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London Underground

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Victoria Station Upgrade

Code of Construction Practice Part B

Page 2 of 54 London Underground Code of Construction Practice part B – Victoria Station Upgrade Reference VBN-V047-1159-ENV-PLN-000142 – Revision 5 – 22/06/2011

Project: Victoria Station Upgrade

Report Ref: VBN-V047-1159-ENV-PLN-000142

Title: Code of Construction Practice Part B

Issue Record

Revision Status

Revision Date Nature of Revision Prepared By

0 25/11/10 First Draft Jon May

1 8/12/10 Second Draft Jon May

2 10/02/11 Third Draft (Following CLG Comments) Jon May

3 10/03/11 Final Draft Jon May

4 01/06/11 Amendments following CoW public

consultation Jon May

5 22/06/11 Amendments required by CoW Planning

Committee; Inclusion of signed Terms of

Reference for CLG

Jon May

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Contents ..................................................................................................................... 3

Definitions .................................................................................................................. 4

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 5

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6

2 Area and Scope ................................................................................................ 11

3 Temporary Construction Worksites ................................................................... 12

4 Summary of the Main Works ............................................................................. 13

4.1 Demolition Works ........................................................................................ 13

4.1.1 North Site .............................................................................................. 13

4.1.2 Central Zone ......................................................................................... 15

4.1.3 South Zone ........................................................................................... 16

4.2 Ground Treatment Works ............................................................................ 16

4.3 Tunnelling Works ........................................................................................ 17

4.4 North Ticket Hall Construction. .................................................................... 18

4.5 South Ticket Hall Construction. ................................................................... 19

5 Notification and Public Information .................................................................... 20

6 Public Access and Highways ............................................................................ 21

7 Water Resources .............................................................................................. 22

7.1 Site Drainage .............................................................................................. 23

7.2 Surface Water Pollution Control .................................................................. 23

7.3 Groundwater Pollution Control .................................................................... 23

8 Noise and Vibration ........................................................................................... 24

8.1 Noise and Vibration Receptors.................................................................... 24

8.2 Foreseeable Construction Method, Programme and Working Hours .......... 25

8.3 Foreseeable Site Specific Noise and Vibration Mitigation ........................... 25

8.4 Noise and Vibration Monitoring ................................................................... 29

8.5 Pre-construction ambient noise survey ....................................................... 31

9 Dust and Air Quality .......................................................................................... 33

9.1 Dust Receptors ........................................................................................... 33

9.2 Activities requiring specific consideration for dust mitigation measures ...... 34

9.3 Dust Monitoring ........................................................................................... 35

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10 Asbestos ......................................................................................................... 37

11 Contaminated Land ........................................................................................ 38

12 Archaeology ................................................................................................... 39

13 Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas ....................................................... 40

Appendix 1 - Figures ................................................................................................ 41

Appendix 2 – Complaints Procedure ........................................................................ 44

Appendix 3 – CLG Terms of Reference ................................................................... 47

Appendix 4 – Worksite Locations ............................................................................. 53


CoCP Part A sets out the general principles and requirements to be applied during construction for site operations. CoCP Part B sets out the details of how those principles and requirements are to be applied for each phase of the development on a site-specific basis.

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BPM Best Practicable Means BS British Standard CDM Construction (Design and Management) Regulations CLG Community Liaison Group CoPA Control of Pollution Act 1974 CoCP Code of Construction Practice CoW City of Westminster CPP Construction Phase Plan EA Environment Agency EH English Heritage EHO Environmental Health Officer ES Environmental Statement GLA Greater London Authority HSE Health and Safety Executive LFEPA London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority LU London Underground NTH North Ticket Hall PEA Project Evaluation Area SCLG Shadow Community Liaison Group SEMP Site Environmental Management Plan SES Supplementary Environmental Statement SI Site Investigation STH South Ticket Hall SWMP Site Waste Management Plan TCPA Town and Country Planning Act (s) TfL Transport for London TMP Traffic Management Plan TWA TWAO

Transport and works Act Transport and Works Act Order


VINCI BAM Nuttall Joint Venture Victoria Interchange Group

VL Victoria Line VSU WSI

Victoria Station Upgrade Written Scheme of Investigation

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1 Introduction

The Code of Construction Practice Part (CoCP) A sets out general construction principles and requirements that will be applied in the construction of the Victoria Station Upgrade (VSU) Project. The CoCP Part B is a site specific document detailing how specified items in Part A are to be applied for each element of the works. Part B is not intended to be an exhaustive account of every element of the VSU works and their mitigation as their development is not complete at the time of writing and could not be covered adequately is such a limited document. Instead this document is focussed upon those issues with the potential to cause impacts outside of the worksites in order to inform stakeholders of the proposed approach and mitigation. It is important to stress that VBN will follow the measures specified within Part B in addition to those mitigation measures specified in the CoCP Part A. It is therefore important to have due cognisance of both documents when reviewing the works. The intended forum for communicating a more detailed and timely account of the works is the Community Liaison Group described in section 4 of the document with the terms of reference published in Appendix 3. This is a regular forum throughout the works which will facilitate a more informed discussion of the proposals once the works have been defined. A suggested content of the CoCP Part B is included in Appendix 1 of the CoCP Part A. The rational for the inclusion or omission of these elements is described below: Conditions imposed on planning permissions, and assurances given in relation to planning and other consents The process for discharge of the planning conditions is as follows:

VSU submits the required information to the local authority (City of


This information is then made publically available via the CoW website1.

Certain planning conditions, namely Condition 2 (Above Ground Structures)

and as agreed between VSU and CoW, will be presented to the CLG prior to

formal submission under the planning approval process.

Details regarding the planning conditions are not included within the CoCP

Part B due to them being publically available on the CoW website.

Details of the 3rd party agreements made between London Underground and

project stakeholders are also not included due to the confidential nature of

some of these agreements.


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Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) The Site Environmental Management Plan comprised within this CoCP Part B has been compiled on the basis of eleven different sub-plans focussing on each environmental aspect of the works. The environmental aspects addressed within this SEMP / CoCP Part B include:

Noise and Vibration (Section 8)

Dust (Section 9)

Contaminated Land (Section11)

Water (Section 7)

Archaeology (Section 12) Environmental aspects which are not considered to impact upon local stakeholders (and therefore have not been addressed in detail within this SEMP / CoCP Part B) include:

Energy Management Plan The Energy Management plan describes how energy will be managed throughout

the construction stage including the most significant aspects of energy consumption,

and how these will be controlled. Objectives and targets associated with energy use

are described in this document, as well as the means by which performance will be

monitored on an on-going basis throughout the project.

The strategy for conserving energy and using it appropriately on-site will follow the following steps:

1.) Monitoring and measurement of energy use

2.) Assessment of energy use and identification of saving opportunities

3.) Development and implementation of control measures to manage different energy consuming processes (including learning from other projects)

4.) On-going (day-to-day) management of relevant activities

5.) On-going monitoring of energy consumption against stated targets

A wide variation of construction types and methods will be in operation during the

project. Therefore specific consideration regarding the control measures for energy

conservation on-site needs to address the following:

Procedures for identifying - for different construction practices - where the use of energy is unnecessary and to ensure action is implemented

Proper handling and operation of tools and other powered equipment

Efficient installation methods

Regular inspection of working practices, plant and equipment

Site inspections will include specific provisions for checking working practices, plant

and equipment to ensure energy is used as efficiently as possible and should reflect

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the considerations above. However, a number of general procedures will apply to all

construction activities, and consideration should be given to the following measures:

All temporary supply will be shut down centrally at the close of the site at the end of each day

Stand lights should be switched off (and removed) when construction activities are not taking place in their vicinity

Ceiling mounted lights should be switched off when no construction activities are occurring on the relevant storey

Tools should not be left on standby for more than a 15 minute period (i.e. if they are to remain unused for more than 15 minutes)

On completion in a work area all electrically powered tools must be unplugged (if not requiring charging) and not left on standby.

Construction Managers and Site Supervisors shall be responsible for ensuring that

energy considerations are included in daily and weekly site inspections and those

issues are reported to the Energy Manager.

Subcontractors‟ Site Managers will be responsible for ensuring that their office

facilities are managed in compliance with this procedure and that they communicate

clearly the objectives and scope of the Energy Improvement Programme to their staff

when it commences.

