


(#7 TO #11)




Official Unit Log, “The Complex”

Entry By; Health Centre Staff Nurse MellorWed, 10/06/09, 1843h

“At 1509h a medical alert was broadcast for the Sports Hall. I arrived at 1513h to find a young male, serial A27, Damien Donald, had collapsed doing kick-about soccer during a break in the selection programme. I could not find a pulse or sign of any cardiac activity on ECG so initiated standard resuscitation. After some 10 minutes an emergency paramedic arrived and between us we continued resuscitation, with extra support from an ambulance crew who arrived approx 1530h. Regrettably no response was apparent in Damien, who was certified dead at 1605h.”

Spec Op Dir; email memo FAO Operation PsyCoChemManip

Wed, 10/06/09, 2100h

1. Consequent on the sudden death of a male, A27, at The Complex today an urgent meeting of “The Project” management group will be held at this directorate Friday, 12/06/09, 1000h.

2. All sponsor agencies are to ensure that their lead adviser is in attendance; any possible attendees not already security cleared at Code Ochre for “The Project” will not be admitted.

3. The current course #6 will continue but all participants have been offered psychosocial counselling if they so wish.

4. All “Complex” employees will be debriefed by the resident Spec Ops staff, whose report will be forwarded to all List Alpha as soon as received at this directorate.

5. Any media inquiries are to be directed to Department of Culture, as previously agreed.

Personal E-Notebook Diary of Aileen B House Mother, The Complex

Thu, 11/06/09, 1735h

“I, and a few other staff from here, have just spent a couple of hours with the parents of dead Damien. They insisted on visiting to see where he had passed on and to collect his personal possessions. Very trying for all of us, his mother was beside herself, constantly crying and wailing, quite got to me, poor cow!

Zoe from admin says that the preliminary report from the local mortuary is that Damien died of a previously quite un-suspected heart condition called Hoccum or some such. Nurse Mellor reckons that it not infrequently kills otherwise fit, young athletes and is hard to detect, except after the disaster happens. Whatever, the rest of the course members have carried on pretty much as if nothing happened. A couple of them have the making of right hard faced bastards; I suppose they have to be to get on as sports professional these days?

Otherwise, business as usual... next week's course is our first female unemployed, have to nail everything down to prevent theft! No, that's wrong to say, I do so hope! A nice bunch would be, well, nice!

Right, to the bar for a well earned small noggin, I can still hear Damien's mum wailing as she left...”

Commander, Spec Op Dir; by email, TOP SECRET Abridged Minutes of Meeting Earlier Today

FAO Operation PsyCoChemManipFri, 12/06/09, 1548h

1. Full minutes will be circulated as usual, but I want to record the main

decisions to be implemented with immediate effect.2. The death of Subject A27 will be recorded as secondary to

Hypertrophic Cardio-Myopathy, aka HOCM, of which there was no clinical evidence in his physical examination on arrival at “The Complex”. This disorder is characterised by almost no clinical features prior to death.

3. “The Project” is now aware of the death of 3 students who have attended “The Complex”, subjects A1, A27 and Z03. Formal inquiries have not made any causal connection between these events.

4. Although insufficient subjects have been studied, the performance enhancing effects of the “energy drink” seem to be between 10-30%, both physical and mental activity.

5. Confidential internal audit has concluded that the deaths might, albeit at a very low probability, be secondary to use of IC 36 in the drink .

6. From a detailed consideration of the research evidence available, IC 36 will be replaced from course #7 commencing 15/06/09. The final decision will be notified though List Alpha no later than 1200h, Saturday, 13/06/09.

Official Unit Log, “The Complex”Entry By Night Watch Operative Serial 2426

Wed, 17/06/09, 2359h

1. All systems fully functional.2. As instructed by acting-director, Central Control has been closely

monitoring the current course #7 for any nocturnal behavioural patterns different to previous attendees.

3. Four (4) occurrences from this evening, all within 3 hours of the second dose of sports energy drink, have been copied onto video for analysis tomorrow. FREE TEXT “The fact that a couple of female subjects have enjoyed a prolonged and full on snog in bed does not, of itself, mean much other than being the first such observed at The Complex...


