cricket IrelandEnsure that disciplinary, complaints and appealsprocedures are in placeBe represented by appropriate personnel at alltraining workshops dealing with the CodeAppoint a National Children’s Officer in bothjurisdictionsReview its child protection procedures regularly(every three years is recommended unlesscircumstances or legislative changes occurwhereby a review may become more urgent)Promote contact with representatives of theStatutory Authorities

Responsibilities of Designated Person

* The name and contact details of the DesignatedPerson will be contained in the Appendices to thisdocument.

The Designated Person should:

Have knowledge of the Code of Ethics andstatutory guidelinesUndertake training in relation to child protectionAssist with the ongoing development andimplementation of Cricket Ireland’s childprotection needsBe familiar with and carry out reportingprocedures as outlined in Appendices of thisdocument

Be aware of national and local servicesresponsible for child protectionInform Health Services Executive or SocialServices (NI) and /or An Garda Siochana / PSNI ofrelevant concerns about childrenLiaise with Statutory Authorities and otheragencies as appropriateEnsure that coaches / managers are aware ofallegations against themEnsure that an individual case record ismaintained of action taken by Cricket Ireland, theliaison with other agencies and the outcomeEnsure that records are kept in a secure locationand access is on a “need to know” basis

National Children’s Officers

* The names and contact details of the NationalChildren Officers are in Appendix 11 of this document.

The National Children’s Officers have access to theBoard of Cricket Ireland through the DesignatedPerson to ensure that children’s interests are kept onits agenda.

The role of the National Children’s officers involves:

Familiarisation with Children’s First and Our Dutyof Care to ensure that they can act as aninformation sourceCommitment to attendance at appropriatetrainingCo-ordination of the training of othersPromotion of the values, attitudes and structureswhich make sport enjoyable for young peopleCirculation of relevant information and resourcematerialsCommunication with Club Children’s Officers toensure the distribution of the CodeLiaison with clubs to examine rules, regulationsand structures to ensure that they are child-centredLiaison with clubs to ensure that drop-out ratesand transfers are monitoredAssisting in the development of a record-keepingsystem which maintains confidentiality whileallowing for appropriate information to bepassed on to relevant authorities wherenecessaryEnsuring that Cricket Ireland develops a Code ofEthics and Practice which involves a policystatement, code of conduct, disciplinary

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procedures, bullying policy, safety statement,recruitment and selection policy and reportingprocedures

* With specific reference to Northern Ireland, the SportsCouncil for Northern Ireland recommends that theGoverning Body appoint a Children’s Officer who willrepresent the Northern region of an All-IrelandGoverning Body

PROCEDuRES* Designated Persons or Children Officers do not have

the responsibility of investigating or validating childprotection concerns within Cricket Ireland. They willreport concerns to the relevant statutory authorities.

Cricket Ireland’s discipline, complaints and appealsprocedures are as follows:

A Code of Conduct reflecting a child-centredethos has been drawn-up and disseminated ashard copy (Pages 5 – 13 of this document and onthe Cricket Ireland website; complaints should be made in writing to theChildren’s Officer and be responded to within 5working days. The Children’s Officer will informthe Chairperson of the Cricket Committee or theCEO (depending on circumstances)A Disciplinary Sub-Committee will be establishedby the Chairperson of the Cricket CommitteeIf the complaint involves suspected abuse or acriminal offence, the Designated Person isconsulted and the Disciplinary Sub-Committeeinformed that it has no function in this instance.The statutory authorities are then informedThe Disciplinary Sub-Committee reviews anyrelevant paper work and holds any necessarymeetings. It informs the Executive of the progressof the disciplinary process within 10 workingdaysThe Disciplinary Sub-Committee furnishes theindividual with details of the complaint andaffords him / her the opportunity to respondeither in writing or at a meetingWritten records are kept safely and confidentiallyWhere it is established that an incident ofmisconduct has taken place, the DisciplinarySub-Committee will notify the member of any

sanction being imposed. The notification will bein writing, setting out the reasons for thesanction. If the member is under 18 years of age,correspondence will be addressed to parents /guardiansAny appeal against the decision of theDisciplinary Sub-Committee must be made inwriting within 10 days of the decision. AnAppeals Sub-Committee established on need willbe chaired by a member of the Board of CricketIrelandThe Appeals Sub-Committee has the power toconfirm, set aside or change any sanctionimposed by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee

Recruitment and Selection ofmanagers / Coaches

Cricket Ireland will take all reasonable steps toensure that people working with young peopleare suitable and appropriately qualified.Recruitment and selection procedures apply toall persons with substantial access to youngpeople, whether paid or unpaid. All posts atNational Youth level may be advertised onCricket Ireland’s websiteThe responsibilities of the role and the level ofexperience / qualifications required are clearlystated beforehand. (A Sample Application form iscontained in the Appendix 5)References will be requested and verifiedIn Northern Ireland, all coaches / managers mustbe checked out by Access NI (See Appendix 8)In the Republic of Ireland, all coaches andmanagers will be checked out by the GardaVetting Service (See Appendix 7), and the pointof contact with the Vetting Service will be CricketIreland, Unit 22, Grattan Business Park,Clonshaugh, Dublin 17. After making the finaldecision about the applicant, the originalinformation sent to the vetting authorities will bedestroyed. A note will be kept stating that thecheck was carried outA decision to appoint a coach / manager /selector is the responsibility of Cricket Irelandand not of any individual within itAn informal interview will be conducted by twomembers of Cricket Ireland’s Executive / YouthCommittee / Cricket Committee. There will be aprobationary period of 6 monthsThere will be a “sign-up” procedure whereby thenewly recruited volunteers agree to abide by the

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Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children inSport and to Cricket Ireland’s Code of ConductEducation and training in the basics of childprotection will apply to all personnel workingwith children or young members. Cricket Irelandwill ensure that all managers or coaches whohave not attended a child protection awarenessworkshop, will do so within 6 months of takingup a postEvery effort will be made to manage and supportappointed coaches / managers / selectors.Adequate supervision will be provided so that acoach / manager / selector does not have to workalone

PRACTICEGuidelines for managers /Coaches / Selectors

Cricket Ireland recognises the key role that coaches,selectors and team managers play in the lives ofchildren in sport.

Managers, coaches and selectors in children’ssport should strive to create a positiveenvironment for the children in their care. Theyhave an overall responsibility to take the stepsnecessary to ensure that positive and healthyexperiences are providedAll coaches, managers, selectors and club officialsshould have as their first priority the children’ssafety and enjoyment of the sport and shouldadhere to the guidelines and regulations set outin this Code of EthicsAll coaches, managers, selectors and club officialswill be given a copy of Cricket Ireland’s Code ofEthics. They should make themselves aware ofthe procedures contained within this Code, andcomply with themAll coaches, managers, selectors and club officialsmust respect the rights, dignity and worth ofevery child and must treat everyone equally,regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion or abilityOnce appointed, a coach / manager / selector /club official must act as a role model andpromote the positive aspects of sport and ofcricket and maintain the highest standards ofpersonal conductRemember that your behaviour with regard to

players, other officials, and opponents will havean effect on the players in your careBe generous with praise and never ridicule orshout at players for making mistakes or for losinga game. All young players are entitled to respectBe careful to avoid the “star system”. Each childdeserves equal time and attentionCare must be taken not to expose a child toembarrassment or disparagement by use ofsarcastic or flippant remarks about the child orhis / her familyInsist that players in your care respect the rules ofthe game. Insist on fair play and ensure thatplayers are aware you will not tolerate cheatingor bullying behaviourRemember that young players play for fun andenjoyment and that skill development andpersonal satisfaction have priority over highlystructured competition. Never make winning theonly objectiveEncourage the development of respect foropponents, officials, selectors and other coachesand avoid criticism of fellow coachesWhen travel /overnight travel is involved, themanagement team which is travelling withchildren must sign a separate agreement(Appendix 10). Parents and participants will alsobe asked to sign permission forms (Appendix 10)in these instancesIt is important to realise that certain situations orfriendly actions could be misinterpreted by theparticipant or by outsiders. Avoid working aloneand ensure there is adequate supervision for allactivitiesCoaches, managers, selectors and club officialsare responsible for setting and monitoring theboundaries between a working relationship andfriendship with players. It is advisable forcoaches not to involve young players in theirpersonal life i.e. visits to coach’s home orovernight staysWhen approached to take on a new player,ensure that any previous coach-studentrelationship has been ended by thestudent/others in a professional mannerWhen young players are invited into adult groups/ squads, it is advisable to get agreement from aparent / guardian. Boundaries of behaviour inadult groups are normally different from theboundaries that apply to junior groups / squadsManagers, coaches or selectors who becomeaware of a conflict between their obligation to