In addition all site and office staff will be made aware of targets and control

measures in team briefings, and the performance of the energy programme reviewed

in management meetings.

Green Travel Plan

The principal objective of the Green Travel Plan is to reduce, through a combination

of incentives and disincentives, the pollution generated by the construction workforce

of the project travelling to and from work. This shall be achieved by:

Supporting the use of more sustainable modes of transport including public transport, cycling and walking by all staff;

Eliminating the use of the private motor car and dependency on single occupancy vehicles; and

Reducing the number of vehicle trips to sites.

VBN‟s strategy to meet the identified targets will comprise of a mix of promoting sustainable forms of travel and restricting less sustainable forms of travel. Key measures will include:

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a. Encourage cycling and walking to work

The VSU project will benefit from the introduction of the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme for London. Docking stations for this scheme in and around the site at Victoria are highlighted on the map below as red dots. Information about this scheme is being provided to staff and participation for central London journeys is encouraged through the payment of a cycling allowance described below

Secure cycle parking is to be provided once possession is taken of the sites. This area shall be highlighted on the site layout plan once this has been drafted. A copy will be attached to this plan. The number of spaces to be provided shall be informed by the staff survey and an additional 10% provision will be made to encourage further take up

VBN will offer all employees 20 pence per mile cycling allowance

VBN provides on site shower facilities at the VSU work site (in construction phase)

VBN will promote the health and lifestyle benefits of walking and encouraging staff to integrate walking into part of their journey during staff inductions

VBN will provide (or direct staff to) maps within common areas showing local walking routes and estimated walking times

Guidance on how to use and where to find the Tfl Smarter Travel Units will be displayed on site notice boards within the canteen and changing rooms. Maps of the Cycle Superhighways and information on the Cycle Hire Scheme (above) will also be displayed. Questionnaires will also seek suggestions from staff on improved incentives

b. Encouraging use of public transport

During work inductions all staff will be encouraged to take public transport, or consider cycling, where possible

Tube, train and bus maps will be held on site in communal areas and will be distributed during staff inductions

VBN covers reasonable travel expenses for staff including travelling to and from work

c. Reducing reliance on private cars

A „no car parking‟ policy has been implemented throughout the VSU project

d. Methods to reduce the need to travel

Broadband internet and e-mail facilities have been established at office locations

Video-conferencing facilities will be made available at office locations

Asite electronic document management system is in operation

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Site Waste Management Plan VINCI BAM Nuttall (VBN) utilise the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) Site Waste Management Plan to control the movement of waste on the project. This includes descriptions of:

Who is responsible for the waste

What type of wastes that are predicted to be generated

How these wastes will be managed

Which contractors will be used to ensure the waste is correctly recycled or disposed of responsibly and legally

How the quantity of waste generated by the project will be measured.

Some of this information remains commercially sensitive and consequently is not included within this document. Aspects of waste management that would potentially impact upon local stakeholders is included in the section 9 (Contaminated Land). Health and Safety Plan / File The term Health and Safety Plan has been replaced by Construction Phase Plan (CPP). The CPP describes how VBN will manage all Health and Safety aspects of VSU. It will be used by the VSU team to ensure that the project is delivered safely and that adequate risk control measures are identified and put in place at all times to protect all parties from the effects of the works. The CPP is supported by the Safety Management System which is compliant with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM07) and the Contract Health and Safety Requirements. This management system is based on the BAM Nuttall company requirements whilst complying and considering current statutory regulations, guidance notes and London Underground Ltd Contract (QUENSH 13) Conditions and current industry best practice. The CPP can be inspected at the VBN offices with reasonable notice. Extracts from the project risk register that relate to public interface and interaction are to be provided at regular CLG meetings by VSU. Consents obtained / co-ordinated by the main contractor under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act All Section 61 consents will be communicated to the CLG prior to submission to Westminster as described in Section 7. A Mitigation Commitment Register VBN will monitor all commitments, including those specifically relating to mitigation,

as part of an overall assurance procedure for LU. Details of mitigations proposed

during construction are described in the relevant sections of this document and

further detail will be provided in S61 Applications.

Complaints Procedure A copy of this is presented in Appendix 2.

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VBN subcontractors will be briefed on the contents of the environmental plans and Code of Construction Practice (Parts A and B) and will be required to sign up to their responsibilities at tender stage and during pre-start meetings. Regular co-ordination meetings between VBN and sub-contractors will follow based on a risk assessment of their works (i.e. to brief conditions and requirements of Section 61 consents, discharge consents, dust suppression requirements etc.). The most intrusive activities such as jet grouting will be monitored closely. A meeting will be held at least every 4 weeks with the subcontractor. Less intrusive activities such as survey works will be reviewed at co-ordination meetings as required.

All VBN staff, operatives and sub-contractors working on the VSU project will be required to undergo a comprehensive site induction, detailing the processes and procedures that will be implemented during the course of the works. The induction will clearly define the behaviours that VBN expect and detail how our workforce is expected to interact with the local community both on worksites and in the local area generally.

Compliance with the site rules and the general behaviour of the workforce will be managed and monitored by the VBN project team, through site inspections, audits and safety tours, the requirements will be reinforced through regular operatives‟ briefings, site posters and project communications.

This document presents the first step in communicating our approach to stakeholders. At the time of writing, much of the construction methodology is being refined. Further information will be communicated as it becomes available through the processes described in section 4 (in particular the CLG).

2 Area and Scope

The VSU works covered by the CoCP Part B include design, demolitions, civil

engineering, tunnelling, fit-out and services installations to provide the following:

A new subterranean North Ticket Hall (NTH) at the junction of Bressenden

Place and Victoria Street

An enlarged existing Victoria line ticket hall (known as the South Ticket Hall


Three new banks of escalators (each bank comprising three escalators)

A new interchange tunnel, referred to as the Paid Area Link (PAL). This new

pedestrian tunnel will connect the NTH to the STH

New lifts providing step free access for persons of reduced mobility (PRM)

between the street, ticket hall and platform levels, for the NTH and STH and

for interchange between the District & Circle line and Victoria line platforms

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Improved emergency services access and evacuation core in the NTH

Improved access between the National Rail and Underground stations

through increased escalator and lift provision

Utilities diversions

Demolition of some buildings for the purposes of the works

3 Temporary Construction Worksites

The following table and drawing contained within Appendix 4, both identify temporary

construction worksites forming part of the scheme:

Road/Carriageway Temporary Construction Worksite

Bressenden Place Building demolition (west of Bressenden Place), North Ticket

Hall construction, various highways enabling works at road

junctions/pedestrian crossings.

Allington Street Building demolition (east of Allington Street), advance ground

treatment works followed thereafter by the ground treatment

works. Various highway enabling works at road

junctions/pedestrian crossings.

Victoria Street Building demolition (south of Victoria Street & east Wilton

Road), advance ground treatment works followed thereafter

by the ground treatment works, utility diversion works,

construction of lift shaft. Various highway enabling works at

road junctions/pedestrian crossings.

Vauxhall Bridge


Advance ground treatment works followed thereafter by the

ground treatment works, various highway enabling works at

road junctions/pedestrian crossings.

Wilton Road Part demolition of existing ticket hall, South Ticket Hall

construction, utility diversions, various highway enabling

works at road junctions/pedestrian crossings.

Terminus Place and

adjacent bus station

Widening of Sussex Stairs, construction of link passage into

D&C line.

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4 Summary of the Main Works

A high level summary of the works relating to the main worksites illustrated in the

section 3 is included below. The relevant mitigation for these works is included in the

CoCP Part A. Further detail of how this mitigation is to be applied for each

environmental aspect on the VSU scheme is included in the relevant section of this


4.1 Demolition Works

The following demolition works are required as part of the scheme:

4.1.1 North Site

Elliot House Sequence and Scope-:

o Disconnection of services and commence asbestos surveys and soft


o Erect scaffold, install back-propping (later stage).

o Demolition.

o Removal of all columns, pads and ground slab.


o Soft strip and undertake asbestos removal if required.

o Top down with mini diggers.