“A 16 year old male youth was shot dead after refusing to give up or lower his weapon during a stand-off with police after a failed jewellery shop road... A potential Army recruit, named by locals as Frankie Smith, was gunned down despite only having a replica fire-arm... The grieving mother of dead boy Frank Smith claims her son was “totally changed” after attending a Special Recruit Assessment week at “The Complex” near Liverpool... (Note to Editors; Background to The Complex was given in HMG central press briefing, available on request)

Transcript of Mobile Phone Message Recipient Dr Mike Ridge.

Sun, 21/06/09; 1638h

“Hello there, I hope that this is the answer-phone of Dr Mike Ridge? Sorry to bother you on father's day and all that. I've been given your details by a colleague. I need some urgent advice about the jewellery shop raider killed a few days ago. I'm the solicitor who represent his mother. Could you return may call as soon as you can? Many thanks!”

Commander, Spec Op Dir; FLASH SIGNALFAO Operation PsyCoChemManip; alpha list only

Wed, 24/06/09, 1300h

1. Following the critical media coverage of “The Project” last weekend, the Commander, Special Operations, has suspended all activity at “The Complex” with immediate effect.

2. The current course, #8, will not, repeat NOT, be given the energy supplement due tonight and will go home a day early after the required 24 hour washout time.

3. All course #8 attendees will be told Thursday morning that this is because of an outbreak of highly infectious diarrhoeal virus and that they will be sent home after being health screened to check for this bug.

4. All non-alpha list staff within “The Complex” are to be told the same reasoning, without fail or elaboration, and that they will be confined to the site for at least 96 hours after the last infected staff member recovers. The timing of that will be directed by this office, only, consequent on events.

5. No media representatives are to be admitted to The Complex and any such enquiries should continue to be directed to Department of Culture Press Office.

Personal E-Notebook Diary of Aileen BHouse Mother; The Complex

Wed, 30/06/09, 1025h

“I haven't been grounded for years! None of the resident staff could leave The Complex after last weeks D+V until today; all we've done is deep clean everything and play softball three times a day. Funny, whoever had the bug it wasn't clear, no-one went missing? Anyway, a full weeks leave has been given so I've booked a late notice holiday in Spain. Off to the airport now!”

What Aileen Blaze might look like...(Just for you Tony in Tasmania)

Internal Memo, SECRET; from “The Project” management team,

to Cabinet Office Secretariat.Fri, 3 July 2010.

As requested by you, we have fully reviewed the recent unfortunate events involving “The Project” and attendees at “The Complex” in Cheshire. It is the firm and unanimous conclusion of all sponsor departments that there is no clear evidence of any causal link between “The Project” and the acts of violence.

To date, at least half a dozen potential international class athletes have been identified, over a dozen long-term unemployed found jobs or relevant training courses and a couple of outstanding recruits for military Special Forces discovered.

The negative publicity has not reduced demand from young people wishing to attend “The Project”; quite the opposite. Applications in the last two weeks have been about 300% more than the previous equivalent time period.

Thus, the management team have authorised “The Complex” to recommence course from Monday 13 July with course #9, an unemployed male week.

TOP SECRETOperation PsyCoChemManip

Need to know; list alphaTue, 07/07/09. 1630h

1. Full approval has been issued for activity to recommence at “The Complex” with effect Mon, 13/07/2009, course #9, male unemployed.

2. As there has been no breach of security Code Ochre concerning the real rather than the public purpose of “The Project”, evaluation of the Energy drink will resume immediately.

3. Use of IC69 will continue.

Transcript of Part-ConversationFrom Norton & Co Solicitors

Wed, 08/07/09,1025h onwards

“So, Dr. Ridge, you seem to be saying that there is no connection between the behavioural changes in our clients son and his attendance at The Complex?”

“Based on the evidence you have given me about Frank, there is no obvious linkage, I'm afraid. Obviously there might be more to matters... The Project office have been less than cooperative with you and your enquiries...”


“Yes, you could say that! So what about this lad who dropped dead there, Damien Donald, any relevance?”

“It is being widely stated that Damien had this rare, undetected, but often fatal heart disorder, HOCM; it happens every year, such a damn waste...”

“So nothing to do with The Complex then?”


“Nothing, unless there is some aspect of what goes on there that isn't being spoken about?”

“Such as?”

“Phew, well; contaminated water supply... toxic atmosphere... food poisoning... all the usual, highly unlikely but media attention grabbing paranoid ideas?”


“Mrs Smith, Frank's mum that is, is just so adamant and convincing in her descriptions of how he was different...”