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their players and their obligation to theirgoverning body must make explicit the nature ofthe conflict and the loyalties and responsibilitiesinvolved, to all parties concerned. In any suchinstance, priority must be given to the rights ofthe playersManagers / coaches / selectors shouldcommunicate and co-operate with medical andancillary practitioners in the diagnosis, treatmentand management of their players’ medical orrelated problems. Avoid giving advice of apersonal or medical nature if you are notqualified to do so. Any information of a personalor medical nature must be kept strictlyconfidential unless the welfare of the childrequires the passing on of this informationThe nature of the relationship betweenmanagers / coaches / selectors and a participantcan often mean that they may learn confidentialinformation about a player or player’s family. Thisinformation must be regarded as confidentialand except where abuse is suspected, must notbe divulged to a third party without the expresspermission of the player / familySet realistic goals for the participants and do notpush young players. Create a safe and enjoyableenvironmentDo not criticise other officials, coaches,managers, selectors and umpires. You are therole model for the children in your careManagers / coaches / selectors should refrainfrom smoking and consuming alcohol before andduring coaching sessionsManagers / coaches / selectors should familiarisethemselves with the Code of Ethics and GoodPractice for Children’s Sport and with CricketIreland’s Code of Conduct and follow theprocedures if they suspect or receive complaintsof abuse of any sort

Code of Conduct for managers /Coaches / Selectors

Managers / Coaches / Selectors should:

Be positive during sessions, praise andencourage effort as well as resultsPlan and prepare appropriatelyPut welfare of young person firstEncourage fair play, treat participants equallyRecognise developmental needsBe up-to-date with knowledge and skill of sport

for young peopleInvolve parents where possible and informparents when problems ariseKeep record of attendance at trainingKeep a brief record of injury(ies) and action takenKeep a brief record of problem/action/outcomes,if behavioural problems arise

Where possible Managers / Coaches /Selectors should avoid:

Spending excessive amounts of time withchildren away from othersTaking sessions aloneTaking children to your homeTaking children on journeys alone in their car

Managers / Coaches / Selectors must not:

Use any form of punishment or physical force ona childExert undue influence over a participant in orderto obtain personal benefit or rewardEngage in rough physical games, sexuallyprovocative games or allow or engage ininappropriate touching of any kind, and /or makesexually suggestive comments about, or to a childTake measurements or engage in certain types offitness testing without the presence of anotheradultUndertake any form of therapy (hypnosis etc.) inthe training of children

Managers / Coaches / Selectors have aright to:

Ongoing training and information with regard tochild protection issuesSupport in the reporting of suspected abuseAccess to professional support servicesFair and equitable treatment by Cricket IrelandBe protected from abuse by children / youths,other adult members and parentsNot to be left vulnerable when working withchildren

Any misdemeanours or general misbehaviour will bedealt with immediately and reported verbally to theDesignated Person. Persistent breaches of the codewill result in dismissal from Cricket Ireland.Dismissals can be appealed with the final decisionbeing taken by the Board of Cricket Ireland.

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Code of Conduct for Parents

Cricket Ireland believes that parents /guardians / carers should:

Be role models for your child and maintain thehighest standards of conduct when interactingwith children, other parents, with officials andorganisersAlways behave responsibly and not seek to affectunfairly the game / playerNever intentionally expose any young participantto embarrassment or disparagement by the useof flippant or sarcastic remarksAlways recognise the value and importance ofthe volunteers who provide sporting/recreationalopportunities for your child. Do not questionpublicly the judgement or honesty of umpires,managers, selectors or coaches. Respect umpires,coaches, organisers and other playersEncourage the child to play by the rules. Teachthe child that honest endeavour is as importantas winning and encourage good sportsmanshipSet a good example by applauding good play onboth sides. Encourage mutual respect for teammates and opponentsSupport all efforts to remove abusive behaviourand bullying behaviour in all its formsRead Cricket Ireland’s policy guidelines onbullying and comply with its contentsComplete and return the Consent Formpertaining to the child’s participation withCricket IrelandDetail any health concerns pertaining to theirchild on the consent form. Any changes in child’sstate of health should be reported to member ofmanagement team before coaching sessionsEnsure that the child is punctual for coachingsessions and gamesCollect the child on timeEnsure that the child is properly attired for theweather conditions of the time

Parents or Guardians have the right to:

Be informed of problems or concerns relating totheir childBe informed if their child is injuredHave their consent sought on issues relating totours

Any misdemeanours and breach of this code of

conduct will be dealt with immediately by a CricketIreland official. Persistent concerns or breaches willresult in the parent / guardian being banned fromattending cricket games / coaching if theirattendance is deemed to be detrimental to thechild’s welfare. The ultimate sanction should a parent/ guardian continue to be breach of the Code ofConduct may mean Cricket Ireland refusingpermission for the child to continue his / herinvolvement in representative cricket.

Guidelines for Children /young Players

For the purposes of this document, young playersare defined as those who are under 18 years of age.

Young players are entitled to:

Be safe and to feel safeBe listened toBe believedBe treated with dignity, sensitivity and respectParticipate on an equal basisHave fun and enjoy sportExperience competition at a level at which theyfeel comfortableComment and make suggestionsMake complaints and have them dealt with inrelation to abuse of any kindAppropriate confidentialityApproach the Designated Person or Children’sOfficer with any questions or concerns whichthey may have

Children / Young Players should not:

CheatBully or use bullying tactics to isolate anotherplayerHarm team-mates, opponents or their propertyTell lies about adults or other childrenSpread rumours

Expectations of Young Players

The Code of Conduct is to be read in conjunctionwith (i) The Laws of Cricket - The Preamble - The Spiritof Cricket and (ii) Notes of the Code of Conduct. Afterreading the Code of Conduct and the attachedappendices, the player and his parent / guardianshould sign the Acceptance Form. Selection will not

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be ratified until the Acceptance Form has beensigned by the player and his parent (s) / guardian (s)and returned to the team manager.

The Code of Conduct for Players

A Cricket Ireland youth representative player will,without exception, and at all times, for theduration of coaching sessions, tours andtournaments:

1. Respect and comply with all lawful decisions anddirectives of the Cricket Ireland ManagementTeam

2. Respect and comply with the principles of the“Spirit of Cricket” as outlined in the Preamble tothe Laws of Cricket

3. Conduct themselves in a manner as befits theirstatus as ambassadors for Irish Cricket

4. Players under 18 years of age are prohibited fromdrinking alcohol. For players above 18 years ofage, they may only drink alcohol with the expresspermission of the management team, and whilein their presence

5. Respect and comply with the terms of the CricketIreland directive which bans, without reservation,the use of un-prescribed drugs and othercontrolled substances

6. Respect and comply with the laws and customsof the country in which the tour or tournament istaking place

7. Respect the property and belongings of othersand maintain their accommodation, dressingroom and practice facilities in a clean and tidystate

8. Respect and comply with the terms of the DressCode as outlined in the letter informing player ofselection

9. Respect and comply with the terms of all curfewsas outlined by the Team Management

10. Respect and comply with the terms of thisCricket Ireland Youth Code. If there are breachesof this Code, disciplinary proceedings will beinitiated by the Cricket Ireland DisciplinaryCommittee

Notes on the Cricket Ireland Youth Code of Conduct

Players should note that:

The duration of a tour or a tournament is takento be from the time the player leaves the care of

his /her parent or guardian prior to the team’sdeparture for the tour / tournament until suchtime as the player is returned to the care of his /her parent / guardian following the player’sreturn from the tour / tournamentWhereas the Team Management will brief playerson the particular laws of a country prior todeparture for a tour / tournament, responsibilityto respect and comply with the laws rests withthe individual players. By conforming with theterms of the Code of Conduct, players canminimise difficulties that may be encounteringwhen touring abroadAbstaining from alcohol and tobacco and havingas much proper rest and sleep as possible areessential factors in maximising performance onthe cricket fieldBefore signing the Code of Conduct AcceptanceForm, the Team Management will organise aspecial session to brief the players on all aspectsof the Code of Conduct and to answer anyquestions on the term(s) of the codeBefore signing the Code of Conduct AcceptanceForm, a player’s parent(s) / guardian(s) will begiven the opportunity to consult with the TeamManagement to obtain clarification on any of theterm(s) of the Code of Conduct

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The Preamble – The Spirit of Cricket

Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within itsLaws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to thegame itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

1. There are two Laws which place the responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on thecaptain.Responsibility of captainsThe captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Gameas well as within the Laws.

Player’s conductIn the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or actionthe decisions of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring thegame into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpireand to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.

2. Fair and unfair playAccording to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action whererequired.

3. The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:Time wastingDamaging the pitchDangerous or unfair bowlingTampering with the ballAny other action that they consider to be unfair

4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:Your opponentsYour own captain and teamThe role of the umpiresThe game’s traditional values

5. It is against the Spirit of the Game:To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gestureTo direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpireTo indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or

unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side

6. ViolenceThere is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.

7. PlayersCaptains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expectedto make an important contribution to this.