When demolition gets down to 1st floor slab level a 50 tonne excavator will

demolish the remaining columns and slab3-11 Bressenden Place Sequence and


o Disconnection of services, commence asbestos surveys and soft strip.

o Demolition of superstructure leaving grounds slab in as protection to

the KSP sewer.


o Soft strip and asbestos removal if required.

o Demolition using a 30 tonne excavator fitted with hydraulic jaws.

o Remove scaffold extension vent as demolition proceeds and replace

with main contractor‟s temporary protection and segregation structure.

120 to 122 Victoria Street Sequence and Scope-:

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o Disconnection of services and commence asbestos surveys and soft


o Install scaffold / protection.

o Demolition including basement slab removal and installation of

temporary works.

o Back fill with 6F2 material.


o Soft strip.

o Asbestos removal if required.

o Install temporary works to support retaining walls.

o Demolition using a 30 tonne excavator fitted with hydraulic jaws.

o Removal of ground floor slab and basement slab.

o Backfill with 6F2 material.

124 Victoria Street Sequence and Scope

o Disconnection of services and commence asbestos surveys and soft


o Following the erection of the perimeter scaffold top down

deconstruction techniques will be employed. .

o Temporary works will be installed in the basement to allow partial

demolition to the basement structure; basement is then backfilled with

6F2 material.


o Soft strip.

o Asbestos removal if required.

o Cantilevered scaffold over party wall.

o Install temporary works to allow ground floor slab to be removed.

o Hand demolition.

o Partial removal of ground floor slab and basement slab.

o Backfill with 6F2 material.

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Bressenden Place Subway Sequence and Scope-:

o Removal of stairs to both sides.

o Sheet pile prior to removal.

o Demolish using a 20 ton excavator.

o Backfill with 6F2 material.

Cardinal Place Basement

o Cut out and remove the basement roof

4.1.2 Central Zone

Duke of York PH Façade Retention

o The safe management of traffic and pedestrians during the installation

of these works will be the main driver governing the sequencing of

these works.

175 to 179 Victoria Street Sequence and Scope-:

o Disconnection of services and undertake asbestos surveys in parallel

with soft strip.

o Erect perimeter scaffold and install protection deck over opening above

D&C tracks and platforms.

o Demolition / deconstruction from the top down.

o Back fill with 6F2 material.


o Soft strip and asbestos removal if required.

o Install protection deck over LU during engineering hours.

o Scaffold to front.

o Scaffold gantry on footpath.

o Demolition will be done by hand.

Openings to District and Circle Line Platforms

o The sidewalls will be „saw‟ cut to allow the installation of the vertical support members.

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o Once the support frames have been installed and fixed in place the central part of the opening can be removed.

4.1.3 South Zone

London Underground and Network Rail basement Structures

o Structural segregation wall constructed.

o Back prop from basement to underside of ground floor slab.

o Saw cut ground floor slab.

o Break ground floor slab with mini diggers.

o Drill and burst basement slab.

o Cut and remove roof section in pieces.

o Partially backfill with 6F2 material whilst removing retaining wall in 2m


o Removal of brick retaining wall adjacent to Kent Stairs in parallel.

4.2 Ground Treatment Works

Due to the position of the existing London Underground tunnels, services, site

constraints and ground conditions that exist at this location, the majority of the new

tunnels will need to be constructed through water bearing Terrace Gravel deposits.

The tunnels that connect the new Northern Ticket Hall with the Victoria Line

Concourse and the District & Circle Line will be constructed using Sprayed Concrete

Linings. In order to prevent excessive groundwater ingress and ground losses, the

gravel deposits will be treated to form a protective canopy around the tunnel profiles.

Sequence of construction:

When the site has been cleared of surface obstructions and remaining services

have been located and marked, trial holes will be excavated and sacrificial

sleeves installed

A drilling rig will then be used to bore through obstructions and overburden for the

subsequent installation of a duct to approximately 4m depth

Prior to drilling, the rig instrumentation and site monitoring system will be checked

to ensure that it is operating correctly and that nearby services and buildings are

within acceptable movement limits

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When all of the ducts have been installed for each jet grout column in the

worksite, the spoil management system will be established. This will comprise a

means of collecting the liquid drill flush or jet grout spoil at the top of the jet grout

column and pumping away from the working area

Grout and water arisings from the jet grout columns will be collected at the ground

surface and pumped via the pre-laid grout pipes to the Spoil Holding silos / tanks

located in the Elliott House and Terminus Place Worksites. Grout spoil flow in the

pipes will be assisted by the addition of compressed air or water

Drilling will be carried out using a weak cement grout flush to the base of the jet

grout column with the nozzle positioned at the treatment zone.

Where necessary, the stiff London Clay will be pre-cut using a water / weak grout

jet as the rods are rotated and lifted out of this layer. The drill rods will then be re-

inserted to the base of the column and the full column pre-cut from the bottom to

the top.

After pre-cutting, the rods will be reinserted to full depth again and the column jet

grouted using the cement grout mix

Post treatment testing will be carried out on the grouted soil matrix to ensure that

the ground treatment meets the pre‐determined strength and permeability


4.3 Tunnelling Works

The majority of the tunnels will be constructed and lined using Sprayed Concrete Primary Lining, and then completed with a waterproofing membrane and secondary concrete lining. A small amount of work will be carried out in more traditional timber heading and break-up and will be confined to competent London Clay. Tunnel excavation and primary support Before excavation can begin, additional roof support is to be installed. Excavation will then be carried out using an excavator, and spoil moved from behind using a side loader tipping onto a belt for transport to the pit bottom muck skip Install primary lining The shotcrete primary lining will be applied using robotic spray equipment in accordance with the design requirements.

Tunnel waterproofing and secondary lining The tunnel waterproofing and placing of concrete secondary lining to the tunnels follows completion of the primary lining. Following installation of the waterproofing to an area, reinforcement will be fixed as required. The secondary concrete lining formwork is intended to be travelling formwork, formwork sections being made up in

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3m lengths, made up of a series of hinged steel pans which can be erected and striped using hydraulic rams Temporary propping to existing tunnels / Temporary works Some of the proposed new tunnels run in close proximity to the existing running tunnels and pedestrian access tunnels. During construction of the proposed new tunnels, ground supporting the existing tunnels will be removed. Therefore, temporary support to the existing will be required until the new tunnel is structurally complete. This will also apply to areas of break ins/outs from new to existing

4.4 North Ticket Hall Construction.

In order to maintain the safe operation of Bressenden Place, the North Ticket Hall

(NTH) box structure will be constructed in two halves, with the road alignment

amended to suit the construction phasing. Following the demolition of the existing

structures (as detailed above), the alignment of the Bressenden Place carriageway

will be amended to facilitate the establishment of the construction worksite on the

western side of Bressenden Place.

A perimeter secant piled wall will be constructed using standard rotary auger piling

techniques, with the upper sections of the piled wall cased to ensure continued

support to the existing sand and gravel strata. In conjunction with the secant piles,

large and small diameter bored piles will be installed within the confines of the box

structure. Temporary sheet piles will be installed at the boundary between the two

halves of the box to ensure that the existing carriageway is effectively supported

throughout the construction process.

Upon completion of the piling works, the structure will be excavated to the underside

of the roof slab level and the reinforced concrete capping beam and roof slab

constructed over the western half of the NTH structure. Once the concrete slab has

reached the required strength, the existing Bressenden Place carriageway will be re-

aligned over the new structure, to facilitate the construction of the eastern half of the

NTH box structure.

The construction of the eastern half of the NTH box will follow in a similar sequence

to the western section with the installation of the secant piled wall and bored piles.

The reinforced capping beam will then be constructed and precast concrete beams

installed across the box to provide support to the piled wall. The NTH box will then

be excavated to the underside of the ticket hall slab level and the reinforced concrete

slab constructed. The precast concrete roof structure will then be installed onto the

precast beams and a reinforced concrete capping slab cast over the roof structure.

The box construction will then proceed „top down‟ with the remaining levels

excavated and reinforced concrete slabs constructed in sequence.

In parallel with the top down construction of the NTH box, a new glazed entrance

structure will be constructed at the corner of Bressenden Place and Victoria St and

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an above ground ventilation structure will be constructed using standard reinforced

concrete techniques. Following completion of the NTH excavation and construction,

the Bressenden Place road and pavements will be reinstated to their original


Following the completion of the construction activities, the architectural finishes and

services (mechanical, electrical, power and communications) installation will

commence in a phased manner. The installation of the services will be undertaken in

the normal manner with the „first fix‟ being undertaken in conjunction with the

construction of blockwork walls and partitions and the „second fix‟ in conjunction with

the installation of the architectural finishes. Following the completion of the services

installation, the new systems will be inspected, commissioned and tested prior to the

new assets being opened for public use.