“Yes, she spoke to me at length and with great clarity! And she isn't your typical dotty, doting mother; she was very open about Frank's failings before...”

“If we can arrange matters, and it is in their interest to be seen as helping the recently bereaved, would you visit The Complex and have a look around, see how it is for us? I know I'm grabbing at straws, but, well...”

“My pleasure, subject to my agreed fees and expenses... and an invitation?”

Transcript of Phone Call Norton & Co, Solicitors and Dr M Ridge

Wed, 08/07/09, 1604h

“Hi, Dr Ridge? It's Will from Norton...”

“Hi Will, what can I do for you?”

“Amazing really! I phoned The Complex director, erm, yes, Dr Davies, and he agreed without any second bidding to you visiting them. Week today would suit them, next Wednesday, for as long as you want, no limits on you; full cooperation I fact!”

“I'll be damned! That means they really do not have anything to hide. But, I fancy a trip up that way... OK, done. Send me the details would you?”

Official Unit Log, “The Complex”Entry By Acting-Director; Dr Davies

Wed, 08/07/09, 1652h

1. I have agreed an official but personal visit to The Complex by Dr Mike Ridge, Consultant Neuro-psychiatrist who is assisting the legal team involved in the death of subject M8, Frank Smith.

2. To deny such would only increase speculation about The Complex.3. He will be given free access to the unit including the #9 course attendees.4. He will not be introduced to any Spec Ops staff or be shown the HQ basement

control room facilities.

Transcript of Mobile Phone Call Norton & Co, Solicitors and Dr M Ridge

Wed,15/07/09, 1649h

“Hello Will, I was hoping I'd catch you...”

“Ah, Dr Mike, how was the visit to The Complex?”

“Professional, courteous, detailed and just about pointless...”

“Bugger, I was so hoping that...”

“Hang on Will, the key word is JUST! I got into quite a long chat with the resident house mother there, one Aileen Blaze, who mentioned that she knew about two other deaths in kids that have been through the processes there. A girl, Debs, from the first course and lad Johnno on the first male week. She, Debs was killed in an RTA; he, Johnno hanged himself...”

“Argh, did we know about either of these?”

“Not as being connected in any way, no! I've got my researcher onto it as we speak and I will know by tomorrow for sure...”

“Any help you want, Dr Mike, just ask...”

“I was going to Will! Aileen, the house mum, described a typical day for the kids at The Complex. She mentioned, in passing, that they were all given an energy boosting drink each evening to help them be ready for the next day...”

“That hasn't been mentioned in any of the papers we've seen!”

“Quite! Maybe quite innocent, lots of kids drink these quick shots it seems. But, these ones are provided by The Complex and not in commercial labelled bottles. I wasn't being escorted by anyone when she told me this... interesting? Can you do some...”

“Not tonight but I'll get one of our juniors onto is first thing. Will you do a written report...”

“I'll wait until both our minions have checked things for us, OK?”

“Fine, speak soon!”

Personal E-Notebook Diary of Aileen B House Mother; The Complex

Wed, 15/07/09, 2230h

“I'm whacked after a normal day and the official visit, although Dr Ridge was pleasant enough, for a shrink that is... Have I ever knowingly met one before? Not sure. Anyway, too tired for softball so to bed...”

Official Unit Log, “The Complex”Entry By Night Watch Operative 3393

Wed, 15/07/09, 2245h

1. Routine review of the audio-visual recordings made on The Complex today disclose that Aileen, the house mother, spoke with the visiting shrink, Dr Ridge, about the energy drink given to students each evening.

2. As she is not part of the Special Operations Team, she has no knowledge as to the contents of the liquid.

3. Other parts of the replay are inaudible due to overhead aircraft.4. Acting-Director has been informed by me at 2200h and he will speak

to Aileen tomorrow about what she did say to Dr Ridge.5. He, Dr Davies, has ordered no further action at this time.6. Second dose of mixture given to all course #9 members as planned.


1. This work, which will be published over four parts in issuu format, has previously been posted at my blog;

2. The content, be it character names, places or the events described are all the product of my small brain; they do not exist. Nor should they be assumed to represent anywhere else; real or fictional.

3. As the content has been published on a blog it is free to copy for personal use.

4. However, if I find some arse-hole passing this off as their own work in any format or medium, without having obtained my written permission to so do, they will regret their temerity.

5. The images used are from my private collection and are not for copying without my wife's permission; she took the originals and tolerates cheats less well than I do.