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Supervision andGeneral GuidelinesTravelling with children

There is extra responsibility taken on bymanagement teams when they travel with childrento events. When travelling with young people themanager / coach / volunteer should:

Ensure that there is adequate insurance coverNot carry more than the permitted number ofpassengersEnsure use of safety beltsAvoid being alone with one participant, putpassenger in the back seat, drop off at centrallocations or seek parental permission to transportan individual participant on a regular basisClearly state times of pick-up and drop off


Make sure there is an adequate adult: child ratio.Recommended ratio is 1:8 under 12 and 1:10over 12. This will depend on the nature of theactivity, the age of the participants and anyspecial needs of the groupWhere there are mixed groups there should beleaders of both gendersAvoid being alone with one participant, if youneed to talk separately do so in an openenvironment, in view of othersClearly state time for start and end of coachingsessions or competitionsLeaders should remain in pairs until allparticipants have been collectedKeep attendance records and record of anyincidents / injuries that arise

Away trips / Overnight stays

Written permission of parents / guardians to beobtained for all overnight away trips. This shouldinclude permission to travel, behaviouragreement, emergency contact numbers andmedical or special needs (including permission totreat participant)All participants should sign a behaviouragreementCommunicate with parents and participants withregard to travel times, competition details, other

activities, gear requirements, and any othernecessary detailsRooming arrangements – adults should not sharerooms with children, children share rooms withthose of same age and gender and adults shouldknock before entering roomsAll group socialisation should take place incommunal areas (i.e. no boys in girls’ rooms andvice versa)There must be at least one adult of each genderwith a mixed partyLights out times should be enforcedYoung players should be under reasonablesupervision at all times and should never leavethe venue or go unsupervised without priorpermissionManagers and coaches to pay particularattention to players’ behaviour while on publictransport


Coaches / managers have a responsibility toensure the safety of the players with whom theyworkEnsure activities are suitable for age and stage ofdevelopment of participantsKeep a record of any specific medical conditionsof the participantsKeep a record of emergency contact numbers forparents / guardiansEnsure any necessary protective gear is usedEnsure First Aid kit is close at hand with access toqualified first-aiderKnow the contact numbers of emergencyservicesKeep first aid kit stocked upEnsure access to medical personnel if neededand have a emergency planIf an incident occurs, make a brief record of injuryand action taken. Make a brief record of theproblem/action/outcome. Contact the player’sparents and keep them informed of all detailsOfficials (umpires) should ensure the conduct ofthe gameManagers / Coaches should hold appropriatequalifications required by Cricket IrelandEnsure parents / guardians are informed withregard to finishing time of sessions or eventsImplement safety requirements with regard tothe wearing of helmets, bowling restrictions andfielding restrictions

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Physical Contact

Avoid unnecessary physical contactAny necessary contact should be in response tothe needs of the child and not the adultIt should be in an open environment with thepermission and understanding of the participantIt should be determined by the age anddevelopmental stage of the participant - Don’tdo something that a child can do for themselvesNever engage in inappropriate touching


Cricket Ireland has Public Liability Insurance andappropriate Employer’s Liability Insurance foremployeesIn addition there is a comprehensive AnnualTravel Policy for all Cricket Ireland teamsproviding a high level of cover for medicalExpenses etcThe Public Liability and Employer’s LiabilityInsurance cover applies both home and abroad.Details are available from the Head Office ofCricket IrelandAdults transporting children in their cars shouldbe aware of the extent and limits of their motorinsurance cover, particularly in relation toacceptable numbers and liability

Cricket Ireland Policy andProcedures on use of Video,Photography and mobile Phones

Cricket Ireland has adopted this policy in relation tothe use of images of cricketers on its website and inother publications as there have been concernsabout the risks posed directly and indirectly tochildren and young people through the use ofphotographs on sports websites and otherpublications. Where possible we will try to usemodels or illustrations when promoting an activityand avoid the use of the first name and surname ofindividuals in a photograph. This reduces the risk ofinappropriate, unsolicited attention from peoplewithin and outside the sport.

Rules to guide the use ofphotography

If a cricketer is named, avoid using theirphotograph

If a photograph is used, avoid naming thecricketerAsk for the cricketer’s permission to use theirimage. This ensures that they are aware of theway the image is to be used to represent thesportAsk for parental permission to use their image.This ensures that they are aware of the way theimage is to be used to represent the sport. (Seeparental consent form)Follow the child protection procedures, ensuringeither the Designated Person or the social serviceand / or police are informed

Amateur photographers / film / video operatorswishing to record an event or practice sessionshould seek accreditation with the children’s officeror leader of session. Cricket Ireland will display thefollowing information prior to the start of an eventto inform spectators of the policy:

“In line with the recommendation in Cricket Ireland’sCode of Conduct, the promoters of this event requestthat any person wishing to engage in any video, zoomor close range photography should register their detailswith the organisers. On no account should children bephotographed or filmed without their permission andthe permission of their parents”.

When commissioning professional photographers orinviting the press to an activity or event CricketIreland will aim to ensure that they are clear aboutour expectations of them in relation to childprotection. Professional photographers / film / videooperators wishing to record an event or practicesession should seek accreditation with the Children’sOfficer or event organiser by producing theirprofessional identification for the details to berecorded.Cricket Ireland will then:

Provide a clear brief about what is consideredappropriate in terms of content and behaviourIssue the photographer with identification whichmust be worn at all timesKeep a record of accreditationsNot allow unsupervised access to athletes or oneto one photo sessions at eventsNot approve / allow photo sessions outside theevents or at a player’s home

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Videoing as a coaching aid

Video equipment can be used as a legitimatecoaching aid. However, permission should first beobtained from the player and the player’s parent /guardian.

Anyone concerned about any photography takingplace at events or training sessions can contact theChildren’s Officer or Designated Person and askthem to deal with the matter.

mobile Phones

Mobile phones are often given to young people forsecurity, enabling parents to keep in touch andmake sure they are safe. The use of mobile phonesallows quick and easy contact, but it is importantthat mobile phones are not used to cross personalboundaries and cause harm for young people.

Managers / Coaches / Selectors

May use group texts for communication andinform parents of this at the start of the seasonIt is not appropriate to have constantcommunication with individual cricketersDo not use phone in locations such as changingrooms

Young people

If you receive an offensive photo, email ormessage, do not reply to it. Save it, make a noteof time and date and inform your parent /guardian / Children’s OfficerBe careful about the people to whom you giveyour numberDo not respond to unfamiliar numbersDo not use your phone in locations such aschanging rooms

The Use of Sanctions

The use of sanctions is an important element in themaintenance of discipline. The age anddevelopmental stage of the child should be takeninto consideration when using sanctions:

Code of Conduct rules are clearly stated andagreedA warning is given if a rule is broken

If rules are broken on a second or subsequentoccasion, sanctions may be imposed and parentsmay be contactedSanctions should not be imposed for errorswhich occur while playingPhysical activity (laps or push-ups) should not beused as a sanctionSanctions should be used sparinglyWhere relevant, sanctions may need to berecorded

PROTECTIOnCricket Ireland has adopted child protection policiesand procedures to ensure the provision of a safe,positive and nurturing environment where children candevelop and enhance their cricketing and social skills.

Substance Abuse

The use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco isdiscouraged as being incompatible with ahealthy approach to sporting activityAdults should act as role models for appropriatebehaviour with regard to the use of drugs,alcohol and tobaccoUse of any substance that is perceived to offer ashort-cut to improved performances isdiscouraged completelyCoaches have a role to play in educating those intheir care as to the short and long-term effects ofproscribed drugs or of substances taken toenhance performance

Psychological Stress, Burnoutand Dropout

Burnout may be defined as a process resulting froman activity that was once a source of fun andsatisfaction, but later becomes associated withphysical and psychological distress. Among themeasures which Cricket Ireland promotes to reducethe incidence of stress and burnout are:

Listening and respecting the children’s viewsabout participationEncouraging the development of individual skillsand effortEnsuring that children enjoy the activities inwhich they are involved

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Maximising the involvement of children by theuse of the full panel while at tournamentsAttaining an appropriate match between theindividual child’s ability and the activity in whichinvolved


Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression be itverbal, psychological or physical conducted by anindividual or group against others.

It is behaviour that is intentionally aggravating andintimidating and occurs mainly in socialenvironments such as schools, clubs and otherorganisations working with children and youngpeople.

Combating Bullying

The anti-bullying policy of Cricket Ireland includesthe following measures:

Ensures that all members follow the Code ofConduct, which promotes the rights and dignityof each memberRaises awareness of bullying as an unacceptableform of behaviourComplaints procedure used if bullying occursProvides comprehensive supervision at all gamesand during the course of toursProvides a supportive environment for victims ofbullyingObtains co-operation of parents / guardians tocombat bullying

Child Abuse and ProtectionProcedures

Cricket Ireland accepts that organisations, whichinclude young people among its members, arevulnerable to the occurrence of child abuse. Beloware the procedures for dealing with any welfare orprotection issue that may arise. Child welfare andthe protection of young people are the concern ofall adults at all times, irrespective of their role withinthe organisation. Personnel appointed by CricketIreland to oversee child protection procedures arelisted at the end of this document.