4.5 South Ticket Hall Construction.

The South Ticket Hall (STH) construction will commence immediately after the

Olympic Embargo period, with the establishment of the construction worksites and

the decommissioning and demolition of an area of the existing Victoria Line ticket

hall and the Network Rail station‟s basement.

A perimeter secant piled wall will be constructed using standard rotary auger piling

techniques, with the upper sections of the piled wall cased to ensure continued

support to the existing sand and gravel strata. In conjunction with the secant piles,

large and small diameter bored piles will be installed within the confines of the box


Upon completion of the piling works, the reinforced concrete capping beam along the

perimeter of Wilton Rd will be constructed and the box structure excavated to the

underside of the ticket hall slab level. The reinforced concrete ticket hall floor slab

will then be constructed using precast and cast insitu reinforced concrete elements.

The new roof slab will then be constructed, together with the internal supporting

columns, with an access area left open above the proposed escalator portal to

facilitate the remaining STH construction activities and future tunnelling construction


Once the roof slab and ticket hall slab have reached the required strength, the

remaining excavation for the plant room level, will be undertaken in a „top down‟

manner, with the floor slab cast in sections to ensure the continued stability of the


In parallel with the top down construction of the NTH box, a new glazed entrance

structure will be constructed in front of the Network Rail Station, which will

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incorporate a new an above ground ventilation structure. Following completion of

the STH excavation and construction, the „beach‟ will be reinstated.

Following the completion of the construction activities, the architectural finishes and

services (mechanical, electrical, power and communications) installation will

commence in a phased manner. The installation of the services will be undertaken in

the normal manner with the „first fix‟ being undertaken in conjunction with the

construction of blockwork walls and partitions and the „second fix‟ in conjunction with

the installation of the architectural finishes. Following the completion of the services

installation, the new systems will be inspected, commissioned and tested prior to the

new assets being opened for public use.

5 Notification and Public Information

VBN shall provide the following parties with information relating to construction activities that are likely to affect them:

All Community Liaison Group Members

Business and residential properties on Vauxhall Bridge Road

Residential properties and other organisations on Carlisle Place,

Morpeth Terrace and Ashley Gardens blocks

Business and residential properties on Allington Street

Business properties on Warwick Row

Business properties on Bressenden Place and Cardinal Place

Business and residential properties on Palace Street

Business Properties on Victoria Street

Business properties on Terminus Place

Business Properties on Wilton Road

Business and residential properties on Bridge Place

Business and residential properties on Buckingham Palace Road,

Eccleston Place and Eccleston Bridge

Business properties on Grosvenor Gardens

Schools, churches and other organisation around the above listed

areas as appropriate.

As the project progresses additional stakeholders may emerge and they will be included in works notifications and other project communications as appropriate. These communications would typically be to inform parties of any proposed works, the nature, timing and planned disruption, measures to reduce the impact of these works, the helpline telephone number and address to which any enquiries should be directed. Advance notice of works will be sent out at least two weeks prior to their commencement.

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The contractor shall maintain regular communication to ensure that the wider

community and other stakeholders and affected parties are kept well informed.

Regular newsletters providing information on the works will be distributed to local

residents and businesses and other key stakeholders. The works update page on

the TfL website will be updated on a monthly basis or as appropriate. VBN will also

provide on a regular basis an update of the schedule of work to CoW.

The Community Liaison Group (formerly the Shadow Community Liaison Group see CoCP Part A - 2.5.2) is an established forum through which a timely and informed discussion of the works can take place. The CLG aims to keep representatives of local residents and businesses informed about the work and provide an opportunity to raise matters of interest or concern. The CLG terms of reference can be found in Appendix 3. It is comprised of representatives from TfL, LU, CoW and local businesses and residents and meets at least once every two months. The Community Liaison Group will continue to meet on a regular basis throughout construction. A 24/7 helpline was set up to deal with queries and complaints relating to the utilities diversion works. This facility will continue throughout construction. For more information on the helpline please refer to section 2.5.4 of the CoCP Part A. A complaints procedure has been developed to ensure that all complaints received, relating to the construction of the project, are dealt with efficiently and in an appropriate timeframe. This is presented in Appendix 2. Project web pages can be found at providing general information on the project, regular progress updates, details of forthcoming works, any impacts on travel arrangements, relevant publications including minutes of CLG meetings and contact details.

6 Public Access and Highways

The TWA Order authorises the carrying out of specified highway works (including to pedestrian and/or cycle routes). These are set out in the relevant articles and Schedules of the Order. These do not therefore require the further approval of the highway authority, although in all cases VBN will consult with them on the timing and scope of any highway works. Where works are not authorised by the TWA Order, VBN will obtain approval of the highway authority for any highway works. The works shall be undertaken to standards suitable for highway adoption. VSU participates fully in the Victoria Transport Board a strategic steering group meeting, where key management decisions relating to the Victoria area are made and guidance is given to assist projects and to maintain capacity of the network. This allows Tfl and local authorities to consider the cumulative impact of construction projects in the area and take appropriate actions to mitigate adverse cumulative effects.

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VBN will consult with all relevant stakeholders, including local residents and businesses regarding the proposed traffic management arrangements required to facilitate the VSU construction. This will allow alternative arrangements (if necessary) to be agreed and implemented in a timely manner. All of the traffic management schemes developed for the construction phases have assumed implementation of the general traffic diversion route via Eccleston Bridge and Buckingham Palace road, thus restricting Wilton Road use to taxis and buses only. Following consultation with TfL and CoW, VBN have proposed a servicing strategy for Allington Street due to the required restrictions imposed on Wilton Road. The following construction worksites requiring access/egress via the strategic network are as follows:

North Ticket Hall compound with access from Allington Street and Bressenden Place.

South Ticket Hall compound with access from Wilton Road.

Intermediate Ground Treatment worksite compounds, located on Terminus Place, Victoria Street, Allington Street and Wilton Road will be accessed via each specific road/street accordingly.

Parking for all VSU-related vehicles will be provided within the construction compounds in order to ensure construction traffic impacts on local residents and businesses are minimised. Controls shall be put in place by VBN on roads adjoining the sites if necessary to prevent parking by site workers. VBN will encourage site workers to travel by public transport or to walk or cycle. Traffic management arrangement drawings are presented at CLG meetings and discussed with the appropriate parties as further information is developed. Due to the ongoing development of these proposals it has been agreed that this means of dissemination is preferable to the inclusion of these drawings in the CoCP Part B.

7 Water Resources

There are no surface watercourses within the area of the scheme. The scheme‟s engineering design does not contain major interventions in the water environment. The permanent works are mostly below ground with founding levels within the London Clay and so there will be no effects on the underlying deep aquifer. The cut and cover elements will be reinstated such that there will be little change in the area of hard surfacing at ground level and thus little change in the rates of surface runoff to the combined sewer system. VBN will take all reasonable steps to ensure that there is no adverse impact on groundwater resources as a result of the proposed works. In this regard VBN will maintain close liaison with the Environment Agency.

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7.1 Site Drainage

Initial negotiations have begun with Thames Water regarding the proposed

discharge of waste water from the site. Waste water is expected from dewatering,

over pumping and most significantly the jet grouting operations. In due course it is

likely that a further consent for trade effluent (from site cabins) will also be obtained.

7.2 Surface Water Pollution Control

The VBN team will ensure that the protection measures (illustrated in section 7 of the

CoCP Part A) to control the risk of pollution to surface water will be adopted. In

addition the following steps will be implemented where appropriate and reasonably


o Any such container will be kept on site within a lockable storage place with the lid securely tightened. It shall also be stored on impermeable bunds. These measures will be checked and audited against during Environmental and Health and Safety Site Inspections.

o Instead of drip trays, the site will adopt plant nappies: o Plant nappies are designed to withstand all weather conditions. While

encapsulating any drips or spills of oil the mat allows passage of water, such as rainfall, thus eliminating costly emptying of contaminated trays after use. The plant nappies can be stood on uneven ground or slight inclines with no loss of performance. The traditional drip tray have therefore been replaced with the plant nappies as an easy and cost-effective way to ensure environmentally friendly practice on site, avoiding possible contamination of ground and water. The correct use and availability of plant nappies will be checked and audited against during Environmental and Health and Safety Site Inspections.

o Localised jet washing of wheels on hard standing and a road sweeper employed when required.

o Settlement tanks (Silt busters), water filters and hessian matting to drains will be used to ensure that silt does not enter the surface water drainage network.

7.3 Groundwater Pollution Control

o Potentially contaminative materials (such as oils and lubricants) that may be

used or stored on site during the construction will be controlled and managed

in accordance with the CoCP Part A in order to minimise the risk to surface

waters and groundwater resources

o Water containing silt will be minimised and intercepted as specified in the

CoCP Part A in order to minimise the risk to surface waters

o Discharge of water will be undertaken through appropriate routes and at

appropriate locations subject to the necessary approvals being obtained from

the Environment Agency and Thames Water and in accordance with the

CoCP Part A

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o It is anticipated that VSU works / dewatering will only affect the shallow (and

not the deep) aquifer and no licensed abstractions or Protected Rights will be


8 Noise and Vibration

VBN will abide by the measures illustrated in section 5.0 of the CoCP Part A for

management of noise and vibration from the works including working hours, the

requirement for Section 61 consents under the Control of the Pollution Act 1974 and


Details of all Section 61 consents will be communicated to stakeholders through the

CLG and those measures illustrated in Section 4 of this document. This is to ensure

that VBN can take account of individual concerns over the works methodology,

mitigation measures or monitoring proposals prior to submission to City of

Westminster for approval.

8.1 Noise and Vibration Receptors

The Environmental Statement predicted that airborne noise from surface

construction activity will affect the following properties during the daytime:

o 20 Palace Street o The Stag Public House (PH) o Allington Street - south and west side (from Kings Arms PH to the Stage Door

PH) o Allington Street - north and east side (from the Royal Westminster Hotel up to

the Duke of York PH) o 314 – 316 Vauxhall Bridge Road o Carlisle Place - west side (from 76 to 85 Carlisle Place up to and including 1 –

14 Evelyn Mansions) o Carlisle Place - east side (from 1- 5 Cardinal Mansions up to and including the

rear of Ashley Court)

At night, the Stag PH and those parts of 1 – 20 Allington Court above 7 – 9 Allington

Street will also be affected by airborne noise.

Monitoring arrangements illustrated in 8.4 are positioned to ensure that a „worst

case‟ assessment of noise and vibration impacts can be made. This will ensure that

an accurate prediction of the impact on the receptors illustrated above is maintained

throughout the works and appropriate mitigation measures (illustrated in 8.3) can be

implemented to ensure that the thresholds illustrated in Appendix 2 of the CoCP Part

A are not exceeded. Should it be predicted that these thresholds will continue to be

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exceeded despite the mitigation measures on the works proposed in 8.3, then

mitigation at receptors will be offered prior to the works including rehousing or noise

insulation and implemented in advance of those works commencing.

A plan of the residential areas in the vicinity of the VSU works is presented in

Appendix 1.

8.2 Foreseeable Construction Method, Programme and Working


The VSU works (illustrated in section 4) include several construction activities that

could potentially generate significant levels of noise and / or vibration. In addition

most of the tunnelling works are required to be undertaken on a five day week, 24

hours a day basis to prevent deformation of settlement.

The activities that could potentially cause high levels of noise and vibration and any

activities required to be undertaken outside of normal working hours are discussed in

further detail within the following sections.

All works will be subject to the Section 61 consent process with the City of

Westminster and VBN will provide a copy of the Section 61 applications to the CLG

in advance of submission to City of Westminster. A schematic of this process is

included below.

Obtain s.61

VBN prepare s.61

LU review

CLG review

VBN address comments

Submit to CoW for approval


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120

8.3 Foreseeable Site Specific Noise and Vibration Mitigation

Civil engineering works in the Victoria area are likely to create a nuisance to neighbouring properties. However, we will strive to minimise this nuisance level whenever practicable.

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VBN shall comply with the requirements of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 with particular relevance to Part III, the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the Noise at Work Regulations 1989 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. As previously stated all specific mitigation for each section of works will be included in the Section 61 application for consent which will be communicated well in advance of the works being undertaken. An example of the likely mitigation to employ is given below. Best Practicable Means‟ (BPM) (as outlined in Section 72 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974) will be employed in order to minimise noise and vibration levels throughout the period of the works. General measures will include the following as appropriate:

Ensure adequate planning within LUL sites to prevent noise generating from double handling of materials or overlapping of high noise activities.

Ensure plant conforming to SI 2001/1701 (UK implementation of EC directive 2000/14/EC on noise emission) will be used if placed on the market or put into service since January 2002. Plant put into service or put on the market before that date shall conform to SI 1985/1968 (as amended) or to SI 1988/361 (as amended) as appropriate to the type of plant.

VBN will use only plant which complies with the relevant EU / UK noise limits applicable to that equipment or is no nosier than would be expected from the noise levels quoted in BS 5288:1997. VBN also will maintain that plant properly and operate it according to the manufactures‟ recommendations. Electrical or LPG powered plant will be used (where practicable) rather than plant powered by a combustion engine. All plant powered by combustion engines will be fitted with suitable silencers. Where practicable, rotary drills and bursters actuated by hydraulic or electrical power will be used for excavating hard material. Items of plant in intermittent use will be shut down when not in use.

VBN will locate all stationary plant so that the noise impact at all occupied commercial and residential buildings is minimised, and wherever practicable, every item of static plant shall be sound attenuated using methods based on the guidance given in BS 5228.

Equipment to be sited as far from sensitive receptors or as close to any acoustic screen located between the activity and the receptor as reasonably practicable

Minimise drop heights.

Ensure compressor covers closed when they are running, and lined and sealed where possible.

Ensure machinery panels are secured and do not rattle.

Ensure adequate maintenance of equipment and machinery.

Ensure machinery is not running unnecessarily, or in the lowest noise output mode.

Site fencing will be erected and will be maintained throughout the project duration. All knot holes, cracks and joints will be sealed. The fencing will be of safe and durable construction. Temporary fencing will be lined and where it encloses noisy work the lining will provide acoustic mitigation.

VBN will retain full control over and responsibility for Trade Contractors working on the site. Trade Contractors will be required to submit full details of work programmes, plant and personnel and will be made fully aware of the requirement of the Section 61 Consent.

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Construction of early temporary infrastructure to minimise noise – e.g. site hoardings. These will be designed to provide the best acoustic screening available and where practicable – doors and gates will not be located opposite noise sensitive buildings.

Use of bending as opposed to percussion methods to break out concrete. Rotary drills and bursters actuated by hydraulic or electrical power should be used for excavating hard materials.

Selection of piling methods which minimise noise and vibration.

Noise reduction methods for temporary ventilation equipment

Where practicable, concrete pours to be scheduled to begin prior to 13:00 so as to ensure that they do not overrun past 18:00.

Choice of routes for transport, spoil and personnel to minimise noise at noise sensitive buildings

Ensure that sub-contractors and suppliers are aware of the environmental constraints of the site and follow the necessary procedures for Environmentally Responsible Working Practices.

Prevent any unnecessary noise such as shouting or banging at all times.

Ensure Site Induction sessions cover Environmentally Responsible Working Practices and Environmental Awareness especially with regard to noise amounting to nuisance.

Put up signs within the Sites to raise awareness and to stress the importance of noise control and its impact on the local residence.

Flyers to local residents two weeks before commencement at a new site making them aware of forthcoming activities.

Signage around the sites displaying the VSU helpline number. Operative‟s induction training will include the requirements relative to BPM as regards noise and vibration.

Vibration monitoring will take place during construction work times as appropriate, i.e. during the tunnelling works or certain percussive breaking works.

No personal radios on site.

Arranging delivery / materials transfer points away from noise sensitive boundaries.

Arranging delivery times to minimise impact.

Switching off noisy equipment when not needed.

Observing restrictions on working hours.

Changes to proposed method of work or alternative systems to reduce impact of noise

Solid (or screened) doors and gates will not be located opposite sensitive receptors. The operation of gates should be controlled to minimise the time they are open for the passage of vehicles, thereby minimising stray noise emissions.