Persons unsure about whether or not certainbehaviours are abusive and therefore reportable,

should contact the duty social worker in the localhealth board or social services department wherethey will receive advice. Grounds for concern includea specific indication from a child, a statement from aperson who witnessed abuse or an illness, injury orbehaviour consistent with abuse.

A report may be made by any player / official /member of Cricket Ireland but should be passed onto the Designated Person or to the Children’s Officerwho may in turn have to pass the concern to thelocal Statutory Authorities. It is not the responsibilityof anyone working within Cricket Ireland, in a paid orvoluntary capacity, or those working in affiliatedorganisations, to take responsibility or decidewhether or not child abuse is taking place. That isthe job of the local statutory authorities. However,there is a responsibility to protect children byassisting the appropriate agencies so that they canthen make enquiries and take any necessary actionto protect the young person.

Protection for Persons ReportingChild Abuse, 1998 (IRL)

The Protection for Persons Reporting Child AbuseAct, 1998 provides immunity from civil liability topersons who report child abuse ‘reasonably and ingood faith’ to the Health Board or the Gardai (See5.13.1 – ISC Code). The act also covers the offence of‘false reporting’. The main provisions of the Act are:

1. The provision of immunity from civil liability toany person who reports child abuse “reasonablyand in good faith” to designated officers ofHealth Boards or any member of An GardaSiochána;

2. The provision of significant protections foremployees who report child abuse. Theseprotections cover all employees and all forms ofdiscrimination up to and including, dismissal;

3. The creation of a new offence of false reportingof child abuse where a person makes a report ofchild abuse to the appropriate authorities“knowing that statement to be false”. This is anew criminal offence designed to protectinnocent persons from malicious reports.

This law does not exist in Northern Ireland, but anindividual who reports concerns in ‘good faith’ is not

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deliberately attempting to slander another person’sname. In Northern Ireland there is legislation, (theCriminal Law Act (NI) 1967) which places theresponsibility on everyone to report offences or toforward information to the police by emphasizingthe, ‘duty of every other person, who knows or believes,(a) that the offence or some other arrestable offenceshas been committed: and (b) that he has informationwhich is likely to secure, or to be material assistance insecuring the apprehension, prosecution or convictionof any person for that offence’

Reporting Suspected or DisclosedChild Abuse

The following steps should be taken in reportingchild abuse to the statutory authorities:

(a) Observe and note dates, times, locations andcontexts in which the incident occurred orsuspicion was aroused, together with any otherrelevant information

(b) Report the matter as soon as possible to theDesignated Person with responsibility forreporting abuse. If the Designated Person hasreasonable grounds for believing that the childhas been abused or is at risk of abuse, s/he willmake a report to the health board / socialservices who have statutory responsibility toinvestigate and assess suspected or actual childabuse

(c) In cases of emergency, where a child appears tobe at immediate and serious risk and theDesignated Person is unable to contact a dutysocial worker, the police authorities should becontacted. Under no circumstances should achild be left in a dangerous situation pendingintervention by the Statutory Authorities

(d) If the Designated Person is unsure whetherreasonable grounds for concern exist s/he caninformally consult with the local healthboard/social services. S/he will be advisedwhether or not the matter requires a formalreport

(e) A Designated Person reporting suspected oractual child abuse to the Statutory Authoritieswill first inform the family of their intention tomake such a report, unless doing so wouldendanger the child or undermine aninvestigation

(f ) In instances where Cricket Ireland finds that itdoes not have reasonable grounds for reporting

a concern to the Statutory Authorities, themember who raised the concern should be givena clear statement by the Designated Person ofthe reasons why Cricket Ireland is not takingaction. The member should be advised that ifthey remain concerned about the situation, theyare free to consult with, or report to, theStatutory Authorities

(g) It is best to report child abuse concerns bymaking personal contact with relevant personnelin the Statutory Authorities and then to follow upin writing

Response to a Child DisclosingAbuse

(a) Advise the child that it is not possible that anyinformation will be kept a secret

(b) Deal with allegation of abuse in sensitive mannerby listening to and facilitating the child to tellabout the problem

(c) Stay calm(d) Do not make any judgmental statement about

the person against whom the allegation is beingmade

(e) Use non-specific questions such as “Can youexplain what you mean by that?” Let the child tellthe story in his/her own words

(f ) Give the child a general indication of what willhappen next such as informing parents /guardians, health board or social services

Allegations against managementTeams

If an allegation is made against a manager / coach /selector / volunteer working within Cricket Ireland,the following procedures will be followed:

The reporting procedure in respect of suspectedchild abuseThe procedure for dealing with an allegationagainst a member of the Management team orvolunteer

The safety of the child making the allegation shouldbe considered and the safety of any other childrenwho may be at risk. All necessary steps must betaken to protect children within the care of CricketIreland.

The issue of confidentiality is important. Information

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is on a need to know basis and the person againstwhom the allegation is made should be treated withrespect and fairness.

Steps to be taken

Advice to be sought from local duty social workerwith regard to any action necessary to protectthe child who may be at riskMatter reported to local statutory authorities byDesignated PersonThe Chairperson of Cricket Ireland and the CEOshould privately inform the person that (a) anallegation has been made against him / her and(b) the nature of the allegation. He / she shouldbe afforded an opportunity to respond, and to beaccompanied by another adultThe person should be asked to step aside pendingthe outcome of the investigation. When a personis asked to step aside it should be made clear thatit is only a precautionary measure and will notprejudice any later disciplinary proceedingsAll persons involved in a child protection process(the child, his / her parents / guardians, thealleged offender, his / her family, managementteams) should be afforded appropriate respect,fairness, support and confidentiality at all stagesof the procedureThe Board of Cricket Ireland should be informedby the Designated Person that the leader hasbeen asked to stand asideThe Board of Cricket Ireland can considerdisciplinary action against the leader but shouldensure that this does not interfere with theinvestigation of the Statutory AuthoritiesThe Board of Cricket Ireland will consider theoutcome of the investigation and any implicationsit might have. The fact that the alleged abuser hasnot been prosecuted or been found guilty doesnot mean that they are appropriate to work withyoung people in the future


Confidentiality should be maintained in respect ofall issues and people involved in cases of abuse,welfare or bad practice. It is important that the rightsof both the child and the person about whom thecomplaint has been made are protected.

The following points should be kept in mind:

A guarantee of confidentiality or undertakingsregarding secrecy cannot be given, as the welfareof the child will supersede all otherconsiderationsAll information should be treated in a careful andsensitive manner and should be discussed onlywith those who need to knowInformation should be conveyed in a sensitivemanner to the parents / guardians of the childabout whom there are concernsGiving information to others on a ‘need to know’basis for the protection of a child is not a breachof confidentiality

Anonymous Complaints

Anonymous complaints can be difficult to deal withbut should not be ignored. In all cases the safetyand welfare of the child / children are paramount.Any such complaints relating to inappropriatebehaviour should be brought to the attention of theChildren’s Officer or the Designated Person. Theinformation should be checked out and handled in aconfidential manner.


Rumours should not be allowed to hang in the air.Any rumours relating to inappropriate behaviourshould be brought to the attention of theDesignated Person or the Children’s Officer andchecked out without delay.

Disclosing Information to Others

Northern Ireland

Advice will be sought from the Child Abuse RapeEnquiry Unit if Cricket Ireland has information aboutan individual who poses a risk to children and joinsanother organisation. The Northern Ireland Assemblyplaces the responsibility on the police to co-ordinatethe risk assessment and management process.

Republic of Ireland

The Irish Sports Council recommends that bestpractice is to disclose the information requested by athird party which is given in order to provideprotection to a young person now or in the future.

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APPENDIX 1Registration Form

Name of Player:(Official name on passport)

Date of Birth:


Telephone Number (Parents): Home Work

Mobile (Parents):

Email address (Parents):

Contact Address (for parent / guardian, if different from above):

Telephone Number (if different from above):

School: Club:

Passport Number: Expiry Date:(Back Page of Passport to be photocopied, this includes photograph)


Please tick

I am aware that Cricket Ireland implements a Child Protection Policy.

I am aware of the Code of Ethics / Conduct expected by Cricket Ireland.

I have been made aware of the Cricket Ireland’s policy on photographing or videoing,and agree to have my child photographed in line with this policy.


Signature: (Consent by parent / guardian)


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medical Consent Form

This form should be completed by a parent / guardian before your child can participate in Cricket Ireland activity.One form should be completed for each child / young person.

Name of Doctor:

Address of Doctor:

Phone number of Doctor:

Child’s Medical / PPS number:

Any specific conditions requiring medical treatment and /or medication?

If yes, give details:

Any allergies?

If yes, give details:

Please provide any special dietary requirements, and the type of pain medication which may be given

Parental Consent (to be signed for competitors under 18 years of age)

I, [please print name]

being guardian of the above named child hereby give permission for the Team Manager to give the immediatenecessary consent on my behalf for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medicalauthorities, where it would be contrary to my son’s / daughter’s interest, in the doctor’s medical opinion, for anydelay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent.