All plant to be maintained regularly to comply with relevant national or international standards

Temporary infrastructure (i.e. haul roads) should be constructed of materials that minimise noise and vibration (i.e., laying a tarmac surface)

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Handling all materials, particularly steelwork, in a manner which minimises noise. For example storing materials as far as possible from sensitive receptors and using resilient mats around steel handling areas.

The VBN team shall, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that the noise from reversing alarms is controlled and limited. This will be managed through the following hierarchy of techniques:

(a) The site layout will be designed to limit and where reasonably practicable, avoid the need for the reversing of vehicles. The VBN team will seek to ensure that drivers are familiar with the worksite layout; A3 posters will be displayed on site notice board and at key locations to show the site layout while traffic marshals will be directing the drivers at all time

(b) Banksmen will be utilised to avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, the use of reversing alarms

(c) Reversing alarms incorporating one of more of the features listed below or any other comparable system will be used where reasonably practicable

Highly directional sounders Use of broadband signals Self adjusting output sounders Flashing warning lights

Sub-contractors (i.e. haulage contractor) will be required to provide evidence of at least one the above at the procurement stage. Additionally specific measures such as those identified for the tunnelling works below will be identified and implemented for particularly noise activities. Although much of the tunnelling works will naturally take place underground, the pitheads running 24 hours a day can create nuisance if uncontrolled. VBN will minimise the pithead disturbance by: Closeboard hoarding the site with strategic viewing points to allow interested

members of the public to see in but minimise visual disturbance to neighbours Arranging the lighting on site to be directed inwards and downwards thereby

minimising any light nuisance to neighbouring properties Arranging wherever possible for lorries to drive through the site and minimise

reversing, thereby reducing noise caused by vehicle reversing alarms Setting up the site so that tunnel arisings are transferred to overhead muck

bunkers, thereby minimising vehicle movements by removing the need for a loading shovel

Tunnel works are planned to be worked continuously over 24 hours. To minimise noise, plant on the surface will be primarily electrically operated, and diesel plant, such as generators, will be silent packed. The main environmental concern affecting the public will be noise at night and specified noise restraints during performances in the Victoria Palace and Apollo Theatres. Noise monitoring will be carried out, and if necessary additional measures will be put into place to satisfy these requirements.

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8.4 Noise and Vibration Monitoring

The following noise and vibration monitoring locations shall be used by VBN. These

locations have been selected due to their close proximity to the construction

activities that may generate noise and vibration.

Noise monitoring equipment is delicate and complex, and requires continuous

management both to ensure its continued accurate operation and to assess the

results that it produces in a timely manner. It is essential that monitoring locations

are selected to be readily accessible, free from tampering and as far as practicable,

unaffected by extraneous noise. VBN propose to use advanced equipment which

includes an audio recording ability, which can take sample during high noise events

to help to ascertain the noise source.

VBN are considering mainly roof-top locations to meet the above requirements and

to avoid privacy issues that might otherwise occur from audio recordings. VBN

sought the advice of a recognised expert consultancy (Noisemap) to provide

comments on the proposed monitoring locations as to their suitability and sufficiency.

The noise monitoring locations proposed include.

1. The Stag PH (southern end)

2. Thistle Hotel

3. 7 Allington Street

4. Victoria Palace Theatre (north-eastern corner)

5. 1-14 Evelyn Mansions (Carlisle Place side)

6. The Peak (Vauxhall Bridge Road side)

Long-term monitoring points should be selected to provide adequate detection of

significant deviation of noise impact from that predicted in the ES, and that there is

provision for short-term monitoring to investigate issues that arise. The main

purpose of the monitoring is to detect the occurrence of noisy operations: the

locations affected by the work are relatively easy to predict, and so it is not

necessary to monitor at every affected location. It is best to have the monitoring

points at noise-sensitive receivers close to the source of noise.

On this basis and considering the noise prediction exercise presented in the ES,

Noisemap consider that the receptor at 20 Palace Street not required: the reason for

prediction of significant effect arises because ambient levels are fairly low.

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Noisemap consider that construction noise is likely to be audible on a limited number

of occasions, and that generally it will be difficult to localise it from a monitor at that

location. Consequently it is not helpful in detecting and controlling any unexpectedly

noisy work.

Noisemap also consider that the proposed receptor at the Duke of York PH is not

required. It is located in a very noisy area, affected by traffic noise, and so it will be

difficult to separate construction noise from ambient for most of the time. It will

therefore be of limited help to control construction noise, or to compare with

predictions. It is also close to other monitoring points at 3 and 4 in the above list,

which will be better for monitoring and control.

Noisemap state that the other points are well-distributed and located for the


VBN will maintain one set of noise monitoring equipment for short-term deployment

should a problem arise unexpectedly.

The vibration monitoring locations proposed include.

1. Victoria Palace Theatre

2. Apollo Theatre

3. The Stag PH

4. 7 Terminus Place

5. 4-6 Terminus Place

6. The Peak

VBN intends to present these proposed monitoring locations subject to discussion

and agreement with the City of Westminster as part of the Section 61 consent


Monitoring will begin in March 2011 so that for ambient baselines to be established

(and checked against those presented within the Environmental Statement). All

monitoring will be undertaken using type 1 class noise monitors and data

downloaded a minimum of once a week, but also after any complaints have been

received to aid investigation and resolution of the complaint.

Noise and vibration monitors are fitted with alarms to enable monitoring against

trigger levels. These are defined in the CoCP Part A – Appendix 2 (for noise) and

specific 3rd party agreements for vibration.

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Noise monitors that detect an elevated noise reading (averaged over the appropriate

timescale (as per Appendix 2 of CoCP Part A) will send a text to the VBN site

manager and environmental manager so that they can take appropriate action to

mitigate impact. This enables an instant response to a potential problem.

Vibration monitors will have their alarms set at a trigger level defined by the

agreement with the building owner / occupier or best practice. These will also be

enabled to provide real-time alerts of breaches so that action can be taken to rectify

the problem.

VBN shall also measure construction noise levels using a hand-held meter where

works required (for instance inside the operational Victoria station). The frequency

and location of these surveys will be dependent upon the nature and sensitivity of

the works being undertaken.

All noise and vibration monitoring will be made available to CoW as part of the

Section 61 process. The data shall be presented in a format which shall be agreed

with the CoW and easily interpreted by non-technical third parties.

8.5 Pre-construction ambient noise survey

The pre-construction ambient noise survey is due to be conducted in March 2011. A

survey was undertaken as part of the Environmental Statement (6.3.6). This is

summarised below:

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Table 6-1: Measured Ambient Noise Levels (dB LAeq)

Relevant receptor Monitoring location

(L = Long Term, S = Short Term)

Measured ambient

noise levels (dB LAeq)

A 1: 1-14 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle

Place (S)


B 5: Allington Street, opposite Thistle

Westminster Hotel (S)


C 7: Outside The Peak, Vauxhall

Bridge Road (S)


D 3: Outside The Stage Door PH,

opposite Victoria Palace Theatre

side entrance doors


E 7: Outside The Peak, Vauxhall

Bridge Road (S)


F 2a: Outside Duke of York Door, next

to Victoria Palace Theatre main


i. 71-72 (ground level)

G 6: Roof of Thistle Westminster Hotel



H 5: Allington Street, opposite the

Thistle Westminster Hotel (S)


I 4: Adjacent to The Stag PH (S) 66-67

J 2b: On roof of VPT along

Bressenden Place (L)

ii. 64 (roof)

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9 Dust and Air Quality

VBN will comply with the general measures to control air quality impacts as detailed

within the CoCP Part A section 6.3. VBN will also comply with the guidance set out in

the “London Best Practice Guidance: The control of dust and emissions from

construction and demolition (Greater London Authority and London Councils

November 2006)”.