Signature: (Consent by parent / guardian)


yES nO

yES nO

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APPENDIX 2Code of Conduct: Acceptance Form

(This page to be signed and returned to the Team Manager of the particular Youth team)

I, [please print name]

agree to abide by the Cricket Ireland Code of Conduct, having read and understood it fully, and its attachedappendices:

(i) The Laws of Cricket: The Preamble - “The Spirit of Cricket”

(ii) Notes on the Code of Conduct

(iii) Notes on Photographic and Video Equipment



To be completed by Parent /Guardian

I, [please print name]

having read, and fully understood, the Cricket Code of Conduct and its attached appendices, agree to support itsimplementation.

I am aware that a serious or continued breach of the Code may result in my child being sent home early at myexpense.

I acknowledge that Cricket Ireland will only be liable in the event of an accident if a management team fails totake reasonable steps in its duty of care for my child during the tour.

I am aware that Cricket Ireland implements a Child Protection Policy which is designed to protect my child andother children when they are engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of Cricket Ireland.



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APPENDIX 3Accident Report Form

Coach / Manager in Attendance:

Injured Party


Date of Birth:


Telephone Number:

School: Club:

Accident Details

Date: Time:


Nature of Injury:

How it happened:

First aid involved:

Medical attention sought:

Parents informed:

By Whom:

Form completed by:

Referred to Designated Person:

Signature of Designated Person:

yES nO

yES nO

yES nO

yES nO

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APPENDIX 4Accident Report Form

Club / Agency:

Your name: Your position:

Child’s name: Date of birth:

Child’s address:

Parent(s) / Carer’s Name and address:

Telephone Number:


Date and time of alleged incident:

Your observations:

What did the child say?

What did you say to the child?

Action taken so far:


Print name: Date:

Do not discuss this incident with anyone other than those who need to know. A copy of this form should be sent to thesocial services / Health Board after the telephone report and to Cricket Ireland’s Children’s Officer for monitoring purposes.

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Report of Designated Person /Children’s Officer re Incident

External agencies contacted (date and time):


If yes, name and contact number:

Details of advice:

Social services:

If yes, name and contact number:

Details of advice received:


If yes, name and contact number:

Details of advice received:


Print name: Date:

yES nO

yES nO

yES nO

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APPENDIX 5Application Form youth Coach / manager

Position applied for:

Full Name:

Any previous surname:

Current address:

Date of Birth:

Telephone No(s):

National Insurance Number / PPS:

List previous experience/involvement with youth teams at club, provincial or international level. Includeany other experience of working with children (i.e. under-18s) in a voluntary or professional capacity.

Coaching and other relevant qualifications:

Child Protection training (source(s) and date(s)):

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Application Form youth Coach / manager cont

Do you agree to abide by the guidelines contained in theCode of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport?

Do you agree to abide by the rules ofCricket Ireland, ECC and ICC (as applicable)?

Have you ever been asked to leave a sporting organization?(If you have answered yes, we will contact you in confidence)

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or beenthe subject of a caution; a Bound Over Order; or are you atpresent the subject of criminal investigations?


Please supply the name and address of two people whom we can contact and who, on the basis of personalknowledge of your work, are willing to endorse your application. One of these names should, if possible, be that of acoach or team manager in your current club or provincial union.

Name and Address of Referee 1:

Signed: Date:

Name and Address of Referee 2:

Signed: Date:

* References are not required for applicants who have coached or managed official Irish internationalteams in the past two years.

yES nO

yES nO

yES nO

yES nO

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APPENDIX 6Confidential Reference Form

(This page to be signed and returned to the Team Manager of the particular Youth team)

The following person:(list name)

has expressed an interest in working with(name club / organization)

as(list position)

If you are happy to complete this reference, any information will be treated with due confidentiality and in accordancewith relevant legislation and guidance. We appreciate you being extremely candid, open and honest in your evaluation.

How long have you known this person?

In what capacity?

What attributes does this person have that would make them suited to this work?

Please rate this person on the following (tick one box for each statement)

Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent




Can motivate others




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Confidential Reference Form continued

This post involves substantial access to young people. As an organization committed to the welfare andprotection of young people, we are anxious to know if you have any reason at all to be concerned about thisapplicant being in contact with children and young people

If you answer yes, we will contact you in confidence



Position in organisation:

Name of club / organisation:

yES nO

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APPENDIX 7Cricket Ireland is registered with the Garda Central Vetting Unit and is entitled to receiveGarda Vetting services in respect of its employees.

Garda Vetting (Procedures)

Persons who are subject to Garda Vetting can obtain a Garda Vetting Application Form from Coach EducationDepartment, Cricket Ireland, Unit 22, Grattan Business Park, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17, or by telephoning +3531894 7914

The applicant completes the application form and returns it to the above address. He or she must sign theform, thereby providing authorisation for the Garda Vetting process

An authorised liaison person in Cricket Ireland sends the form on to the Garda Central Vetting Unit

Garda Vetting checks on the applicant are carried out following receipt of the application form at the GardaCentral Vetting Unit

A Garda Vetting disclosure is issued directly to Cricket Ireland

Garda Vetting will only be conducted, and relevant disclosure will only be issued, to an authorised liaisonperson within Cricket Ireland, predicated on the written authorisation of an individual vetting subject to doso in a Garda Vetting application form

An individual vetting subject may obtain a copy of their Garda Vetting Disclosure from the authorised liaisonperson at Cricket Ireland to whom it was issued

Within current disclosure policy, details of all convictions and/or prosecutions, successful or not, pending orcompleted, in the State or elsewhere as the case may be, are disclosed to the authorised liaison person atCricket Ireland

All decisions in respect of the suitability of applicants for positions in this instance are the soleresponsibility of Cricket Ireland.

The Garda Central Vetting unit has no input into any decision made by Cricket Ireland in respect of thesuitability of an applicant for a position within Cricket Ireland.

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Guidance from AccessNI is that Umbrella organisations (i.e. Cricket Ireland) should not make recruitmentdecisions for the organisations (i.e. the cricket clubs) they assist with disclosures. This does not mean that theycannot be involved in these recruitment decisions, either by;

Supporting the clubs in making decisions by advising them on how to assess any potential risks arising frominformation returned directly to the club via Cricket Ireland, or

Insisting that all those involved in the sport, even at club level, are appointed via safe recruitment proceduresthat are managed by Cricket Ireland. The decision about who to recruit can remain with the club but CricketIreland would have the final say over who should not represent the sport and would be able to insist that aparticular person does not volunteer in the sport. This would also mean that Cricket Ireland may decide thatan individual can volunteer in the sport but when the club receives the information they may set a higherthreshold and not recruit them

Information returned to the Umbrella organisation (i.e. Cricket Ireland) from AccessNI should be returned to theclub via the Governing Body (i.e. Cricket Ireland). The individual applicant will also receive a copy of theDisclosure Certificate directly from AccessNI. The Disclosure certificate must be destroyed by the club once arecruitment decision has been made, but the individual is advised to retain their copy.

The following guidance is based on Cricket Ireland’s own Cricket specific application form (available from CricketIreland Belfast Office) to complement the AccessNI Disclosure Certificate Application Form and Cricket Irelandbeing involved in the recruitment decision-making process.

Step 1A cricket club identifies positions within their club, either paid or voluntary, which they believe meet the criteriafor an individual to undergo an Enhanced Disclosure check.

Cricket Ireland recommendations:All coaches involved with youth sides and / or vulnerable adultsAll volunteers involved with youth sides and / or vulnerable adultsAll drivers who regularly transport young people and / or vulnerable adults

This list purely gives examples and is not exhaustive. Cricket Ireland recommends that if there is any doubt abouta role, Enhanced Disclosure should be applied for.

Step 2A club’s Lead Officer for AccessNI acquires copies of the ‘AccessNI Disclosure Certificate Application Form’ and the‘Service to Cricket Form’ (which must include a self declaration section and section for obtaining references). TheAccess NI form, as well as guidance for its completion, are available from the Access NI website and the ‘Serviceto Cricket Form’ is available from the Cricket Ireland office in Belfast. These forms can be photocopied.

Step 3The Club’s Lead Officer for AccessNI distributes both forms and an envelope marked ‘Confidential’ to theindividual / individuals who will work with or manage those who work with children or vulnerable adults. TheLead Officer should outline the procedure regarding accuracy and confidentiality to the individual.

Step 4Each applicant completes fully both of their own individual forms, (only the successful applicant will have an

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AccessNI check completed, other application forms will be destroyed after the final recruitment decision hasbeen made). The club’s Lead Officer for AccessNI completes and signs an Identity Check Form stating what formsof identification they have seen in relation to the applicant. The ‘Service to Cricket Form’ (for the successfulapplicant) is copied and a copy retained by the club. The original ‘Service to Cricket Form’, AccessNI form, letterstating confirmation of sight of correct identification, and AccessNI fee (if applicable) are placed in the‘Confidential’ envelope and returned to the Governing Body for the attention of the Lead Signatory or CounterSignatory at the Belfast Office.

Step 5At the Governing Body only the Governing Body Lead Signatory or Counter signatory will open the envelopeand check each individual form to ensure that it is completed properly, before forwarding it to AccessNI. (NOTE -any form that is incomplete will be returned directly to the individual applicant for correction and re-submission).

In the context of AccessNI’s services, Question H6 ‘prescribed purpose’ relates to the Enhanced disclosureprocess. The regulations under Part V of the Police Act 1997 set out or ‘prescribe’ the positions which qualify foran Enhanced Disclosure. Therefore, a position which appears in the regulation is said to be a ‘prescribed purpose’for an application for an Enhanced Disclosure. The Governing Body Lead / Counter Signatory must therefore tickthis box when requiring an Enhanced check.

Step 6The club’s Lead Officer for AccessNI will retain the copy of the ‘Service to Cricket Form’ in a secure place andfollow up on the references given. A sample of a reference application is available from the Belfast Office.

Step 7When AccessNI receive a request for an Enhanced level check AccessNI will check each individual’s detailsagainst;

The Criminal Record Viewer – which contains the NI criminal records, andThe Police National Computer – which contains the GB criminal recordsDisqualification from Working with Children (DWC (NI) List)Disqualification from Working with Vulnerable Adults (DWVA (NI))List 99 held by DCSFDoH PoCA and PoVA listsUnsuitable Persons List held by DERelevant Scottish ListsInformation held by relevant Police Forces throughout the UK for any additional non-conviction material,including cases pending, which the Police consider relevant for Disclosure

AccessNI notes any offences or relevant information that appear to be linked to an individual based on thedetails set out on the form submitted. Once AccessNI has completed its process the form is returned to theGoverning Body Lead / Counter signatory.

Step 8The Lead / Counter Signatory reviews every record where there has been a Disclosure from AccessNI. Anyindividual Disclosure deemed relevant to the Safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults will be anonymisedand reported to the Provincial Union Case Management Review Group (Provincial Unions should consider inadvance who these members are). The Provincial Union Case Management Review Group makes the finaldetermination whether or not a disclosure is relevant or contrary to the Cricket Ireland’s Safeguarding standards.

Access nI continued

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In instances where the Case Management Review Group is concerned about the suitability of an individual intheir current role within a club based on an AccessNI Disclosure or wishes to seek clarification, the individual inquestion will be contacted directly and invited to a confidential meeting to assist in the decision making process.

Step 9Certificates that are returned with no information or information that is not deemed relevant to theSafeguarding of children or vulnerable adults will be forwarded to the Lead Officer for AccessNI in the club.

This guidance has been put together based on information from;AccessNI Duty to Care 2007 DHSSPSGetting It Right 2005 DHSSPSThe Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s SportProtection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (NI) Order

Guidance completed September 2010. For further information please contact Paul Stephenson at theChild Protection in Sport Unit [email protected] or Tel: 028 9035 5756.

Access nI continued

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APPENDIX 9Declaration of manager / Coach /Selector / Volunteer

I understand the nature of my role and responsibilities at the Cricket Ireland. I confirm that I have received andread a copy of this Code of Ethics, and I accept my responsibility for the children and young people entrusted tomy care.




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APPENDIX 10Travel Permission FormTravelling with underage Participants




Travelling Volunteer

I hereby agree to abide by the guidelines and regulations contained in Cricket Ireland’s Code of Conduct




Parent / Guardian of Participant

I have read and accept the conditions and rules set down by Cricket Ireland for children travelling to matchesand events.

Parent(s) /Guardian(s) Name:


Emergency Contact Number(s):

young Participant

I have read and accept the conditions and rules set down by Cricket Ireland for children travelling to matchesand events. I agree to abide by the rules



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APPENDIX 11Contact Details for Cricket Ireland’sDesignated Person / Children’s Officer(s)

Cricket Ireland Designated Personto whom incidents should be reported is:

Warren DeutromChief Executive OfficerCricket IrelandUnit 22Grattan Business ParkClonshaughDublin 17Tel: 00353 1894 7914Mobile: 00 353 87 615 4047

Children’s Officer(s)

(Northern Ireland) (Republic of Ireland)Gavin Craig James BennettCricket Ireland Cricket IrelandThe Pavilion Unit 22Stormont Estate Grattan Business ParkUpper Newtownards Road ClonshaughBelfast Dublin 17BT4 3TATel: 0044 28 9076 5619 Tel: 00 353 86 603 8908

Anti-Doping Officer

Dr Tom Coghlan122 Raheny RoadDublin 5Tel: 00353 1848 0855

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APPENDIX 12ICC Europe / ECBSafety Regulations

These Directives are applicable to all competitions played under the ECC Regulations, and they apply to boysand girls. Any reference to he / his should be interpreted to include she / her. Age groups are based on the age ofthe player on 1 September in the year preceding the competition. It must be noted that the Directives are aimedat an individual’s age as opposed to the age group of the Championship being played. For example, a player whobecause of his age, falls into the under 15 group, must abide by the restrictions laid down for that age group.This will apply even though he may be playing in an under 17 Championship. He cannot bowl / field using theunder 17 restrictions, he is still bound by the under 15 restrictions.

Fielding Restrictions

FieldersNo young player in the under 15 age group or younger shall be allowed to field closer than 8 yards (7.3m)from the middle stump, except behind the wicket on the off side, until the batsman has played at the ballFor those in the under 13 age group and below, the distance is 11 yards (10m)These minimum distances apply even if the player is wearing a helmetShould a player in these age groups come within the restricted distance the umpire must stop the gameimmediately and instruct the fielder to move backAny player in the under 16 to under 18 age groups who has not reached the age of 18, must wear a helmet,and for boys, an abdominal protector (box) when fielding within 6 yards (5.5m) of the bat, except behind thewicket on the off side

Wicket-keepersAny wicket-keeper under the age of 18 (on the day of the match) must wear a helmet when standing up tothe stumpsThis applies to all speeds of bowling

Non-compliance with this Directive will result in the umpires stopping the game and instruction the wicket-keeper to put on a helmet, or stand back from the stumps.

Bowling RestrictionsFor the purpose of these Directives, a fast bowler is defined as a bowler to whom a wicket-keeper in the sameage group would in normal circumstances stand back to take the ball. This does not preclude the umpires frominsisting that these Directives apply even though the ability of the wicket-keeper means that he is capable ofstanding up to what they consider to be a fast bowler.

Directives for matchesAge Max overs per spell Max overs per day

Up to 13 5 overs per spell 10 overs per day

U14, U15 6 overs per spell 12 overs per day

U16, U17 7 overs per spell 18 overs per day

U18, U19 7 overs per spell 18 overs per day

In addition to these, the ECB also ‘recommend that in any 7 day period a fast bowler should not bowl more than4 days in that period and for a maximum of 2 days in a row.’ For example: in a tournament lasting 5 days, a fast

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ICC Europe / ECBSafety Regulations continued

bowler would bowl on days 1 and 2: not bowl on day 3: bowl on days 4 and 5.

Having completed a spell, a bowler cannot bowl again, from either end, until an equivalent number of overs tothe length of his spell has been bowled from the same end. If a bowler only completes part of his permittedspell, the above restriction still applies. For example, if he is allowed 7 overs, but only bowls 4, he cannot bowlagain, until 4 overs have been bowled from the same end. He cannot resume his `spell’ after 2 overs from thesame end, claiming that he is allowed another 3 overs to make up his 7. However, a bowler is allowed to changeends during a spell without taking a rest. This can only be done provided that he bowls the next permissible overfrom the other end. If there is an interruption in play, whether scheduled or not, he will be allowed to count timeoff the field as part of his `rest time’. During this interruption, the bowler may count every 7 minutes of theinterruption as being equivalent to 1 over at each end.

If play is interrupted for any reason for less than 40 minutes, any spell in progress at the time of the interruptioncan be continued after the interruption up to the maximum number of overs per spell for the appropriate agegroup. In this case, the bowler cannot claim any time off the filed as rest time and his spell will still be in progresseven though play is suspended. If the spell is not continued after the interruption, the bowler cannot bowl again,from either end, until the equivalent number of overs to the length of his spell before the interruption has beenbowled from the same end. If the interruption is of 40 minutes duration or more, whether scheduled or not, thebowler can commence a new spell immediately.

Once a bowler covered by these Directives has bowled in a match, he cannot exceed the maximum overs per dayfor his age group even if he subsequently bowls spin. He can exceed the maximum of overs per spell if bowlingspin only, but cannot then revert to bowling fast until an equivalent number of overs to the length of his spellhas been bowled from the same end. Any spell that includes fast bowling must not exceed the maximumnumber of overs per spell even if some of the spell is of spin.

umpires’ responsibilityThe umpires are expected to monitor these players and keep records of the overs such players bowl. Once themaximum allowance for any one spell has been reached, they will inform the player and the captain accordingly,and will not allow the player to bowl again until the requisite rest period has been fulfilled.