Technical Appendix C of the Environmental Statement provides an assessment of

each of the activities within the works methodology. This assessment has allocated

each activity with tier number (1-3) according to its dust raising potential. This

corresponds with the tiered mitigation measures specified in the CoCP Part A 6.3. If

the works methodology assumptions on which the air quality assessment was based

change sufficiently to render the assessment unreliable then VBN will arrange for a


9.1 Dust Receptors

Considering their proximity to the works, the following have been identified by the

Environmental Statement (6-32) as potentially the most sensitive receptors in the

proximity of the VSU worksites:

o Westminster City School and Sixth Form; o St Vincent De Paul RC School; o Burdett Coutts CE Primary School; o St Peter's Eaton Square CE School; o Victoria NHS Walk In Centre; o Belgrave Dental Practice o Dental Surgery, 42a Buckingham Palace Road. o The Wilton Dental Practice o Westminster Choir School o Bentley House, Carlisle Place o Lookahead Hostel, Castle Lane o College Park School, Castle Lane

There are also a number of residential receptors in the local area which could

potentially suffer degradation in air quality:

o Allington Street zone o Vauxhall Bridge Road to Ambrosden Avenue zone o Buckingham Palace Road zone o Palace Street zone o Ambrosden Avenue to Howick Place zone o Southern Periphery zone

These residential areas are illustrated in Appendix 1.

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9.2 Activities requiring specific consideration for dust mitigation


The CoCP Part A (6.3.6) provides a range of mitigation measures corresponding to

the relevant tier number (1-3) / dust raising potential of the works. Figure 2 in

Appendix 1 illustrates the predicted dust raising potential of the works during the

production of the Environmental Statement.

If considered relevant (i.e. the works methodology has changed significantly) VBN

may commission another assessment of the dust raising potential. Details of this will

be included in the Section 61 application for the works.

All of the dust controls for the relevant tier (see 6.3.6. CoCP Part A) will be

implemented during the VSU works. This will follow the hierarchy below:

Prevention - The works methodology and site setup will be planned to eliminate as

far as possible the dust raising potential of the works. This could include stripping out

the buildings prior to demolition or installing hard standing on the sites as early as

possible in the programme of works.

Suppression – Where prevention measures cannot eliminate the potential for dust

then methods of suppression will be used. Examples of this are included within

CoCP Part A (6.3.6) and include the use of water suppression for demolition and

during the excavation works or the use of road sweepers on the pubic highways. The

method of suppression will be selected with relevance to the works being


Containment – In the event that prevention and suppression methods have been

taken and a potential for dust remains then where possible methods of containment

will be used such as the screening of buildings during demolition.

Measures to minimise dust during construction will be agreed as part of the Section

61 process prior to works being undertaken and details of this will be communicated

to stakeholders in advance of the works.

With the provisions specified in the CoCP Part A (6.3.7.) coupled with the mitigation

measures specified above it is not expected that dust deposition will occur as a

direct result of the works. Similar levels of demolition have been carried out at

Tottenham Court Road with no significant impacts. However VBN remain committed

to maintaining an excellent relationship with the local community and should dust

deposition occur as a direct result of the works VBN will make efforts to address the

concerns raised. If dust depositions occur because of a build up emanating from the

VSU and any other adjoining worksites, VBN will co-operate with other contractors to

address the problem of cumulative build up.

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9.3 Dust Monitoring

VBN have commissioned King‟s College, London to provide an appropriate dust

monitoring strategy for the VSU project. VBN will ensure that this strategy will be

followed during the construction of the works.

The assessment in determining the most adequate monitoring strategy will look at:

Dust raising potential of construction activities

Proximity to potential receptors

Duration of construction activities at each location and

Mitigation measures / monitoring procedures outlines in the Method Statements.

Low Risk

Where sites have a risk score that assigns them to the low risk category no dust

monitoring will be carried out.

Medium Risk

Where sites have a risk score that is in the medium risk category passive deposition

monitoring techniques (glass slides, Frisbee gauges or sticky pads) will be adopted

at appropriate locations (site boundaries/local receptors) according to specific site


High Risk

If any activities are identified as high risk, existing baseline data will be obtained and

analysed prior to works commencement. Where practicable, VBN will seek for a

twelve month period of data sourced from local background PM10 concentrations

measured by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) monitoring sites and

appropriate local authority automatic monitoring sites.

King‟s College consider that a network of four continuous particulate monitors should

be used to carry out monitoring around the main construction area boundary as

illustrated in the figure below.

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Two of the particulate monitors will be located on or near to the site boundary, to

form a transect across the site. This will be set up in the direction of the prevailing

wind, in this case south westerly, in order to establish the local background levels

and assist in determining the relative contribution of dust emissions from the

construction site.

A further two monitors will be mounted on the upwind side of the site on the

boundary. The locations of these two analysers will take into account any particularly

sensitive locations, such as schools and the residential properties highlighted in 9.1.

Consideration will be made to outlet vents that may transport significant amounts of

particulate matter from construction activities underground.

Due to the complexity of the site and due to a considerable amount of work being

undertaken below ground level the exact location of the monitors will need to be

established in consultation with King‟s College following a site visit.

Meteorological sensors measuring local wind speed and wind direction will be co-

located with the particulate monitor situated in the least enclosed area.

If practical and required for particularly sensitive receptors, VBN will install

monitoring instruments able to operate an alarm (PC based or mobile phone) when a

predetermined site action level is reached. If the alarm is triggered the following

actions will be taken:

The Environmental Manager or someone delegated by the Environmental Manager

will as quickly as reasonably practicable investigate activities on the site to ascertain

if any visible dust is emanating from the site or activities are occurring that are not in

line with dust control procedures.

At high risk sites, a site action level will be established by reference to local authority

and AURN PM10 monitoring data in consultation with the relevant local authority.

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Subject to consultation, a preliminary site action level of 250μg.m-3 (15 minute

average) will be adopted.

Dust monitoring will be continued at a medium or high-risk site until the site has a

risk score that assigns it to the low risk category. The cessation of monitoring when a

site no longer represents a high or medium risk is subject to consultation with and

the agreement of the local authority in whose area the worksite is situated that high

or medium risk no longer applies, provided that such agreement is not unreasonably


10 Asbestos

VBN will ensure compliance with the measures specified in the CoCP Part A (9.3) at

all times. This includes compliance with The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006

that came into force on 13 November 2006 (SI 2006/2739). The Regulations bring

together three previous sets of Regulations covering the prohibition of asbestos, the

control of asbestos at work and asbestos licensing. The Regulations prohibit the

importation, supply and use of all forms of asbestos.

VBN will adhere to the exposure limits and measurement methods for asbestos,

which are set out in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Guidance Note EH10

Asbestos Exposure Limits and Measurements of Airborne Dust Concentrations

2001. The contractor must comply with:

HSE Guideline Note MS13 Asbestos: Medical Guidance Notes 1999;

The Health and Safety Commission Approved Codes of Practice on: Work

with Asbestos Which Does Not Normally Require a License (L27), Work with

Asbestos Insulation, Asbestos Coating and Asbestos Insulating Board (L28)

and The Management of Asbestos in Non-domestic Premises (L127).

The COSHH Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/2677).

Measures for managing asbestos in alteration, demolition and excavation works will


(a) Employing competent contractors to carry out alteration and

demolition works

(b) Contractors implementing a procedure for dealing with

potentially suspect materials exposed requiring sampling and

analysis by an independent specialist consultant

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(c) Formal exchange of information before start of work, including

relevant information from the Asbestos Register to clearly

identify location of asbestos-containing materials

(d) Method statements for any works in the vicinity of asbestos-

containing materials to avoid any disturbance to such materials

which are not to be removed

Measures for managing work involving asbestos-containing materials encountered in

construction will include:

(a) Appointment of a specialist consultant independent of the asbestos treatment


(b) Ensuring any work with asbestos-containing materials is notified to the Health

& Safety Executive

(c) Ensuring any work with asbestos-containing materials is carried out by

licensed specialist asbestos treatment contractors in accordance with

Asbestos (Licensing ) Regulations 1983 ( SI 1983/1649 ) as amended in 1998

( SI 1998/3233)

(d) Requiring method statement defining detailed control measures to be

produced by the specialist asbestos treatment contractor and approved by the

independent specialist consultant

(e) Air sample monitoring by the independent specialist consultant of work to

ensure required air quality standards are achieved

(f) Disposal of asbestos-containing materials to licensed waste sites in

accordance with Hazardous Waste Regulations (2005).

11 Contaminated Land

The main source of contamination to have been identified from the desk study in the

Environmental Statement is made ground (sourced from cut and cover spoil from the

Circle and District Line, Grosvenor Canal basin infilling). A ground investigation was

conducted by Norwest Holst in 2006 which detected very slightly elevated lead

concentrations in soil. Also elevated concentrations of chloride, nitrate and sulphate

were detected in leachate samples.