Prior to the game, the manager / coach / captain will inform the umpires in writing, of any player who comesunder this Directive. If during the game, the umpires consider that any other players come under this Directive,they shall inform the Tournament Director and manager / coach / captain as soon as is practical, that theseplayers shall be subject to the above Directives.

Batting DirectiveAny batsman under the age of 18 (on the day of the match) must wear a helmet when battingNon-compliance with this Directive will result in the umpires stopping the game immediately and instructingthe batsman to put on a helmet

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APPENDIX 13ICC Europe / ECB Fast BowlingDirectives for Practice Sessions

Age Maximum Balls per session Maximum sessions per week

Up to 13 30 balls per session 2 sessions per week

U14, U15 36 balls per session 2 sessions per week

U16, U17 36 balls per session 3 sessions per week

U18, U19 42 balls per session 3 sessions per week

The figures for the match and practice sessions are based on players bowling in no more than 3 matches orpractice sessions per week for age groups up to and including U15, and 4 matches or practice sessions per weekfor age groups up to and including U19. Players can play in other matches provided that they do not bowl.


OutdoorThe emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity. These Directives encourage young fast bowlers to focustheir efforts on shorter, more intensive spells. Consequently, young fast bowlers should be made aware of theimportance of warming up and warming down as part of their preparation.

IndoorIn the period between the end of the season and Christmas, indoor practice for fast bowlers should be kept to aminimum.

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APPENDIX 14Duties and Responsibilities of managersand Coaches of Representative Sides

Develop and implement aSelection guideline documentbased on best practice

Implement the 12 Month Trainingand Match Programme for theIreland Squads

Facilitate Elite Coach Education andCPD opportunities (Level III, LevelIV and CPD)

Identify, recruit and successionplan for Elite EnvironmentCoaching Positions within CricketIreland

Work with Key Stakeholders toprocure High PerformanceCoaching Facility and Equipment tobe used within our EliteEnvironments within the PDM

In conjunction with other selectors,establish rules relating tobehaviour (Code of Ethics/Conduct)

Director of Cricket International TeamsAssistant

Lead Coach Assistant Coach /Manager (U19’s)


Create list of squad membersincluding coaching and supportstaff

Check eligibility of all memberswith Registration Officer

Liaise with Coaching Team toestablish a phone number for allsquad members

Ensure that all squad members and/or parents are aware of allprogramme requirements /conditions, e.g. dates, times andvenues of all training sessions,team meetings, team selectionissues, passports, competitionitinerary

Assemble information relating tosquad members’ medicalconditions / dietary requirements

Provide list of Squad names forChairman of Youth Committee andDirector of Cricket

Inform squad members of financialimplications attached to theprogramme

Check out travel arrangements,hotel accommodation, kit,individual needs

Issue CI flag to Lead Coach andreturn after tournament. Ensuresafe keeping and return of trophies

Identify squad members inconsultation with assistant coachand other selector

Identify other coaching supportrequired and liaise with Director ofCricket

Overall responsibility for discipline

Attend Off-Season and In-SeasonTraining Sessions

Develop a knowledge of squadmembers’ strengths andweaknesses with a view to furtherimprovement

Develop a knowledge ofcompetition regulations

In conjunction with assistant Coachand other Selector, select squad

Produce reports, written, verbaland technological to Director ofCricket as instructed

Commitment to Coaching CPD.Minimum of Level III CoachingQualification

Attend Off-Season and In-SeasonTraining Sessions

In conjunction with Lead Coachand other Selector, select squad

Produce reports, written, verbaland technological to Director ofCricket as instructed

Commitment to Coaching CPD

Minimum of Level III CoachingQualification

In conjunction with the LeadCoach, develop a knowledge ofsquad members’ strengths andweaknesses with a view to furtherimprovement

Event Preparation

Primary responsibility foraccommodation arrangementsincluding allocation of rooms

Assemble list of rooms / squadmembers

Develop a familiarisation andtraining programme prior to theevent in conjunction with theDirector of Cricket

In consultation with otherselectors, select Squad

Assist in Selection of the Squad

Advisory responsibility for roomallocation

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Duties and Responsibilities of managersand Coaches of Representative Sides continued

Director of Cricket International TeamsAssistant

Lead Coach Assistant Coach /Manager (U19’s)

Make contact with organisers oftournament to confirm details ofcompetition and communicate thisinformation to players

Liaise, as necessary, with otherteams

Ensure that all squad members areaware of requirements relating todress code

Manage and educate players rerequirements relating to dress code

Attend technical meetings, ifnecessary

Ensure that squad members areaware of arrangements –emergency exits, room keys, mealtimes, cost of additional services

Attend technical meetings, ifnecessary

At Event

Attend Matches / Tournamentswhere feasible (Financial/TimeManagement)

Attend technical meetings (ifnecessary)

Ensure that all squad members areaware of the programme of events

Ensure that all squad members areaware of warm-up times and areas

Be aware of pastoral issues forsquad members

Do frequent head counts

Ensure that all squad members areaware of the programme of events)

Ensure that all squad members areaware of warm-up times and areas

Establish a squad meeting area

Be aware of pastoral issues forsquad members

Establish appropriate lines ofcommunication with home; sendresults to press, Director of Cricketand ITA

Do frequent head counts

Event Preparation continued

Post Event

Liaise with Youth CommitteeChairman re fixtures, training andplayer development

Performance Reviews with eachCoach/Assistant Coach within theElite PDM Environments

Collect reports and analyse data toinform system and PDM

Preparation of reports done jointlyby Coaches:Issues covered:• Performance• Travel /accommodation report• Behaviour report• Financial report• Recommendations

Preparation of reports done jointlyby Coaches:Issues covered:• Performance• Travel /accommodation report• Behaviour report• Financial report• Recommendations

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Guidance Document forManagement / Parents / Players

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Guidelines for managers / Coaches/ Selectors

Cricket Ireland recognises the key role that coaches,selectors and team managers play in the lives ofchildren in sport.

Managers, coaches and selectors in children’ssport should strive to create a positiveenvironment for the children in their care. Theyhave an overall responsibility to take the stepsnecessary to ensure that positive and healthyexperiences are providedAll coaches, managers, selectors and club officialsshould have as their first priority the children’ssafety and enjoyment of the sport and shouldadhere to the guidelines and regulations set outin this Code of EthicsAll coaches, managers and selectors will be givena copy of Cricket Ireland’s Code of Ethics. Theyshould make themselves aware of theprocedures contained within this Code, andcomply with themAll coaches, managers, selectors and club officialsmust respect the rights, dignity and worth ofevery child and must treat everyone equally,regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion or abilityOnce appointed, a coach / manager / selector /club official must act as a role model andpromote the positive aspects of sport and ofcricket and maintain the highest standards ofpersonal conductRemember that your behaviour to players, otherofficials, and opponents will have an effect onthe players in your careBe generous with praise and never ridicule orshout at players for making mistakes or for losinga game. All young players are entitled to respectBe careful to avoid the “star system”. Each childdeserves equal time and attentionCare must be taken not to expose a child toembarrassment or disparagement by use ofsarcastic or flippant remarks about the child orhis/her familyInsist that players in your care respect the rules ofthe game. Insist on fair play and ensure playersare aware you will not tolerate cheating orbullying behaviourRemember that young players play for fun andenjoyment and that skill development andpersonal satisfaction have priority over highlystructured competition. Never make winning the

only objectiveEncourage the development of respect foropponents, officials, selectors and other coachesand avoid criticism of fellow coachesWhen travel /overnight travel is involved, themanagement team which is travelling withchildren must sign a separate agreement(Appendix 10). Parents and participants will alsobe asked to sign permission forms (Appendix 10)in these instancesIt is important to realise that certain situations orfriendly actions could be misinterpreted by theparticipant or by outsiders. Avoid working aloneand ensure there is adequate supervision for allactivitiesCoaches, managers, selectors and club officialsare responsible for setting and monitoring theboundaries between a working relationship andfriendship with players. It is advisable forcoaches not to involve young players in theirpersonal life i.e. visits to coach’s home orovernight staysWhen approached to take on a new player,ensure that any previous coach-playerrelationship has been ended by the player /others in a professional mannerWhen young players are invited into adult groups/ squads, it is advisable to get agreement from aparent / guardian. Boundaries of behaviour inadult groups are normally different from theboundaries that apply to junior groups /squadsManagers, coaches or selectors who becomeaware of a conflict between their obligation totheir players and their obligation to theirgoverning body must make explicit the nature ofthe conflict and the loyalties and responsibilitiesinvolved, to all parties concerned. In any suchinstance, priority must be given to the rights ofthe playersManagers / coaches / selectors shouldcommunicate and co-operate with medical andancillary practitioners in the diagnosis, treatmentand management of their players’ medical orrelated problems. Avoid giving advice of apersonal or medical nature if you are notqualified to do so. Any information of a personalor medical nature must be kept strictlyconfidential unless the welfare of the childrequires the passing on of this informationThe nature of the relationship betweenmanagers / coaches / selectors and a participantcan often mean that they may learn confidential

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information about a player or player’s family. Thisinformation must be regarded as confidentialand except where abuse is suspected, must notbe divulged to a third party without the expresspermission of the player / familySet realistic goals for the participants and do notpush young players. Create a safe and enjoyableenvironmentDo not criticise other officials, coaches,managers, selectors and umpires. You are therole model for the children in your careManagers / coaches / selectors should refrainfrom smoking and consuming alcohol before andduring coaching sessionsManagers / coaches / selectors should familiarisethemselves with the Code of Ethics and GoodPractice for Children’s Sport and with CricketIreland’s Code of Conduct and follow theprocedures if they suspect or receive complaintsof abuse of any sort

Code of Conduct for managers /Coaches / Selectors

Managers / Coaches / Selectors should:

Be positive during sessions, praise andencourage effort as well as resultsPlan and prepare appropriatelyPut welfare of young person firstEncourage fair play, treat participants equallyRecognise developmental needsBe up-to-date with knowledge and skill of sportfor young peopleInvolve parents where possible and informparents when problems ariseKeep record of attendance at trainingKeep a brief record of injury (ies) and actiontakenKeep a brief record of problem / action /outcomes, if behavioural problems arise

Where possible Managers / Coaches /Selectors should avoid:

Spending excessive amounts of time withchildren away from othersTaking sessions aloneTaking children to your homeTaking children on journeys alone in their car

Managers / Coaches / Selectors must not:

Use any form of punishment or physical force ona childExert undue influence over a participant in orderto obtain personal benefit or rewardEngage in rough physical games, sexuallyprovocative games or allow or engage ininappropriate touching of any kind, and / or makesexually suggestive comments about, or to a childTake measurements or engage in certain types offitness testing without the presence of anotheradultUndertake any form of therapy (hypnosis etc.) inthe training of children

Managers / Coaches / Selectors have aright to:

Ongoing training and information with regard tochild protection issuesSupport in the reporting of suspected abuseAccess to professional support servicesFair and equitable treatment by Cricket IrelandBe protected from abuse by children / youths,other adult members and parentsNot to be left vulnerable when working withchildren

Any misdemeanours or general misbehaviour will bedealt with immediately and reported verbally to theDesignated Person. Persistent breaches of the codewill result in dismissal from Cricket Ireland.Dismissals can be appealed with the final decisionbeing taken by the Board of Cricket Ireland.

Code of Conduct for Parents

Cricket Ireland believes that parents /guardians / carers should:

Be role models for your child and maintain thehighest standards of conduct when interactingwith children, other parents, with officials andorganisersAlways behave responsibly and not seek to affectunfairly the game / playerNever intentionally expose any young participantto embarrassment or disparagement by the useof flippant or sarcastic remarksAlways recognise the value and importance ofthe volunteers who provide sporting/recreational

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opportunities for your child. Do not questionpublicly the judgement or honesty of umpires,managers, selectors or coaches. Respect umpires,coaches, organisers and other playersEncourage the child to play by the rules. Teachthe child that honest endeavour is as importantas winning and encourage good sportsmanshipSet a good example by applauding good play onboth sides. Encourage mutual respect for teammates and opponentsSupport all efforts to remove abusive behaviourand bullying behaviour in all its formsRead Cricket Ireland’s policy guidelines onbullying and comply with its contentsComplete and return the Consent Formpertaining to the child’s participation withCricket IrelandDetail any health concerns pertaining to theirchild on the consent form. Any changes in child’sstate of health should be reported to member ofmanagement team before coaching sessionsEnsure that the child is punctual for coachingsessions and gamesCollect the child on timeEnsure that the child is properly attired for theweather conditions of the time

Parents or Guardians have the right to:

Be informed of problems or concerns relating totheir childBe informed if their child is injuredHave their consent sought on issues relating totours

Any misdemeanours and breach of this code ofconduct will be dealt with immediately by a CricketIreland official. Persistent concerns or breaches willresult in the parent / guardian being banned fromattending cricket games / coaching if theirattendance is deemed to be detrimental to thechild’s welfare. The ultimate sanction should a parent/ guardian continue to be breach of the code ofconduct may mean Cricket Ireland refusingpermission for the child to continue theirinvolvement in representative cricket.

Guidelines for Children

For the purposes of this document, young playersare defined as those who are under 18 years of age.

Young players are entitled to:

Be safe and to feel safeBe listened toBe believedBe treated with dignity, sensitivity and respectParticipate on an equal basisHave fun and enjoy sportExperience competition at a level at which theyfeel comfortableComment and make suggestionsMake complaints and have them dealt with inrelation to abuse of any kindAppropriate confidentialityApproach the Designated Person or Children’sOfficer with any questions or concerns whichthey may have

Children should not:

CheatBully or use bullying tactics to isolate anotherplayerHarm team-mates, opponents or their propertyTell lies about adults or other childrenSpread rumours

Expectations of Young Players

The Code of Conduct is to be read in conjunctionwith (i) The Laws of Cricket - The Preamble - The Spiritof Cricket and (ii) Notes of the Code of Conduct. Afterreading the Code of Conduct and the attachedappendices, the player and his parent / guardianshould sign the Acceptance Form. Selection will notbe ratified until the Acceptance Form has beensigned by the player and his parent (s) / guardian (s)and returned to the team manager.

The Code of Conduct

A Cricket Ireland youth representative player will,without exception, and at all times, for theduration of coaching sessions, tours andtournaments:

1. Respect and comply with all lawful decisions anddirectives of the Cricket Ireland ManagementTeam

2. Respect and comply with the principles of the“Spirit of Cricket” as outlined in the Preamble tothe Laws of Cricket

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3. Conduct themselves in a manner as befits theirstatus as ambassadors for Irish Cricket

4. Players under 18 years of age are prohibited fromdrinking alcohol. For players above 18 years ofage, they may only drink alcohol with the expresspermission of the management team, and whilein their presence

5. Respect and comply with the terms of the CricketIreland directive which bans, without reservation,the use of un-prescribed drugs and othercontrolled substances

6. Respect and comply with the laws and customsof the country in which the tour or tournament istaking place

7. Respect the property and belongings of others andmaintain their accommodation, dressing room andpractice facilities in a clean and tidy state

8. Respect and comply with the terms of the DressCode as outlined in letter informing player ofselection

9. Respect and comply with the terms of all curfewsas outlined by the Team Management

10. Respect and comply with the terms of thisCricket Ireland Youth Code. If there are breachesof this Code, disciplinary proceedings will beinitiated by the Cricket Ireland DisciplinaryCommittee

notes on the Cricket Ireland youthCode of Conduct

Players should note that:

The duration of a tour or a tournament is takento be from the time the player leaves the care ofhis /her parent or guardian prior to the team’sdeparture for the tour / tournament until suchtime as the player is returned to the care of his /her parent / guardian following the player’sreturn from the tour / tournamentWhereas the Team Management will brief playerson the particular laws of a country prior todeparture for a tour / tournament, responsibilityto respect and comply with the laws rests withthe individual players. By conforming with theterms of the Code of Conduct, players canminimise difficulties that may be encounteringwhen touring abroadAbstaining from alcohol and tobacco and havingas much proper rest and sleep as possible areessential factors in maximising performanceon the cricket field

Before signing the Code of Conduct AcceptanceForm, the Team Management will organise aspecial session to brief the players on all aspectsof the Code of Conduct and to answer anyquestions on the term(s) of the codeBefore signing the Code of Conduct AcceptanceForm, a player’s parent(s) / guardian(s) will begiven the opportunity to consult with the TeamManagement to obtain clarification on any of theterm(s) of the Code of Conduct

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The Preamble – The Spirit of Cricket

Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within itsLaws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to thegame itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

1. There are two Laws which place the responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on thecaptain.Responsibility of captainsThe captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Gameas well as within the Laws.

Player’s conductIn the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or actionthe decisions of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring thegame into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpireand to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.

2. Fair and unfair playAccording to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action whererequired.

3. The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:Time wastingDamaging the pitchDangerous or unfair bowlingTampering with the ballAny other action that they consider to be unfair

4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:Your opponentsYour own captain and teamThe role of the umpiresThe game’s traditional values

5. It is against the Spirit of the Game:To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gestureTo direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpireTo indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or

unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side

6. ViolenceThere is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.

7. PlayersCaptains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expectedto make an important contribution to this.

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Permission FormTravelling with underage Participants




Travelling Volunteer

I hereby agree to abide by the guidelines and regulations contained in Cricket Ireland’s Code of Conduct




Parent / Guardian of Participant

I have read and accept the conditions and rules set down by Cricket Ireland for children travelling to matchesand events.

Parent(s) /Guardian(s) Name:


Emergency Contact Number(s):

young Participant

I have read and accept the conditions and rules set down by Cricket Ireland for children travelling to matchesand events. I agree to abide by the rules



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C O D E O F E T H I C S & G O O D P R A C T I C E