Parts of the site are underlain by alluvium and peat. Carbon dioxide concentrations

of up to 7.6% were identified during the ground investigation. No in-ground

concentrations of either CH4 or H2S gases were recorded.

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There are potential risks from the above contaminants and other contaminates

during the construction process to future site users, construction staff, surrounding

land users and newly built underground structures from land contamination but with

the incorporation of mitigation measures such as provision of personal protection

equipment, dust monitoring controls and the selection of appropriate construction

materials, no negative significant residual effects during construction or operation of

the scheme are predicted.

The VBN Environmental Manager or nominated deputy will carry out or organise site

assessments, investigations and/or risk assessments wherever construction work is

planned in order to assess the potential for contamination in both soil and

groundwater. The necessary measures will be agreed with the Environment Agency

and the Local Authority as part of the construction planning process.

As stated in the Code of Construction Practice Part A (8d), the VBN project team

shall keep a record of works undertaken to comply with the remedial strategy and

shall prepare and submit a verification report to the VSU Project Manager for

acceptance within four weeks of completion of the remediation. Once acceptance

has been obtained from the VSU Project Manager, VBN shall issue the verification

report to the Environment Agency and the local authority.

12 Archaeology

VSU is located in an area which includes no designated sites of archaeological

importance though the area has some paleo-archaeological interest. The works

could impact upon previously unrecorded archaeological remains. .

A strategy for archaeological mitigation will be agreed with CoW in consultation with

English Heritage (EH) and in accordance with the archaeology condition of the

deemed planning permission. This condition, which is essentially the same as the

condition agreed by LUL, CoW and English Heritage prior to the close of the VSU

Public Inquiry, states:,

15. No individual stage of the development shall commence until a programme of

archaeological work has been implemented in accordance with a written scheme of

investigation relating to that stage that has been submitted to, and approved in

writing by, the local planning authority. The programme is to comprise an

archaeological evaluation, a review of the evaluation results and method statements

for any works necessary to mitigate impact.

VBN will apply a results-led archaeological approach to each of the following seven

project evaluation areas (PEAs):

PEA 1: North Ticket Hall Worksite;

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PEA 2: South Ticket Hall Worksite;

PEA 3: Allington Street Area, including the Duke of York;

PEA 4a-d: Shafts 2, 9,12A and 29 respectively.

On approval of this strategy, individual evaluation detailed designs will be developed

for each of the PEAs, which will also include specific objectives, methodologies and

programmes for each area. These will be made available to the heritage consultees

for comment prior to any work commencing. The evaluation fieldwork may be

frontloaded to minimise the requirement for intrusive investigations during

subsequent works. Should this reveal a requirement for any further work,

subsequent WSIs would be agreed with CoW (in consultation with EH) and

undertaken to allow discharge of the project Planning Conditions.

13 Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

There are six Listed Buildings located within the vicinity of the works, these are;

Victoria Palace Theatre (Grade II),

Victoria National Rail Station (Eastern) (Grade II),

Victoria National Rail Station (Western) (Grade II),

Little Ben Clock Tower (Grade II),

Grosvenor Hotel (Grade II*),

Apollo Victoria Theatre (Grade II).

Following assessment of the impacts of the works on these Listed Buildings, three

separate Listed Building Consent applications were made and conditional approval

granted to cover the works affecting Victoria Palace Theatre, Victoria National Rail

Station and Little Ben Clock Tower. Prior to commencing the works a number of

submissions will be made to Westminster City Council, who shall consult with

English Heritage, to discharge the Listed Building Consent conditions.

The assessed impact on the two remaining Listed Buildings is deemed to be non-

significant due to the implementation of BPM mitigation measures during the works.

The Westminster Cathedral and Grosvenor Gardens Conservation Areas are located

adjacent to the works but are not directly affected.

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Appendix 1 - Figures

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Figure 1 – Residential Areas as defined by the Environmental Statement

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Figure 2 – Assessment of dust raising potential extracted from the Environmental Statement (Table 5-3, C27 – Technical Appendix C).

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Appendix 2 – Complaints Procedure

1.0 Introduction

We recognise the importance of complaints as a valuable form of feedback and we are

committed to using this information to help drive forward improvements.

Anyone wishing to complain about any aspect of the VSU construction will find contact

information: displayed on hoardings (included in all correspondence to local residents and

businesses; and on the VSU website (

This complaints procedure will operate for the duration of the VSU construction. It complies

with the guidelines set out it LU‟s Customer Feedback and Complaints Policy.

2.0 Complaints Procedure

All complaints received in relation to the VSU project (e.g. written, via the telephone helpline,

the CLG or direct to station staff or site personnel) will be logged in a complaints register.

This will record the nature of the complaint, the action taken and the outcome.

If a complaint is received from someone indirectly related to the project, such as a member

of the station staff, and VSU is made aware of this, the VBN Stakeholder Manager will

contact the complainant directly and request clarification of their complaint so that it may be

accurately recorded and actioned.

The VBN Stakeholder Manager will work closely with LU‟s Stakeholder Communications

Executive to ensure that any complaints received direct to LU, relevant to the construction of

the project, are added to the complaints log and followed up as appropriate.

3.0 24/7 helpline

Our aim is to construct the VSU scheme safely and minimise disruption wherever

practicable. However, we do accept that occasionally things may go wrong. If anyone is

unhappy about any aspect of the construction work we would like to hear from them.

A 24/7 helpline has been established to ensure that we can respond to complaints efficiently,

and where necessary immediately. This is a dedicated helpline for the VSU project and is

operated by people who know about the project and have direct contact with key personnel

(site managers etc). The helpline is staffed 24/7 and is also the first point of contact and

information in an emergency.

A flow chart showing how complaints to the helpline are managed is attached at Appendix 2.

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4.0 Project contacts

Contact method Details Monitored

Helpline 0345 020 0015 24/7

e-mail [email protected] Mon – Fri (8am-6pm)

Letter Victoria Station Upgrade

2nd Floor, Victoria Station House

191 Victoria Street

London SW1E 5NE

Mon – Fri (8am-6pm)

5.0 Responsibilities

The VBN Stakeholder Manager will be responsible for maintaining the complaints register

and will co-ordinate and actively track all outstanding complaints to ensure they are resolved

in an appropriate manner and timeframe. A report of the complaints register will be issued to

the Community Liaison group (CLG), and thus to Westminster City Council, at each CLG

meeting (every two months) or as required.

The VBN Stakeholder Manager will liaise with the LU Stakeholder Interface project

managers and TfL / LU communications colleagues. To ensure that LU is aware of all

complaints and to co-ordinate LU‟s input to responses where appropriate. All complaints

relating to Surface Transport issues (buses, taxis and road network) and VSU will be logged

but passed to Surface Transport Communications to respond. The outcome will be noted on

the complaints register.

6.0 Timescales

If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately we will endeavour to respond within 10

working days. If we are unable to resolve the complaint within 10 working days we will send

an update within that timeframe.

7.0 Escalation

If the person who has complained is not satisfied with the initial response the project team

will make every effort to try and resolve their complaint until the project has exhausted its

authority and further action would be needed from elsewhere in TfL. At this stage the

complaint will be passed on to the appropriate authority within TfL (and copied to CoW for

information) to consider and provide a further response.

If the complainant is still not satisfied, the complaint will be passed on to a nominated City of

Westminster officer (CoW to confirm) to consider and make a recommendation as to the


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Incoming Call

HelplineEstablish nature of


Complaint Type Location Urgency

Enquiry Subject Caller contact


Can Helpline respond?

Helpline compile response

Pass enquiry to VBN or LU

Yes No

VBN or LU compile response

Provide response to caller

Record Actions

Enquiry closed out

Immediate action require?

Contact relevant responsible


Contact VSU Stakeholder Team

Yes No

Action resolves complaint?

Devise actions to resolve complaint

Provide response to caller

Record Actions

Investigate cause of complaint

Update details on Complaints Log

Create Complaints Log entry



Complaint closed out

Update details and add lessons learnt to Complaints Log


Create Enquiry Log entry


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Appendix 3 – CLG Terms of Reference

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Appendix 4 – Worksite Locations

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